HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-11, Page 2;it N Th MI. ' 4httl tab -Ibursday, February 11, iNS. THE SIGNAL, -- GODERTCH, ON T. tSTABLIBHDD li e Gamma • t CANADA Member of lit 1Ebtw- Ameeladas Publlahed every Thursday Subscription Wen $2.00 , United States aad Panama oQytri , $2,6p per year, strictly Ta advises*. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Teitelbaum, >S Gederki. GEL W. H. Robertson. and £nd Kammer Thursday, February 11, 11r l{' . EDITO;tAL NOTEB Getting tired of Winter, 1(o are we, • • • The Legislature meets this week. and unless the Ottawa lhivae adjourn.l our politica will be like a two -ring circus. • • • The crow is ou trial. and witnewee . for the pwcaeeutio are .coming fur - ward with eagerness.. There are some defenders. too: hut out the whole. If Mr. ('row nods the newspapers, be must be trembling in face of the In- dignation that his habits have aroused. • • • The PrivlrMal Gorernme et of ttnr- bee proposes to do away whit the Counterfoil on bal4ots used In Provin- cial elcetiuns FWrbiilns fir- ?Inmhrt+rtr * Parliament, after recent experiences, will do the same thing. The counter- foils make a great deal of trouble, and It Is doubtful If they are really needed for the purpose which they are lu- teaded to serve, • • • There Is a problem ii e,ai.e•tlon with St. Valentine's hay ibis year. The 14th falls on Sunday, and of - ermine 41 would never di. to uutke your t' beat girl wait until Monday for the tender mltsdve she expects. Itut Nat- I arday is the 13th, and nolssh• wants the unlucky number mixed me with his alfaire du coeur. what, then, to do? Really. the only way out of the difficulty, so far as we eau see. is I that the gander mall lila love -message on Friday -hut that's an unlucky (luy too. My lad. the best thing you can do le to take it around ,yourself un Sunday morning. • • • The popular vole in the heat Domin- ion election, as given by The Turundo' Star. was as follows: Conservatives 1 ;ai,r4N• i iberels Progressives Labor You'll Tender Leaves IP and tips used in GREEN TEA are sealed in air -tight aluminum foil. Their fresh flavor is liner than any Japan or Gunpowder. Try SALADA. Jir. Melghen, in that fateful rote. had' t'N('ON Seller S HUMOR wort by ei majority of three. the drat 1 • thing he would hare done would . be 1 Ketch profession has Its stock of ; (lar Navin.e to ask for an adjournment of the i jokes. Ita stories lnnumerclhle. soil to; row we a av House while he termed his Cabinet Sunday Afternoon By 1SABEL illi MILT/It; tioderich, Ont ll Imre Divine! that *looped to share Our shariw.R prig. our bitterest her, On Thee we cast each enrth.i ern care. We smile at Iain while Thou ar' near. On Thee we flits& our burdening era•. 11 Lure Divine, forever dear: Content to stiffer while we kuoa. --- Living or dying. Thou art near, --Oliver IVemk•ll Holmes and the members setts:tei l for port- folios went hack to their conatituei- cie•s for re-election. Attsl'it, in this case, the Opposition had refused to aequiesee• and had attempted to block the new Government he every possible way, what a'howl there would have Igen-In which even the "Ihdepe•nde•nt- Beseon-Herald might have Joined - about the lack of pattriotism shown by Hoene who were thus preventing the mnrnin - i 2811..W 2/42,50!) 53.224 lnikq)®dlstts 87, 615 x In this tabulation the Comerrativc•s are credited with the votes cast t fur I'atelaudl• candidates in the Province of (pi bee. although Mr. Patenatile declared himself independent of lir. Meighen- No party, it will he seen, has a majority of the votes (iast. jmar a+ no party In the House of t'ommuus has a majority. • • • Lloyd George's new land policy hi Making him again a formidable figure in lirithah pahitk'a His present pro- posals are different from those on which the famous budget elections of fifteen or sixteen years age were fought, hat they have the saute end in view: tee reassert puddle ownership of the laud and to get rid, ultimately, of the landlord system w•Iirh is the curse• of England and Scotland. Lloyd George has been elistntsted for years by a large se•tlien of 1)141 tbuntry radieala but nothing will „o surely give him a strung and ihi%. 'tel follow- ing as his ieadkershipe in a determined struggle to restore the i.- lde'w rights in the land.. British polities have been In a sort of dead este-r fee' fanny J Lluyt1,1iivw_gr treaties' for- ward with h rofi ll1't_M 11111 -4 again he w1 ?RAVEN r and our friend. in esu emelt belongs a tissue all Its own. - thy sympathy. in our doubt w'e• seek_ faith. in our d,• - "14u• point of the Jest lies not in the; siaeir ie• ask for thy courage. As we tongue of him ati° wakes ii, but In face the circumstances of each day• the ear that hears," is the testimony may it he with the assurance that {s „f a great dralu:,tilt. e• U.s•for opt • born of faith anal hula•: Aileen. Iia ruuwh. and the judge upon the te•neli loth have an audieur8 runny and witting [n a'swpt a.e the highest S.K. LE 4 O\ M(IR FEB. 2Int, 11126 wit the "lour uwn�' of the speakers; told there Ia rue cltth gatlte'rhag of mtii I Leeson Title• -Meets Kabw'w Ltuar- that due's nut ateleilut one• of it- male us treat the 1)e•d• err. as .uprrmlr• in this respect, and Lesson Paesage�lohn 11::3:-41. is really to yield elite recognition or Golden Teat --Jetta .11:'& til gift. \t tlh• feast or d„lication lit Jer- There is. huweser% a cast atnontit of osale-iti. .1....la yawl• int. contact it'Ith (:ot7. ent from functioning prop- Iitteuus•laus humor alweuys tto:ttbig the lens as Ile walk,d ns the temple erly, The --King reIIx Jli t este who jecreefy•• it , Ile N..bu10111 pm•rh. and, as lie reay- the eleee•tlun of (ktohcr last, has tot- the world is uh :uuus ux- fewcertc-. t,c-etisteat liicu•,•eil Is• admitted that for mown -cions hop 'fiend took up stone. tee cast at Mita He lowed a dignified emirate In a ser)' Inns and jests the •'lerleal stated,. for e.e•.ypt••t out of tin it htinits and wept dlmeult sltwatiuu-a sitetatiotl that soma n•awm pre-eminent 'soh in nam- i tato I'eraea. the ...wary where joint Is•r and in wirth•produefug gmalitic.. the Itapti-t pns'fsiw.d Jesus to be the The r"iseit.•tel entire., is not far tee Lamle of Inst alu.•h taketh aa'tU••the ,..eek:A..• very snrroameling. ni „hire, slit tel the world. While here wet)• they occur, the very upsetting of "tie's re -oiled ueln 111111. and sable. John presseneelcrd notions of reverence. all Std uo miracle: but all things that tete! tee eau•pp n nnrtlun iu "71111.11. rdi' I ;11%'1.1117} loin sluikc of this roan were trite, fiat-)• eue•uhuf wiuillhrluw. -1111:1.:1 the r\nd nnaur Iw•l;rbcl eau Ilia. there. It sindp•Icsr-..,mistake or neci'I.•tit uud.•r p,,i, whit, in Perar•a Halt u uneasy;.' sorb e-irruulstao,•s ussaiu•. the' pro•Iir.,Iciest Hine -from Martini and Mary, p sunlit,. of a tinge eomisty. I friends of Ills in Bethany. They The dfvtue, wtiii-Til--elrawfn=-the a4- • ersaNr.4 Jcsu,. tU kttnW that their bro- tetltlon of tt r„ugrrgatIon to a special tIi.r Lazarus, whom .Ie•sus leered, was eomnitiniesr ,_•meet: on the following .leo. Tli•) felt certain that Jesus Sunday. informed them that '"the cc''ni l hurry' back. Tills we surmise mend is w•lth,us in tee fareteseie uud from tee •cords nlasl ley both alien Iii' tl-c' bishop: lo the cvelelng' is chruui 11th .,.m.•. Ni. ileacs tiny had rncnnr- . let with praying for the ceileir+•u ret aged noir hearts by this thought tial leis parish it, these words, -.Ind now. ellen :t fit r Laurus died they emu: ti Lord, bless the Iambs of cel• te.I'l ' roma each the other by sarinu:''•if and inake.tlirm meet for the Kmgdutl'. He 'had Wen lucre Lazarus would not of H,•a5e11,'" \\`bile the N.ore•l. min' burr• diel," Istel', itnos•,inly ts•rleap� I II tee murk' pt•ou ter m•.n.•nt the un•wage wa• I,y irllh.g his Ia•upl.•. "1I'er•I, 1Tte114a. delie•re41 Jo-sn• knew' what would e+• the kirk is onn'tetly in ueel .•f ,•ilc.•r, i the 4.ntCotue t.. the family and to 111171. tutu] as ice• lease fnilel t, ;rt it lime! seely. lie hn.l on two previus ueca- cstl)' wt- will be:tvr to see Shout . las- sian,. raised Ile ck•all--,Jairtts' daugh- ranr eau do Yer us." ter :mil the. widow of Nain's sou -line 'rhea• It. it verlaht amettet or el- • Ihls was the hest and the gn•atest of ruse •e to• made for ;leo, young etir•te' His mu-advs. ft --wes-tlut-.•eowteieq&- who. re•mnrling that ,nun• l' I li' situ that ile• was tile resurrectI ii ,tied ,tit.• to el.nn•h t"r uo hitter r-asl'il the lit... It was remarkable he that (lu+n ru .I "w ea their new eluthe•a• it w'u- d•r•idcl nls,n e)• himfour linishel lilt as he tt••ne'ed .ter lila e, era Is ter,• it was ierfortue•d. a uli,•neee. •'I uta thankful 1 , see. clear' .pesos -poke !i Ilis dlse•iple•s of the have- Dora• frlru+Is Ilial roue ..f eon ha rielhegs •oc•nafuy; Laraine. that lad !erre A.r that re•n+on Leri br••o:ht tee Hint, saying that this • .the 1"t'., Hut a'uTT Pair M-.ra•i.l .t u _ ,.icons,.' •is for the glue) of God. - soviet,' cute., e"n.hrel irni the ptro.% ors Two eta,. ;eftere:rets lis• propose4 tri - ■t en- •.r the gr•e•-it uitssieehry e..1- return r., .htduea. ills di eipie•s re-• lege-. -aid: "(lure• tis All loll, hurts.; tuiudetl Ilio of the attempt def the Kay,. I:. till cleat, hearts. give its sill Jews to kill Mine. Then Jessa said perfect. safety._ a' a -.t &marts." to which the entire • that their friend I.araurus hod fallen In using Baby's Osu Tablets ter-ar,r,c,.,r,.tioe, {aaele rsr►t ke', ,tne•It• nale•p and Ile was going to waken, mother has ,u, alaselutc guarantee 'Tt,e airing •'It or the efiurct, Met ire. I hint. ,n n•y t4unik.rwreHe1 HI.. that sibs be gibing her preektns little ho- often proseeet a pitfall for Ilse me• na.•anhlg, s. Ne !Old thorn Lazarus ones something that is abaolulely Ante iary, Antrim: least:" said re n,tar pas dr:ol. Thetas$ prupwasel that 1111.1 s.methimg that (•annul ialawltiiy hi rely. -.elelei la<Irhr•rs•ec !! preach; the go with. Ifiw and stiffer whatever do liana to even the newborn bale-, as on Wednesday ceihlgs, .her I reel i should happ••tn tee trim •-ereil death it - the 'fableta contain tint our particle of not give their ❑ clew, as they will ts;t pelf a+ flu• huuels of the Jews, opiates or other elatigeroul drug• lung Itp In the I••.rch," •s I wtleal They nnicod at ih• u suty Lax- ue•y ore weld Ly mu Itr`t1,e ieaierw or-._ .It utls at pre -:e' fee r gave oat a e: HIP 1111. end teen dead and buried four tit 13 yenta n hoz by trail from The beginning. "-\mai+,. my soul, str(,e1 &y'e. .\a a.s,il a, word remelted Mar- Ihr, Williams' Merllcilee Cu, Bns•k• eery MINA...* t„•fere- iia cannons. and thee ser lenrri,•0) out to meet J,-,wts and vfle. Out. - the emirate wing read in the lessen incl etpress"+I eta ronfderew in Ill. ower the slay, "IF ,.peke the worths. and to h.•1 i had Ile herr, there in time, All -&round hiaappointment tathnpps•rs ctur'e• ,tit,? grasspillars i:' adding a farther belief in God's w'11t• (Orillia Puckett I - ntimeratrk:" Ills confronts the l'ot•rervative party ns well as dee Liberal party- Cali it lee Mid that Mr. Meighen. with his Ham- ilton speech for the itiegot electors. with hie hid (per lion. Hugh Guth- rie•) for 1'rugresslre support, and with his repeated attempts to embar- rass tilt tiereereuuee4ut bf'furo-IIeg dtt{- alon after division In the (louse of Commons. las pursued a eligoltieel or statesmanlike coouree? KEEP LITTLE ONES E . WELL IN WINTER By Regulating the Stomach and Bowels With Baby's Own - Tablets Winter is a dutttferous reason f.0 the little ones. The days are change• able -one bright. the next cold- and stormy, ser that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fre-Sri air and exurclte they nerd w, much. in coaselpussx•e tls'y are often .duped tip m overheated, badly ventilated rooms and are scion selu-il With colds or -grippm. What is taea-ded to keep the - Own ' a rtlet& little ours well is Haley's t 1' 1 They will regulate the stowing' .and bowels and drive out ...delis. and through their i,w• the baby will he able. to get over the winter sawr•en in r qtr at-® Sale of Coats and Dresses .., COATS - An opportunity for the woman who wisher a splendid stylish garment at a frac- lion of its real value- Coats of splendid materials r Formerly $:35 to $45, now .... $20 e Formerly *22, now ; ,t .. •$10 DRESSES Silks, crepes, serges Forn►erly *20 to $!5, est it alta e Formerly $17, 'each ,• $10 FUR COATS 2 only ladies' natural muskrat Posts. 45 ins. long, large crush collar, select skins. satin lined, storm cuffs, rte, Value rl75,1111. Retell ';135 Man's Alaska braver Coat, of large, ++r!] watched skins, deep collar. farmer's ratio quilted lined„ storm cuffs. Value $45.151 oft sale $25 ilt& t CURTAINS 1.► pairs marquisette Curtains in ivori shade with deep insertion and lace borders. Mize about :36 ins, ii 2►�• yards, Value *4.1N1. On sale, pair $2.95 __LINOLEUM LINOLEUM 4 yards -wide, new patterns, splendid yualith . At per running yard' ' ' ' $ .95 TT``�r : �� •F_- COATINGS eft i5 . 56•nt. hulivias, cheviots, etc. Imported all -wool cloths. Formerly $2.75 to $4,50. In all leading colors. All one price, yard $1.95 tf j „." DRESS GOODS , 40 •furies wide, all -wool dress crepes, finest duality French make in greys, black, sand, navys, sandalwood, etc, Value *2.00. At per yard $125 ,.MEETINGS 81 inches wide, heavy bleached British Sheeting, free front dressing. Regular 75e. Per yard 59C ALL -WOOL BLANKETS Grey, with deep fancy blue birder. Size :16x76. February clearing, per pair $5.50 • Buteriek Patterns for March all in stork. Delineator tun sale. - e~ w• ACHESON & SON .:1,.,1„,7 , , death the maul of Laurens hail been, tt was wit twyond the reach of the power of Christ. By this command til a dread man to .,,ac. to life Jest's put to test Ills claim to Iw the relur- reetioi +11141 the lite. ,,t once' Lazarus. Ismael as was the enstomary prepara- tion for burial. u -awl oat of the carr • and. JI•nu» work !acing d He di- rected others tee melee theme bandages awl wet him free, ingress h, he,ur tinil answer Jesus. aicr t, ply olren from her a ycrlife•nsluu of Font;ff r -t hoe nuke elkutun-u Ixtiuted the (te. , 1,,.1 Is•Id.d h1 the final resurrection of hope . of the Government and the !mita"' Ahea16 fears of the temperance people. That t\lilverton Scut the• body and He fico told her the Is x lmlrh•d ley loth. l'nik•r these cis- ,....-_t-.., Signal: ra,., .e.lrrar.t sew . greatness of His )ower and asked her to I there anything to leo ram. tires, s u• ubrse•rtds: \ext raulity will be the n,. Worn,., me re- greatness troll• n temperance attetidioi'It last • Ikl)" �•f JanivaI-s. February is Si lii"I titin site believes/ Hint to be the ie, c.altJnnillg to make it the fuhjee! .short mnotll. and ahrn March comes !iris, and immediately n•ttrrnrl t. ,.f e.. moeh• nnmensurtsl deiuu,ciation we begin to pink for s;rring. The tae! illry. Jeans w'sa gill .nfsid.• at- was done at the 1'roldtchlot. the Ili;age ,eu•1 Mary. nccomianlet hr winter is pretty ag'' over." tier Sino Iclthizers who thought she t'niem'a uertingre._nt.- pon,n !Rat !Iter In'tAard Slag• ns uptlmist'e 1 was g,ie: to the grave to weep there. week! la.nbtless t11.• intrudu'tiui' of as ter• Irish w'nfiau ens pr's•}tt►IstN•,-r LI beery uuir have al yen Ihr .161131,11.- on tre•an1ig of,'T1l -ttnsrn-t - cif- trouts. arcate fore." cnnnld for misgll'Ittgs girt wlw•n she rolled err .purse .•arty out hnrrleol t. meet flim, She fell at Monday wonting:-Ceeleu,laltre•k• get His fee(. souno ie,.s o the l:brernment's •t 1 . this k \lot -ay, tonl"rlaiN•'s s•y}nR Ile very .aaIDC.thItlR flint , ardluu had to �litn•eiff - greeted letwts'w•Ith. harm dune M• the new drink does not dor . 1r Cllr week Folio and not 1 tiff e•r than HI,., ' -- . appear to have ,anian,ted to much. dual yet. 'most exp)resslve to inn: on the other hand. the outcry' ll.- When _-_- . F �_ of .)mpmNlc sighs and tears. nshrndyl by ter -11:4 legislation may When the .tows saw Jesus Warping well be n aanaln-g to ter Gocerntul•ttt Should Wit Tax Amateur Sports they maid an1•slgsl thenisilves, "He- witt the danger owns -sleet with any fur- tThc,,Parme•ee' Fun 1 hold haw He lover( him," and thea :lu'f e•nucesslen to the ..art" element. The pn,rItic at tux on roearllr1'. fell to diseussie a Ills power. They - et:dined 'anis a•nu-tit pho-es such a'e knew Of woeld»rfil thinga Ho had - The Prince as a Horseman picture show's and titc'Stre.. is re justl- done tins ee,mm+'ate) tllsru thc.pmuwl- (Teroetn 1ialI aunt Empire a fhl.'e Mutest. levied on each ticket lullely of Hia 'ta•ing able to p►reve•nf Tim• pleasure that I m Peltier of pnrehaael for entrance to these the •tenth. They were• re M• witness's of \vale elerlye% from homing. wells Ielx M a .11ret•t Ieoy', it is +may ,ef cul. n greaten miracle than henlIng or pre- •eroti to fief),,,te-tiest he mount be a,• hecriotl and on ,how• who pay it no real ye•n:lug. That whir Ile -had taught po..r horst Ulan Thaw• c. hie %icy.• seen hurdrn. Is 1mle riell. To rxfwst the. on et previous' nceth!orl at Jerusalem him rile s-s.'rt lhni h- Is an exr+'p- !tit so as fie 1,501' nmat'alr +porta in was new to he tiemttlt-itr$1i-el, "Verily, innahi, @wl lass te. .„)1/Pll no- il'Iagut and rural centers Is uheelI verily. I way unto you. the hour is c• mNy n I- nael)an - - n- :e earth' unju"tit{aete, I'i1'nge hes-key trent. e.neing. enut now is, ether the deiud r oeh a•Ije1n'tg II, n +" 's elfish in or rural community hasclaltt i-tltle are shall hear the m ineof tale• Non of Hal; \ ireful trsliti..i 1 4"9:."11111; no, n'• nig run for ::lin. (in clic eoutrery, and they that hear shall lire. For as si ill. tie -Polo.ia II- Prince's m,,it,tenater of sorb eerganizations lie' FatInr th 11th' In f11mM•If; sir -nhliit) I ride a s i - :h 9untt r 'ninit fn.+iit.mtlr In+o.t es a real etre ritlre In tenth iii b,iyeIi n the Sens to have Nfr n 1:1'_1 h fi ei'iu'.-t,-Tg--i 1R- itrte and tinier ,ie ter port if e,drier In Flhnsrlf. 1f tel hula' this; for ye.. i., Atilt, -`II rh ;,.,u*.. ,rs'n•• a )'}IIet a s)•irit'••) Citive ns wt•. hike n„ ihr hems Is rntte g, iw u,h6 h all that W'elr. u n,'s n''' the p/,trf to ter game Itemsrhls. The are III the gr•1t slinbl hp11t Ills I •d one ounce ;.,ee to h . ) --.Tha..�ruC►•sxln rt• el the timlr,'n iiwe�lt, aei int 1,lke•n awn)'. I.. --!erasing ft I. lurk l.lt-el her rt time .there - than the Is new p tip � ftp ge 1 p I I N �t I1 worth watching. �yNt The wideawake Ottawa correspond era has diworered thtit, with Hcan, Mackenzie King elected in Prince M- bert--as It {s generally expecte, he will Ise -the leader of every Kremp M ... tile Hmuiw. of. Commons/will Iw the reps - ttitlre of a V1e,fern emstitu- : '- eM•y U(- .. u.igh•n. ti o' Conservative leader, sits fi . Portage In Prairie, Illanitoha: Mr, l",irke, the I'rogn'srcIse lender, for Menthol. Maus• rete? Mn. Wiotlsworth. Ihr !POO, of the 1.11Iser party of two meniwre, comes from of the Winnipeg ridings. Of - course. this leaves out Mr. Mone issa. who I- loth lend and tail of ate In= • •h•iseteeletlt party of one. Another .•.ee.•i•in v - ('IasMsl ns Inde- Vetslett I. Mr. A. W. Ne -Ill, of itritT+T ('ilMtupla.,_--?1,1.t+?P_ lying. Miiglm•t1 end IVondsw'erth even all tiiml lii-tM- tatio in lice- saante suer. ,1%74. aleswra. Yorke end Neill were born in'tinot• laud. Mr. Moura,q•1, ns everyone kaow's, la a dilstngulshelt son of the Prusiuluv of (bushes', • • • The SInit(or'I• lha,eon•lfe.r:lld .tasks why the Government at Iittanti should Melt a twee*. hue answer Is: For rs- Ictlr the same reltritw that 3(r,.Meigs lie• wont have M NA - s -times. if lie. Manse! of Mr. Kin were in of. lee at This particular juncture. it ea ,.mels r a ' Or. Nptrgexu wrote a sermon on the tn.. texts: "Take ye away the stone." and "1..os.• him, ,Itllt Irl him e.•/r." fly divided them into two heaps: What Sc' can ,h. f+,r othe•ts be- fore they ixr,Ime Christians and what we Cal) du for others after they M•• rnme Christians. Thera are a uls•s which' we- Can remove from their path- -way'-..au.1 there is holt and sympathy w•r con sire In their new life in !'held, in tills 1e -scion We have a glimpse of the depth of Jesus' human• sympathy Jeltlls wept. fit: tears were wiped away uud III. emotion 1eNseei. a11d w'r .se o 1 a f'1 eewshl 1 With 1•f a •11111 f} 1 1 1 C glimpse 1 the divine lwford• H{y+ wonttrot, power elnuetee t le•N'. s i.ees ilg llhn io 1. the• Giver of Life. WORLD MISSIONS Native Heroine _At Ngogwe . i'gamin I a t'hristian woman teacher. hearing that Nue sleep► ing ' sleknt•ss lend broken out in, fie- islands or the. hike, offered he go there. she a -tis told that she wood gee at the risk ref hoer omit life. air said. •'i know it; but they know tet the Lord Jrsn,.. And i know Him: 1 will go men hill them about flim." She went. and her work was blessed to many. nod then she was sent hack to elle. "t: renter Tuve hath Ito mall than this." I know Him- that is the inspiration of nd'alons, --Missirnenry Herlew. MORE ALFALFA IS WHAT HURON COUNTY NEEDS ('ampaign Now in Progress to In - cream This ('rop 1lurou mount)' Is hating an "a)falfa cutupelgn" Meetings eotuparhtg with the old Farmers' institute meetings _1n. their pendent( days were held at Wingham, ite'ntnrtli nrltt t'rircIwlrl►-«te Wed'floselay and Thursday oef last week, February :tel anti 4th. The at- r . r• tub -re -el from n de•- vthr ' &John 3:2" r I sin t pmv'htr t mrteltt b l loris hors,.. I'i.t' , nal I,••,ry„ „.- a w•le. rt-') ..net( I Soi l• ^lit einjot• Melo. ea is with a. .cuter l' Fee.,. hat en osIm'1. 'trd�l'c.,t "w wort'r-t-wet•ft-'4te'.- i -.'et--- re. goad_fe1r dtre'rel tont this 'A MO , lint tit •I a 'ire,0.4-.,0.,'47%,„..-C:47,1,.. mint and Niel lett- .% thx on thew• Ar i,mr.'. hnYttrer+11t •neeld, tit. {' n ' 1 I I" not only mtu•1•e th Itself. M t It is that the hotly would not tiitt,st titre l'rti"-.:,s._�. _ --e listelr'•'_I1t eu 'i' ' and a cense of nprh. 1'n. n this ..1,...--o.to fl a ;hinds comet full .. P ti :"' r trictlen and n _ ' -- Of Wiled they had. emeh •i prin., ;him. I„pit IIItc sl "✓ before, Men sna'aklr,R mho.. tail. The unified. j.opl. erpi 4 y(, life ft- tI fess ' n( dValrr lltefi,. "!(nil I net •'neer ter. r torr fid .,f r,,.1 'te,r tr'lIt, . t one � •"` n enllathone at wmUdrf Fw1}err. than Shoot' fplrclfial+ty Rlilalre 'ter Pt tp p l)k it y °* , 4% -;ti, :. e1 f( glory of (hod." reed ,.. s I., i i , . s�`,� The atone being removed I r ntnrm. I of tr. •,,. 'far dfit�+l U cr. a married con- standing mond hoard a ro)ee the reit,- of I"m ht :'R*'alp ysttd t "T °- s l t- I i get a di- In thanksttirtna and ennf..+a r,rtttllg' nn.l u" t 5 i .. ti.a � "'Wei" sea's (lot. This prayer having hey ?:eeertLtt .: Ihr n1TCILL.._, ,• a •7:ar a are«c .r. ears "r /In 'hit ' . ' 'i )'.r •r • nnnt ,. $eaar+i if in ftHun• 1,y +f ( _ hr trt disagree, tag round se nittre.sre. ►t.-trI.eeI Min, 4•.11.'.® sport ug risk lila Iter end , r 01 ICe•k.y voihe actin atrial[, "1,irti M*. c- sjsrflhlg sellsltlr.. t "et- a ., IR axe_,- forth." WVlwreser in the realm Timer te•udauee ranged trona 1tk1 to 131&. Nuns► e,unty had a hay- shortage 11r-;3 and the farmers an. de•termin,sl that it w -iii nut ,sent again. Mail it wit been for the large amrmnt of had left over from itr24 wt- should have a bay famine at premiss!. l'nrfenwur John Huehanan, of the 11. A. Co/lege. aekireStrl the meetings in N'Ingtwlm am) Ferlwleh, while- .1. A. Parnell, assistant director of the agricuthrnrl representative brawls. took the tteafeerth meeting. Ka. i, gave an outline of the.neeessity of alfalfa and opened a .lsysslesu eel the why and how of it. These 'u w • • e•;delimit, Th meeting.' were the are round In a comity-whch- campmbri being arrange) toy the 1)ntario lee -pert mend of Agriculture. tither,. will h.' arranged as the winter progfeas•-. 'farmers' Club% Junter Farmers' As soviet ions I.lonai /'liths and ollo•4 or gnoitations are co -orating to utak.- the nw•otinga a AMC' •. The crows are the eawa of a Int of talk these ds :Cons. a k t . a.--C'hatbam . McLachlan Business College STRATFORD. ONT. The leading cetnmen•iai school I ...ste•rn Oritari+e, Experienced in- structora, gibing thon,ttlth courses., i trmdm ite s ph,ard in Is,sitions. WI;rite tar our tree catalogue, D. A. Olcl..\l'lILA N, I'riicipal . Miss S. Noble After Every Meal It doesn't take much to keep you in trim. Nature only asks a little help. Wrigley's, after every meal, benefits teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. A Flavor for Every Taste British Exchange Bloch -- Fresh Bread Baked D That's what you get ordering your 13REA Ini Us. It oftltaina tfi('l)ureet in- gredients known to bakers. Buy a loaf today and taste the ditlrrencl', vr.i~le +Fji'ttf'e I - .r� E. U. Cleveland BAKER 1104 a. Phone 111 ' West St n -set e ig Reductions in Prices for FINAL CLEARANCE All that remains of the season's stocks of Women's and Misses' Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Sweaters. Clearing the wardrobes for the new spring fashions. All Win- ter Coats to clear at much less than cost price. Women's Brushed Wool Chappie Coats, beige with bands of brown, and grey with bands of powder blue, ,- "• Very Special at $2.75. �I ei,� H, ., sfflart trimmed Hots, all braadnew, all smart ' and seasonable, different shapes and colors, including matrons' Hats. - 1- Come in and be convinced of the values. - Royal Ladies' Ready -to -War Co. EAST SiDE OF SQUARE :: GODERICH Aisaiiiiiiiiftelimpraism•IIINIMIN