The Signal, 1926-1-14, Page 1toidoomwo.~ ..10.114.FOrm"
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7111111111, • SPOOP410.,.
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Your:Oilice -Stationery L,
atis .• •
ego, pi a jpoOd little for you to lob through
your Stack of Office .ltatiotteiry and place
Your Order for pew SUpplies. We earl meet
any coselpetition its quality and Peke.
The Signal
Saar .4a
si'lENTY' NINTH ‘10.AR NO.
. .11.1.111
THE SIGN.kl. PitINTHMI cti 11/Trull.
Standing Committees Struck, Ap-
pointments Made and Other
Preliminary Business Done
The town council 41996 was ena-
Minitel on Monday eacontig and held
flied the dectanetion of o
its inangurs1 meeting- Tberandbeee
wen, sworn In by Magistrate C. A.
The formalities over, the members
took their seats and were addressed I
by Mayor MacEwaa, whom review of
elsewhere In this Mane.
the munleipal *Anodes is pabeshed
On motion of Meson, (*rattle and
Bailie. the nensinese who oat M last
year's eonncil (Mrs. Munuings,
Mawr. Turner. (Sproul and Lee) were I
appointed the committee to strike the
Mending committees for the year.
To snow the Writhe; committce to
meet the council adjourned for Affect) !
=Munn but ir was nearly three -wear-,
ton of an hour before the committee
returned with the following report.
witteh war adopted -writbout -
Stmaillag OtionmIttess
Eleutnee--11. C. Meanie" C. C.
Lee. J. W. Crain.. R. E. Turner. J. J.
Public Works -J. J. Maser. B. C.
)(unarm. J. W. ('nteric. D. Sprawl
R. E. Turner.
Water. Light and l'arbews-C. C. R. E. Turner. Wm. Bailie. J. W.
entitle D. Sproul.
Cemetery and Pares -J. W. ('nal -
Kir. Wm. Rollie. C. C. Leo J. J. *b-
eer. W. M. 31eLe4ts.
uk1. Retief and Reeeption-1;
E. Turner. S. C. Masseson. C. C. Lee,
WobrItaille. W. M. MeLtea.
re -D. lipeoul. .1. 3. MIIMMe. B. C.
Mandates. W. M. WarrifIA, J. W.
%arket-W. H. 34t4l, gX • 1,
Itiles"; Mustangs. 3.3.
fitairt of Revisina-Ww41411111.. C.
C. Lee. R. E. Tuner, D. Sprott& W.
The tint name) eo each quiratitNS
eleatrmea thereof...1411
OH Mir
.4o Akio a member of ali cols= tten.
It wao decided to bold the regular
mooting,. of council on the Mot and
third Fridaes of each Month.
Dr. W. F. (tallow, A. D. McLean
Cutler the headlilit "New Mt -tubera
of Parilautelet" The lee/fhle ran"
Prow be running a Reeled sid article*
admit by Mr. W. Z. IMIllort Imo of
Mr. aast Ilers. (.1. M. Elliott of town).
who is The Free Press' Perliameatan
representative at Ottawa One of
thew articles la as foliose:
The nee Press pabilatost an a
at the time at the last Provincial
Goa lu hitudiatebewan, showiwriult a
Awn or so of the memknuttect
hailed trap Western ()atir115. It
seems that quite a number of the mem
elected fro* the Prairie Prowittoreeto
the neer How of Collamons also
originally Mved, moved and bad tbeir
being la t» (wattles hereabouts. Ore
of throe 11 Tred Davie Conservative
M.P. for EMI WPM native of gib
eleoll. la Perth earsety. and fur tiff -sea
jeers n'erahlesli ale fiedorieb. Karoo
rollotY. ftlrbitill FM/ Davis' name Ip -
Peered MP the_ Est 04 noadaatiose last
MI. litere iota a ten4ree7 to tide
a eolgallest. William
part 44 the teZetr epsf*low hiceal
or rather 'bo .
Irvine. Libor for Haat Oil -
miry let the faserteenth : radiomen,
had • majortty le =Ile LBW. Fran
tide distance, Mr. Davie' thane's were
;AO Om. sad tbe
Liberal paper Ms old home Wien of
tioderieh reatitred- to wish biate-sralL
I letotwr 20 found Mr. Davi* ne win-
ner by 2.209. lie was °poweri by tbe
late member. Mr. Irvine, a. Idloor-
l'.1,-.A. candidate, and also by Mr.
ihoridosos. of The Calgary AlbertAn.
IILiberal. but polled nearly *4 sassy
votes so neat two combined Davi&
iott Wei 14.. 4.'04L lie ow at one
time in aewspaper work In Is.ntion.
It Is sot Iliterest to recall that the
contest of 1921 was nem three eoraer-
I ed. Intim. a leader to the
forme& movement, editor of Western
runner. a llaraler clergynatio toot au-
thor of "Tamen In Polities." was
opposed I. Parith, Conservative, and
Duncan Mershon, former Minivoter of
Agriculture for Alberta, and now
Liberal organiser for the lenlnkm.
Calgary was didded isho two rid
lugs In 1914. The Redistribution Act
leer megaton altered thew Nome-
witat. Part of East eatery eras
pawed In Row Valley. and some of
West Colgarv. Iron. IL It Bennette
old riding. thrown into Mad Calgary.
Os the whole, however. the compier-
,eree of tbr not Aden ta aeon: the
same now so in 10I .About one--
third to rural.
teseceponi candithites bine a habit
6.1 explaining victoriel by Witting to
•'heir efforts In ftratanntation.. or the
The News of the Town
Meeting of Osmaty Gown
The Huron county council will con-
vene in Goderich for the hist ateetillg
of the year on Turclay, Jentinry 26tk.
Veda's Dhow 19r 044/eint
An ',tent to which wan) an14"414llg
forward is a venison dhows to be
given hy the' Maitland Golf Club at
the Bedford hotel un Thurol.or P400 -
Ins. Lerman 21.1. A feature of the
prooredings will be the preeentation
of Club trophies. After dinner the
anneal fleeting obthe oltarehohlers of
the Chub will be held, to le followed
by a donee.
To OrIP011ise Town Markey Lesion
A meeting for the formation of a
Iowa hockey league la to be held this
evening at the °Mee of Mr. It Der -
row. barrister. There has already
)14•4•11 a certain 11 1110nnt in -pintas -
Mott work. and at least fonr teams
wein to be assured whit the pool-
bUtty of 'other,. This will give the
town Roam Interest*: hoeitey this win-
ter and will teed to develop players
btto later will make good material for
an 1).11.A. en(ry. Fevorabit termo
bate been secured for the use of tee
West 71 rink. and It la propene) to
mak.' tit. adosieselen 1•44 10 • tons
Zie for men. 15e for ladies and 10e for
children. One or more trophy cups
will be available, and a strong. united
ort among those who would en-
courage good winter 'sport may put
hockey again on a solid basis of
popular support to Goderich.
Gederieh Society
A meeting of the Goderich
eat &eddy wag held in the sound)
chamber. at the town hall. un Friday
evening. a ith an attendance of about
tonne. In the abseleFe of Mr. Wm.
Cantebeit. the president. Mr. G. W.
Block. vierpreosidest, was in the
lost year several citizens wet* re-
quested to contribute papers on sub-
jects in which they were Interested.
and a gratifying reeposule was indi-
cated. Mr. Jar. F. Thomson reported
that he now had available lin. 44. S.
Handest excellent history of Geor-
ge's chars*. the tote Dr. Strang's
Mowry of K001 churrh. and a tistory
of Vittoria street Methodist church hy
Mr. 41 M. Billott. The tote Rev. P. J.
Gnans had been working on a history
of St. P.ter'p church at the time of
hio death. and Mr. Thomoon was un-
alete *ay !sir far Ulla boil progres-
end W. Reg. Rieman weft' ItPle'lleted.... pliortetteniumit of the opposition. Thee in the death of Rev. Vsther Gamut
to the local board oi heedib foe 177.; am not usually' *averse to a 'than. of tto. stootety hap lost -Crimea "deo *19
le. Jr. Marwart woo re -appointer, the credit on the Poore niesnetie moth hitereisted In the work. and the
10 the Collegiate Inotitute nitrate. 1,,,,..ohooty. Fetal lead, i• • " members expreontsi their pineere re-
gret nt lollo to the comintinity of too
valued a citizen.
Mr. 1)ouglaw Mooney preaebted an
excellent historical sketch of the God-
erich town eounell from the first
meeting hi 1/430 up to. and including.
the council of 1te.ffi. The preparatiou
Of this paper entailed a great deal of
work. .Town retorth for the MO_
tieventy-tior years had te4 Ia. guns
through. and tido Mr. llooney, had
done in the moat thorough man-
ner. On motion of Messrs. 11.
Itolo.rtaan and Jas. F. Thomson. a
hearty rote of appreciation was tend-
ered to Mr. Mooney for his work. Mr.
Mooney has the honor of rontrIblifing
the tient paper to the Society. awl it is.
very fitting that thiorotiould he one re-
electing onr town government.
quote briefly from this paper:
"In IMO MiodrIrIch was incorporated
OP a town by a special Act of Parlia-
ment. witIont. having pawed through
the °Heel of vIlitige ay.vernmeni•-
llr. Mooney'n limper tracts the history
..f the towel from that dete to, the
present ; but we know that Goderieb
existed wore deredes before the date
mentioned. When, aro. the records
eovering the peritoli between 14427 and
1%.10? if the Matti woo. not even hi-
Aserporated .aa. a._ village. -how nee It
governed -or wan the Canacht Company
in entire (00(401 of the settlement?
Mr. Money intende to look_ is Geis
ngr* 040 4
libltrtry of onr town. Anyone who may
know anything shoal tails period la re.
queried lo get In with him 4101
give Mtn ali poeurible apointanee.
For some time members of the So-
tilety have hen looking forward to it
nisteratimt of the one hnettlrodth an-
niverwary of the 'Minding of the taw.
and the following resolution. ino-Od
by Mr. Ione !talked and Mr. Chas. C.
Lee. was carried unanimousio:"That
the Gotterich Historical Society awls
our town council to consider the me
violability of celebrating IR pane Imit-
able moaner ourrentennell. and that
the preeident. the weretary and Mr.
W. ft. Ilobertson he a rielegation to
present this application to tbe Men
The secretary, Mr. 1'. (1. Connon. re-
ported tlmt, In accordance with In -
**motions. Walesa hid been published
in the keel papers last February of-
fering prises of *10 and 15 for the
two moot complete hiatorical record^
resort, one owtmotso ben (het there load
been no reepronw. It rens reit that
pososibly the setivities in connection
with the proposed oentennial eelehra-
then might stimulate interest in the
work of the Moiety.
'mord for the years 1926 -7 -es peculiar that way. Ile delares that
Rev. J. E. Ford was re-appolated to
be oon t11' piney of him PartY•
the public Hbrarr board for fit* Yee" Thr coiderrative party Kona for dr,
14r267 -e. resegment of Alberta's coal mines.
C. A. Nairn wag re-oppotreted to t which an (outotanding Moue out
Mousing commission for the years there Jilt now. Mr. Devitt ileciartd
1926-7. for an rotor! (boy on wbsat. in dew
Mayor Mar"** was appointed the of the Follett States, Gmernment vir-
council.% reProweletlee .41 the ...lualts elto-ing the markt. acrosin the
tot board fur 19241. border to **attune!' eattle. of which
The *nano. committee was instruet- Alberta a ma producer. Thy*.
1141 to report on booking •rrangements
and other Issues twos which Rt. Hon.
for the year. • I armor Meiglota stand Wap elioar
A enmmunication foist the TM- rend daBoi„.. ),„t crew In Ewe
,tion Road Nadel/wry Co. intimated
that Interest Coupons and debentures m..t.tor gambit enough
of the ealatalar hr._,the for a potitietali lost capable entomb
town) totellher ee.'"'""" leat"`' to he claimed a a 'doorman. Time
January and that thia was a very will ten. but .0
n Is rood for thought,
inoPPerteelt Pa° h'e Irell/P11°T to in his choler of 1 when calks" op.
wee them. as large quantities of ma-
ou without $1,111,ci rt speak at the an-
terial *ere being purchased at this
nu& meeting of tern ontario Con-
firm. for the Company'a asentifactnr- servants. Ars•• Ion here. There
ing operations. Thr town was asked wag br.r_
r 1 ge In which he
4., tak.e. theas perinea's. In tbe "mord ow ',Imo oes, of thiuktmt
lialoc Ile le" year, the' "mile" electron looking sorsilled -West-
agreeing to make repayment.% in he ern" anti "Easti•r probleme from on
otftlatlittik the last Instalasent to he
all -Canada vies . lic sold that
paid oat September lot next. Tbe
be and his Wernt
council wax informed Moo that them
porty propsted t
are now 0147 four of the guaranteed 410*41 nn.n
°T. Y 41. ettelimiellan.rmaunnairertmlit of
1,20 1114- wa"' sullen looney belt,
mate further explanationa. and the _
matter was referred to the finance 'boa' termini
rritimineffewter "reorer-Memeh-44.....
A letter from W. M. **loan. S:17;;;Alialltle.
liesidag his claim for rotate of bust -
area fasts ott the Opera Howe. Ms
geferesoll to the finance committee.
The Mayor. the Reeve. the Deputy
Seer" sad Councillor. TAPP and Bait*
woe appointed a committee to deal
*Mb ,taattere respectlerg the fanner
National Ihigibeiliding Co. plant.
Thy ametIon of orcuring el copy of
The Mould's& World for each mem-
ber tbe monde as In previona
years. wet referred to the anent.,
14711* No. 1 of Int providing for
he payment of the half -yearly inter-
n( OH the O.W.R. Railway handl,
lorlowp Non 2. 4 Ind con-
lIttaIng the appointments to the hoste-
ls* etomulas. the bonm. the
piddle library board, anti the boort%
a health. respeetIvey, were oil
mew& and the council adjoureed at
1 o'clork.
litotes Now ord: Mr. W. A.
colleague. In III.
represent Canada.
gathering a 4113.4
1411194 of Alberta
Orof good_Can
spent at home in-
tenni*. Not en
dandpoint of
It him town ro *treater that
Mr. leatio wail Is. at. Mitchell. He
son of the LW W. R. Ihivis, for
ma years Mitt... of 114e Mitchell
te. and hip ber dill wallies
In at Perth towt where the mem-
tly visit* The father 1$111
r of the Ise Very Rev. Dean
of this eiry. Trutt wont to
Iji leen. residing there un-
w'ben he sr West. A. early
however. Acquired inter-
rta, is owner of is
Irricana thirty-oix miles
r. Doris darn nut to
°IV he lee. bit of
Ills norther. ail ?Den-
t Mitehell. tent. One.
Atewart Murray, re-
Pn. Another lo
Z. i;.Davi( of Lon -
1: . 4 ; . liarvey. wife
k of Commerce
In Winnipeg. and
ihrttshierot Klao
a It
tti 19
set 11
non bell
virrit hi
tinned. li
In 1
the wife n
don. A thi
of a Commit
oar one of
Ienrothy. is at
danneetion with the korai brunch of
the Sell Telephone dietrict he-
ms tioderich anti Seafortb. Mr. R. A. CI
Holmes comes from Titionohnrg. moved from fir
' He MY take* rip leis (polaroid In and la continninsf
tout harlot leased Yr. Kemal' ta that cit, los
recentiy pnrchaned rotary -treasurer
Beard 11 rikle114
I* the nevi "trouble- mon 111
honors Geo
from the Cole
Manes have
la a collegiate
tato. Yr. anoi •
tittle daughter, who this capeteitr 141 fee
Oat. exceed 41,1100.
recently re,
to stratford
tlee of Mor
ppointed sec -
stiarY 443
sas not to
•f.. i
lin,. Jos. Brophey is visiting rein -
lire* at Toronto.
114,4414,4HBroplers tit whet! ing
hien& at Kincardine. I •I
Miss Margaret Camptril it visiting
her relatives at 'l'onsevendl. N.Y.
Mr. Harold .111mile, .4 1)91(011. almost
the Christina. hotidays' 'with hien&
MIN. Mracy VI1 lett 11 bats returned
from Flint. Mk.b., where othe a as holi-
Mr. H. Liebe( ha. oeturned to Dr.
troll after visiting with Miss 1. W.
Mr. L. Ralthhy. of .Onburn. sped the
weekomd with his semen,. Mises emit
.Mr. and Mrs Frank Paddle of De-
troit. ern egiong the (lariats., visit-
ors insillodedich.
)Ir. Mad Mrs. N. Dietrich. of Flora -
dole. are shifting their dausoter. Mrs.
Geom. IlacIfiear.
Miss is. Witmer,' *4 IfirtrIl.b. anent a
few diva late week .vlsiting at tbe
home of Mhos Viola Ontosideston.
Kn. Prank Haatiags. of Chicago, is
vipitleg her ._ mother. Jim Donald
animist. of taws. for a few week's.
Mrs. J. C. las. et Stratford.
spent the a town. 410 guest
at la:Cal. H. C. and Mn. Duntop.
Mr. Jas. Kelly. a Detroit. vent the
past week with Ala uncle and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Elgin ave.
Mrs. *tram and Mimi Mabel Strang
left thia week for Toronto, where they
will spend the remainder of the win-
MIN Sidle Good. bf Mingo. ar-
rived on Tuesday to %Pend loathe time
with relative.. asd !rinds in town
anti trktney.
Mrs. Elisabeth Steep and diaghter.-
of Goderieh. spent tbe Christmas va-
cation with Mrs. H. Coltiough and
family at Cenotaace.
Judge Killoran and family no*
have their twine lit stiatrord. Mrs.
Killoran and the children having re-
moved to that elty last 'week. •
Mn. T. reyley and daugteter. Helen,
have returned to their home at Strat-
ford after a visit with tee former's
mother. Mrs. McNally, of town.
Mr. H. l'helaeker is at Toronto.
where the Goderich Art -Craft Furni-
ture Co. has an wstenstie dloplay at
the annual- fnrniture etbihltion.
Mr. John Simplon. formerly of
fillempordton. has returned frost a
dolt to relative.. In Ohio, and kg re-
maining -la tows, for tha present.
Stratford Beat -on -Herald :Mrs. Frank
'Udine aid Mrp. H. A:slinek. of God -
elicit. are verir:bg M't'. Turher. Ntle
istreet. Ater Mrs. R. Roth. Huron
Mrs. Geo. IL King. formerly or Goa-
erieh, pinging at Detroit. was beard
one tee • radio hv pevertil GoderIch
people as-ifonde) night inst.
11. 1
Pottle,. for Vote on 'Peso HaU
Advoisteo of the erection of a new
+1.1111i4ail tir4• not allowillg
the matter to rlsa. Petitions have
hive eirtelation the pawl week for
titatanfi to the loan counal. Wok'
l lite bylaw he rraubmitted.
OAL notTrovvrusurrs
Proposal to Coe Fun& for General
Beautilleation of Mown -
The manna! 11e -omit 4,4 the tluderleli
ilortioultural So. s AM held 44.(441-
1,4.2.4 411y evening of this .t ...k iu the
t„oeotisilI4ektttlier1 The Kest.- Eyes of Canada Centred on
d4-111 34r George Lehi:oldie. Wap1 In
of Parties in House
the 4h:dr and abont taenty the wel11- &mak
tP At. mndirr.t..,,,, gnat alretoty .4..l-,
old tired. 1925. presented by Mr. W. S. Ilowden. Of Conunona
:lituoired slanaturea hien. been Thr financial atatensent ior die year
440.•relarydrilasurei. tatoweg boat re. Thew. art- exciting (huts at Ottawa
' Nfllteut"o-to-n C-.M.R. T -rains
tsiP..f30.06i111147tipndlture. f The fate of the Government Is in the
in rot107Itiitouttaltlit mtin.4r $ s2..t7.ieL4664
report gained currency last week to 9114.". Th. tneuil.410 of the so- tote of the session is eagerly awaited.
we on hand of halants., and the 'loath of the fir
ttiqnhAilli 81:fft ..4-;T:"iklivi:rrill:4thilsh:tnott131:4'ultitkhtl'inhin litld:Imb'"n‘.--1 elir4.41.1.4 1.47::‘1(lirtS'r".7.1.:48 .-..1.:rtl'It "II Ina" "nine IR" In
the *.tigt°13"Y
remade. relatiee to the. oork of the eleotion of a Speaker poor -del with -
manner The
The atsoluu °pelted iin ThursdllY
part. *nil go far no the loeat agents Veil year. togethi,r o fill suggestions out any undue incident, the Govern
know there I. no intention of 4ouoint for the corning rear. Mr. It. 1. latelitt'l nominee. Hun. Rodolphe 1.e-
11olutes and Rev. Cantos Hill strongly micas. *114) was Speaker of the laot
advoetited the elimination of rend- Parliament, being strepied without a
ions to the members awl the rise of division -
the fonds of the Soeirty for a mora on eritlay she -op....., from 11,„
general beittaitiestion of the town. Throne" was read. TMk set forth the
Seteral expresso! their approval of "tutu feature* of the ,:,,,erntn,-or*
into propoarst .-ourtw. but toilers program for the ro...ion Fir* 11 %id
toir7ton, arthaprtist mi.u,m111:47 could not be furetutiet. substantial rtAltel 443n11 in
ots tired in large unniberp without the taxation are (ormate. Tile colutonda-
lion or certain departinents of Gov -
lir. H. T. Edwards tnoved. secooded ernment. thus retillellar the number of
ere. 41 other item of
hi Me__J. W. )(seeker. that as large Cabinet Mluist
•'mat uf mon), as ioneothle he art . the program. lithe are a
Balleki mad' wap nnit"d in Mar- aside fur the On ov i of the boo beware immigratioa Mao:- a **hem'
tat group a 11 1 This was c,., -r1 rural credit.; the ts)01111Ittitios of the
rpromised odvisory tariff tgle41411; an in-
itT4lie election of olffeer. assaulted as quiry into the causes of tilaidlwer-lon
followe: l'resithent. George faith- of Canadian groin and (the, product%
wail,'; viet-presittent. J. T. Fell; nee- through other than Canadian lhas:
ond vice-president, George Gould; di, the completion of the liothom Ray
rectors .for 114244.1, 1. G. Connon. Geo. Italtway; en Inquiry by royal eommis-
Stewart. J. Jock. Charier Cooke. Mimi don into the claims of the Maritime
Alice Ateibion. s Provi?tees; the transfer to the Prov -
Me 1). IS. iliolmee wet' appointed a ince of Anomie of its natural re-
direetor for 1101 In place of Mrs. *nieces. and n 1.411 amending the Ike
Dotiglae Brown. who did not whit to udoloo 'Elections .tet.
s ork of the. Soelegy during the past try front Halifax ov Vauai.uver.
4:::7"-gillintmen., dye: da . it' Mol
a" 440
act. and Mr. II. T. Edwards was op-
plaee of Mr. George tlouid. now eleet- thltoo,itimenefs.Olf CHtstoontn. oit:Irns elithad alaweinwintotIted.. (41.
pointed a director for 1920 to take the
the auditorp. MPlegt*X. A J. NitieKay question ao, to the right of the pretest
timildederth. einInre0u((1.1h1"4dlositus11113ed°-
ell perm" vice-prealtlent.
A vote of thenks wit, tetiderett to
and Roy 141..neholise. and they uere Government to remain In office. Mr.
ognin appointed for 1926. I Meighen. tlie f'onservative leader.
.1 voto of thank% wax tendered also : moved an amendment. and upon this
to the loved newsletters for their In- . amendment n tfehate enoned which
tereat and•loolp in l'outtertion with the , has rivettsf the at teirtion of the come
any such change. A number of Ifial MI
heve 1.:-..t. out off at Stratford. 1'4u4.kt
lug 14.14. morning Buffalo eennetilosa.
4ut there is no change In the trains
departing froth or arr'•ine1 at God.
Huber -Dyer
weddlag was solemnized at North
stood railed church on Friday morn-
ing. January 14, when Velma it. Dyer.
nitre of Mr. -and Mrs, Geo. Andrews.
N. limber, of
(deo. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. C. F. Clarke. The bride, who
entered tire chureli to the strains of
Wainer's. wedding morels played by
Sties Mary Clarke. was given away by
bar brother.' Mr. Wilson Dyer. of Tor-
ooto. After the ceremons the wed-
ding party proceeded to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Bayticed road,
where Inneheon was *erred. The
young couple will reside at Hanover.
W. C. Mosses New Store
One of the 'attest improvements In
the loudness establishments of town
hi represented by W. c. linasees new
tniloring and dry -t -leaning premises 01)
We.t. street' next to ltrophey Brox .
Mr. Snead opened his uew *ore to the
palette on Saturday last. and be has a
vcry tine, up-to-date place. The front
of the doer its of the very lgtest de-
sign and he show window' ditminy
the JO very attractively. The your. I The Menthol ant. ntiment wilt 1 le -
runny added improvements include It deckled that the local So- 4,, t,14 by 11 111.001'11 of three.
new hardwood floors. electric light eitty should contlaue its membership
111‘tUrer. Plhowealter, etc. The hent ng with the Ontario Horticultural Asso-
la by stigun- -The start' is divided la' ciation for 1926. Attendants. so ,
to two seetions. tbe front tort being delegate. at the Provincial driven- I
uktt for the stork of 10.411.. clothing non. to be held at Toronto February
and the rear part for the 9 and 10, was left to volunteers .who
Ing and preneirg eetelilenenb which 4' will pay_thele own expenses. I
aloft uP-tos ale TV tot r. -t . . t
• 11tu• t
Same him »ow one of the g
preintaer UP kh(4 In the district.
and is to Ise tongrotnlatest moo, his
enterprise and progressiveness. The
al:. de-
• Rev. J. N. Campeau at Kt. Peter'o
4 •• • , •••
, 1%0.. .4 . N. bite of Petrie;
lin, 1* the nen- pastor or Ike parish of 1
' St. Peter's. aneeetsling the late Rev.
fltw op at , tided improveinent of the south :We "I"'n'• luta
tintt attractive front m t s 4 or
ready arrived, and ha. 11...tinted
Toronto. wls-re he hos been for- Arline "f w4'-'' street- - -BM pariah. Ile woo for thirteen
Months. Goderielt is sorry to low .•
1 years In charge of St. Philip's church. '.
loos la only temporary. . ' .'llagist rate Ite141 held court
In the Magistrate's Court
at Oil Spriogs nod Wyontititt. o here the
much good chlorite and impost that the 1 Petrone. him parish e41•12414.11C also to .
Mime (;enevleve Span' leaves today Wingham on ' Tuesday to beer a bite Father Getup ministered iirior to -
for London. where she will take a .‚hare of indeei.nt oration laid agatnett -omit, to GotiOrich.
corm. of' training as a_ _Durso _at lit.Harry -Elliott, of Bluevale. The ac-
Jteepti'oe hoot:Mal Miles Sparr Is one ellotil pleaded guilty atorivitt-irfbii.T7.- ii. ..,..,.
of tbelerich'e mod popular young la- $50 and costs or two months In Jail!
1.1.'it7terrmeigiandts s81111)upre".isueanitd1 tS°*"11,104.1ericit
44$4e1 nod will lamiss...) eapecially in He paid the fine and costs. MAIO in
ti and diorict this week. A .now.torm
Two Mink -rich lailie.-Mt*.. W. L. all.vnatoneaing
Elliott. wial,iTille.'sevrhiltvile (l11.rowYn eommenced Sitiolay evening. and all
day Alonility there WS. it steady fall f O
musical (index.
flaked at Ottawa 12.1 weelc and werer At - Keeler Weihnwho
Meagl'r Pr""eut41* inorntnyi mom. which has 41•Ittintied at inter- ;
rats since. Contrary to -Go. mond ,
Horton and Mr.. i Dr. e Roletter- Attornee
pryaynt at 54,,- opettlitie-rif T's rilatnent. Mslitliiirltl• -11011 (14inadtted Edward
condition. tioderich 1s said t.. hate
vernor-ttenernes drooing-room on a chargeI of Incest. The man
ido Saturthry night they attended at Hackney oral Dorn Hackney for trial 1
more snits. at prosent than other near -
the tioby points. Fortunately temperatures '
and n -ere prewar) to Ms Excellency. Hackney has been Oder! lit ja
Mr. Grenville Clark. left on Monthly On Saturday Ia.( Wilbur 1.wkwood.
for St. Marys to take charge of the of Clinton, appeared before Magio
Profit -oiled 1.1fe linsuretnero Coin- trate Iteld In court here to answer to a
Pentia Maxine's.. at. that Point- U. -vharate laid by 'nape:tor Pellow
will be followed shortly by his lam- stection 41 of the Ontaalo Temperanee
fly. Thai people of Goderieh will be Ad of having liquor in an tinlawful
sorry to inae them as residentp.
Segnesta al Mrs. J. H. Lee&
Prolate ham been granted of the will
place. HP fined 1130 and costs
with the option of Iwo months in
jail. anti chose the jail tern:.
The magisttate is receiving many
of the late Mrs. Jane H. Leech, complaInto of petty thieving at various
(loderlele who. In adttitlon to heinestet points In the county, and some Cases
to ,rn54 ors) to f toopo of 141 enrol. are likely to be the result.
tioderich for perpetual upkeep of her
cemetery ittts, leaves *1.100 to ration. Bible Society Meeting
$$ bleb she was 'in. At ?lir annual business int -.'ting of
tended. main y Irr"thAilleo141m-lnill-44*-4estailliompon44,4-4he-C
North otreet Metheolhot (now Cnitedi hible Morclety. h•"111 In the Paptist
chart slt 41. directed in the evlii ohotreli Thurrhty evening. elicolir-
(bat E1.100 he divided 4 Into remelt aging report,. were given of the work
equal ohareo, to he distributed an foe of the past year. An atldress tm the
lows: To the\genered minlonory fund lite WM. Tylokile woo given by the
ofthe missitm of the MIthittllot president. The same officer. were re-
clean -1i of Canaille. Girt/ogre fee Norrlr-fiptioloted: --1",,,sideva. A. AL Robert -
Period Methottlitt eldireh. Goderieh. son: seeretor"! Jos. A. Campbell :
one shore: to the Women** Mipsionary treostirer. w. A. Nolte+ The fol.
Moiety of the North 'street Moho- IntOltig amount. Were collected for
dist (Munk Gderich. 011P photo: to 192.;:
the ethientional fund of the siethodtst to south holt of Si. 1/avid's
Church through the North atreet ward. In Victorin ,treet
Methodiat (torch. floderich, one l'illted chtireh 4 31112
111414.: to the Women's Chrlatian In north ludf of Mt. !Myhre
Temperance Inion. Groderiels„ one ward. by Roptiott (+unit-. 12.63
Aare; to the omperannnatiou feed of la 441. Pntrick's wank by North
the Methorild ("torch. through North otresi-Tillted Church /10.413
.tree( lIefbodlot chitteb, Goderieh. ono In S4. fltorge's ward. by st
phew: to the Alexandra Marine and
Georgell church 411.T3
Bimetal Hospital building fend. one In St Andrew'( wont by Knog
of the natty nelluron. one Ito Salt ford Sunday aelsool
alutre; to the Children's '*1.1 Society Presbyterian church
Attire. for medical treatment for On hayfield rood. hy Mimi A.
want* of the Society; to the Ladles'
Aid of the Nortti street MethrsIMIL
church. Goderieh. two Sharpe: to the
Sabbath eichool of 'North strut Meth?.
olot elenrch, (lodetich. two phoroo.
The will was made January 2. 1924.
Invitations have been lamed for a
"hard time' party" to he held by the
Menetietung nom* (Nob at the Mit-
Tot A I casket 41111. . . . .11f.15.42
1614.4 no.mbersidt.
' •
Ita 1 n nee of 1924 collet tons
( remit ter' Ma reit 2. 10254... 24.95
limping of collet -Gomm In week
of prayer 7.75
erode Temple 00 Wedneolay, Jam' Total for 1924. 420(1.40. Total for
ary 20113. 192.5. 4304.07.
• ir
Death of Old -Time Reddest
Word has lumen re..eited of the
death of 11r. nietiry Seeguililer. of
Cadillit.•. 1114.h.: a former re.ident of
Goderich. ()bier residents of the town
reniemiter the Set -emitter family,
ot 1 -11 was ,roinhient here many rears
Death of Rev. Francis Swann
A newspniter (besmirch from 114, Pll -
ver. TLC.. 11111 the denth of
Rev. Franck Mwtinnformerly 21 well-
knonit minister of the Caudal Metho-
dist Conferenee. Among the tinstor-
ate. he held were those of Dungannon
and liolmesville. some twenty year.
A quiet wedding took place at North
atreet United church parsonage. God-
erioh. on Thitrtalny. January 7th.
when )111dred G. M. Fisher. only
daughter of Mr. nod Nfes. Jaeoh FIX11.-
er. of Colborne towntship. so.4* united
in marriage to Otranto 1. Veneto!.
youngest son of Mr. and Mr.. 3,410
Fenzel, of Colborne town,hip. The
vrilttotiv o$ performed by Rev . C
hnre not been iincoinfortahly low. 1... etnrke, iststor of North street
The deep •4114.W. Iii4wever. ham practi• United church. tin their return 1,-. 'in
callY PIS aliteint4l'il,,, 4,10 Of commlw' it WeillitIng trip to Inutile. and Dam- ,
Rion. I iliton. Mr. and Mrs. reason will re -
I elde on the fish ....ocession of Colborne
Over Forty Venn Ago
contorting the claims of the C.N. Rail -
Councillor C. C. Lee, who ha* been 1 tow it, h i p.
Marine ChM Oaken
- - --
wityo reminlIng their rights on the The election or officers of the Marino
north side of the harbor, is much lo- Saint ellth took 011044 In the (dub
teresteit In en old copy of The God- rooms 4111 Saturdny evening last. re-
mit -It Stnr stitch has ttome to light minim: it.. follows: Prealdent. William
.containing an othertiseneent which he Campbell: 1st vi,.-propident. Millet°
!MAR -410--rrhirttrr- iro-saippeet---of-his--Mage.tek I 2111 rt.... pt plaitittnt _copt_____;_.
voll I OM Ion. l'he ativertittement is RP Marilyn: .yeretary-trea.urer. Clip,. W. ,
follows I's . ALNDr./111 •, Morrison: goiertlian. John Murray;
.1. linelemialti: 11111r.hriii. rept, 8.
TENDERS oil -17;7 r;;;TV-grry-ThTf--lohewereeir-o-doe----leauersos-Thse., rooms --------.---
Department. at. Ottaaril. until the 4151 V,. 41,-11 , 811 111' 43 doeorated and
Iritli 31117 Mot, for st tensolive It term erneddorattle eiteratIous have bees
of t41r141. 21 1,14 (oll 1,4121 If years front the made. so that 11.' sailor% are all
15th September next of 1.ds A. It, I' reitily tor Mich' ilrst 40e1:11 eVetit.
and le of the Government Wharf or which will lw. held on Fridety. January
Brun k vi a ter at I halerich 1 In riam, ;1. 15th. The Nub is now open for all
sitoo11 in the ',ion on exhifteltio Tiftbo---martne men et:fob-Mg to hone, Anew- - - ----- - . -- -----,-...._
Custom Donee at (bitterly!). SA , 1. 11111 , hens 11nd they nre remiested to vonsolt.
except the iteress,try sot re for a refl.; T With the Lres_ith:_r_it _I
.r th_e_speretnry.
way trnek. which is to be kept char i
Distriet Deputy Pro/JO/4a 11 rs.
for COMM/11 51141..
The tend. r to state the amount to ' Abell and imitating tone. of God -
be paid petty la mininee. No lion• erieh Rebekah 1.149,. visited the Sea -
her to Ise 1.11..1 on the smith shle of forth laditse bodge int 411 ay and
the wharf to the depth of eighteen installed the odit_erp.
feet. and lumber or other erticies
laodad there. to be removed from th The remitter Monthly meeting of
ovate within eight day* after hint,. ! Ahmeter Chapter. 1A1.1.i.K. win hi
hoc under the joenaty ,•f torrents -14C held at the public library on Mrwitty, --„;---
I Janisary 1(4. at 4 p.m. The members
0fitttralfhilittP'n.livrt"7";nierltett utm.. so:tioTidiet.. "Ten.
der. for Goderieh Wharf." SPECIAL OPTICAL OPTICS
T ier tt be liddreased to the nn- ere requested to ho present.
iII igh.gra (fp gold-filled orpectn,•les
Depute of the Molder of and eyeglattatot. with beta flat spherical
Thiene alid Plaitertem--
Deportment of Marine And Thrheries,
Ottawa, 7th July. 134143,
Mr. Lee Mks. who at that time
(1'.4P41 1 coned hove foreatten- the .h.
velopment of Goderkb harbor old, It
has piney taken place. 111141 tot t111•
Government St that time took pains
to stipulate thatiihr. ra4tway trock
.hoitld iv "kept choir for common 11.e Goderich 5 11,
lenses. for only 4-1.00. All other
Of frame. area lennelt at lovreat
1.1yea examined by am weil-known
specialist Mr Ittlyhoon. with 214
years' experience You nre armored of
the hest optl. to be obtained
311.1 ,it 111,1111' 1'1/ 14. TW,. 18 -54
only. Thur•ohty and Friday. January
2s .1114 29 setITtle ART STflitF..
. _ 4