HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-2-4, Page 2p', ��>® - ,4 ret.; lr� w' ff(
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2-Tbnreday, TebMt/ 4. M&
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,� _� � . I Oil AilOt tit'�1� � �
tLH'r \Irl l`J1!!;ll 1s4f1 } l AU8• AYD ('t,'f1tf1; Oil W'ALY Aill. � � SPECIALS FOR MID -WINTER
+sU11NSKICH : : CANADA ' U481(MTLY PATilun1. rs�,, .. , ..,,.._ .. ., tp� s�sso,
1ltwiber .f Caaadlan Ileek4 Mawrof Dress Crepes arra--,..ua i°' Yarns
/spots AasoelrLtM of
` (Qamlfed by a Paslastte--learltwge and P
& J f Publlahed every Thursday uenrtiAg halves Most Silteceptlble -Twat- AlJ wool French Crepes of exquisite quer- Gwy ` Scotch fingering, best 4 -ply and k
iutwcrllolicrn price, i=sou per year, 1b monk IdaRgerted.utifu even and smooth. �•�[
I nited Statics and Foreign Countries. *." .,,.a ity, a 1?elated shipment to us, width 44 J
11.50 per year, strictly to adranea v tConerlsuad es, c,ntarlo Departene■t of Much URIdCr vBlUt, at peJ Ib. • 11 a
i t�+' Aar+culture, Toroatw) inches, in colors grey, browns, fawns, ,
THE SIGNAL 35 PKI\TLGe CO., OWL > 1 SALIBliarse Rin navys, black. Samples sent to any ad- Coats ft.,if: o 33 o.� Oft GREEN TEA Ringworm s a situ the
set Pert k
I h, tl, Robertson, Editor and Manager 1r* many herds Aurinot the winter per- dread. Regular value x2.00, at �1 Women's and Children's Coates heavy,
Ind. It is a disease of domestication, per yard . • 1 •�� stylish and practical, many fur -trimmed.
_ Thurstb>. February �, 1llYlf. Its luscious freshness afi rich strea�th favored by poor animal husbandry tN,9eq;+ 'i
7[aake �t finer than Oa7 Carlap Ow et practice. Quite common and most }
Flannelettes t�i�V ' " About 15 in sacrifice sale. All this
EDITORIAL MOT=S • season's values $ 15 to E4.151020
. �V l� $�0
Japan or Youa� H�soa. Sold evel"�►- frequently seen m young cattle, aiY l •*
�� - where. Ask ! r SALADA to -doh.
Peering a short time arta treses -us, Splendid quality, 34 to 36 -inch, neat �[„ Winter sale price .llt
I'rbruar. 1, •q, when the "nitryls have returmsd stripes and plain white. Special.... r!!r C
{f't &let" _____ from pastures to the Infected quar- Dimitys
• • • ten that they occupy during the teed -I
LPC xrr iw't toil tIN won,,, of 'rax 11 chance of tN•I(PC ieglslatla CARE OF PIGS IN WINTER' Ing period. Bleached Sheeting foot winter sale only, 500 yards Irish
Valentino."': that, If tither of the old pertha had
• • + a large majority. Measunw would I Ct The
ed a a Parasite. I Good weight and even weave, 72 35e Drmitys, 36 inches wide, in four sizes, 'd
Parasite, Trlebophytea tonsm-
lx• more arrefull) r•ou"iderwr and raps, whleb L resppasiDle far tae inc!�es wide, at r rd neat checks, suitable for many purposes. i'_
Have you c haeru 31Vnr Premium and' aM FOR GRG.II N F F, ,,D pe YA
thrrr would M• x ringworm eondltion, is a hardy rw
Rreader effort to- Obs BCrMMKA ARE NIZEDRD. I ret c " Send for samples. Regular 50c. at Z5e t
wont In your dollar to for Hortleul- cal and can lice 1r* the rtaDl•a, teed-; _ »,Q,_ Wllir," _._..,n,,,,�..
tural Ioa•Ipt • Peril ern is right
\\ornot, her such Corsets per yard ...
7 yet • � racks, masters and yards from
• e • Perth man is right or not, thcrr Is un DMt L b rmpor(ant Factor to Pts- i spring to autumn and is always ready 1 >e .de t -
vesitLag Rkkets--Also Something if, welcome his victim, be u a Haan, ; 25 pairs high-class Corsets. A La GIaCe, ry tt f�,� � 1`
London, On L. is 11x,• esrwPlalninR about the prtutnt R I $ Facto otton i
g«tting wrong. It I Aboat How "Thum Are Caused '. a horse, a sheep, a Dig or a stoer,7j Gossard, etc. Sizes 20 to 24, � 36 -inch, heavy. Yard • • �C_
condition and dl.•lxrinR that flu• ani- and Oomttatted, p"• Battle aro • , • • • • V!� 11
to tolbg to have two tr•IPphoup Ater preferred offering .!sit
tions, with m fouey name for eac•b- t,itlou of the rouutr} Ih•s in the that Is usually soft and porous, -just) Regular $2.50 t0 y5.00, per p81t ..........
Ju -t litre a roal city, elimination of inricliendent groulsr (CentribeaW b Ontario Depertraeat of what the parasite needs The trans. __- -_ -_ __
• e • and IRtt1nR hack to the two-learly Agrleulture, Toronto.► mission of the parasfte may be direst,
or indirect. Indirect by means or' %I
Thr• Bing +:orerflinr•nt'x majority of Ryatem. if vonstittterN•ir•m wnut n, Considerable effort has been pit. harness, curry comb, blanket, le•d-� " 's�� ^"""° 0"t
Ulcer has gruwo to ren. whh•h in ir,m• e'lewt Progree"Ives, or labor a,ru, Pe In atitempts to discover suit- ding, tie chain, baiter*, mangers or i••-•..., _ •ACHESON & SON "i'-` ,a«. -"t
us, inde N•adentm of an other xtri able winter rations for young pigs. stall partitions. to cattle natural Ia-
lwrisrni serma yule` substautlal. I y �' feetton occurs through contact of-dhs-1 -
the,) will gu on dein it, in spite During the summer when pigs aro at ryi
There appears to b4- littlo doubt now• R i eased and healthy animal. as ruDDtng s=••
JI Pasture. rickets And osteoporusts ars
that the Government will get Phroug,, °f all for sirs for othrrwixPl ad � or licking one another. The parasite i >--
i vice they Ret from prems and plat- Quite rare occurrapees. Pasture gra after roaehtag an animal locates to _------ __.
1 ihr mevlldum all right herring acrtde4f• f yields an abunda to of all the rt- the hair follicles, causing the hair to I -
1 ass • e + form. So long -m• -"r third l►elrty 1- become brittle and to split or break enemh•s would cry. "Away with Him, to Ithwi. them omt df my F'ather's �
eently studied vitt rues, and so D rruclfy Hlw. erlxdfy Him." but He hand, }and mT leather are ours" fty`i
The Huron Old hen•, rtes odly thine to do Is to get off A stogie organism once estab I -Sund ay --� wy�t*LUit dram lay
. }ycrys' Aso+al2lion of part of the ration • yen the needs llsh.d under favorable conditions as
along with it as well as may ter. In me and prevents the cos-% Xu man wketh !t ftrem rues .
1'utvmto Is Mco`minN a eery large and D multiplies at a tremendous rate, so, '•b -V
ditton known as rickets. Winter pigs ` Urr ter tk iKOt1vA ll[I81310NA{
fm{w•rtant orgrulzrtlOn, First thing much a that thousands of hair tear' ¢ Afternoon fat 1 lay It down of . arlf. I bare
q I Nobody iAatttshR Trndea! need •winter substitute for pasture 0' ""�@� syn sim•r and itiaalm we find ver 1
I a we- know ft will b,• running a condi- t Ntrarfonl Deacon -Herald) or a teed that resembles green grow- lfsl"s ars lavadsd and the elrtular 1 ol ..z '� power tv 'lay it down. and 1 base y ow n
Ing grass and can be fed 1n a prac• Patches of troy scaly crust Incr= )tower to take it agate. standards, atpong three neighbors of fA
J:ur for the ma,oru{ty-It it tvn pro- 1 The complaint was vole d reo-e•utly Yesrltagse and 0011,4s Are Moet By tbew parables Jew* taught that tours;' writes an American missionary of
..r:. i tical way. This In best supplied by I:y ISAIWL IiAMILTON. la Cute. ''Etre thwlrP til I hear ez-
° 4', duve unr that will satlefy Thr TOP- that (herr ix a shortage of mechanics eeptlble, partleulariy so 1f crowded
• leafy legume Y well cured second by Him as he door i11 who will may
gram. In l'anarL, us, will two when the {wrlai crop alfalfa ha It the leave* together im warm stables where he, ':xierich, Ont. l►rs-11 meter often Ix til tory may M ,
D y e/ of the t j rater the kingdom of.Ga! and be cared
• • e of prux{wrlty breaks on the munRy• alfalfa are well preserved, and of • ortanbm is present on walls or man- - - have bier in the national lottery and try
�" for by tits (iaad Shepbrrd Who atrsePd
\ ►lard many of l'xnaeln's ttwlueNl ms,- green color, thea teed a gyantity sera. The dtseaae appears •round deliverance Nur than from sin and les win thousand+ of dollars whist may wo,
Thr "I'lank" road to l.xmbton noun- I ffon q per sots b weight of the oars, eyes, nee., Ifp and tat, -I Sa%iuur. like a shepherd Irad us, bP-aprvit at unci in having a gond
I , hauh•m have a to the United a ual to five 7 g hoad, lbs rt Ironishwe•nt by the xhe•elding of ltfs it r
t7, -aid to Ix• the tax[ toll road ht the I Slates, and Canadian boys; are no the grain ration. Minerals such as + parts that an itchy animal clutch we- need Thy trader care; time. Ito low are- the Ideals eocceru- '
s6ar tin• diet a" they used to can rob on a■ Infested object own Liars} on t'alrary's c nese.
-- ground limestone, and phosphate ±eft mast LI Thy pleasant paxulrr.e fend us, Ing Nhxutlon that the public r•haob
I - Pertly. The Jeeue then o
Province. los teem taken over by the lu+r^rr rata tri �r'n period of fntul>t►tba lt•tr 1 nx•pe•eles# to r4-ceal u,
}.ambton county council. Tltr road __, rock, and ground one meal should I this payoffs varies from seven' }us, our use- Thy folds prepare, threw Pliari,rrro a soler kingdom than liftb grade. pmNdt• nothing stove the fourth as, cb4.m of `
ream ,s,nstructed
The complaint anal . Is gnfishorantge, also be ted In total two
p tr cent. of ', thirty with uDoat. Isf.e ll from
eeveaad J•hou neat pttomtsed it, rerrive u+, - _that rmbrac•rd by Judaism. tea• slake hese A-boolaAart• Jacking rule not only In
sizty years ago to I of merhanlce In t:anaAt 1" stRnlfit•un( ceaaarttg- exceeding two
give- ,vtnnrctlon M•tw•Pc•n HeIT
rnia and am all ineHcatiou of the brllef that an the total ration. The- alfalfa and the crust first app"e of the time when the til•nnie" 'lid
Petrolia. %honk the d(st•ocerr of oil at eat of industrial activity 1" at Baud minerals will DP very efilcient in pre- growing Into areas several Inebes is Poor Ansi sinful hough 14e be; P�neaTlt•1 Mit fu high moral standard. l►tx4i
y } Thou hart am -my to rrlierc umt bare the GO%PPI preached re- them. "it Is a lin • to are the attitude L
venting lampnPPa, rickets and par- diameter. I'Itsse are generally tktek- y Jttws and t:antifevc would then form I'1'a 1
the latter leer made It a rein( of fm- Home. time ago the a nmpitiat was trot or on dark than on light skin. Con- � Grtre to cleanse, and powrr to Irev. of IadiRorrrn+e and the ignoranrr on i
P 1 i alysle in winter pigs. -L. Sterenaon, I R unr fold oyer w'h►rh HP would ton the a
there were too many merhanles ht the atderable Irritation develops. -AJPiahh• Thru + the rt -if man
ptertaulr. O. A. College, Guelph. D eaudeRi 1p• its, W 7 ., to regard to any-
• 1 • country, us, at lesixt that them were _-_ __-_ ---- the animal to rub the encrusted area a phrnt. sllx soul+, c"(wsdally about thlnN iwnrialn to iW11RIun In the frac
I t ' life relationship to the Flether and the g ""'''
I snore of them than maid tlnd goal "THUMPS" IN YOUNG PIt( S. aldtalt tnftammatton with thtekeniag I PM11 rl� f wnsP ret eta' tweed 17ir greater d�m-
i't i" the easiest thing in tilt' world jOb". and tricks. If the crust is removed taklug or }ll.r liar Again, were tnitrt• , her of tit•• Istolge have nut yet been .:
I to ltas resolutions about the Chf:a The complaint that tray+ are no Caused By the Round Wortn, Asurls ' a raw btesdfng surfsee Is exposed. i O`zbaa great Sbephrrd of the Phawp, I felligible to the 11harloves and they toe. reached Icy the miselou school. the 'I,.
lemRrr iearutng trac4x ix not rrstrlcted �4eaaa�t who so loved as as to Sire. Thy life Nan to discuss among themericrs Ills Kung m,.hrx►I, us, a `"
water steal ; but it f+ a different rust• Immbrftoldr. f9oggeeted. f any of tM vlfrlrnu ;•
('ana410. 1t !r Indicative oC motlbru I for us. low us to •worship Tlim,v In weaning. tome spoke Ill of Him. re• allsriouar a welts
ter to auggeat some praetical means of I As aooa u ringworm L detected x t ,r Y Rt d of
a differ-
coudittolrx. !lump put the blame un The term "Thumps" Is used by to •>lort should be made to isolate ilrlt and DI truth. Tttrru knuwrxt us 1 oachinS HIm as DeIaR mad and ,:ut *fury mast be told of thuPa wbu
italing with the matter. }f Anybody I the multi dication of automatle Ion- most farmers to describe a lung dim- rH ley name and calloret us to <Oime wt- baring a devil, ethers spoke In ria herr,•
I the affett•d .amtmals and to trMt ¢
Miners how the "t*%l can he checked, i shinny--boyx will not "pend the tltne ease o[ D1Rs• There is a quickened I them at onto. A dPpnite plan of to Thee and find rest and peace. Guhlr• f+'ncr of Hi'. saying nn am !n IrmCttP "Whru an older awn or daughter i
the United l(tatpon autborittee who uw•esrwry to learu a trade-, end ill• con, breathing and rapid heart action. treatment should b. followed. AYa and direct u" ail through Ilfe and re-- with the devil could olx•m the ryes of
Many little ptge Dpcome unthrlftY r•e•hr u>i at laxt In He•veat. Amen. +'ns, ►ovhn !►llad. " b1v"' educated Im woe of the• in
MAINhave Man ruing to bring Chicago to tent with. nomloai "xRrs when they and others dlto as a result of the In- the trusted aceta with water and +don schrxrls, tbt•rr Is always the• de -
4.611 go into a tenor) unit• learn to feetatfon. It'll; during the, prat few soap to soften the scale, remove the Home time tater In the year, at the. sire flint brothers amd sisters and
lime woolel un doubt be glad to Dear operate a tttachlne In It few days. worms
of the pigs' flip that the round hair around the area. and also the H. & liFssoX F'OR FF,R. 111h, 19:8 forest Of dn1"ttan, Jeasix again came I frleuda .hail hese the sane priviltte.
4toat It. Others (nit the blains, on our school I worms do most of theft parUtularly ��' -tit If
1� rad- pallmt "over 'W" inn Title-•Jcaus the (;Dort into rO°lxM with the Yhsrisrr.. As [Conditions are rDati�fng so greatly a
�/ •�y �`�• _4,,. gAteois wh►ca,. it • is oM!»ill desttvetivs Werk. Older pig. treater datJodh}ennttl the aff eaQ pa[t�s heeled ¢art�r�M�trmdPelknmrrntlu+ ttrrng lAmrm's re at h4hncr rwhomroaerd pea t(ae thopedtjto I
The Owen lZbanA ltloarA of TrIft to ate a doslre for wont art• es► rd I more n distant to the effect of worms.
Ointments contalal g sulphur, Ire an Lesson Paxsagt-.loiut 10:1-30.._ - _..D, tla.,y surrounded Ilhm atel Thai• ! elite• aura .us icfon and are knocking
"w trite collar" ,Jobs. 'Infestation. (:oldwu Ttc-t-.John Ig;1L D t
it, mhow'Ing cnrtsidprnble activity. As poeslhly the• voudltbrns complafnrel . The ens and ointment mtde of part powdered Jenard N!m to R1re them tl ,Iliw•t i fur e•nrnrucr u+ these s hrxeta» , ';ij
(res of way be trusted to adjust them-' D yards in which the Dluestone to sfs pa of vaseltne. The lino ptin of today's Ie"mon-- anxwen whrtttpr He was the )Irmefah• tl
ue noted Inst week. It IS AWIM far brood now and .her young are kept may bei used lastead o iodine. Pine tilt• rrblrs of for door and the _ __
--- Yy good or not• He axid to them that Hp tad I—
!mproved paswPuSt•r xt RiTI sit _ii•t- selves in time. - � are frequently well supll�fed _with tar Is also a good dress k. Oils and sIN•l rd -Iv :1 continuation of thh nllvaolr told them and they dW not
and an (if laws curtesls,utleat re f ly soon, a l,r, particularly so If the? Arei��mlt to Chefk a develop r111riteru
les I have ossa used by pigs for any length Intent of ringworm, Is disease phari nttrr ills sr,oundllfnr ni�ps' be�:r Hjm`--njr �� the ►
port- that it la cn e,pi•rutinR frith the ONE SURE WAY utrr girl
of ume. Thp worm ogre loins on eonid be prevPntl!d and the`ioen dans-• with tilt n loon, blind. !f liisl not do'n�ilwbtesr:twlmtmlo3rlisald f�ewrr�,wlb (%rpy uu•mIN•r at clttawn Im the floor or fn the yard are icked ed h !U prevented by thei y TO GOOD HEALTH D .D I y prMence I ruriuyr tLix�m6n }is, uwniAwiwl the ferret tlieas to the mirjwlr" He had
f.rrsrnling to rhos t'. X.►[. xuUuuit,e"' u by the pigs, elttter while -Doran► prattles of OmDPr clean-up measurer truth, of, Him:�j la_1._to lK_the light of � done in thrlr midst.
..k _, or nursing Thp sow's udder is ire- 1r* the rtaDlps and yerds used h a :no man could
it, ctxinL at n 1Ntrt rat trttrmxafioateni r queatly wet and In contact with the farm aninialx.-L. 8teypmm�n. D1reeR tar world. lid tart thy. YhariPel+t {N do tMsr t4ce1N. (lest stye with hila"
for Alberta coal. Should t,aferich not floor, thereby Icatherinti the f�'Y! ! for of Rxtenwtorr O: 1L ColloRe, 't'nder"tatld th They it- religious ,\gain hp told them that in the fart of
I ! be. stirring itself in these matters? I Is Keeping the Blood Rich and present, on the teats, read to be -- ,tee;tche1`;-"lf(Re
• • • pig y g blind-fxtsr.tt•atIs , fns, if th.• • had , believing. and He tare "till erre--alar
Red -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills peered on to the little 1 dories the Nl`rFR\i, DieF1CiRtiQF7i. � }
Reye the reason for
next feeding. lesion other they sou f not have easti (1(r1r uu1w,11eL "1e ixlJeved not bp-
I:riUxh I;uve•rnroeut Metlmtk•s give ; bake Rich, Pure Blood find How the Worms Cause '•Thumps.•' Nnw These iN,firdenclets in iBoth'Sa out ofit• who+ lnslst,•d pon the Raid a ansp ye are riot of my droop.'• 311,
f'aundn fireet irises= xa..aa rtfg�or, •$errors Health. Hoon after the eggs are swallowed and Froin Antrnmix May urxti of his benefactor, . Ing. '•If this , sheep tte•r Hb voice, they, follow Him
p� tnlmtug rstklatry. l'anNMrn ecwuxume i by the young pig they hatch It ripe, lye Corrected- uu tyre• out of Goff hr rnhl do no• I and tire- known 'rat Him. They par
ergs xt the rate of Ala per'bead per Thin, pale 114-4.1.11• took the {s,wer of and the young worms are liberated I t nN." s,ared mune of these characteristics.
year -just one for oath day eitYlot%reaLstuncr to di-.as4- that etch, art In the stomach and Intestine. These During rpeent years a great dP,l ens !u thfn lalrablr rho ,sl l
I bhwNl givers. Nervous i roakdown is very minute young worms burrow in- , of consfderatlon has been given to� 1'Da fxel•s the dilri=,"Ir tx•t14oe• t' 1#s, further rerralPd to them ghat
I ttundhly. The ItelNianx consulate 212. 1 pe reaalt of fhin blood. i1r Is nun,.. to til.• wall of the bowel and reach ' the possible .•1fPats of mlaeral dell• i fir' lord engaged to do for 111" sheen.
nasi iwarlL They were tl)le
i'niter► litotes 1fi0, FrrmeL lag I)rr-I mitt, Indiltestiou, rhrumxti.,n and the blood Ptrpam, eventually reach- eteneles, reducing the vitality and nohtwri\ He the (:Dodi tiheyhrrel.�ht
};vs,auto them eternal Iifr; Aad
In the heart and lungs. 'This takes lowering tht• rpsistance of anlmala they rinll nester x•r1sh, urltapr mlutJl
I had they nqt cast the menoutoI tt
man" 117, tad fire 1. Th sully inn I lag f m lit , itninlre blood
d Just about twenty four hours from time 1 against abortion dlspase and sterility. any mail Work fhlm out of my hand."
ettRx rush per annual. The 1'ntlad(nn I ImR them thin, i Willi bMtted ue r ct just of hatching. Once the worms reach This spemm to he more especially the ''turn h of Israel shalt Hr had s,ntufit I Not atilt. of o,s If,, f -lura P to keeo r
rite help fir. tt'tltiatueI rink Pills him Ont add received him into Ills v.-ry I R i
fitu cat/Ght to advertise more Petri, , the lunge ,they grow and develop •rase fn dairy herds which are kept) t rm, hilt Hls Father'm 11"Wer In like -
van Rire. For wore titan 6 third of s� heart. r•venlili to hit" that He 1411,
sisal)• In Great Britain anti Rs,4 the � a cru r its,. \\'titlatuaa' flak I'illm auletly for About a west, tarn tdey rt n high elate Of milk production• R w PnNaRPrf on their behalf. Tay
I, ) burrow their way into the large- air i rymaining Indnors most of the time taw exi"rtrst >tlex,tah. I Fat r.. which
(rid Country people Into the way of I htiv,• hewn famous as a serve restorer, passages. This causes an irritation. � on a flied ration deficient to min y •t. u ,stuutry"
rising more of her,produvf. Ttoou"ande ulNrn thousands of letter" g coughing 1'xlrwtiu« ware, slid i+ a Ravp them )Ie, Is
with coughing The coo hin brings oral Plpment", namply lime and phos• "elf fitted for xhly•p grazing. and thrJ gro"Ito• than all; azul ren man i., shit.
II, - J
1e 0 e from xrateful l000ple have proved the up mucous and worms, which ale Dhorous. Run down and exhausted language-Jcxwo •mood wan readily em-
The (titnadian Jlanufa trorerr' Ax- rare. value of thlm medicine. The first swallowed by the pit. The worms Pastures should therefore he re-' dprttrwwf by OrtPtitxls, Thry ,new He;� — )
Pffrct of the pill" is nxtolly to stimu- pass on to the Intestine, where they iuvenated by a liberal aDDlicatMrt of N;Is slx•xkinR paneM+Hcuny, .•imply rap- - ,fir
indffttlon--or the Pxecnth-e mu"01 orf late the x efte: then the.xplrflts re- become attached and remain until nitneral fprtill:ere In order that +fviu to s lrlttull shy fi-." r• '-
-_ _ _. IKw I R D phrnt+ what t .
_ that-tn+riy--eWeir`(N ttamffhm-tfikI-.Hies v1 �at night, gives they reach maturity. On maturity etalns,forarteand asturacontainin ; r w/� 11'1
D i file err err seen Any night :Ind day u{srn .-mg?'ll`q t
wet to health-eextnrfr-�re� tar millu ■ of aSlis, m sufficient amount of minerals ma, the countryside. '
t gionw fur feed ----
Any atrti. pa,at•tI h•wehiNuns axkin. fir +R P which are Passed from the Imteat ni rap I _ , , r��r ,
_- xvfferrI from aux«min. nereooubles, and evontuatly 'Infest the yarda and ' IV afi,cases of nutritional e>scfeney, " ti;+l,l
-tier t[t"ttttimr orf ills salsa_ -Luz. nl-re- of
Keller* sm:forax 41
-o4IlVe troubles, Ing laude" we read that the fold wxto an •**' .>e+
thr xtrmp tax nnT4-hprluett atxl •dlie* rheumatism: ; or the xftrr r•lfetfi of In- The pretence at the worms lea tjls patnri of the defiefene7 should be „ix,n },n, l„snrr, with ltuils 'high 41 '”
- nil the heart and lungs t" rexpomlbte to dot fIlkthpd and corrected as far M 1
itli•MtF'^'8lesmtso� ordered DreathlnR sad hetft pasalbiP. In a R«nenl sense the de-
+-.rs.�.,,..�- tion of the Income tax. Isn't rho.,C. !lame+ fink 1'lllx •an• ■ n•Ptoistfn''>rv" f ,'„o,t tri kptgl out. sfol •, the
ockoot. -
iilClbII thf-e"If tttlff' tMT wY' lktent'tws can nsaaliy be corrected ti . • __ ��
marauders. Into tit” fold 'thp fluckx x,;:. ,4P
\f..\. altogether tow) malpratev' 'Why- the ulwoxt raffle. If yon are infeAk or tail " umrs." I a herd by liberal feeding of a bal- ^r' -Wf?I1r1 _.1I►ti'l1T tfita{gfuirht -
%,., + it not ask for the al►atttion of a}1 x111111► give these pills a fair trial and Prevention. Anced ration, allowing sufficient exer- Rightly rathm-rd. Each ,•punted his r - 1oohCA&s .
tdy the result fs +nim to ire hpne�clal. ole« and as, lar • a ore of llguminous fl+w'k. xhrrp by odlPrp a the entered
tlA,i,,o? We don't know anyttovi • e in we S y I �y
who wants to p•, taxes•--Fesleslal, wonder>r for tar, writer Infestation. D p iwortcr t o n r" I[
I)r. \t'lllixmi I ink PfIM� Russell ventton io soca Id or round worm palftvr•eo at posetble. Where mineral, .[4e_sllnr and. arbors All rr"�In, !t was r • ,yp►vim •' -, ,,....„„
t r Oct the sow and her I deficteney !s rpeumed to he present, rlte"tti and a i; -I „fes I „iI•r . .. ire
�q lrntlneial, of munlrlpal. Rs W
hI- mot Hili, Norwood. lint, i stat ro family out oa the green grass away' direst D.nPfit may be derived frnm a tion then• to watch 1 night. Th«ra I may,,}• ` ~" i 1 .;t
dawn and emild not ;At as, alepp snit from old buUdln and pens 1f mineral tonic to the food, such so are prowling 1441oulnh whose, arc. I� les, a. d
4 Ret rid „f them altogethpr? M Able. It buildp to use ens scrub NR trade ix I
a was very nrrvottm. 1 war le And necessary p Itnie phnsDDatp, Balt, potassium todlda "her ste•nlin four tate irorter will nut ` fi x,
would sometimes faint. i took a hot the goon with hot lye Solution and and sulphate of iron --C. D. McGill- lt't them in. I • 5�
\e,t •+payer rel.orts Indientr that onP of rhw•tor'" mrsNcine but It did not Clean up generally. See that the sow vriy, D.C.Ar., Ontario Veterinary lit the morning the shepherds tai• I 4,
chatrg,• to be mart"• in the tariff during help me. It was a real trial to de 10 clean outside and tn. Arrange for Cotla(e, Oue1pD,their �
1 -4 the pr,-ent eowion at Ottawa will by any housework, or to Ito about. and I the eleantag of the pen and a supply Iwl voice own "Iro Ther dun? mhep.
Shooting of the Hot". hr voice- to their own im}t. that she t • �REASURE the health, purity and beauty Of your " NIX1"
Rot xO that t "sanely earwl wM4M'r of sista straw every day. Sunshine herd 4-nllfng thMm out, fie then wrist
the radical reducilon of the Inane. on i ilvPd or died. dine they while read- aM cipaa ground to nage over are- As shaping hes certaijuardeInjurious
before them, on im "iNl the- F.amtem � child's skin, Regard every little soreness, rash, ��ljkf
ant.-mobik,. 2%erp I" no douht it ing it r 1 taw an advertimement �tKat aids to the prevention of influences it should be R, I giilfin -,Ao s
"thumps." -L, Stevenson, O. A. Cel. the following DrseticPs:- fxshlo►1, and t'ncullrx s1 them to fofidw g or irritation as a possible source of diseas-,.
Lr wi@WMr". t'an- atwent Dr. Avilliarno Ptak Pflls, It I ail'"
110 =_ ,111211vaollatt.
zululJ-- f a-_ p f Pzceselve rO b, re- aGL" ,le,w•riletd a case vPr much Ifhe my ' Oael h. i. Removal n g stns 11 A call"• ane! xc, hr led them Trea_ them a.1 With the famous Zam-Buk. hail• tleto /M,inR f(txr0 Or y f. p'It shop to foot and not toot into oars. ry I+Amturri nuA hrdAP still ( This �'
own anti i doprided to give file 01110 a walr•rs.'• 't'hls was tl:e Illnxtration pure herbal balm is a blessing t0 mothers. It pet- '"'
mute alwove the flailed AtatPa 1R1et Varieties of 1+"x11 Tflmipa. to shoe.
trinl. I hxd ant htr•nstaktng them There I" a limited ac ace of fan I a. Avoid rasDing styrfact of the dr"us us -0. 11111, ,eelna flint the 11harl•' ; vents minor troubles from spreatttng. It Soothes and ;j,,4i--p`,
__for tittJr ears. anal ate% if this oveO long when 1 could terl a change for waft s•rs either did not comprehend or healsquicKly and surely. Moreover, its mild, yet powerful "r"`""v'""
turnips grown fs Ontario lly earn year. antiseptic influence affords the delicate tasues complete '4=
e•hargr fs Duty rut 11N tan it will be a the txttrr, 1 conttnuwt the pill" until Roots rat tills clays usually � f, id runts ( Leave the sole thick. were drh•rmMlsl not to. He xlsrke em. 1 P
L � lam to ii-er+ of etlew--wblr•Il •pan" i had used right boxex w•hell 1 telt per acre, then he tiwpdp turnips• but S. Do not cut away the bar. phatkally and plafniy: "Verify, eerily, I protection d,gainst dangerous d:S'a3e infection.
A Iikr a news woman. Every elle itree- A •t trim the fro except to 1 as nntn,nn• 1 nm the door of the, �"'�1o,
,; Treat tI first Itchy Rash or Blemish
l,, ,&1r xr_ wrlr _ Pa_ or�htri!{'• We fllnt•.v they do not korp an late Into the win• g y
a _obit-_-om-gtela bad vanlahed and i ter. Other namem for tall turnips are detach pose portions. sheep." t►nly throngh Hlm, not h
That �rpn s►me of rite___&1i_'_ 11M Rxlued in wpi" ; -andira-AT dl ternlp" and White Flesh fur 7 �h select, i should be satiable hilar tt•nrtlrl", "an wrath «reMt the
m -the Hoses would hOMinte turned few illy face. All this i owe to Two variptips rat fall turnips have m and mtturi, et-Iritwerk ,� _ As a rer edy for teething rash scalled head eczema, '
_mtmJlt"I.._4.i�____ __._ D kfntnf•r+e- -nkF.iw�-+satyr , • � ,
11 tit voting agminxt the - r�fil�m tet lir-YF+Alwasr'-1'Snk._ltile-gnd._[_.�ro arson grown under test at the College g• }int ting is not_Injutlovs un. °nrhtrrd Into abillolow life. lmpet':;o, rill worm and other Slid disorders common � 1I#
1 �. now never without them In the bombe, U trgeti of the past sereadePni Iex" fo, t timed, g
and anyttimp } feel out td sorts they and the followingsire@ the averse 9. Wats and till - ____,cOntlnalliX Itlm ttachfriR xkmR I amongst ch Won, Zam-h,lk is invaluable. it brings R Tri dei 1 `4 grateful relief to p�•
» • e e aamnal ntults Io tons the mini« Ine, iiRNT-Mii;i-vTf U,r fT4w,T 1' the urttattd Inflamed pl+cos, expel, poison an4 atmealfr and aLickly � %F:
are m, first old. ' 1 gladly beat this Per sere at I as poasihb• f4he olierd, cootraeti the mnohu t of I restorer the mkm M • K*e of health rf r
In hltmurlden slx•ech to the Ratnep tteitlmtrn, In the that 1t *111 top sad Ot «Data for eaeb of (lee I to. I)on r mpr dawm etinehes t nR y perfection. .rt,r.
qly vOrtetbet RN Ter White Globe, 1.0 lelth vloL•nrm am•h with that of a hireling. The iat- for dl cuts, bruises, burns, scalds and flesh wounds.
- i� It theUse vtD) situ I
of Ibmmamx, Mr. F G. Fnncltrfs n. Iwneet terms diner xtlleMt" .s u e .r• ti� v_-� 1 «._ d t0 every ton- fpr always r4-pvd, 1 telt preteryxU,ro g, nflanimation sad pain and Arm``s swtRtitan he Ilwt
farrier, 1r* that the flyer law of Iffe :urd fled ,NI the air bni, Aloon " proved remed� lot poisoned weenda, ulcers, acne, psoriasis,tr'tA,s, 1
Is hoof I" plaeod loiarance of tlgnR•`r; but In errry elan abscesses, bad cgs, and pilex. 50c. the box everywhere. t
iwo comfort, and rpr threatening Him elolrge, the ikwpt
and borse half Ahophert warn at the, front defveding a
rough sinless Them rand risking Iii" )lip, erou unto; .
hful hotise a olPm rh. in order to protmt And snrl
Dtf%�I Of HI" ahepp.
at 2 a 10
lx aewtr" talked that de, fO tlorwN• X..-..1 hNne shepherds, Ile knew that soOu X
141�r-:r s x rwat^�rFrru a*4nx.w+ f`t'f''t',9°mrt^I, rsa','", 'fl<"s" rn• AM" r "' AP
'a -
ttr�lct rt°flt3 1 }fFtna i vrti' t (M1 t
i1. #' r k ,� ��7Sr it> t. trt t +i
i ��Ji,dfhd"tYla+res11. I t ,1 p a s t t o fts1r i"'.
7^" My • emir ilu yt k'v air::'t# .Ir hip, Na x '' y, ''T
,- I 4' 1 , t l'•t {tk •q• � kPa y 6 F 9 N f it lmF�.'�
It t, a!"kkia d l@rfe1 rx , en a IN ;4w ewie alyCl 4 t J t A+f M �y'$_ tet rc�., t ;;1
°.' i ► w `r e,: .E•.. .v ttyrw,."11,E I v ", ,. v x _ A' t _r.10
. Awe,. -M,,