HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-08-05, Page 8By the time a pullet is ready to Lay, she rep- resents a considerable investment in cash and in work. She will pay off that invest- ment with interest quickly if she is brought into production of larger eggs early when the egg market is strong. SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash will help do that job-- full feeding with SHUR-GAIN Growing Mash and scratch grain (50-50) will bring your pullets into production earlier. CANADA PACKERS LTD, WINGHAM U U a a a U a U a U a a Get them Cackling Early this Fall ▪ The Cackle of pullets is music to the poultryman's e• ars because once they start to cackle they start to • p• ay their way. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham /Pomo Eight The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, August, 5th, 19 IDISPLATS. CACTUS PLANT ABOUT aft YEATtS OLD Eric Milner has in his store window here .a beautiful flowering cactus re- ports the Huron Expositor. It boasts four blooms, One has already faded and died as the flowers last only 24 home. The plant is about 30 years old. 011111111111111811111111111111mi MIS 1111111111111111111111111 111 11411111111 U U U I EQUIPPED' a THE JOB 1 NO BURNING or DRILLING METAL when we have the right equipment on hand for all mechanical work. This specialized shop gives you good safe work and protects your investment. a Conitilett Ainettiotilitiehilte • 4507,40E402 iro;o049ideeeeehlava" 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111, U Our 20-TON PRESS will pull anything in king-pins, sleeves, bushings or other mechanical jobs of such a nature. WINGHAM MOTORS WE ARE TO DO • ti a a U U U a U a U a U U U Business and Professional Directory A. H, MIAVIS11 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR.O. Mrs. Viola H.Homuth R.O. OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. CRAWFORD & HETHERIN6TON Barristers, Solicitors, Wingham, Phone 48 J. E CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETIUERINGTON, Q.C. n•mame••••••••••••=••••••m WELLINfiTON FIRE Insurance Company Est..1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham By Mrs. Norman Wade Gorrie Reporter ANDREW Y. McLEAN Liberal Caididate in Huron —Born in Seaforth, 44 years ago —Married, father of three children —Member of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth —Editor and publisher of The Huron Expositor —Veteran, RCAF, World War II —Member for Huron-Perth 1949-53 —Canadian delegate to 7th General Assembly of United Nations HEAR HIM CKNX, Fri. Aug. 7th, 8.30 p.m. r --1• toll lop In • al •• MI f• r 1•1 •••• •••• an awl pp Aug. 10, Vote McLEAN Liberal in Huron The local man who works for ALL sedans of the Huron electorate. Issued by Huron L,iberal Association To the Electors of WELLINGTON - HURON RIDING May I again, remind you of Liberal Legislation that has become effective within the last few years. PENSIONS for everyone over 70 years of age without a means test. FAMILY ALLOWANCES maintained. A FIVE YEAR HEALTH PLAN inaugurated which includes increased grants for hospital construction. The outstanding contribution of our Navy, Army and Air Force to stop Communist Ag- gression has been fully supported by the Gov- ernment. Increases have been, granted Rural Mail Car-. riers. Under a system of Floor Prices and also under powers granted by the Agricultural Prices Support Act, the price of farm products has been kept on a, level with those prevailing in United States. WHAT CAN LABOR EXPECT FROM MR. DREW—His solution for the railway strike of 1950 was the apointment of an administrator. The Globe and Mail under an editorial of August 31st, 1950,, headed "PUFF, PUFF", asked Mr. Drew, "How long does the Administrator administrate? For a month, six months, •a year or in 'perpetuity? As a result of good administration Em- ployment has been kept at a high level. Surely our Conservative Friends must have a rather peculiar conception of the intelligence of the Canadian Voter, when they say "Let's face the facts", and then expect, The VOTERS, to swallow a statement that immediately on the election of a Tory Government, on August 10th, TAXES WILL BE CUT. The Liberals do NOT say "Taxes can not be Cut", we HAVE cut taxes, but. we DO say Taxes can not be cut and more money spent as would be the case if Mr. Drew's promises were even started let alone complet0. My Farmer Friends, I am sure can visualise Mr. Drew going to Britain and coming home with a Meat Contract. If he does he will have to compete with the Argentine Contract of—Best Quality Refrigerated Beef Dressed Weight —21.9c per pound, Wiltshire Sides at 31.8c per pound. Also, with Denmark and Holland with eggs at 38c, Butter 42c, and New Zea- land Cheese at 22c per pound. Do you believe our Standard of Living on Can- adian Farms, which is not too high, can be maintained under these prices. Mr. Drew quite conveniently forgets that TRADE is a two lane highway, what will he import and how will these imports effect Canadian Industry? -- Do Not Trade Prosperity for Promises -- FOR THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE VOTE LIBERAL AhRYITC7); ARNOLD DARROCH Liberal Candidate Wellington-Huron Riding Wellington-Huron Liberal Association. hORRIE Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hyndman and family, have returned from a holiday motor trip to the Thousand Islands, Ottawa, Algonquin Park and Port El- gin. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Musgrove spent the week-end and holiday at Wasaga Beach, Mrs. Eccles Dow, of Wawanosh, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Hector Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hamilton and Gay, also Mrs. May, of Toronto, were week- end and holiday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Scott. Miss Chantler and Wir. Archie Ed- gar, of London, visited last week With the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Rev. W. J. V. and Mrs. Buchanan, Kelvin and Maureen, have returned from a month's vacation spent in Eastern Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Graham, Betty and Alex, are visiting relatives here for a few days, Miss Verna Harris, of Paris, is spending some time with relatives in Howick. Mr, Sam Stinson was moved from the Wingham Hospital to Victoria Hospital, at London. Mrs. Geo. Keil is also a patient in a London hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Hastie, Streetsville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie, Tommy and Bobby Hastie returned home with them after holidaying in Streetsville and Toronto. Heather Hastie, who has been visiting here returned with her parents to her home in Streetsville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson, Blyth, and Mrs. J, W. MacLean, Detroit, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton. Mrs. J. Little, of Windsor, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Vittie and Mr. Vittie. Miss Thelma Stafford also spent the long week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth, Wngham, and Mr. and Mrs. Blyth, Owen Sound, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie. Mrs. Glad Edgar spent a few days the first of the week in Toronto. Miss Nora Plant and Master Dick Plant, of St. Marys, and Mrs. Al. Simpson, of London, are spending a few days with Mrs. Bertha Plant. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Broad and children, of Newmarket, spent the week-end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel. Miss Margaret Brown accompanied Misses Maude, Esther and Reita Har- ding on a motor,trip to Kirkland Lake. They will also visit with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sperling at Bracebridge. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ashton were guests on Saturday at the Watson - Armstrong wedding in Teeswater. They were accompanied by Mr. Ken Ashton V-to is holidaying here. Mr, and Mrs. C. D. Walmsley, Bar bara and Ronnie, are spending their vacation in Bracebridge. Community Picnic A picnic arranged by the Community Club was held in the park on Wed- nesday afternoon, when there was a fair attendance. Sports, races and a ball game were features of the after- noon's entertainment. Harvey Spar- ling's guess was nearest to the correct number of beans in a jar. The jar held 1361 and he guessed 1350 winning the 32 prize. Picnic lunch was enjoyed. W. M. S. The Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church will meet on Thurs- day evening at the home of Mrs. Glad Edgar. Mrs, Harry Ferguson has returned after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Everett Sperling and Mr. Sparling at Bracebridgt. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Brown, John and Jean, spent several days at Port Elgin Beach, Rev, G. D. and Mrs. Vogan, LaSalle, and Mrs, A. Watson, London, visited with friends here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton, Drayton, Mr. Colin Gillies and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barton, Toronto, were guests on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edwards. Mpg Beryl Bennett, of Kitchener, spent the week-end and holiday at her home. Mr. and Mrs, H. V. Holmes left on Saturday to spend some time at their cottage at Bruce Beach. Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mrs, Jack Ferguson, Mrs. Bob Ferguson and Mrs. Ireland attended a trousseau tea given by Mrs. J. Morwick at her home in Guelph, for her daughter, Miss Jean Morwick, whose marriage will take place, August 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dodds Were recent visitors with Rev, G. P. and Mrs. Vogan at La Salle. Mr. and Mrs, W, d. Lawson and son, Peter, of Toronto, are visiting with relatives here. Mrs. Leland Kinley and little dau- ghter, of Ottawa, are 'visiting With Mrs. Kinley's mother, Mrs, Clara Rit- chie, Mr. and "Mrs. Glenn king and two children, of Peterborough, are hOliday. Ing with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank King, Mr, and Mr's. Jail, Watson, Fergus, Vialted with Mr, and Mrs, Milton Witt-, Seri. Mr, and Mrs, Edward' King, of treit, were week-end and holiday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs, Earl King and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lennox and little daughter will take up residence in Toronto, where Mr. Lennox will be employed on the railroad, They moved their household effects on Thursday, Miss Mae Watters returned to Tor- onto on Monday after speriding two weeks vacation with her sister, Mrs. C. Dodds, A reunion of the Ortman, Douglas and Stokes families was held in the Gorrie Community Park on Sunday, July 26th, Miss Erla Newton, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home. BLUEVALE W, I. August Meeting The theme of the August Women's Institute meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Stamper, on Aug- ust 13th, is agriculture arid Canadian industries with Mrs, Charles Mathers, convener. The roll call will be "An in- teresting fact I have read about some- thing made in Canada," Mrs, Jack Brewer will give the topic and the current events will be given by Mrs. Stewart MacLennan, Mrs, Walter Smillie will give the motto and the refreshment committee will be Mrs. Wendell Stamper, Mrs. Wm. McKin- ney and Mrs. Kenny McNaughton. Greet Fellow Countryman Rev, M. Bailie and Mrs. Bailie were at Molesworth manse on Saturday afternoon to meet Rev, and Mrs. R. Longlin and family from Ireland. Mr. Longlin has recently come to Frank- fort Presbyterian Church, Kentucky, and is at present on holiday. Rev. Graham Smith, of Dundas, Rev. Wm, Skelly, of Drayton, Rev, Ernest Boggs, a brother of Rev, R, T. Boggs, of Molesworth, were also present to greet their fellow countryman, Former Resident Passes Mrs. Chritain Brinker died at her home in Sandusky, Michigan, on July 21st, in her 84th year. She is survived by two sons, Aaron and Earl, and five grandchildren and one sister, Miss Carrie McPherson, with whom she lived. Her husband died eight years ago. A niece, Mrs. Wm. Adair, lives in Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Brinker were former residents of Bluevale. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adair and son, Brock, of Mt. Brydges, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Adair last week. Rev, J. R. Greig, late of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Fergus, has ac- cepted a call to Beaches Presbyterian Church, Torono. Mr. Greig formerly preached in Knox Presbyterian Church here and called on Bluevale friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McKinney, of Boisevain, Manitoba, and their aunt, Mrs., Walter Forrest, of Brussels, re- cently visited with relatives. Mrs. Charles Fraser, of Vancouver, spent a week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Shaw and visited other relatives. Mrs. Nellie Lillow left this week on a trip to England, where she for- merly lived at Seven Oaks, near Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Foster returned to England on the same boat with Mrs. Lillow after visiting their niece, Mrs. William Elston Sr., Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hammond, of Drumbo, former residents, visited in the village. Mr. arid Mrs, William Carter, of Harriston, spent Sunday with the for- mer's sister, Mrs, William McKinney. Mrs. Donald Street and daughters, Linda and Julie, are spending a week with Mrs, M. L. Aitken. Mrs. Jos. Smith visited her daugh- ter, Mrs. William Myers, of Doncaster, who is ill in the Toronto General Hos- pital, Mrs. W. G. Johnston was holidaying in Kincardine at the week-end. Rev. M. Bailie, Mrs. Bailie and Ger- ald, have returned from a holiday at Peterborough. Mr. Bailie will conduct the union services in the United Church on Sun- day, The Johnston famly reonion was held in Kincardine on Civic Holiday. A number attended from this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 73osman and son, of London, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bosman, WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs, S. Lambert,' of St. Catharines, spent last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Myles St, Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis, of Grimsby, spent the week-end at the home of her father, Mr. F. McK. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Murray, of Tor- onto, spent the week-end at the Mur- ray cottage, Langside, and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Murray and Kathleen, who had been here for two weeks returned home with them. Mrs, Bosman, Wingham, visited one day last Week with Mrs. Ezra Weiwoocl. Mrs, David Kennedy and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Lorne Durnin attended the Dedication service at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church on Sunday after- noon, when the new steel fence and two sets of double gates with stone pillars were dedicated. Mrs`, Walter Elliott and baby, Paul, who have been in Winghani Hospital for tWo Weeks, Were able to come home on Tuesday4'