HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-4, Page 6J SJR (t Tlenr+tlry. February 4, Dee. --•maleee • rrr ee It's Her Birthday Send her a Birthday Card Remember there is a Greeting Card for every occasion. Porter's LL Book Store "On the Square for forty years. ELCCU IC WIRING INSTALLATIONS. ETC. GEO. W. STOKES Gibbons Street. P.O. Ben 001 THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, T. ?he ,79'imexction Society BY J. S. Fletcher. ,13 (Copyright4MI ) xtyIkeesettee PERCY ROBINSON Fuller Brush Service Orders taken for Fuller Brusher of all kinds. Residence corner Trafalgar Street sad Cambria Road, Galerdek. Car of Black Knight Pocohontas Coal expected shortly Reasonable price. I still have a small quan- tity of Mine -run Pocohon- tas Coal left. L FLICK. Telephone 178 j Hydro Electric The People's Power Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Ina by Electricity for 1500 hours use. HYDRO STORE North aide of SquawGoderieb (Continued from Mat week) ueath It. They instinctively strayed Chapter IX, I further: they ort more similar sub- TETE ub TELE W1CdiERWORK HAMPER nausea. And then Jimmie, greatly wondering. realized Hutt these sub- Trkkett'a Nestinitiate, on treeing whip" were email percels, lying le this extraordlaary.additlon to his per- the tissue paper padding beneath the tonal belongings. was to curse the pore Mlchaelmaa guere ter whose stupidity 'had caused the Thi n•a11u11un at first conveyed mistake. He had not only given hem nothing. suggested nothing, to him. All five [stand for his trouble, but the that came into his mind just then was fullest and most minute rticleinstrcone a smitten remembranee of his school in to theo btu cal of the es article* cum they... tar of such of them as were matted specified ills charge. Thea.' things -- marked with a while stone bet•awe of duly aonve and properly labelled'* his ryt•d•ptk,u of a tuck basket. He rt - In one conveyance to Mademoiselle's address IS the Rue de 1a Pale; these membered that In those welcome ghees others. also labelled and pointed out, there used, to be uumeroue small par - to Monsieur's room at the Grand Ho- Cels In addition to the piece de rettisl- tel. Nothing could be plainer—the atter, which was usually u huge plum - porter had comprehended perfectly. take. He also remembered the feel - And yet here was the wickerwork • kiss*? inquirltive delight witjk which hamper in oompany with Jimmie',, he used to open one parcel a er un- met -ease and dreaming -case and small other. lumething of the same pert of hand -hag, and at that moment Maw , vlea1ure t%I'ed him now as be gently Waleden was doubtless bewailing Its lifted out the goose. and looted Into absence In her chamber at the club- I the hamper to s.eertaitt wlmt lay le- Iishment of Valerie et Cie. However. swath It. when Jimmie looked more closely at I There. 't+rteste"3 to t -sundering the hamper, be aadr that it was not eyes, lay threw f` net tweets wrapped lablled In any way whatever. lie In ordinary paper, accordingly forgave the porter and Windy tied about with thio string. burnt into laughter. They might tentaln lollipops; they "First time 1 ever shared sleeping might contain tobacco; he had an in - quarters w)lb • Michaelmas. er any sane notion that they might harbor other sort of goose!" he murmured. the various herbs out of which the "Good job it's a dead 'an." proper stulnng for the goose was to be The humor of the !deletion began to attract Jimmie. Ho?powrssd a sieni'e of inquisitiveness which. If not ex- actly insatiable, was at any rate ar- dent. And the more he looked at the wickerwork hamper. and the more he reflected on the oddity of the -situa- tion. the more his curiosity Wu *tonged. He lifted the hamper aerosol to an unoctipled tattle and looked speculatively at it, rede-ting on what Mho' Walsden bad told him of its many journeys. It sword an odd thing to him that anybody should take manufactured. But as sou as he took up the ttrst, whk-b wee alms tbe largtst. he knew that he was handling a book. Even then he was uncon- seems of anything more than ordinary curiosity when he unwonnd the wrap- pings of tbe look. lie expected to set—jurat a book. Jimmie Trlekett was not a bookish young man. He had no itclinatloua towards literature. When he wanted to read, he amused 'emelt with French novel's. or the last thing on motoring, or a recant volume on golf: srmetlmes the trouble to send a tat goose serif's he toyed a little snit Ruff* "Guide the Channel. even at Michaelmas. to the Turf;" on occasion he waded Jimmie knew enough of Yrasee, bay' through one of his friend Nkhulsm Ing frequently taken lung motor Jour- I'acke" x novels. He was not the port nays through 1t. to he aware that in .f young man, however. who knows certain dlstrleta sewer are as careful- an Eisevir from a Caxton. and he Ir flat 11.1011 as In England. What ter- would have yawned with -•unit If i1P event charm was there, he wondered. had been obliged to spend an hour in *emit au English goose? Tbts de- thew rooms of the British Museum in tided him. He would have a leak at which the rarer spelmens of printing the present forwarded by Madame and book -making art are so jealously Charlet to the epicure leetler-in-Mw. treasured. Nevertheless, when Jim - Thr wickerwork hamper seas not mit• looked at the boy': which he dng locket. it sea* a smart. well -made out of Its paper ltd from Iwu,'ath the hamper. not the sort of tieing that can goose. he knew •tbat he was looking be Nought for a shilling ••r two. hent a at something renutr6:a1•ly rieh and tether pretentious art hie. //Midi); rare. iumrilling that ',baa probably fs-ktute6- wmll-finlahed. and tatted worth many, many tilers Its own with nickel -plated strap -handles. the weight in gold. It was a fat. podgy s.rt of thing indeed which serves, little volume. hound in old purple when properly fitted up. •s an up -the- calf, its (ever* wean srured by a Over lunch t*aket, being about swan- quaintly chard gild t:asp. its leaves to inches in length. twelve In width, were of vellum, beautifully preserved. and as many in depth. It would not every page was thdwrated and ezo hare surprised Jimmie, who possessed lila:eyed in colon wonderfully fresh. two or three articles of the mime sort. This was no ordinary took: it was to neap. when he had unbuckled the eta:oohing very, very far from .ndV straps and lifted the lid, that It W5P teary. fittest with knives, forks. plates. and Suddenly Jimmie remembered the drinking %teethe But when he repel c siversation of the evening before. the the lid. he saw nothing but carefully ,oirprsnIlon in the• MuFhlis of despond folds of thous. paper. on reseraye's room at the ltitz Hotel. Why, moving which the goose Brame re- filo, of "Ursa. must he that book that vested. enveloped In a dainty cloth. Seraaye had told them about. the be:k and resting on more thaw papier. I1 -whatever din St•rIye call It'.' ---oh. yes• w•a, actually a tine goose, and Jimmie a Look of Hours. which had' recently wag considerate enough to reflect that It would tensility have been a pity if Monst.ir Charles had been denied the opptrtunhy of seeking knife and fork into It, Hoverer, he further rents red, it 'dwell( he dilly handed over to Nebo Wei dere early next morning. It was nee enough until then, and it was lucky that. unaddrtsse at It Was• the hamper had fallen into his hands In- stead of being left and lost at the Gare du Nord. lint an this turee t- ear notion slipped into blm mind. an- other. of a diaputetlfg nature. fol- lowed sharply on Its beela Would sloe geese keep? Jimmie bad no no- tion of housekeeping Metter% but it use borne In upon Ida mind that be had somewhere heard that all fleshly eomedalblts seemed Ise kept on stone shelves or table* In properly appointed larders. Coolness. cotregs. that was Ow. thins Why else did the blotchier, :uul poulterer fellows advertise on their shop front* (Jimmie was a great reader of anything that appeared. In .e4�q)Z,,-adds tee_11einR a confirmed' '1reet one geeT retieeil*Re<tAid'. rooms In their eutwblishments? Being foud of comfort he had waused a fire to be lightest In hl* tedraom. Its warmth. he thought, might be bed for :ho• goose, 111 which he wisp be that time taking a profound interest. What. then, Phonld he ijat (certainty he could ring his bell. bond the goose over to 11 waiter, and resilient him to I aye it placed in a refrigerator for 11* right. But Jimmie, like all young ingllehmen. had a pinup horror of un- usual situations. and a terrible fear of looking ridiculous, and he thought that it woulyl teem very strange if he was found with is tru*ssl and pre- pared mew in his chamber: tit• situ- ation might be decidedly emlwrr*e- sing. iteeking round him In search of a notion. Jimmie snktettly roneelved a 1 rilhinntly utilitarian one. Ile would `flu nue of,;, h bowls with water me a 'R'y-ine vette —steel morning. The water wnttld certainly keep It Paol—thin, e env rate, was the lase thing he coelrl do. Accord- ingly, having dlvewu•i ,itn*elf of enet inti waiste:nt. 'n' turned up his w rlgthandi. he prep•irt 1 to make the emote safe for ti.e net t. Ile filled 1he bowl hearty t a tear ' - rel. ani direst - hag the goose of Its linen and eamhrk'. tenderly lifted it mit of its Port bred of tl*tete paper. And it: doing this Jim- mie tteramP *ware that the game wag not the only article which the wicker• work hamper contained. 111' enure wetly straying *mond rhe gentie's fat hark, tome in menet with worse• herd eobeletwe that lay to —wdtat' Receiver, at any range, ut' ae•'sslun Lbad she ren it tampered these stolen goods; possibly the arch- with—oh, there was no end w the rue eontr(ver, •flit prompter, the guiding Iiarrustlug questions which ]$oadeur spirit in these artonisbing thefts. ('harks might put! As receiver 4 There gifts, theme Mlchaelntas geese. gods est so much value, he woult,cer- braewil of birds. strawberries out of wilily make some. probably surae !WI aearrin. what nut, were so malty seemly effort to pin possession of covers for rending the pructeeht of .them. each skilfully planned robbery to .11 tate period of this• cogitations, P cis who• 0h earth would even thtuk Jetties) wail _e the point of bounding of finding valuables lander a saddle of out of bed and ringing up Pioche or AYebh mutton, or a dollen of the tiuest Sa•raye tea the telephone. 'roe consid- Hugllah peaches? Mud Moneienr era tlen* resiraMed him. To begin Charles, epicure. was. of course•. the with, he tad not want either of these recipient. the sharer. the tvutbleut-al ,ten to know, jut then at any rate. agent. lib, 11 woe a slur thine, at der- shy he had come to Paris; to end Ing game, mud e. far 11. weaned 10 have tattle he had an Instinctive distil* to been played beautifully and easily. make this pwrticulitr store off ills own Rut 1'11 stens whc knows nuthing int. Ile sass .11111.'.uust•loui of heir alone it'" muttered Jlmmlr. suvugt•ty• „sou ability to enKloe•r IhinKs It left "She's lawn had for what our ('uekuey t„ himself: the adventure wan ex - brother would cull the fair Mug: And , itlug, amn,dng. interesting; at that by George. Ill sere her therugh it! np,tneat be had alt desire to share 1t What an extraordinary slier of luck with anyone. Luck had favored blm that the porter chap should make that mistake with the haunter. -til right. all right ! jest wait until tomorrow!". Then he securely locked the stolen articles In els elressiug case, and emit to bd. and prow:ley slept. to dream that •hr was a kuight-arson, riling firth to really E:va Walyden from the tangled thornhntkea of danger mud de- struction to whk•h the enures and 'wife« of aril elk had brought her perilously near. t'ttmitter X. Electric Wiring We specialize in Wiring of all kinds. Let us give you an estimate for wiring your house or 'garage. Private Telephones, Kotori, Dynamos, Electric Light and Burglar Alarm Systems Ail Week au ratified (look, . Iron and Tout ay Electricity We have an assortment of the beet Electric Iron.. end Toasters made in Canada. ROBT. TAIT icier trician West Pt. rirntw Vi Itd•n Wo1M from Sir 4, Lord POW. - MONSIEUR t'td.tlti.ES Triek.'tt awoke next mantel;; to find himself immediately (,itfroutet by as ditik•ult and as embarrassing it sect of problem* as be had ever had W deal with in ills life Ile sal .;up, to bed and ehe•ge'd them otr uu ihr tips of his lingerie, each, bt•iag duly revivified and e•ntlmt'rnl.dd, teemed to mistime vaster, and gloomier proportions. First—+should he make 11 clean breast of everything to Eva Wnlsden? Str- ome sbutlltt ht• restore the guns.• to If hamper. terry the hamper td. the Rue de la Prix. hand it over. ,rod may no- thing whatever ub.tut the valuables whin he had found do It? Third, should he Immtdiatt•ly scud fur Park, and Leri Steep. and eensult with them? Fourth. stone he get rid of the KOOS*. pn.feaa to Eva that he knew: nothing whatever alone les fate. and Leave matters to take their ecu a res•? These were the main Wilda of .Mie mere: presentment or the sltnatton. But they were capable. too much ss, of soh -division. Supposing he told ley -a ttltlsl'a everything? They had lessen.• somewhat confidential daring the previous evening. anti he had teamed a good deal ..lout her. ripe was the orphan daughter of a poor eb•rgymane she had to darn herr own living, elle hada also to help t., eieetet cottager brother. at a•h...11oy. mie Trickett fur.. -ase trouble fur this airs If he told her the truth. 1f she found alt throng), him that she was being made the tetsplw of a gang of nma•rnpuluut thieve. Phu• would cer- tainly throw up the situation at the London establishment of Valerie et Cie, a situation. she duo) told him. hhkh was bjghly Intel. Mon over. if PIAT 11111 s. throw up that venation she would probably) become an object of sweetie* to Madame Charier. especi- ally no the %enables had d1 •:alipearel Stith the goose. Clea riy, this w•118 a ut:ater which regnln•d great dtli•nt•y of treatment. infinite tintePs•. Things si en.dl to be lilt pAnia.t•r alt tit,• second toil 1. Supposing he ear- !lel arlied the 11.,igert with the Base rt. - piloted 10 11, but minus the atolt'n pro- perly, to Eva? Ste would. of course, hued it ,,ver 1. Monsieur Charles. un- tmasa I,,us that It did not contain all that Madame. Charlet' had put into It. toelyar•other's house. Without • But Monsieur Charles., would nM be doubt this esus i' AAd store 1t ea, iintun-.•ions: In Jifnmlc'a opinion, Monsieur Charles was predwbly very well aware. by virtue of telearapl:la or tei•phuni,• m'awg•• or by ordinary letter. of what It was that hit. sisttr- in-law's assistant was Wntw•ently lyinging to him. Iia would entered to the shop i. the Rue die la Pale nt- tenslhly to revive a Michaelmas :,oxine: In reality to take posde•ssiot of the stolen property. What. demanded Jimmie to himself, would bitppeu when Mousiour Charles tonus that the hamper did indeed contain nothing but a wee? of a certainty he would make inquiry: he would want to know all sorts of things aucb as—had the hamper ever !wren out of Evr'a pte- there—there.*etuaity there before hint, taken by himself from its hiding - place beneath the innocent goose:— why. why --what might there not be in the ether Pmall parcels 111111 lay by it? He sakienly pushed goose and Book 4.f Hours aside and turned with feverish eage•rnees to the wickerwork hamper. Two minutes later, whin he came to full possession of his senses. Jim- mie found himself sitting at the tattle. his chin propped on his hands. 'taring +s tell all his eyes' at these . l'jt;•ts. '1'h re was vie Book ofHours with it- lanae binding and gold,* clasps: there was a curious old clime .f ;;old: there w;,d the gold cross. *'dei dei with .11 monde and tine eels senate. tvhi.11 had been purloined frim gg:? '-,111're"they were, -no11-7e•-, and there h. Was. to Pearls, staffing-er them. w'Itt:e the subdued bum of IIA. in The streets outside terse gently to But true Jimmiemie Pat in that pnsltion while a goad ten minutes went by. Ant he wag not thinking of the cross, or the hook or the chitin. He was thinking atf the girl he had left an hour and a half prevtougly. And hi* tbougetta tumbled over path other. Being of an eminently generous and loyal nature. Jimmie Trickett was tent going to believe for one moment that Era Waladeb the had extorted di..Orest'hriteti n name from its owner dnrinc the 11x11" dinner In the Rue Royale) knew ,anything of thevain Mlles which any before him. He had fallen In love with her, that Sas enough for him to entrant her in his eyts. No, no! She w •e a eatsptw She was an inno'mj pawn In the gime. She was lying used. had leen mod. by the people whn eere'in the I background. But--- ' ,4 taut•-ptewptution_ , a uyaly _lt:. diwM Jimmie; s fnreh." ti 11e sttrt'f room. up and, paced the om, clenching his Hal in his poekeTf. "By Gad!" he growled. "if *he'd been cangttt with thew• things on heti" This notion Po appC.dt bine that 1e drnppd Into an CRP: -hair andsetteegroaned. Them. rcalleinc that settee and growling cdgoose could de no Rohe got up again, helped Maisel to drinkfrom file tray which had item hronght tfp, took a bite out of a dry bleier and thought. Of curve he sew it all now. • That Mt-ithop In South Melton street was • receiving step: Madame Charles ens uie•xpetedly; It might continue t0 favor him. All his life he. had b'- shaken it if he had heard of some ir- lietel it his star; he b•llevtd In It riparatble national disaster; his voice now. .And Iu the end hr got out of ,leek a little•. lard repeating these worda: "lett things happ•u:" be said. "Let things hap - It is ,.. e In pursuance of this revolve, Jim- mie. having locket up poesy and ham- per in a wardrobe, the key of whk•h lie carefully pocketed, took hta bath, 'made a careful toilet, broke the ac- way to blame. I took upon myself to e -pled suit's of vowtinenlal travel by -sew that her luggage. Including the w.Ung a typically British breakfast. • hamper of the Rotate, was delivered. It anti smoked at few cigarettes on the 1 has not been delivered. Accordingly, steps of the hotel while he w•at'hed , I gm the culprit. Monsieur will sc the life of Panelist that point wake up' sept my prufound apologies. Also, to .another morning. And eventually.' with profound reapoet, .1 beg moa- ncrving hitns•If to unknown adcen- elrur'e acceptance of the finest and tuna. he strolled off to keep his sp.! fattest moor which Paris can supply, p.iutmeut with Eva Walsden at the I to replace. moneleur, the 10dt 011r." e•t:thll-hment in Rut• do la raiz. I Monsieur Chariest towed but shook 11 sea., pre•lsely half -past fru o'- Ilia bead mournfully. He straightened c1.t•,, when Jimmie walked into for hi/emelt .-- .i bride of her emyluya tits young le ,, j'' The latest Wulf le henpecked it J nstead-----" �( "Instead," Interrupted Jimmie, as teeth' as before, "instead, monsieur, title Indy charges me with the duty. of wmdltng her luggage to Wis Sikkim*. And 1, monsieur, depute that duty to a tetrttr. Hence •arises the mistake. The h*naqji{w�hr peewees --missing. lint mtataltea'ri11 arhe;-monddur; in -spite of all the cane in the world they will melee. After all, then, It 1s only a gisroe•." Monsieur Charles gave the young man another glance. He assumed, a dignlarel attitude and exprearlon. "You forget, monsieur, tbat we are spakhtg ut a prevent from my rioter - It -law to myself," he said. "A pree- rut, monsieur, that should have been delivered personally to sue by the per- son who carried it. 1 tome for my gots—it Is not here." He *heel his head as he might have who is charged to del ttre 'lanes is the fellow who watts et tie barber-shopwhile his wits has kilt hair bobbed. 7L1tilirpol Weekly Pest. •'If pea only knee bow sorry i am, Mewsieur Charlet, gold Eva. with genuine repentance. "I am so grieved That "Monsieur." said Jimmie, "ibis Is my fault.t. Ma'ataselle must tie ale sulvtd of all blaster. She is not in any WOMAN COULD --NARBLY WALT( Mrs. Hort Tells bow Lydia E. Fulham's Vegetable Compoaad Restore Her Health,O Hamiltonnt.—"I have taken Lydia E. l'inkham's Ve etable Compound and would not be without it now. I had a female trouble so badly I could hardly walk and I was all run- down and could hardly get around to do my house. work. I would be in bed tbre or four days* a time. I was told by a friend to your ' egetifh'e Compound. I did, 6y the time 1 took two bottles I fes . t.,- Llttht` to gtet grounds/Irwin. again. 1 took ten bottliseaa in all, and now I am all again and doing my own work. sir wn-ups to work for, so to de. I also used Lydia Sanative Wash, and 1 . Rut I owe myhealth table Compound, and 1 e of it was used women ter off. I would not be f elegantly npp,intwl Mattson of t'alerlr -Monsieur." he answered with rt - .a ('le. Ile had take* a careful look ud•w•ed digultyi "1 thank you But, at it before hr apgoroacbed the mdwtdettr, t would not be the same threshold: in outward apprrspee it esus %.'r}• like the shop In South Mol- ten stre•L: that Is to wry, 11 looked ins h more like le private residence than a business establishment. But there wap the Haat beast plate: there +uta the severely curtained window, :and there, on their lacquered stands. were the three hats --elegant. chic, which signified the refinement and ia*te w b• found within. ' Jimmie entered a rt•eteptlon room furnished very like that in abk•It, two days before. he had encountered the buxom lady in the beautiful nobles. And he at ono. saw that he had walked into the midst of a Peens. pany tele to the mtatlaa whet. this There, distressed and troubled almost hamper was given In t+finrR* of that to the verge of rears, stood leve Wals- de•n, hervously clasping and unela.ping earekd•s Imbecile of a porter?" 1.11K- h'r fingers: behind her. an assistant. Re'nt's Monsieur Charlet,. "1 should unmlatakaldy French and eery pretty. be infinitely obliged to 'remittent. and the goose nus) yet grace my peer tattle. rte 1 h I hav E. Pin think it to the think if woukl its without it it it Bost much more,"— Mrs. Net.t.tlHomt, a St. Matthews Avenue, Hanes .. 'Ontario. Do you fest and weak aomt ham'. VtgfatAb lent to take It helps, and if tak aistently, will rel se down, nevous 1 Lydia E. Pink- mppoouannd is excel - time. it always larly and per - is condition, 0 goose. Monldeur aill understand and respect my feelings of sentiment? The goose which monsieur would so gt•ner- trusly offer would not. however, arouse In me the tender feelings which that pretwuttd • by my sister-tu-law, the tbouglifful. the affectionate, could hare created In my bosom. 1 must re- gretfully dreline monstenr's offer: so kindly made: Ant—" Here Mo nsleur Charlie gave Jimmie another of his slurp elanceu--"If momlcur would du use a s•rvle•r—'t" ••tti'ith the greatest pleasure. mon- /deur," said Jimmie. "It has but to Ire named." "Them it monsieur would but aeeom- We are told that it le getting more difficult than ever for a single girl to Aad a husband. But ' nothing le said about the difficulty some married women often have in finding their N6abands,—Liverpool Weekly Poet. was staring nith alarmed eyes at a third perme a little. stoutish. there- .•yrd mai who was gestk•ulating al - newt as excitedly as he talked. Jim- mie valley took this p'rseu Jt at a giantw. He was net an attractive man. nor a gentlemanly -looking man: had Jimmie. who kutw 1'arls pretty well, met him in the tenet, he would huvt• see him down as one of those pests,' who: proteatdug to be gulalas. hung about the corners ut the 'streets near the Opera always on the prowl for innocent alebtsere who can be neeCel. Ills Rote were not In the beet state of repair: hip priucipal garment appeared to le a stmeettat dingy over - tont, which amine well down Ieiow ills kneed; his clue eats blot from nerd of a razor: his hut, whkeh he wire. de•- *tate the presence of ladies. 5.115 ltf at intdodramntic met._ well pulled down about his ears and touch the worst' for wear. Nevertheless. this person wore new 1.•11ou-colored kid glute•a. carried a tihe geld -mounted wniking eine. much le -tasselled. and sported a Meter In one lapel ,,f his Croat as a set- off to a fragment of ribbon to the other. And disrewtrding tbe entrahee into the shop ltf'5 possthte customer he ,oi,ti 1 his iudig ant harangue. "How, then, mu'nmeelle?' be ex- thaimel with fervor. "IM 1 tinder - :aid flit you confide my goose. my tine. fat goose. of Mie•hahlttmts. tbe seas- onable present of madame your em- ployer, my respected sinter -In-law :— to the care of a stranger. My faith: it itt Ittredible, it is-- Eva Waistless glanced ret Jimmy. The giants• wanle•nd npp•alitgey to -j the irate person between them, who. after .one glanee at the newcomer, had nlrnd his back upon him with an in- tfifferetwe whit -s almost automated to toutempt. She tried to interrupt lila angry (Nattily. "Monsh'tet. she aid. "if you weed ,testy„ eksp ems tu. ex_plaln "Explain. mm'atnshlid•! How can that be explained which admits of no .•xplanntion? ljrur Instructions, mn'nm.e•Ile, were to deliver my goose to me. myself! inetwl, you glee my goose toe -ale just heaven' if only one knew to whom you had we thought - le etly confided it!" "But, Mouseeur ('harps. the gentle man is here, and has no doubt come to say that your grope Is safe." ex- claimed Eva. She turned to Jimmie with hopeful looks, "Mr. Trickett!" she continued imploringly. "The hamper was not delivered here last night with my other things. i)o you know 'thrilling it.f 11? Monsieur Charles bas come for his gnome, and "With pleeasure, monsieur." replied Jimmie. ile was not et eonvintd as be made It appear that kis pleasure would be real. but he saw that there was no ew•ap•. Its midst gr with Monah•nr Charles to the Gate du Nord. submit to the inquiry -making process. and tent to lack to get tint of It. "[(hall wt proceed to the station at once?" he continued. "1 am teepee te•rrtt•P." ."Your alster'P hat,. _511-Trirkeft?' remarked Eva. Portly. "Ah. I interrupt your bushiest.? You are a customer?" exeiaimyd Monsieur 1'ha rites. "Mr. Trickett.- meld Eva, pointedly. "le one of our Landon customers, Montietr ('beeps. He hag come here greenly this morning to see about a lila for his Pist•r. a lade who Mee to indite." "Never mind that. tow-." Paid Jim- mie. "1 can call later on. Will you trome to the station. MalttttIt ('harles?' He manoeuvred the French- man to the door. and blamed turned at the Ihre•shoid anti gave Eva a look. "i shall scall again about noon." he remarked. and in order to save time he signalled to a passing taxi -reit and n,hen'd his companion luta it. "i hope. monsieur," he said politely, as they relied off northward. "that our expedition in Penrch of the Room• will not prove to be a weld -goose chafe: -- Monsieur Charles turned eyes of genuine alarm upon Jimmie. • "My faith, monsieur. Indeed I trust not!" he exclaimed. "I shall be deso- lated 1f I do not end my little pres- ent. Tint how can It he that We shall not. monsieur? ('hurt: the mutter Is easy. You will .find the porter to when yen gave these baggagPs. you will question hlm---oh, yes. then every thing will be of tete easiest sort." "L tempo*. there are many portent. Jimmie 'milted trendy at the ?oriels tip man alto had turned Puddenly ton him. "1t�t�erhnr then, in ugeapp7 et_the. Inst of lib. goose?' he telt. with well- enmiauel tame fried and in his best French. "El - tie e+tnmede* htta?" Motr.l.tt (9tarhs took the young Englishman in with a swift, keen glance. which Jimmie sags not slow to sptrPciate. This ties not the look, he told to himself, of n gourmand de- prived of ht* dinner; ft was a *harp. ih•mgndiag in'p't•ilnn of a man wit wanted to know what and who he was dealing with. And Monsieur Charles's next wands were alightly altered in tone. "Mongletr ler sold. "My Meter - in -law, knowing my cireumetances, .crit[• me her 141111 peeled M the For Sore Throat Y -MOY.ad alma was vIca.i.seer orb warm lasso'. 111 doublet dlraol aet[se (mates sad Wings welcome V1CKS t J. R. Wheeler Fumes' Dander Ethalner of All eels promptly attended to day or night PHONES Store 1136 Residence 816w Hamilton Street, Goderfch Brophey Bros. 1708 =ADEN° FUNERAL DIRMOT0NI4 AND IMAI.IQHB .'Man carefully attended to at all Doan, aybt or day RODERICa the station.' said 11mmlr. "1 ti11 not pt.rtieularly remark any man. 1 may not r'rognlze him. yen know." But Monsieur ('Hardee reiterated his opinion that the affair would be easy. And suddenly the enit swept Into the Rare dei Nord. and fe Jbmmte"s leen* horror and perplexity the porter who enttl• to its gide wait the very man to wimpy care had leen entrusted. the w•eekerwork hamper. and alio now. at sight of him. betrayed hearty and re- spirtftl recognition of a %fry genet- ouas patron. Here. Indeed. was n die ...tweeting sittuttiou'. (To he continued) • Everything in Fancy. Work, Novelties, etc. Miss S. Noble — British Exchange Block — Your friends can buy anything you can give them except your Photograph No ether remembrance will give omit Jtappittetr. bi J. T. FELL Tekphese 167 Gederlsh. 1 f 1 Rub the i►:_it with Minard's fu:ir tt::as a v,ock. It removes L'.:rdl:t:it, atireuiates the acclp and rraka the hair *oft and G y. 11 Hotel Tulier DETROIT 800 Rooms - 800 Bad $250Per Day aldBP (dimples dlnd 1(;eITld I)isi'jvedr tete Shin Nd(II'Solt and Smooth ARABIAN RESTAURANT tm GOTHIC GRILL CAFETERIA TEA ROOM • JOIill II. STEWART, Gee. Mgr.