HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-1-14, Page 8THE SIGNAL,
_- -. - T _ - --
�.- - cin'I1c H NOM l WANT= - •
hopes high
ho tot at no distant
tar our a
_ _
d the West nivel lMlnriu
from page S) betwe NOW Flato T1gl.L A PROFITABLER 1'It.tt Tll'1+7s WHIIB UDC 1•01.•1•01.•fut.•rswltehtng nrr,,K• mrnlP over alae HICK FOR LAYING. I DOMED A"! Trthi liTIMM Y allude
•rakw•atrr tyre". will no doubt lie
Weere nEgg Producing -Mout Nece.+.esr.nodm► .N
for Owner to Be Pres-
to obtain nigh Fog Production seat -Humane tebciety on ab
Warn 1 Worn' More-
►IAuluwls .\ro !torted \rcr.rdlrag 0ttDRYChave
B b rhor will be the gnat de
tot for the hattdtm R of
Alberta coal
. faf
T• i
will carry on the ansae
Year- Cambria road 44111
be completed rod ae mowmowpaertelts the Mill DWI
(.Iet(ua street sewers oust
smteably arranged In the very near
future. Nothing moat be left nodOae
to Limp our harbor sad our port
d aft. cola we rlllll.a up to date In older tb•t. i gsOrale and Payment Made on TbM •-Wivaeesllig" 3 p.m.. liable school;
it s•• Ire ee,•II h, put °rectal 01- e
I Wstern Canada flour Innis, the G1leM llroudtor Pflaltry.
two or three rators, the railway- and therry
R Basis. dusiaes for all. 7 p.m., subject
kW 'ole 1»•rhale- order hunt th (Oautz4Wted by Ontarw n.partasmt at "RwdYnaking.
a.aa.,a� thus a., uarnh Usti inadr contflls may be kept Agriculture. Toronto.) „'uatrtAul.d by Ontario Department at
. • Alitk '� ,y may I luchfwtry. Tbeir work to .The services at Eaux church next
�tllPermute -in ur.rt rote Agriculture, Toronto.)
of them with the minlwum amount of i life•h1ueN1 of this •v.gtmtiafi ♦hes will not lay It not In good Sunday will be conducted by the
tr. fier•rin - Ctrac.nt, as a 1;pevlal (of1li�tee esadttlon. She aberuld be healthy. !t to not !salols t.. elle all tis I wIiiI ter, Rev. It. C. tleDcrmitl Ser -
'1' • trrcet11d by tourists and , .�,, eprlal ,coulee vp611 have tree from any disease, and show deviations the stock takes going uxm eiibJ.r•t+: 11 nem.. "Gnat I'undx
^attrir+ mates dr• for it a. ow Mrs• .pool,, be scarified and the you months work ret through the yard• but It le possible j mental-:" 7 pew_ "Learning to Live."
fist t -..d. the streets l!' rlfontdl mouths Ns.„.
'a + h'hr leaky band I- to give the reader some idea of the I Shah` ."•hoot at p.m
tear rear on the wast side of aur i (tub sp..Irl .d •ibis ,•ommltt.-..
regular channels of movement. �
Loan ah,,,ti,t receive anent ion We and motel use be telt undone that Stocky a are built on a definite
that [hie c••mmlttee will he iRI will progress of the work t 1 1
ham" P now $loely under was. plan of ems 1 and large pens to ent-
Cemetery and Partes I An r treater tor eotagrntuletioa cfeutly Gil the various requlremenb
It will be lip to this committee lull V all olio empty stores err aRaelti she uses her toed to manufacture and Beth class of stock is allotted a
sur• that the miniature* paries and Weed. d. ns pointed out le Tht• Sig- feather, and her egg prudue(Ioa fall rain section ot the yard.
generally to • minimum of nothing. Oa arrival of stock at the yards it
(data Lunt last year 1n conjuucommittee
ton ltkt recent date, operating raatittg clean It U easily noticed that some boas is immediately unloaded Into the un -
with taw public works committee be Sorts and shops now 1 p loading pens and tbs pens are locked
stunk+l Mill S44/4141 ae r a4 wt•uthet we have had for rhe past twculy go into • moult musts earner Olin D the employes of the stock yards
peretirs ;ovule help or adviim might years. it will be lip to thio enmmlt others. It •hen starts to motto la y
be had from the lorth'ftltural Sudety tee t.. lssmire1' country trade in
fta whose we ars- already indebted in every war possible. -u that Tornio..
man.! way.' n- to the pleating of an& Loneloii may not steel nay more
-hewer bean :o ads-an/Hee. of we see of our rMs11 Nellie -am than ettn pts-
' iL gtrlitfnrrt. Galt. Pinola* kid other silly be ',tinkled.
plana .t curhltag or root' eoelodare Our fire. Merkel and court of nee i
rf some su11"tanrlat kind must - be amen committers, 1 feel. will be can-
didly looked after anti i feel That we
can look forward to the year 1.e__li
with hope and ' onitdence.
We are beginning the ,.,.cord quar-
ter of the twentieth century under tilt•
'1 would not entail too mach cost, a 1 most favorable auspkes. 1 tri-[ in
ltapti-t church, January 17th. -The
pastor will presch. Morning -"Op-
p. rtuuitr in • Wtlek.rnesa." Even -
int -'The That Sinner Who Ever
Lived."' An evaugelistir wrens.
Victoria street United chunk: Rev.
ts.•11.y Jefferawt. pastor. Services Sun -
January 11-11 a.m.. subject:
plenty ot vigor and activity. The
lest pullet to lay In the fall la the
early maturing one. The hen which
Is • slow growers, L slow 1n feather-
ung out,a also a • ow layer. .
Tie Montt Le Impertaat.
Aa soon es a boa goes Into a moult
bull( slorut our soldiery.' memorial to
order te lute away alae barrels and un-
finished aspic it now has. The ora,
:cental fencing at the front of the
i ett•ry -bould be completed. and, 1f
second !road might be built latoethe the greatest harmony may prevail at
,.,•mtgepy, .e that a right and left or
in aad out road miglyt be maintained
and In this way wet danger et accident
would he eliminated at several den-
g.r.us turtle of the winding road in-
to the cemetery. camping
grounds mixt have mime eo4ualder8111.• MAN FROM CHINA T
all our meetings. and that we all
shall are prompt soil punctual In unr
ill tevadanee.
May the• gotsd things for 1tt2It fair
e.,..•.41 our moat nr.tent hopes.
',outlay made upon it if we etc going OF THAT GRIiAT CO
t batt parking melittins for our
touidets in which sae can feel any Rev. Dr. J. L.
vninia$Qal pride. ' United Own& C
Cosemitbe -\ Iarge eongr•Rattlt' greeted RM.
allow nt. let-up ie. :h.•, Or. J. 1.. Stewart eh North street
ch harbor and no effort' 1'nitel cbureh es. Sunday morning
in jrritmdIn& the I lase. Though a amu of still youthful
linos the work oflaps.carxnce. Dr. Stewart has spent
Gpvernlateatt to et,
rihbluR nndMore drt'dging as i44 u[v threw Tears to missionary
as- -.,y e.11 begun ' 4a et year. We I ,,,,rk In the real province of itse-
• hw-wn. West ('plait. webers for the
IAS( few years be has been vice-presi-
Goderich Industrial
The Annual Statutory Meeting of
the Goderich Industrial and Agri-
cultural Society will be held in the
Town Hall. Goderich. at 1 30
p m on
Thursday. the 21st day t
of Jsneery� ar�i
for receiving Fan/
nncial ei .- `_
election of officer* au& geeelle
Time Gundry. 119„ _ Clare,
Pr• atid*ea. Secretary.
,lent of i'ulol. I•ulverrlty in Clo•ng•
tat, the ....vital of the province.
His eacriptur• beware for the morn-
ing was Claris a picture of the Jodi
�tr�t IMy as told in the 23t1t ch,•nter
57, Matthew. ills text wee. -Ina*
1 mucic as ye have clout it nnro our
the !tat of these my bretlireu >•• hate
Iek.ue It Into me."
In his .address IIr Stewart de-
e-rlbeyl the country. particularly the
groat l,rovin(e , where him work hes.
with It. tI1,O(II,HIM( inhabitants. For
the erangtllalitK .1 14.telo.000 .4 1h,-..
people flip (lilted Ili
rim poii.4bllity. Then h
le4rldc, fudn.triouo. le
wonderfully patient. tolli
;gaining!): end achieving. In
their primitive wetbo,la. eery
lug reeulli.
••Thou• people.- mid the preaeht•
•'de•eerve he:pt the Mast form that our
old ten take le to help theta to help
themselves." This the clime -it. through
her missions. is doing. by apreading
Him -ottani 111 rapidly as menne wall
permit. ten•bing them Letter Indus-
trial methods. more sanitary way- of
living, training them In mt•d'klta,• and
surgery and nursing, and In other
branches of ,ducatinnel work training
the Chinese to troch tb.Ir own per-
And n greater work -till was to
bring to them. thts,ugh thee- agencies.
And through the preached and the
printed 111111-. the IIIwkilge of God
and of nix lion, Je+ua t'hritt. that not
only materially and mentally. but
spiritually, the whole nation may he
For Rent
is now available for any-
one wishing to rent for
amateur shows or concerts.
For terms apply to
Wesley M. McLean
P. O. Box 50
eh hat aseuta.rt
deerribe.l the
ions. and
Ill• of
July her laying for the setmmer is
about over. So we say that late
moulting and heavy egg production
gra together, because It gives the ben
• longer summer petted and still she
Is back In form is time for winter
So says Prof. W. R. On ions pens for sale or feeding. Duringpatarto Agriesltnesl College. this operation there la a member of
Laying Or and Mot Plumage. the Humane Society present, whom
It a bis Y haying heavily the duty 1t 1. to see that the live stock
image wW become dry, hard and has been properly leaded, eared for
a. Thi lustre will disappear in transit and that It is handled Ju-
aad the toalaters become broken. The dlciously about the yards. elm is
Ilea eertafaly loess much of her rat- direct tke care of dead aad crippled
ghat. heamty, but she cannot rotate animals. It L not absolutely awes -
that bright lustre and also keep up eery for to owner, of the .tock to
bowl produetlo.. Watch for the old ' be present as their Interests ars look -
with the full array of feathers ed after by employee of the stock
la good form. and me 1f abs 1* yard. company. Each class of stock
one of the boarders to your lock. fres hers goes tb Its own section la
tallow to Know a Lyirtg Hen. the yard.. It is not necessary to fol -
The question 1. often asked. "Can i low • carload of each class of .tock
u tell whether or not a ben U lay- I through, so will confine this report
7" This 1* very may. and re- to a carload of butcher cattle.
sires but a few observations. When Handling Butcher Cattle.
hen commeneea laying the condi- When the cattle leave the unloading
tont eet up In the reproductive or- pens they aro counted sad this must
mans are very similar to ndltlons .beak with the railroad .hipping bill.
any pregnant animal. Preparation They are then moved and locked In a
is made for laying, much as for par- pen in the alleys of the commission
tirttion In a cow. firm to whom consigned. where feed
When the ovary 1■ dormant and I and water are available. (1t may be
company. These pens are divided ta-
to sections so that the different
classes of live Rosa can W kept
separated In eases of mixed carloads.
Usually all the oars of the train -load
are unloaded tato these pens before
the distribution of stock to the var-
po eggs are being produced the 410- I stew hers that moat cattle are fed
canoe between the pelvic bones is and watered as In order to receive •
very small. The vent is dry. small. good watered
It is neceaary that they
ckered, and In yellow-leshed chick- have a cod fill to appear at their
ens has a decided band of yellow best at tante of air. It not, the buy-
ing ��eet around the Inside. When i ere take advantage of this and cut
laying commences the pelvic bona the pries, so a number of shippers
become pliable and spread apart. The try t reach the uearket • day Ore -
distance may increase from one to rioilo sailing In cotes that the oat-
fingers to a ahem time. The ale may have a good 1111 and quiet
vent Becomes large and moist, and down. )
atter two or three eggs have been The pie is unlocked and the stock
laid the ring of yellow pigment has released to the commission firm, atter
dtasppeared and the vent Is bleached. it accepts the count and signs • slip
to Obtain High Egg Production. to that effect; it to r..ponstble now
for any stealing or mixing of stock.
Before the market opens the stock 111
sorted according to grade. The mar-
ket opens at r a.m. and cloves at
4 p.m., aad no trading is done before
or atter them born under penalty
provided by the rules of the live
Stock Exchange.
When the market open the buyers
enter the pens. look over the stock
and make their bids for the whole
pen It they are of even quality or In-
dtvlduala, according to grade. The
Price offered depends on trade con-
ditions, and supply and demand us-
ually establish it. When the sales-
man le satisfied that he has the high-
est possible bid he completes the sale,
as It seldom pays to carry the stock
over until the next day. Each party
The requlremeutw for blgh egg
production. says Prof. 'V. R. Graham.
of the Ontario ARrlculture! College,
are clean. dry, comfortable houses.
that are free from direct draughts
over the birds, and that are well -
lighted. The teeding consist.; of •
variety of grains. green feed. snlmal
teed, grit and shell, which Is clean.
sweet and wholesome, and 1s given
to the birds regularly and In such
quantlllee that they have all they
want to eat before going to roost at
ght; that the supply of drinking
mitertal Is clean and abundant; that
the attendant Is regular in his or her
work *gd is Int vested In the same;
that the,hirde are bred from good
laying ancestors, and that they are
batched at tt
well reared. a
e proper season and
ad are free from des- keeps his own records and a final
settlement 1s effected Later when the
When Eggs Are W Moat.day's bargaining is over. It is •
A study o[ the drat tion of the credit to the market personnel that
such a huge business can hes carried
mig production is laterelttng and lm- on In this manner without the I
portant from the point of the annual scratch of a pen to an agreement and
returns from the. birds. Egg prlees with very rare disagreement later as
rise and fall with the season* and to the prices and terms of sale.
where eggs are produced at a seasond According to Grade.
( Ilave you tried our lee cream lolly -
pope? -3 tents. Wilson's Restaurant.
The Victoria !tome and School
('Iib will react on Thursday. inutility
21st. at 14 o'clock.
Part romp,. skw uud chole ustru-
mvutal muele at Kiwi chid cut < •rt
on Toe., hay. Januar) 26.
\V.• ore lunch pleased with the man-
ner In whleb The $ignal'4 subscription
list IP growing. .\ large number of
new auireerib•re pyre 1»rn ad,htt In
the last month.
The regular m*.e•UIR of the Arthur
Circle of Knox chun•h will be held
uu Monday, January 18th. at It p.m.
The toping will be take! by Mia.. D.
1k11 and Mrs. 11. !Deere. it is hoped
that all the members will be prevent.
It was reported some weeks ago
that English starlings. Imported NOM`
years nen Into New York State. were
raking their way lute Canada. With-
in the tatty two weeks n number of
these little feathered immigrants
hate been seen In t;o.lerich and have
created eoneidereble inter. -.0 among
local ornitho4tglsts.
.\ euchre and dance to be held at
the (k1ridellow+ 111111 ten Thursday
night. January 21st. Is under the ads-
pie•ra of that impute, urgauizatlou.
the W44111.11'84 Institute. and a good
time ix proudeed all who attend.
Cards at 8.15, followed by a good
lunch anal a dance for which riret-
dean movie will he provided.
The queetloa is not Aber*. etrinza-
tlnn begun, but when will IL -Haiti
more :tun.
Mityte• 1t would be 1b-: to wait and
g,. to Florida for the elearancc sale.
-- -Toledo Blade.
.t Winnipeg man curried a lucky
pettily till it wore a hole in hie pocket
and lar hest te:, dollar+. -Brandon
usually the greatest profit is made
or seasons of the year when prices 1 The stock is driver to the wales
are high. Pullets are the chief source AV employes of the commission firm,
ppllhel rind ennobled and eared. of egg enpDly. They require usually so
GODERICH aro Ix to seven months In which ung
A Patitt
g4e4 tato Iota, accord-
ni s to the grade and price paid. A
lhcti the preacher sty 1e in to hitt
- to mature. It is, therefore, possible weigh ticket is mase out and stamped
audleuce the opglit it ty to invest In- to regulate theft production In the by emphiyns otsthe stock yards com-
ten•+t .tu,l thought and money in eu tall months at least to some extent p••1 shor?ina; the aright, owner,
gr est an undertaking as was afforded by regulating the time they will commission firm making the ale,
th IH 3 1 mores of eggs produced during Oc- .toe U
March hands and driven dd locked
saki y tb quaretld! regulations
missions. As thorn wet • 3000 mem
Green Peed for Poultry. Cattle that w
es oT- lllp chnrelt there. that seem woe 1 benefit th looted a
sum e'g puny They aro
Vk is t t a
"1'edit-n iM ltewaK -seer a Weld fir) hatltut h ld he provided. Mwa cud and than taloa d to continent
kale. b
brethren. I
them in this and other Moreton fickle. hatch In the .prang The main purchaser, ander agreed price. The
r o e.rtunil - to give a helping
Iuuul to thew•. some of the Ma PI 41'1.
trey and s.. do It unto H nt.
mIPmlun. he
r (hirer- in their
had las year given $1x.001) for
Invent an average of fi per metnis•r. 11
nal to ail weeks wages.
• In for vireo
In the a ening,
.ertptfon of tate homes of Chins, the
Arm belief of the people in immurtell-
ty. but in the kind of life after
death that made waterier things, ankh
as fool. clothing and. money. nice. -
miry. Their belief led to the worship
of inventors. This encestor-w•nrabfp
had much of goal in it. lit no other
country in the world Ie such erre gir-
1 en, or mesh respect abown. to the ager)
. ge in, Chins. Dot it also had its
harmful Ade. re.ultinng in mega
misery and nnitapirine�ttt in the home
11 fe.
Othef coeloms of the Chinese fsere
d. -w rlhed. all having :n them a mix-
ture of good and toll. but all ehowie`rc
the nAditinn tills grout nation. petri-
fied and Cbrlitianfud, world make to
the welfare of the world.
The greet rene al for -'•its for tie
rnalntrnatxw and eete•n. s'ork of
of Coke, which will prove to be a the ratted Church has ee • d nn Im
j*tme from the xrrtices Sunday.
heat -producing diet. and will 1 * month in
Either of the:! lath 1C yt3�
hetae warm and your furnace Ruske TYIgit is Fall
happy until we can supple; you Exeter, Jan. 12. - On ilon'My for
w it)% Anthracite again. Ics,n, Mrs Albert Spetner met with an
e Put in your order. unfnrtunal.• neeldent. ahkh enrolled
That furnace of yours has to be
fed, whether there's a strike or
The Heal Folks are not going
to let it suffer.
We ca noffer you genuine Poc-
ahontas Coal and the hest grades
- CALL THE- In the frectnn of a thigh hone.
Fol Good Clean Coal
J. 8. MUSTARD co nor
98 • derich
N pile working on a Wen! dater, clean
Int' pale . 6114 eve -rimier -••d fell
t.. the floor. the will D .1 to
her home for Plume week*
The Mutual Life AM t ' .em
puny of (lanada la now .entail
In Gdmlerieb by Yr. D rocker,
Eater street, whose card peers in
another cMatan of this papas.
according to the mine grouping
Th 1 as weighed Export cattle -are
t now o of the shippers
tuber and November 1a the
hatched pullet. By December the pens. •
May hatched pullets are out for • separate. of course, to eomply with
re billed through and
Now the t the poultry are off the �� mrd and wale -red are
range andno longer ere wpick- ner bythe stock yards coil -
unloaded and driven
Ing of freMn green feed at liberty, a and looted Into DPnx, fed and water
sea e should pro) r
gels, a e, cabbage andtheir journey.
oats do very well to supply in part Calves and sheep are handled muck
the very nexessa p aper nutrition.
A and the same as the other classes of live
D. so eeaentlal to proper seemingly
A stock While in the unloading pens
little attention to a sntly may unlm- the calves are inspected by a mere -
point frequently mead. the mutative of the Markets' Branch for
difference between success and fall- I hobs or suspected calves. and the
are with breeding stock At the On- doubtful ones are ear tagged and res
tario ARrteulturti College Poultry «ive final inapectlon when slaughter -
green teed or roughage containing msuts, of course. n.eessltate the
the vital elements b always available marking of the animals so there can
to the stock. -L. Stevenson, Dept. ot be pro rated settlement. This is best
'Extension. O. A. College. Guelph. done by ear tagglsg the calves and
When Horse 1. Overcome by Heat. ' the use of paint colon for the sheep
and lambs.
A hone that previously has beM When huge (Pave the unloading
overcome with heat may fall to sweat poo they are counted and checked
In hot weather and be aubjcct to re- the same as the other stock. They
enrronee of the attack. if wreath's ere taken directly to the scales and
can be caused danger may be offset, weighed, then locked tnto pens and
Brisk massage of the skin helps, and either fad and watered or not, so -
blanketing may M tried- When • cording to instruction front the own-
ehlll occurs a strong liniment rubbed er. Moet hogs here are sold on -the
to from ear to ear stimulates sweat- ..weighed off car" basis. Thep ars
ung and elrculatlon 0? blood 11 graded by the Government graders
should not be applied before putuag ,
before milling, and a grading sheet
on a blanket. Some have had goo amempantes each lot. The se:llag
Tomtits from copious drenches of Is mueh the ams as for the cattle
warm tea containing ginger .e..nee and the stook yards compel do-
or tinelur° or4bs powdered root. mends that all gates Ike looked whoa
' under their ears, sad a slip typed
Woman ne%,-r get: so oke thut she
doesn't want admarattou, aro) man
never growls beyond admiring ter.-
Itert Mose+.
L the C.A•R. station and the harbor.
Flatlet please leete at SIGNAL OF-
FICE IC'E and retrive reward.
11 furnished or unfurnished; bested.
e•It-etrle lights; one room has a fire-
place; centrally Wiled. Apply at
PrIoe 25 cents.
' S1111. of Goderich, on Provincial
highway. five miles from Goderkh and
rix from Clinton. adjacent to church
and shod, eomprieing thirty acres of
first -clans land well tile -drained.
Good cement block seven -roomed
houat•; hank-baru 40x30; driving
house and garage 3C -c50; orchard of
t5 god winter apples; uever-falling
water supply. For further particu-
lare appIy to (1SWALD GINX, IL It
1, Go.'-erlcb. Phone 16-003.
In the matter of thu Estate of Jane
1.eaett, late of the Town of Oalerich.
dee. aard.
NI)TI('E: is hereby given that all
persons having violins or demands
against the estate of Jane ),each. late
of the Town of (ioHerk•h, In the Coun-
ty of Huron. widow, decetatwd. who-.,
Med on the 211th day of Reptemi -r,
A.D. 1125, are required to mend or de-
liver to the underaignel. solkltors for
the Executor,, full partleurarw of tbeir
Ialma, duff verified by declaratloo or
*lldavit. oa or before the 18th day of
January. A.D. 1126.
AND TAKE NOTICE .het after the
maid 16th day of January. A.D. 1936.
the said, Exceutors w111 proceed to dis-
tribute the mewls of the said deceased,
among the persona entitled thereto.
and that the sat.) Executors will not
lie liable for the wild assets or any
part thereof. to any person of whose!
claim they shall not then have ?e-'
eelvel notice.
RATED at Goderich. Ontario. this
2'sth day of December. A.D. 1923.
Solicitor. for the Executors-
elerk-experienced preferred, fust
Mks 1• Ooderlch. .\ppij, ata
wages and qualuleatlou-, to BOX lids
dealers or ageeta for the "Davit;
(:rimer inverse. Duplex Raddo.aet .
k'or full particulars write CiMAl.
r1.BM1Nu, Distributor, Uaooveta
Accountant. 102 Ontario street.
Stratford.- Phone 1580. lies. 1330J.
Telephone No. 119.
Sales attended to anywhere and ever*
effort made 610 give atidactlos,
Farmers' ale notes dlaromted.
*maned Auctioneer.
Eiden Street, Gsderime.
wtll Conduct any sale la the, count/
of Huron. For information apply k►
P. J. Ryan. Hamilton St.. or order*
left with him will receive prompt ale
The death of Mrs. William Rut-
ledge. of Clinton. formerly Of God -
...rich toe p. ocurred December
:arch at London, where she had gone
the ptwviuue day to undergo an opera•
tion. Mrs. Rutledge was born In God-
erieh tower+hap, being a daughter of
the late Henry Ford of that township,
axed spent nearly her whole life there.
Sine her marriage her home had
Ib•a oti the Huron road west of
H low -till.•. iler husband riled about
tor•-• "•giro ag1e and for theiwit year
she• h:11 been n resident of Clinton.
141;.- '..n yea two dauRhtrrs: Mrs. WII-
fri F4t-t.y, of Clinton. and )lies Villa.
who i+ leashing near \Vallac*.barge
Three brothers also survive: J. A.
Ford of Clinton; Willbam. of Victoria.
B.C.. and Fred, of Godcrl.h township.
Tile funeral took place from the home
of der. and Mrs. W. Seeley. ('linter.
the .,•rvSOr•s being conducted by Rev.
\. .l. Holmes. interment was made
li. )Initlnitd cemetery, lioderlch.
\ire. Courtite. wifee% of Andrew J.
C.srtiee. Holme•et-111e. passed away on
Wednesday, i►e.wmher 30, In her
seventy -ea -Tenth year. Iter fatal ill -
111411. was of only five days duration,
hilt she had been gradually failing
ever since the death of the )vnuigeat
syn. William N., In September last.
Mr.-: courtier was Morn noarl).umber-
ten. Ontario, and tufty a years ago
was married to Mr. ConrtIet•. Their
eerie married life was mem ma farm
14'k•laering . e4A(:a4flb. a �r
They mover) to Iluron eount�g
on a farm on the 11th concermton of
d;uekrieh township. Here their Pleven
ehlldn•n gree./ to maturity, and in
1111)1 Mr. slid Mrs. Courtier sold the
farm tint moved to llnlmeevltl,
where they had tdnee r.r•idcd. Be -
.sides the hnehand. the foltnwing eons
and d tight.re mart-lve: Mra. F. ('. El -
rood. of Ottawa ; Mn. Sottish Walter.
of ilnlmestille; Rev. T. 1t. Courtice.
of Ptttahurg, Pa.; A. J., of Winnipeg;
Mies Emma F.., of Holmeevllle, and O.
J.. of EtanawIlle. Indiana. The fnn-
eral service was held in the United
hemp, Hoinieeville. on New Year's
Day, aad the interment took prince In
Maitland cemetery, Goderich._
The farmer who keeps plenty of when released.
sock is the man whose crepe Th On hogs shipped co-operatively the
stand a drnught the beat. It takes selling weights are dedaeted from
a dry year to show the benefits de- the home weight aad the shriek pro
✓ lvwd from liberal applleatlons of rated to mieh animal. Biwa lot ague
stable manure. bear a dl,tfagulahlsg mark se and
A small table with • drawer oras meismogs, reeelvs. the prepgt
old-fashioned commode with ceetetu graiing sheet. The aelaa.ra rats
w the legs makes • weed tray that the heat nark by estt1 the halt i•
fomes In handl la the kltebe• aad various d.MqssA. t.fa.a. IMO. II
Slides -room. >onao.IM„ O. &. COI
The Colborne Egg Cir. -le all: :,cid
they annual meeting in the Towashlp
FIa1L Carlow. on Monday afr.•rnoon.
January 16. at 2 o'cleth. All inter-
eeted_Itteaee attend._
President Secretary.
Ht'RF.R -DYER.--4)n Friday, Janu-
ary R, at North street United
church, lidaterh•h, h) Rev. C. F.
Clark', Velma 11. Dyer, niece of
Mr. and Mre. Geo. Andrews Clod -
retell township, to Wtttlam N Hn-
ier. of Hanover.
FEAGAN-11IRHER.-4)n Thurielay,
J y 7. at North street United
church paronpags. (loderieb. by
Rev. C. T. Clients Mildred G. M.
Fisher, only daughter of Ms. end
Hrs. Jacob Fisher. of C ollurae
tewasMp. to Carman 1. Tessin.
yowl** sou of Mr. and Mn. Jobe
?vegan et Colborne towiehtp.
YOUNO.-is asses eb, 111
J aahty in. 6esrp Twit
711!1 year. r
The annual meeting of the •
.ertberw of the Colborne Muuk,pal
Telephone System will be held, In he
Township Hall. Carlow. on Thursday,
Jennary 21st. 11126. at 1:14 o'clock
I. M.
E. V. i.A W iON.
S. tetany. .
Cnl'N('I L.
• for household efforts farm sun%
ate, for tits Oo.a at Buren.
Address all eomseaaleatbes to J
O TA, rue /rows P. O.
I. OOf& E. O»
West Street. Oodcrtch.
Honor ()retinae of the CanadIs$
Ophthalmic College of Toronto.
Eyes examined by the later saltie
oda, and the proper luting st ilagame
at moderate prices. Ontario Boar`
of Examiner, Certtfkate No. 675.
poor. w. H. JACKSON. Organial
• and Director of 'tusk. Nortf
street Methodist church. Inetructle0
given In Voice Culture. Organ, Planes
Violin. Guitar. Theory. etc. Studio 'AA
residence, 37 North street. Phone *16..
Godericb. '
Chronic (gpa•le and nervous disc
et see. Consults tion free. Oepa
Lours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., eases.
ung Monday and Thursday afternoons
and evenings. and by appointment.
fiesldence and oeke-Cor. LAR
and Victoria streets. ---
Lab House 8urgeo■ New York 016.
thalamic and Aural Hospital, saslsnaal
at Moorefield Lye Hospital sal
Golden Square Throat Il.i.pltal, l:ss•
don. Eng.
56 Waterloo St. L. Stratterd. Td.
' epboo. 267.
I .1t Mot. -1 Bedford. Godericb, on obs
evening of third Monday of each
montb, from 7 ..clock. till the follow-
' Ing day, Tuesday, at 1 p.m.
The Counell of the Corp..ntlon of IIiAL
the runty of Huron will meet in Mot
council chamber, Godericti. at 3 o•-
cl,s k in the afternoon of Tuesday. the iisrrister, IM.
28th day of January. 1926. All se- Oisce-Hamilton street, doderlcb.
counts against the ,vrusry mast be in Phone 27.
the hand,. of the clerk :,t liter than
Monday pr.r•..ing th. meeting of C SEAGEII, K. C.. BARRIBTLR.
rennet!.SOLICITOR. Notary Pmlhne sail
CEO. EIOLMAN. Conveyancer. Ofilce-Geert hissaR
t'Aanty Clerk. Ooderfch.
Goderieh. Jan. llth.
Herewith are set
1e,„'rs�aetlon 79 (31
In11naineit of -'1T
expenses of the
dates In this etecto
Ylon to the House
GoderIeb. Jan. lamb
Summary of El
George Spot, on. ca
Boron In the elf
291'h, 1925:
Perennial expa.es
Perennial expenses of
M. all
he •host
1'111 Sr
ire esutli-
iistlasses* lll.f
Commons, if
turning ()dicer
Surceasar to J. L. Killoran.
Phone 97.
Office --The Square. Ooderleb.
''n Exps•nsen
elate for No
don est Oct
('b•rfrel help.
Printing, bills. ()curacy.
Premise*. balls for m
etc . -
1d 11y
(Saved) C.
Flummery of 'El
J. W. King. ea
roe In the elect
Personal pally
Hire of pram
Printing an
Tetegrs imt
MP. £ .
k Y8-Rat.. .C. AAYt3, .. B. A:
nareill1ew 01 . t3q¢ericn
General Agent for -
Conteieratint IJte Asesdethla
Also ire, automobile and aedditsd
tsar ranee.
()Mee: At r. R. Darrow'
Prondfrfot & Ktllorad'al
the Honore. P.O Reg
=500 all 'muscle 0(1.-rs
06.30 want property Insured.
3.75 o esu -Tea. Conway
117.80 u. Iv
Bwerbwoodrteb P. O.: P.
JO. ; D, r .� ' lteorieer.
see. -Teas., Saat.rth P.
1 DItoste a -A. R
$1-258-ttUgtsw,� the. # SsaiMta r hips A. orient 116k
Hu -
October 20th,
meet Ines 74 00
'king 67.att
$4111.911Othamigraivit Oars
+P*t.agl OwsOlhash, '
011011 Adept- film 1Sipe
h a
b t•'
4. When TIM M lies, It;. L )mgt
It lig /aster i Jelin Be s.fojaa. Wed.
balm: Asa. McCartasy, R. R. ate. L
Ssat rte : Robert Teeth, Hada&
Murray Otbse, Bruestlutd ; 'GSM
Ream, Resetiwoed ; Jane OlttkaaIJ
scab -a. w. Ta.•
Aim. Lust, I. R. law
atl.I _ rlobe s
Milani, s sad apt
L 11111~1