HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-08-19, Page 4TRUSSES Accurately Fitted Kerr's Drug Store rmEmo Rmts • • • • We realize realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial-za.nd we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are moat moderate, CEMETERY LETA:ERIN° Promptly Done vaivinkute ll Pars the Famous and fa!:"0- lous C.N.E.I And, ILls there's termites cad ce ....r.1, lions galore. The 1953 ed ,af"Canadiano",staryng‘..vzr 18orge, Darvas and Julio, Lends, ;and the beauty estd wonderment of -Lioec -g Waters." There's a dinfroAd display never before shown; to the public...spine-chilling thrills, and loughs, on Iwo" great new Midway rides .. , 1 re famous Welsh Guards 'Bard ... a full.scale ice show,. Yes, there's something differ. en) every minute at this year's 144116710 1111111 Pierlatear Kt. MitAttlar kcittoy 00..11 ORONTO AUG,. 28*SEPT.: 12, 1953 Pliant SPECIAL OFFERS FOR RENT 3 rooms upstairs, side LAWN MOWERS-sharpened and entrance, no children, Phone repaired. Phone 553-w. Wingham O02-12. North St. 19b WANTED Lawn Mower & Bicycle Repair. Orrb 5f,t* ‘\\\\\.\\'''\ WHEEL -.BALANCING Makes ears ride easier • Saves tires and other moving parts of car All four wheels balanced with- our removal from car.The com- plete job done electronically. Tire,tube,wheel,b.ula cap, brake drum, balanced perfectly as one unit. Come in and watch it work. Tv ft SEE THE GRADS WRIST WATCH $7.95 HASELOROYPS SMOKE SHOP O. ALAN WILLIAMS BEST COOLER IN TOWN... 441444.44.4 SHERBET I }Weft belle= Mine' new &ether in several tangy fruit flavors. Quick way' to cool off these warns cloyz. Smoother than ordinary sherbet, more satisfying. Fer dessert, for 1.11. between refreshment, for frosty Otioyellentanytitt lex thineszt Ain& new sherbet. Optometrist Patrick St„ Wingham Professional Eye Examinations Phone 770 Etudinti by kaolatiiikaa, toifiRtsi ToOer-rrirast, 6.4 %INGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Phone 250 K- - A. 811°411 Bluevale Creamery Phone 424-w4 Wingham FOR SALE WHY I3E TROUFILED with corns, callouses or ingrowing Pails, GUAR- ANTEEP quick relief with NUE. TOE CORN SALVV). Ask your druggist, 29;5;12:19* CEMENT-Truelt or eariond lots.tip mediate delivery. Phone 41r2, eter. Contact Harold or Allan llynd, xrian, Gorrie, rrb LANOLIN PLUS preparations are in full supply at Kerr's Drug Store in Wingham. 1.9b CRESS CORN SALVE-for sure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve - wear stylish shoes soon, PIANO Small Mason Sr. Rise)) baby grand, like new: ideal for music teacher, church, 8011001 or any place where a good instrument is I'Vtinireti. Prieed right for ea.sO, or trade in your upright. Cimeiet Garnet E. Farrier, WhiteelntreII, phone 711,11, Wingham. 12:1V BE SURE to see 310W designs and oPoeial i !oaring 'wives on 3 ring aehool hinders now on display at Kerr's 1.Nrog Store. PIANO SPECIAL EON SALE 'Used l*pright mono, excellent condition, lovely tone, tuned ielou delivery in your own 1101110. Prier Al for quack sale. Terms can be mongol. Apply Jim Craigen, e o Elston House, Minnie St. 12:19b _ PICTURE FRAMING a Specialty. Warren House. 29:13:27rrb FOR SALE- LAPPERS. step exten- sion and straight. aircraft typo, aluminum alloy. Weight 1 pound per foot. Will not rot, warp, splin- ter or horn. R. C. Gibson. phone Wroxeter. rrrrl4b FOR SALE Man's Sunshine bicycle, in good condition 320.00. Murray Thom, phone 4r1, Wroxeter. .19s . . FOR SALE P. used General Electrie motor in good condition, Apply Riipp'a Bakery. 19* •CORON.A.TION View Master slides are on sole at McKibbons this week, 19b OARS FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1949 Morris Minor, 8250. Phone 434 Wingbam. 19b LOST LOST- a sum of money on Friday or :Saturday. Finder please leave at • Bert Armstrong's garage, 19* w•Y MISCELLANEOES V1EWMASTER Coronation reels are on sale this week at McKibbons, 19b MU? Cer bow you eng save mon• ey and get complete losurance pro- tection When you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Se:0U, Winghamt, 20$, rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its best for all breeds, call the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association be- tween 7.30 mid 10,00 a.m, on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sun- days. Phone collect Clinton 242 or Mildmay 130812. 1$:27:10:24rrh FOR RENT towel. rrb FOR SALE Modern 5-room bunga- low, centrally located in Wingham, 23 ft, living room, picture windows. oak and tile floors, air conditioning Oil furnace. This home is ideal for family or retired couple. Port cash, remainder pay NEA Loan as rent. For inspection phone Wingham 753-j. lOb FOR SALE'-6-room frame house on Victoria Street. 2 blocks from Main Street; 3-piece bath upstairs, 2- piece bath downstairs., excellent cellar, woodshed, good garden. Apply Jas. St. Marie, phone 230-R, 19* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-12 young sows due to farrow in one month; 125 Hampx Wyandotte pullets, 5 months laying. Alex Corrigan. Bluevale R, 3. phone Wrexeter 39* WANTED.--Help for kitchen and waitress. Apply Mrs. Grose, Hotel Brunswick, 194 WANTED-Capable girl to help la Bakery Store, ApplY Rapp'a Bak- ery, 19* WANTED-A capable girl er woman for general iseusewprir from 8 a.M. to 1 p.me five daYs a weelt. Duties commence Sept. 8th, No small chil- dren. Phone 170 or write P.O, box 63, 19* rorizawr VOR SA,L4E FOR SALE-300 White Leghorn pul- lets, 5 months old, laying, Phone 6084-4. 19* AVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs. and poultry to your Wingliato Co-operative, Ask for your Cash div- idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream It pays to deal with the United Co- operatives in. Wingbam. 25rrb Minneapolis Moline Tractors 1 Model Z Minneapolis Moline Tractor Model I. Minneapolis Moline Tract or I Model SO Massey-Harris Tractor I W-4 International Tractor 1 new Holland Forage Harvester and Blower A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO, MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 ECOVLAR W,I, MEETING The regular rneetiog of the Wo- men's Institute will be held Aug. 27th (Oote change in date of meeting). WA'S. R. Campbell in eliarge. Roll call, zi product manufactured in Huron COUnty, Hostesses, Mrs. Mow- bray, Mrs, Ernest, Mrs. Ringrosta Mrs, McLean, Mrs, R. Campbell, Mrs. W. Henderson, Mrs. Patterson. 0194 AT THD PALACE GARDENS, For- Mose., on Sunday, Aug. 23 t Earl Heywood and his wife Martha; Hap Swatrido, accordionist; Al Cherry, YiolitliSt and Clarke Johnston, the singing Irishman. 019b $2,000 BINGO-On Wednesday, Aug. 26, at Mtldmay Community Centre, Two special games $100 cash, One special $1,000, which roust go. One free special for $100. Fourteen regular games for $50, Admission $1,00. Extra and special cards 25c, 5 for $1. Sponsored by Mildmay firemen with proceeds for artificial ice fund, Doors open at 7.45, Games start at 9.00 p.m. 039b FOR SALE FOR SALE--Plywood boat, 14-ft. per- fect condition, 9,8 Johnson motor, also boat trailer. Apply 25 Carling Terrace, phone 660, Wingham. 19* TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the construction of the Finlay Municipal Drain until twelve o'clock noon. September 3rd, 1953. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office, Gorrie. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, P. L, Durst, Clerk. Township of Flowlek, Wroxeter, Ontario. 19:`2b ONTARIO NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Separate, sealed tenders, marked "Tenders for supplying screened sand in stock piles", will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, September 3rd, 1953 tll Southern Seetion of Division: Mitchell Patrol 2.200 cu. yds. Exeter Patrol 500 cu. yds. Tavistock Patrol 2,500 cu. yds. Elmira Patrol 1.500 cu, yds. Breslau Patrol 2,400 co. yds. St. Marys Patrol 2.700 Cu. yds. Grand Bend Patrol 200 cu. yds. Stratford Yard 2.000 cu. yds. Total 14.000 cu. yds. ,,21 Northern Section of Division: Wroxeter Patrol 2.000 cu. yds. Harriston. Patrol 2.000 cu. yds, Listowel Petrel 1,500 cu. yds. Wingbam Patrol 600 cu. yds. Lucknow Petrel 2,500 cu. yds. laillvertori Patrol 1,200 me yds. Yankton Patrol 1.200 cu. yds. Total 11.NO eu. yd_. Information to bidders Tender forms. etc., may be ob- tained at the office of the undersign- ed. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. L. E. Walker. Division Engineer, Dept. of Highways. Stratford, Ontario. 1Ob SILDENT REQUIRED A. M. HARPER, C.A. Goderich, Ontario Apply in writing, outlining education, age and business experience. CARD OF' THANKS Mrs. Geo. S. Cameron and family kindness during our bereavement. neighbours and friends for their W. A. McKibbon. wish to express our sincere thanks to Also Rev. R. D. A. Currie and Dr. 19* Mr, Harvey Bradshaw is laid up with a crushed foot, While at work on Friday a heavy weight fell on him causing the injury. Mr, and Mrs, Lynn McMichael, Ro- chester, N. Y., and Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Murray, Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mrs. David McLenoan, Mr. Geo, Ross suffered a broken collar bone one day last week when his truck overturned in loose gravel. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bowles, Han- over, are guests at the home of hes brother, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mont- vinery. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nixon and Norman were week-end visitors with Glenn and Mrs. MeRercher, Miss Joanne V.anstone, Boniller, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morris. CRAWFM MOTORS W in gham., Ontario Repairing -SHOES $aies 111111111111111111111111{1111111211M1111110411311111111111 , ANOTHER COMMUNITY SALE Saturday, Aug, 22 Bring what you have .for sale, ttSEll VVRNXTURE, .1-100411W, MANAGER JACK ALEXANDER Prop. Donald Rae Hardware. weto-ltwowoilitowt.....0.1••414111.0,11•11M00 SEWA611. DISPOSAL LIANIE YOU'l liv:P. TIC TANKS PUMPED THE SANITARY NOW Is the time for Schools and Public Buildings. IRVIN COXON' 2 MIL VERTON PHONE 254 ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT TURKEYS BIRDS OF ALL SIZES A Luxury Meat at Staple Prices LAIDLAWS Phone 366-J Wingham .1111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iNIUS111111111111111111111111111111 W Mothers! Don't fail to bring your children to our store on SATURDAY, AUG. 22 we. will take 3 poses of your child in Natural Color and give you one portrait FREE in Sepia Tone. NO OBLIGATION DETAILS IN MAIL ERR'S DRUG STOR Come in and SEE "DEEP-FREEZE" HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATOR with freezer cabinet capacity for fifty pounds of frozen foods in all models. Notice to Water Consumers The hours for watering lawn or garden are from 6 a.m.a9 a.m, and from 6 p.m.&9 p.M. This will be strictly enforced. Any one found watering lawn or garden who hasn't paid for this service will billed according-1y. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C E. Sher*, Superintendents SAVE MONEY c SAVETIME BUY BY CLASSIFIED COIVIING EVENTS BIRTHS Atigo row Th e witOunn Advance-Thnes, Wedstesilay, Almost 10, 1.05$ HELP WANTED FEMALE DF.An$TocK removed from your S form promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123\V, Durham 898 or Wingham 378. COR-, DON YOUNG LIMITED. ]rrb FOR SALE-100 Black Australorps pullets, 5 months old, Apply Mrs. Stanley N. Gallaher, Wroxeter R. 1. Phone Wroxeter 5-6. 19* FOR SALE-Turkeys, birds of all FOR RENT-- a cottage at Bruce sizes. A luxury meat at staple Beach for the last week in August prices. Laidlaaios, phone 3664, and the first week Sept. Call winghum. 191) Vi'. F. Bergman, phone 164. 19b REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED-If you have a: business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Use \W representing Dudley E.} Li sed Tractors Holmes, Real Estate Broker, Lis- o Model "QUICKIE" SALE HOC SMOLD FT'RATTURE Saturday till S p.m. Only KITCHEN SUITE-no sign of used condition, not a scratch or mark on it. Chrome set finished in soft yellow with gray harmony. suitable to :nix red or blue or green pieces. Set includes 30" x 40° table -plus end extensions r seat six adelts, Arberite top: 3 plastic covered real oerafortablc chairs. the best kitchen chair on the market today, and a matching step-stool. Extra chairs eart be added by local furniture store if required. 893 to 3100 retail. Make an offer. DRESSER-in walnut veneer. 26" a;3 re mirror. waterfall front, three large drawers. grain pattern in mild -butterfly" design. Large size top. this piece is priced new , between 869 and SOO in mail order ea:ado-eves. 340 cash. and a real bargain. USED STUDIO COUCH-still an ex- oellent piece for spare room either as couch. or single beds or double 1 bed for adults. Retails local and mall order between $53 and $70, we ask 837 price cash. J. CRAIGEN„ Rear ELSTON house. laiinnie St.. 2 houses from Alfred 12b FARM 13t"ILDEsl'GS FOR. SAT.F By TENDER Tenders will be received by the Bruzie County Reforestation Commit- tee up to -the 31st day of August next for the purchase of the following buildings situated on the County For est property, Lot. No. 35, concession 1, Cuirass Township. The buildings, with their approximate sizes, are as follows: Frame barn--36'x54'. Straw sheci-26`x50*. Implement abed-20'x.22`. Log House-l9'.x25*. 2 storey frame house with instil „brick siding, only 15 years old-22'x 25*. Back kitchen-18%x19'. Woodshed 1-Cx-23'. Combined hen house and double garage-17'x36'. All of these buildings are suitable for moving intact separately. Terns and Conditions Purchase price to be paid in cash 'I within 30 days of acceptance of tender, Tenders may be made on any of the ,buildings separately or on all as a group. .., The house, back kitchen and wood- -shed eannot be moved before the 1st.. day of April, 1954. 1 The successful bidder or bidders must post certified cheques of $50.00 for the house and $100.00 for the barn I "as a guarantee that the debris will be cleaned up and removed from the premises promptly. Buildings to remain at the risk o the purchasers until removed. Highest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Persons desiring directions to loca- tion of buildings may apply to 11r. J. C. Thompson, Reeve of Teesu-ater. Tenders shall be submitted in writ- ing to the undersigned, Shall State clearly which buildings are being ten- dered on, raid shall be marked `"ren- der" on the outside Of the envelope. W. t. Forrester CoUntY Clerk, 'als/ey, ont. BALSER Wingham general Hos- PRO, on Tuesday, August 11th, 1908., to Mr. and Mrs. Lowrie lialser,' Winglotm, ,o son. McDOWELL---lo Wingloon General Hospital, an 'Thursday, August 13t13,1- 1053. to Mr, and Mrs, Horvey Me- Dowell, Beigrave, R. 1, a daughter. TOWNSEND-In lAringham General Hospital, on Friday, August 3.4th,1 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Towns-1 end, Wroxeter, o daughter. HARKNESS Winginon -General .Hospital, on Monday. August 17th, 1953, to Mr. and Mi's, Rohl, Hark- ness, R. 3, Clifford, a son. JAMESTOWN required by EI:444.0PBM 'SHOE' SINEW also a GOOD choice of Men's dress and work shoes 4 HARRY BROWNE a young man with Grade XIII educations desiring. to become a Chartered. Accountant xruirml*-11tritlff 4 N-31Fritiltilt TILIAGIANIA:MIIIIIIMMIIIII*1111111.11111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111•111111141111r Your Store BABY NEEDS DU BARRY COSMETICS VETERINARY SUPPLIES Wingham Phone 18 :i7:mitictimmtewsustactimairntallivininsitielomnansualmillimmillimilailial a a U at a is a a