HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-12-02, Page 2REMINISCING
Mr. J. L, Awde has this week sold
his flour and feed business to Messrs.
Howson and Brocklebank, who will
take posession on the first of Janu-
uary. Mr. Awde has been In business
here for some years and the people of
town and district will regret that he
is going out of business. He is now
holding a clearing sale of flour, feed,
grain and seeds,
W. B. MeTaggart, of Clinton, a
graduate of the R.M.C., is given a
commission as lieutenant in the new
Thirty-first Battery, C. F. A., which
has its head-quarters. in Goderich,
Provisional Lieutenant C. G. Van-
Stone, thirty-third Huron regiment, is
permitted to retire. George Spotton
and Harry Clarence McLean become
provisional lieutenants in the same.
For being intoxicated while driving
an auto, Edward Kaipe, of Teeswater,
was fined $50 and costs before Police
Magistrate Morton on Friday last.
Chief Allan laid the information.
Shortly after nine o'clock on Thurs-
day morning, the firemen's hose build-
ing was noticed to be on fire, by
workmen on' the armoury building.
The fire was soon under control, but
not until a portion of a partition and
the roof of the building had been
badly burned, An overheated stove
used in drying the hose, was the
cause of the fire. The loss is covered
by insurance.
Robert Gordon, the young man
from McKillop, who had been await-
ing his trial in Goderich Goal since
April last, for killing his father, Mr.
Hugh Gordon, was tried at the Assiz-
es in Goderich last week, before Jus-
tice Gritton. By order of the court
the charge was reduced from murder
First Sunday in Advent
11.00 a.rn.—Holy Communion
2.30 p.m.—Church School
7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer
aufg eburcb
Thurs., Dec. 3rd-3.00 p.m.—W. A. Annual _Meeting
in the Parish Room.
English China Cups and Saucers
The Best in Quality
Planters and Ornaments for every room
Table and Bedroom Lamps - new and smart
'A lovely array of Artificial Flowers and Fern, just
for you.
Let us help you with
Your Christmas Shopping
See the—
At the Wallpaper Shop!
Crystal Stemware, Plates, Comports,
Cream and Sugars
in the Dream Flower pattern
I Shopping Around
For Christmas?
A lot of people like reading a weekly newspaper be-
cause in it they do not usually run across the name of the
U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, says the St. Marys Journal
In view of the many indications that man is on his
last leg, it is especially upsetting to read the statement by
a biologist that the human foot is disappearing, says the
Kingston Whig-Standard.
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isiiimislistailIKIES411111111111111. 1111111111•1•11111111Mitsmatonstaustonstoi
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-I These panels are dandy Space Savers in the home
i PHONE 66
V` it. A. 460 Per Year rtitetign Rate WO per year rnirte Precepta 'Contained in
to manslaughter. The evidence was
very much the same as that given, at
the cot-prier's inqUest, here at that
time. The jury found the prisoner
guilty on the charge and, on Wednes-
day the judge sentenced him to six
years in the Provincial penitentiary
at Kingston, to which place he will be
removed this week. At the trial, the
crown was represented by Mr, Dudley
,Holmes, of Wingham, and the prison-
er was defended by Mr. R, S, Hays, of
0 0 -
There will be no contest (municipal).
in Wingham this year, the whole
slate being elected by acclamation,
Mr, Samuel Bennett's retirement after
A year's service, and Mr. John W.
Hanna's withdrawal from the contest
after two years service, made twp
vacancies which were filled by James
McGillivray and Henry Ditnent.
Has winter come? Well, the latter
part of the week presented a real.
Santa Claus appearance with quite a
fall of snow and pretty low temper-
ature. Cutters and sleighs were out
and slipped along easily. This week
promises a mild spell, sp watch for
slush and water.
On Saturday when C. G. Campbell,
president of the Turnberry Agricul-
tural Society, was working about the
grounds, his attention was directed to
several small things ,which he first
thought to be puff balls. But as this
was not the proper season for them,
he picked some up and found the
covering quite pliable, Further cur-
iosity attempted him to open one, and
for a certainty got a surprise.
Inside the two-inch parchment-like
shell was a young snake of the grass
variety, about 8 inches long and quite
lively when freed. Bringing them up
town they created no small interest,
for it seemed quite late in the season
for such articles to be lying around,
and eventually some were put in
preservation preparation for use in
high 'school work.
0 - 0 - 0
Reeve F. L, Davidson completed
an oil well one mile east of Watford
on Saturday. Oil was struck at 442
feet. Drilling was completed in thir-
teen days and the work was done for
the N. W .Alley Oil Co., of Detroit.
The well will have a capacity of 75
barrels a day and is a high grade oil
in 46 gravity. The well is on the farm
of Mrs. Mary Kaday. Twenty mach-
ines are at present drilling in this
district. So far there are eight oil
wells producing and ten dry holes. We
have a sample of the oil taken from
this well in our window.
At an enthusiastic meeting held in
the council chamber on Tuesday even-
ing a ski club was formed. The name
will be the Alps Ski Club and the
jumps and clubhouse are located in
the Alps.
A news broadcast on Saturday told
of the sad death of Mrs. Elias Disney
(Walt Disneys mother) at Hollywood,
California. Mr. and Mrs. Disney were
both overcome by gas fumes in the
new house lately built for them by
their famous son. Mr. Disney's condi-
tion is critical. He was born in Blue-
vale about eighty years ago.
Members of the River Valley Group
Team No. 1, Wingham, scored 1449
out of 1500 in the Dominion marks-
cmen .22 sporting rifle competition.
The team placed 16th. 210 teams were
entered, The scores were: W. Sturdy,
293; S. Vanstone, 292; J. Henderson,
272; G. Skinn, 293; A. Mitchell, 299.
Clinton Rifle Club won first prize
with a perfect score.
Ed. Williams, who is a member of
the W.O.H.A. executive, received word
on Tuesday morning that the Wes-
tern Ontario Hockey Association was
disbanding for this year. The trouble
arose when so many teams that play-
ed Western last year decided to play
0.H.A. It was practically impossible
to give the remaining teams a group-
ing with the result that the league
disbanded this year.
Mr and Mrs. Gordon Smith and family visited on Sunday with Miss Edna Smith and Mr. and 'Mrs. John Gear, of Kitchener. Mr. Graeme McDowell is spending a few Weeks in Toronto. The sympathy of the community is
extended to the family and friends of the late Mr. Wesley Stackhouse, of
Brucefield. Mr. Stackhouse was a for-mer resident of this vicinity, having moved to Brucefield twenty-one years
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Boak and family
of Crewe, and Miss violet Cook, of
Goderich, spent Sunday with MrX.
Fred Cook. Mr. and. Mrs. Marvin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Garton of Staples, visited on Sunday With Mrs. J. L. McDowell. Birth MILLS—At Goderich Hospital, on Thursday, Nov. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Carr Mills, a daughter. Con-
gratulations. Mrs. Jean Kechrile, Mrs, E. Chowen,
of London visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook. Mrs, J. L. McDowell visited on Tues-day with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Vincent, of Belgrave.
Mr. Will McDowell is visiting At the
home of Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse, of
Bruqefield, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mills who
spent some tinie in the Peace River
district are visiting at the home of
Ur. Carl Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanna and Ra-
mona, of
and , visited on Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good of
Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Cantpbell.
eight Or
the Set,
new,.,levely fragrances that last!
n" Custom Colognes
Your winderful new seems
blended to last—and last—,
and last! Custom Colognes are
always flattering always as true and
fresh ss the Lust whiff out of the
bottle, Exotic, Floral, Tailored and
Woodsy fragrances are specially
designed foe these personalities.
Casetom. Cologne sticks, 1.2.5„
Eisttii Cologues, 1.2S.
"For Gifts that Please"
ing4aitt Vaptist
Rev. J. L. Coyle, Pastor
Would you like to learn more about the Bible? We are beginning a
new series of Sermons and Bible Studies on Sunday December & and
continuing throughout the winter months.
10 to 10--Adult Bible Class—"Isriel, the Divided
Kingdom, and its significance for us Today".
11.00--"Sermons from Joshua". — Joshua is called
the Evangelical Prophet
7,00.--"What Baptists Believe".
Sermons at seven, will, be under the general title: 'What BaPikas
Believe'. Sunday, December 6: 'What Baptists Believe about the Bibiel .
Other Sundays, 'What Baptists Believe about (o4, The Holy Spirit, ,
Jesus Christ, Hell, 'Reeve* ete,, etc.' Would you like to knout what
God's 'Word teaches Concerning these great .ddetrines?
Come and hoar Sundays at Seven
Wednesdays at 8 - Bible Study DMus", beginning new series on, *The
Life of Christ." This study will lie folloWed each illiednesday evening by an informal question period,
Everyone is invited to all services, which will
be approximately one hour duration.
"Come and we will do thee Good"
......... StrouimiwaoosoSOnto4o.""'—^
Page 'tutu The 17Vinghant Advalle4A-111110, Wednesday, Dee. 2nd, 1142
Ordinary mortals like ourselves will find it certain
amount of gratification in the recent turn of events in con-
nection with the case of the Piltdown Man. For to ordin-
ary mortals the case illustrates once again the fact that the
experts, however expert they may be, are apt to pull the
odd boner, just as you or L
When the skull of the Piltdown Man was discovered,
the find was regarded as so important and so well authen-
ticated that the remains rested in the 'British Museum for
forty years. Hundreds of treatises were written about the
archaeological implications of the discovery, and many
were the attempts to explain why the skull didn't jibe with
current archaelogical theory.
It now turns out that the skull didn't jibe with the
theory for the simple reason that the skull was bogus.
And to make matters worse, the jaw was nothing more
than the jaw of an ordinary 20th century ape.
The average Joe Doakes may well be pardoned for
laughing at the discomfitted scientists in this little drama.
But let's not laugh too hard or too soon, Perhaps the
debunkers themselves may yet be debunked, and the thing
turn out to be genuine.
Casualty lists for the hunting season this year have
been appearing regularly in the papers again. And from
the details of some of the accidents, we would say that
idiocy and firearms go hand in hand in an alarming pro-
portion of cases. A fool and his gun aren't soon parted,
unfortunately, and there's usually a fatality before any-
thing's done about it.
Somebody has suggested a safety test, before a hunt-
ing license is issued. We'd go further than that. We'd
make all gun owners submit to. an IQ test, an aptitude
test, an eye test, a blood test for alcohol, a neurological
test and a course in small arms. If examinees were re-
quired to make a passing mark of 985 on these subjects,
maybe there would be fewer accidents.
The latest news from south of the border is that the
story of Robin Hood has been denounced as subversive,
un-American and unfit for the minds of school-age child-
ren. The reason given for this decision is that Hood and
his Merrie Men (now recognized as a communist cell)
robbed the rich and gave to the poor, in the Marxist tra-
We haven't any idea how far this sort of thing may
go, but we confidently predict that the possibilities have
barely been scratched. It's an idea that could provide in-
vestigation committees with material for the next fifty
years. The Mother Goose stories would probably bear.
scrutiny by one of the investigation committees, and there
may be political implications in the stuff put out by Ander-
son and Grimm. After all, these gentlemen were foreign-
born, and undoubtedly un-American.
But the real fun should come when they start examin-
ing the activities of some of the characters in history.
Seems to us we can remember something about George.
Washington being mixed up in a plot to overthrow the
constitutional government—and by force, too.
There is quite a bit of talk these days about the rela-
tive standards of living in different quarters of the globe.
And a lot of odious comparisons are made on the basis of
how many cars to a garage, the screen area of one's tele-
vision set, and the number and newness of one's electrical
All these things are supposed to contribute to one's
happiness, and the common assumption is that the more a
person has, the happier he is. If such were the case life
would be comparatively simple.
Unfortunately the nature of happiness is little under-
stood, if at all. It is evident, however, even to the cursory
glance, that those who have the most worldly goods are
not always the happiest.
In a life devoted to such a large extent to the pursuit
of happiness it would seem that the nature of happiness
should be studied a bit more deeply. If it were, we have
a hunch that worldly possessions and happiness have
very little to do with each other.
Publithed et Whigham, Ontario
Wenger krotheri, Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, Editor
Member Audit Bureau of .Circulation'
AtithOriZed as Second CUSS Mall Post 6/fide Dept,
auboorintion. !tote One Year 61,66, Six Months $125 in Adv./kite
• MO,
We can help you prepare for Christmas.n
for the best in modern display. We'have the fixtures
a a
Make your gifts this year with plywood.
We have free plans for you.
They are real money savers.
for Friendly Service see
ana economical also.
It's fun !
Advettilitig tea .on singiksittoti ,5,1111111.111111111111111111011111011161111111110111111111111110111.111111iiiiiiiiiifillilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik,n6n ell the Mount.
A Beatitude WINGHAM is one of the