HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-18, Page 141444. 1 Clubbing Rates The SIGNAL can save you money on almost any newspaper or peri- odical. Rates on request SEVENTY-NINTH YEAH NO. 7 Your Advertisement in The SIGNAL is an invitation to more than a thousand families in Goderich and the immediate vicinity to do businrae with you. Don't neglect your adslkrtiaing, Mr. Merchant. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18 'I926 DIXNER TENDERED TO air. lteid was latrod a -ts1 to the gatb- RETI&ING BANK MANAGER snag and In a brief speech mads • very favorable Iwpre•.sion. Mr. V. L Jaedtaon is Honored Prior to His Leaving (ioderirb Mr. C. L. Jackson'. the retiring wan• ager of the local branch of the Stand -1 Bank. war tow Nest of honor at I to dinner held at 11ot(1 li(xiford oa Fri,wy•erening and attended by owe humored of the business and profea. doual men of the' town and vh inity. , Mr. William Jane. ,aunty treasurer, I presided ed and was at top torm, the pro- te(dtngw from beginning to finish be- ing punctuated with his witty sallies. Prof. W. H. Jackson was at the piano and Mr. t'haa. K. Saunders iced In chorus singing of papular songs. Af- ter a splendid chicken dinner bad bees enjoyed there was a series of brief atee•eches, In which about a s1•o1.1' of those present took part, with a recita- tion and song by Ah.•rif Reynold*. The speakers all spoke in high terms of the guest of the evening. of the ex- (ellcnt spirit which he display -d In all hitt loudness dealings. of his publlc- apiritadnemo and his eheo•rful willing- ness to help whenever his help was seeded It was a ttatimosr of which any man might well be proud. 1111811- Mr. so¢Mr. Jackson's feeling address In reply .,bowed that he appreciated deeply' what bad been .laid. He declared I that Gorterich was the driest town he knew; hos years of rteddenee here had leen exceedingly pleasant. and be was leaving only became he felt that, after many years of banking. he should engage in hualnwss on his own so -count and WAS going t0 a city where he wouhd have a large field in which 10 work. After singing God Save; the Ettitgf and Auld Lang Ajee ti( sthedeg dispersed Mr. Jackson left yesterday morning for Hamilton. where toe *111 be Qtstrkt supervisor for the Crown Life Asapr- * 1 to Co. Mrs. Jacks,, and the (hold - reit will follow later. aeon( those present at the dinner was Mr. 11. H. held. late of Format. who is Mr. Jackson's socessor as manager for the Standen! Yank here. Cok-Rdd The wadding of ('brfstiaua Watson Reid, of Hamilton, and formerly of I.I*I4 ow, $,otland, to Mr. John How- ard Cox, of Goderlch towns1Ip, took Place on Saturday at hlgtt Dema at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stirling lime. I'11a11 i,Ighthoune street, Rev. L O. M.ltermid otfielating- After 1 Was served the happy (ample fl oe On the the 2.20 C.N.R. train for Lund their return they will reside groom's fine tare on the Utll aloe of Goderich township. Fruit-arowess is Meet in (' Mr. S. 11. Mother', of t'lintot. cultural representative for the . of Huron, was In town meet -ran in conte- s:non with The Signal of some of the aetivitles in his 4 merit. The alfalfa campaign IWCtt making good progress and rontldettty expected that the will be an assurance against any shortage In this (aunty in (, ysero ices 111-otbhift stated that a f growers' convention Is to be h -l( (ioderleh on Friday, March 12th. der the joint auspices of the lou Fruit -Growers' l'ow,eil and tho• tarn) Department of Agrieultu This will be quite au important ga ering. one of about sox of outdo c ventloto In the I'rovinee- There likely be three gemstone and on 1 program am tentatively drawn up a the names of'.e,erat wt•Il•known a thorittes oa fruit culture. . such Prof. J-1E-fl°wtK; of the a.A.O puelph : F. L. Gabel. of Hamilton. o the Frdkeril--IIetatermpnt`nt--* ken turn; W. L. Hamilton, of Co)Uagwood: W. A. Russ, a grower at Vineland; 3 A. Neilson. of the Vineland expert mental stxtlon; P. W. Flrtdgetts, head of the fruit branch at Toronto, and A. Fulton. 11.14.A., assistant fruit cons misaloner at Ottawa. Among the sqh- pet„ to be dhruased will be spraying. pruning, grafting, marketing. etc. When Goderich Was Founded Old Documents Cited to Show that the Dote Was 1827 To the Editor of The SiRlp•1,-In sur Park, whkh was OW Coined& restwnac to the inquiry- am to why- the (ompany'e once until the !'ark Mouse Fliveteriesi $oe4444- has atekayi ttfat ourwas built later. "Centennial" be held in 1927, we On page 91.--D'ai'ribiug Goan-rktr would submit the following: in"114214: The early re•trde of (cur town are "The castle and some twit- tery Ineomple•tc and. a great dell of dozen log cabins ronetitutek God - the papular Information relative to ereh. French half-breesks and the founding of Goderich seems to the few Europeans ha•lnoging to have been taken for granted. The the.Compeny node nor its lnhnbi- m.,st _generally quoted authority seems tants," to he ieT&nw'» -Atra. l,Uhttetud abut As wgeleet Itrhl,•u• _ 1878. This authority states that 1528 we Imre Smith's direct statement0,era f Gooding estenting tabllabed a tding post that the town was laid out In MT. other here in 1s2J "Int . k it was tto t until '11'e have sirs, the caricas ref"recces in ,In, IMO that any other settlers came in." In the Mile.. Liters' book to ttunioDll the f Further on this same authority says: establishing his residence here In pupils "'tetatIM)ttfe 8r$ Mayor .wan elected 1827 together with "MeDoasid and the to by pl.ular rote, Mr. Malcolm Colin bis highlanders," who were of Reatty reekh Cameron Mho, h.morrt hT hitmelee-surveying the town site. tion 10 All that od3.•e." We have original letters between• The II1.toriral Sot -lots has then- Mr. Galt and the ('nnada Company The L ents which prove that.both these which further establish this ,late as rink t. (lutes Are one year (ilt. lt427. ) tiny er The town conned minutes for 11159 The Company were afraid to .pend parried Mate that "Peter Alexander ilcDong- any' money opening up roads until keen all was elected Mayor for the year after the (iovernment had surveyed warn,.. 18511, this being the,FIRST YEAR the the tract and suggested to Mr. Galt the In., Mayor was elected by - the popular (1)t27) "that the inhabitants there ihr. •M,• vote of the ieople." pxetition for a road." Mr. Galt, how- ,7. ',y 1 Our town council minutes hay the ever. overcame this by arranging with J, Row 1 first Mayor was elected In IKTS► and the Governor (Mir Peregrine Molt- 11. 3. i s'I en's .Atlas elves Vie date as 1860. lanai in 1827 that the (loternm,ntt There cnn to no doubt at to which Is would adapt the looney spent open- On Tu 444C.:))..;-''''' correct. log this road Dip to fJL00) to apply warn(• was 18mlth's "C211114 6111 GAtrettet'r'.' pub- Most the purchase of the land. T1nbFQ in Tm'tmto in 18441 (only nine- Mr. GaltLiret� 4ajor Atriektand to tern years after the founding of our take eharge of cutting the toed eat, has the following: ' through and *Minding -the bridges in 1827. The work was embed through _slitter of •1527 and 1825 and the sixty miles woos opPtidgl %tic'fieffetelett The News of the Town Death of Former Resident Wood woos to.,•i4.st 11,1. aum.iteg 4f the 1.-, „t Sr. William Dere. (7.N.11. agent at l(u.au dud a former resident at 1;o• t,•rh-1, Pt. -neon ,,.:1 woos the cause ,.t (1eath. alr' 1., r,• ►slur( her marriane a,ls Moe, 1-')ev •nee 1►ictrlrh of Geo. -rick Three citadel, also .sur- vive. liar Wats Presented The pia) •'airs, Temple. Telegram was Presided ou Frikly terming last In 14t. George's lades holt by the Ilora- mntie 1,pele•ty of St. Paul's (hums. Clinton. Whore an eppreelatli,• audi egos,. lte•t. 4.. 1.. itHkry, the ('Iiatun rector. proved himself an ociompllsha•.1 dramatic secure and Mrs. \iealuraleie. a* "Mrs. Temple," did her tort clever- ly: indeed. the alert" loin)wes well prraaeted. Designed by Miss Rowel - - Re•aders et rt,e-Homrmsker" section of no. GMoto.• may he iulcrst,rl in knowing that the new headlug over jthir dttartment, with a spinutng- wheel acid the Wurcht--"1'6r Ito maker" is large w•ript, is the design of acts Glary Howell, daughter of Mr. not Mrs. M. W. Howell of town. Miss newel! has glrt•n eonutderable attest - ROLL to artiste• lettering 01d pastor e•signlag and has turned out some tory ctv(iltable work. SNsi-itakeT A quiet wedding took plats at the "maculate Conception ehnrch, Surat- ful tA R(arping• when Mrs. ey, of that city. was united to erviaar--to-.3lr--t'- ,u-._ Spain of. nth, formerly of Stratford. The trusions were air. and Mho. Thome* ..t $trattoni.' Tor llN,le•'a cos - W101 01 pearl gray rayon silk, gift of her brother In India, and it site wore a spring hat. Her maid wore a nose crepe dream black velvet hat trimmed with Rev, 1)r .1. Egan performed -r,•mony. Following the Bere- a wedding breakfast was served E home of Mr. and Mrs Hockey. street. Mr. and Mrs. Spain tole Ito Goderich. Ar Na • rev pH11 1160 T a n clot here Aeon $'.f a Resident Puldi i*Et l a public school trustee board tt town hall ou Monday night, Carrie ((Melt -maul. Aaund,'rm. blouson, Wallace, Miller het ing premed. notion tt was n passed T flx! thei not npoa the town .cottnelt for ..ot Tutttnerw-1..p--41124& +►t$' -- slant dealt sp(rltlrelly with of cases In which it was teat pupils attending. school , not non-residents 'and n* obliged to pay the ser of , now (Marvel by the hoard ideut puafls. In a number claim was eilowed, hut In board. ruled that the pupil ions a non-resident and that tat he paid. '.!bout twelve attending one or other of -heal,' are clamed as me- an. 'pitying the 1,t."Getkrich. the dirtrk•t town of - . theri1n Ytiffiti'Y" Lake Huron. at the ('ntranee ,of the Maitland River. It wit* laid 111 July, 182n. out In 1827 by Mr. (!alt," ere. Hr. Galt had arrantted to bring In Those who are further Interested settler" • by water until the road and who have ■(ce*5 to the• Mime,Fut through, And we have a „Fara. hook "in the Days of the Can• letter etter ffrrom the Canada Company alta ('osnpany" might look ug thefol. dorso at I nnohon, Fang-, Sept. 24th, lowing references: , 1527, acknowledging receipt of Mr, Galt's letter 27th July giving an ac - Page f45, Gooding was here le 1828. eennt "nf the rctnit of the ezp•di- 1'age 66, Copy of a k•tt.'r written tion of Mr. Dunlop." There is alae ✓lig D'Du r, nlap to bid matte, domed at * clause in this letter which reads as Tock, March 9th. 1527. In which he -• 'soyafoIlow "if the 14'o -fiend ('nnal were "1 am now preparing to make a I „pan and that A ntcamhoAt mold aloe Into the wood's from which peen throne]) 1t. then It would be T ahe11 not eween'. neat prohnhly • reason for the e'ompany to he- llion, midsummer-" cone proprietors of a large shar,-. ''age Oft, Another copy of letter or the whole• of a etenmhont to from 1)r. Dunlop to ills sitter written) eonvey mettles at once from l'res- from Fort Grntlot .lune 2n1. 1527. ,act To THE NEW :4E1 -11J: - where he had gone for prnrl.ions for M):VT ton LAKE Fiona\" 1 --- ln which he stated: _ + There are other proofs that 1527 is •'i1 1 can Po ma0age--71�T MhaII i the RiiTe--ai the flint wetriement here, eematn at the Red Rover thetont these should 11e .nfi, ;int. Weida sfeeater AIM of the smmaw--- r.Gait.._1...tp glad to *how these referen,es to Is going to bring me four naims I anyone soh„ IR In1ereated• hot y,»1 must and a good tont.' agree that lettere one hnndrel years (The Maitland was known as the oleo will not attend very mueh hand, lied River. mut molts ep in 15.44 show ling. this name.) , Gooding ha,t no intention of making Farther ref.r'o o• is made 10 hon nor permanent 'settlement here In 1„1(s party, when 1n n,i'/lltou to his 14(26: he was simply running a trotting lod1rn Knitter 1n4.1tytcd John Melton. poet. Dunlop etartot to t,ttlid a honor, net (who WAR surte•ywr and draughts- opened the ('annals Company** Melee man for the Canada Vompany 1 -and and started to toy out the town. nn bit highlander*" While iunlop wan der the dtreetlnn of Mr Gait, in 1827. at Fort Grnt.Mt for pro„ai„ns work A)N"Y HiSTOItt('Af, AOCipT-. was Martel Im his ••4'aatl." on lh.r Goderich. Fob. 1•i, 1928. represen 11 the unit, won, 1'e1' At. (ico (fere: Km J. Bowma M Rosen', =Gases - me of the Curling Club's alt was played on Moin- e/len H..1. Fisher's rink est honors. There was tition thrunghnutthe was way by one "shot on The rinks: T. Reps E. Sheatddow•n at, 1). ('roft It. J. Megaw 12 (skip) --)T night an inter -chores 1, the competing tram* GNI-otos church and n 1T Thr :lrrglkwns t'iiltirl ('hnrch Dr,---Metmias - N --Symonds H. .1 Megaw (*klpt --12 .1. Brnphey (sk Matti The cap, Ali. taxed ft night last, w :(:[, gave Its J. MacKay, In the chair eating progra In.h0dol yo, Wnrtpie. Mrs. Mel)e•rmld, Mr L. ('arsons i'arsons, quart. ii. C. Dunlop, and Meseta. J. Snnndets, and h, ,1. McDonald F: Maunder*, a con ,Ieawner, mod a N Mite W artele. among (lnderlch very• plesaIng (k'oi-g' Parsons, 1 meth• a sig hot w The high print o reehesl when Mr. pore sang the 41 Sweet ilnmu." to eves•4'. Lnn(h, 41110,'1 clouted the even, whkh wan thoroom (rent being realer'. most !wer-sotto ,' hornet In the hinter ge Entertain* the Masonic flail Imntt on Thur,.day pltland 1.Odge, No - at -home. Mr. A.. of the Mlle. Wes n unusually inter- s rendered. This no by Mian. ,1nnn MacKay. Mr. Jack 1. Sturd)", Mr, (4, Mester Gw,tf r Imb•r. by Mrs. �tk•Inide Nostril etn4„n And ('. K. rs. A. F. Sturdy. Ilsnn and (',• K. by Mr. If" F. P duet by Mesar. bermid. is a debutante litte, made A iesT,o. 1A.trr A Iltte fellow, w mels atones. program WA/4 ay AA an ell orlte "Horne. .141nred ROM - earth' con- nt. rtafntntnL enjoyed. the perhaps' the annual At - b, ledge. PIIIIMoNAL MENTION Legislature Press Galled. - lir. . E. Elliott. of The London Mr. Win, Pellle• as,. at London un Free Preme yvus elected pxewldent of Monday. the Peres flattery of the Ontario Log - .t. 1411az,•1 wes :et Termite last Islature to the opening of the (,r'wot week on a 61110111.1.4. trip, naasion. Mr. BIIMoU, who la the eldest Miss Margnr, I 'Wilson, s t o is at- w.n of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kltlutt. of tending Normal echoed ut N111111,rd, town, leas had many important as - was tome river the week -mut afgrtmwtts for The Frew I'tItu I.n• Mrs. It. K. MIIi,•r at,) Mrs. \Vallee - ehWlug that of press gallery repro - Miller. of 8t. lot -bens visits) their tela- .,'ntatlre 111 (ItaAA for a time, fives in town hist work, - Ile. end airs J. O. Sturdy. of town. Wganaa's hotfoot. attended the funeral sof )yrs. Nt urdy'. Tjlr'regnlar meeting of the (io el•teit fanner. Mr. Jawes t per, who Joel Women's Institut, wan hold at the at comber 011 file lth host. horse of Mrs. J. Salkeld on Thursday. Mrs. W. I'rkr nli4 daeght.•r. Floor- vomitory 4th. Tin• president pre- rue.-, have returner! Irene after -Molds sided, Ther the regular bunnies seg the vveek•e•nd eitb her sister. tors, dual arrangements were made for the George Kenny ot, Krthrytllh'• ) annual ••nt-horn(•," which will b• held alis$ .tllz t4aur,d4'rA teff nu Tuc.dely , F•,.1,nlary oath to !he thklte•Ituw:.' thin. THE BIGNA j-PRIXTINo 00., LiMITED, Plabllabass._ la the Magistrate's Court SEVERAL 111 TROUBLE W. J. \►ar,t. I' ..tin,) gul,'ty- on 11 1 OVER STEALING OF GRAIN ehr.rge of not(supportof his wife andI fatuity, app.erot before Magistrate Arrests Fo ollow n iliar Held on Saturdtaa for sentence and w er1 0[ Tbdt wan allowed to go for a week on par- frost Steel Store toe, on the understanding that he The puller authorities are .tealing sheet,' go to w„rk. with a welts of theft charges which Jlatiwtrate !geld wus at W 1nlrhAm I have already had ae•rlous eon'erpu„n- on Thursday lair to Deer charges `es for Ser of thole• implleatert and m agalnat Thomas ('as ore, who Ilvem which may Involve still others. 1t had neer that town, of rwwulting cis wore suspected for some time that petal *necking the uthe•er who went to grain wits being stoeu from the been street Dyes The in glstrtte (omni(- Transit. elevator, and the police I'M - ted the allowed for trial at the next errs were about ready to strike whey court of e"mta•twu Jurisdiction. their action was hammed by nu un - The m foremen event. This was the arrest t)triloarate also Delo) CYnrt at of Mts. Wm. I.ittl,chll(i, of St. havld'a the vllhage of Ethel. where charge,' ward, on a charge of stealing from the terse pending against two b.ys from g Trowhrleytr of stealing sleighbrilt noel Steal store. ►ttlehr Fouad in her rutting harness in a church shed The possession Ineln,tad scarves, st(s•kitg( boys. who are respeetivele thirteen and a jack-knife. When the olflce -attl, 6(ter.n years of age. --were allowed stear,-h,d her house• some of the sup - to go ort IWuhation and are obliged to pt•er „tut, lfrain ,'fol tued.t. sod n'9IPI to their w•h4wl trtn•ha•r, oder succors q,ilekly followed. Mrs, fur Chicago. where she will n•Iletr eittieenild was before Maelstrets one of the workers In 1\'rvlry air- 1 All memla'rs and thele tatuili.s Phil.- for ate ' Reid Monose• morningg and pleading eongally belted. Mrs, R. 1'. l 1111- BRIEF'S as !amorist hospital for u monde of months, i lops gave, a very Interesting pular on gul)ty for wyatwetl(er.esoled to the ':2nd Inst. M Mr. lien. E. Morris, of Austin. Man.. Fwlttcat(oe sy ltesdlnq the l.il:rarr." air. George Gould has treated him Yrstrrday tnotnhtg Fra.el Littlanhild hos left for six Mame stt,r spending ! RMI c•ntl was stwwrre4l'HT 'exch+nge self to an t)kkmollle emu*, sun .,f Ain. \\'u► Llttlea•hllit, pleaaisd two mom ha vlsltIng at the hoose of of ralrntlnrs, his Allele. Mr. herb. Morris, Colborne Ondrrleh Rebekah !cider, Nu, rift, in- entity before 'alaglatrate Reid to gigot- towushlpt aIId ttdret �aelallrl•n in tnwD ▪ Sock !(suds hokUnl a towhee arta olanc�e in ing grain from the elevator and tomo And vicinity. Modal - the (hkKeflows hall on St. tittrk•k's given u seratente of six to nine months )yrs Ten•nee Quinlan anti aG.- Ww. The valrutlne• moot sus• a e d Sn _ lona-, 1 art- t in the Ontario Reformatory. %\'haling. of Stratford, *Pent a k•w \'Ielurla street rutted ehur'It last Fri. all -Chariest (Ht Ill. who was arremtedt on sing evening under the sus ass of ?6- North steel ''notal etiurch will t similar t'bargr: was released to f)0* hoes this ,'eel' at their former hum" pl hold anniversary w•rrlee•a on Marchon in Colborne townships their father. 1 \'heron. HNlpaers' clash w's* a .good to appaylr on the 2fitb Inst. Other ar. 4ut(rss. The ,•Dyer messes nn the its. Rev. R, It, 'Hamilton. of Aylmer, to. a are e•x xerosis air. James Young, being eerious(y IN, I will he the prea-her of the day. 1 We are glad to be utile to report that r program were by Miss imo Mitchell, Mr, Young is now improving nh•e•ly. elocutionist. of 'ruroutu. Mise Mit- Mr. (`tum Hates Was taken eerlously i H,s,•rve 1\'erineaelay. March 17, for _- _ els•H lea turner resident of Gd,Oerleh Hi test work and the IDemi,ern of his Lhe card party and ,laser to be gtvsre hoes-MaOMsin and her nunlIers were very much en- family were tattled home. Today Mr. by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. The marry took J•!rt•ti, other numMere included 'rates (tate% 1e reported to be somewhat ion- . est Meer al 1)etrult by Mrs. ft. Sande•netm, Mlsa .Istfersnn Dr01e'd. I on Saturday. Febrota�a• lkh. of Sadie and Mr. Harry Harker and an intern- The regular monthly ml•ael ng of tit( Me' !11"m 8- Hsy, a lluelph, has -Marie,, aiaughter eL • and Mea J. as -n_ cal number by the Misner Brown- \\'omen's Hoapltal AuxIIIiry will be with ei" O1Uug a trw days [t town Mountain of town, to James i.. -/T ntiw•, !trete mwpha were tpeed--aed--Lold,la he J3og.l of Trade room ou with ran friend, 1[r, T. C. Trethrway. -n-t-'ifr.-nen -Ilea tialues Ikmn. also_:_ enjoyable__ time wits silttt Mall )tonday, February :"J, at p.m.. \ Yr, Hay is a 'ember ut tilt Thome• of town. Rev. E. F. Als•l,• pa•rforwet them, present. TiiTTiltf. FeIct*vrt tttermrmberar{a t_�n i y miiTng spndleaie, wtt6 ttold- the ceremony. Th.. Villin¢ oo»pie will __�_ trt make their home at i (trop. G. C. I. literary Society The Literary hks-lety of the Gal- . Brick Cofle•giate Institute held Its tient literary meeting of the present term on Friday night post. An enjoyable program wus arranged for the owe - shut by the presit tent, Douglas Nairn. The opening number was an intern- mental hC.IMx-pier•.' orches- tra, under the leadership of Mlee Allows Berrhia•r, - Neat followed a lily ' Tate, Foruml.A and 1.11 versus 11.1 commercial. Ethelritiaena and :Walton were thetativlm, the two tire, forma, ` upholding We negatlIe, aide Teresa'1PeTili and -STIP quested.e.^ ..• ..,.- 1..n,711 u,esare.:�, suer .u. many interesting things to te11 of the Wa$er and Ligpt Centnabution Mr. William [till. I a't street, who . developments In tilt• mining field's of The water and fight cnmmlaslou wet hat been on the sick that for long Ontario and Quebec. He had some on Tnewluy evening of this week. time. lead a turn for the wort- last , simpler of gold. silver and copper I'nmmhwiouer, Mummy and Taylor ire- week, but Is reported to is' Iulproa-Ing ores from various location% as ev1- ing present. again. His (11111ds hope to FOP him ' delves of the wonderful mine A enmmunk•ation from the C.P.R. Out AS. MOOR as spring snootier comes. wealth of We Northland, with regard to a Maim for tt2[i comb diwrn»tt on 192.1 w •ter Tates. Iran re- ferred esferret to the i4I,e't(u for a report. t ceinmtInl(•ntlon from the Gtnk•rh$ 5a:t Company was with reference to a0 chance of il(bi.68 to make the mini- -mom -rote for watts for Jfr2:s tin mo- ttos It was parsed that the minimum ate Is to stand but that the t.utter reaiiihis (iii, in to l.1• taken for tt129 Charges. bel 1)oak. representing TL o•i,mmrmtat.1 had the aflirtualive. The tipple fa.r diw•ussiun WAS: "Resolve!. that coli - city life."- The de14411ers had .their' shbje•t well in baud and covers -al n wide scope in their tratmenl of the topple. The judges' (lotislon w•a. *oven by Pt-M(pol Rune in favor of the' first -former(, In hie-rysmcle Mr. Ileum complimented loth s1t9•s on their oh- Urrry. espraially ti• mrmatte side.1 y whom he 1011ise1 for th,•ir dict un ami` i subject matter. in feet, giving them' everything lout the honor of victory.; The Journal,. the school's humorous paper. w -As read by the M e•IIty's bud- ! sial: jourlul11.t "Nell" Sale. The 41.41. tiring r,e..ffet' 'next afforded ' Nome .entertainment of a lighter mood. clueing some {popular wants to the nc- etampn»tment of -Mateo. hombre and ukelek's. The piny, "Elizabeth's Young Man.- W11% Ip111P ibl• post popular event of the evening- It WAS of a humorous nature and the Darts ,'err acted brililantty. The cast : i Mrs, 1.xnning. Ilelen ?Celts: Mimi Orr, crura Sturdy: F,liaabetb ()rr. g•ret Reddltti - Dr. Martin,_Douglne Nairn. h'ilrt freta 11f1= flntttrl,, - Doings at the Marine Clu Collie Bones Gives Somafnterestirtq ?tttnta #- Frkiay -. vetuuu. ",•abut: rye j'tl', . al Est• e Fri t ora' n A tat- rt ( tr•g:tr ifwpr• #---Flan Marine l'lul._Iptve tltcl[_1h1L!1 w, 1x't.siop end in.utIWce Ilan for Ilydro• vial rued dAue• hr their room nn North electric. ,•trrploy-e•s was plowed on 1110. etret•t, the entertainment e4nslating a r •rl nl n^ -_e• • ntu_tt»i 'intend- of yard -playing 141841 d4110iug, At tt.:Sit t nt Kelly for an incr.as.i7 atOTareT-"ppifc-rw.'tny etght ttatda-w- were. it. full. w•ae IA 141 oyer in It full tturt'iva of the operation at cants unit Paying rem- rommienion, !limed until MAI p,ot., folIrhrn games of euchre le•lu.r pistyo!. Mrs. .t. 11. C. Valentine Patty Maims. weal the ht.Ue•ai first; prize, ( The monthly nt-home .f nu. Moment.- mud Miss M. Halliday the "looby:" tong 1' • Plot,, held 0n Nhnday the• an•tltltm,•n's first prize oast won hr- fatllt._tunk Lite form of u valentine air. McPhee and Ale. Johan 11n(Klurlr' • Prieto'. the signlHca(ceof' the (Tuy`Tn t -off- feW-11e144**---LoR41..p rlv r, hug "xpremed in the do•uratiuns and .tfter the prince were dhtribut+d Mr. Iu oter ways during the evening. •1111110' Boamy. the (Ink's ale -ward, wad 'Floe first part of the program sue hi Aa11-r$ ale•rwr[ the lunch and more a ":Ake." at which the winner of the 1114411 IWO hundred guests had it now lydieei prize wus, Mts. Holwrt ltisset, spread of hot chRe.•. cakes acid :snd- while hs•r husband carried Off the wlt•lu•n, and 011 were lute! In their fl gentlemen's prize% At n seasmi hie praise- of Mr. llo•iny for the able Huai• i Mew h)neh wsa wrr,H, and the pot- mer its which )ll served K. many paw - gram contlu(est with dancing. fur pie 11, $41 'mi d'nt a menner. -Atter all h which excellent mune was Mrnish,•d were tilled to eupleity the floor wus by the R,'4lmond-tilefh'rm1,1-Farr trio, eleend for the dant(•. Mr. and Mrs. Partner". for the grand mania were Graf furnishes! the music and urs. rlinsvi by u Valentine Mnnt which Grat again captvagd, the fieurta of creator nnteh inten•mt unit merriment. the old Keilon i.y her .usual V1144014 Tito 4•arntntt 0.115 heartily inJoyel 19 manner: rhe Duda pheasant smile for three pn•Nmt. each one of them 'that almost swept lion b, f,,n• ILLc else rrAi. ut4n 1111.41 Iso art joie( unity," replied. .Yi,M and . sir. mid 1 n wr/ l that 14 not itlI'f lou rep, .(Ir, Jack leas n wenolerful pull with all the mop. ta14 111111 l•, hal• )oto rhos port wilt grain. and ott►ri-frelgh4, ser that r . got t"geth.-r this winter and made jack Moss stevedore of the yetrt at pooh drys. 41111 11115 110 011N can get a j,A, unlesss you w'' how first." "He icor,• must 11441. $41114. pati," 1 replt.d, 'snot without n (Muhl he must he e - - ty_capaihlr clow to hold down such n reslan.sihle p..itien:" , K r, am going to tell you nor more thin taut Jack to show you Mn shrewd- pM.$ ill busyness matters also. Yoe MeV. sir. it was tbroltgh Jae/04 In- 14e111e that we lust the town hall and t hap Betted like this. Hr is dead wet on building a Marine 11a11, so hoo used in great influence with all marine - men and their friend* and also others that he won over to Ale niece to vote agalns( the then haft, and now h• he going to have a committee appointed from the Marine ChM to wait upon Mr. 116141. MaeKny to sew If they can't induce i4im to donate that money to the Marine Club to build their hall. itwould he ropey Ihr Hobt., MaeKay Memorial Ur the Marine Club. Since Ow town refused! Mr., MuF'!fa}'s gen- trou* gift the Marine ('out ('ott1l mer' 1t to build their halt, atxf it rotiId 4.e (o used for ur. Moms an(! other `tarot( gathering'." tilt ol(Ftlrrt(•r,, off their het. Mr. F'ry- r, 11.41 Mussel aawlntdd alts- Famer C. neuron', vole, wus with the viol nod Mr. Maitland Mar - CHURCH NOTICti formerly Mhos Glndyt Field of God- till played ih hakplpea, which watt f (ryes, r(((oves for the lia+l time eines, greatly enJoyt4 hr all premed. and Vletoria street United elinrch. Nun Iter Inurring,r at her home, 87 Dieu- wtiite the pipe. were ph,ying Nis• S,_ F'rtrnlarr 21.- 11 a.m anlhJect • rare- 44ve•nu,•. Toroulo, on Tnestlay of Autry MacKenzie (lanced the Lllghlai 1 "Tempation-" j --ria t: '��week. Mea 1i,•a(r.at-._ aura .hoer. J11ltg,,t N'lII IIItI' NM 11 a 7 pm.: stttJe't: Tfir'-Way of the- "w-1Mhrg' m•ma'n of white asopu romnitte saw her pro thrtaUgn C w..• ` ) .•tpl,rolde•rr) In cut satin, She (ear- (rf the illghla/id dam ItapNiet ,•hureh. TITrnary 21.1-- Thi' riot n hummed of news and awe•t igtt then elear,vl. the • 4 -(h :.._tstlEd,,,mi..- mother, Mrs. J. M. Field. ntr.a(vel and all Untie u eu- Mrio. E. ('. pestrso'* Reeeption bogie end MIN from all who tn.• ,litltr > ver ----t The 'door be ---him his - warns-_._'STmN._ afL"__ doming nom- pilot. '•along the ,bs-ks they Ball m dances w,TI' ('pili.' Hone, ane! er .s- 11- alt o "From a Valley of Hone,* tot . cmc revolved 1['iT1t of Men_." B,Y.1'.t'. Stolidity at x vette and o• er4age of violent. Mr*, party (111111.to an end iu18 (eche*.Prai(-f meeting, We.lti rxlay. Gordon 1.01tINe anti kilos Laura Ache- ,plettrutiot evening of the ,,s, $ 4'e11t•k. son 'attired ten and euRw•. Mitring Just isdurethe• deon enc - Thr we trlcat Knuv rhun h nett fl„wens 4111 a son t work and filet Ince end the Ilda'trxrk- a- 'strop .6? Sunday wilt b+ o,nohw•tad by the min -I cloth dessiret,'4 the table. The tie' hall uU sin nouns• of levee later. here R, ('. Mctasnntd, IpH'mon ! "extant* were: Mrs. J. I'. McNair, and meeting 'a seg; -tree, funky *1114"ts: 11 A -m-- "My 1)1/1y to My guns. ('(air• flops of tletr•rkh, Miss violent coming toward* m', h Church:" 7 p.nr.. "lL.'IIgkm lu til" .lenn-x.,11114 Olt Kano la. and Miss lath minded me of a Stine of Maine 't Common poser.." Sunday echoed at 8 Ikmd, a• ,aluurtnan He Moppne! np 1 same X111. nom. los. kit alt L ltav r (Ise trtii. great ij(illctitfT in id •n h ga So 1 said good-bye to Mr. Hanan and ,. ••• et Ihnekrrl him- for hiw-ttclaarnsatkn 4. the Say, mates, .-reet-atp Milne to Melte, lotion. another enlist. In the neer future wad roll 1 want you to kelp. a good lookout e\ r" ahead. You may h' uite.,ot the crew; the Som'm'e m4 7(inr trnit:--SQI'Iifila. u 11.M. • (' 1(1 111M and Sill 11 Ing hitt 111101 annul In hie cheek amend limo., .olid mold Ae•mtng to he meet tin -.milt.• of a lease_ lull, and as hie Adom's apple notal X, 111i And tklw a lar hhirtrd out, "Ire „n 700 know Jock :gunny? and of tours,• 1 Iiad to .01110t that I didn't happen to know that senth•mon, "And why do you ask''" "1'1',•11, sir," he re - piled, "yon wee, Jat•k Its somewhat peeved !weans. - 1114 name 1111. never r. appe4rsl In the papers with regard to .•omrnliugon n bit' eonnectIo u ArwI work Ito the Marine twt,•ry rd Hu Pooh," "Weil," L replied. "who ix this ham of town a►. a .t__� p rip vrnterdav And tell you, he Is the whelp work,' lit the, from Nile. rp, f_Jj4arinr• Club anti whtitever r stip. and Leeburn eh goes. For Instants, if Jo-ort'wltnt* levitation to A MA rine ,4st,'ial you 4)00.1 it, form a thro'-ap we Jack, and If' he turns %to. (hewn ternat*tlns of VIi' An enjnyalde weir! eventing. avast spent in Knee ehure•1l leetlre room tint ms T(day evening. when the girli 1111111.entertainedss entertain.the WYen:min- ser Guild mitt the St. Andrew's Club., Atropin fifty politep„Dh• were present sod the• cveu4( ing *5 *pengam t In es and merry protm•nading. After re- trethmetlts lyse meeting 1101114 with nl the singing of the Natflni Anthem. The eerrkrw At North 'street batted ,hur•Ii next Sunday will he as fed - ' Tit tt nor ldr�r'* ' clot:•.•'. and Mission Bgnd. 1'uh1M wurshJp.aell *,m. and 7 p.m. Ante tiny *Mont nt :t 1.111. (1n Ritn irrah Ing the primer. Rev. ('. F. Clarke. will eommcnee n series; of eermonn MI The Seveen Word» from the 4'rmu," The (object will Ice "The Word of In- tercession." JN._ R. Reid Honored at thereat The Forest Free ''res+. In -t „iciwk had the hitless lug reference to til,• new mAIN1gr•r of the 4n 4h•rlell branch of the Mtan4;1rI Honk: (In ,To. -.dry moltingthe of11„ 4•re Forest of the Fost Community Association Mr 19241, together with Ihnte of NM Tear. holt! n dinner in the Grinnlan Immo hotel. in of if. It. Itch!, /Rend - gird Hunk moaam'r. we 'ho hones today for Golerha•h. Mr. Kee) for the post Ie rcr7 capable trees- arer lit; the (ommun y and him reedy ami milling manner has sou , -cran ; g ince In the luta t_ta_4 all who knew him. After the dinner 1►, Rimer. president of the Aaadx•In- Ilen, epode a few words, and ore behalf of shone present prevented Mr, held with a gulf) lyver.harp In apprrwdatlon Of him faithful wrvks• In the ('dNn- mnn4y Aasocl*tlon work. Mr. Ite•Id repiie,l find evpremnw) hie thanks to thner pr.•a•e•nt tool regretted very 11)11,11 that lie had, to sever Ma connect looms with the people of Forret. • Her. R. D. Moyer. n former motor of North etroe4 1'nft(sl chores. lino ow ridded eretdel an Invltetit'n to remsln for a fourth year nn pnstor of the I nliod dears at Hliehcll. Meeting of itndlin Fans ('Itltdn•, 1nt,•re•,ao-.1 in radio re.••1,. .ere,lnytti. L,t!i ,ttr,•nd n meting In berate It,•I I's '(floe, North sfrwf' *molar ,'veulng or thio work The intern on of maiming iul4rf,•r,•nee with radio )(fro -talon '.-!t' M• otw of the 'mat- ters tilt. •nowt. Al ten ('hureh to Ile ('lowed Hanle. of the tpnin(hory the United 4'hnrch Pres - n, and Mr. ,lohn Gs - ere at Sheppnrdton t e large delegation Tart Attw,rt The (shirt declttton niment (•barge tlh errand there 1n nor power In the clod,that 4n gid 011efor your," "He Marc hes tome anthoeity," ( replied:"mid what It him hlsineear 1 naked my lanky 11,- fotpant- "You tle,. sir." he replied. or "Jack is boat the elevator rindif anyone moothere 40 look for work he , moot get .lurk'. 0 K to his Applitn (. Letdown (surehy,, Anrt Vo close the Mheppnrdtnn chnmh. Thim will. tape effete Mnrrh 31.1. A eommtttee was forts,.) of which Rev. L. 1'- White to 'hatrman and Mr. Jame* McWhinney secretary. A pulpit supply committee: 11.,, wits App inter!, mn.lstjna of two lot n trent elle)) (Norge. t",�t ',Ct''Tt1 4'air.;tt�La.,nrsow,4. 5k4:' m.,. 1111111111o.-.111111111111110.4161, --lb 41111111111W-aaitOie 1.2