HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-09-16, Page 9P p q Y I v,fttw Res/ qa0 .1 0 Clit <011= 1::<• r; r.e' 1 7 , „mil 1 [ ailimssitallir, ROOFING FIX-UP NEEDS FOR... FARM REPAIR lag the lak; when their 6-soot punt NEWS OF CORMS turned over, Nixon managed to grasp " the side of the boat and shout for L help. No trace of Black, said to be a ifelong. Howick Resident strong swimmer could be found,-Ar- thur Enterprise, Miss Janet Murray Passes A patient sufferer during a long ill- gave the highlights of the A.C.W,W, ttlingbatn TOctiAtot eburicro Guest Minister„: REV. D. A. LOVEDAY Central Baptist Church = Brantford Ont. Special Music : "The Victory Male Quartette" Brantford Former members and friends are heartily invited to join with us in commdmoration of 90 years of gospel testimony. Cognmernoration continues on Monday, Sept. 21st, through Sunday, Oct. 4th with the challenging preaching of Evangelist Fred May and his amazing array of electronic instruments. There . are other special features you will not want to miss. Come and enjoy this Christ-centred ministry which will bless your heart and stir your soul. DROWNED IN Bmwoop. x.ixcx 'Murray Black, 28' .yearg of age, a BeIWOod machinist, was drowned '.fin Belwood Lake, late Sunday night, His Companion, Howard Nixon, of Fergus, Wag rescued, The two men were cross- The death occurred en ° Tuesday, September 8th, at his home at 123 Wychwood Ave., Toronto, of Joston Steinmiller. For a number of years he owned* and operated the Gorrie grist mill; leaving here over 25 years ago. His wife, the former Catharine Seig- miller, predeceased him. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. M. Hammond (Permilda), and Mrs. George Triggs (Vera), and two sons, Orville and Joston,Toronto. Inter- ment was in the alkerton cemetery on Thursday. Women's Institute The September meeting 'of Gorrie Women's Institute was held on Tues- day evening at the home of Mrs, Gor- don Brown with the president, Mrs. Cecil Wilson presiding. Mrs. Lenwood Edgar-read the minutes and financial report, also a thank you note from Mrs. C. D. Walmsley, Simcoe, for a parting gift from the W.I. Mrs. Glad Edgar and Mrs. Clarence Sparling were anpainted to look after the baking for the W.I. booth for the Howick Fall Fair and Mrs. Glenn Johnston and Mrs. C. Wilson will ar- range it. Fifteen copies of "The Upper Room" will be ordered for shut-ins. A donation of $25 was made to the Gor- rie Public Library. Mrs. Glad Edgar brought thoughts on the motto, "If you haven't what you want, make use of what you have". Mrs. Lenwood Edgar presented were 34 scenes from Canadian history presented in the pageant, "Dominion of Destiny", She was particularly im- pressed by the Red Cross precision drill and by the fact that these 12 to f1e5re thnocue were all from sandwomenattenrduirnagl the teroens, not the cities. Mrs. Gordon Brown read an article on steel, its numerous uses in build- ing and in the home, also in the manufacture of food and clothing. Production in Canada is increasing. Mrs. Gordon Brown and Mrs. N. Wade were lucky at the Dutch auction, In a contest on the counties of Ontar- io, Mrs. Vera Gregg won. Refreshments were served by Mrs. E, H. Strong and Mrs, Sheldon Mann assisted by the hostess. Trousseau Tea Mrs. Leonard Ruttan entertained at a trousseau tea on Saturday afternoon and evening, honoring her daughter, Gwen, whose marriage takes place next Saturday. Displaying gifts and trousseau were Mrs. Anson Ruttan Jr„ Mrs, Lloyd Hockridge, Mrs, Emerson Ruttan, Mrs. Carson Watson, Mrs. Norman Hoover, Mrs. Lena Watson and Mrs. Orville Jones. Mrs, Leonard McDonald re- ceived the guests. Mrs. Anson Ruttan Sr., Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Scott poured tea, Assisting at the tea table were Misses Cavell Ruttan, and Grace Ed- gar, Mrs. Russel Ruttan, Mrs. Glenn MeKereher and Mrs. Harvey Mulligan. United Church Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association will be held at the parsonage on Thursday, Septem ber 17th., at 2.30 p.m. Program com- mittee, The Northern Helpers; Re- freshment committee, Mrs. J. Dunbar, Mrs. E. McCallum, Mrs. B. Whitfield and Mrs. J. Strong. The Mission Band will meet on Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock in the church parlors. Rev, W. J. V. Buchanan will speak over CKNX on morning devotions on Friday, September 18th., at 10 a.m. Miss Marion Toner entered Stratford Normal school` last week, Sympathy is extended to the Misses Murray in their, bereavement in the death of their sister, Miss Janet Mur- ray. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abraham spent a day at the Toronto Exhibition. Friends of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Ram- age, Vineland, may be interested to ! know that they have been enjoying ,a ! holiday trip to Vancouver and Alaska, returning to Edmonton and Banff, then home by plane, few days last week in Toronto with relatives and were at the Exhihition. The many friends of Mrs, 11, V. Ho inea will learn with regret that she has broken her thigh. She has been a aaLlent in the Llatowel Hospital for the past three weeks, The accident oappcned last Wedhesday. Miss' R. Reilly, of Walpole Island, has returned to her home after spend- ing a week with Rev, D, H. T, and Mrs. Fuller at the rectory, Mrs. F. C. Taylor was a week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs. J, C. Fullerton, at Walkerton, and attended the anni- versary service at Gla,rnis Presbyter- ian church. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Abram, Palmer- ston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King' Wesley Galloway and Harold King are on a fishing trip at Lake Tehia- garni, The Gorrie Male Quartette, Harvey Sparling, Gilbert Howes, Dick Carson and Harold Robinson sang on Sunday at the anniversary services at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Rtissel Lane and Dar- lene, Tilsonhurg, My. and Mrs. Ray Pennell and family, Kitchener,Mr. Ed. Steckley and Mr. Edgar EbyTrenton, and Mrs. Ed. Steckley, Kitchener, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Toney Cornelson and sons, of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Gillens, Harris- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter King. Mr. and Mrs, T. L. McInnes left Sat- urday on a motor trip to Saskatchew- an, , While on a fishing trip to Lake Sim- coe, Fred Allan, Harold Hyndman and Wilmer Nuhn, had a lucky strike, They caught numerous fish, one of which was a 10 lb. trout, Rev. W. J. V. Buchanan will be the guest speaker at the Trowbridge an- niversary services on Sunday, Septem- ber 20th, Rev. F.''Wanless, of Woodham, will have charge of the service here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, of Brussels, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr., Harvey Sparling. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chapman spent the week-end with relatives at Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dane and Barry, were St. Catherines-visitors for the week-end. The Whighana Advano-Ties, Wednesday, Sept. rail NI141' Ceas, Walpole • SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS , CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork - Carpentry - Building Telephone 798-w-12 Winigham 0=07' 90TH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, SEPT. 20 Rev. J. L. Coyle, Pastor. ,..,11.11...../.101,041011.11.111•01.0.1•11 1)-0-i1141111.•11.0411•144M....041••004•1111.1.111•11.1111KIMI•OIMPO!ll ness from a heart condition, IVIise conference, Greetings were brought in Janet, Murray paseed away on Wed-, English, except In one instance, from neadaY, SePteinber 9th, at her home the delegates from countries, There in Gorrie, in her 80th year, A daugh- ter of the late Robert and Jane Rob- ertson, she was born on Lot 38, Con- cession C,, Howlett Township, In March, 1903, the family moved to Gor- rie where She has since resided. She was a member of the Gorrie Presbyterian Church, Surviving are three platers, Misses Jane and Annie Murray, at the family home, Gorrie, and Mrs. James F. (Mary) Cooper, Tugaske, Sask. A brother, William, died in 1927 and a sister, Mrs. James (Margaret) Me- Ouat, of Cottam, died in 1951. A private funeral service was con- ducted at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday at the home by the Rev, 13,. Jr. Boggs Mrs, L. Neilson sang, "The Raven Feedeth", Interment was made in the Molesworth cemetery. The pallbearers were Hugh Doig, 0 Cameron Edgar, Harvey Adams, William Doig, Law- son Doig and James Doig. Friends from a' distance attending the funeral were Mr, and Mrs. Beech- er Hutchins, South Woodslee, Miss Mary McOual, Cottam, Mr. R. J. Cooper and Mr. James McLean, of Kipnen. Joston Steimniller `61 current events and Mrs. Cecil Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade spent al O O FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRS AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack of space, am com- pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Williams Located in MASON'S STORE O 8 U O / O 11 Why take chances with bad brakes, poor 141. tires or a motor that's too "weak", to give g you power in times of emergencies Children on the street, increased traffic and crowded highways are safety hazards. But one safety hazard that can be eliminated quickly, economically • and I dependably - is that of a poor performing, unsafe 0 car. Drive in today, and let us give your car a thorough safety check, and repair all trouble spots. Safety Check Your Car I 0=e) (oggzo . WINGHAM MOTORS 11 .1111•041•111•43i13.11•041111M0 1.41=•••.01•11.0.•••11,100 .11.111111•111.11111.4.1111111.4111.11.11•11•04•1111.0 .0111.1.10.111101•0•101•00•04.01.14111M.Iirl.,...1..1.1=KI.M.0•11.111...1•04!.04.0W04.010.1=KNIMMIHIMM•041•1•01.0.U.M....-041•001*..•3..M..•11MIAMII•osa,..p. Lloyd's Combination - Doors $15.95 Barn or Garage Door - Track per foot 42c Brackets each 40c Hangers per pair $4.25 Full Line of Insulating Materials, Door and Window Repairs. USED COAL AND WOOD 3 - in - 1 SHINGLES 210 lb. per square $9.451 Pedlar's STEEL ROOFING Per square $11.00 Used THOR WASHER $49.00 Used BEATTY WASHER $75.00 C(0EY RIFLE, .22 Calibre $12.95 MOSSBERG RIFLE, .22 Clip magazine, Peepsight $42.95 STEVENS 12 gauge, bolt action .SHOTGUN $59.00 STEVENS 12 gauge PUMP SHOTGUN $82.50 STEVENS 28 gauge, single shot SHOTGUN $54.50 WINCHESTER 30.30 RIFLE $87.50 Headquarters for SPORTING GOODS PORTLAND CEMENT ..... per bag $1.25 Whitewash & Finishing LIME per bag 85c MASON'S LIME per bag 80c HARDWALL PLASTER • „ . per bag 80c 44nch EAVE TR.OUGH „ per foot 15c Keep your home snug and warm all winter, Cut fuel bills down to norznal, 0 WHITE ENAMEL, USED WINGHAM CLASSIC.. . . $79.00 IVORY ENAMEL, USED MAITLAND RANGE . $60.00 ALL WHITE ENAMEL WITH ENAMEL OVEN. SLIGHTLY USED. Reg. Price $2 50. BEACH SPECIAL $150.00 USED McCLARY TRIUMPH , . $40.00 USED McCLARY QUEBEC $35.00 Power Tools for Every Purpose Simple Sim(on BANDSAW, reg. $79.00 . . $55.00 POWER SANDER, reg. $39.50 ....... . $25.00 DRILL STAND, „ . . .... . ..... ....... $10.95 'A-INCH DRILL _4 $28.95 STEEL TOOL BOX , . .. ... . . $1.39 Shotgun Shells ROLLED ROOFING 45 lb..4 $3.50 55 lb. .. $4.20 BLACK CAULKING Quarts 45c ROOF COATING' Gallon $1.19 5 Gals. $5.50 Gallons $1.25 SNOWFENCE . 100 feet $19.00 FIBREEN PAPER for lining silos 666 Square Foot Roll $17.5.0 Electric Light Bulbs 20 Watt 176 itlo Watt 21e tt. 60 Watt ..........1.8e ISO Watt 20c 200 Watt sSo Wheelbarrows Wooden Wheelbarrows .... -$15.98 Aluminum. WheetbarroWs with rubber tire .$35.00 1.1.141004•1•NaloaelowiAmenorno4eimi, 4.11141441.404i..holiafWitOirkkamit4agilow6e4i10$01.441104446