HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-07-22, Page 2from Europe on Saturday whore she hap spent a year teaching in a Girls' College in Stockholm, Sweden, Archie Scott of Morris, met with a serious accident Thursday morning while unloading hay at his barn when the hayfork fell and struck him in the side. There is a possibility of it having punctured the bowels. The injured man was rushed to Clinton Hospital for X-Ray, Mrs, R, A. Bonner and son, Douglas, of Toronto, and Mrs. H, J. Hoose, of New York, are visitors with their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Haugh, Diag- onal Road. Miss Margaret MacLean successfully passed the Grade IV Pianoforte Ex- amination, Miss Dorothy Patison suc- cessfully passed the Grade II Piano- forte Examinations. Both are pupils of Miss Cora Phair. Many farmers in this district have reported over the week-end, the invas- ion of their crop by the army worm, which has created genuine alarm. The agricultural representative, Ian McLeod, of Clinton, has visited the affected areas and suggested remedies for controlling the pests. A meeting of the farmers of the district will be held in the council chambers, Wingham, on Saturday evening, July 23rd., at o'clock for the purpose of discussing the export freight rates on Ontario wheat and wheat products. Misses Alberta Walker and Gertrude Kelly have returned from a motor trip to North Bay and Callander where they viewed the Quints. Miss Ruth Mitchell relieved at Cosens & Booth's office during Miss Walker's absence. BOX 473 Editor: Advance-Times There is a cry resounding. strong, Agushing from a frenzied throng, By mighty lungs sorely inflated., This anguished cry has been created, Against high taxes 'tis chrectelj To which we all have been subjected; `Gainst reason, wisdom and fairplay, For almost an eternity. Those cries claim we are o'ertaxedy. That taxes now should be relaxed. But if relaxed, they cannot see,. Our welfare thrown: in jeopardy.. A state with low taxation rates,. Does nothing, only stands and waitsi: While one with rates of ample girth. Attempts to make a Heaven of earth, James G. Webster 11AYFIELD SUMMER RESIDENTS REPORT FLYING SAUCERS The Flying Saucers (products• of this earth or another planet) are with. us again! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cun- ningham, Clinton, were enjoying a. quiet picnic lunch on Heard's. sideroad, south of the village on July 3,. when Mrs. Cunningham saw a very bright. light in the sky which she at first took to be the sun's rays, reflected from the tip of a wing of an aero- plane. But then she noticed that it was disc-like in shape and she could neither see nor 'hear an aeroplane,. although its altitude did act seem high. She drew her .husband's. attention rather ridienle.c1 the idea that she had seen a flying saucer, But in ten ;ninth, to he pointed one out to her. A seem- ed to be about 600 feet to the south- west of the one Mrs. Cunningham had spotted. They both watched it for a thin air. Mr. Cunningham describes the Mysterious object as 'being about the size of a teapiate, bad-like, with, per, haps, a flat top, and exceedingly bright silver in colbur.—Clinton News Record. IMO aur5 eburtb ( CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN CANADA ) allittabanit EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.30 a.m.—Holy Conimunion 11.00 .a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 7.00 p.m.—Evening Meditation Relieve T6t Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief ering from Foot Ailment, TUESDAY, JULY WEDNESDAY- (morning), to those suff- 28 July 29 CALLAN SHOES Phone 12 Wingham . Midsummer Gilt Specials LAMPS — To' Clear at half price. CRYSTAL PIECES — Reduced to Clear. $1.00 per piece or less TEA=POTS — as' tow as 59c. DINNERWARE — To Clear at low prices. Many Gift Items' from which to choose. The WALLPAPER SHOP 4441410.11411111 cur COMBINATION ALUMINUM STORM AND SCREEN DOOR KIT DOINCLUDES OR • Screen Insert • Glass Insert • Trim • Hinges • Pneumatic • Closer Check • Complete Instructions • Grilles Extra • Never before . . . an all aluminum door . . . at so low a price! Made of extra heavy, structural type aluminum. Come in and see the Hollmar door . we have it! Install it yourself this week-end. It's easy! Call 66 0 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Miss Jean Lepard narrowly escaped drowning on Tuesday afternoon last week. While bathing with some young people she got, into deep water, and being unable to swim went down two or three time. H, Burgess, seeing her plight, shoved out a stick hitting her a smart blow which seemed to arouse her instinct. for she grabbed it hard and was brought into shore. She was unconscious for some little time. This being leap year the Kincardine merchants have been offering to pretty near equip a home for the first maiden who puts across a proposal and is accepted. However, as yet, these merchants have not had to part with any of their proffered gifts. There must be a lot of sadness among some of those eligibles in Kincardine and dis- trict. A chance to get set up in a home practically free of charge and no Jean or Mary willing to pop the question. Mr. Wm. B. McCool, Mr. J. Morris Christie, Miss Jean G. Christie and Miss Vesta D. Fox are visiting at the home of the Rev. and Mr. A, Pent- land, Loami,, Illinois. They motored by way of Athens, visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Fox, the parents of Dr. J, A. Fox. Master John Currie, of Wingham„ is visiting his. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kemp, Listowel. Carl and. Samuel, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Bondi, were both operated on in the London Hospital last week. Carl is recovering but baby Samuel is reported in critical condition. Miss Mildred and Scott. Reid are spending their holidays• at their uncle's home, John Reid's of Culross. Edith McClaren of Toronto, and Claude DuVal of Hanover are visiting with tehir uncle, Dr. A. R. DuVal, B. Line. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Mr. John Thompson, of West Wa- wanosh, had the misfortune to lose a horse this week, when it suffered from sunstroke due to the heat. Mrs. A. R. DuVal won first prize for approaching and putting at the Walkerton Ladies' Invitation Golf Tournament on Thursday of last week. Miss Mildred Redmond, daughter of • • I MUSICAL SHOW I FRIDAY NIGHT. Starting at 7.30 p.m. AMATEUR CONTEST L 1st Prize $25.00, 2nd Prize $10.00, 3rd Prize $5.00 No auditions required — send entries to Johnny Brent, CKNX, Wingham, Phone 158 Different Band each night. $500.00 in Prizes - % to be drawn each night. w ounieuemstarminnuumnismiminisHommiumilaustiamimmommunifiammunismcomminninvel komminsunomminialiiiiisiiiitIlltlimilnlISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIM1111111111111111.11M11•11111111111111111111111111111110111111111.111•1•1111111111131111WIStiolinllallIminmoommomp. U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U a U n U U I U II U U U U U Make this a date • • Howick Lions and Legion i ummer Carnival I 2 Big Nights - Thurs., Fri., July 30, 31 in w ix, roxeter Park U n KIDDIES' RIDES, FERRIS WHEEL, GAMES, FISH POND, DANCE, 5c BINGO ITI THURSDAY NIGHT -- Commencing at 7.30 ROY HEAD—Magician PUPPET SHOW REMINISCING I FORTY YEARS AGO Provincial constable Phippen found the empty beer barrel which was stol- en from the Dinsley House on the flats near the GTR bridge. Wm. H. May, one of the most pros7 perous farmers of Ashfield was in- stantly killed one day last week by breaking his neck in falling off a load of hay. The Wingham Lacrosse boys went to Goderich on Wednesday of last week and played a league game with the boys of that town. The town players lost by a score of 8 to 3. Three rinks of Brussels bowlers vis- ited Wingham on Wednesday after- noon of last week and played a friend- ly game with local bowlers. The visit- ors were three shots up on the game. Last week Mr. Alex IVIeNevin of this town moved a log house from Mr. Geo, Simmons, of Turnberry. The house was built in the early days and Mr. McNevin moved the building without damaging it. Mr. Wm. Gannett wishes to thank Mr. Wm. McPherson and the mem- bers of the fire brigade for their good work in saving his barn last week. Mr. Gannett's barn was destroyed in the windstorm on Good Friday and he considers himself fortunate in that it was saved from fire. Mr. Win. Merkley, Sr., and his dau- ghter, Miss Pearl Merkbay have re- turned home after spending a month at Kingston, Thousand Islands and Rideau Canal, where they visited Mr. Merkley's sister, Mrs. Houghton and visited the scenes where Mr.IVIerkley spent his boyhood days. They report a most delightful trip. Mr. Harry Foster, city editor of the Galt Reporter, is spending his vacation in Wingham and vicinity. He paid a fraternal call at the Times office, and met his -old confrere, Mr. Peter Wilson. Mrs. A, M. Crawford and Miss Ethel King are away on a trip to Duluth, Minn. Plain Worcis on the Hospital Wingham General Hospital has the worst case of overcrowding of any hospital in Ontario. It leads the rest by a healthy margin of 20%, It was designed to take care of 48 patients, As this is written there are 86 sick people packed between its. bulging walls, You can see them up there, lying in the halls, in the X-Ray room, in the laboratory—anywhere there's space for an extra bed. If you didn't know better you would think there had been some sort of disaster in the district,- Any other hospital considers it has a full house if 80% of the beds are occupied. Tonight in our hospital 180% of the beds are in use. And the staff is thankful that it isn't over the 200% mark—as-it has been several times in the past. Of the 86 people lying sick in the hospital tonight,-21. of them are from Wingham itself. r , rest come from Morris and Turnberry and Luckno,.c Teeswater and all the other surrounding municipalities. What started as a Wingham hospital, built and paid for by Wingham people, has become a Wingham district hospital. Over the past five years patients from the surrounding districts have outnumbered those from Wingham by three to one. Wingham folk don't begrudge them the space. They're proud of their hospital and proud of the fact that it serves the district. They've proved that by building a new wing, practically unaided, in 1946. They proved it by the labors of the auxiliary, which does all the work of the sewing for the hospital, right here in town. Now they need some help from the other seventy-five per cent. This is the year of decision for the hospital. Some- thing must be done now about the terrible conditions there. This year the hospital must decide to build a new wing to take care of its extra patients. Or it must decide to revert to its original capacity of 48 beds. Enlarging the hospital is relatively simple. The plans are already drawn. The provincial and federal govern- ments have pledged half the money. Wingham and the township of Morris have agreed to pay their share of the $200,000 needed to make up the balance. If the other muni- cipalities will share the burden in proportion to the a• mount their people use the hospital, work can be started within a couple of months. he other alternative is not quite as simple or as 'Pleas.ant. Nobody likes to turn away sick people from a hospital. .But if, through lack of support, the new wing cannot be built this year, no other decision is possible. * * * Seventy-filth Anniversary At the last council meeting the Mayor remarked on the fact that next year will mark the seventy-fifth anni- versary of the incorporation of the town of Wingham. Tired councillors deferred action on the matter by agree- ing to think about it during the summer months. While the council is thinking about it, the citizens of Wingham might do some pondering on their own, for it is a matter that should be given a good deal of thought. Wingham owes it to its own self-respect to put on a show of some kind to mark such an important occasion. No doubt a lot of the good citizens of this town will have ideas of their own as to what should be done by way of celebration. Any and all suggestions should be of some assistance to the council in making their plans for the year 1954. As a public service to the town this paper would like to extend the hospitality of its column "Box 473" to any citizen who has constructive suggestions on the matter. Men's Wear With the advent of the halter and shorts ensemble, the emancipation of women is now complete, for the pur- pose of attire, at least. No future progress in the field can be envisaged without bordering on complete nudity, and when it comes to beating the heat, women are about as cool as they can get. Men, on the contrary, are still struggling through ninety-degree temperatures in clothes that differ very little from the days of the nineties. True, they have dis- pensed with such anachronisms as waistcoats and spats. But the basic costume remains the same. And that most useless of appendages, the necktie, is still worn by men of distinction even on the hottest days. One of the pressing needs of this age is a suitable summer costume for men. Something light and flimsy, with short pants, open sandals and a low neckline. Who wants to be masculine when the mercury soars? * * * A special delivery letter posted in Montreal on De- cember 19, 1952 has not yet arrived at its intended destina- tion in the same city, says The Printed Word. The District P.O. Inspector has been unable to turn up any clues but thanks the sender for drawing the matter to his attention. And mail not delivered requires just as much postage (prepaid) as mail that is delivered. txt 4itant .6attrfry Eintrs Published at Wingham, Ontario Wenger Brothers, Publishers, W. Barry Wenger, Editor Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Dept. Bubscription Rate — One Year $2.50, Six Months $1.25 in advance if/..S. A. $3.50 per year Foreign. Rate $3.50 per year Advertising Rates on application a ll gi Beaver Lumber Company Ltd,