HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-02-11, Page 81 THE SIGNAL, PARAMOUNT NURtM.Mi WANTED TO KENT il’CTION HALE OF FARM STUCK n AND IMPLEMENTS. t T. OL'NDRY, Auctioneer. Mrs. Jas. Mrs. Welt- a» her many foil RENT.—DOUBLE ROOMR * furnished or unfurnished; heatsR electric lights; one room has • Are- place; centrally* located. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. Parsnip Radish -scarlet tur French breakfast, and McDonald. IJOUSE TO LET. — N1LIOI O street. Newly decorated; MW furnace; every convenience. R. J. ACHESON. oil _or : china orna- lirtf-a'brac. etc.; old clocks wooden work*; rug carpets. I 12.5, Goderich. February tt, lyg. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL COLBOBNE 4'<>ll>orut> tawmahlp council met Feb­ ruary 9th lu' the hall at 2 p.m.; all members preweut and Reeve Robertson pnslchug. Minutes of last meeting adopted on motion of F. Wilson and A. J. Gokltborp»'. Tlie corrsspoudenw of the month as of a» follows: C<> i Hill and Goldtberpe were appointed tv Investigate re claims of hospitals for keep of lndi- grura. f A request from the Hydro Commla- alon to interview the council In God- < rtah ou February 16th was refussd l-affiw111 recsive . their representative atBbe regtfor meeting of council in MsFvh or Aprjl^The clerk to reply to t hat effect. \ No action was taken re good roads convention or with regard to joining th*- Municipal Aoeoclation. Ot, motiou of Messrs. Hill aud GolA- thoriw the auditors' report waa re- celvi-d. which shown total receipts far 192.’> to Is- 838.VHI.9*; total expendi­ ture *38529.86; -axes on roll. 827726.- ■ *7 ; taxes colleta-d. 827081.96. On motion of Houncillora HUI and Yoni g a grant of *10 was made to the ■ Auburn library. The collector's roll was accepted from E. Mitchell aud given up to the treasurer for the final arrangements of uncollected taxes. Blysw No. 5 was passed, authoris­ ing the Reeve and treartrer tx> borrow the uncrossry moneys to carry o* the Work of tin- townsfllp (hiring the enr- , rent year/. 4 Bylaw No. 9 was paswctl. making the asuul estimates comply with the • Highway Department On motion ot Mewsi Corn—Pickaninny as first early, fol­ lowed by early Malcolm and golden bantam ('ueutubero—Davis |H-rfwt, Celery—Golden plume. This variety will, It la believed, take lhe pigee of the old rellaole goldeu wetf-biani-htiig on account of it* vigor of growth aud freedom from disease. Early blanch­ ing Fordbook la a very iiromialug green variety which produces very thick meaty leafstalks of ex<-eedln«l.v good quality. Lettuce—Grand Ra­ pids, Iceberg. Muskmelon*—Hearts of Gold or Hoodoo. Miller cream or usage. Bender surprise and emerald gem. Onkxis yellow globe Danvers, sweet Spanish, red YVethersfield and red globe. Peas—Thomas Lextou blue bantam. Lincoln, Stratagem. —hollow crown, ulp white tip, Ububarb Rnby Hpinach—King of Denmark ami New Zealand, which Is a perpetual variety. | Squash—golden and green Hubbard and the acorn squash; the flesh of this small variety somewhat resemltles sweet potatoes in texture and flavor. They are very productive. Tomatoes —Alacrity as the first early, followtal by Earliana. with John Baer and Bon ny Best for the main crop.—F. T. HIT ('HIE. Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa. GODERICH, ONT. amount, eight muatba'. credit will be given on furnishing jjgiroved joint notes. A discount at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum allowed tor cash on credit amounts. C. T. EDWARD. Proprietor. CRANK P. GIBBS, CBAJITRSEM • Accountant. 102 Ontario strart Stratford Phone 1680. Rea. 1380J. PAUAMOUNT. Feb. V — Marh* laoug. of lie id I City, bpent tbr weoksend lu Loudoii. Mr. uud Mm. W. MnrGlll. of 1‘urtt luomit. vikittxl with ibe-tBttvr’* father. Mr. I). Morrison, of latiugslde. Mr. Nnd Mr*. Jam. Blue, of Amber- ly, visited with Mr. uud Mr*. (Jrant MuolhriniiL of rarumount. Mrs. Melvin lU.vnnrd uud Jx'an. of l'arnmount, apent the weekend with her iMirentN. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jmk Dren­ nan, of lattne*. y Mrs. Thomas Blake, of Mafuking. vtalted with her mother, Webster, near Lucknow. Mter hux net l>een as well friend* would Mr. und Mrs. Luurler. visited' at father, Mr. Joy. Iiackett. of Bjdfa.*t. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilton Bell, of Locb- alttli, entertained a numlier of their friends to a party la*t wwk. AH rt- [►ort n goiwt time. Mr. Will <3arkAon has gone to Wind Mf»r. where he will * Iwfore returning to West. Mr. and Mrs. A. home to a ni|Uil>er of Tues<lay evening of owning was spent in games, mnsh* awli dancing. i II GOBEHH’H THWNSHH1. Feb 10. j —Mr. and Mrs. Fred ifadie and < hild-. ren and Mr. and Mrs. John Hudic and ! *ons <>f Tipperary, spent Sunday the I gue&ia.of Mr, and Mrs. John Sowcrby. i Mr. ltobt. MvAliistelHmd a“Ure~rnt-r ting posts last Wednesday. Mir. and Mrs. H. S>>m«*rsall enter- . of ]O( number six both ii> the talned ft few friend^ last Thursday <4vuond ci>nce*slon of the township ot evening. : Ashflcld. in rhe county of Huron, and The Goderich township Hospital | <*ontaining together one hundred acres Auxiliary will hold a short business , *»f Ihih] more or less, meeting in McLean Bros.’ store. God-_| *“ erlch. on Sat unlay. F<4iruary 1.3, at ( &.30 p.m. In ion ( hurcli Noto-—Mr. Donald, of Toronto, who Meeiis no in­ troduction to tli'X' who have heard him *»n previous tux^asions, will preai'h i Oeiter Dreams uf a Golt Ball Turned to Lead. Everyone, or nearly everyone, sui­ ters at times from that horrible type of dream which we cadi mightmarc, and professional mon, who live so largely ou tlislr nerves, are natural­ ly the worst sufferers. But utghliuare are not always ot the type you would expect. You might Imagine, tor instance, that the clergyman’s bad dream would be ot losing the manuscript or notes Of bls sermon. This i*> not the- case. The most usual form taken by the par­ son's nightmare la that the pulpit in which he stands begins to rock. This is perLape because a pulpit is usually fairly high and set on a com­ paratively narrow baae At any rate, th.- dream, so 1 am assured. Is a particularly horrible one. The barrister's worst imagination is that he has lost his brief; but one well-known lawyer dreams at times that hs la making an impassioned speech for the defence only to sec. with a sensation of sinking horror, that everyone in court, including the judge, Is slyly smiling at him. Then he realises that somehow be has oome to court dressed' in a suit of gaudy pyjamas. Doctors suffer from a variety of evil dreams, of which the moat usual to the sudden discovery that a wrong prescription has been sent out lb a patient a prescription containing enough poison to kill half a dawn people. The frantic rush to reach the patiot before he can swallow the deadly mixture usually results la rousing the sleeper. A ship's captain, when at sea, to always weighed down by a heavy load ot responsibility. In these days, when navigation to so accurate a science, collision either with derelict or Iceberg to the principal danger, aad many skippers dream of the hor­ rors of collision. But the captain of a big tramp oaee told me that his constant night­ mare was of his ship being over­ whelmed by a waterspout The odd thing to that he had never in his Ute seen a waterspout. A golf professional who has played In many big tournaments with much success mentioned that his worst dream waa always the same. He to on the last green with the whole match depending on one short putt. A great crowd watches in breathless excitement. He hits the ball, but it haa turned to lead, and. Instead of going Into the . . . . and and CMYK, GENERAL -Ml ABLE of taking full charge of. cooking. No washing, private family. I i-umforiuble modern home. *50.00 per month with increase If satisfactory. BOX 072. Ixmdon. Ont. visit bls mother his home in lhe Wanted—old books, or will ” buy a complete library; old col­ ored prints apd engravings; water ' color paintings; inent-. brIF-a-brac. etc with booked and plaited mats. If in good condition: stamps, colas, furniture; -all kinds of antiques. Also old steam boiler, two or four flues; also old 5-In. bore long-stroke steam en­ gine. G. II. GREEN (Old J'uriosity Shop), Box 71. Goderich. 2t AUCTION SALE Mortgage sale of farm in THE TinVNSHIP OF ABH- FIELD. FRKNT— APARTMENT AB0T* O'Brien'* Apply ALKX. 8AUM- DERS.Tlie uiuleralgmsl auctioneer has re- calved hiHtructlons from MR. J. D. EIJSLEY. to sell by inblle auction on lot 29. <-onc(*ssiou 12. Hullett, commencing at 1 p.m. on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY KJ. tlie following, that is to suy: Hones—One grey mare rising 8; 1 grey maro rising 7; 1 black driving mare rising 8. sired by Elmer Dick­ son. good single or double. Cattle—One Guernaey <-ow rising 9, due April 29: 1 grey cow rising 8. due July 13: 1 purebred Holstein cowl rising 7, fresh: 1 brlndte cow rising 7. due October 17; 1 black cow rising 8. due August fl; 1 Durham cow rising Ik ■hie about time of sale; 1 registered Hereford Lull two years old; 3 steel's rising 1 year old: 1 heifer rising 1 year old; 1 purebred Holstein heifer 7 months old; 1 heifer 7 mouths old; I 1 lilaek stts-r 4 months old. Fowl—Twenty-five pullets. 73 year old bens. 2 geese and 1 gander. Pigs—Six chunks almnt 170 lbs.; 8 chunks almut 100 lbs.: II suckers 8 weeks old at time of sale; 1 Yorkshire sow: 1 Berkshire sow. One eolU^ dog. 7 months old. Implements — One hinder, 7-foot cut: 1 mower. O-foot cut; 1 lui.v rak*-. nearly new ; ria cultivator, nearly new; 1 Mamey- Harris 12-hoe aetsi shrill, nearly new; 1 Missy-Harris scaffler. nearly lew; 1 turnip jsilper: 5 sections of Iron harrows; 1 Verity walking plow; 1 new (Hirer single riding pion ; 1 two- AUCTIONEERING FIOMA8 GUNDRY. GODERICH. LIVE STUCK AND GBNMKAR AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Salon attended to anywhere aad ev««w tdfort made to give aatlsfaetla^- Farmera’ aale notaa discounted. MUSIC CHIROPRACTOR IREPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS for week ending February 4. 19211 Huron Conn-v 1378 4-*M 807 -------91 7 42 14 God­Mc-Au­ erich Gaw burn Total bogs' ..34 ■V)81 Select bacon 10 .3 28 Thick smooth 17 40 47 GODERICH TOWNSHIP <tf road expenses to regulations of the irs. Hill and Gold- , thorpe the srTangemeitis made by the Heeve and Ooiux-lllor Toting with the Standard Bank for the coHecting of taxes were aeerptedl On, motion of F. Wilson snd W. Young the <-l*use. In bylaw No. 1 re- / fating to eollector’s salary was — amended and Mr. Wtn. Watson. Jr, ap­ pointed collwtor for 1926. ' The 4re:i“itrer rei>orted revolving 81006 from the Telephone System re­ deeming their note to the township, also 810 interest on the same Ou mottoi. of Messrs. Wllwm and Young the following bills were |»4d: Municipal WGrld. assessor's siippUas ^»il subscription* to Municipal Worlds gBB1.14; London Health Awss-iatlon. in- imtleet 891..5O: Signal Printing *847.05; K M. Young, election ex- gSia^*. 852.Kt; clerk, registrations. 1825 814.25: A. 1’. Hltepia-rd Es- thte. 815.24; Jito. Wilson, auditor's v salary. 87; Reg. Glen. do.. 87; F.. Mlt- r chei: -alnt-.t 825. i-.-ome. ’ 815. H. Hilt. for township bait. Extra heavies Shop hogs ' Lights and Feeders 3 « i Gets Call to Brussels Bruaaels, Feb. 8.—Rev. F. G. ler. D.I»„ of Watertown. Fennsyl- vunla. was invited to take over the pulpit of Melvllte Preabyterian church at a »>ugr«atioual meeting lure to­ day. The call carries with It a 82.- 590 salary, with a month’s holidays and free manse. Rev. D. l’i^rie. 1>. D_ of Wlnghant. has been acting meal erator since the pulpit was rendered vacant in June last. Dr. Fowler has preached in the’church for the two Sundays. fill: Geo. Maxtor, work. 81.59. . Meeting adjourned to March 9th at I G. J. HETHERINGTON. Township Clerk. 1l.—— OF THE BEST VARIETIES OF VEGETABLES iSOME h;-1 JT P-m.i one wishing to tent for (Exis-rlmeutal Farms Note' tt'hile a much longer list of desir- aid. varieties of vegetable* might be given the following Includes those which have been fonnd to lie suitable over a wide area of Canada: AtqwiraguH—-the Mary Washington has been found very satisfactory frfim the atandpdtat of dlaeaao resistance and Is a very satisfactory ^ropper. Re.-iM-^pencil pod black wax. round ;iod kidney wax, stringless green pod. and Hodson long pod wax. with Ken- wonder wax and golden wax as pole sorts. Beets an early sort red. Cabbage-^- tneky ■ luster —flat Egyptian an and Detroit Golden Acre early, followed ket. Enkhufart with short stem winter storage, snowltall ami Fow- I»a»T SCHOOL REPORT ♦8. r NO. 1. COLBOBNE The following la the report ot 8. No. 1. Collsyrue. for the monfti January Class 1.—Mary R.dinoi.i) 71. Class Sr. IV Annie Milter 79 (II). Annie Talib 94. Vesta Tabb 55, Annie Linfield 55 flaws sr. 111.—Roy Errlngto^i 78 (Hi. Kulp Errington 09. Mildred Sal­ lows 70. Isals-1 Tyndall 02. Class Sr. II.—Alma Sallows 85 (XH>. Eleanor Tyndall 82 (Hi. Cai ; men Brindley 82 (III. Class Jr.. IL—Geo. McBride 50. Ctijw 1.—Beth Cantwell. My rile I Cantwell. s. of hole, moves barely two inches, ■reet roar of laughter goes up. he wakes la a sweat of horror misery. POUBH DIVISION OF FRANCE. i ,'antivell. Pr. XTii --Kxrhhvn- - Tyndall. Doro­ thy YVatson, Humpluey Nockolds. A. K. AMOS. Teacher. \ . . .. \ CARLOW ('ARUlW.Veb. 10.- •derson. of Bnicefi-id.-toys last weekXwit'i her niece. 9rs. David Bwin. ■ Tv H. Wilson four carloads •»f live stock Momhiy —two of sheep. i>f cattle. Toni si live wFock Mrs. Geo. An- spent a few dark as it round-headed first | by Copenltaxt-n mar i glory as mldscason. Danish bailhead ■ for ’ Cauliflower — early I early dwarf Erfurt. , Carrot*--Chantwiay Danvers. For Rent THE OPERA HOUSE is now available for any- amateur shows or concerts. For terms apply to Wesley M. McLean one of hogs an<l on H h huBtler. Nilson Pierson *1 Friday nn«l Again this Mr. Paul Maedel whs renewing obi aeqiiiiintaii' um in Uli »n a few day* last week. Want»ii five hundred pi<»u£ jieople to eat i»ie at North Zion next Monday evening. All welcome. Mr. K.irl McKniglit, of Auburn, is spending :i few days with Mr. Thos. Wilson The s\n>|)athy <»f the community is «*xten<i<*d io Mr. and Mis». Jarvis Mc­ Bride an<| family in the death of his mother. Mrs. Jna. McBride, which o<‘- enrred on TuemJny. • A nnmlier of members of the Mii- ’■omir Ixnlge und their friends are in- tending to go to the Masonic nt-hoine to Im* given ip Goderich Thur'dai evening. Mr. Geo. 1 Bean i< helping Ed. ‘ Fl-her to- cut wood. t'olbornr council and fbe~boSrn nf- liealth met in the hall on Tuesday, with n full Attondanccu--------- WIIITECHI RCH P. O. Box 50 The Living Room it made all tl»« cozier by ciinj , yi(>l<ling. commodioim chwirw, iolinin', divan nr «»t- tee. ’ Piled with pillow*, hii<1 with *pr<ng.*« that “five” comforUbljr, mich (pmlitv FURNITURE offer* a liparty eHcomr to friend or Mrantrer. Sre our den rim! "cozy corner” piece* before puruhaNing Our Afford* ffph ndM selection. i J. R. WHEELER Funeral Director Street, Goderich. Oaf. WHITECHI RCH. Feb. R.—Mrs Walter Mason and family, of Blytfr. are visiting w’ith her j>arenrs. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Clow. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purdon nnd fam ily spent Nunday with her jmrents. Mr. and Mrs. Bait, of Miirnixh. Mrs. Green, of Teeswater, is visit­ ing with her brother. Mr. Thow. Gaunt. Misses Male! and Norah Johnston, of T(»cswater. si»vnt Nnndny with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Miss Elisa Wiillps. of Goderich, mid Mrs. Wm Humphrey, of St. Helens, spent Iim week with Mr. and Mrs. Andn tv Fox and Mr. fliwl Mrs. Geo./Walker. o(;East ^Vawanoth. Mr. nn>i M?>. (libo Miiphoniio, of Sarles. $N'.T).. are* visiting with bf« mother. Mrs. MirohotHe. nnd other rehHivea her*-----..._______ Mr. Uornld Sp.-trling is in Kinesr- •line vl^.tlng with his mother. Mrs Ed. Browning. Mr. Browning's mo ther died in Kincardine on Saturday, F« bruary 0. Miss Norah F.deoner and Mrs. El­ gin Welhv(»od and M»n Richard, who bad l»eefi visiting with-their parrnts. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, for Go- past mgpth, left on Monday for their homo at Orangeville. Miss Edllh Gaunt, of Lucknow, spent the week end with her pwri-nls. Mr. and Mr* Ed. Gaunt. I—*'!**"** Have Helped France Out of Her Present DiKcultlea. A nation which declines numeri- cally also declines physically and morally; how to It that the French nation does not shudder before th* moral and physical decline which threatefl bar I Ths explanation may b' the fol­ lowing one. A new fact haa occurred since the war, and that fact hat helped France out of her present dif­ ficulties. It Is Immigration—a steady, regular, wonderful immigration. Ac­ cording tu the oDclal statistics, there were more than sixty thousand Ital­ ian Immigrants in 1923-4. more than B hundred thousand Csecho-Stovaka, and above all there were more than tour hundred thousand Poles—exact­ ly 411.435. And it is calculated that in 1914 about five hundred thousand Polish workmen have crossed ths French border and settled down In the northern departments. Everywhere In the French mining town of Bruay-les-Mines there are. Polish sign boards, everywhere Pol­ ish posters. Above the very few shops kept by French people, the In­ scription is noticed; ' Polish to spoken hare." ("On parla lei le polonals.’’) Bruay-les-MInes is not an isolated ex­ ample. There are five or six mining centre* In Northern France which are all closely copied on this modal. There are more than six hundred thousand Poles, who, having left Germany, have gone t* settle down tn France former, and who are work­ ing to raise It-’w French cities on the ruins of the war. Even tn Paris, even I « large towns ot the north and (he east, like LJHB and Nancy, foreign immigration pursues Its pacific and slow invasion. In Paris there are a il ten Polish registry offices; they procure ser­ vants. chauffeurs, cooks, shop em­ ployes. and street laborers. None of these foreigners sre taking the place of Trench people, because, alas, French people are lacking TJe war has laid 1.400,000 FYenclimen low aad new population has not replaced them with thousands of others Not only are there no out-of-work people In FYance, but in the country as well as tn the towns, they are clamoring loudly for workers, tor more, and still more. A Dead Language. The schoolboy who said that Latin rta a dead language, which, to hto great regret, had escaped burial, would find In the Massachusetta In­ dian language a tongue which no liv­ ing person can either speak or read, says an Old Country paper. YetdheYe to at least one book In existence in that strange speech; it waa sold at a recent book sale. It t« ths only known copy ot Bax­ ter’s "Call to the Unconverted” tn this Indian tongue, and waa trans­ lated by the famous "Indian Apos­ tle," John Eliot, and printed at Cam­ bridge, Massachusetts. In lt(4. Its appearance In the eale-room caused a great sensation, and after keen bidding It waa sold for *14,000. This Is believed total record pries for an American book, and works out at tn ore'th an (too a page. iie.i ........-........a.... otto , Wambttr of Wordu In IMblo. Thera are Sts,493 worda in the Old TeaUment, and 1S1,1S4 worda la tMe Nev TeeUment i'rosh: “I don't know what with my nook • nd." Soph: ’Tin your Imt 011 it.” Pursunnl to the i*ower of sule con­ tained in a mortgage produei-d at the time will la- offered for sale tlon at llirett's Hotel, of Dungannon, on Friday, ■lay of February, 1928, at 2.30 o’clock In the afternoon. Um- farm and pre­ mises composed of the least half of . the eit-t half ef lot number five (51 | and lhe north half of the north half which w ill be of sale, there by public aue- at the Village the 2fitli Masney-Harrls Ma>«ey-Harrla Massey-Harris 1 Musney-IInr- Alex. A L. OOLE. R. O. **• OPTOMETRIST. OPTICIAN, West Street, Goderich. Honor Graduate of the Cat Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Eyes examined by the late* oda. aad the proper fitting of g at moderate prices Ontario of Examiners Certificate No. 873. Th- farm 1. of gu.xl -*il In . good furrow w.,k« • ........' ......... of -I'iCh.; 1 flat rack: 1 good light wagon ; 1 gravel liox; 1 heavy wagon: 1 w-sgou box amt .took reck; 1 hay , loader; 1 hay rack and rolllug rai k; ' 1 steel land roller: 1 DeLaval cream separator No. 12; 3 logging chains; 1 steel-tired top buggy; 1 steel tlred o;>en buggy ; 1 rubber-tired open bug­ gy; 1 half-speed cutter, nearly new: 1 wt of new rope slings; 1 new 150-foot . hay rope: 1 hay fork; 1 Ming trip: 1 I uet 200O-11». M-ulea; 1 buggy pole; 25 , grain bags, nearly new; 25 sacks; 1 s»4 Stewart horse set ten tn harness, set plow harnew; 1 state of cultivation 1 except one field. There preuiisi-s a frame dwelling frame barn, a shed. stables, mill and orchard. Tvrm- of Sale: are an the house, a a wlnil- ___. .. _______ _________ ____________ . ___ Ten per In Union church next Sabbath tu*>rn-, insfi <>ii rhe ihty of sale and Ing............Th.- T.Y.P.^7 meortng and m«H*k trial will* lw Ih*1H Friday even­ ing ar s p n> Commencing at 7.45 p.m.. a short t*ongregnthmal imt‘ting will Ih* huh! rhe saim evening........... The W.M.S. la«rAr*«„ »««■' .................................. * '<■ the home the president. Mrs. Gev. | r.rjt;. Mcllwirhr....... .MemlHTs of the V.Y. | P.S. and TrivncK t«» the mimlier of forty. Hire pleasantly entertained at a tobogganing party by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. <>rr on Thursday evening. A lovely time was >pent in gamo and contests indoors alflo. Painty ru- fresfiii'eriH were »crved by tile hostess. A hearty vote of thank* in the host and h.-tesx wa> 1 ' ing of God Save the Klug brought a v« ry enjoyable evening to a chwu*. tio\ Social.—A box .hr in I will Im* held in the Orange night. February 17tl. pi<*e< of lllvervton .Metre, of Auburn. -rtih rtalnor. .a-jU lie with local talent, lhences at s o’clock. i-oimv. A<im.”<i(»n 2.' In»x(*< fret?” cent. in the lull April 1st. 1028. Tlie property will -ance on <<r Is-fore siilsnit interest, l-o offered subject to’ a reserve hid. For further |>artlculars and eoniM- tiotis of sale apfdy to undersigned. W.M.S. meets, this afternoon at; fatted this'3rd day of February. I W. BRYDONE. Clinton. Ont.. Vendor’s Solicitor. THOMAS GINDRY. Amtiouecr.St Clearing auction sale of iHOI’MEHOLD FURNITURE.1 fH ERLAND AUTO. ETC. MR. H. C. THOMAS ;>assed iiikI the sing- J Trill sell by public auction at liis rest deuce. South street. Goderich, on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 17TH iv.inmenelng at 1,30 o'clock sharp: Living Room one settee; 1 table; 2 armchair rockers; 1 rug. 2x3. Dining Room—one rug 2%x3*^ yds.; buffet; 1 extension table; fi cbalrs; 1 jardluere stand; 1 heater;• 1 dome ttnrttrwtf: -pifs* ami board; cabinet phonograph ami records. . Bed Rooms—One lied and ; walnut; 1 mattnwa; 1 chair; 11 bed; 1 set toll springs; 1 mattress. Kitchen. Etc.—One range; 1 refrig- halL Wednesday undirshe am I-odgo. Harvey the well-known jui the program, i Program com-1 Everybody wel-1 < ; ladles with i 1 | spring seat; power clippers. Harness I inc brass mounted; set Goldeen single harness. (■rain—One hmnired bushels ot O. A t'. No. 72 oats; a quantity of hay. TERMS (>r SALE—All purchases of 810 and under, cash: -over th*t amount eight montl:< credit on pur­ chaser’s furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent, off for 'cash on credit amounts. Hay. grain, pigs and fowl cash. The farm Is rented. J. D. EL8LEY. THOS. GUNDRY. Proprietor., Auctioneer. 1 1 DROP. W. H. JACKSON. Orgaatofi 1 and Director of Muste. Norlb. street Methodist church. Instnctiom given In Volco Culture. Organ, Planas Violin. Guitar. Theory, etc. Studio ax.A residence, 37 North street Phono r. A. N. ATKINSON CHIROPRACTOR Goderich. • organic and nervotw dlm- Consultatloa free. Oflaa Chronic easea. hours 2 to S. and 7 to 9 p.au, extft Ing Monday and Thursday afternoon and evenings, and by appolntaeot. Residence and office—Cor. Bait | and Victoria streets. dresser. 1 crib; MORTGAGE sale of valuable (LMtBHN PROPERTY AND RESIDENCE GODERICH IN THE TOWN OF | Cur Dtitiii'icller lump Allx-nti coni ■ ------------ —---- ------•- . - ------to arrive -hortly. MARY IIOWEI.L.1 erator; 1 .ahinet: 1 sewing machine;. Phone 21.".. ' •’O'*' "love; 1 coal oil stpre _______ _ . ‘ liegtef: 1 coni wnttle:- 1 motor warit ing machine; 1 cupboard; 4 chairs; 7 hllmls: t> curtains; G rods; 1 lawr. mower; 1 bicycle; 1 axe; 4 stiws and garden tools; 2 tubs; 1 boiler; 2 scrAi-ii doors: 5 screens; crocks; seal- God-1 ers; fruit; pu-kles; kitchen utensils; x, ju. uil can ttiol pump; sprayer; baity ear sr.. a' ring* ; Itttb.v cutter; baby high ctmir; sweeper: O’Cedar mops; medicine chest: washstand; 1 Overland road­ ster car In g<Hsl running condition, ami iitnui rotis other articles. Thf* Is n splendid lot of furnishing- ami Sill nil Is- sold without reserve, as Mr. TIiotutA Is leaving at once for Vaueouver. TERMS—Cnsh. T. GUNDRY’. Auctioneer. »«»)•! dewrllied »< follows, tliat is to " ’ say: Commencing at a post on the northerly nidi- of the Maitland road, wild jst.l Itelng dne north forty-six I degrees nnd twenty minutes west from CHARLES T. EDWARD 1 the southeast angle of block "D"; wilt aeli by public auction nt lot 1(1. thettce due nprth forty-three degrees comessloii 5. Goderich township.’ ort and forty minutes east fourteen TUESDAY. FEBRI AHY 23BD. . chains and a-lialf. more or less, to a Commencing nt 1 o’clis-k -harp: high water mark of the Hirer Matt Horses—One agisl team:' 1 heavy land: thence westerly downstream draught mure, 5 years ol<’; 1 driving following the high water mark of the t. wiwara. at ........ saw uiw Maitland tfiojbains and! 4 sixty links, more or less, to Hto limit Is-tween blocks “C” and "D": thence due south fortyMhree degrees and forty, mlnntew west along the limit Is-tween blocks "C” and “D.” a dis rance of thirteen chains and sixty links, more or leas, to the northerly side of s forty-foot road north of the Grand Trunk Railway track: tlience dne south twenty-four degrees east lira chain, ami sixty links, more or less, to the place of beginning; to­ gether with a nmd or right-of-way along the southerly limit of the said northwest half of the raid block "D” on the other half of the said lot ex­ tending from the front of the said block "D" on the Grand Trunk Rail­ way track to the Mt thereof on the Hirer Maitland, said road or right-of- way being ten (oct In width and re­ serving unto one John Illrlop the use of a road or right-of-way of ten feet BORN PARKER.—At Bayfield. on February 7th. to Mr. ami ('hri*. Parker. a daughter. ROSS.—At Alexandra hospital, ■■rich, dh Midldny. February Mr. and Mrs. I’harles Ross, dnnghter. I Sunday, 1 ‘ Mrs. j 1 I DIED Coif'll. Ill Colliorne township, on Tuesday. February 9. llannnli Couch, in her 8flth year. M- BRIDE.—In f'olborne :ownahip. on TuesdUy. February 9. Rachel Glr-1 ' ii. widow of the late Jas. McBride, in her 75th year. GUNDRY’S SALE REGISTER AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. by virtue of the powerTinier anil PM of sale contained in a certain mort­ gage. which will Is* produosl at the time of sale, there will be offered by sale by pnblic auction on Saturday, the 13th dhy of March. A.D. 1929. at lhe hour of two o'clock in the after- twain, at tlw- premises, situate In the Inn 11 of Giah-rich. In the county of Huron, and Is-itig ci>m|s»sed of. firstly, block in Park and Marwood's Surtey of tin- said town of Goderich, containing seven acres. Im- the same nmre or lees, and Secondly, the north­ west half of block “D” in Park and MarwmHl'H Survey on the River Malt land in the town of Goderich afore- by admeasurement acres of land. said, containing three nnd two-fifths more or lew. and which said 10reel or tract of land may be better known |JR. r. J. R. FORSTER U BYR, EAB. NOSE. THROAT Lata Houae Burgeon New Tort Oph­ thalmic and Aural Hoopltal, aaa’ at Moorefield Eye Hospital Golden Square Throat Hjapital. don, Eng. 58 Waterloo St. Stratfort. ephone 287 At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, oa thm evening of third Monday of month, from 7 o’dlock. till the Ing day, Tuesday, at 1 p.m. ‘ X ■” 1 1 . /“ UGAL tt-----------’-------- Dudley e. holmes Barrister, Etc Office—Hamilton atreet. Goderlrt. Phone 27. WuMikeiIrv. February 17.*—Clearing • nnuthm stiu of liousthoM furniture. Overland nuto. etc., property of Mr. H.'t*. ThriTuirE. nt hH ypeidonco <Mt South Xtrew, Tnemlay. Fubriuir.v 2.3.—Auction <*n4e ot fariii_dAUM’JUvU.u<i.« .Unpleinents*. projM‘rty of Mr ( harh * 7. T lot IB. concern 5. Goderich town­ ship. Friday. Fob’unry 2G.—Mortgage sale of farm in the township of Ash- Weld. S<s* advert is meat -elsewhere on LOST OR FOUND i/TOUND.—A BING. AT THE COR NEIi of North and Anglesea streets. Apply at TIB: SIGNAL OF­ FICE. FOR SALE Fill SALE-ADAMS WAdoN yi lirwt-claas jdinpe. with or Klthoiit imx. J. C. FLI’KEl\Goderl<}, F)R ' SALE. raqflp with new. Alan 1 sideboard, aland, and upholstered c JAMK8 CUTT. Elgin ave. ON •I KITCHEN almost lx-droom >. MRS. nmre. Cattle—Polled Angus—One cow. years old. milking: 1 cow. 0 years old. due In March; 1 cow, (I years old. due In May: 1 cow. .’I years old due lit July : I cow. .* yehrs old. due In June: 1 fat cow: 1 *t<vr nnd 1 heifer, rising 2 yenrs; 1 steer and 1 heifer. 1 year: 3 heifers, 8 months; 1 calf. .’I months. Poultry—Eighty bens ; 3 geese. Implements — One Massey-Harris binder. 7-ft. cut; 1 Massey-Harris 13 lua- diac drill; 1 Massey-Harris disc: I hayrake; 1 rnlllvator: 1 Frost A Wood mower; 1 <Ys-k«hutt* riding plow; 1 Floury walking plow; 1 Cock- •dttttt double plow; 1 4-aectl<m bar row; 1 grain roller: 1 farming mill and Itagger; 1 acitffler; 1 root pulper; 1 wagon; 1 wagon box and stock rack ; 1 hoy rack; 2 gravel Im>x<-s : 1 hayfork and car; 1 set of slings: 1 bobsleigh and box; 1 platform, 1 air­ Farm for sale.—in th SHIP of Goderich, on P highway, five mllea from Goderich and alx from Clinton, adjacent to chtnph snd school, comprising thirty acre* W, first-claws land welt tlle-dralaeA Good cement block aeven-roomvA h»nse; oank-harn 40x50; driving house and garage 3Cx5O; orchard of 55 good winter apples: never falling water supply. For further panic*- lara apply to OSWALD GlN'N, R R I, Goderich. Phon 18-00.1 INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. \ C8EAGER. K.C, BARRISTER, IOLICITQR. Notary PnbUe at Conveyancer. Goderich. P R. DARROW, BARRISTER, BTO *•' Successor to J. L. Kllloran. Phone 97. Offices^The Square. Goderich. INSURANCE 0J. CAVANAGH, • General A|General Agent for Confederation Life Ann Also fire, automobile aad accident Insurance. Office: At F. R. Darrow’s (formerly Proudfoot A Kllloran’a) law oflres. the Square. P.O. Box 426. nip writer; 1 gras* M’edbr; 1 rnHwr- Tn wklth cWinfltllE iriuiig the northerly f- tired buggy; 1 ateyl-tlred buggy: 1 Portland enttef; 1 cnttiw pole: 1 lad- ler. 38-ft.; wagon tongues; 1 wet single hartrees; 1 wet double barneaa; horse blankets: 1 pomp Jack ; 1 feed box ; 2 acta whlffletreea and neckyoke: 30 bun. Gold Coin potatoes; 10 bus i-tirly potatoes; 20 tons hay; 400 bus. Irish white and seed oats; 175 hue. feed oata; a quantity mixed grain; 1 Mol Jntte cream separator; Leader churn: R35 nap path* and spiles; mall box; Jrald’a cot; some larni* and carpet; ■k-. chains and other articles. T^^rythlng must be tfiwpoeed of. as _____ _ __ ■ la wold Hamilton atreff. Goderich. Ont- H—Hay. grain nn<L all sums Hollcitora for the Mortgagee. Mrs. and nnfler. rash; over that Ella Fisher. • •J of K<*EILLOP MUTUAL ■ 8URANCE CO.—Farm town property Insured. Officers Jas Connolly, rich P. O.; Jag Evuia, Beechwood P. O.; D. F. limit of (he an Id northwest half of said block "D" from the front of the •aid block "D” to the rear thereof on jthc River Maitland TERMS-Ten per cent, of the pur­ chase money to be paid at the time of sale, balance to be paid In thirty days. The sale will be subject to a reserved bld. For further particulars and condi­ tions of sale apply to HAYS A HATS. Hamilton street. Goderich, Ontario. Dated el (’odcrich. Ont., this Sth <11 r of Fehrnary. A.D. 1926. HATS A HATS.