HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1926-1-14, Page 21921. which was While eorupensation awarded hap been less. rhe total sombre of accident: r. - ported haa been greater, amounting in to 60,012 a* compared with :,,v,. r175 during 1024. Doe Clottage feature of the accident statistics. biiw•rterr;in Ihe thermals 1tl famlitlea, the total number of fatalities ,iii 19.f Leine :11.;. whn'b fA eonslsW'iaihly lower than the figures far /lie's. ankh sere set tit Nr2. This lour is a most tmisrrt• alt Item he whole l'rovlitw.- 1t 1%1 )d4 nt from the figure's la- . sues) 4i the Boor,/ that while minor tc83&•nta r , • ,IMM ,e4rue in part to better t`eelwirfidt.-1hie f serious( awl more math' trims( of act_I• •' dents are on the. (town grade: In this connection, Mr. V. .1. Sin -lair. rlulruuot of the Workmeti'' ('nutnetteallon 'honed. giving ani the ' figurer for 1925, stats: /Pr ry 14, Mt THE SIGNAL!, !Star lr,lort% ort. thl, yield,/ make a i east improvement lu the '.Viueis ir- iQTM, Walken-lite frontage and would al - 1 ESTABLISHED 3848 11U1)RR1CH t t CANADA Yesrb•r of l'altladlae Wedtty N.ws- paprret Ass•ekallae Published every Thursday uremita. dub.edptioa Price 52.00 pole year. To flitea status and Forel. Countries. $2.30 per J't*I•. atrietly a sdv-_acs. TH SIGNAL PRINTING 00, LTD. Teieph•se 8b W. H. Robertson. Editor and �1(a•ys Thursday, January 14, 192" B. WORK FOR PARLIAMENT Th.• "-p.e•b from the Threw:- lrreseisi r! at Ih.• opening of Parlia- ment at Ottawa Nutt week was a nnan3 document. The elder points of proiseasl legislation are ,ummatiard as folh,ns: 1. Sithe! tntial r•duetlons in taxa• Gen. o. 4'ous.didatinn of certain piddle departments. a. Measures to retain agricultural population on the land, to eneuursge return to land of urban dwellers and repatriation of Canadians 4. Rural credit scheme. Tariff advisory board (for tt h iuh provision woo made iaat mese sion). to he appointed foethwith. 6. Beard of railway oommis.'eionKa In-Ins•tr4 to Include 1n its general rate inveatisat _bo ao In progress a pedal Inquiry tato mosso veraton of Caaadi ai grain and other products through other than Canadian porta. Board Ilan to take *nen ..(tion under railway act as It may .M.0, ef- ficient to inhere utilization ..f Pile :ohm' )wrtt. tebr ("anad)an traffic. 7. The eampletinn forthwith of the Itu.Mott Bay hallway. K. Rntal eommissioo of inquiry in- to Maritime rights. 8. hill to transfer natural resour- ces to Alberta. 10. Rill to`amead Dominion Elec. 'iulln Att. WOREICIUt'$ 001E E11EATION 'rile Workmen's. Cumt•.v,v.tion Board for the l'rnvinee of 4/nrark, has Jus t'ewwd a statement show ing that the (bard awarded AS,:.tt ,•N.'i,:10 in benefits during 1lr2S. This ligate la n.Hlgswbly lower them the total for "There has been a groat deal of st- (•ntlon paid during the prereest year r 1 •1 M d1 tit prevention o work, n rA which no AiUtbt hue ]w+yl in soar 0,.vMnre at h•a.4itai r.g.onslbl.• fur !Ileo 1.•...•u•r) e•..st of (rlml.•mintiou. and the +.,f.•lr or- • iatthuttlm,s are rx►sr•th,g to .•yu'ry on , 11 oml.h` more h,tem'll,' 1•aullraigu dur- ing the Ing year and they tire hl lois the by to redoes.. 111e fr.quene-y. ...verity. r 11 v an costs of • , • , arltrnt* 73, II 4.1104140W" \ • a Diming Ile' 3'•1 r the Workmen's Compensation 11.Ntrd handled au emir- ' Mons amount of mall. this averaging • ens% clay between i.l ;.11111 11,000 let - terra g nlonber of claims per &ly' was slight- 11- over 200 nand the tt rerage amount Kea_SIB+ C, EDITORIAL NOTES ('anada'w national debt flecr,sae•.I a;hi.ts10.1100 )n lit' 3. London Free �11'sM pleglr espy, - • • • 1'in• spM'••l (rola' the Throne prom- bw•s substantial reductions In taxa- tion. Surely this is "ur thing In the /:uternnlent'. program to whirl: Yr. M••igb,•i will not older). • • • Just d. *how who won the long - ''117 tight for the North Huron .Peat, The Toronto Star publishes a l.k-tare of Mr. .1 11'. King pitting at his desk In the House of Common,', • • • I: IP mold ;hat children, w•h,•, give,h tbe chinless of long-baleed or "bobbed" tlinlln InsarlwbIp choose dicier I dicier freemen. Rttt perhaps the gr'owp-np err IT(nl tt vrM`li Iii - ►Te'-conal3ire•d as Rollo, • • • The 1►rdl shipping 'r.•nann on tbe ,Sre'nt Lakes on..tistlugotahe'd by the fact that not n .howl, Canadian i'e•ael wits Inst. It fs wild that snit a slog- +oh'n rr.1M 1.0,1 not been made la nearly batt-• el l7ury. • • • There Is • Motorael.l al W)n4sot to bar• 11.' rails sys removed from the doer beat. As The Border (liths ow of the ,•,waltuctluu of * Iia• boulevard alongside the river. • • • _ Art. Sou rvding The gypsy,* new aerial ,story, •"!'h• Aunet atlotl 44.. (dell'"? For the bents* of any la.a- sible readers who map not 11kt. "polt- tl.ul" stories, let at explain that the title hat. no teter.•u,•e whatever to ,d)t1eM. 13. la a tale of adventure and tutrtery-,,. anti a Mille stash of lure. -*- GODERICH, ONT. Smith -Jarvis Case Reviewed Was Injustice Done to These Men, in View of Evidence Presented at Pepall Trial ? The following ata..•went lu comes tion with the $mittrJurv(a case ha /seen made. The trivial i. lo tor0,el. by tine who has (dowdy studied the t,IM in all Its asiects: -Now that .tndrt•w I't•ptll has been and Pepin and bribing Smith with sundry municipal bolds in place of malt. !No evidence whatever at that trial eonMriel Jar11M with Smith. the assumed link Iseing that Moine of the r,npntl, Ntta,•11(4) 11.1 dirge auntie Molal laondou and Pads an the prints- tried and acquitted of all (Haloes .y e Cows In pal "gave -one of the best of .1. t1.'vr,, ine'th.against thl the dui fpur.lta%Irof tau- tletcher's detective stories. 'ark, (luverngwnt himm.b• 1.y that drat of e • • • temillus Jarvis & (.,.., in England In .•t'ute act you like, I•ut von•." was 1 1 4 4 4, and h. hark lu furnlwr -uhig lilt regular hus1116.4.1.sdutIt•s, It n slIs lgpm awed 1n the Toruul. munk•i- in .'tiler ro hlqu)rt• wlwt the effect •'i fall ele•ttor,• with the aim of 1.•rautul• the eases. of .ielullfus Jarvin mud edea -1 Ing a larger Ie•re(ttnte of the (path- •'ral.lr l'eter Swath might lwve !seta 4 fled electors to g., to the halls. The had .\mhv'w 1'rp1/11'11 erldetv'e 114 Woodstock 114•t.ttnel'Ktrrlewr suggested gln•n »[ thew• !mala, "It mast be 1orio- In mind that an an Iu1re,emettt: •1'44c as you Idosei of the etWente produced at the like, but vote latoittae'ntly." Tn 1.,►wll !dal wax . rejected' in the which The Torutu Star retorts*: **The Smith -Jarvis trial t.3 111.• learned whole !hist wu. eareftitly considered Indite. regi eutl(rqueully,._ -W** nut he -1 and it was d.rldk+i nut 10 wok nasi for.. the Jurors lu that (84.44-. 111 1111th- rr trial did the Croat' seen attempt much at first." to showwhere the ptlbllr funds had • • • b.+t drawn on for ,we solitary e•0,. Them was 44 gavel 4e241 of .•••,,J,'.•tnre Mue'b confusion and tnlsn•pretientu- wben Nanning ihlhertyr•rr4tgne41 his taus of farts has. undoubtedly. got lu- Brat in the I.I'Rislatnre and sfgulHel lite public mind. and many' are sue- 1 die the fmpr.a ion still that the ts.uds hhe abtnd0atoewt of the U.V.O. The I0, (Mention Wer' bad% that be•I(Mge.r 1 Ottawa torfespood•nt of The Toronto to the l'rovince, whereas they were m nnw•n : 1 n•pirt. ther_h oda ..wnut by late stor,t ht England. l Thut boasts that were bought by AadriW P4paIl with his eumriitadon were traced u. Peder smith's bent amount 1,1 Stratford. No evl*Iener whietevrr Mus latristw•t'.t to show that Jarvis. knew that liter Smith ever bad then'. emtp(tr%. The !'rl,uil trial. how- ever, nun re'ealm that Ile bunds that 1'411811 woo charged with having bribed l'et•r Ktulth with; and to which theme (*toasts is•)onged, were actually I'lerlgel with a tank In California for d lean. to ,tnr•n Penal(. alt tievery dol - 1 lar was aeetint/1trl fur. its well as all the other Inmates that 11.- had bought from Jaffvis k ens tal oca ',dud not tale Is.nd ,rae-e11 h. 1'eter Smith. Pepall went furlh7 tits/ explained and ae• sounded fr.r all, his transaetk•us with •Peter Smith spread over set•eral years.. Noun. large tlapMartlon4 which Mer.• net 'whaled to the 4 rtiwaCame 's ,se 2101111141 1110,, and 1)..' jury belie .41 his statements. "h sum up: "1. It was proved that the Jm'- v}s firm were eniltkst 1u their prod!. "2 •there was nothing irrl•Un- Ifile n, ,. lel re r, . ' Ysti�*44r44-434. Partner (i