HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-07-01, Page 8Mrs. Geo. Egoff, of Galt. Mrs. Kurtz had been a patient in Kitchener Hospital for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and family visited Sunday at the home pf Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Kerry, of Pais- ley, Miss Marjorie Cotiltes spent a few days last week with Mips Mary Scott, Wingham, Rev. and Mrs. O. M. Newton, pf visited, on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Groskorth, Rev. and Mrs, Newton are moving this week to Melbourne, west of London. Miss Edna Moffatt and Miss Grace Colley left this week to motor to Tobermory and then pn to Manitou- lin Island where they will spend their summer holidays. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Ireland, of E. Wawanosh, spent Sunday at the a home of his mother, •Xr4., 4.011.11 Ire- land, of •Teeswater', Mr. Bob .aurrie ' of )[40440ni..lo 11.0010 , with his parents, Mr. and Mre.•George Currie, E. wawanaAh after breaking: his right arm at the Wrist.in .a motor- cycle accident. Mr, and Mrs. Mack Cardiff, of Brussels, and :Mr, and' Mrs. Ralph% Cameron: and family,. of" A.Slifjell. were Sunday visitors waif . Mr, w' Mrs. Wm. Itintoul, Mr. Wm, Elliott, Mr, and "Mrs. Robt' Montgomery and family of E, Wa- • wq.nosh, attended the Elliott family- gathering at Waterloo on - Sunday. Little Nancy Curran, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Jas.' .Curran; St. Helens,- is spending her holiday FCC•tbb home,' of her grand-parents, Mt, and Mrs.- Robt. Pardon, TURKEYS —Family Size— About 8 lbs. Oven = Ready- LAIDLAPPS Phone 366-J Wingliaur a 0=1 {.0 40=0 AO= =10 , ° USED TRACTORS witoutottioittousinomousiloir U U U a U a U a U a U a n a U oinainonowounionsimnottimmanonioirsioninionnionomonsoutiong NEW CARS for your summer holiday 1953 CONSUL, blue sedan, small car economy with big car comfort. 1953 FORD Tahiti tan customline coach, the latest and best in new car transportation. 1953 MONARCH Banff blue sedan—where luxury and comfort are supreme. Come in to Huron Motors and drive away with one of the above new cars to start your holidays in con- fidence. They will surprise you with the generous allowance an your old car. Huron Motors Ltd. Ford & Monarch Phone 237 A. D. MacWilliam Wingham monaucu mo • on 111111111M1111111M1111111111111111111113113 a a I a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a LITTLE PIGS WENT TO MARKET mn Model 50—"Clipper" Power take-off or motor Model 70-29-inch self propelled . o 0 Model 80-32-inch self propelled straight through 0- design. Model 90-37-inch self propelled giant size, straight through design. o 9.5-cuAt. CROSLEY SHELVADOR Now's the time to trade in your old-fashioned refrigerator for a beautiful new 1953 Crosley Shelvadorl Crosley now brings you all these wonderful features— big, roomy shelves, completely recessed in the door ...PushBution Automatic Defrosting generous-sized full-width freezer... spacious frozen- stprage drawer... removable shelves... diitterSafe ..."SOFT-G1.0" Interior Stylingl This is only one of nine low-cost Shelvadors. Let us show them to you—TODAYI A CAREFREE KITCHEN IS THE HEART OF YOUR HOME— SO SET YOUR HEART ON A CROSLEY! Model CAE-95 Capacity: 9,5 co. ff. THIS MUCH In Ciostey's retbssed sheWes. ASK ABOUT AMAZING "SHOPPING BAG" TESTI PROOF that the recessed shelves in the Crosley door actually hold more than twice as Much as the doors of matt !eroding brands, Only 'MS MUCH In avenge of Mho( Wang bands! rage Eight NOTICE ALL SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS REQUIRE WRITTEN APPROVAL. Legal action against offenders is provided under R.S.O. 1950, Chap. 306, Sch. 13. INFORMATION AND INSPECTION ARE FREE. Phone or write HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Clinton, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Mungo Hammond, of Grand Valley, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Myles St. Marie visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lambert, of St. Catharines, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie, Wingham, and Raymond St. Marie, of Kitchener, looked after, the farm dur- ing their absence. The pupils of Fordyce school enjoy- ed a picnic, games and contests at the 111115111111111111111111111111111111111LIM1111111111111111111101111111111•1101111111•1111111111111111111M1131111111110111% 10th bridge picnic grounds on Wednes- day. Mrs.'Robert Toomey and Bobby and baby Carole, of Greenville, S. Carolina, a and her nieces, Gail and Andrea i Creighton, of Detroit, spent a few days i - last week with the former's grand- 711: til- mother, Mrs. A. Kirk, at the home of ill Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Beecroft, Her 1 I SOW RATION ii ▪ , mother, Mrs. F, L. Creighton, of Grace ..= Hospital Nurses' Home, Detroit, Mr. il .. z-- Andrew Palmer, and Mr. and Mrs. 111 iii Francis Creighton of Detroit, visited ri there over the week-end, r WI iii = • ill — ii ill _ IE a a a a a Hog production can be made more profitable. III Well-fed sows will wean an average of 9 pigs per litter-9 pigs that will hang up 1300 or 1400 pounds it of pork in 6 months or less. Litters like that are profit producers. IT CAN BE DONE. Mrs. Robert Soloman has been sick and under the doctor's care during the past week, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and her family attended the picnic of the Wingharn Hospital Graduate nurses, held. on Tuesday at the Golf Club, in Morris, Mrs. Chas. Smith, Winghann, passed away suddenly on ,Sunday morning. Nurse Olive Terriff had been nursing her for the past three Months. E, Wawanosh friends have been invited to attend a reception in the Memorial Hall herd this Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs, Jack Stephens, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rivett and grand-children, from Dungannon, visited on Sunday at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kelly and family of Goderich visited there on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and her sister, Mrs. Robert Galbraith" Wingharn, attended the Mitchell fam- ily re-union in Kitchener on Satur- day. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin of Kinloss, spent Friday in London and visited with Miss Richardson in Victoria Hospital. At the morning service of the United Church here, Mr, Clarence McClenaghan, read an address and Mr. Clifford Laidlaw presented the Pastor, Rev. S. E. Hayward with a purse of money as a parting gift from the congregation, the Sunday School and the Y.P.U. This congregation in the future will be connected with the Thos. Morrison, on Sunda y and Joan Hamilton stayed to spend a few days here. Mr. Wooland from Dresden will be Pastor, while at St Helens, Rev. Bluevale charge with Rev. Brook as the resident minister. The service Mrs. Hamilton, lkars. Conron, Wing- here will commence at 9.30 a.m. dur- ham, Mrs. Ezra Welwood and Mr. ing July. Norman Welwood visited with Mr. Successful entrance pupils at SS, Hamilton, Mr. Conron and Mr. Ezra No. 9, Kinloss were Janet Gaunt, Welwood in Westminster Hospital, and Jean Cochrane and at S.S. No. London, on Sunday. Mr. Welwood has 10, Marilyn Morrison, Richard New- been very low during the past week. man, Jimmie Gaunt. The ladies of S,S. No. 10 Kinloss gathered at the school on Thursday day at Matilda Alexander spent Mon- a the home of her nephew, Mr, last for the annual picnic with the Mark Armstrong, of W. Wawanosh. children. After the games and races, Elwyn Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. lunch was served, The pupils then Milian Moore had a birthday on Sat- presented the teacher, Mrs. Norman, urday and Rev. and Mrs. W. J, Watt, of Kincardine, with a silver cream and Rev. and Mrs. George Watt and and sugar set, with tray and salt family, of Dungannon, visited there, and pepper shakers, and a Coronaton Mrs. Victor Emerson was able to spoon. Mrs. Norman thanked her return home from Wingham Hospital pupils for their kind remembrance on Saturday after spending- three and parting gift, Mr. MacAllister, of weeks there. Auburn, will teach in this school Mr. and Mrs, Wm. O'Callahan and after the holidays. son, of Ottawa, visited with Mr. and The McInnis and Falconer families Mrs. Chas, Martin on Saturday and are gathering this Wednesday at with other old acquaintances in the Teeswater Fair Grounds for their community. annual get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwood, and The Thompson relatives of E. Wa- her mother, Mrs. John Falconer, and wanosh were at Auburn on Monday Mr. Bert Coleman, all of Caledon, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and where they attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, the late David Mrs. Jas. Falconer, and all visited Lockhart, formerly of E. Wawanosh. with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin of His wife, the late Euphemia Thomp- Langside. Mrs, John Falconer is son, predeceased him thirty-three years ago. He was in his seventy- fs ot ar y two i n g two e evki ss t in this community fourth year and passed away in Gocie- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lettner, of rich Hospital, on Thursday last. Of Toronto, spent the week-end at the his family of five children, one son home of her brother, Mr. John Boyle, and two daughters, and eleven grand- Quite a crowd attended the recep- children survive. Interment was in tion in the Memorial Hall here last Blyth Cemetery. Friday evening in honour of the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Falconer and newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold John,ati relatives here. on Sunday ,with Several of the school teachers in E. Wawanosh took advantage of the visit of Prime Minister St. Laurent on Wednesday last, and had their pupils at Belgrave, where he stopped and gave them a very interesting talk, telling of his visit to London, and the Coronation of Queen Eliza- beth, and of the war. He asked them to join with .other peoples of the ly4f4/$.. OF THITCIly13c1:1 E. Wawanosh Pupils Spend Day Sight-Seeing in Goderich 0 11 The -WiAgh4IP AdYanee-Wirnos, 'Wednesdaay, July let, 53 Four of the men of S. 5, No. 8, E. Wawanosh took 17 of the children of Grades 3 to 8, and, their teacher, Misa Edna Moffatt, on a pleasure and sight. seeing trip to Goderich last Tuesday morning. They inspected the Museum on North. Street, the new Presbyterian Church, and went to the Harbour Park for dinner, then they visited the salt works, where each pupil received a two-pound package of salt, the wharf and through the elevators. They went for a boat ride around the break- water and visited the court-house, where each boy had the pleasure of sitting in the Judge's chair, and being addressed as "Judge." They all had supper in the park. The ladies of Brick United Church supplied the lunches for the day after Little Frederick Bagg, son of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Bagg, of Brooklyn, has been visiting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. E. H. Groskorth, and Paul Gros- korth has been looking after the farm at Brooklyn, while the folks there made a trip to Sault Ste, Marie. The younger folks of the United Church here held their annual outdoor meeting at the lake at Amberley, last Tuesday night. After a short worship service, conducted by Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan, all enjoyed the games and contests and the wiener roast, i 0.-- At the SHUR-GAIN Farm, 9 pigs reach market IP-- weight from every litter farrowed-3 more than the i 1 ii average for the country. ii i i Balanced feeding makes the difference. SHUR- iii- i GAIN Sow Ration has been tested and PROVEN i i under Canadian farin conditions. It is fresh and ki I highly palatable because it is manufactured locally. tl--1_, i • Local manufacture also eliminates freight costs and 2 I 1 middleman profits. ji ni n a n FittE DANCE omy in production of ALL of your 1 n liVeStocic—feed SHUR-GAIN • U U U U U a a a a U that have clung to the south side of having so many sandwiches and Mr, Albert Coultes' house. Mr. Garnet cookies left from their social on the Farrier has been gradually removing previous evening, them to bee-boxes at his apiary. The The pupils and their mothers gath- little dogs of the village, when playing Bred on Friday for a farewell party hn.-.-eear -, would suddenly "yipp-yipp" and at the school, and after the games and the afnogrryhobmeoes,,as they were stung by contests, and ball game, a delicious Mr. Gib Hamilton and family, of lunch was served. The pupils present- Lucknow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. ed their teacher with a dresser clock, and all enjoyed the outing together, Miss Moffatt teaches next term in Bel- grave school, while Mr. Armstrong of Brussels, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs, Allan Pattison, will teach in S, S. No, 9. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bull, of Excel. sior, Alberta, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Kramer, of Ardley, Alta,; Mr. and Mrs, Neville Forbes, of Clinton and Mrs, Gordon Keyes and daughter, Gayle, of Aberdeen, spent last week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, and other friends and relatives in this district. Quite a number of the ladies of the United Church here, attended the Cor- onation tea at St. Helens Church, on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Pat Coulter, of Chatham, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Sam Coulter and with Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Falconer, of Glamis. Miss Lyla Humphrey, of St. Helens, spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs, George Walker, of E, Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Underwood, of Toronto, are visiting this week at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Mellrath. Mr. Roy Helfer, who spent the past menth at the home of his son, Mr. Clifford Heifer, of Ternberry, return- ed home to Moncton, N, B., on Monday and John Borax, of Winnipeg, is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Heifer. Villagers have watched with interest this past week, a huge swarm of bees Lougheed, of Aylmer. After lunch, Mr. Fred Newman called the young couple to the front and they were presented with a purse of money. They thanked their friends for their kindness and gift. Tiffin Brothers provided music for dancing. Mrs. Michael Cumming, Mr. John • For economy in hog production—for econ- 1 I ,ALL PROCEEDS VOR COMIVIGNITt WELFA,RE COMMUNITY CENTIZE CANADIAN LEGION •,‘ A'PHLETIO LASSOd Authority granted by the Mayor a Z.N.IOY THE BINGO - - HAVE A DANCE wi 1C AN ADA PACKERS LID I ., W1NG HAM . Ili . ,IIFIIuIlIIIII.III.I 111111111 I! i li COME WITH YOUR FRIENDS TO THE it lit it RI SEAFORTH ii- , F-- lIl F-- Ii hi It i it- B I N G.-0 iii , i tl ii it - aa.- •,,,,, Ottikilifft ,,,,,, lllll 0111 lllllllllll It l lllll I ll ll ll lllllll lllllll I lll lll l lllll 1111111114.1i1101111101111$51 llll lllllll Ittl lllllllllll imait lllll 0 lllll 0 0 0 0 lllll 04001. • i i i I i i I i i I II ill i ii i .IN CASH PRIZES • HERE'S WHAT 'YOU PLAY FOR 12 GAMES FOR 50.00 EACH - SPECIALS' - $100. $100. $200. $1000. EVERY DOLLAR MUST BE PAID OUT i 1 i g i it AT THE COMMUNITY MEMORIAL CENTRE FRIDAY - JULY 3rd - 9 P.M. TO CELEBRATE THE INSTALLATION OF THE NNW roust-TED TRAP-ROCK FLOOR ADMISSION Port 13 GTAMES $1.00 EXTRA CARDS - SPECIALS 25c or 5 for $1.00 i i $2,000. world in praying for peace, and to be always interested in the things going on in their own country. I Miss Winnifred Farrier, of Torond to, is spending her holidays with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs.'W. R. Farrier. I Misses Pearl and Irene Payton of Toronto, who have taken a cottage at Tobermory for the summer holi- days, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes, of E. Wawanosh. Mrs. Allen Turner is spending a few weeks at Toronto at the home of her son, Mr. Richard Turner. ' +On U a a n O 0 1 ONLY —JOHN DEERE 'TS" with hydraulics, front-end loader and gravel bucket. NEW TIRES. 9 1—Allis-Chalmers W-C O • 0 , 0 MASSEY-HARRIS World-famous Combines We Stock o- 1—John Deere on rubber — CHEAP 1 CHAS. HODGINS Massey-Harris 0 Sales --and— Service Boyle, and Mr. Gus Boyle, visited on 0 Phone 378 Wingham Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Joe Kurtz, at the home of her daughter, rj=e* 0=0 0=30 10= 0) •011::1011 BURKE ELECTRIC - PHONE 474 . WiNGHAM