HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-07-08, Page 1ALONG THE MAIN DRAG
By The Pedestrian
Celebrate Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Campbell,
Wingham, celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary at the home of
their son Robin E. Campbell, Wing-
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were mar-
ried on June 24, 1903 at Wingham by
Rev. Alex Burke. They travelled by
train to Muskoka for their honey-
Mrs. Campbell was the former
Annie Elizabeth Holloway, daUghter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hollo-
way, and Mr. Campbell is the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. H. Camp-
bell, both of Winghani
The couple are both enjoying good
Mr. Campbell has been an active
farmer all his life: and is still farm-
ing in Turnberry Township.
The couple have one,daughter, Mrs.
Andrew Straughan (Elizabeth), of
Goderich; also three sons Robin, of
Wingham, Herb and Stuart at home.
There are 10 grandchildren and 2
great grandchildren.
—Photo by Hammerton.
Many Small Matters Occupy
Council at July Meeting
Wilbur Galloway of ()pride, set
sonic sort of a record on Wednes-
day last, when fishing in the Mait-
land River below the W'roxeter
dam, he landed a 35" pike weigh-
ing 11 ibs, 1 oz. Mr..riallevay broke
his landing pet catching the big
fish, but didn't seem the least bit
worried about it.
Pike are a rarity in the Maitland,
but soon after the word went out
of the catch, the area was swarm-
ing with fishermen trying their
luck in the same water, It was
thought that perhaps a second fish
of similar size might be in the vic-
inity, since these fish often travel
in pairs.
yAn estimated $6,000 damage was
done to the house and contents of
Ronald Rae, John Street, in a fire
early Monday morning thought to
have been caused by lightning. The
family were away at their cottage at
the lake at the time of the fire
The fire was first notice at 1
o'clock on Monday morning, at which
time the alarm was turned in. Firemen
arriving on the scene found the house
filled with smoke, and had to use
smoke equipment to force an entry.
It is thought that lightning during
the storm at 9 o'clock Sunday even-
ing had struck the radio in an up-
stairs bedroom, and that the house
had been smoldering ;since that time.
The whole of the upstairs was dam-
aged, mostly by smoke and heat, as
well as the living room and hall
downstairs. The house will have to be
entirely redecorated and the furniture
Percy Clark drove to the lake to
notify the Raes of the fire, and Mr.
Rae returned to Wingham to find that
the fire was under control. He report-
ed that the firemen had done a won-
derful job with the fire, there being
very little water damage to the house
or contents.
Mr. Rae had originally planned to
return to town Monday to prepare for
a sale of household effects to be held
in the near future. The house had
been rented to Warren Callan, but
will not be ready for occupancy until
extensive repairs are made. The house
was covered by insurance.
Summer Recreation Program
Is Popular with Small Fry
Wingham's summer recreation program for the kiddies got off to a good
start on Monday, when over 80 children from 3 to 13 years old thronged to
the High School, where planned activities were being conducted under the
guidance of Barney Maclntyre and Joan Irwin.
Swimming instruction at the pool in Teeswater drew 32 children be-
tween the ages of 9 and 14, who were driven to Teeswater in busses provided
by the Lions Club. Instruction at the pool was given by George King and
Dave Donahue, qualified swimming instructors in the village. Swimming
instruction classes at Teeswater will be a regular event on Monday mornings
throughout the six-week recreational program.
Together with the swimming in-
struction classes on Monday morning,
plans call for free swimming at Tees-
water on Thursday afternoon, and
swimming periods at the First Bush
on other afternoons during the week.
These periods will be supervised by
Mr. McIntyre and Miss Irwin. Chil-
dren over 8 years of age will be per-
mitted to join in these activities,
For the children under 9 there will
be wading in the wading pool at the
town park, at which time the pool
will be supervised by members of the
Kinettes. Wading periods will be
from 1.30 to 4 p.m. every afternoon.
Other activities planned include
crafts, such as weaving and puppetry,
volleyball, and other outdoor games.
Quiet games and story telling will be
featured for the' younger children.
Older children will he given an op-
portunity to get started in the game
of golf, if present plans materialize,
The recreational council has been
offered the facilities of the Golf Club
for this purpose, and the present need
is for the loan of old golf clubs to
make this project possible. Anyone
who has clubs to lend is asked to
contact Barney McIntyre or Bill
An open night at the end of the
season is planned, possibly with dis-
plays of crafts and a puppet show.
Red Cross life-saving certificates will
be awarded to those qualifying.
Foxhound Trials
Planned by Group
Plans for the Foxhound Trials, to be
held south of Wingham in October,
were discussed at an executive meet-
ing of the Luc-Tee-Win conservation
club last week, and a committee was
appointed to look after preparations
for the trials. President Alex Hamil-
ton presided.
It was announced that cash prizes
totalling $200 would be awarded at the
trials, as well as trophies.
Committee chairman, Joe Clark,
Wingham, was named to secure build-
ings and meet with the Kitchener-
Waterloo Fox Hunters Club in August
in preparation for the event, Other
chairmen named were: Albert Worral,
Teeswater, advertising; George Orvis,
Wingham, accommodation; and Hec-
tor King, Teeswater, donations.
Mr, and Mrs. Perry Pennington
announce the engagement of their
daughter Hazel Jean, to Mr. John
Wallace Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bell, of Blyth. The wedding
to take place in Teeswater United
Church, on July 18th. 84'
Admitted to Hospital ... 32
Out Patients ... . . .. 12
Operations 25
S-Rays , .......... 26
Deaths 0
High Census 81
Low Census 72
These facts are published weekly
to acquaint the community with
the services of Our hospital,
Graduate Nurses
Not Dampened
By Rainy Picnic
The Wingham General Hospital
Graduate Registered Nurses' picnic
was to be held in the town park last
Tuesday. Owing to the rainy after-
noon, Mrs. Richard Lloyd and Miss
Adams invited the guests to the Wing-
ham Golf Club and gave them a warm
welcome there.
The rain did not dampen the enthus-
iasm and a good crowd of, nurses,
their families and friends gathered
and registered,
The president, Mrs, Richard Lloyd,
called the meeting to order for a short
business discussion. Miss Adams was
chosen as chairlady and the election of
officers was as follows:
Honorary president, Mrs. Gibson Gil-
lespie; president, Mrs. Wilson Ring-
rose; sec.-treas., Mrs, Neil MacDonald;
lunch committee, Mrs. Donald Mc-
Kenzie, Mrs. Bert Walden, Mrs. Cal-
vert Finlay; sports, Mrs. Stanley Gal-
laher, Mrs. Sidney Moffat.
Correspondence from many of the
nurses was read and enjoyed. Mrs.
Ringrose, Assistant Superintendent for
many years, was also welcomed.
With Miss Adams' permission we
write this paragraph.
The announcement of Miss M. E.
Adams engagement to Mr. George
Egleston, of Calgary, was a pleasant
surprise to all. The marriage to take
place in September.
Mrs. Lillian Underwood, -as a -Class-
mate of Miss Adams, spoke very fit-
tingly on behalf of the nurses saying
Miss Adams had spent a life of ser-
vice for others, and the good wishes
of all and God's blessing will go with
her in her future home. Miss Adams
graciously replied.
Grace was sung and all were seated
to a bountiful picnic supper.
The nurses expressed sincere thanks
for the use of the club house, which
is tastefully decorated and an ideal
There were sports after lunch for
all and prizes given.
Plans were made for a picnic next
year, if permission is obtained at the
Golf Club. The date is Tuesday, June
The staff and management of radio
station CKNX gathered in Studio B
on Friday afternoon, to bid farewell
to Frank Eidt, popular writer, who
has been associated with the station
for the past four years.
A Walkerton boy, and a graduate of
the University of Western Ontario,
Frank came to CKNX from CFNB in
Fredericton, New Brunswick, and has
been one of the most popular members
of the staff. He leaves Wingham to
become associated with station CKLB
in Oshawa, as continuity director.
The farewell address was given by
Johnny Brent and Miss Mary Louise
Flach presented Frank with a flash
camera on behalf of the staff mem-
bers. He replied fittingly, following
which Vin Dittmer made a presenta-
tion to his dog "Daisy," who has been
the station mascot ever since the Eidts
came to Wingham.
Frank and "Daisy" started work in
Oshawa on Monday, and Mrs. Eidt and
the children, Annis and Scott, wilt
move as soon as living accommodat-
ions can be arranged.
Surprise Party
A surprise party for Mrs. Victor
Durnin was held on Friday evening
at the home of Mrs, Hartley Smith.
About 20 of the neighbours gathered
together for the evening and present-
ed her with an end table and lamp as
a remembrance. A dainty lunch was
served by the hostess assisted by
Mrs. Calvin Burke, and a social time
was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Durnin
left on Monday to reside in London.
3 Months No Calls
2 Calls in 1. Day
The fire department which has been
able to take it easy for the past three
months through lack of calls had a
busy day on Friday, when they ans-
wered two calls in one day. ,
The first alarm was turned in just
before noon, when a fire was discover-
in the house of Edgar Paulitzky, on
Nelson Piekell's farm in Culross town-
ship, The Wingham brigade answered
the call, but on finding the fire, dis-
covered that it was out of their ter-
ritory, and came back without render-
ing assistance. Fortunately the fire
was only a minor one and was put out
by neighbours before much damage
was done.
The second alarm was turned in
from the house of Bob Sangster on
Minnie Street, but it, too, was of a,
minor nature, eaused by an overheated
pot on the stove. The blaze was under
centrel by the time firemen reached.
nook, Catherine Street; Henry Selling, HOWIC1( LIONS AND
garage, Catharine Street; Herbert
Fuller, sun porch and basement, Char-
les Street; Mrs. B. HImuth, shingling
and repairs, John Street; A, H. Edgar,
washroom, Victoria Street; John Fal-
coner, addition to house, Maple Street,
Howick Lions and Howick Legion
Annual Frolic will be held in Wrox-
eter Park, Thursday and Friday
evenings, July 30 & 31, Further par-
ticulars later, F8b
b ante. no am
With which is amalgamated the Carrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Subscriptions $2.50 per year, 6c per copy WINGHAM, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th, 1053
the Canadian Legion have been
prettying up the Legion Home these
last couple of weeks. Almost any
night members could be seen working
eon the new sidewalks which will
grace the front of the house one of
these days. Future plans call for
landscaping in the fall.
O - 0 -t)
bass season opened up last\ Wednes-
day and every bridge in the district
had its quota of fisherman under-
neath or around it, Several cars
were noticed down at the third bridge
on No. 4, but whether these people
were fishing bass or minnows for a
-trip up north is not known. Reports
on catches are scarce, but some peo-
. ple seemed to manage a few.
0 - 0 - o
SWITCHEROO—Now that the
town hal boasts an air conditioning
system, the problem vexing the Town
Fathers is Who is going to pull the
switch? Various suggestions were
made at the council meeting, the
police, the caretaker and John Q.
Public being named as prospective
switch pullers, A thermostat was
even suggested to save everybody the
trouble. It was finally decided that
the caretaker should be the official
switch man,
O - 0 - 0
'Bob" Groves, of Akron, Ohio, were
in town on Saturday and Sunday;
along with friends from 'that city.
Bob, who worked at the Advance-
Times for many years, is now em-
ployed in the printing department of
the Firestone Rubber Co. The Groves
children, Frances and Jane, will
spend the summer with relatives
0 - 0 - 0
O - 0 - 0
BLACK AND WHITE—All this talk
about patching the sidewalks with
asphalt has raised the spectre of
black sidewalks in the main street of
Wingham. Residents of Hillcrest, on
the contrary,•see'rn to be haunted by
-the spectre of white roads.
Bowlers in Money
Six rinks of Wingham bowlers at-
tended the trebles in Clinton on Mon-
day evening. Two rinks were in the
money, Mr. A. R. DuVal's rink, with
Mrs DuVal and Henry Jensen, third;
and Mr. Harry Brown's rink with
Mrs. H, Brown and Mrs. Elsie Sturdy,
Some fifty members and their fam-
ilies of eight different lodges attend-
ed a picnic in the Wingham town
park on June 24th, Games and races
were enjoyed after which a lovely
picnic supper was enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stirling,
Kincardine Township announce the
engagement of their eldest daughter
Christine Isabelle, to Mr. Leonard
Sanderson, son of Mrs. Sanderson,
Gorrie, and the late . Joseph Sander-
son. The marriage will take place in
Berciie United Church on Saturday,
July 25, at 3.30 p.m. 8b
Howick Lions Club are again spon-
soring camp at Kitchigami for child-
ren of Howick Twp. Register now
With Ken Edgar, Wroxeter, phone
10)2r2. Fee, $5.00. Boys, Aughst 8-15,
Girls, Aug‘t15-23. F8:15{'
It's different!, It's enjoyable!
At the Band Shell in the park.
Every Sunday night at 7.30 (weather
permitting) otherwise In Wingham
Baptist Church. Next Sunday Pastor
Coyle speaka on the subject:
"A Rich 'Young Ruler—Poverty
A link with the past in Wingham
as severed last week when Bernice
Howard Reynolds, well known in
Wingham and district, as a former
teacher at the public school, died
Saturday at her home on Leopold
Street, after a long illness. Miis Rey-
nolds was in her 88th year
Born in Morpeth, Ontario, Miss
Reynolds was educated in Guelph and
came to Wingham with her family in
1876. In her early life she became a
school teacher, and remained in that
profession for 54 years, teaching at
Wingham Public School throughout
the whole period of her career, Her
length of service as a teacher is
thought to be a record in the prov-
At her retirement in ]940 a large
number of her former pupils made a
presentation, at which a purse con-
taining a large sum of money was
given to her, as well as other tributes
for a long and useful career. It is
estimated that while she was a teacher
in Wingham, almost every child in
public school went through her class
during the 54 years of her teaching,
and that children of grandparents
who had been taught by Miss Rey-
nolds has, themselves studied under
the same teacher. A good number of
her former pupils later achieved suc-
cess in many different fields.
Miss Reynolds was a member of the
Wingham United Church, and played
the organ there for 47 years.
Surviving is one sister, Miss Anna
Mabel Reynolds, also of Wingham.
Funeral services were held on Mon-
day afternoon from Wingham United
Church, with Rev. D. J. MacRae of-
ficiating, Interment was in Wingham
Pallbearers were: E: S. Copeland,'
Frank Howson, Wilfred Hamilton,
Percy Stainton, Charles Lloyd and
Theodore Mudy.
Undergoes Operation
In London Hospital
Fraser Strong, 7, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Strong, was a patient In
Victoria Hospital, London, last week,
where he underwent an operation on
his eye. Dr. Charles Thompson, who
performed the operation, reports that
it was an apparent success, Fraser
returned home on Sunday,
Mrs. Strong was in London during
his stay in the hospital, and her sister,
Lillian Beney, of Brantford, took Ore
of the family while she was away,
A large number of small matters,
ranging from parking meters to
patching pavements, were dealt with
at the council meeting on Monday
night, in a session which lasted well
past midnight, Tired council members
carried their problems with them, to
be discussed on the pavement in front
of the town hall, after the meeting
was over.
A highlight of the evening was a
visit from L. S. Mannell, representa-
tive of the Mico-Meter Sales and Ser-
vice, Ltd., Port Credit, manufacturers
of parking meters. Mr. Mannell spoke
on the parking problems in towns in
general and in Wingham particularly,
pointing out, the advantages of park-
ing meters as a means of controlling
parking in the main street shopping
district, Cases of other towns of com-
parable size who have installed meters
successfully were cited and the coun-
cil was given a description of how
these machines work.
Cost of the meters would be $69.50
each, plus an installation charge of
$6. About 100 meters would be needed
for the business section of Wingham's
main street. Payments for the meters
can be made on a basis of 75 per cent
of the revenue from them, plus inter-
est charges, and it is estimated that
the meters would pay for themselves
in about two and a half years. Mr.
Mannell said the revenue from the
meters would be in the neighbourhood
of $5,000 per year, which he pointed
out, could be applied against police
costs in the town, or for any other
such purpose.
The council agreed to consider the
matter of installing meters.
Reduces Own Taxes
A letter from the Bell Telephone
Company was read regarding the tax
notice sent to them by the town. The
letter pointed out that under an act
passed by the last session of parli-
ament, the company could not'.be tax-
ed more than 4 per cent of its gross
The lettter went on to say that the
company was therefore reducing its
tax bill from $2,680.21 , to $2,320.59,
thereby effecting a saving for itself
of $359.62. W. A, Galbraith town
clerk, reported that he had writ-
ten to the municipal board protesting
this section, but had been advised
that there was nothing that could be
done about it.
Want Action on Plans
A letter from the Kilburn Engineer-
ing Company Was read, inquiring what
action was to be taken on plans
drawn up by them some two years
ago for a sewage plant for the town
Of Wingham,
Since that time the project has been
shelved because of the possibility that
a new school will be built, and the
!council seemed to feel that it would
not be possible to attempt both pro-
jects at the same time. It was de-
cided to write the colapany a letter
explaining the circumstances,
Need More Help on Streets
The problem of a shortage of help
in the street department was discussed
and was poointed out that, with
one man doing part time police duties,
it is sometimes impossible to keep
up with the work on the streets. A
lengthy discussion followed on the
possibility of using part time help, or
help from the cemetery staff, or as-
sistance from the Public Utilities Com-
mission. Finally it was decided to hire
another man for the street depart-
ment'on a fulltime basis.
The patching of sidewalks -.around
town also came up for discussion, and
there was a certain amount of con-
traversy as to whether this should be
done with asphalt or with cement. As-
phalt patching is considerably cheap-
er but there was some question as to
whether citizens would care for the
black stuff on their sidewalks. The
merits of both types of pavement were
discussed at some length, and it
finally decided to use cement on
ephine Street, and to try out
asphalt on the back streets.
Police Cruiser Discussed
The condition of the police cruiser
was discussed' Chief Bert Platt told
council members that it was only with
the greatest of difficulty that he could
gee the car up to 50 miles an hour, and
that. whenever lie went to Goderich he
had to leave an hour earlier in case
he had to finish the trip by thumb.
One of the councillors said that the
town was paying up to $100 per montir—
on repairs to the cruiser, and that it
was a waste of money. He also said
that money spent for repairs would be
better spent on a new car. The matter
was discussed further, but no decision
was made.
Building Permiits
For $26,572
Approved by Council
Building permits to the value of
$26,572 were passed at the meeting of
the town council on Monday night.
Permits issued were as follows:
Cohn Fingland, residence, Carling
Terrace; H, W. Pocock, residence,
Boland Street; Roy Manuel, shed, Pat-
rick Street; Dr. and Mrs. W, A. Craw-
ford, doctor's office, Patrick Street;
Vincent Dittmer, den and breakfast
Rev. D. J, MacRae was inducted as
minister of Wingham United Church
at a well attended meeting of the
congregation last Friday evening.
The service was in charge of Rev.
R. A, Brook, secretary of Huron Pres-
bytery. Mr. Brook addressed the
minister, outlining anew the duties
and privileges of that calling. Rev.
C. C. Washington, of Auburn, spoke
to the congregation on the responsi-
bilities of the members to the church
and to the minister,
, Rev, Mr. MacRae was escorted to the
front of the church by T. S. Beattie
and Colin Fingland, members of the
session and was questioned by Rev.
Mr. Washington according to the in-
duction ritual of the church.
The choir, under the direction of
Alan Bennett, assisted in the service.
Following the induction the congre-
gation adjourned to the basement for
a social period. The Woman's Associ-
ation supplied refreshments. Rev.
Mr. MacRae and Mrs. MacRae were
introduced to the members individu-
ally by Hugh Carmichael and Dewitt
G. W. Tiffin, chairman of the re-
ception, called in turn on Revs.
Brook, Washington and Nimmo who
extended greetings and good wishes,
and finally on Mr. MacRae who ex-
pressed his pleasure at the welcome
accorded to himself and family and
his hope for a faithful and happy
ministry in Wingham.
During the meeting a gift to the
congregation from Rev. J. C. and
Mrs, Thompson was unwrapped. It
was a framed reproduction of the
beautiful painting "Head of Christ"
by Sallman.
town police cruiser which is capable PASSES IN WINGHAM of speeds up to 50 miles per hour, if
pushed, has come in for a lot of rib-
bing lately. Chief Bert Platt says
he's afraid to go too far from home
in it in case he doesn't get back. A
suggestion that the town trade it in
on a bicycle has been made, but has-
-n't been received seriously. A 'bike
would be faster only when going
.down hill.
Dr. J. D. Forde, Fordwich physican,
was a busy man over the week-end,
due to accidents on the farm.
Claude Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Martin of the fourth concession,
fell off a load of hay and broke his
arm and cut his head badly. He was
in Listowel Hospital until Sunday,
Larry Sider, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Sider, 6th con., caught his
arm in the corn drill causing a very
sever gash which required stitches.
Mr. Russel Ruttan, of the ninth con-
cession, slipped on the barn floor and
gashed his neck on a tap. He also had
to have stitches.
Lightning Strikes
Three Times in
Whitechurch District
During the electrical storm last
Wednesday a chimney on the north
end of the Presbyterian Church in
Whitechurch, was struck with light-
ning. The bolt cracked the chimney in
four parts, blew out the plug for the
choir loft lights and the plug for the
basement lights.
On Sunday evening an unused chim-
ney on Mr. George McClenaghan's
house was struck tearing off part of
the cornice and leaving the upstair
rooms full of smoke and sulphur, and
tearing away the shingles. Mr. Mos.
Clenaghan was stunned by the shock
for some time.
During the night the barn on Mr.
John McQuillin's farm in W, Wawa-
nosh, Was struck and it burned, With
a driving shed, and twenty-one sheep
that were near, Were killed, Many of
the electrical storms this summer have
been exceptionally severe.