HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-06-17, Page 6FOR SALE-Insulated cabin-trailer, FOR fully equipped for 2 adults and 2 children. Hydro, cupboards, ice- box, radio, dishes and new tires, Price $325.00. Apply Box 37, Ad- vance-Timee. WANTED RENT-Service Station and also a garage. Splendid opportun- ity, Apply P.O. Box 508. 17,24* CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE-1952 Austin, A-40 sedan, low mileage, perfectcondition, reas- on for selling, owner leaving town, Phone Clinton 405. 17:24b FOR SALE-1947 Dodge sedan Apply J. J. Mellrath, phone 401 3 1. 17* WANTED-Elderly lady would like board and room in private home with all conveniences for summer months or longer. Please write Box 36, Advance-Times. 17b DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal, Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingharn 378. GOR- DON YOUNG LIMITED. lrrb PIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb GIBSON'S UPHOLSTERING SHOP- Chesterfields, chairs; recovered truck and car seats. Maple Street, Wingham. Phone 553J. - 3:10:17:24:1:8:15b AUCTION SALE Lot 19, Concession e, Culross Twp. 3 miles South of Teeswater OF VALUABLE STOCK 'AND IMPLEMENTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 Ed. Schumaker, L. G. Bryce, Proprietor. Auctioneer. 17b TOUR CHILI MAY BE A VICTIM Sleepless nights, morrow and may be signs of pinworras and lae worms . . . ugly parasite, that children of .alt ages, leaving them rum down sad *meow.. illeekean;a0 MULVENEY'e peite rederee ' Vildr:n soon these appellee. feel Mittew stale. MULVENEY'S BVELL (Pee aults) A de& herbal lemitt Pettis. dunlit stomniach, tones up Ike IS end kidney., aim Impala plawamis inteertinel worms, M WEN ET'S namitoins ArNln<4li sit Alt Danish& Gorrie United Church, of which he was a member, and was largely at- tended. Interment was in the Gorrie cemetery. Pallbearera Wr4re: Percy Ashton, Leonard Ruttaxi," Chas. Black, Hilton Ashton, Russel Bridge and Norman Wade. Bearers of the lovely floral tri- butes were: Dick Carson, Bob Black, Billie Taylor, Lyle Simmons, Billie Arthur, and Morley Brears. ATTENTION VETERANS Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents The Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer Mr. A. M. Forbes, London, Ontario will be visiting Branch No. 180 Wingham on June 26, 1953 from Afternoon to 6 p.m. Any one wishing information, advice or assistance, regarding War Disabil- ity Pensions, Treatment, Allowances, etc., is requested to contact the Ser- vice Officer, or Secretary of the local Branch, whose name appears below, to arrange an interview. George Williams F17,24* GOOD REPAIR SAVES MONEY MEMORIALS We realize, our obligation when we fill yoUr, order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only Ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity, Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our pride. are moat Moderate. CMMETERY LETTMRINQ Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT GINGHAM HARRYIIROYINE MEMORIAL SHOP !Neikirk* gnome sike, vseit• ilia „. 11R. A. 1110441.1 01101161611161,10414101.11201iiiiiiell 4,4 Ob. ENJOY GOOD HEALTH RETVER WITH SHOES KEPT IN PROPER REPAIR FOR AIGL 000ASIONS NOTICE CHANGE OF PHONE NUMBER Formerly 771+12 Walkerton NOW 877.w.2 Walkerton Mildmay phone remains 130.R-12 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION KINSMEN Kin Carnival in Wingham Town Park on JUNE 26-27 Business and Professional Directory A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone es Teeswater Wit 0 X ItTER,-E very Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appOitilikiitnt. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitor*. Eta,. Wingham, Phone 4$ J. N. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.O. J. W. BlISHFIELD, Q.C. Banister, Solickor, Notary, Etc..., Money to 1.011d Office .0-, Meyer Block, Wingham Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. HointathR.O. Mrs Viola R.Holouth R.O. orromintots Phone 118 Harriston, Ont, WELLINGTON FIRE insurante Company Eat. 1240 An all Canadian Company vrfach has faithfully served its POW, 'solders for over a century. Head Office TOf011t0 H. O. MacLean Inenrance Agency Winghinn P,EXALL"S. 50th ,ANNIVERSARY- See the Specials at MoKibbon's. tune 15th, June 30th 17:241s CRESS CORN SALVE for sure re- lief, Your druggist sells Cress Wart Remover-leaves no scars, FOR SALE-4 Range shelters. Apply John Garbutt Jr., Diagonal Road, phone 481, 10,17,24b CEMENT-Truck or carload lets. Irn- mediate delivery. Phone 41r2, Wrox- eter, Contact Harold or Allan Hynd- man, Gerrie. rrb FOR SALE-Surplus poultry equip- ment, such as fencing woven floors for shelters, waterers, etc. Also 8 heavy steel posts and 6-inch. I- beam, Apply David Anderson, R. R, 3, Lucknow. Phone Dungannon 68 R 13. 17b FOR SALE-White enamel kitchen suite. China cabinet, table and four chairs. Phone 5768. 17b FOR SALE-One Moffat Electric range. Four burner and oven-re- quires three-wire service, in good wprking order. Price $25.00.-Phone 182, Wingham. 17:24* FOR SALE-New portable Royal typewriter with Case. Cost $99.50, will sell for $75.00. Apply Advance- Times, Box 34. 17* FOR SALE-Music Teacher's Mason 4 Risch, upright piano in excellent condition. Phone Clinton, 405. 17:24b FOR SALE-Case Separator, steel body, 21 x 33 in good shape. Apply Harold Dennis, near Wingham Cemetery, after 6. 17* HANDBILLS ARE IN THE ,MAIL-s RexalPs 50th Anniversary.-See the Specials, June 15th, June 30th, at McKibbon's. 17 :24b FOR SALE-Four-cycle air-cooled ' Clinton gas engine, 1% horse power, completely overhauled, priced reas- onably. Apply Milian Moore, phone , Wingham 612-w-3. 17b FOR SALE-Durham cow, 3 years old, due in March, Apply Harold Dennis near Wingham Cemetery, after 6. 17* FOR SALE-Silver Hull Buckwheat, for seed. Weldon Robertson, phone 6084-2. 17*,, FOR SALE-Brand new Sylvaply ten- nis table, $75.00 value for $60.00. Phone 160. 17b FOR SALE-Dining room suite, suit- able for summer cottage, Reason- able. Phone 541-w. 17b FOR SALE-9 young pigs. Apply L. Montgomery, phone 743 J 1. 17* SO MANY PEOPLE can't be wrong. Advance-Times Want Ads get re- sults for you. Call 34. FOR SALE-Easy washing Machine with vacuum cups, $75.00. Phone 768W, 17* SEE THE 50th ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS at McKibbon's-June 15th to June 30th. 17:24b FOR SALE-Beach range, for coal and wood, reservoir, warming clos- et, in excellent condition. Cheap. Also Canadian Beauty rangette in good condition. Phone 441-w. 17* FOR SALE-1940 Plymouth Sedan, in good condition, good tires, price $750.00, will give terms. Phone 9604, Listowel from six to nine p.m. 10,17,24* • 'FOR SALE-'37 Plymouth, good con- dition, Apply Geo. Guest, phone 702. 17* WATERLOO Mat TRACTOR/I AND MACMNERY A complete line of farm IMPlements, rub selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. OE0, ItERICLET13 GARAGE AND itAcimuertr BALE irienvion Belmore Chita*/ 'UAW Belmar* 4; Wroteter 'It'? SPECIAL SALE) of two and three week old pullets Standard Quality 2 week old 'White Leghorn., Black Minorca X White Leghorn, 'White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Blacl Australorp X White Leghorn $38.95; per hundred, 3 week old add $5,00; Money Maker Quality add $1.00; Extra Profit add $2.00; Special Mat- ing add $3,00 per hundred. These are all egg bred pullets. Also day old pullets in above breeds $27.95. Special Bronze turkey poultp non- sexed for June delivery; Money Maker Quality 80c each, Extra Profit .85c, Money Maker Toms .69c Extra Profit Toms ,74c, Lower prices for July. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On- tario, 17b MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL OFFERS LAWN MOWERS-sharpened and repaired. Phone 553-w, Wingham Lawn Mower & Bicycle Repair. 6rrb SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative, Ask for your Cash div- idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the United Co- operatives in Wingham. 25rrb REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED-If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham, representing Dudley E. Holmes, Real Estate Broker, Lis- towel, rrb FOR SALE-Insul brick 6 room cot- tage, 114 acre of land, in Belmore. Highest cash offer will be accepted. For further information, write J. A. Reid, R. 5, Bolton, Ont. 10:17:24* FOR SALE-Three bedroorn cottage at Point Clark, at Lighthouse, Hy- dro and pump water inside, Apply Ronald Forster, Lucknow, 10:17:24b FOR SALE-6 room, storey house, with small barn at Bluevale. Phone 61033: 17* FOR SALE-Insul-brick Cottage, fur- nace, new bath, new sunporch, garage, centrally located. Priced to sell, Apply Harold Foster after 6 p.m. 17* FOR SALE-Property known as the Ransom Estate. Located in the township of Turnberry, lot no, 136. Apply Mr. Gordon Ransom, 14 But- terworth, Toronto 13. 17b FOR RENT FOR RENT-Warehouse space at C.N.R. Apply Po. 0. Box 508. 17,24* HELP WANTED-FEMALE GIRL OR WOMAN be clerk in store, Good Working conditions. Apply by letter only to P.O, Box 178. 3rrb WANTED-Domestic help, may have room and board if desired. Apply MacKay Rest Home, phone 103. 10,17* AUCTION SALE OF CRIIRCII PROPERTY (Crewe Church) at Lot 4, Con. 7, E.D., Ashfleld Twp., on MONDAY, JUNE 29th at 2.30 p.m. Property Consists Of: I,-Shaped Prairie Shed Frame Church Building, 30' x 45' Contents of Church, including: Seats, Pulpit, Table, Organ, Colernan Lamps, Mall Bids Accepted. Verrna-chtiroh and Shed half cash; Balance prier th reinoval. of buildings, *Melt mist be removed by NoveMber 1st, 1963, Cikeeter Finnigan, Well. Henderson, Secretary of Trusted.:Auctioneer. R.R. 1, Dialgannon, Ont. 17:24b IN .ofigoxonuoi ygo-1n loving memory of a dear husband, Geo, Yeo, who passed away June 18, 1947, I think pf him in silence. His name I oft recall, There is nothing left to answer, But his picture on the wall, Ever remembered by wife and family, 17* NEWELL-In loving memory of Mrs. Harry Newell Sr., who died June 17th, 1948. No one knows the silent heartaches, Only those who have loved can tell The grief we bear in silence For the one We loved so well. .-Ever remembered by the family. 17b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. S. Zimmerman and family wish to thank friends and neighbors and all who helped, for kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement and also during Mr. Zimmerman's long illness. 17* NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of May Davidson, late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the eleventh day of May, AD., 1953, are notified to send to the un- dersigned on or before the twentieth day of June, A. D., 1953, full particul- ars of their claims in writing, Im- mediately after the said twentieth day of June the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have notice. Dated this twenty-eighth day of May, A. D., 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the administrator, 3:10:17b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of John A. Morrison, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the eighteenth day of May A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the 'undersigned on or before the fourth day of July A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourth day of July the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this fifteenth day of June. A, D. 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 17,25,1b PROVINCE OF ONTARIO CIVIL SERVICE Openings at TORONTO for STENOGRAPHERS $35 to $53 a Week TYPISTS $31 to $49 a Week Remuneration according to experi- ence and qualifications. Three Weeks' Annual Vacation Nine Statutory Holidays Retirement and Pension Plans Generous Sick Leave Apply To CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Room 475 PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 17,24b TENDERS WANTED Morris Township School Board is asking for tenders for the following contracts to be in the hands of the secretary not later than June 27. No tender necessarily accepted. Ralph S. Shaw, Bluevale, Ont. 1. Tender for installing toilets in SS no, 3, Contract to include pres-sure pump, two toilets, septic tank and necessary tile drainage, the same to comply with Board of Health regu- lations. For particulars contact Reg. Watson, Brussels. 2. Contract for lowering ceiling in Walton School, work to be done in. early July. Particulars front Tor- rance Duridas, Walton. 3. Painting interior classroom and halls of Walton School; two coats and Varnish furniture. Por particulars see Torrance Pundas, Walton. 4, Painting SS no. 1-Interior of classroom, taro coats and varnishing furniture. Contractor to fill crack* in plaster of walls before painting. Particulars from George Mickde, Brussels. 10,17b BIRTHS MARRIoTT-Ip Wingharn General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 10th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mar- riott, R, 0, Lack/tow, a aaughtei. ADAMS-In Wingham General Hos- pital, •on Wednesday, June 10th, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, George Adams, 11, 2, Gorrie, a son, CLARKE-In Winghum General Hos- pital, on Thursday, June 11th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, John Clarke, Wrox- eter, a son. SWAN-In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Sunday, June 14th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrp. Wm. Swan, Lueknow, a daughter. MACDONALD-In Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario, on Friday, June 12, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Macdonald (nee Kay Townend), London, Onts ario, a daughter, Heather Patrice. 1101VICK RESIDENT DIES IN %WHAM A well known life-long resident of the township of Howick, William Sanford Zimmerman, 63, died Tues- day in the Wingham General Hospi- tal, where he had been a patient for 10 weeks. In poor health for a num- ber of years, he bore his illness cheer- fully. John Congram is visiting with friends in Tprpnto and GraVenburst, -Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Burgman spent Sunday With Mr, and Mrs, Graham Fenn, of Parkhill -Master Stewart McGill was guest solpist on Sunday morning in the Teeswater United Church, -Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Lint and Stephen, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Miles Overend, Reeve R. E. McKinney was in Code- rich last week attending the session of the county council. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Blackball and Ruth, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Congram. -Miss Betty Culliton, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Aliin. -Mrs. C. A. Roberts spent last week in Toronto with her son, Richard and Mrs. Roberts and family. -Mr. Frank Burke is a patient in Wingham General Hospital, where he was taken for X-rays for a sore back. -Misses Margaret and Ruth Mit- chell of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mrs. James Mitchell, Leopold St. -Mr. and Mrs. Carl MacKay and children, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mrs. MacKay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Bateson, Ron Rae, Stewart Beattie, Jack Mc- Kibbon and Mr. and Mrs. R, R. Hob- den attended the Lions convention in Hamilton, last week, and visited friends in that city. -Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tiffin and Mrs. Stewart Beattie attended International Night at the District A Convention of the Lions Club, on Tuesday of last week, -Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Shortreed and son, Donald, and Bert White of Pickering, visited with the former's sister, Miss Anna Shortreed on Sun- day. -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens, newlyweds, arrived hoine on Saturday Sound,, North Bay, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec. -Mrs. Relison Falconer, who was visiting last week at the home of. her aunt, Mrs, Barney Wright, returned home on Sunday with her husband, Mr. Falconer. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cathers of Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cathers of Howick, and Mrs. Wilbur McCrack- en, Howick, visited With Mr. and Mrs. David Cathers on Sunday. -John Crewson has accepted a pos- ition with the Industrial Acceptance Corporation and left Monday to as- sume his new duties in Toronto. After a period of training there, he will be given a district somewhere in Ontario. -Tom Lockridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. •A. J. Lockridge, has received word that he has passed with honors his fourth year studies at the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph. He has taken a position with Dr. Stirk, Bram- pton veterinary, for the summer months. -Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson, Miss Grace Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cham- ney, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Metcalfe and Verlie, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tiffin, were among those attending the Thompson - Harris wedding in King- ston Road United Church in Toronto, on Saturday. Quality Production To Be Emphasized At Dairy Exhibit Dairy farmers of Ontario will have an opportunity to witness the latest de- velopments in quality milk and cream production during "Dairy Day" dents ostrations on the farm of Mervin Shantz, at Alma, on June 17th, under the sponsorship of the Dairy Branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture. James Baker, Assistant Director of Dairying for the province and Chair- man of the Quality Committee for Dairy Day, announced today that de- monstrations had been prepared that would prove interesting and instruc- tive to all dairy farmers. The committee has set up an exhibit which will embrace all phases of qual- ity production, including the modern procedure of feeding and milking, and milk parlor management, Practical methods of cleaning and sanitizing dairy products will be displayed. Dem- onstrations of tests used to determine the quality of the product will also feature the program. • "Anyone who has any problems con- cerning the testing of milk and cream is invited to visit the exhibit," said Mr. Baker. "There will be plenty of experts on hand to discuss their pro- blems with them." "Dairy Day" will also feature ex- hibits dealing with cattle diseases, breeding, dairy herd management and the making of grass silage. Motion pictures on various kindred subjects will be shown. "We feel that quality of product is one of the most important factors in dairying. Quality cannot be obtain- ed without full co-operaton of breed- ing, feeding, management and sani- tation techniques," said Mr. Baker. We are confident that Dklit'r Day wilS prove of real value to everyone in the dairy imiustry,', Business For Sale Full Price $2,200. Gift and Decorations Store located in thriving village on busy highway in Western On- tario. Stock all new and store in excellent shape. Living quarters attached. Other business interests forces immediate sale. Apply Box 35 ' The Wingham Advance-Times. Phone 34 to get expert help with your Classified Ad PERSON,AL S Pies lilts The Winglidtla Advance-Times, Wednesday, June 17, 1963 FOR SALE 1POVX411{X PQR SATE He was borne in Carrie on Christ- mas day, 1889, a son of the late Henry Zimmerman and Elizabeth Carson, At an early age he moved with his parents to Lot 11, con. 8, Howick, where he has since resided. In 1918 he was united in marriage with Tessie Sothern, of Pordwich, who survives with four daughters: Mrs. Addison Jacques, (Velma) Sum- merlandi, B.C.; Mrs. Harry Temple- man (Audreen) Carrie; Betty, of Clinton, and Bonnie, of Wingham; also two sons, Harry and William, at home. He was the last member of his family. Funeral service on Thursday after- noon was conducted at his home by the Rev. J, W. V. Buchanan, of the from their honeymoon spent at Owen oniiiisliiimiEliptiiiiiiinspitimillslosil is FOR THE 1 TOPS ' IN' TOG.$ k ai POR, TUE i TOPS INIT POPS 1 YI4 M . i Hanna's Men's Wear I_ i FATHER'S DAY, ONE 21st 1 ill(1•111.101111111111111111111111011111111RIR111111114 Get your WELDING and GENERAL REPAIR of all types done at Carl Steinbeck BELMORE ONT. /111•11.1..1=10•11011111111111