HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-07-01, Page 1021 I • a S a I a a U I U U U iRAPP'S BAKERY A. J. COCHIN BUTCHER The Best of Fresh and Cured Meats Always on Hand. Home Kettle Rendered Lard "Our Cured Meats Are Home Cured" Phone 35 Wingham "Where the Charm of Newness Is Restored" TEMPLEMAN CLEANERS Member of Dry-Cleaners Institute Research for your protection Laundry Service Phone 323 Wingham a U U U lI U a a I Phone 132 BREAD - ROLLS PASTRY NEVER Wedding & Birthday I Cakes a Specialty Wingham,,,,.; U a U U a a a U I A a U U U llU U U U I I NYLONS, super sheer 95e pair Slightly imperfect Reliance Gas & Oil 111111%11AM TAXI Phone 65 Engine Overhaul, Tractor and Farm Machinery Specialists. R. FALCONER DEYELL MEAT MARKET SEE NEW FRESH SELELLIONS in our NEW DISPLAY COUNTER "PROMPT DELIVERY" Phone, 22 Wingham WINfillAM FRUIT MARKET IS WIC.-IEND $VOGESTioNS btSgE111/11/4A SarawberkieS-Waterinelotu3 Or Cantelopes Irktsh Fruits 13asket Orders Villed, FREE tiEuvmtv Phone 534 Wingham Groceries Meats & Vegetables ExotusivE GRAY-DUNN IMPORTED BISCUITS WARREN HOUSE 10% SPECIAL DISCOUNT FLOOR oCC;VERINGS Take advantage of this offer. AILMENT •MON'S • LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR CALLAN SHOE STORE SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY "Shop at Callan's and Save" Phone 12 Wingham For the Best in Holiday Wear visit Edighoffers. Men's Ladies' and Children's Wear ‘T" Shirts, Slacks, Jeans, Sport Shirts, Swim Trunks EDIGHOFFERSiirINVIAM "TAE FRIENDLY STORE" CRAWFORD MOTORS Dealers in Canada's FINEST Motor Car Values Sales - DODGE 'and DESOTO - Service Phone 710 Wingham DUNLOP'S SHOE STORE "Home of Better Shoes" Have Your Shoes Fitted by X-Ray WELWOOD'S • , 5c to $1.00 STORE ATLANTIC PAINT $1.15 Quart BURKE ELECTRIC Commercial Industrial Home and Farm WIRING Free Estimates Service' Unit available " for repairs to all electrical appliances and equipment. BURKE ELECTRIC WINGHAM PHONE 474 RES. 4744 II. ANGUS GROCERIES Certified Seed Potatoes Sebago & Irish Cobblers 100 lb. bags 'PHONE 116 TELEVISION by .KEMPS S.K. Chocolate Ruffles S.K. Bourbon Biscuits S.K. Carlton Creams S.K. Lime Wafers S.K. Shortcake Biscuits . Mcfilll'S RADIO S.K. Erglish Biscuits AND EARL'S Men's & Boys' Wear "Tailored-To-Measure" ClOthes by House of Stone SUITS - TOPCOATS - SLACKS We can help you with your summer and fall wardrobe plans. SERVICE "Complete Horne Entertainment at no extra costs" Motorola - Admiral Philips Dumont - Electrohome Phone 380, Wingham THOMSON APPLIANCES Telephone 29 Frigidaire Sales and Ser6ice STEDMAN'S 5c to $1. STORE A COMPLETE VARIETY STORE IMAM 15€ at LASTING SMITH Brothers RED FRONT GROCERY FRESH STRAWBERRIES • ARRIVING DAILY Buy Now for your canning. Our prices are lower We keep down the upkeep. FREE DELIVERY Phone 590 Wingham WINGHAM MOTORS CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Chevrolet Trucks GENERAL REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OP CARS Imperial Oils TIRES and ACCESSORIES Phone 139 Winghatn PERCY CLARK Plumbing Heating. Tinsmithing COMPLETE 'LINE OF BATHROOMT and URES KITCHEN FIX Phone 255 Wingham IMPORTANT Contest periods consist of let and 2nd week; 3rcl and 4th week; 5th and 6th week, etc. Note the number on this page. If it is an even number, the contest closes this week, therefore the previous week's issue will be needed to enter for that period. You can start the contest anew when the number of the page is an odcl number. Every time a Betty Hutton picture appears the contest will close and will be judged on the Saturday after the Betty Hutton picture appears. Entries must be in by 5.00 p.m. on that day. Winner's name will be published on the following week Judge's decision final. Anyone but an employee of this newspaper may enter. If there are any Questions PHONE OR DROP INTO the office of The Advance-Times. DO not write. wanninsionoononnoonninw "GOOD CITIZEN'S ARE A COMMUNITY'S ASSETS." i Beaver Lumber Co., Wingham Auto Wreckers, MacLean Coal Co., Crawford Motors, Stedman's, A. J. Lockridge. Beaver Lumber Co. TITLE: "Betty, I can just'' picture you in one WINGHAM I of those new French bathing suits." Phone 66 ANNINIONONIIIININOINIMMODSOM own P • • la" 21 iii a U 1 1 1 U U U U U U U a a ▪ Fresh & Cured Meats Frosted Foods & Fish a a a a CARMICHAEL'S THE FAMILY STORE I U I U U I a Holiday Togs a U a HANNA'S MEN'S WEAR Summer Jeans by Carhartt and Kitchens Styled foi- Warm Weather Comfort ITANS FOR ALL FAMILY Plain or Plaid Trim SPECIAL 2-6x. in Plaid $1.59 pair itimmomititititortatioliotiteitiistimilailiosinsototusiocastiocitolitirmilisonploolim - FOR YOU IN - witinsottimilismitopiltowstilatusillowunasimintsiotoittipilmoimitiiiimnimo sp RULES OF THE CONTEST Each week find the extra word inserted in a number of the." ads. 2. Arrange them in aetptenee to form "Words of Wisdom" preyork, O. Every second Week a picture of Betty Hatton apPear/0 on thin page, 'Write IN YOUR owN wows what you think Wale Maid to Betty Illottork to make her look like that. THE rnovERBs HAVE No RELA'T'ION To TUE pliCITIRE. 4. When lone Pave,111!.e proverbs for the first and second week sad the pictureiltie,Write them out plainly; mail er ,briag your 're** to The Advs,n0O;Thnes. Don't forget your name Mid address. Send pas many entries as you like. „Enter every second week. The person with BOTH proverbs correctly arranged and the most appropriate title will win $20 worth of merchaatilae certificates every second week, good at any store advertised on this page. i Words of Wisdom I I .,,„.„ $ „ $$ , ...... ,.„.....,.„........„,.....„............._,,_.,..,, i a A _ MRS. WALTER DOUGLAS t 1 A i i Weekly Wingham Weekly i 1 a F eature ' WINS $ 2 0, 0 0 Feature i iiinsutwaiiimmullowsmatiptiatamommiswimiliaismisosomms osomimitsmitioltosuatimisitiowsweitistustmusounimilmitiousionamotioi in Merchandise Certificates A MESSAGE FROM THE MERCHANTS We, the merchants of this community are co-operating wholeheartedly to give you, our customers the utmost for your dollars spent with us at all times. We will be publishing this feature each week and awarding $20 in merchandise certificates every two weeks. We trust you will not only find it entertaining but also profitable and that you will also take heed and remember the Words of Wisdom Proverb that will appear from week to week. Read the rules carefully. Summer Underwear Woods and Stanfields GET YOURS TO-DAY McKIBBON'S pep /thy a COURTESY and Radio & Electric PROMPT SERVICE If we haven't got it we can get it for you. DISCOURAGEMENT P. liexander & Son DONALD RAE & SON HARDWARE SHAW'S NOCETERIA Quality Foods Free Delivery Phone 161 Selection Beyond Compare Sport Shirts Swim Trunks T-Shirts Summer Slax Nylon self sizer sox Electric Fencers Sold & Serviced BATTERIES INSULATORS ETC. — for — FREE DELIVERY PHONE 126 MITCHELL'S MEAT MARKET CEDAR SHIPLAP 6 feet to 20 feet Specify the length you require. ORDER NOW "CONFUSCIUS SAY—LIVE HAPPY, LIVE LONG." MoKibbon's Drug Store, Deyell Meat Market, Adams' Hair- dressing, Walker Stores Limited, McGill's Radio and Television, IL Angus Grocery. for her entry in NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH WEEK "WORDS OF WISDOM" Contest A Complete • Line of NEW GENERAL PASSENGER & TRUCK TIRES WITH A LARGE DISCOUNT on NEW TRUCK TIRES also . , Guaranteed Used Passenger and Truck Tires in all sizes. 1 resiudng Sin ntiedence sndgelee" ti fes Your Convenience Shopping Pleasure. Sock Carnival This is your opportunity to save on Children's Ankle Socks A Wide Variety of Plain Pastel Colours also Candy Stripes SIZES 4 to 8 Values up to 35c pair SPECIAL 19c PAIR • v4a,t4 t;i01 WALKER STORES LIMITED a a a a a 11 ADAMS' HAIRDRESSING Hamilton Optical Co. A Phone 37 For Appointment Cold Waving and Machine Permanents By Appointment Phone 177 Wingham 4 WINGHAM HOME itliNISHINGS with each we stock the honor* T'S " $1.25 Box "BEAUTYREST"li Simmons Mattress BAKERY. Duharry Face Powder AT WARS' 140DERN rumtem, nowt LI AbtatmANon mermen I S TONI TRIO • Comes to Canada I * FOR NORMAL HAIR • ICE HARD TO WAVE HAIR • FOR EASY TO WAVE HAIR $1.75 DRAPERY FURNITURE RUGS CHINA AND GIFTWARE Phone 475 Wingham AUTO WRECKERS and RADIATOR REPAIR Hot Weather Service RADIATOR FLUSH SOLEX "COOL" AUTO GLASS installed I3sed Auto Parts 4. CLARK Prop. 0 PHONE VA DASELGROVE'S MacINTYRE FAMILY PICNICS ? 7 GET Fresh made Bread - Buns Cakes or Pies at $1.00 Lipstick FREE IN WALKER'S 11 MacLEAN COAL CO. "BLUE COAL" 'The Finest Antareeite" SMOKE SHOP phone 145 Winghtm KERR'S DRUG STORE Phone 82, Phone 106-189 Winghant 1-1 ......„.,.......,„atheighliaititirtalutliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiilialliitilitainuilisisisitoosuitionitionwolltiolignimommoigoetunisopiosomimumgmlikommaraimonsitoriaminimiliewilmilmoitammilimotattliatilittlinelist COKE ALBERTA COAL WOOD ICE Phones 64 - 585 Wingham NOW Purchase 2 packages of SUPER SUDS and get ONE FREE (Thts Week only) who said "No Soap"? CROSSE1T MOTORS LTD. Wingham Phone -459