HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-09-09, Page 4PERSONALS. Person with some experience In variety or style wear preferred but this is not essential. Full or part time work can be arranged. Single or married women may apply. Suc- cessful candidate would gradually take charge of several departments. Working conditions are good and pay will be rewarding to the right person, All applications will be treated confidentially and may be made in person or by writing; N. J. Welwood, Box 44, Wingham. 913 REAL ESTATE Ctswat GENTLY And. NATURALLY CEMENT—Truck or carload lots. Im- WOMAN OR GIRL for Mediate delivery. Phone 41r2, Wrox- housework. Phone 764, eter. Contact Harold or Allan laynd- man, Gorrie. rrb • WANTED ; GIRL OR WOMAN to • clerk in a Variety Store. Mature general September 17th at 2,30 p.m. Program 91' Conveners Mrs, Burrell, Mrs, Mc- Laughlin, members of the Clinton —Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garbutt at their cottage, Point Clarke, were Mr, and Mrs. Ray Johnston and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Merl Miller and son, Jimmy, all of Pt. Huron. —Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Niergarth and Mr, and Mrs, James McBurney attended the Golden Wedding Anal- versny of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Stein, of Kincardine, on Sept- ember 1st. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hopper spent the holiday with their parents. They will be moving to London, as he has been transferred from Toronto and will be the London and District Rep- resentative for the Composite Inspec- tion Branch Department of Labour. —Mr. and Mrs. Harper Hammond of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ham- mond, of Moorefield, Mrs. Mary Mc- Isaac and son, Don, of Drayton, and Mrs. Maud Barclay, of Listowel, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hammond. —Paul Hill, of London, new man- ager of the Dominion Store in town, will arrive in Wingham this week-end and will commence his new duties on Monday. Mr. Hill replaces Murray Taylor, former manager, who was transferred to Walkerton. —Mr, and Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller, of Port Credit, and Misses Pearl and Babe Eckenswiller, of Mimico, spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. E. A. VanStone, also her sister, Mrs. P, Harding, of Clifford, and Miss Pearl illarding, of Toronto, were Sun- day guests, Mrs. James Haugh Died in. Wingham Following a lengthy illness, Caroline Elizabeth Haslam Haugh, one of Winghtim's older citizens, died in the Wingham General Hospital on Mon. day, September 7th. Born in the year 1870 in Guelph, Mrs. Haugh was a daughter of the late Alfred and Jane Haslam, and wife' of the late James Alexander Haugh, who predeceased her over three years ago. Mrs. Haugh was well known in Wing- ham and district, having spent almost her entire life here and in Morris Township, She was a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church. Surviving are two daughters, Dell, (Mrs. H. J. Haase) of Port Chester, N.Y., and Nina (Mrs. R. A. Bonner), of Montreal; one brother, John Has- lam, of North Dakota two sisters, Mrs. George Whetford, of California and Mrs. E. H. Bird, of Toronto ' as well as two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, Funeral services will be held on Thursday, September 10th, at 3 p.m from Currie's Funeral Home, with Rev. H. L. Parker conducting the ser- vice. Interment will be in Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearerg will be D. Bert Porter, Thomas Fells, , Harry Hopper, Jim Murray, John rtabY and Wes Haugh. Turnberry Council The regular meeting of the council was held in Bluevale Hall on Tuesday, September 1st., with all members pre- sent and the reeve in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of W. Jack Willits and Herb Foxton. Tenders for the 'digging of the Cor- rigan drain were opened and the con- tract awarded to R. J, ing.les. Moved by W. Jack Willits and Herb Foxton that we enter into an agree- ment with the Hydro Electric Power Commission to erect a pole line, on lots 42-43, Wingham Town Plot, can; ried. Moved by W. H. Mulvey and A. D. Smith that we instruct the Engineer to make a survey and report ,on the open portion of the main and west branches of the 'Fisher Gregory drain. This motion passed as a result of a petition received by the council . for this work. Moved by A. D. Smith and W. Jack Willits that we pass By-Law No. 10-53, instructing the road superintendent to apply for the interim subsidy on road expenditures, carried, Moved by Herb Foxton and W. Jack Willits that the Pay roll and following aecounts be paid, carried. Pay roll, $198.41, Road Accounts: Andy's garage, $2.00;, Geo. Radford, $5.60; Br, Amer- ican Oil Co., $132.78; Geo. W. Crothera $127.10; Wm. Mundell (cutting weeds), $70.00. General Accoents: Wenger Bros., MOO; Municipal World, $3,66; County of Huron, hospitalization, $175.00; Ross Willits, comp., $47.25; Lloyd Walker, dog bounty $5.00; Geo, Thomson, part salary, $40.00; relief, $10.00; Hugh Gil- mour, valuator, $2.00; Kinley McNair- ghton, poultry killed $70.00; If. C. MacLean, collector's bond, $37.50; Jack Tervit, fox bounty, $3.00; Donald Biggs, fox bounty $4,00; Art Ruttan, gravel, $2.50. Moved by W. H. Mulvey and Herb Foxton that we hold court of revision on assessment roll October 5th, at 3. p.m. • Moved by W. Jack Willits and A. D.- Smith that we do now adjourn to meet again on October 5th. john V. Fischer, Reeve 1111111111111111111*1111111111111111111111111111111111111110111 Geo, T. Thomson, Clerk CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re- lief, Druggists sell Cress Bunion. Salve, wear stylish shoes soon. FOR SALE—LADDERS, step exten- sion and straight, aircraft type, aluminum alloy,' Weight 1 pound per foot, Will not rot, warp, splin- ter or burn, R, G, Gibson, phone 53 Wroxeter, rrrrl4b SUFFERING FROM Backaches, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist, .11.3rr FOR SALE—Good violin and bow, full size, with big. pleasant tone nice appearance, reasonable. Apply L. Leeper, Clinton, 9* FOR SALE—Oak buffet, in good con- dition. Apply Richard Bennett, Gorrie, phone 23r21 Wroxeter. 9* FOR SALE—No. 1 White honey, 20c pound in customers' containers, alsc golden honey, 15c pound available on and after September 12th. Will have amber honey later, W. S. Higgins, Phone 81 Wroxeter. 91) LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-12 chunks and some young sows in pig; 1 saleable age boar. Apply A. Bacon, Belgrave. 9* FOR SALE—Pigs, suckers and chunks. Apply Graham Campbell, phone Brussels 53r4. 9b POULTRY FOR SALE FOR SALE-100 Sussex and red pul- lets, six months old. Also one white enamelled coal or wood range in good condition. Apply to Ross Turvey, phone Brussels 11r17. — 9b - — FOR SAT,a1-50 Roe-bred Sussex x Red pullets, laying. Apply Wilson Thornton, Phone Brussels 44r9, 9* FOR SAT.F,-50 pullets, Leghorn x Rock, laying. Apply Mrs. L. Hen- ning, 111, Wingham, phone 18r8, Wroxeter. MISCELLANEOUS FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative, Ask for your Cash div- idend for' Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the United Co- operatives in Wingham, 25rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7,30 and 10.00 a.m, on week days and 7.30 and 9,30 a.m. on Sun- days. Phone collect Clinton 242 or Mildmay 130R12. 13:27:10:24rrb McKAY'S REST HOME, Wingham, has accommodation for invalid or semi-invalid patients. Phone 103, Wingham. 9:16:23:30* WANTED DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR- DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb HELP WANTED MAN WITH CAR WANTED to sell over 250 guaranteed products. Small capital required. No risk whatso- ever. Write for details, FAMILEX, Dept, 1, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, 9b Used Tractors 2 Model R Minneapolis Moline Tractors I Model Z Minneapolis Moline Tractor 1 Model U Minneapolis Moline Tractor I Model 30 Massey-Harris Tractor 1 W-4 International Tractor 1 new Holland Forage Harvester and Blower A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm seed made in Palmerston, Ont,' CEO, aviErtgLtrys GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE 13ehnore Ontario rhbiseat BelniOre 4; Wroxeter CARD OF THANKS We wish to take ,this opportunity to thank our many friends, relatives and neighbours for their cards, flow- ers, and kindness shown to us during I our recent sad bereavement. We I want to specially thank the men who did the threshing and the women who served meals to them at this I time. and Family. 9* CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity of thanking our neighbours, relatives and friends for the floral tributes and kindness shown us in our recent sad bereavement. Borden Jenkins and sons: 9* CARD OF THANKS I wish to express gratitude to all who remembered, me with cards, flow- ers and treats since my accident. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. R. B. Palmer, Mrs. Morrey and staff also neighbors who assisted with farm work. My sincere thanks to all. Andy Gibson, 9b NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Robert Clark Red- mond, Physician, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named de- ceased, late of the Town of Wing- ham, County of Huron, who died on or about the twelfth of July, 1953 are hereby notified to send to the under- signed Executor on or .before the nineteenth of September, 1953, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the estate will be distributed; having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated August 31, 1953, by Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, solicitor for the said Exe- cutor herein. CROWN TRUST COMPANY 302 BAY Street, TORONTO 1. 2:9:16b BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH A By-law authorizing the borrowing of Nine thousand dollars ($9,000.00) upon debentures for a grant for the 1,Vinglitim Public Hospital. WHERAS it is expedient to borrow for the purpose of granting the Wingham Public Hospital for build- ing additions thereto a sum not ex- ceeding Nine thousand dollars ($9,' 000.00) upon the credit of the Corpor- ation of the Township of West Wa- wanosh to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of five -(5%) per contain per annum payable annually and to provide for the ex-. penses incidental to the negotation and sale of such debentures; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to Make the principal Of the said debt repayable in annual instalments dur- ing the period of ten years next after the date of issue of such deben- tures of, such amount respectively that, with the interest in respect of the debt, the aggregate amount pay- able, for principal and interest in each Women s Institute will be our guests and will assist with the program. -Hostesses Mrs, Gannett, Mrs. Schnei- der, Mrs. W. Henry, Mrs. L. Smith, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Cameron. Q913 AT THE PALACE GARDENS, For- mosa, Sunday, Sept, 13—The Nell Sisters and Clarke Johnston, the singing Irishman. C9b Svend Nielsen Funeral services for Svend Nielsen, 41, who died in Wingham General Hospital on Monday, after a lingering illness, will be conducted on Thursday at 1.30 p.m. from the S. J. Walker Funeral Home, with interment in the Wingham Cemetery, Born in Denmark, Mr, Nielsen came to this country when he was 17, and with the exception of a few snort periods in Galt and other places, had lived. in Wingham since his arrival. He worked at Lloyd's factory in town for a number of years. Little is known about his living relatives, but his mother lives in Den- mark. A first cousin, Mr. Petersen. lives in London. year shall be as nearly as possible the sum namely, $1,165.64; AND WHERAS it is expedient al- though not necessary to submit this by-law to the rate payers of the Township for their approval by way of ballot; AND WHERAS under the provis- ions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1950, Section 386, Sub-section 29 the said Council of the corporation is authorized to pass a by-law for the purpose aforesaid; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of West Wawanosh enacts as follows: 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the Corporation a sum not exceeding Nine thousand dollars (9,000.00) and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not less than $100,00 each. Each debenture shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear the. same date, shall be issued at one time and within two years after the day of which this By-Law is passed may bear any date within such two years and shall be made payable in annual instalments during the period of ten years next after the date of issue thereof, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. 3. The debentures shall be payable ' as to both principal and interest in 'lawful money of Canada and may be made payable at such place or places ; in Canada as shall be designated thereon. 14. The said debentures shall be seal- ed with the Seal of the Corporation 'and signed, by the head of the Council, or by some other person authorized by by-law - to sign the same and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved. 5. Commencing in the year 1954 and thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal of the said I debt and interest become due, the Corporation shall levy and raise the specific sum shown for the respective year in the fourth column of the said Schedule. Such sum shall be levied and raised by a special rate suf- ficient thei.efor, over and above all other rates, .upon all the rateable property.properly rated to-the rate payers of the municipality. 6. The said debentures may contain a clause providing for the registra- tion thereof pursuant to section 336 of the Municipal Act, 7. Pending the sale of the said de- bentures, the head of the Council and the Treasurer may raise for the' purposes aforesaid by the way of loan on such debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be bor- rowed and may hypothecate such debentures for such loan. 8. The Corporation shall have the right, at its option, to redeem all of the said debentures, which mature in the 'tenth year of the issue of these debentures, at any date prior to ma- turity at the places where-and in the money in which the said ,debentures are expressed to be 'payable, upon payment of the principal amount thereof together with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said in- tention to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gazette and one in a daily newspaper of general provincial. circulation, published in the City of Toronto, and once in a local news- paper, such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days be- fore the date fixed for redemption. Notice of intention so to.redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for such redemption to each person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown in the Debenture Registry Book, 9. The Corporation shall not give effect to this by-law until the same has been read a first and second time and approved of by the majority pf the qualified rate payers who cast their votes for the express purpose Of obtaining their approval therefor. I, Durnin Phillips, Clerk of the Township of West Wawanosh, certify that the foregoing is a true synopsis of a proposed by-lkiw• which will be submitted to the ratepayers by ballot at a later date. Dungannon, Ont,, August 31, 1953 Durnin Phillipe, Clerk of West. Wawanosh 'Perp. 2:9:16b —Mn Gordon Simmons of CKNX, had his tonsils removed on Tuesday. —Miss H. 0, Martin spent the week- end at hex, home here. Les. Miller, manager of 'the Beaver Lumber Company, returned this week from a vacation in the Maritimes. —Miss Patricia Samis, of Goderich, visited this'week with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacLean, —Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baird of Flint, Mich., spent the week-end in town visiting friends and relatives. —Mrs. G, Boyle of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell. —Miss Frances Jones, of London, returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spielvogel. —Mrs. T. J. Baker of Britton, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spielvogel. —Mrs. W. H. Waram, of Toronto, returned home on Labor Day, after spending ten days with her friend, Mrs. E. A, VanStone, John St. —Mr. and Mrs, Will White and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Demill of Galt, visited with. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Pattison and family over the week-end. —Miss Elva Pearen has returned after visiting her brother-in-law and sister, lefr. and Mrs, Alex Baird, at Flint, Mich, for the past seven weeks, —Mr. A. S, Williamson and son, Harold, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mac- Dougall spent the week-end with Miss Agnes Williamson. DuVal attended the Chin- chilla Breeders' picnic at Rondeau park last week and was one of "the guest speakers. —Mrs. Eva Brownlie and Mrs. Iris MacLean were recent visitors with Mrs. MacLean's daughter, Mrs. Bruce Simpson, of Peterborough, —Mr. Robert volley left on Satur- day for a few month's visit with rela- tives in Vancouver and Powell River, B. C. The Misses Grace and Teresa Har- denburg, also Ray McKenize .of Flint, Mich., visited for a few days last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Show- ers. —Miss Mary McKay, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. George McKay, who spent the last week with her sister, Miss Mame Adams, a bride of last Monday. Miss Verna Showers and her friend, Miss Janice Wasman, also Glenn Showers, of Hamilton, spent the holi- day week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Showers. --Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopper are attending a Sales Conference of the Canada Life Assurance Co., this week at "The Balsams" Dixville Notch, New Hampshire. —Beverley Gorbutt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorbutt, Victoria St., left Wednesday for Kitchener, where she has enrolled with the Kitchener- Waterloo school of nursing. —Mr. and Mrs. William 1VicPhail and son, David, of Barker, N. Y., were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Michael McPhail and family, on Cath- erine Street. —Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bell spent the week-end with eller parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Edgar. Penny and Paul re- turned home with them after holiday- ing in Wingham. —Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Bateson re- turned. from a trip to Midland, Bailey Buribw, Rice Lake and Toronto. They also spent several days with their daughter, Mrs. Carl MacKay and Mr. MacKay and family at Marmora. Mrs. Breckenridge Passes in Belgrave The death occurred on Sunday r _Aug- ust 30th, at the home of her daugh- ter in Belgrave, of Sarah Jane Millar, wife of the late William Henry Breck- enridge, in her 79th year. Mrs. Breckenridge was born in Turnberry Township and was married in Wroxeter in 1900. Her husband pre- deceased her in 1948. She was a mem- ber of the Anglican Church: Surviving are one daughter, Verna Adeline (Mrs, Albert G. Bacon), of Belgrave, four grandchildren, George, Florence, Walter and Jean Bacon, and one brother Andrew Millar, of Wrox- eter. An infant son predeceased her. Funeral services were held on Tues- day, September 1st., from the Walker Funeral Home, with the Rev. H. L. Parker, officiating. Interment was in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. Pall- bearers were George Johnston, Ed- ward Wightman, Wilbert Procter, Thomas Smith, James Walsh and John Johnston. Mrs. John Campbell The death occurred in Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, Sept- ember 3rd., of Catherine Cameron, wife of the late John W. Campbell. She was in her 86th year. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. T. Finnen, of Lower Wingham, and Mrs. William Wilson, of Goderich. Funeral services were held on Sat- day, September 5th, at 2 p.m. from Currie's Funeral Home with interment in Wingham cemetery. thinitunininotnntiolinunimma alma a GOOD choice of Men's dress and work shoes HARRY BROWNE Repairing SHOES Sam East Waw' anosh Council Meets The council met September 1st., the reeve presiding, the minutes of the meeting held on August 7th and spec- ial meeting were read and adopted on motion by McGowan seconded by Buchanan. Phillip Stewart and Lawrence Van- nan were present and discussed insur- ing the arena. - Moved by Buchanan seconded by Hanna that the Belgrave Community Centre be insured for $10,000.00 with Phillip Stewart, effective from Sept. 5th, 1953, Carried, At this time the Blyth district fire truck arrived to demonstrate to the council and villagers. , Moved by Hanna seconded by Mc- Gowan that council adjourn for 15 minutes while the fire truck was in the village. W. S. Gibson was present to renew the Township policy, which was done. The interim subsidy on road expendi- ture was signed by the officials and forwarded to the highway department. There were no tenders to construct the Whitfield Municipal drain, there- for it was laid over until the next meeting. Moved by Buchanan seconded by Hanna that the road and 'general ac- counts as presented be passed and paid. Carried. Stuart McBurney, salary $175.00, less income tax, $1.00, $174.00, bills paid, $4.50, $178.50; Ernest Walker, $9.61, rent oftruck, $8.00, $17.61; Harold Cook, 66 hours cutting weeds, at $2.25, $148.- 50; Dennis Hallahan, 10 hours, bull- dozing, at $14.00, $140.00; Ross Jamie- son, loading and trucking 30 yards of gravel, $30.00; Geo. E. Radford, install- ing culvert, $50.00, tile, $11.20; $61.20; D. R. M. C. 0., clutch and labour, a338.64;, Receiver General of Canada, Income Tax deducted $1.00. General Cheques—Village of Blyth, share of relief, $45.85; County of Hur- on, hospital account, $63.00; W. S. Gibson, Insurance premium, $257.04; Moved by McGowan, seconded by Buchanan that council adjourn to meet on October 6th, at one o'clock at the Belgrave Community Centre. Orval Tayler, Reeve. R. H. Thompson, Clerk. Wight family Meet At Ipperwash About 150 descendants and relatives of the late Wm. Wight and Sarah Anne Rumford Wight held a family reunion at Ipperwash Govt, Park on Saturday afternoon, August 29th. l'he afternoon was spent in renewing old friendships, reminiscing and making new friends and seeing cousins for the first time. Younger members of the group en- gaged in a few games. A bountiful supper was enjoyed 'by all, Roland Wight, the president' of the reunion, presided over an interesting program. Albert Wight in speaking to the gath- ering recalled the conditions prevail- ing in Scotland and Northumberland England, where his 'grandfather and great-grandfather were born, His grandfather einigrated to Canada in 1830. His great-grandfather and the' rest of the family came in 1832, and settled on 400 acres of land two miles north of Bowmanville, This homestead was in the Wight possession for over 100 alears. Mr. Wight stated the fact that the gathering should be proud of their heritage. He was born and spent some of his childhood on this homestead, thus coming in direct con- tact with these pioneer people. Some of the outstanding traits of these people were the faithfulness to their church, and their knowledge of the bible. In the family there Were gifted students with great memories. One Member could repeat the entire weak% of Robert Burns, who livett, beside his ancestors in the old land, from mern-, ory, and was considered the best auth- ority of Burns in Canada. They were an industrious and thrifty people. Mrs. Mary Wight Reid of Renfrew, addressed the gathering in a very able manner. She also paid tribute to the industry and religious fervour Of, her forefathers, WS, Duncan McLaren, of Douglas, Ont., who has just returned from VISiting relatives in Scotland arlcIresied ° BIRTHS FARRISH—In Wingham General Hos • - pital, on Wednesday, September 2nd,, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. John Parrish, R. 7, Lucknow, a son, BATESON—In 'Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, SepteMber 2nd., 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John I3ateson, Wingham, a daughter. •le BARBOUR—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, September 2nd., 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Barbour, R. 2, Lucknow, a son. HILBERT—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, September 3rd,, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hil- bert, Wingham, a daughter. RITCHIE—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, September 4th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ritchie, R, 7, Lucknow, a son. KERR—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on' Saturday, September 5th, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Kerr (nee Lois Burchill) Wingham, a son. NIXON—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Saturday, September 5th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nixe, Centralia, a son. HOWSON—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Saturday, September 5th, 1953, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howson, Blyth, twin daughters. FRIEBURGER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, September 6th, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. Carl Frie- burger, Bluevale, a daughter. MORELAND—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, September 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Wallace More- land, Teeswater, R. 3, a son. Miss Emily Holloway Dies on Monday •• Miss Emily Anna Holloway, who for 28 years served as a librarian at the Wingham Public Library, died on Monday in Wingham General Hospi- tal, after a long illness. She was in her 88th year. Born in Crosshill, Ontaria, the dau- ghter of Mr. anti Mrs. John Holloway, she came to Wingham with her par- ents over fifty years ago, where, after some years, she obtained the position of librarian at the public library, from. which she retired about five years, ago. Her father was at one time a shoemaker in the premises now oc- cupied by Robin Campbell on Joseph- ine Street. Miss Holloway was a mem- ber of the United Church, Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Turnberry and a brother, Edmund Holloway, of Wingham. Funeral services were held en Wed- nesday, September 9th, from Currie's Funeral Home, with Rev. D, J. Mac- Rae officiating. Interment was in Wingham cemetery. Pallbearers were Stuart Holloway, Ted Holloway, Arnold Halliday, Jack. Cleghorn, William Finlay and lied McGee. the gathering. Mr. Duncan McLaren and Mr. Ed- win Rodin, of Bolton, also gave short addresses. Marjorie and Donald Wight supplied music and Gordon Wight gave a humorous reading for the gathering's enjoyment. One of the interesting features dur- ing the afternoon was the exhibit of a large family tree drawn by Floyd McIntyre of Forest. Those ?resent could trace their lineage back through the Wight and Rumfotd records to the middle of the 16th century. A sister of the late Wm. Wight, Mrs. Charlotte Wight Martin lived in- Whitechurch and has many descend- ants in this district. Of these Mr.. Jas. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles- Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson,, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz, of White- church, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Apple- by and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Appleby, of Glenannan attended this reunion. • Oldest Canadian Army Reserve Force regiment is the Governor-Gen- eral's Foot Guards now stationed in Ottawa. The regiment was formecisn June 7, 1872. This preparation is endorsed by the medical profession because it is an emulsion of pure Mineral Oil and Milk Ill of Magnesia ....Combining in one remedy the benefits of two of the most valuable aids in correcting faulty elimination and acidity. Pleasant tasting can be given to young children in soon restores nar4 Mal bowel habits. SAVE* MONEY SAVE TIME BUY BY CLASSIFIED Page WM.!! The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednes(lay, Sept 9th, 1953 , COMING EVENTS FOR SALE HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE TO MEET The Women's Institute will meet Mrs. W. A. Miller Died in London Funeral services for the late Mrs. W, A. Miller, 66; who died in St. Mary's Hospital, London, on Friday, Septem- ber 4th, were held on Monday, from the Currie Funeral Home, with inter- ment in Wingham cemetery. Rev. Alex Nimmo, of Wingham, and Rev. Hough- ton, of Grand Bend, officiated. Mrs. Miller was born in Moorefield, was married there in 1912 to Waldo A. Miller. They moved to Wingham in 1913, and had lived here continuously until 1947, when they left for Grand Bend. Mrs. Miller was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Wingham and a Past Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. M. H. (Helen) Small- man, of Grand Bend, and two brothers, Harry McKay, Moorefield, and John, of Toronto. Pallbearers at the funeral were: Clark McLean, London; Carl McKay, Marmora; Pat Harrison, Grand Bend; Hugh Carmichael, George Scott and Harry Town, of Wingham. Mrs. Borden Jenkins Passes Suddenly • The death occurred on Sunday, Sept- ember 6th, of Mary Ellen May Ward, wife of Borden Jenkins, of a heart attack, at her home on Minnie Street. Mrs. Jenkins was in her 40th year. Born in Elora, she came here 23 years ago, and was married in Wing- ham, in 1931, She was a member of the United Church. Surviving besides her husband, are two sons, Floyd and Earl; two broth- ers, John Ward, of Wingham, and James, of Harriston; and one sister, Mrs. William Latronica, of Moles- worth. Funeral services were held from the Walker Funeral Home, on Tuesday, with Rev. , D. J. MacRae officiating and interment in Wingham cemetery. Pallbearers were Joseph Clark, Lloyd Hutton, Vic Loughlean, Andy Scott and Frank Preston, of -gingham, and George Clark, of London. started to lay, priced for quick sale. I Apply Chas. Cook, Belgrave, phone 618-J-12. 9b SPECIAL space heaters from $35.00 up. 1 year guarantee; 2 used stokers with automatic controls; 1 Pease furnace blower; 6 'a-horse motors Apply Hiseler & Son, Patrick & Edward Sts. Phone 426. 9b FOR SALE-3 electric Janitors for your coal furnace, Apply Hiseler & Son, Patrick & Edward Street. Phone 426. 913 FOR SALE-8 roomed frame house; FOR SALE—Sawdust burner, good town water, new bathroom; sink condition, reasonable. Phone 679-w.. and cupboards. All conveniences, 9* good location, Apply Lewis Whit- ' field, Blyth, Ont. 2:9:16b FOR SALE--Treadle sewing machine, also a baby buggy in good condi- ' tion. Phone 327. 9b FOR RENT-3 rooms upstairs, side entrance, no children, Phone 502-12. North St. 19b FAR ,t HOUSE with hydro. Avail- able Oct. 1st. Apply to Ben Mc- Clenaghan, Whiteehurch. phone 402-J-1, 9b LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham, representing Dudley E. Holmes, Real Estate Broker, Lis- towel. rrb FOR SALE-1'J storey Frame House, 20'.x36', located two miles west of Wingham. Immediate possession. Apply to Joe Weiler, R.R. 6, Luck- now, 2;9* FOR RENT FOR RENT-5 room house. Hydro, hot water, furnace, close to town. Phone 735-J-3. 9b WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT—Household ' apartment immediately. Apply Mr. .1. J. Lewis. phone 434. 9b CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity of thanking the neighbours for their kindness shown to us in our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to the Staff of the Wingham General Hospital, Dr. Crawford and Lt. Clark of the Salvation Army. Russell Girling, Arthur and Jack McDonald. 9" FOR SALE-1,500 Red Rock pullets, t Mr. and Mrs. A. Bacon with Wampole's MAGNOLAX Kerr's Drug StorE