The Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-06-24, Page 9 1
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and. Mrs, Jan. Wilson led In. prayer,'
Mrs. Albert Walters had charge of the
chapter in the study book on African
Life, old and new, which stressed that
the age-eld customs of men and wo-
men of Africa, need. to be changed,
and will be, if we, of the Christian
lands, can preve to them that,, we have
something better. The meeting: was
clpsed by all repeating the Lord's:
prayer In unison. Thirteen ladies were'
present. The next Meeting will be the
Home Helper meeting at the horno of
Mrs. Johnston Conn, when Mrs, Robt„,
Mowbray, Wingham, will be the spec.,
ial speaker for the day,
The Wingham Advance-Thpes, Wednesday Juice 24, 4.953 Page Mir
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The congregation of the United
Church held a very successful garden
party on Wednesday evening and the
attendance was large, Supper was ser-
ved in the school room of the church,
followed by a concert in the commun-
ity hall.
The chief feature of the concert was
a one-act play, "The Minister's New
Car," presented by tea •ladies from
Hackett's church, Lucknow, The play
was humorous and very well given,
Enjoyable musical numbers were:
piano duets by Misses Eleanor Smith
and Joyce Hoffman, songs with guitar
accompaniment by Mr. Russel Sew-
ers, of Clifford, male quartette selec-
tions by Messrs. C. H, Hoffman, Rev.
R. A. Brook, Ross Smith and Carl
Johnston and ladies' quartette, Mrs.
C. H. Hoffman, Joyce Hoffman, Mrs.
W. J. Peacock and Mrs. Charles Bos,
Rev. R. A. Brook was chairman for
the concert. The hall was filled to
capacity for the event.
Children Baptized
"At the United Church on Sunday
morning the rite of baptism was ad-
ministered by the pastor,-Rev. R. A.
Brook. Children baptized were: Kath-
leen Gail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Scott MacLennan and Warren James,
son of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Thynne.
Receives Appointment.
Rev. °Wm. Blackmore, B. A., who
has just completed a course at the
Divinity School of Graduate Studies at
Yale University, has been appointed
boys' work secretary for the United,
Church of Canada. He will direct a
course for boys' leaders at Five Oaks,
the United Church Christian Workers'
Centre, near Paris, during July.
Mr. Blackmore is a native of Lis-
towel and formerly taught school in
Bluevale, his wife being the former
Lois Elliott.
Miss E. Fraser and Miss Cottle, of
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Toronto Hospital, Weston, visited
Miss Ruby Duff during the week.
Mr, Gordon Mundell is in Wingham
Hospital following an operation.
Presbyterian ministers and their
families of the district, enjoyed a pic-
nic at Kincardine on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs., „Teo. Smith are visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Myers, in
Mr. A. D, Smith took a bus load of
senior pupils and their teachers from
Bluevale, Kirton's and Browntown,
to enjoy the sights of Toronto, on Fri-
day. They visited the museum, the
Parliament buildings, Maple Leaf
Gardens, the zoo, the 'Island and. Mal-
ton Air Port.
Mr. Howard Brook, of Toronto, and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brook, Of Galt,
spent the week-end with their par-
ents, Rev. and Mys. R. A, Brook.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenkins of Galt,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hoffman and
Joyce, motored to Crediton on Sunday
to attend a decoration service there.
Misses Mary and Ruby Duff, Miss
Flora Stewart and Mrs. M. L. Aitken,
visited at Listowel, on Sunday.
(Intended for last week)
We regret to report that Mrs. Thos.
Parker is again a patient in Wingham
General Hospital. Her many friends
here wish for her a speedy recovery,
Mrs. Jack Reid has returned to her
home at Bolton, after spending the
past week with her mother, Mrs. Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas, of Buf-
falo, spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Miller.
Janice Merkley entertained some of
her little friends to a birthday party
on Monday after school.
Communion service will be held in
Macintosh Church next Sunday, June
21st., at 11.30 and preparatory service
in the same church on Friday evening
at 8.30.
Mr. and Mrs. John Warden and
Linda, of near Stratford, and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Wood and Kaye, were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Jeffray on Sunday.
Mrs. Harley Merkley spent the past
week with relatives in Kitchener.
Miss Margaret Darliing of St. Marys,
visited over the -week-end at her home
here. —
Mr. Nelson Hunkin and family, at-
tended a family reunion at Exeter
on Sunday.
There was no service in the Pres-
byterian Church here on Sunday af-
ternoon, on account of anniversary
services at Bluevale. Many from here
attended services there.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lane and Mr:
and Mrs. Elmer Zinn were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol, of Blue-
vale, after church on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Curie is spending a week
with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gowing
and baby son, of Tiverton.
Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Martin and
family, spent the week-end with the
former's parents at the manse.
Mrs. Fred Doubledee and Mrs. K. C.
Press attended a shower at Mrs. Jas.
Halliday's in Wingham, on Thursday
night, for Miss Bernice Norman, bride-
Mrs. Thomas Abraham is spending a
few days in London • with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Abraham and baby son.
Mr: and Mrs, Alan Darling, Harvey
aneLois, spent Sunday with the Zinn
families at Dungannon.
Reeve Harry Gowdy attended county
council in Gederieh the past week.
Mr. Jphn Aitken, Jean and Billy, of
Walkerton, and Mrs. T. Aitken, Mrs.
B, Emitt and Iris, of Elmwood, visited
Mrs. Fred Johann and other relatives
on Sunday afternoon,
We sympathize with Mrs. Farrell In
the loss of her sister, who passed
away in Winnipeg last week. '
Mrs, Harper is in Wingham at pre-
sent with Mrs, Wm. Mundell.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. of the United Church here
was held on Wednesday, June 10, at
the home of Mrs. W, R. Farrier, with
21 ladies present. The theriie was Ad-
venturing in Bible Study. Mrs. W. J.
Watt read the Scripture lesson from
the new revised version of the Bible,
explaining that there were over 600
words and groups of words in this
Bible that had been changed to meet
the interpretation given to the verses
in this century. Mrs. Jas. Falconer,
who conducted the meeting, led in
prayer. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz sang
"Where Jesus Dwells There is Sun-
shine," and Mrs. 3. D. Beecroft had
charge on the chapter from the study
book, African Trails. This tells of the
health problems of the doctors and
nurses and peoples of that land, and
the effort to train some to be com-
petent helpers in the hospitals, schools,
laboratories and out-stations, and
teach them to he able to detect dif-
ferent diseases, and how to cope with
them, and workers found that a lot
of their work is aggravated by poor
diet and poor agricultural methods
and lands.
The meeting' was closed with prayer
by Rev. S. E. Hayward and ten sat
down to the prettily decorated birth-
day table, when lunch was served for
this social meeting. The ladies pre-
sented Mrs. Hayward with a pretty
cup and saucer as a remembrance
from the society.
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft presided at the
W. A. meeting that followed, when
plans were made for the church sup-
per for Tuesday last and Mrs Bee-
croft closed the meeting with prayer.
Lucknow Talent for Play at
United Garden Parti. Concert
Brick W. M. S. Meets
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. of Brick United Church was
held on Wednesday last, at the home
of Mrs. Allan Pattison, with 18 ladies
present, and with the president, Mrs.
Lawrence Taylor presiding. The theme
for the meeting was "The Holy Bible"
and Mrs. Harry Cook read the Scrip-
ture ,lesson, and Mrs. Stanley Snell
led. in prayer. Mrs. L. Wightman in-
troduced the study and the discussion
was led by Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Cox, Mrs.
Dow, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. McGee. The
ladies made plans for their meeting
on Monday after their anniversary
Sunday, when Miss Mabel Willows and
Miss Agatha Coultes, Reg N., each
missionaries at Maynooth, will be pre-
sent and show slides on their work
and give a lecture. The congregations
of Whitechurch and Belgrave United
churches have been invited to attend.
Mrs. C. D. Cox closed the meeting
with prayer.
Presbyterian W. M. S. Meets
The regular monthly meeting of the
W. M. S. of the Presbyterian Church
was held on Wednesday in the S. S.
room with the president, Mrs. Jas. Mc-
Innis presiding Mrs. Frank Coulter
read the Scripture lesson and gave
the meditation talk on Queen Esther,