HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-07-08, Page 5110) W01011101.0 AdValrle0-1(1010s, W041100014, ,$11.01Y .0t11, IM51. „. „ • .
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Page Seven
—Central Press Canadian Photos
The D'Iberville, named after the famous French explorer of
early Canadian history, will voyage farther into the Arctic than
has ever before been attempted by a ship Transport Minister
Chevrier, on board on the trip to Britain, says the ship will be.
something new to Britons. A helicopter landing deck is part of
the ship's equipment.
3 Big Nights -- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
JULY 15, 16, 17
Lions Park, Seaforth
Dance Midway Games
Monster Parade
Major Prize Draw
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Summer Bus Schedules
Effective June 25th
Obtain your copy from your local Agent
Reliance Service Station, Phone 65
The Western Ontario Motorways
Honored by Friends
On Birthday
A quartette of intima.o friends con-
vened at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth
Fryfogle, Shuter Street, on Saturday
last and entertained her to a birthday
anniversary chicken dinner. This
kindly gesture earned w;th it heartiest
wishes, in wilich the Advance-Times is
pleased to join, that Mrs. Fryfogle may
live to enjoy many more 3 ears of her
present excellent health end acti.v
any might be seen.
Of course there were other cattle
at the show. Dairy herds predominate
in this thickly-populated county. Next
comes the dual-purpose cattle but
these are fast being replaced by Frie-
sians and Ayrshires.
Sheep are on every farm apparent-
ly and many special varieties were at
the show.
Hogs were limited owing to a ban
on inter-mixing owing to an outbreak
of disease which is being brought un-
der control.
Next week we will write you from
Stroud in Glouscester.
Trousseau Tea
For Barbara MacKay
Our direction for getting on the road
to the open spaces took us past the
Marble Arch, By the time we were
clear of the jam the afternoon was
• about spen't,
However, before darkness fell we
had fields and farms on either side
and were heading north on great
North Road. After a week at sea and
• another week in London it really was
a good to smell the fresh country again.
Haying In Progress • Although this is only the second
week in June—haying is general in
§ the counties we have been through.
n We have seen very little of the old
strong-arm methods being used. Some
-6— forage harvesters are in use placing
=— the green hay in pit silos, using a tree-
.- tor to pack it down.
• Baling is predominant and usually
the square bale as they are very care-
ful in packing the stacks that little or
= no space is left between the bales. In
kl most eases the square hales are stood
i in the fields in fours with their ends
1 leaning together. The weather during
the past week has not been haying
111 weather as we prefer it as the sun has
I not been too generous. However, the
farmers seem to be optomistic and
cut a large acreage ahead of the bal-
g ing.
LI The crop per acre judging by the
number of bales on the field seems
exceptionally heavy. Most of the grass-
- es are mixtures of a type of orchard
.= grass and legumes.
• Grain Crops Headed Out
• Harvest will be earlier here than we
would normally expect in Ontario as • the spring crops are well advanced
P and,,, mostly headed out. However,
some later crops have not reached
that stage yet and the general occup-
1 ation with farmers who are not hay-
.— ing is hoeing their sugar beet crops.
111 We have seen as many as six men in
one field at this work.
• There seems to be sufficient labor
F1 on most farms. One farmer we talked
to had sixty acres and kept two men.
"Of course," he told us, "we used to
(By I G, SImpkin)
On Sunday afternoon vehicles from
all parts of London and farther away
brought loads of visitors to the area
where the Coronation parade had
been. They came to see the decorations
and later in the evening the special
lights which illuminate the route,
We endeavoured to get through this
traffic jam which around the Marble
Arch was something the like of which
we had never seen, let alone been part
Double-decker and sight-seeing bus-
es, private cars and taxis, motor cycles
and bicycles together with those on
foot, were jammed four abreast for
miles in all directions; only a few feet
at a time each direction progressed
as gaps were made to allow streams of
pedestrians to cross either way.
shire and town of Hereford where we
had learned of a three-county show,
Worcester, Hereford and Gloucester.
This was a three-day show and would
compare with, Ottawa Exhibition in
volume of displays and livestock al-
though most of the show was under
canvas as it rotates each year to one
of the three counties.
Being interested in Hereford cattle
we wanted to see these in their, orig-
inal home county. There was a splen-
did display on hand.
The world-wide interest 'shown in
these cattle may be judged by the
fact that attendance at the show in-
cluded persons from Denmark, Aus-
tralia, Queensland, New South Wales, Sound district.
New Zealand, Greece, U. S. A., Rhod-
esia, North and South, France, also
Mrs. H. Gordon MacKay entertained
at a trousseau tea on Saturday after-
noon and evening in honour of her
daughter, Barbara. Mrs. MacKay,
Mrs. Salter and Barbara received the
large number of guests.
The home ws beautifully decorated
with pink and white peonies 'and
other summer flowers. Mrs. A. E. Pur-
don, of Lucknow, aunt of the bride,
poured tea in the afternoon and was
assisted by Mrs. R. Oke, of Wingham.
In the evening she was assisted by
Mrs. Walter Lockridge.
Showing the bride's trousseau and
roads. gifts and serving were: Marion Simp-
Hedges Hide Fields son, Donna Mead, Francis Aitken,
One objection we have is the hedges. Mrs. Alan MacKay, Mary Anne Ole-
They prevent one seeing across the land, Grace McGee, Lois Cuningham
fields and many times one can drive and Shirley Lockridge.
for miles without knowing what kind
of country is along the way. In many
places they have cut these down to a
three-foot height. Then there are the
walls. These are mostly enclosing an
estate of persons who do not farm
the land and who do not want outsid-
ers trespassing on their property,
hunting and fishing.
There are still large tracts of these
holdings but death dues, which take
eight million of a ten-million 'estate
by the second generation usually
cause them to be offered for sale,
either like Lord Lichfield's before his
death or by the executors afterwards.
Attend Three-County Show
Leaving Derby County we headed Hanes-Torrance
south and west towards Hereford- The marriage of Margeret Eunice
Torrance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Reid Torrance, of Goderich Township,
to Robert C. Hanes, of Severn Bridge,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hanes,
of Severn Bridge, took place on Fri-
day afternoon, July 3rd., at the United
Church manse, Belgrave, with Rev.
Charles D. Cox officiating.
The bride looked lovely in a white
nylon street-length dress and she car-
ried a bouquet of American Beauty
parents, the young couple left
a reception at the home of the
on a trip to points east, upon their
return they will reside on the groom's
farm at Severn Bridge, in the Parry
will be held on
• I
'JULY 23
• " •
REMEMBER that big town-wide sale last year?
• Remember the FREE DRAW TICKETS and
• . Well, Dollar Saving Days will be BIGGER
Watch for the details!
re- Wingham Business Association
Make This a Date IF
Seaforth Lions Club 18th Annual
have more when more work was done
by hand,"
Although nearly every farm has
tractors there are still horses used,
Saw A Village Sold
Noticing signs advertising a village
for sale, also including several farms
we made inquiries. A large Manor Es-
tate was being split up and sold off.
The farms which had been leased for
years to farmer tenants were to be
put on the market.
The present tenant if he was suf-
ficiently well-fixed could make the
purchase or be outbid by a new owner
who might or might not desire to
lease the property.
The estate known as the Airewas
Manor is owned by the Earl of Litch-
field and has been an estate of three
families since mentioned in the
Domesday Book by King William the
Conqueror, the present family being
descendants of Lord Anson who ac-
quired it in 1752.
The purpose of the sale is to acquire
fund wherewith to pay the enormous
death dues which are gradually dim-
inishing these holdings,
Farms and Villages Included
The total acreage offered at auction
was 2,656. Also included were homes in
the village of Airewas, which is made
up of homes of tenants and farm
workers and might be compared to
similar corner hamlets in Ontario.
These offered 15 arable dairy and gen-
eral farms including their buildings,
two freehold large houses and fourteen
cottages, also the fishing rights of
three rivers.
One tenant whose family had occup-
ied this farm for four generations,
Joseph Shaw, is a member of the
Parish Council. The house in which
he lives dates back to the 15th cen-
tury. We listened to the bidding of' a
couple of properties and gathered
from conversations heard that a new
"money holder" was in the field. His
bidding would indicate he• was intend-
ing to take over many of the proper-
ties and become the new landlord.
Not many of the present tenants
seemed to be trying to out-bid him.
This sale was in Derby County to
which we went from London and
where we spent the first three days of
the week.
Driving north to the Highlands of
the Matlock district, famous for its
mineral wells and its scenic beauty,
one would follow county roads along
the tops of hills and look across the
distant valleys where patchwork fields,
hedged in every shape and size, with
their farm buildings among groves of
trees and the winding roads between
the hedges criss-crossing over the
We have yet to drive on other than
a paved road even though our wander-
ings took us back off the numbered
thoroughfares. County roads where
one would only meet the occasional
vehicle and where hay was taken from
remote fields to farm buildings, al-
though sometimes narrow, are always
hard-surfaced. They are all county
Kenneth Holt of Carven, Sask., and
James and Marilyn Bell, of Alvinston,
Ontario. These names were among
hundreds entered in the visitor's book.
I am enclosing a page from the Here-
ford News, a weekly paper whose ag-
ricultural editor, Mr. T. Court, really
excels in his space in describing agri-
cultural eVents. Most of the large
weeklies have an agricultural editor,
They depehd on the rural areas for a
vast amount of their circulation as
usually they have a daily within the
In Hereford we were only one of the
distinguished breeders of Hereford
cattle and from Canada. They were
quite aware of What is being done to
advance the big family. We enquired
about the Polled Hereford for which
our own stable is famous' (plug) but
Hereford Breeders here had heard of
then but Mild hot direct us to Where
Rebecca. Cameron
The death occurred in Toronto Gen-
eral Hospital, on July 1st., 1953, of
Miss Rebecca Cameron, 702 Spadina.
Ave., Toronto, in her 82nd. year. She
was born in Pickering Township in
the County of York on October 28th,
For several years Miss Cameron
worked in the States but the remain-
der of her life was spent in Toronto
as a seamstress. She is survived by
two nieces, Mrs. Gwendolyn Adams,
Wingham, and Mrs. Mayme Sahl, of
Amherst, Ohio. She was a faithful
member of the Knox Presbyterian
Church, of Toronto and the Order of
the Eastern Star.
The funeral was held from the Cur-
rie Funeral Home on Saturday, July
4th, at 2 p.m., with Rev. A. Nimmo
as clergyman, and burial in Wingham.
cemetery. Pallbearers were G. H. Ter-
vitt, T. A. Currie, J. Arthur Wilson,
Andrew Mitchell, John McKibbon and
H. V. Pym,
Found in North American swamp
areas, the huntsman's horn pitcher
plant has a hollow stem filled with
water, in which insects are drowned.
Drive-in THEATRE
2 Shows Nightly - Rain or Clear
First Show et Dusk
Cartoon and News
Thurs., Fri., July 9-10
"Chicago Deadline"
Alan Ladd - Donna Reed
Sat., Mon., July 11, 13
"She's Working Her Way
Through College"
Virginia Mayo Gene Nelson
Thee., Wed, July 14-15
"Force of Arms"
William Holden Nancy Olsen
Thurs., Fri., July 16-17
"Park Row"
Jeane Evans Mary Welsh
Sat., Mon., July 18-20
"Captain Blood"
Errol Flynn Olivia De Ilaviland
* * *. * * * * * * * * * * * T * * * I * ** 4( 4,
HERE is the Announcement
you've been waiting for
•= •
Modern Farming Methods Seen
In Tour of Rural England