HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-11, Page 412
- ! •
Februarjr 1% or lipwtMor,
VASSAD Xr `!IIIIIB RXPIERIMS. ST. HELIONS trust weetinif of the Bayl#id Library' Sallie; sormstarrtmearer, N. F. Why-
- & . — Association was held at the ubtalry ard; -mauager, '11ohma, Stotbaft;t audi-
New -Spring. BELFAST, reh. ii. -II -Miss Margery ollischinjosit"Lliss of "No* FroduadeNt ST, )INIX.V8. Feb. )1—lira j&& twins on, Monday attaniston. The tors, Wis. Battle 0 CL Trel V17,
&mples lit -ft of talliciiRoor, Was the (Socked by Nka Who Know. Hytk- to In Port Elgin. a guest of her following ofikWa were aPpolatell for operator, N. F. Batik,
w cud Mrs. Irmak Irwin shoter Mrs. Remick. 111!01; Ilre-ideut. K A. Udlmsartls. Ker- Iortw Mellionale. The. Compga has
kl�� 7"11 i It is very rarely that t serious I par& an
am hwe for 0" 'vv*Www over the weekend. last retary-m,al,urer, Uvoqe & Green.. 017 telephones in 0 Ill
I is Criticized as not M;� , W. J. livalphrey spent
Mr. Jaws Lane Bud Mrs. David -Ijoftfing hei- sloter. Mns. Fox. of *lade; 11hritrian, Mrs. E. H. Job"; sa, I Uulilsil Cbmirto N*W1J,Tbo Falsoll,
In dealt g with too go week I
Hackett spent a few days last week profewla.4al and Apo g practlise. Whirechurch. 1,1416111f libildrialk. Miss rowile; di- But) P411 service last Kunday triefting
with, trtrude at Ripley. says a write# in Ausivern. As a rule, ]Ira L W. J. T04.111. of LUL-kifow, spent - rectors. Jollies 11. Iteld, N. F. Meraor, was al0est sumifle. The church was
Spe6al OrderDep*Mm Ewart Taylor and daughter, theatrical producers are-W01thers for the -Clite"mido with Mr. and Mrs. D. Louis Thunison. Mrs. li. MuKay, Mrs., crowded. The Trall XUWOM sad
P!!" Belts. of I,Uikkuow. viAtetl with Mrs. accuracy, and where there Is any Todd. It. Aeul"turr. Mito Joislit, AUcUug-- Tuxist Square took charge of the ser.
I We Oft enthUfffed With 26 beautiful Cloths bei Taylor's pareau. Mr. aud, Mrs. JOYO doubt on a point of this part thsl; Miss Being ML)ooald. of 1,iii-know.
Axnvn for Spring and go will you when you fte Hackett one day reeleartly. Bank export assistance to get things I * , vice, The address ill" given b7 Mr,
peut tile week lit Mr. Will McDon- Dt %GANNON Julwl-u Jleutlawx who spoko on buys'
them, Mr. James killerisrocidlo of Detroit. in Just right. Is, aid's- work in general, its aims and reirards.
We invite You to call any time and inspect the C4oths spending a few clays at his former In this way the writer has bees Milos Vera Told affenditA thi, Nor- DI'N'LlINNON, Fell. 10.—A very ln. All the buys did their parts very well.
andhome here. Called In to give advice on a subject -home at Stratford on Fri4sy Ivresting 11
the riew Spring stylea, I M mal of Fan Oven In ...... Next Sunday servictial wtU he
r. and Ifirs, John Bradley and kill, of which he happens to have special 1 eye I held as usual. Sandal IrAool at 10
Ition, of tAurtpr. sprzft Missamy at knowledge --namely, salmon-fielting. 0 ug. ill#. Ituri0i hall last Friday erening by
The play was a one -act We". in Sirs. Gm Welth is AP"411134 her our local vulertalnva. The mooet in -
chucch saryieve at It a.m. arAl T
Mrs. Bradley'ol former home here' hollIdtavoi at Win ham. to.resting feature of the &Truing. pooh p6m The itubjeet for the evedfix me.
Mr. Lvalle Alton spent a few days which there was a salmon-fightag
We C. "PRIDHAM & SON it Joist week with Mr. anti Mrs, $&in
scene, and be was asked to advise as Mr. Stanley Todd leff. oil Friday for ably. via- the addre" of Thos. 0. A]. vice will be Herod the doluelang
Morrison. of WbIteehuruh. to the details of the anglers, drew Port Ilurou and will visit it few days fell. given In two parts, first on King," which will be of special later.
and tackle and to instruct one of the With IIIII uncle. Mr. S. Neely. 144-011,11. "llbe Religion." A tot to the young people ....... A valeu.
Miss '"life f4berw000d visited with Actors In the methods of casting. Mr. Hugh Rutherford left Monday fuirly x.mill audience wasin &tjeln., tine stiwial will bill held in the church
MEN'S AND BOYS, WEAR PHONE 57 her sister. Sir*. !w die Ititt-hie, of Similarly, a policeman has Dees hor Toronto, where Ile, will attend the tinni", whi. vajoyl-11 unprogram flawrinwot on, February 13th. under the
Zion, ons Jay flint week. called In to a rehearsal to show w outitatil meeting of the Shorthorn llirj,u,,I)oIIt, auspok". of the Kzooldot-and Golden
— - ----------- =,1*rERF1 SCUY how a prisoner should be hand- Ilreeders' A-�,kKhstlon.Mr. and Yrs.harry Shackleton, of Hult. Kunday wbool closer*. A good
COLBORNE --si" cuffed; while a well-known West End Mr. W. MeQuIllitt wait in Toronto 1 Snkni,hei%an. are at preapat the PrOgroul will be gives- Dtsrtiug at 8
Moo- Burgeon has more than ones been ea- falls week atteudoLog the tovellng of gii,sig ,f Mr, unit Mrs. T. u. AIJim. ct'viock ....... Thco young people of this
VOLBOUNK TOWNSHIP. Feb. D.— failed to give advice &a to the 04- ill, Fall Fair* Awwlatlou. having arriveIl here on Monday of church will entertain the young peo.
It a not to( Mr. Thor. Elliott. of Oldoa. Alberta. and tilaff Of a mono when a hospital or of Ashfield circuit on FebruM7
3 Specials f6r late yet trio tillitpir. Mrs. Edward Plunkett. a operating -theatre ill" stased, this meek. Mr. tithat-lileson, we under-' tile
and tomw- BATFIF4D stowl, Ila, a loWtiolti lit Sarnia and 2211th. The featurc,411of the evening will
daughter Jejkn. of Cheviot, Seek. 1131 "Tke House of Tomporley.11 Sir
to change that visited at the llwlll�,of Mr. John Trehl.: Arthur Conan Daylat's boxing play, will raw rouru West. to a deflate. The subject and names
I there are two piogilisue scones, one HAYFIELD, Fell. D.—Wm. Metcalf. The lk. lority .11-111"I At the Alton of the debaters will Ile given later.
ffis, week at old stove. WIT week in a allarrias-boath; the otbei--4b@ of A"I, Arlwir. was home for it few store il� I 11I.ing luter"ting and will
•(at d. Inkster. of Goderich, was visit. Princival.—C10111, Crawley Dovas. When 114).q last week. it-, doubt imm fit popularity ji. the
Ing film (laugliter. 'Mrs. E. Uftftelt. thy play was Out intriodueed this , Mxs. A. 111. FriA-lu is opendinig a few nioniti advant-es. The following were
See Harold Blackstone about fast week. management ift"allind a well-knovs. weeks fit Torout arnong1hr teach" for I" w : Mra.
K ROBINS a 4 Mr. TiumL. 41tippell a car of boxing Instructor and Basuto him re, Miss I.IIVy 4VIA4.41. of Detroit. IF Ch"s. Itivett. Mrs. Tom. Itivett, Mrs. RADIO SETS—
Monday. The Fisher Bros. abousible for all the details Of t" IJ44UO for a Visit. W. 1,114.10 - 1*1 (Rev -1 P. flays.
io.twll. . rs.
PhIppiod a ear of Areep, Ur. X. Peir- two big 16tL PlInyter, of Ilietrolt. was MI --- . be t;lt-"ti %1141 Thelma at
NEW STOVE: ' -Mr. the very reasonable Prices.
Prk= are liW#. os -u shipped a car of hogs thin week. j 1-V prudisedou st•"ThIG lCofuts et guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J..MeLeod d
5 dozen reenji
", •ori The dairymen :irouud Mt,(.aw all Pan' meant four years, wort on the last week. He (vote to take back his On Friday overilug or this weeLl ill,• I can save you money.
This is your store, one it, have their winter supply of Ive in. part Of Its author, "John OUTW .or. whIvh he was obliged to leave bele W011114-11'19 itstituiv, art- having it pro-
FUM,tnr They report the iv. very gootf. Robboo," and tlw*lv# months' hard
Flannelette Work I Mr. John Tse site. of McGaw ele- labor for Min Olga Nethersole The lwfiloro 41irislulas. as It Wasi iMpft- grelosiVe euchre fit tit-- lieripoh hall.
e valor,
big memo in this play repronent then to return because of heavy I-imeh will 14- mvrvviL Frank McIlwak
Blackston s e tor. sliffired a ar of wheat last ;d the Able 1
abdication at Priatess Cristlas of Acei tuponied by Johu Me. Thi, Churn, ainio of Tritil liallgrrs,
S" fisrocies, and a 4"itia4mish" ofSelil he left Saturday for Detroit. llm,go ...... n, Mr, IT, R. IL No. 6, Godiericb.
Exc6nge Quite a nuwtwr to f r�=,,Che us; wbb had stage-managae real ossurt making to6d Time. John—"AHMed 1 1"4 Beet. Jw
,..7Sizes 14 to 17 on tile Broadway of (R4e and euchre party at I ilre X
rich ftbw. atteaft dat rehearsal to "a M--n-Iny by Ir"In. tiers sae Pentland. wlkwe ilme. Is Telephone Dungannon,
by Mr. and Mrs. 141 Rt at, on Mou-
that all the Court etiquette VMS rht- Men*ii 01,uh of tilt- Angl"n' oluell clectilli-41 %%lilt Timis 4qu
tiny evening.' absolutely correct. 7 r 14.
79C hurc-be,- if Itayfield. Varna &all Milt- work. The new lilentIM l.")k fur tl�
The illympothy of the community Upon another ocer"InCh, vrbolg 41I,l..11 is
to, -ulowl at tilt, Rayfteld town I oubJeet of his athlro-soi last Weda,
goes to the sorrowing relatives of Mrs "Richard U." was beliqlt -produced at half -till Tu, stay evening. the 161h. eveniniff: "When should it bliy brisk
Jan. McBride, who pawed away -_Tum i His MAJOAY*o Theatre. the per"S, I lit this oveitsion the wives and sweet- with it gallg*f
31 dozen inen's s dour mtorning after a month flint". who supervised this great historfealhearts of the atember" are Invited, listsurawe Ca. AAnuai Meellift—The
pageant was actually "Biw-mantle ;I,,, it bi exilectell a very enjoyable annual weeting of the. West Wawa -
.00 "Pursuivant of Arms" of the Heralds' eveniliff will be min -at. nosh Fire Iii-mranct. V took plave in
Pigskin-6ed Gloves KEEPING IMTHY 1 (*liege. The costs -of -arms of all the Mr.. Ads
MV1,0011 11I Visiting tho perish Intli first Friday. It wati
79C wiD keep PoUr battery chief personages in this ptity and 1!--r dsughter. Mrs. Ktie"how. at Giori. conspicuous
their banners were carefully coviod owlux t-, its large at -
charged " winter. DURING WINM from facsimiles to the PossealOP of Conducive, the largest lon record. All
the College of Arms. Mrs. Newtoo-Brady is xpendfnx m reports were received, sad a 'atinfa,.
50c Tnen a in the matter at pageants the" is r,,V with 'her plikents at (;oil- I tory year's bushrovols was reviewed.
usually an equal relffort an the part edCh. Alt the -%,-r- we, ,I.�4ea. They
Let us have it now. Colds, lauems, and Like Trott-! of the managers to obtala'abooluts Min 1G -Ray euttertaiiied a number art-: Pregidleut. H. L. Salkeld: vice -
Work So blas Can 6@ Avoided 'r*Wfsm. I'Vioa one occasion, whom a of her boy and girt friends on Von- president. Win J. I-h-impillon.. lift -re -
great pageant rieffrownting the Souib ,hey evening. the tFeca.-Ion of her road Cary. T. G. Allen; treasurer. T. Sto-
While they last, African War was bring Prepared In feenfli birthday. ! Che": anditcrot, lkillklit MCIA'an.
Have you noticed that some people, America, One of the actual leaders in heath of Rev. 1'raniels Ryan.—The' John Wilson. The.G.11c,wing direction
3 pairs for $1.00 I F. R. 1IF1111 0 FR vnJ�y good health thrungli the m.)st , that war, the Door general, Den Vil- I whom
t funeral took plow today (Ttle-day) - term lmd, es Bred were re-
rying weather, while olbur, ow-etimh Jaen, was engaged to go to the Unit- at Hayfield, cemetery, of Iter. Franvis � eks-telf: Win. Watson. Wot. Th,)mp-
For this week only. t-, vtoI46 or influenza nt every tou,h of Bid 9txt*g 11124111 supervise the
Service Staflon wintry etinditions. or are attrwked by , production, whole Ilyan, who died on Ratur(tuy at #*.it. W 11 Reed.
rheumstism or sciatica? The reusl-�! Although the expenses were very -4011ell --lonud, where he had been living! Tko;. Can".) rwumdiag minard's Is an to pahL
- - - - - - rumination' ten years ago- It penetrates to the root of the 12
Cmiler EI& Am ill to too- ff.1111.1 Ill the vwulitioil of the heavy• the publie appreciated the et- ' "'t". suite p ors
'ru"IbIloll', 'I'linig of the shArroh 3
. tae
If it is ri.-Il all -I lourol, the .%.- forts of the prooduem, and the sag- Mr. flyers was ordtiltiod by Mobil Avirivit, linral Telephone trouble, soothers and disinfects,, 4
M. Robins 1111113411 Vid" stmet. rem in ably to resist. disenw. Itat * let sent proved extremely successful. i liellinuth In 1872 and among the I Cwnpuny. Liculted. wall held in the Splendid for neurefila,
fit-- blood 1"-onw impovo-rholied and vlitvts where he was In char1re an reC- 11:1011111tter*4 ft•p. I)II11galln4pli. till% backache and stiffness of the
the way Is mail,
clear f,,r (VIVIA M,4 OV THE DON. 1,or are Parkbill. PKeter. Brusarls.1 flVeill,"I&yj aftemocon. There was muscles and joints.
enter the system. cl.-ease to: Ymrvnr#-. Tillmonburg and fourbism.1 a jr...sl attutichinve. Tilt- andit,irm' re- 42
Have ward ks irlhooracter, Affild Skill In 11" wife Pred""Oell him four yearsi loo,rt 41ionrtt the c.,ultally to Ili. In It
& 0
The vininuoin 4-11so- way for ""i4 ago. - Two wins, i'llarleso said Fred. and "' 11,11-1 ft"nuciat "itfiti,ni. Tire ittilli,
cold" and influents is to keep a pilt-u- slaughter, MINX 11thill. twr"fvr.W. *'er* W4,f!" 1JJtcj11Ur
YOU need a Better tiful supply ,f rivIs. red I,Ifwll in �-,nr Once more I see the vast steppes H:raft won well known _._
here as lie .1. Pork- GIryin ivi,e
veinq. Dr. Williams' fink MIN bav-- of Southeastern Russia, the banks mn,fe lorviotuent businessi tri ,s here. pre-141,ill 1. It.,bt- Me-tol. %V. T. Wit "KNIC OF MIN"
Are You Dissafisfied?.—T raining to command (:into- for their of old calm Father Don, writes Prince Mrs. Ilyan wow the daughter of the. Pell. It. Metillst,r. .1. 1)"Iclow. W. It.
a Bigoler Salary? Write to School of Commerce for AI(xis Opui�usky In a London paper, Win. Vctnnor. Iter. F. H. loan))
and the big settlements, with their }'inlay. It. Putt. H. 10. Arriferrimm. Win.
1`400 Is regarding classes Peer oltudenta mining daily by tram. Courses:— Tilt, new tihma which minea trot" tll,- lonthio-teol file- service at the grave. Itaille. rhi. fit: IV.
ripen whft,- housoll, surrounded by . J.
evil I St 'Phic- SlocciAl, Civil Service. Secroiarial Bad Toscher's uti-Loof I -Ii Pink Pilis tou-, Annual Library Merting—T Park�, It. 11,-Alli�tvr. J. I)I14t.m. %Vlll�
-,-fT,;.- rrult trooi-, find TrInprards famous for
IF IF ' IF ]Zia
C—Irloeo. Wi.,-7r.Z be,,,-, — T—W-Y,,,3&au"y S. 19A6. For in trip tilt- "14 --le syplettl their sparkling wine. Memories
formation apply to Jollity to r. stat wiii*.i,r il's. crowd thick upon me memories of
M. A. STONE., Commerc6i Specialist, B. F. WARD, IYA, If the —alem )IrIs alr4dy bel 11 & peaceful country of suanhIne. soot,
Vice -Principal. P600* 198. Principal, Clinwri. weak,* I by Oil&, intliwiam or other and besofful women, fields of wheat
whit, 3- ailineolst Ilwn Dr. Williams' and rich grain lands, during the long
Pink lents are llivi lNif4 niedliclul- f,,r summer days of Southern Russia. mmft
rebuilding tj - ;I- folot,ti find strengthen- To understancl these remarkable
Ing the NA3. All t-Naini'll. of ill.. rcoop:- you hav--. t9 g it. back to the
I'Wo; I- given by Mro. It. nixt,nth century. when the most In-
VIIIII. of tilt se 7wDay i nventoiy ale
It. Stropinfoerc, 0-4oatIt. Ali't %h-, dep, jideni spirit.4 refused to submit
:iy�:- "I had a v.rY ?*Vert, MtAvk .f to the czar's laws and Bed to new
General Line of Hardware torritorles. In this way Siberia was
arlpl-% or influenza. which 0 ,consumed In the reign •of Ivan the
Mr. to My " for it week. 'A gettill- Terrible by Yertnak, a Cossack cbjef Starting Saturday, February 13, we will
How about a new Stove? Quebec with Oven.
lip 111411" 1 di -I I'-,? 114 -Over 111Y 11.11 and pirate.
Call and see our 5 -tube Radio Sets before you strength. I was v, ry weak, h:i,l Tb,. riar* recognized these settle�- 0
buy one. -wrere paiii fit iny Iii -ad, and a ments and gave them rights of )and
offer exceptional Values in many
.-lant backliche. I hu -1 to.get a Ownership and self-government. in
We sell ammunition, etc. "`gMr4R0ffP%: too (to my work for nw. ;I% I find lilt -tit. r; return the Cossack had to light the
In. tile strength imr tit-. --tif-rity to do any wild Monvol and other hordes that lines of Merchan*dise WMA" al,
TW" thing. At till- ro-memloi-ring tit,- Poured in from the Past and south.
HILLYS HARDWARE, Auburn. greet lienellt I had through Dr. Wit- Thus they developed a resolute Inde- RT'While taking stock we put aside thCSe Special Values for this Inventory. Sale.
1,0? Im%* Pink Vil;s 1. C11111,00d, I began P-ndence, a warlike character, and X Wu
PH NES Dungannon. 5 ring 3; Slyth, 32 ring 12. taking this -ittAkInu. loud P(N,n my It litif in horsemanship that put them A large handbill is being prepared and will be delivered to your home. Read it
aninniz the finest cavalrymen of the
strength hrg;::i to return. I am CHOW. World VA carefully.
•*file to do it]: toy own w,,i,k again. and ; - Mn Province alone sent more
take carp of niv bale flov. I am Very I Th -
than 100 Frighnients to the Osman
grateful to, what Ill— 1,411% have dome front i, the war. They were the last
for *hit-. and lifilie in� xim-rivnee will to surrender to the Red yoke which
lsi,of b--tiefit to) scomi. - i,vr -tifferpr. now ro,rits on my unhappy people. Our Special Feature will be the free hernming of
f you n -,i4 a 1,11-i -,I hulld1tor tonle , They fought gallantly in the White '
February Clearance h*%in tali!" Dr. Willi m, link Its a Inlef Nr their own homes And land, sheets, pillowcases, towelling, table linen 1-4111014
its ;clue to -dealer"---and T-46--h-oT-T)eTI-e*etM -W" Mail,
thy, held by :1111 In" (tilt
�or sent by mail at.," '. trip rI this Red T-11ps 'have wiped out the
Illng The I)r.- "'Illininst' 41*444 ne'014 Cossack traditions. One cannot and table napkins.
: change In a short time the
IT .;- maul ata
i rr
a lib
6 er exceptional Values for one day only.
Saturday, February 13, we will sell: On Wednesday, February 17, we will
:39 -inch ('repo -de -chine it, all shades in- FLANNELETTE
eluding the new colors for spring, at per 31 -inch heavy striped Flannelette. Regu-
yd. ..................... lar :1.0e quality. Wednexdi
B .$1.49 two yd.-. .24c
ls,q'wr-ailk flome. 30 shades in stock to PRIM AND GINGRAX0
ehoose from. Hexplar $1.75 per pair. Na#, :124 -inch dark Prints , and Gingharm.
(irdity, pair ...................... gular 25e and 29c per Yd. Wednexday
Vill— $ yd. ..........
MU -inch itribleached OOTTOICotsm. Pine even T FOXGZZ SILK
weave. Regular 18e. yfl. qatur(lav 3.5-ineh Pongee Silk. Nattiral e(dor.
.......... 14�
I ... lVednesday, yd. ......... to ......... 49c
Sk6al Values -for Friday and Saturday, February 19th and 20th.
The new Spring Goods are arriving daily.
ypg, INV";
F. E. HIBBER`I�,�lw.
Phos• ssr_41 Phone 86