HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-4, Page 7:..1Ytllr► Wit; Mgr k mita County and District : Corbett. The BrUce County jail was empty s• arty all last month. Harvey Johns, 2nd cuoe'ewloo of elueessomith, has send his farm to his 1tAodtm,, Leslie Lawson of Constance, who gets possession the find of Mamie The Teeewater Agricultural Society bas a •Linsey', of $1.097 ou head. A neo. halt and • number of urs Medal Will be built for this year's fall fele. Conrad Ylcbel, an add readmit of Grey township. died Mat week at the Ste of ntn('t7 years. He was a native of Germany, but bad lived In Canada Ito seventy -we years. la May town The death. occurred p1,ip, un January 20th. of harry Mayo. , stn old resident of the community, who Dad Deers employed es the Snowden farm for sunt. thirty years. Ile was 1n his eighty-ninth year and was a lathe of the Province of Quebec. At a meeting held et•..roily in the Vetted ebun•b at l'le•dltuu plans were made for the rearribge•mertt of United Church etre•nits In that neighborhood. Bty this new arrangement, Alla Craig . will go Into Mlddlteex presbytery i Rhipka, formerly Methodist. will be end Bring- Itwith orm tyPresbyterian. will s. fon will .laand 3eln with GreGreenlee,.The two ehurehes at Growl Reed will amalgamate to form 'a pastoral .,,harp with Orreaawal. THE BI,IGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. thirty years „f Liu warrie•.l liar In AI VITAMINS A NEW NAME SOY BEANS IN ONTARIO In 11►Yt(, tie golua district. returning Is survived b7• his wife, four runs and 4 two daughters, must of WIK,"I live '11 I BI.T IT EXI LAINH M.SNY LIVE BTOI'K PROBLI5h1S NOT NEW. planning an aselve-eegeau. The cele tree were re-elected. J. S. Harvey.tw lug proddent and J. G. Stanbury au' rotary -treasurer. CLINTON ll-•. Ford A. Wiggins, wdoe teases from Wtuiiuersfde, O.E.L. has Moo appolgted manager of the t'lintou branch of Gunn, Langk.h Cu. It. W. Ward, who resigned the poslttou, lute not derided as to his future plans. A town Meeker league has been or- Ituutze•d, with four teams party+• 1a11111g. and the scheduled gu.mes •ommeneed (hie week. - Mrs. William Tayktr, a former resi- dent of Clinton. died Monday of last week at Toronto. The devewsed. 411104. maiden Hume was Martha Mc- Caughey. was torn in Hallen. town- ship unit Iit`d in Clinton fur sonic years twf re doing to Toronto, about tett months agog to be with her sou and daughter living there. The re- nnins were brought to Clinton for burial. alifiGte ¢ $Rl'SSE114 D. C. Boss is again chairman of the Brussels public school board (bus y r. lie has been a public fur lhlrty-two_ Iters. • After a abort Illneui a imminent*, Mrs. Allan lep•!r died at her home here at the age of seventy years. Be - Odes her huabond. she leaves five sons •DiNorman five an11 Allan. allof the William, towrltmlp of laurels: Alexander. In the Wort: Mrs. Wm. Bowmen and Mrs. LacW lh•tlholm. of Morris; lore. John Work. of Grey township: Mrs. Walsh. of Wawattosh. and Mire Elsie. at Dome. -• Tinted Joseph Wilton bas been apps asb,•ssor of the munletlatity for 1904. m. WINTER ' slime \. E. Fuer bas returned from Vic- toria Dnq.ltal. London. se he un- derwent an operation for the removal of one of Ilia pyres. The Exeter Agriculture! Society he este. ltd ..timeer'. as follows for 1998: President, .;e.,. I'rnhale : 1st viee- n president. Jas. Jer'krll: '.ltd vfce-pre•el- dent. W. It. .Elliott ; se'erelary. R. G. bcldna : treasurer. T. S. Woods,. A thrrrs. ds7 fair was prop.el at Ili.annual meeting. and the matter was halide In rite of the .ilreehsrar - Exeter Hos•tlrulturn1 S.a l•ty 1- 'e 'WINGHAM a distance. Tlo,utas Ferguson has purehi*4td the l.ebrau farm. on the Huron road just west of Seaforth, and elle move to it In the spring. At the annusi meeting of ttcafurtli Food WU1 Affect Development of ltrmvelet t sipital. the following At- Aptitude. tees were elected: President. J. Mac (CoatrlbutM by Outsets Department et Taylsh: vice-president. J. M. y1cY11- Agrlcelture Toronto) Profitable live stock Montag de - 1t fa 'Important to f<aow How the Absence. of Certain Elements of NEW LiAiUME ('BOP GROWN 11! LAKE tIOUNT1101. Value se Meal, 011 flake and Sting, and Some Points About DIApnitlaa and Advantages. tCoatrlbut.d by Uatarlo Daparlraesset Agriculture. Toreaas.l Ian; secretary -treasurer. 11. M. Jones: dire•lurst W. Auuett, Robert Boyd, It. H. Itpnist. C. .tlerhurt, 1'. G. Nellu. 11. F. McGregor. J. G. MnJleu; man- ager. A. A. McLennan. Word has Igen received of the death of Mary Elizabeth jhutstf OTC. widow of William Carn.s•hau,. of Tta•kersmlth, whleh csrurred on Sat- urday. January :loath. at the home of her thiughter. Mrlt. Lillie. at Sturgeon Falls, with whom she had been spend- ing the winter. The remains are Is.•• frig brought to Seaforth for iutt•rweut. The ek•t•e•aseel lash, wile in her *evenly- sts•oud yens. It.ohert Scott had his lingers Laity entombed In a -machine et idoyd•s door factory. The Ku Klux Klan is said to he or- ganizing In \\Ingham. Reports presented at the anuual meeting of the Hingham ikarUenl- htral !twisty showed the Society to be In fiend -thing condition. with a niem- hership of 2118. Ihtdley Holmes la president for 19• (I. Mrs. (lean. Jlpotton 1e+t vh•P-prtsT t: t.- -Fry taee'end- vice-pn•sldent. anti Mrs. W. Nash sec- retary. ec- retary. • After a long illness. (*Mateo; Barber passed sway January 20th, In his seventy-third year. He was born in IlatiOnand enmity. and came with his parent. to Wawannah In 15T6. Por A regal many years he had resided in \%Ingham. being engaged as a eon- trwctor. ile-eldest his wife. by leaves one son and six daughters. The Tetrnherry Agricultural Society BABY'c WELFARE Young animals reared in nature's way, where the mother was free to select and pick up the food plants that her 'signet lead her to. did not suffer from the nutritional disease common to young animals reared un- der domestication. All men have not learned the simple lesson from nature, taught to these willing to ob- serve the unrestrained young animal that lnetlnctively basks in the sun and eats green plants. Man's way of herding animals and poultry together In dark yards and stables. and the use of fried feeds that do not carry the vitamins necessary to proper nu- trition, have too often resulted dis- astrously for the young animal. Sun- goy bean meal as a stock food has shine supplies something, feeds a value comparable to linseed meal t u} frequently fall to sply .1" he Beteg- or cotton seed meal. It Is fully as rieh In digestible, crude protein as linseed meal and ,teen higher in this pends In part on economical . feed produetton. The soy bean has proven to be a very useful crop 1n the lake counties. u a source of hal, snags and grain feed. The chief value of the soy bean in Ontario will be as a hay orop. Fowl- ing trials have demonstrated that well made soy beau hay has a feed- ; fug value that is slightly leas than 1 good alfalfa. In seasons of probable feed shortage the soy bean eau be used as an emergency hay crop to greater advantage than any other plant used for the purpose. Dairy cattle, sheep and beef cattle do well nn the hay, eating 11 up clean with the exception of the coarse parts et the stalk. DURING FEBRUARY wry something, required for proper ' development. Calves. pitta and chid -ens that are property than cotton seed meal. For tarn apparently strong, tall to ds dairy cows soy bean meal can be Should be Most Carefully Guard- ed by All Mothers February' is one of the hardest mouths of the year ou little uueaa. it is u month of cold. blustery days that prevent the• mother taking her haby out for the fresh air mu neetostary to Its welfare. itaby Is t•onleequently ,•unflned to the home. More often time„ .iwL the rooms are overheated and badly mediated and the little out• catch, s COM or grippe. What Is haettt•sI las keep the baby well Is • gentle laxative that will regulate the Amend' and towels: ianfsh condtipu- th.n and indigestion and in this w•ay will either .prevent or break up colds and grippe. !Iuthi a Iuzut1..• Is found In Baby's 0511 Tablets. They, art• mild but thorough In action; are absolutely ante and they are guaranteed to sou• is in neither opiates- or other harmful Thpv never Lull to b e of reports a surdas on hand of 1151.27.' dregss•Ilttle cues and may he Riven to r. G. Campbell le the •pr.sldent furl 19241. it was derlde4 not to bred a eltber the newborn bate or the growing spring fair thea year. 1 ehlhL R..- M. M. Bennett. of Winghami llabyN Own Tablets am sold by all dealers In medicine or way be had by mall, poen pati at 25 coag, a box from The lir. Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. rated t•hpreh. Is again able to take` his work after several weeks. iIlnees. The Berne night mneett wase well attended and an estellentprogram wag given. . SEAFORTH The death o•,ntrreed at his home 1n }:em..ndctile on Sunday. January 24th. of lease Townes-nd. aged ween- ie -four years. The deceased was born In Tuekerimtth. but repent over LICKNOW The Mures anniversary dance. given der the aosple es of the fire e.m- pwny 11 lar eight of last week, ware THE CHATEAU FBONTE.'4tC. QUI - BEC, AND WINTER SPORTS PROGRAM With ea.aaonable weather prevailing ami u nice blanket of snow on the ground, the winter sport season In tluebee city Is now well under way. 1'Ia .uuw•wr,wthed b.wuty and ezbil- aruoq of a winter vacation are a greeting need. Winter sports are .tonal; ansa effeebtve re`tnrattves, bring- ing to yon the enjoyments of glowing youth, up in the spruce country, whet.' autidso the color. mirth and hospitality of old Quebec the true winter carnival spirit Is to be found 'rhe rt+.•ent fire at the Cuua.Kan Pa- ctfl. s famous hot b, the Chateau Prou- t,•fine. has caused no luterruptlem in the soda] a.iitltiee. there being ample n.rnmtn..Jatfous and public rooms for guests. Ism in the winter sports pro- gram arranged by tht• sports director of c'hate'au Froutenav and the Fron- tenm• \fluter Sports ('tub. Organized ncttvltl•s and interesting events daily Include skatlug. waw -shoeing, hockey, ski -tog; March (arae carnival, eta•. furl-eolnre-.1 tvstumtw- present is brll- linnt speetarie. The season termin- ates with the open champtouship fob- +tel rates Febrtmry 27th. Itote•1 reservations arranged. full particulars of railway and sleeping - car fare. gladly furnished on applica- tion to Buy Canadian Paeiflc agent. lit TbursJuy, /throaty 4, lt?'JIJ.-T Irving Berlin says he W going to write more aonge also ever. He'II have w.-1etrolt Free Press. When you wee a man all sleepy sad worn out, be May haste a bad baby or it good radio.--Kjtehener Record. Your Family and Friends want your Photograph. Make the appointment today. R. R. SALLOWS t • velop properly unless they get is used instead of either linseed or cot - their dally teed the mysterious food ton seed meals, whore the coneen- elements that we speak of as vita-' trate is not required 1n excess of two mins. Diseases due to improper feed- 1 pounds per dal. tog have Deers recognised for mapy goy peen meal ruakea a good pro - years. but exact knowledge of the trio rich addition In fattening bee[ lacking eltsment. have bereft known cattle and sheep, having for this put` but $ short time. pose a value equal to Wowed meal. Vitamin A. 1s soluble to fat and is Soy bean meat can be used In grow- ealled tat soluble A. it in present In Ing young pigs, but It should not be greatest amount 1n Dotter, yolk of ted 1n excess. if fed in conjunction egp, green leaves, yellow ,oro, wtth tankage or skim milk to pigs arse attalta and cod ltver--ell. !that have free aeeas to II misat Touag animals given feeds that ars ' mixture It gives belt results. Bon absolutely lacking In Vitamin A. de- rk may alt from excessive sol viol a .or .7s eenditlon Balled de- pork feeding. Soy bean meal should' Zeropthalmla. Chickens lose weigh(I be freshly ground. Old meal be- th* comb becomes pale, the feathers i roses randd due to the high oil }tamed and show progressive muecet content. It 1s good practice to mix lar weakness. A white exudate col Asher grains with the soy beans at ee lts In the eye , On pest mortem. ' time 01 grinding. Dry, starchy birds that have developed; his nutrt- graing lake corn, oat. or Darla will tloaal disease shows small white or tate up the corn. oil, thereby will about 0* raised nodules to the alone tog In the grinding proems@ and keep- aid - about the Nee of a millet seed and f g qualities of the meal. irregular In outline. These lesions '♦ are nattered over the mortises of the Soy Bean 011 Oak*. oesophagus. In addition to the no- , Abort 140 pounds of o11 may be antes 1n the oesophagus, birds sad- - pressed out of a ton of soy beans. fertng from vitamin A- detedency The hard, dry take that is lett after may show 'uharaeterlstle changes In I pressing U ground up leaving a pro - the kidneys. They are enlarged. Paloduet -known a soy bean oil meal or In color, and streaked with a network 1 oil sake. As a feed for dairy cows of white lines. Occasionally there is Mb mill product has a valve equal a gdneral distribution of urates,to the best grades 01 Reseed meal. As throughout the body and the surfacea teed for @wine, soy bean mill tar- ot the Intestinal organs appear as 1f 'Mabee one of tit. beat protein rich sprinkled with hour. The use of concentrates available. One hundred gran feeds, yeliow eorn or eod liver pounds of soy bean oil meal replaced oil prevents the condition. 1 g2 pounds of tankage and 22 pounds of corn, n feeding Vitamin B also known u water 1 f dl .zperime t@ t u res+. Then- was at very I soluble B. This vitamin is present From this its high value u a 1 x gree , . large atteudknee and the .vent was In green iesveg, fruit. eggs, yeast, and feed can bd appreciated. greatly enjoyed. A least' ort-hcstra the eovering of most grains. its Loy Beans for Silage. funds/led the mnsic, i presence in the feed p to poly_ rifle In poultry and beriberi 1n '' Boy beans In combination with Will Murdoch. of Sault $t. •Marls. nes f ton to !). Out.. was rwu•w•fmg u,vpua►ntanrrs W . moa. In birds, the disease Is ,bar- corn 1n the proportion o one scterIzed by nenousnew and tnabll- ' three tons of green corn makes an town recently.Ity to co-ordinate muscular move- excellent silage. EnsIIed alone the The sixtieth amino meeting ..f the meets. Paralysis of the legs, frequent soy been does not make a very palet- l4lckno5 Agrlcoltnrnl Wa•ltF was and sometimes paralysis of the mus- able silage, and should therefore a1- Mid at the town hall Unitary^lath• I edea of the neck. The internal organs ways be mixed with cern or other The year's report was very wtisfnc- I appear shrunken and darker In color starchy plant, as sorghum, sunflower. -tory, showing u balance of $13.'r: ie- than normal. The muscle ttoaue is or clover. deed. last v,':Ir watt nue of the lest I also darker In color than normal. Harvesting /toy Beane. the 'Soddy ever hurl. Scpaentla•r •:71 the arse use of foods. such as sial. The soy bean Is a crop rompara- anld 24 were ,s'ht'0e1 ns the dotes of fruit, tubers. green plants. bran and ttvely new to Ontario. It has its the fill 'fear. ,►tilers for MO arra : germ meal, prevents the sntlneuritle peculiarities and is not the easiest President. Juan•+ It.. Hackett : first I condition. (': The lack of this sofa- crop to cure as hay. Lott• seeded vac, -president. James Alton: se•.md , and late ripening, it is reads to har- vte••pn•elde11t. .lum,•s Lyons; seers, { min In the food Lads to the dlaeaeP vent from Agents tOth nn.- Weather Lary -treasurer. James Agnew; direct - the as scurvy. It is ur ally called conditions to late August and Sep - ors \ It feKxv oleate \i,-1r.Fwna. I the aceta -f Vitamin vttamin The main tember are not as a rule favorable VI t C.fresh green Peter Watson. John McQueen. Jat•ub sources of tam n are res a to good hay making. The nights are 1 ' It Hunter. John Famish. Stewart itch - and fresh milk.. in poultry, the dw the clovers are hnnesird, Oeiency is shown In a general'un- H man, the symptoms are too well 1 Good hay ranee weather le the hay. g sheets' vitamin to the food prevents the eon- and the leaves tight, to make the limited extent rim?'fru s and t (' • ted Pztent (n fresh meat. tubers cooler, (boo shorter and moisture limimore abundant than in July, when ertton.. W. J. 'whiten and George H. Suitt h. Luekttow lfurticulturnl Society held throaty condition of the feathers. 1n For wy its third annual meeting last Week.Tle reeYeipts for 19:2:5 anuautttel to known to need mention her.. first requisite ft r coed soy bean over 111.303 Anil e'paalt}ltnre•s to $1.• Vitamin D The presence of this The Dud. to, partially Oiled L•t1$. Over ;!nal rem• bushes ansa weak - hest colored. nutrttioas and paist- 1111111.allItS of shrubs were di.tibuterueesnln young ,chicks s children and able hay A hey that 1s green in the among thmemlers during the year.. color and has a t,we•.b and pleasant Officers'for OttoOttoare: Honorary prod- Young pigs. This vitamin is present In green leaves, milk and cod Inver • aroma and Is frt. from mould can det+t, John Joynt. M.1'.1'.: pretridebt. oil One per cent. of cod liver oil , only be made durlr .e favorable wea- l; F Rothwell: fleet yit•eepresid.•nt' added to ther:11rk's ration will pre- thee. The cotton, should he done 1-i Favourites e•TllROAT.CHEST&LUNG S Then s no better safeguard against harm to chest and lungs. against colds, chills, grippe. sore bated up in every Peps tablet ere - throats and bed coughs than these powerful medicinal fumes which silver -wrapped Peps tablets. pass with the breath down the throat and bronchials into theiungs. t-''°dioallyd ielog - ..- 1D„.. GOC4QZL_f$ttlbla +t otiter_-- trying wintery weather keeps the eminent authorities acknntdtedgi-"J delicate respiratory organs in Peps invaluable for young and old. healthy condition and protects of auw.J:e.,a. d•at.e. Reduced Price 25c box l P:141# ROBERT WILSON - for - Massey -Harris Machinery Frost tFeared Buggies Toronto Asphalt Roofing Farm Lighting Plants Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. McLachlan Business College STRATFORD. ONT. The leading commercial school Western Ontario. Experienced in- .tructors, giving thuroueli courses. I:Industre placed iu psalms. Write for our free catalogue. D. A. Mel eC11LAN, Principal "4 Because of their fite texture, cakes made with Purity Pious win prim contests. Texture is mostly a matter of the efficient blending of mat- eriels used. Purity Flour, made t f the *awed hard what. ilk sifted, aafeawrde the texture or the aaiehed cal. be- caus. It blend. perfectly with the other lasediset. used. Your, deader wt11 tell you Party rises never disappoints. . Ger dm PURITY FLOUR COOK BOOK sod !ar in ,lamp 1.' dos dao -,r hoist Pl..e c.. mesa. Seas Pot?.4 • Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25c. A good teaspoon, King George design. given away with each 25c worth. 24 hirs Soap, .leEwen's Special, $1.(N1. ,\,,\s; ti-c.ikt..i Palau Trc. Toilet Snap for 'l:;e. :i Ibex. loose ('e+t•e.a for •'a• . will give ; lbs. of Sulphur or Salts,-nitahbe tor stock purposes. for '2 -.I . t-1 1.. hand ai Tea` humlrerd pounds of a real goat black Tea. 1 Ib. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, I lb. Bi uits, 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of aily package Tea. . „. Flannel. Blankets. 'r±ei • Hwa.°"e.;'" .a'1na Sp,•,•nl peter nn larpt.' -tp eeinl rive on Fanf I;lauketa. NCr are c Cling the prier. et. Acta', ull•wrsrl 1 tice'star and len' tli•et•.r-lined Underwear. ; .n.l linen eller Tovvellieg. 5e per yard t itssi large I. th Tower, !R h' iwr pair Some rico 1411 • end floor Oib•hths, different widths, at right priers. Nies is the time o buy a ,4't Of dish, -. 111 pear ce•ut. oafs xt•€ax( Fr.•e•,J. live n to a v part of the town. Miss holly fppn(lers.m: ,..,,,,,I.1 vice- vent leg weaknPas. Rickets may not later than Auruat 15th regard- fen•dtlPut, Robert Thompson: were' also be prevented by exposing the 1cse of the stage of plant develop- tory-treasurer. eveloptory-tt.asnn r. Gwugr Smith', omit- young to bright snnahine•, the ultra ment Every da'• after Aneust 15th tor., Dr. Newton end Robert, John- violet mayabe obeorbed by the skin pads the haymaker nearer to the stun; directors for 11120 :and lien'. Or. and have its influence on body prodnctlen of rnmtldy end undcgfr- (i. A. Newton. W. R. Meih,H+ld..9i. W. metabolism. able hay. Th• soy bran crop her hay Hxmllton. F. M ttettisem. c'. lt.r•ker. sacci diet for man containing should be handled In snch a way as Mrs. D. Dualism. Mr.. W. Hamilton. in 'addition to cereals and green to save all the leaf possible and give ve etahles also some milk and fresh a bright green hay. The best ma- T. A. Cameron. Kenneth Vamooses nue mr0.-1 nnttn•han. Rev. D. T. 1.. McKerrnH: of Toronto. formerly miuiater of Lnckttttw I' health teriau church, has peen In 1 itaa,havaattailtr &.kJ Itlr,pbS:'ill to take a rest. Andrew McAllister. an .'1d r,•sl.it•ttt of Ashftld township. a few miles south of ',Heknow• diel milidenl' on January 25th at the se of eighty-four yeaTM. eatt, t. the hest safeguard against chine for this wort is the sweep rake the posslbillI 17 5''tfatntn defeten.7: re.p.P. 1t having the- adv+tntage' ++f and, furthermore, in res -• IIo4.- delivering Ihstbeen stalks into small quate supply of Inorganic salts and piles which will cure without further labor. The erdlnan mower may be maim green feeds In season, wall my' aaaed- for cutting the erne and thc protein of proper biologic. For ant- ed legume hay ati'd"-yf tit3 /or ttti reer .14AIi li fist or-- a'ibi--ni -yet the year, and sunshine all the stalks Into windrows, where they can . tame. For poultry, gr.en f.eda, milk, rare after being put up into very yellow corn and sunshine all the .,mall rocks. All handling while cur - time will .keep nutritional diseases ing must be done while the IPavee away. -1.. Stevenson. Dept, of Fe- ars still green or damp. The grain tension. O. A. College. Guelph. • 'binder has been uePd to hanPat the McEWEN Grocer South Side of Square \n EeaPx couple have sPpetrntei •f- erne for hay with gond success when - Ideal Apple Tree. the weather was favnrahli. in damp her forty-two years of mantel life.tree b one that the es will mould if One theory b that the husband sold The id.al apple rand hth alrentree not- has been so Droned from the heRin- on ned Call and see oar 5 -tube Radio Sets before you buy one. We sell ammunition, etc. a HILL'S HARDWARE, Auburn. ues t; I Deslsa.Aoa. 1 rhos 3; Ilyth, 32 ryas 12. something to the honeymoon that ,tar fn that Its main limbs are well the air and sun. Cos Mem' will eoye•d the heti,.-Lnnekmn snnetly 1le•- forinl. .0111. Car of Alberta 1 Hard Coal expected at McGaw station next week. PUMP • T. H. Wilson, Desigaanon, 1 Sr7t Carlow, 1616. se r' A. C. Clark, I 1 Causes' Stere, Carle*. Photos Dungeaasa. 10 r 2. CaMw, 152. n g placed and form strong crotches that shed enneldereble rain if put tip In will carry the tree to maturity with- cocks while still it little, green rite - out breakages or Injury, and enable ina In the swath rod the use of the the tree to bear annual crops set eat- has fodder le not to be recommended btactory proportions and anality at herartsP of the great loss of leaves low cost and without tbef le creepy and poor ,nine pr•ndurbd. After mak- for the use of props. e, 'Inc 1t is beet before drawler In to barn or 'stack to torn the reeks over Tieing on Lois, I and expose to the sun for a few ' For tieing on loads, rope cannot hours. be beaten. Any person who hall had Threshing Roy Bevsna. experience in drawing bawd hay over rhe beet machine for threshing Is rough roads knows how ditiviAt It fa tyle regular pea and bean thresher. to ks,p The tog m ping: * , about .1,h.. _ inan. wrairr t.„ tr.-e•o- ba.. fifty feet long, drawn tate the top Course of bales with In one solid cluster. Iliac helps to hold the ettler round used eucecaaftllly providing the d them Cylinder speed Is reduced to 40A rer le then 000 revolution's per minute; and aft- concaves and mime of the cylinder yr teeth removed 1t the beans are dry Salt Fudge to ! +•-' and brittle. A corn shredder has Det not overioo'kth• vantages or been used for bean thresh ng sue - the self feeder in By getting their they eat more, t ear gems, and ata, at an ea is required t LMM le rat tor the pigs. reset 11117. After threshing the seed from a feeder should be stored to shallow bins and making !ars shy g1pl iaa - ahovetled over frequently until all • 10 mlwi7'et@ed turplus moisture has been removed. t* rani In storage to neesssary of °,Salm sad alma' mouldy beans will result. -lids IRAWIRe :s• esti. a ` ansae► creel$. 3 THE SL$NAL'S-- C1ubbinList" The Sigael and The Toronto Star The Signal and The Toronto Gigolo* The Signal and London Advertiser The Signa! and London Free Prom The Signal and The Mali and Empire The Signal sad The Farmers' Stan The Signal and The Family Herald and Weakly Star ........ 3.00 ... 5.50 The Signal and Saturday Evening Pos r , + 3.90 The Signal and Tht<New Outlook d 3.90 The Signal and Thekatholic Ruud.. ......„„ 3.76 3.75 16.75 6.75 6,75 . 6.75 6.75 3.40 Th. Signal and Saturday Night t Tee Signt ward It4eLeade Magaaiae. The Signal and Montreal Witness _,..,..... .renewal 3.65 c araraiGvir ( The Signal and World Wide . renewal 4.26 our 3.L5 Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May t .,...a ;r• Be Had on Application ';a. . , eas