HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-11, Page 6Wreaths for Winter Memorial Decorations and for any purpose All styles and prices. Decoration baskets and bouquets. See Mr. Sturdy's Window. Mrs. C. Cooke Maitland Cemetery Phew 601r2Phew • as'�tt 'r. yeettedar. February 11. W26. all Paper } We positively sell for lees money than you would pay elsewhere for the same Papers. A large assortment of new patterns has just arrived. v: ltd It costs nothing to look. Get our prices first. Porter's Book Store "On the Square for forty years" Car of Black Knight Pocohootas Coal expected shortly Reasonable price. I stip have a sinall quan- tity of Mine -run Pocohon- tas Coal• 1 ft. Le FLICK 'phone 178 j ?or all your ba ti YOU will never know how good your ,recipea are -and how well you can make pies, cakes, puddings and bread, until you've used Purity Flour. Your dealer knows. Ask hien. PURITY FEOUR Vr yow- baking SIIND POR TUB PURITY n01:1 (001( 11001C yam I#1NfbvJpPam hoot Floor Goa Bet Jastrayw1. WRaTIRN CANADA MOOR MILL$ 00. tJaar rsD Had Calve - TOaQ1f'rO lar.ae*N from mast to coast a - ROBERT WILSON for _. Massey -Harris Machinery Frost Fencing Toronto_Aaphalt Roofing Rubber -tired Buggies Farm Lighting Pram _- Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. Mows - Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25c. A good teaspoon, King George design, given awa}j with each 25c worth. 24 bora Soap, Mn'eltwes Spee'ial, $t 00. R tikes Paint Trer.Toilet Soap for 2'e. :3 1bei imet Cots:, for 25c. 6 lbs. of Sulphtir or •Injti, sttitnblr fbr stork pnrp%w's, for 25c. .lu+t to hanti a tow Introit. (1 pinndr of,a real gOOt1 black Tea. We will give 1 Ib. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, 1%, Ib. Biscuits, 1 bar Soap for the same price u a pound of any package Tea. Fpecinl prier non large F111nnelettc'111afikel=, Split)) pri••e on Fancy Rlhrtkets. W-e-ere-setot-filet-hu__peiec_ci>_-11irn'. lLawt. nalywrfir ttAtl Meet's !levee -lined Underwear. - ti00ti-i!ren-r lie• - Towellityt._Zie .pll Stant_ = wt ,,,s (food large filth Towels. !Pik per pair. Some !tie.• fable and fluor Oilcloths, MA rent width.. tot prices. Now in the time to buy n w4 of'fish s. 10 per cent. off. I jars• tl,is•rry to nnc part of the tear: ..snwekrr' PIM J. McEWEN right THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. The ,71gqexatioq Society ,tFletcher -(0ery*iRhted) finis South Side of Square (Continued front last week) tL:Ipter XI. THE IttI 'Il AND '1'IiI 1100141•: Jininth. brou.11, the Trickett shtrewrint••• and readiness of re«sure to ht -*r int that sitnattnn with a wharpe tress that surprised himself. Ile hustle(, Si .1 deur ('Iwrlts out of the t•ab, thrust money, t • whether much or little he Lees. Awl, Into the hand Off the ehaufrour. mottoued the tau al - ti -i Ivo• and friendly porter aside. and hurried his rumpaoiou into the hail, as it there saw oo, a usunetl to lose he nttnterer they were doing. but Ilousieur t'inerles's keen little eyes turn's! backward leu the direction Of the porter. "That must titer.. monsieur." he self. "He seemed to be well at.- rymyirttd with you. Is .he, perhaps, the umiserouut to %twill you entrusted inti lust ins.wel- -No, no!" exclaimed Jimmie. bestow- ing an indifferent xhoor on the porter. who hovered in the wale. "Not the MAW DILL lit all. .Iii to another Ier- w,u. Putt ser• 1 --rut so often in parts that lots of 1s,rh•rn 11i0W me -1 -1 at - way. tip them pretty welt, you know, and the Inc gar• ars alwayp on the lookout. Well. now. here we are! 4 say, Monsieur Charles!". Jlmint e yratt-nm,+nwiwlsly.-+�tlytnl . into English. Tu his *urprlw• Monsieur Charles answered him in the same tongue. speaking fluently. "1 am here, Monsieur Trickett. What thea T" he asked.. "NYtat tit, you sty If se--" batom Jlmmlc. desperately clutching at the titer straw that presented itself - "what do you sty if -the fatet 11., I'm getting a b11 hungry. What do you say to our taking our dt'jtuuer before we rommete our inquiries? It's nearly mann. Monsieur." ]tltietioleur t'narh•,t hesitated. A mo- ment later he gate in. "i am agreeable to your Ashes/. Monsieur Trlekett." he answered. "Certainly an hour more or 1t'-. will make no great difference. And I tools my euffe• lit :In unusually early hour this morning." -Come un. then.' said Jimtny, greatly relieved. "Perhaps yon know of ,t good Ublee tktst' hr?" 'Monsieur 1'harles.11,1 know of a g••od Mare, a moat excellent place. immedi- ately utWaeent to the station, Hr hal .1tntmle to 11: .1 III full of a deet, 'design, tastefully selected a tab►e e1.,se to a whtlil,w' tyitit•i 4.•4491 in u.tlwl the street. He ordered t sllinpt uous de- Jmmer, tnmmau.itsl- a sru:e __%-high Monsieur Charles special y recom- mended. and devoted himw If t t soi•iug to his guest's comfort. Under the Dv 11uenee of goal fool and ,.nu,ti %1ue. Moneieur 1l•n'r'. lte'arne friendly and r•unflea•uttnt--eonUdentlal. that is. in the sense .-t' taking great interest in his Loot:--- - "You ken• t Paris w,•I1. then. mon- sieur:- he ..-ked. "Pretty middling.- .answered Jim - sale. ' EI 0 drop nr.i. -you, know." "Just monsieur. .ilii if 1 wish 10 see you before yen lea ie. on tit• matter of this lost Weise, wl.,•neeihnii I find con?'e "Oh, I always put up at the Grand Hotel," ' replied Jirneni. t'ar•-•essly, only to wish the int t moment that he had kept his address t.• hIwt.ci1. • Itut that goose. now? Toa won't 'ta• ut- Ity sight, monsieur. when he travels to England." "I tit'." exelalmel Jimmie, "Well. if he should come hen' asking you ahc questions about Inst night. als,ut we, about the young lady who wax with toe. alwtut 101e luggage ynn took charge of and dispatched-you--undcrstaud: -you know nothing wliarmer about Anything? Ett?'• The porter, who possessed at sinister countenance and a vile squint. smiled horribly as he looked lit Jimmie with comprehension. Jiwwie let 11 11.1 set the glint of if cttLNe of pad slims. "You know-11411htug.'" repeated Jimmie. -Von never saw ally lug- gage. 1•:11 ?„ 'Monslenr touts the Mauer admir- ably. l know nothing. 1 Hut dumb. blind. In feet, I watt not there." mild the porter. Jimmie altpiwti the r ieulus (oto hi. baud. "1ku't forget'" he commanded. "Mnuxleur may rely on toy 411.. re- 11ou," sold the. recipient of the gold. "1 understand ierfi'etl), monsieur. Monwleur could not bare entrusted hos confidence to one more 'Nacre -et than myself. Thanks. tarn, monsieur, Hest tranquil r• Jimmie hurried hack to the safe. my apologies tyr otcupying your valu- able time.. Muuslear will now permit we to continue he Wy own way- - t lune." "Jmst tat" replied JituIII le, phleg- matically. "Good -day. then." 111• went away, umi trot lulu ti cab slid drove back to the Ione de la Patti. and sips f.nQQurate et:nugb tit --tend -Rea 1% al nR,ut•. Bite heeled un in yair� •t. he entered the shop. Jimmie shook Itis Send. , -Not a tract• of Or he said. "Bless me: Ms.. it so touch matter? A Mere --geese 1 Itldiculuua !" "lion ht' is so angry." sbe replied. "He i, furious! Anti madame. In London. .lu• w]li be very. very artery. 1 dread returning to her." "Tatlkin_ about that." observed Jim - title. at hen tit, you return?" -Tomorrow WWII MC she answered. -The day -mull." "Then tonight," said Jimmie, "you will dine with me again? Anti wP will go to one ..f the- theatres afterwards." The pretty hat.wekt'r laked thoughtfully at sone rihlents and laces tii.iele she held h. her Gaud. '•1 should like 1..." she wtid. ti - merely, "hut-- •Xu hots," commandedi . Jlww t -SLUM ]dace% you k Ill the Hue Huy ale. v ileif-past six o'clock. Xuw• t most g.. --idlest to do.' "Your sister's Intl ?'• rhe ,arid. ".111: --I'll tell you what well do *lout that." sole! Jlmmle. "You gest the bang of the right tiring, don't you know, and the stuff, And 411 deal. L1111 tlumWeu camps in fifteen districts. all the rest ..f it, and then you can Rig leadership training camp- set wake it in London. I've wasted Georgian itay. ... wadi time on that old nsa uud 1111 Itoy,i conference for 3.0*1 i.oys._ goose that I'm pressed now, and 1 Scores of Father and len banquets. 'frothing institutes our mentors. The pronudlon of tturItI brtrther- 4:t Boys' Own Corner I3IITORi'.AL The editor of the 'keys' Own Comer whites to apologize for the unibsion of the bey.. section lgst we•k. line to seterul things.. the were uuuble to ar- range our counter for last week. How• ever, we hope 10 etrutluue as ever. This Geek we ate ptddisldng n let ter front the premier of the fifth Ou heri,, ender itoys' Parliament in fou ue•thm with tht• comitg brutt-s•Il it ea IIIt41ig11. It reads us follows: '1'.. aher Friends lip 4lutarbt.-'rim solder L' y PaHM111cul MeeeINs the slew' 111111 hill ldhlg IMtr,.4 ix le•ttt•rtthai uu-nrlhtg met. la 1'aua,tisu dia►ahtre )' fMlettv Trebling tee have a firmed ea!, Christian, ctwracter-bttildiug pro Kraal H. Kite 1... the tewhnol of 50, Durso: tt prugraut whish eau tensile our youth into as tither, nobler type o 1ntihel ('Itrl,tIan ell im'Uship: on that will de•telop a let) intellectually phy.ieallt. rosily and sop -laity. To carry on this program n'r mus raise erten 111011401 I/4P dotter* try- th stale of out -dollar buds. With Nd money the ()Mario Boys' Work ituan int eutM to arras ' f, • dt'rtaking, 'but 'we wt timeline/ that they will reach their amount. And now toner a mord. Listen to this. Alex. McGregor reports that the campaigu lu his ctu.titutw'' t* away user the top. 'Che objective of 61:4(1 was reached lo llowmaurille the Urso day ut the eamputlq,it. :I GIGGLES "11'hy are you so late?" Inquired the g; tcurher. ' -Father saute( we at home," wall : 111P reply. I 1 -Wouldn't any • elm. have tloaeT No. 'cause he waw gi•lug the eh spanking.,, A hardware merchant advertised for e tsoy. A reel -haired youth applied for the Joh. "1b you like work!" .eskrd tbe niers chant. ' "No• sir." wtid the lad. "Then yon can hate the job! YOU are the arm boy slam havtt here to- r:.1.1y hasn't hasn't told ■ lie." - - + I&Astua-"Whcah .ouel1 Liar PI t'inney--"Lte.ktag foah work." Itaait.•-"Mari. Milo! Yeah meads ty's !counts rot you tarn trnehle rt ." Toa (in restaurant t- "Hare yoo frt*it letter Walter -"No. sir. I walk this way lie wee now easier of mind. and he .hell have to run. Half -past six, elat1Tlrert'to IDnkeetffinertt-more.agr•t- intsd. able to hoe guest, heartily w{altiug at . lout w'►tea J1wmle gut out of the besot. the Mame time that something would . shop he fell Imo at eery leisurely .\salstmnrn 11. fifty -heal taw,: -work .sr•ur to prevent Mon'it'or 111111''''''' walk. 11e lied lout one husint•,w-to hoards, - further investigation'a. Witt hi• sou int rid of the go,se now lying to hie Improved t'.w.1•:•T. program for 14,- dbeo►ered that his coraimutk,n s Ides wardrola• at the hotel -- that 0(10 Tu 1 ran in only one d(n.•t;on. ! t., Is. thine? Ile could not leave a "Monsieur la acquainted with the ,tend loses. to his room; he could not young Indy whom we saw this morn give it 1.. a chamberlain as he might ing?" remarked Monsieur Charles. re- I have giten a coal or • >t pair of boots. la(x,lug Into bis lith(• language over He roust tlo sttmtthfiig WWI It. that- his cigarette and :ht petit verre with ' was eerialre., Ilut what? whk•h Jimmie in -...el ..n finishing the "Thr devil'" he muttered as he repast. "The young lady who d* as- strolled along. "Now. wheat would sixtant in le rale:. to madame my good edgily happen 'If Charles found out share -in-law - +-Nisi that hamper had really %vine (n- yon;, in the saws of the Older Boys' "Atquainte! .lith ht r ye•s, replltd to my ti. essio t? of - rr.trrts% he'd Psrlidine tt and n11hr• Taxis-1»._v_w-wtd ,flinmit. lacuna -ally. t realist to unet• 1ha1 1'd found the Tia11 Rangers of. 4lutario. to lotest in "Motsii•ur perhaps Mt'amielh"s 11•1.igs. All 1 ton se just new Is that our bonds. Yon will nut. be repaid in Hance?" i.ug_••.tell Mut.•ieur Charles. it might be Jolly ted for nu. girl if he dollars and yenta, but In tetter citi- '•Xrtthhw the ,a.&(.:" vild Jimenle. 'found it out. It might also he iad for aeoship and in the appreciation of the '•1 only know :he rdee,g lady from ha V- rte. This is n wore treat than 1 bort you have _helped. Mg tort 1�• r at your sister -In-law',? thought." Ite,nald FnrtcnhnrR. Premier. shop. where 1 went to t.uy u hat for . in order to solve the problem thus ,,,.,,, • I my sister." (1 resented, Jimmie turned Into a cafe, C.$,E.T, NEWS 'Yet ne.i:sieur rakes her out. pole- sat down h1 a quiet rooter slit! cow un -Antonini. morning lust the Row- 1 titely'. u. dinner.' sold Monsieur sittereI tag (tent with the help of a ver Trail Ito rotor group of Kesel church Charles, eletating his eyebrows. "Eh. .trick and a cigar. He had long dose went on to observation noir as part well. the English are. of roar -t•. dif• rutne to the conclusion that MOtldeer lit the fest in set -tiring the observation fet•wH." Charles, whoever he might be, was, badge. The u.e'h'r reis,rts that .t "Quite different." answered. .limmlc, rot a person to be trifled with. For ,u,n,i..e of 16e (*.this, were toitt,ssful In En_:ish. "Utterly! The Ettgih•h that reason he had hoped that he i- in t.tssing the taawivatbon. ti. just what it,ty-f4Wss•_ Shrill we woilhI at.ept the (henry that the wle•k-i �_ pt.s.•.•.1-tecAfsa.c,-r-ti+t•�.isereau L. who t rwunk lin toyer had really tr•%•n lnak. i i►n .Inrrttn rr 27th the rrtralar meet - muddled the _matter of the goose. Re kttew very well- Mitt Mnnste ri- lily of ihh3Ttitfuynrt Torts Square was flattish or'!" t'bitnle dared not advertiser for it: i niamat f.y'e.tknb.sio, ••t ilte wcwtern Mut.•Ienr Charles hailed this Pro- that it alta most itnproltable that be gsts,ll w•Ith dellghL and they returned world oaks• more those the simplest I intra the Xotde Heaver of the itimmin- ols tinier of the• foal Shovel Imem- to tit.• station. There they 'missed in stets to recover It. What Jimmie! be r. take !suet.' After that the reg,e retie% of n r. aliment of porters of all dreaded was that Charles should ills- lar ceretueu)' KIn ettrri.1 out with the aorta ► Jimmie f ow wan a x w tmoyet and Trail Rangers. The •y the !toys' i'arlhtwt•u1 14 trying to rats• is not an end •h, Itself. It Is the key to oten the Iotas to great uppu►ttutbIle% for txrrlte. if wt• were to fall to rert•itt• your support. this year in our campaigrn, Air parliament and tlu• whish• pr,tgra01 outlined would re't•ivr a deatidy' tilos. For that reason I cuutklenti% appeal to end rite,professedw it cue 1 w s .possession --: t tat it w h. r t a I r tpresiding.TI i inrrhtttt•y-- tr,-reegfala.' Jeny 1,C_11lLnt._ LhAt Indeed wnuid brut to eumptl a• 1' ' er • topic thy. night tt t• out luulserin•nts ably intro - in the end, feeling convinced that he tilos In which Infosrhtt lilt !d t thi 1-•nTur7rmtTHDnsxr} tw hall thrown Monsieur Charles ff h ue ,rawn u t e enough of theme goings-on, would Inezl- rhe Is,ys. The rgi Iitr bnslnoxa is•rlod h•nr•k. he remarked tir%:y that be did titbly he involved. Therefore. the folloavd, which I,rhedwl a talk nn the hat klNrw• if the Iran they wanted was plain thing to do was to get rid of r„rulna 1.o11(1-s•itiug cint01 01. The dark or fair, tall lir short. tat orihin. ladle valuables and hamper. and meeting was i•lu•wl with the physical and that he wan afraid they would goose. as qulekly n$ possible. period. ending with a light lunch of ,Teter Hud him. M.mvenr Charles ,%rrl'i'd at thin determination. Jim• ls,ps•orn. tuns.) on hint licit ryes of reproat•It. rule set tort. again. Intent on carrying "Hut. monsieur. my goose!" he ex- it out. tie tailed in lit a stat loner's �- lrnry haws! several pits fw 4.f shoot, The last nthl•wt•rk meeting of the claimed. shop. Maitland Jimmie spread ort his hands and wrapping (Miler. a few sticks of seal- 0.1nt TII „,. Sepia was 11.11 in shrugged his shoulders. ing wax. u quantity of twine and two ,,lace ult1, an unusually large number present. N'e !dive Item feel,. desolated if it doesn't turn up? "Thur It Is, monsieur: is otd, heavy ghost Ialiwr weights. With wandrritut If It was Ole thought of Monalehr Charles. adjusted his nap- o hart•, done m)' hest. Amidst all these things he returned to the hotel. kin under his nn•lnnr••n chhr. Ili, these mon. amidst. all 1111+ confusion, Lte•ki'gg himself Into his neem he went the popcorn to the meting before what more flan I do? The hamper system/ability tri work. He made the that brought them out. As 11,. mentor filet. Imitate miens,. i %WI confined to hist home the phrsf "Monsieur," present, de- has t•vldrntiv gone Astray. It hats prob- nitre ClrOalk the Hook of Hours. and cel ps'rirol was held fir,*, whirl was noting thouglitfnlne•4.. remembrance, ably gut inlet up aloft other affairs, the gold chain Into one ia►rrel: he re - II Lrourtt ho•kt;t matt•h tetwe•ty the [TIM Ams• reiatiun to another, + Pt.ssihly by this hour 0 has arrived at placed the goose in its hamper, and Debunks and the T.N T.'rrs. The 1* a Iw•rus thluc. ••ten it the presentroutes,nes, or Biarritz. or is in Swit*er- made the hamper into another, Ile land Italy. I ram, sns fart 1'it and thrilling 4101.,.. take form ..f the bsl> of a bird not remarkable for wisdom. 1 should eonnlde•r mytw•n: ,.n Ingrate Monsieur Trickett, It I did not tra,-.-my goalie tt,-wherrrttr 11. may he." 'Voile so, quite so, admirable senti- menta1" paid ,i(mmh•. -We'll do our best, Monster ('hart.- -f.course. Ex• - Monsieur. (IaerTi•s loll rtRrnt--ro-de- liver hew opinion on the-nl.;e•t lit wine when Jimmie suddenly started total Los seat and melte f.rr fhr ehs,r, u;ttr II k1n ,t "Man I knot% just pass-01"he ex- clalmet. "Want to see MM. E[t• 1.W tone one moment, monsieur don't wait !" He darted out of the elite and triter; the street before Illsgue!lt 4'01114 reply. And in the ttre•t,,t.itumie jt..•ketel his napkin. tunurl the corner. and hurled to the station, caring nothing for the fart that he ons withn•tt hat on n /4011 autumn morning. or that people oh.' nerved him with wonder. The wittuttion ons desdrerate. Sac tl (s that entifontirleorter he nowt. ami wt one!'. Ile ons wtflMtentic nw'Art of Monsieur Charles's keenness of obser- vation to know th:.l he had nolir•rd the mon. 1'robmbly. however. be. 'Jimmie. might strict to throw hitt off the seen --he world find lira mnn and try. , triode information from hint. would , learn, at any rate. that Jlmw'e knew mere .tf the wir•kerw•ork Ilatupr•r than he hart cnrtfe*sevl to. That must he stopped: : the p mgr's. lip. must ie 7gsRirtr--at----verve f<.rlvtut:�__.12temgh�. Jimmie. that money could do many Ix ,re he - W01101 hate CO hay *(kit) ee tctth-�`-`._ He darted into the Mallon, larking wildly and anxfonnly about him. ('rest'wtlt he ea,tcht sight of the poor- ter who wave *1111' Idling shout.Jim- mie beekonetl Lim amide. "ito.t remember me?" he said breath- howdy. "Perfectly. monsieur," reptlel the porter. "1 had the honor to terve muntlsar last night." "Ton taw tee jttet note Ir with a an who wears----" -1 obi/servedmonsieur's flied," In• terrmptet the porter. "1 know him. w ti.TtitT`: r *117:.3 Ant or toy. It would. ( am sure, corded Anti nettled broth 'streets: the Ing N')fbl A score of i(i:1 in favor of theu Mondenr (!harles, be tar letter 1f you one trtntalning the stolen Ktsuls he ad• itolutnks. We were afraid the T.X. would permit me: as 0 w'aa through dressed to himself at the Carleton 'ers wtttid Mow hp with smrh ti me It was loot. to replace Its eon- Hotel h, LA1don. And then, leaving hal ne as they have. After the battle tents.' el the larger one 00 bis table, he carried' the Istyx paraded to the home of the Monsieur . Charlet. fires /damelt the mealier to the 'overeat (orpt•oflkv, ( mentor nrul were admitted on gh'Ing up, n•ne.tal how hitt, and iitwtrl at Mir. and went 0 off by registered post. it their grump yell, "Mtiveietir:" he saki. "I thank you was with a sigh of relief that he saw and dal lies• your offer. t also offer the clerk who received It Ogee it in-+ THIS MOTHER GLAD DAUCHTER � IS WELL Min. Parks Tells How Lydia E. Piakiasa's Vegetable Competai Restored Her Daughter's Health Toronto, Ontario. - "My daughter is 16 now sad has been an invalid -ever since she was six months old and has been com- pelled to remain out of tisitool the greater pert of tks time. W e have tried different k' - of Medi he ch. I Lydia 'a Verged had t it as her to Pink table when I was run-down, helped me so much that I mi t help her at this time. ad ever since she began t. She attends school every day and goes skating, and doe.other of -door sports, 1 recommend medieine to any one who is run -dost and nervous and weak."- 11 re. PARKA, 106 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, Lydia E. Ankham's Vegetable CoMpnand is a dependable toadies* for young womaa'e troubles. Facet ai's_sber*ry*hare, 0 differently ailde *mons* elsaolaiI TI“,Is.n.lo,'ilintr camiwigu t.tr'ls (o `-f- keht- -- ht. J.,' font our -t0 a good start. ar•t•ording Now for the hamper antlitt ridlt•u• weekly news out in treportssetheIons contents._ Jimmie bad already, to reportssyndicate. Here are a few of them. math. up hit, mind Whitt he would iii A report from itW1awn stntr•s that Isla-_ He linrl' trent 1.4 at a finer pit It than ever enclose, the beery paper ri;Tglffic-fIFf" tt, it t uftue•-flenyetltas the hamiwr. At. *elan at dark fell he 1 addressed a large gathering there laps week. would soil}- forth to the quays which run alongside the Seine, (+oast• it quiet !Tor. and drop the parcel Into the river. In whose limpid floral he de- voutly hoped It would pink for ever. to Innovation Is toeing tried In the (lassie ('Inv. Memtwrn of the Work Board are ,selling the bowl. rather Tt cnnld la• dant•; 1t mnwt Iw lnnr•• than the Trail Kanner. and Tux!* Meanwhile be went for stroll around It the heart of early. oyp. While we don't knowIts•al [t wAp flee o'ctnck, and desk ons condition* there. It teems like a de- parture from our pilneiple of a pro approachingwhen ,Timmie returned to the hotel. He wooded to hitt roan and turned on the el..-inc light. .Ind as its brightness. flasher) nlstnt him he realized. Ito one eontpr'hinslre, ginner that the second pine) had ,Hasp imt* rad. To he co'ttinuwt) Girls are no worse than they were. it's the way they dreg.* the; nt'ike. them hook a whole int worse .--Hrno don Aur. - _ foroplaket A Wettish mint*ter was ti '•ts ft• net ileitis' roruuh w!;re. Mropa one of Ills "1f6 friend. s. "Anil how ba* the war •' - + teent- ing you. Jock?" asked the r n!tter. ".terytireldnm!" ft plied . .r"-voyly. Prvveeittiaa "Wby Md you throw the db./binary t your husband?" "1 wan trying to solve A t•ro.wwntut pie and a*ked111nt severs! tunes to mr a wort/ of five Ietr,•'_ rr,•yi,!ott *tie happiness, and he wphidn't gram non by boys. flowerer, tai- await the remelt", with IuteitA. The twin cities, Kitchener anti Wtterioo, have stet their objective tad at $2T as required. hat at double that amount. That is certainly n LIg uu- le the Nerve•=l jj1 t'ecl Business tIncl ProfteNti11011d1 Mall (wt's Nev. Vi (►r/nrtr( ut amount sof rheumatism." IJft"s funny. By the time you get today problems figured oat It ba to- morrow.-'aidt liter. ELECTRIC WIRING INSTALLATIONS, ETC. GEO. W. STOKES Gibbose Street. P.O. Bon 601 PERCY ROBINSON Fuller Brush Service Orders taken for Fuller Bru-hen of all kinds. Rasidames corner Trafalgar $rest and Cambria Reed, Goderieh. Your friends can buy anything you can give them except, your - Photograph Wl.cr-_rceucwLraurc_ NallJLlye _ ouch. itappitioe. -J, T. FELL =°'a Telephone 187 Oodsrieh. - The People's Power 1 r r Hydro Electric Cook by Electricity , Waeb by Electricity iron by Electricity ,5Tr$?D�ee Rr�'ero' lamps HYDRO STORE Neva tido of Sgwr. Gdsrkb '1 Electric Wiring We Itlpecialise in Wiring of all kinds. Let to give yon an estimate for wiring your house or garage. Private Telephones, Metas, Dynamos, *hetrio Light and , Burglar Alarm ilyst6n e A11 Work ananateed !look. Dos lad Mol by Eleotriolty We have an assortment of the beat Eleetrie Irons and Tosaters made in Canada, ROBT. TAIT Blectrietaa Wert W. Phew WM "0 et