HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-11, Page 5with Penslar
White Pine and
Spruce Balsam
Sold to 25c, 50c and 81.00 bottles.,:;rt1
The cough remedy to touch the spot. Build up your
system with a good tonic to fortify yourself against the
rigors of winter.
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 90 Godench
Interment at LUeknow
Kotooka. Feb. 8. -Deep mourning is
felt by all residents of Komoka as a
result of the •tta'atbs, just one week
apart, of Mr. and Mrs. M..Nleholsoa,
two highly reaattett re•sldeuta of the
Village. 1n each case the funeral ser -
♦lees were (ondut•ted by Ite•v, C. Gra-
ham, of Mount Brydgea, and Inter -
Ment was mads at Lucknow.
'Heat Folks"
We expected to have
Anthracite Annie on this Win -
#1 tMpiasy'.:
Ler s heating program.
But she needn't think that
THE SIGNAL. ,,<... V•-.:.:, GODEIIt1CH, ONT.
Is ez[K•(tttd to have over 1,000 mem-
1'heelection ut officer,. fur the coun-
ty lodge r'erttltM1 as follows: C. M.. J.
R., Kathwell; 11.3.. H. Itnwr; (*Oat*
I lain, Rev. James Foote; recording
1 se retary, H. 11. Hanley; thea nclal
"etretary, 11. I. Fisher; treasurer, 0.
I W. Davis; first lecturer. N. Drennan;
t•tlevoud lecturer, (1. 1.. Falconer; mar -
1 ghat, W..Lutnsn.
It was e bold
-i (aunty -Orange aery •.--tuCargo yre
hyterimn church, Exeter. ou July 4.
Mrs llurtuu sial Mrs. J. ilehu gate VIt1DER THE SRA.
,pltndid reatMu*s. Mrs. G. Iran.
showei the reward of *it Ma tots- The" Atte nab and 1'a1Mys. Weds
sionaty .effort la •a readies; entitled.. mus and Deep Ravines.
"Tho 'reueher's lliadrm." • l the con-
elualou ut the programa afternoon tea wrlsN ofthe1e0oelp�t�nM
was served and a pla•Id half-hour en
joyesi. Ocean ur(aa discovered recently. It M
• only one of many discoveries, made
in the last few years. which show
401•1L that our knowledge of the ocean beat
1 11 F I 9 W t► u 16'411" 1 dt k bl la many books
O ., e'. . u s re ear a y poor.
Bile route on Saturdul. hut ns it Wa,s published a quarter of a century ago
only the second time this Winter is., 1t was emphatically stated that the
have nrt.k+d It there i+ no cruntblhtg• ocean floor is flat, sloping gently hen
Our wail -carrier Mot lawn riving u+ and then, but never broken into
t•st•elleut +envie,•, and a wort of ap- i ranges like the dry land.
weelatIon won't do him any harm. I Then, la 1901, the cable ship Bri-
t ..• pinata discovered a mountala rang*
1 WESTFIE D Feh 9 -3f W. J. Mr. Levi Putter, who is going to jaw I in the south pacific
which was L
Annual Meeting of Dlatrle( Ledge
Held at %Ingham
N'lugham. Pub. a. --At the annual
meeting of the North Huron 1)latrlet
1..11.1.. herr Rt. 1Vor. Bro. S. i.. Ire-
land. associate deputy grand master.
Ontario West, conducted the election
and insiallatlon of the following oll-
e•ra: W.t.'.M.. A. 1:, Smith, of Wing-
hant: \V.1►.M., C. It. t4,ulte', of Bel -
grave; enmity rewording 'secretary. .1.
V. Itaines, of Morris: eounty anemia'
secretary. .1. V. Pattison, teat Wa-
wanosh ; county treasurer. Charles
Stewart Myth; e-Iwplaiu, Rev. A. N.
\\'alders. Itinerate; D. of t'., 11.• Wut•
W. J. (gym
• ver 1
lar.•. Jtlyth; first lecturer,
bell. e'ulroUa; u'eond lecturer, B U-at-
auu. j rusw•1s. It wa» decided
the mat' 13th of Juts (elebntlon at
Clintonh the lodges of Mouth
many its tawill r will held
killed t M •1g l I which enables Alms to be taken at
i l Service will 1»• held to I,wlouru Mr. Itol3c'+ wept o' Strntfont .ru ,.great depths Experiments on a lamp
Parks was aDungannon visitor en indt. I» having a sole• 51.4411 Ilan It every way like a mage on the dry
Friday last. lath. We are sorry to l."' lir. I.'14- I land. More recently a range of moun-
11r. Geo. W. Snell spent over 111(' ter from our ueirhi.,rhtod. as Ise is a tains, known as the Edward VII.
ww•k+end with l;eNkericla friends. good elliz,u 11110 5 01011(14111w all r , was discovered in the North
Mr. Edward Rodger spent over the rotted. Atlantic, its highest peaks only a bun -
week -cud with Stranfurd friend"- t'owmnoion _envier Was held ill. dred fathoms below the surface. In
Mr. and Yrs. Mather". of Lin -know, Swlth's 11111 ,horeh ou Sunday after- , the Atlantic, too, M Mount Laura ljulal.•Y, w1N.'N'/1r1, respectively. a cot
ti their daughter, Mrs. Earl
cut -
110441. I214 . W. It. .1.g* rnn.Nrtn- tho I Ethel, whose summit towers near the
glass errata jird sugar set aid a novel.
Wightmau 00 Sunday.
rh, sau•rauiental avec t .
visited t lr r Burg
sten Ic,'. Tbrm wits
Tbursdal, ribs
We tarty an up-to-date line of Men's Wear. -
values in Shirts, Neckwear, Hose. Hats, Gloves, etc.
> Prompt service in Dry-cleaning and Pressing. ,
W. C. Snazel
Haberdasher and Dry -Cleaner. '
West Street Telephone 389
sc«. �►su:m1t
t x,tw wt7„
KIN(;1PRIIN;E, Feb. 10. -All en-
joest the '','uehne and old-timer' in the
hail ua Friday. The winners at cards
were Mrs. J. C. Dalton and Mr. Austin
a go.sl •(teudauee. ' surface. t i o N" rase. Following lunch
wriest. was cis i lir 'rhos. IL Wilson. township as- Several email islands are only the y P I [
' I I f dl lard, tad the
fain ran a whteh Lion. [raft a was pear
Ipeaks of a moon [
have broken the surface. The Ber- merry-malA11g continued 1111 a late
no Suudny. Even it he in the ase..••-ur, we are It1- : mudas rise straight up from a depth hoar.
Mrs. Wee. Staekbouse has returned way+ glad to ser• Tom. of two and a halt miles. while 84.. Mrs..J. T. O'Reilly left last week to
to Itrw-['held after ,Ipeudlug a 1.'uph'I ruuuclllor Win. 1.. \ ,ung Ise. r'- Helena and Ascension Island are also
pf weeks with Mende and relative., in turned from a visit 10 Detroit. Nh,'re mountain peaks. Off the Kuril Is-
thl* la•ulity. he visited his sister. Mrs. Becker. and !aids the bottom drops sheer to a
Mr,. J. E. Ellis spent a week with) ,wna old friends living in that city. depth of five miles, while only a mill
her slater; Miss Rose Coventry. of l W. 1,. saga he had u Wonderful sins, ' or two from the coast of Porto Retro
Wingham. ( 1t .rning `t tr Lodge will a N.
.ervevl ht the Westfield United church s4- .,..r. (4 un h.. round+ again
1 •lt : the depth
r•preeentel at the Mn.:aiir at twin'• iu It is curious that, although the
I:exlrri'•h or, Thurssluy' night.
1 out tom of the sea has not changed
t i I c . •t 'situ- 1-Yo.-++sllliun tensa, wan still knows
Mr. I.oru, I 'Nit e . ,a. •• t, 1 li;i . _' ut it. Many rzpedltlona an
LI:ERI'ItN, Feb. lo: --Mrs. C. Yin -1 ful utislwp the other Joy whir- `cern out with the object of
n1K•111. from near Stratford. is visiting ' natety has 11et tlrnel ant :IS * r eat,
her sister. Mrs. J,lnw•.• l'1d.holm. i as it might easily have dune. Ile ea.
Mr. William 4 11'Idon. /Y Gosierieh.l taking a shoe off a Corse when n IT,,,. ,
*[swot a few hour* with his laarents.l small piece of steel .tame off 114 (4.1.1' I
lir. and! Mrs. It. t;lld,tnn, on Sunekay. chisel :old ,'utcrs1 his d•yc. . ter es. ' rasa scenery.
A. the 10th of February 1,4 a 44Nr•ial I .toy- •'r two of suffering hr was 1:11cn 0aaratue invented within
day sect for prayer In the W.11. So- I to St i.,ttord. where Ili. Forster. the it. _ c: mantle enables man to
to Dula 41,ty, the S'x•h•ty fere will hold Its sell -known eye tIN.•i:all+t, took hie in ne - 1 to depths undreamt of
meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. charge. Th.. !der ..t *n:;I was quickly 1 yeas arra; but the terrific pressure
A. Clutton on that day. R r -Tape the i located and ,xtraeted by- The use of a at fir. at- depths Is still a - great ab.
weather will be favorable and that a I magnet. Witl,out uric probing. It is' Marls.. Quite as important 1* the I
• • Invention of a mercury vapor, lamp.
doss. •
woe of the 1300,000,000
se I which is hidden la the
se expeditions will. no
ahoy discoveries eoq-
viait fhends at Sltocoe, Ont.
Pane to the entertainment In the
parish hall Muwtay evening. 'February
15th. beginning at 8.30. Soups and
fuunc ebaraeter'.
Il t,ltl w
nut• 1 1 i t w It tut he lnjusel
! -111;•
Coal Company
" • /one 98 - Goderich
- - Ow. 21Itis cwa Ass IhsoYuwat►
by walking out on u• she":
gen stop the whole show ! was coral to the [)range orphanage.
Mouth Huron Orangemen
Exeter, Feb. 3. -The annual noet-
g of South Huron County 1•.O.L.
as held today levee•, WW1 the eoiutty
Rev A. A. Trump.r. in the
lair Very encouraging r,'tlerts of
r Rr * were pees*
'elutes i tin y
)Jr. 1h.nahl. of Toronto, ,11111 conduct! the end of this week. His father is a great depth are also being made.
the senile'. As Mr. Donald was here! takin chore'• of the farm ill bis ab- By means of this els diver will be
for the anniversary w n Ie'•n he Is n.d wan e• I able to see the bill -sides covered with
MI" rel wt• 1t(.tle to e wl a.go•• ,luck Miner is not point; to hill 4* II olive-green seaweed. which a passing
•11'S de cveulur at 7.30 11.n1.111.n1.1'iliorsdiy tato and 1s ••xla•rte•d home at that will illuminate a larg
e arra at
a s
Ills Way en rgu
intngrr at uysl eddy tarns into a wind-swept pine
tut all own w his
raid fmm the 11tt,'ns r•�_
, � s _ 'n++t the crow We all know the forcer, mountains towering to the our-
arlou" d1Vtricts and n grant of Sir, . :u + a t
. ' 1 .•row ig,N-'
!..iVea*.-r and Per. face, volcanoes, blains. and many -•
Mrs. Temple's Telegram
preeent(t hy'St . Paul's 1►ramatic
• `eek'/y
i nn
Friday, February 12th
a.4s jos
Parish Hall " e•
! !�•.
under auspices of SL orge's
urchwueu'" (Suili.
Admission - 35e
.1n (.4enim; of splendid *ntertein-
'melt promised.
unto Many a poor mawould be glad et
Mt- opportunity to wake au after''dla•
ner speech. --Kingston Whig.
And now for St. Valentine's
Let your \' e 1141ti1... b. Flowrs
Nothing fitter
Florist. Phone i6li.
torose a us.?ul sen.io• In getting rid other features which are associated
t was dedek•d psi celebrate •the "glori- 1
Mrs. Wm. Ruth- of carrion. The call of the Trutt is
e•nding' f w I nue of the first sigt:s of spring. and
twelfth'. with North Huron and LANES. Feb.
The "Heat Folks" have I l sin F►7r
geld with Genuine Poco f ► K Klux (hos w tin rr
oust Iwo wen hna retut,l 4 after
Mon11 Perth In ('1 nton. 'apt lends in
with the grandest land scenery.
a.few _
WI hum and: wlu•u he follows ns :11.41gthentrruw-F_ CANADIAN (X/PPRR.
ALLr�r'an tM 'cue•, county organizer o the u
hostas Coal and Domestic Egg,. Kiatalms of the . s*1lresst•Klan el the mw•ting on the Myth.
who are Warm members, t0 Campbell, of Dungannon. is
au.1 'tutted'tutted thatit
N:It uprrly unfair r that a majorrityity of visiting ut the hoar 4f her son• Mr.
]seep you haPPY until Anthra-1 people in any country shnnlel to ruled Ccr1I l'awhli'll.
cite Annie decides to come by a minority. He stated that K. K. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ferguson spent I
le eat progress from a 4ouph. of days with friends in God- d
will fidPocahontas Coal
and Mothers Treat Colds
satisfactory in furnace, range or
I h. had mm' fir eri'•h this Week.
c eoa.i to vomit In the Dominion and Debate. to Be Had• -•1. joint meet-
SCiloualy speaking. you that before next fall in this county It
Lug of the C.F.I.). sod .,, jai .t 1. eet-
n our
ova ontas -oe - -- - -
11e1,4 in the chub row Monday even -
Do ing. Reports of the rent es'nVerstton
Domestic Egg perfectly ` recentae re Kic. i by Mr. and ltrs. Juisu Far-
busiur•sN was attended to :111.4 a 1101811.1 tilt, tt:Is held rat 4 h home of its. N.
grate. - -
Phone us for your load.
`Heat Folks"
n For Goad ��Coal►
B. Mustard
The New "Direct" W
risk and Mrs. lame. C,uslderAble•
and picks up tin• grub- we are glad to 'Over -Thirteen Mf3llon Dollars' lfio
hove him around.
The te*.ple ..f Colle.,nn• will learn 1a 192'9.•
with dw'p r,'gr•t of the death of lir•.
flatue+ Meltrid'• of ('arloa, who messed ye
P. N'ay today in her se%etity-tlfth year. pounds,
The funeral Ia n. --
Mr. McBride diel ohm•+: evaetly tit' dollars than the value of the copper
Years ago. on r'•brunry is:h..1tr_I. I produced In the Areceding year. in
Copper produced In Canada in the
year 1124 amounted to 104,467,447
ands, having a value of i13,604,-
8.' a cum greater by one
k, : Ia,-•• "n Thur•'L4t.
this production British Columbia led
' with 61.451,246 pounds; Ontario
ASIIFIELD, Feb. 7. The regular • came second with 37.113,193 pounds,
meeting of tb.• KinWil w"meu's lust i- and Quebec was third with 1,893.009
pounds. These three provinces pro -
duced al; *1 copper. Luring the
ay i Inn uu the 4111.je•t "Hr I G \laeKcuzie 441 1 h4r• lay Iso.. tan h
1 Lower N- '•>� ( •
1--- letterset Break
real aMoiRclaee be
Children's. . diges-
Z � tions are early up-
set by too much
"dosing. Vicks'
tib beim ex-
ternal'', g
ternaUy applied.,
does not upset little
I At the first sign of
croup, Bore throat,
or any other cold trouble, apply Vides
There is nothing to swallow-
you hist 'nib it co."
Years from 1916 to 1918 inclusive
1 Ctl0 r, f rsi r n Ana a
benefits boys au.t girls who are going • chair. 1'h.• Full out w.,* un•a'.ed by •was s little n.o.r then one hundred
n' i' -.1(10 111 MOTS... Th.• affirmative ••'Iton't: ii, the .ick -room. After-ttllllon pounds The (treat War was
n n
•rc nlu
•• flu he foal f
s uu rad t inR
Ie raw n a
of the atlll Ora;
•r K
al + part • , 'm .• Lr sin, s
' tat � t 1
he n
Ion. n -tl
i+ t
o M• taken
het 1
In \Ir..luhn Fanidl. and the negative, ail• .s program of ei'mmunit> swgiug• tions called for large quantities of
I:. the w"m,•1'. r•tlrtaiutvl by 31rs. ;1 - .1 . l.. Miss 11:,rK:,r.•t 11.'ia••urie. copper. Prices wen• high and pro-
4.'e '. 1.un-li wits served and) 11 "44.1141 with h W:,- n.'i•h euJoye'L 4I.1.'nli,l pa duction was greatly' stimulated:
w s co
- br Miss Tenn Buckingham. Miss From the moat n•not ages 1>
e. n
1 n n us Y
•.eoft t d
ourbeen known
h.r has
\lottteet's Missionary 1[eetinK•-Thr \luny- 11 >1. K,nzi�• l(is Ella , „•ifs D
Women'. Missionary Society of tllt_t u1LMs- s.• MMavK.nrie. and•u. to the human race. Combined with tin
it forms an 4s-tloy--known as bronze._
\.btt.•1.1 United ,church w,rc the mental,I \I' Mary Ii \ia(K.0
nrrauga ., e .
solved, that o high school a1u,'ation 1 the president. Nip, .4.. Iteck.t• in the the prod 1 p sipper IC d
- n and this was the neat naw tallle•,'' 10-
r t :unin.
also \\' a Benjamin : K .
1 .,' ►n t to
, in comm n: u. ran
Tues.hac afternoon. lies. T. 1Ce•. a,,ro,r' '• ,ca �wlttl alglrw•1.luou• "+ The use of bran, .n Prehistoric arses t - ----
raw \\'.\I.S. soul \h
l Karst* of the Lu4ku � p. uu 1
14se•nt 11 e
I 't
Tueerday and \Veduesday
The ' ntrit•s fn (Mie:
10 KKE Mr('LOUD :ttl.
1.\ 1,441011 in Music.)
1 Flashy F'isti.uff t
t ,•Thc Forlorn- i'risr.ner)
ma,With .' N. Song and paws's)
rg I .\ T.usgle.l IL•h1, w) rx
't.t .\ \lot i.• Romances
tie t6t°Ji TI CK
eIt: th' in ohaturt
Two Nit;wrs
{tui nwke Mire of your seat by
rentlnif earl)'•
7.00 , rat. Tharp
., .,,. a al 't'
1:I..' orlon tie !Axel
Heaps of pretty things
for prizes for your
next party.
lrtistic framed little pictures,
:111' and 50k.
Iktnnted ('andles in holden*, 110x.
SL1usreand 'solid pe'dCnn-
dlew, all colors 2's•, Alse and ala pan
Dainty hits of 0614 Chits.
Just come in and we them.
Tally Cards. flaying Cant. Brit's:,
Fast St met. Phone 19
levy (*owns eel''onlel, they guests 'and a :ne .•ttu_ •' used eith the -in-mg
most Intcri tLa program was given God slate the King. .\ to -'y
hy. the A itlith[ :''nxili:ary. The pert %Vas S*11,1 by the hostess 111.1 a 1,•ry
drul, 1114. i:;,rilner, llrs. Mtn.' R;tisl ,.a I v41,t :dfr;•rnrxm wan
:ural Mrs. S. Sherwo.N► led the 114'17- q , f'. n.•Nt me•11ng N i11 !•e load
14,1.81 1N•rio.L lu.pg t.ap4'rs wen' I 7, t :4. 111.1,of Mrs. Neil 51e1) •:ra1.1,
read by lir- 1t. Johnston, Mrs. Dick- Kintail. .as \Iar'h 4th.
,'u.ui* and Mr- .\!beat .\it•ni. Mrs. li'ss Ley lfa,•Kett ie was twine for
u hr.autlful .010.1• the „'.•k..1 : from her school ,at 1'or.
\V. 1(1R -hie .0 ,t
Cornfield's Mid -Winter
Andrew, teacher of the hmtail
.1' rat 111(' week -end al h,'r
houH• :ii 1.11,k1104‘.-
111-- \l:ary i!. ll'1••Ketlzle. of Itipl,Y.
g Tf is cisiu d:; 111 the h"me of her brother.
lfi a"^a:fir, r. i1 1 r.• 51•l'Krrrh• lath cones-.
•ed ucin� a e
will continue for another week
in order to make room for Spring goods soon to arrive we -Lie In- Alt o`u Ik1ike 0
attractive price reductions in many lines. Seasonable goods at prices
n;,ue „IIt.:.,kM.l,l.._..._ . s„4, ''' 1�t6Y•.leT;'?sa'tW�t`diZ214:;40.*M' C lt,
Special Prices that we cannot repeat.
Sp .
Come in and be convinced of these values. All our goods"are firsts, no seconds
"The More You Buy
H the More You
Refer to last_week's issue of this palter for the 'many values that are
during this sale.
"`Shop where you are invited to shop.
being offered
West Side of Square
Phone 418
Ladies' and Men'sq
,v"%.7batr� ▪ t
Godericb, Ontario
� .,.., VNa.,psN•'�'ar'rO�eY=hew u'�....:... .m.:,.
1 •444,4-'.
was eo cin,mnn and ehara'teriatic
that the epoch is known as the
Bronze Age ' It followed the Stone
Age, and -was followed by the Iron
Age and the. Age of Steel. ,sty th.
ancient t;l''!.s and Romans both tbs.
I •r metal cow and the affray} of cum
and tin vs. we call Wow... were
indifferent'. known as "nes " The
, Rosman phll'•sopbe•r, Pliny-, states that
Rome's sue ;,1 y of copar r
etitrt!T from the ;eland of 4',19F4411 in
the rn•tern M,•diterran,'ar., the scene
o• •• Paul's 'earls mission..mission...).tabors.
Copper camcameto b, known by the
Romans :,8 -"sea . , prfum" which was
dua11; short( nod "cyprlum," and
ether[. was
aeon. corrupted Into ••euprum." when,.
Tac :eryi,'e, to Ashtleld 1'n.by-. come, the English word copper, sod
'. elan .l,nreh 411 Snuday ww" we14 :at- the French "euivre "
u'led, i•oth morning and evening. 1 [;nth tho Greek.. and the Romans
Rev. '•'..r;;, Perrin. of Hamilton, o•'-' axed the alloy of copper and tin,
rupiel the pal;.it and guy,' 'w" • called bronze, b 'hclr cams of lower
sl,lrudid 44,11.110114.deuorpIna1Ippns •1,41 in many w'nrk, of
I (:olden Wedding. -At their hm'• sl art and domestic utenells. Antique
\'am-oI v.'r, It.C., on January 120, lir. • bronze had about 87 parts of copper
and Mrs. T. F. Henderson. forlucr to 13 of tin.
n•a14111* of er,gLocirlab, celebrated uln'k I EnLand'e Centre.
Therennnitersun theOt ty, the eater
There was n Blathering of i tab en of It Ia elated that raven[
the (:'))lily and friends. ,,1,,1 after a of the British Broadcasting Com
nlrfrpteote .Munn the remainder of pant's new high-power station. Is "a1
r mini,eenrr, 11r
Eng -
r t t n air- of Eng -
try is thlgt)miles south-
w'rrr the nvIplents of tunny (:a"f eget of Birmingham, whish clty•has
nfnl .Il h.'and of tnaiy_tn-1,'-' I itself claimed abs honor of being the
re,. fain lntlon orad .gtritti'iv'. aishr•s. t'ro11' centre of England. slut L. arnlugton
th, family they re(ric, d u purse (',rel- has greater claims than pilfer Bina-
Ruing 422191 111 gold. Mr. and lint. Ingham or Daventry.
liender•;m were 1 mar:.ein "i'hi tai If you will take a map or England
d th,' bride a hem, 12th coneys- and paste It evenly on cardboard. and
-ion. -..\shfl,leh 1'Y It(•v. A14,10111with a sharp knife cut round the
ears of their cuartlln,•, leaving out • very island
1 .her Or:ast. Feet. -one 7
married life were spent in Ashfield. but going Into every h.'y and river
I11 11117 they mole'. to F:Llmouton. re- estuary, You will get t''e means of
-1.115. '1s that r•i:, fan five years. when determining the spot tb:at represents
they n,"vel to 3 11couver, where they the
escentre of a country so irregular
1144' Latr tua.M heir home and W'he're If thea uutllpr trap Is balanced nn
Mr. 11 nek'rson + 7ue of th,' 4ttyr
fon nit .1 nn hl rt*' and Mtihk•rs. a'pfn point exactly at to Lminr•ill the
1 fot. Ohl:are lore born to th,'m, all most careful examinaton will not
show any Tack of perfect halanee A
! „1'411i ,• sa
i .ter- ort•• tie"[ with the eieeP tittle move in soy direction Indicates
•' one who paid the seareely ant differ. nee, and It may
<,aisr.n11 sacrist* during the great be taken that the exact geometrical
W,Ir• 111 tivil%1's'at etrtr"e all, tour point that 1s' (he'erntre of England
r !Igor. tob/ear1r 14* FY's call, font Ifee' hrtwtten f3lrmingham and ('hr1-
I n� crfic, nice M Frame. They
Lenham, though probably nearer the
nr,, aloe bl'esed with twe:ve grand -
Monday and Tu. -'lay
('ONW.11 TF::AMU.:, (1.\IRE WiND-
h' ad atery capable cast 'n a tilt -ohm:
drama of fat,d diva' • '• ecideucr
Mermaid Comedy
"FAIK W.U{NL\G" rl
(tn,Mty sod 'llulraday - - -
in a James M. itarri.• story (*pitting
moderne charming modernroman,•,. .. alla
14neh of fantasy
"A R.1!iPHEKKi I{OM.\"1' �_
1, ,, Mown i1iT4 (•o,mmn ir.•.
te,'k. Ir. .\k•z. 3c;k,nsld, of Laurier.
!,,„„,.-ew•ar se ttnwdat..iaunari...t1'_
lir delh,ual(1 was seleaty-ope years
„f .,t, nod he had a lung 11'nre4. 11o•
otrvived Tfy his wife. two wan".
'ugI*ter*. Mrs. (loand Hugh, rtlonnDrenna end
are Elwood Drennan both ..f this
raw ni+hlp. The tuners! took place to
It: ln,•srat ne eetaetety oe Tebruary
latter than the former.
The cabbage waskin to England
Itpf 4, Jtolland about the year 1610.
although ft f sold tbat this vegeta-We--
was grown In England before that
time, but that In that year Improved
varieties were taken from Holland to
England by flit Arthur Ashley di Dor-
set. Cabbage was introduced Tats
Scotland by the soldiers ed ORM
1•'rislny ii'I Sot urd t
41114 :111 01141:1r- (':,<. III_(ir.• .,r:[mall,'
mnsl••rpi•*r or Intrigue 1111 J snider -
..}. .._. t'prl•at.. [wool, b
Matinee Saturday rat Stat p n1.
Jenner's Music Store
It Can You
Beat These? ---
1 Westinghouse I11 A,
complete. in cabinet, con-
taining all batteries with
Loud Speaker and Aerial.
I Westinghouse Power
Tube Set, complete as
above --the most powerful
three -tubi- set f -tsar•.
e duce
tubeDe Forest Lrosl Y the-
tube set, complete as
above. Cabinet contains
all' h.atteries. This set
combines good appear-
ance, convenience, effici-
ency and economy.
"Gold ti
• ulle
I 5-tube
power. appearan(-e.
1 4 -tube "Marconi." This
set has the tune and vol -
urate of a pipe organ.
Complete $260.00
Loud Speakers priced front
$10 to $50.00. All full
b,tt!cries, Tubes, 'Aerial
Equipment all in stock.
Jenner's Music
� ,Store
Foot Comfort in
..t,:.M•:# Cold. Weather
MOCCASINS, SOX, etc. ` .
" Everything to keerp your feet warm and dry
during the severe winter weather.
A complete ' stock of Trunks, Club -bags, Suit-
cases and- Htit-Voxes. - -A call r
( 1
"The Leading Shea Store'
Their ir)s I'( \\'. RIG. s}I.%RM1.\N
r 1