HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-06-24, Page 6• BIRTHS WELLS—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, June 17th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wells, Wing- ham, a daughter. CANTELON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 17th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Can- telon, a daughter. SCOTT—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Saturday, June 20th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott, R. R. 3, Teeswater, a son. Get your WELDING and GENERAL REPAIR of all types done at Carl Steinbeck BELMORE ONT. MEMORIALS We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our pricea are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Prstuptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT WINHAM. MEMORIAL, SHOP Thai ON So, A: dodine TENDERS Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up until July 1st for the Turnberry School Board for the re- decorating of No. 9 (Powell's) School, interior and exterior. Board will sup- ply paint. Contract to be by the job, not ey the hour, and to be completed not later than Aug. 15. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ALEX CORRIGAN, Sec.-treas. R.R: 1, Bluevale, Ont, 24:lb NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Frederick Johnson, who died on the 4th day of May, 1953, are hei'.eby notified to send full particu- lars of the same to the undersigned on or before July 25th; 1953. Claims received after this date will not be considered. Harry B. Kennedy, Sole Executor and Trustee, 113 King Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. 24822b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of John A. Morrison, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the eighteenth day of May A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned 'on or before the fourth day of July A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourth day of July the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this fifteenth day of June A. D. 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Winglutna, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 17,25,1b 1111111111111111111111111111111111MHIEIMMEIMIMIM seed pearl,s held her double-tiered veil Which was trimmed with French lace. She carried a lace covered white Bible trimmed with at.ephanotis and white satin streamers, together with al, Val- eneienne lace handkerchief which the groom's grandmother carried at her wedding. 41.1) Matron of honor, Mrs, B, N. Corrin,, sister of the bride, and bridesmaid, Miss Muriel Barrie, London, wore'blush rose faille taffeta gowns with nylon net overskirts and lace boleros, with . matching headdresses and wristlets. They carried bouquets of pink roses, pink and blue cornflowers and sweet peas. Junior bridesn'iaid, Miss Gwen - Hayes, of Lambeth, wore a similarly styled gown in pale pink. She carried a nosegay of cornflowers and, pink Sweetheart roses, Best man was Mr. Louis W, Hayes, brother of the groom. Robert Cohn, of Toronto, and Ronald Mitchell, of London, were ushers. The bride's mother received guests in the church parlors wearing a dress of brocaded navy sheer over pink taf- feta with matching accessories and a corsage of pink roses, the groom's mother wore a rose beige dress of crepe with, lace inserts, black and white ac- cessories and a corsage of gardenia . and Sweetheart roses. The bride donned a white linen suit with pastel green blouse and wore white accessories and a corsage of red roses for the wedding trip to Muskoka. The bride is a graduate of the Lon- don Bible Institute, and the groom is a . graduate of Southern Baptist Theo- logical Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, . The couple will reside in Slate River, near Fort Ontario, where the groom has been called as pastor to the Baptist Church. FOR RESULTS 6.4 Caeaadav Q~ lea "SALADA" PEZC Re = All Accounts Owing Donald Rae & Son up to May 18th are payable to Ronald Rae. After June 25th payable to Clerk of Division Court or R. S. Hetherington, Q.C. .004,11.0.0...woeWHAmpoeww.mw04.,4mwpOWNIM.04M0001.10411M KILN DRIED CABINET WOODS Maple, Birch, Cherry, Elm Basswood Cupboard Stock. Wingham Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Phone 487-w •04/•0;141M,D411.04”0041.100.111 0.111•0.1041410.0m01).M.041.0iINEPOAMOONO 041/10 0.4 KINSMEN Kin Carnival in Wingham Town Park on JUNE 26-27 With Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Walker. —Miss Agnes Walker, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker. —Mr. and Mrs, Andrew McCaw, of Ponteix, Sask., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keating. —Mrs. Fred Spry, of Toronto,'-is visiting with friends in town, —Mr. Wilford Caslick is attending the Imperial Life Assurance Conven- tion this week at Montmorency Falls, Quebec. ren, of Forest, spent the week-end —Mrs. Andrew Bell and three child- at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edgar. —Mr. and Mrs. Carl McKay and children, of Toronto, spent the week- end with the former's mother, Mrs. J, H. McKay. —Mr. and,Mrs. Jeffery Hawkins and children, of London, were Meek-end visitors with Mrs. Hawkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Stafford Bateson. —Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hammond, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hammond, Wingham, over the week-end. Mr. Marvin Howe, Conservative candidate for Wellington-Huron, was calling on friends in town on Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. William VanCamp and Miss Nora VanCamp, of Belgrave, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald VanCamp. —Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elliott and son, Brad, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. 3. Brown. —Mrs, Robert Wenger spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wenger, Leopold Street. —Mr. and Mrs. Carman Coutts and daughters, Barbara and Mary Ann, of Ottwa, spent last week with his par- ens, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts. —Mrs. Albert Vincent has returned home after visiting the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent and fam- ily, of London, —Mr. W. VanWyck and Mr. E. Stuckey, of Wingham, and Mr. H. Mundy, of London, are attending the furniture show in Grand Rapids and Chicago this week. Mr. Charles Congram and Mr. Alex Campbell left thiemorning on a motor trip to the West Coast. They will be visiting friends on the way, and expect to be about two months on the trip. —Mr. and Mrs. Ross King, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Caslick and family, were in Port Colborne and Welland on Saturday, and attended the Wight- man-Drummond wedding at Welland. —Mr. and Mrs. George Anger and Norman, visited. their son, Bruce, in Goderich. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mis. William Bolton and daughter, Pat, of Listowel. —Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, North Street, left on- Tuesday for a month's holiday with Mr. and Mrs.' Mitchell page Six The Wingham Adv FOR SALE HANDBILLS ARE IN THE MAIL— Rexall's 50th Anniversarya--See the Specials, June 15th, June 30th, at McKibbon's.. 17:2415 FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers tractor, good motor, cheap; Coekshutt 30 tractor, live power take-off, 4 bar side rake, reduced to clear; Wagon with tires $40.00; Third furrough for Cbckshutt plow, half price. .Apply J. Bumstead & Son. 24b FOR SALE—McCormick Deering cream separator complete with motor, in good condition; also a field of mixed hay, Apply John W. Norman, phone 640-J-2. 24b FOR SALE—Singer sewing machine, drop head, treddle, $20.00 Apply Mrs. Bruce Chambers, Wroxeter, phone 76. 24b FOR SALE—The Turnberry School Board are offering for sale by ten- der, the woodshed at the rear of No. 9 (Powell's) School, Tenders must be received by the undersign- ed by July 1st. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Building to be removed before Sept. 1st. ALEX CORRIGAN, Sec.-treas. R.R. 1, Bluevale, Ont, 241b EGGS ARE SOARING and will go higher, so don't miss out. We have two and three week old Canadian Approved pullets at bargain prices. Two week old White Leghorn, Black Minorca X White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Black Australorp X White Leghorn $39:95 per 100, three week old $46.95, Money Maker Quality add $1.00; Extra Profit add $2.00; Special Mat- ing add $3.00. Also day old pullets in the above breeds at $27.95, also day old heavy breed pullets $14.95. Special price on Bronze turkeys for July non-sexed Money-Maker Qual- ity .75c; Extra Profit .80c; Special Mating .83c. Also hens and toms at low prices. Cash in on the high prices you will get for turkey meat this winter. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, FER GUS, ONTARIO 24b FOR SALE—Canadian Beauty rang- ette in good condition. 441-w, 24b REXALL'S 50th ANNIVERSARY— See the Specials at McKibbon's, June 15th, June 30th, 17:24b FOR SALE-25 acres of standing hay. Apply Wm. Forester, Luck- now R 1. 24* FOR SALE—Blue baby carriage in excellent condition. Priced cheap for quick sale. Phone 732-R. 24* CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. FOR SALE-4 Range shelters. Apply John Gorbutt Jr., Diagonal Road, phone 481, 10,17,24b CEMENT—Truck or carload lots. Im- mediate delivery, Phone 41r2, Wrox- eter, Contact Harold or Allan Hynd- man, Gorrie. rrb FOR SALE—Music Teacher's Mason & Risch, upright piano in excellent condition, Phone Clinton, 405. 17:24b SO MANY PEOPLE can't be wrong. Advance-Times Want Ads get re- sults for you. Call 34, PICTURE FRAMING a Specialty. Warren House. 29:13:27rrb FOR SALE—Four-cycle air-cooled Clinton gas engine, 11,E horse power, completely overhauled, priced reas- onably. Apply Milian Moore, phone Wingham 612-w-3. 24b SEE THE 50th ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS at McKibbon's—June 15th to June 30th. 17:24b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-22 pigs, apply Joe King, R 2, Teeswater, phone Wingham 549-w-3 24b FOR SALE—seven young pigs, Apply Archie Purdon, Whitechurch. 24b FOR SALE—Registered Hereford Cow with Heifer Calf at foot; also 12 pigs ready-to-wean. Apply Ed- gar Wightman, Belgrave. 24* FOUND TWO PARCELS were left in car by mistake. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Apply Alvin Arm- strong, R 4 Brussels, phone 36r8, Brussels, 24* Used Tractors 2 Model U Minneapolis Moline Tractors 1 Model 2 Minneapolis Moline Tractor I Model U MituieitPolia Moline Tractor 1 Model 30 Massey-Harris Tractor 1 W-4 International Traktor 1 new Holland Forage Harvester and Blower A cotriPlete line Of farm iniplernenta. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm reed made in Palmerston, Ont. 6g0, MERNLEYB GARAGE AND MACIVIIE' BY SALES & AttitV100 Behnore Chagrin and drainage for approved tenant, 24:lb SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE— Large enough for repair work, hoist installed, Located on highway in village, inquiries confidential. Write Box 38, Advance-Times, 24:lb FOR RENT—Warehouse space at C.N.R. Apply Po, 0. Box 508. 17,24* FOR RENT—SerVice Station and also a garage. Splendid opportun— ity. • Apply P.O. Box 508. 17,24* WANTED DEADSTOCIL removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmer/don 123W, Durhani ass or. Winghsurt 97L Gon. 11111r1 1 Ph COMING EVENTS PALACE GARDENS, Formosa, opens Sunday, June 28th, presenting Mel Lavigne and the Blue Water Boys from 2 to 5 p.m. C24b NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . , Tenders will be received for con- structing and repairing the Smith and Pease Drains in Morris Township by the undersigned up until 2 p.m, July 6, 1953. The Smith Drain consists of open drain and the Pease Drain consists of partly open and partly tile drain, All work must be done according to the Engineer's specifications. Plans, profiles and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office, A certified cheque for ten per cent of contract price must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. C. MARTIN, Clerk 241b TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to July 1st, 1953, for the purchase of the stock scales at Belgrave. For fur- ther particulars apply Belgrave Co-op. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Belgrave Co-operative As- sociation. 24b PROVINCE OF ONTARIO CIVIL SERVICE Openings at TORONTO for STENOGRAPHERS $35 to $53 a Week TYPISTS $31 to $49 a Week emuneration according to experi- ence and qualifications. Three Weeks' Annual Vacation Nine Statutory Holidays Retirement and Pension Plans Generous Sick Leave Apply To CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Room 475 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 17,24b ATTENTION VETERANS Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents The Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer Mr. A. M. Forbes, London, Ontario will be visiting Branch No. 180 Wingham on June 26, 1953 from Afternoon to 6 p.m. any one wishing information, advice r assistance, regarding War Disabil- ty Pensions, Treatment, Allowances, tc., is requested to contact the Ser- ice Officer, or Secretary of the local 3ranch, whose name appears below, o arrange an interview. George Williams F17,24* UC.LION SALE of Household Ef- fects will be held at Edward Street, Wingham, on Saturday, June 27, at 2 p.m. Alex Reid, proprietor, L. G. Bryce, auctioneer. 24b AUCTION SALE OF CHURCH PROPERTY (Crewe Church) t Lot 4, Con. 7, E.D., Ashlield Twp., on MONDAY, JUNE 29th at 2.30 p.m. Property Consists Of: L-Shaped Frame Shed Frame Church Building, 30' x 45' Contents of Church, including: Seats, Pulpit, Table, Organ, Coleman Lamps. Mail Bids Accepted. erms—Church and Shed half cash; alance prior to removal of buildings, hich must be removed by November 1st, 1953. ester Finnigan, Well. Henderson, ecretary of Trustees. Auctioneer. ,R. 1, Dungannon, Ont. 17:24b Itiniliturisionnizontisiininifir • ill: NW: 1INKA.111Maill "NUFASHION" Laster! HOBO for Men Med Wanes who suffer from Verbose U U 1 New two-way ta stretch gives il MI gentist. steady . ii @ support that is i /rest relief fee I ii- aufferers. IlleamlMs weave 1W01 .1001 d 111 k • k Kerr's Drug Store p bR aSONALS also a GOOD choice of Men's dress and work shoes HARRY BROWNE. Repairing NEMO "WI si.Iiplili :4miosirsomirielimairsailooloosiosa Kennedy, of Elm Creek, Manitoba, Mrs. Kennedy is the former Selina Tracy, of Wingham, —Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliott Spent the week-end in Toronto, and their daughter, Mrs. Ed. Ryan and son, Jimmy, returned home with them for a week's holiday, —Jack Salter, member of the staff of CKNX, who is to be married on the 27th of this month, was presented with a leatherette-covered card table and four chairs, a floor lamp and a blanket by his fellow workers. —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sillors, of London, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Barry Wenger, VINCENT RE UNION Seventy members `~"'of the Vincent family were present at Bayfield last week for the annual 'Vincent reunion there, from Wingham, Bluevale, Bel- grave, London, Dashwood and God- erich. A social time was enjoyed, followed by games, and dinneaand supper were served to the guests. Plans for the next reunion at Bay- field were made. Hayes-Cams Pink and white peonies and ferns decorated Immanuel Baptist Church, Brantford, on Saturday afternoon for the marriage of Jean Cams, daughter of Mrs. Cams, Wingham, and the late F. L. Cams, to Kenneth Leslie Hayes, son of Mrs. Hayes, London, and the late Leslie L. Hayes. The Rev. Ralph F. Willson, Brantford, officiated, as- sisted by Dr. P. P. W. Ziemann, of Hamilton. Mrs, Ronald Mitchell, of London, was soloist, accompanied at the organ by Mr. Glen Wood, Brant- ford. The bride, given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Dr. B. N. Corrin, of Wingham, wore a floor-length gown of white net over satin. The French lace jacket with tapering sleeves had a collar studded with sequins and pearls. A white coronet dotted with Patience is a Virtue - Classifieds are Profitable 11 anee-Times, Wednesday dune 24, 1953 WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN will take in washing and ironing. Apply Box 39, Advance-Times. 24b WANTED—High school girl desires work for summer months. Phone 510-w-1. 24* YOUNCOMARRIED WOMAN desires clerking job in Wingham, 2 years' experience in ladies' dress shop also 2 years' in office. Phone Wingham 738, 24* FEMALE HELP WANTED CLERK-TYPIST for County Health Unit, _Clinton. Interesting work. Shorthand desirable, but not es- sential. Apply in writing to A. H. Erskine, Court House, Goderich, 24b WANTED WANTED—Room and board for 2 men immediately. Apply Newton & Clark, phone 666, 24* CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE-1938 Ford coach, good condition. Apply Mervin Hunter, Wingham. 24* FOR SALE-1952 Austin, A-40 sedan, low mileage, perfect condition, reas- on for selling, owner leaving town. Phone Clinton 405, 17;24b FOR SALE-1946 Plymouth Sedan, in good condition, good tires, price $750.00, will give terms. Phone 960-J, Listowel from six to nine p.m. 10,17,24* MISCELLANEOUS FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey 'and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb GIBSON'S UPHOLSTERING SHOP— Chesterfields, chairs; recovered truck and car seats. Maple Street, Wingham, Phone 553J. 3 :10 :17:24 :1 :8 :15b SPECIAL OFFERS LAWN MOWERS—sharpened and repaired. Phone 553-w. Wingham Lawn Mower & Bicycle Repair. 6rrb SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash div- idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the United Co- operatives in Wingham. 25rrb FOR ARTIFICIAL insemination at its , best for all breeds, call the Water- i loo Cattle Breeding Association be- ( tween 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week , days and 7.30 and 9,30 a.m. on Sun- ] days. Phone collect Clinton 242 or i Mildmay 130R12. 13 :27 :10 :24rrb ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—Good choice building lot on Francis Street. Phone 66 24b FOR SALE—Amberly Beach, nice second row 50-ft. lots with right-of- way to lake. Wide safe sandy beach. Hydro and good road. Price $400. Phone Dr. Evans, Orange- ville 332. 24b FOR SALE-6 room 1.'h storey house, with small barn at Bluevale. Phone 6104-3, 24:1* LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham, representing Dudley E. Holmes, Real Estate Broker, Lis- towel. rrb FOR SALE—Insul brick 6 room cot- 3 I tage, 114 acre of land, in Belmore. Highest cash offer will be accepted. For further information, write J. A. Reid, R. 5, Bolton, Ont. 10:17:24* ( FOR SALE—Three bedroom cottage ,5• at Point Clark, at Lighthouse. Hy- I dro and pump water inside. Apply Ronald Forster, Lucknow. 10:17:24b FOR RENT BUILDING FOR RENT—The Town i. of Wingham has available for rent i building approximately 40 x 90 ft., i suitable for sale barn purposes. For complete information apply to I! Town Clerk's Office, Wingham, I Mr. Cletus Kuenenian, of Hanover, was a visitor with his sister, Mrs. Loretta Se, Marie, over the week-end. —Dr. and Mrs, Blythe Eagles of Vancouver, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon alastie. —Mrs, T, J, Baker, of Britton, is visiting Mrs, F. Spielvogel for this week, —Mr and Mrs, N, A, Muffitt and sons, of Toronto, spent the week-end SECOND EDITION OF HISTORY READY The second edition of "Early His- tory of Howick Township" by R. W. N, Wade is now op sale. First edition of the book appeared last year and was sold out a short time later. Many orders have already been received for copies of the second edition. Those who wish, to order one of these interesting histories should contact R. W. N, Wade at Gorrie, 24:1b IN MEMORIAM GRAHAM—In loving memory .of a dear Mother, Mrs, Adam Graham who passed away one year ago, June 24, 1953. Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, it's true; Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. —Ever remembered by her family, son Frank and daughters Eliza- beth and Minnie. 24b IN MEMORIAM GALLOWAY—In loving memory of Oliver Galloway, who died June 29, 1950, Since you've gone first and we re- main To walk the road alone, We live in memory's garden dear With happy days we've known. We hear your voice, we see your smile Though blindlywe may grope, The memories of your helping hand Still buoys us on with hope. We've known so much of happiness We had our i s of joys, And memory is one gift of God That death cannot destroy. Since you've gone first and we re- main One thing we would have you do, Walk slowly down that long, long path For We will follow you. In loving memory, by the family Ann and Gordon. 24*