HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-06-10, Page 3TURNBERRY OK'S NEW HIM SCHOOL The regular meeting of the Turn- berry council was held in Bluevale hall on Monday, June 1st., with all the members present. The minutes of the last regular meeting and special meeting were read and adopted on motion of W. Mulvey and Herb Foxton, Moved by A. D. Smith and W, Jack Willits, that we instruct the engineer to act on the Cruiltahank Drain in ac- cordance with the petition received, Carried. Moved by Herb Foxton and W, H. Mulvey that we pass By-Law No. 8,-53, appointing George Day as tax collec- tor at a salary of $200 a year including postage, Carried. The following general and road ac- counts were ordered paid. Pay Roll No, 6, $691.46, Road Accounts-Cathers and Galla- her, $461.75; Walter Smilie, $27.25; Gordon Kerr, $307.50; Thos. McEwen, $175,50; Archie Irwin, $169.50; Fred Montgomery, $42.00; Jack Harcourt, $25.50; Beaver Lumber Co., $125.00; Supertest Petroleum, 338.20; J. D. Adams, $12.10; Campbell Garage, $14.50; Br. American 011, $6.20; Dept. of Highways, $22.00; W. B. Cruik- shank, $55.92. General Accounts-Wenger Bros., $5.00; Provincial Treasurer, $2.96; County of Huron, $28.00; Ross Willits (compensation) $47.25; Geo. Thomson, part salary, $40.00; Saugeen Valley Authority,' $61.51; England Produce, $392.56; fox bounties 0. Welsher, $6.00; E. Webster, $4.00; Grant McAdam, $2.00; Dave Eadie, $9.00; W. B. Cruik- Starting Wednesday, June 10th, Mr. H. P. Carmichael of CARMICHAEL'S DRY GOODS STORE, Josephine St., will be our Local Repre- sentative in Wingham. Our telephone number remains the same - 344. Mr. Car- michael has been authorized to accept payment of tele- phone bills and handle all telephone business for the community. Effective with this appointment our pres- ent business office will be closed. H. P. Johnston, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA raf A' Guaranteed SNORT TERM Investment 4% FOR FIVE YEARS Guaranteed Investment Certificates of the Toronto General Trusts are issued at par in amounts from $100 to $100,000 to run three, four or five rears. Certificates pay:- 4% for 5 years 334% for 3 and 4 years Interest is paid half-yearly by cheque Repayment of principal on maturity and payment of interest are fully guaranteed by the Corporation. Certificates are a legal investment for trustees. Endorsed by investors for more than fifty years Write or telephone for booklet 253 Bay Street, Toronto, H. BASIL MORPHY, Secretary THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS Corporation Every Modern Trust and Agency Service MEMORIALS We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial-and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT Ceci. Walpole MaggireallmY CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS 1 FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS Custom Woodwork - Carpentry - Building Telephone 798-w-12 Wingham ONE-COAT WHITE EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT QT. 2.15 CAL. 7 .75 NEW ONE COAT DOES A PERFECT TWO-COAT JOB on previously painted surfaces. Exceptional hid- ing quality - self-cleansing - stays white. Cuts labor In half - waves point too. TOP QUALITY. PAINT IT YOURSELF ARMOR COAT WONDER ENAMEL WORTH 2.95 A QUART 1/2 Pt. ea Qt. 2.19 You've never seen a finer finish - for Cars, Bicycles, Boats, Furniture and Wood- work. Here's an "armor-plate" of durable and exciting new color, flows on smoothly, dries to a hard, glazed surface, Use brush or spray for perfect "professional body- shop" results. Guaranteed equal to the highest priced fine quality enamel that Ordinarily would cost you up to $2.95 a quart. Choose from more than 20 ipork• ling colors. A S'S OtriAT WINGHAM; ONT. Robin E. Campbell m Ra VU the rec. The ova Case By Roe Farms Service Dept $0 YOUR BIRDS ARE HOME ON THE RANGE, JACK. HOW ARETHEY WWI* OUT (NOT so mg voc. our THERE'S A LOT MORE 10 THIS RANGE 04.15INE55 THAN MEET5THE EYE. 'YOU BET THERE IS, JACK. PROPER HANDLIN6 OF BIRDS ON THE,RANGE MEANS PROFIT OR LOSS IN THE LAYING PEN. YES, JACK. AG069 RANGE IS MIGHTY IMPORTANT- A 000P.GROWINO MASH 15 JUSTA5 IMPORTANT. 50 DON'T FORGET 10 USE ROE V/771-CROW. fM ONE UPON YOU THERE, DOC. I ALWAY5 WEI/a-NOW. WISE. MAN, JACK. HERE ARE A FEW TIPS. Two Ways to Bigger Egg frofits A GOOD RANGE R44,64" Ye2e4P PaZiers HENS 5861RollzeY 440 ay) 2. oPeN shzzrzes .4r 44v4/61/7 Aezva r.ockiNs 3« l9.470/ FoR COCC/0/0.5/8 Howson & Howson, Wingham Belgrave Co-op, Belgrave • Ross Anderson, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co:, Bluevale •••••=aa•MOi MT. FOREST STUDIES KAN- NINGT-A three-member committee has beea established by the Mt, For,. est council to work an the problem of town planning and zoning with a view to improving the town's position In the quest for new induatry. The committee consists of yqung business- men who have decided to do some- thing about getting industry into • town instead of "sitting on their hands and hoping it will come," VV114.1.4 ENLIST 'AMON-Address- ing the Canadian Legion at a Corona- tion banquet last week, Lt, Col. Arthur Welsh, Ontario Provincial Secretary said the members of the Legion, who know discipline and efficiency, are the men beet fitted to carry on the work of civil defence, Col, Welsh put civil, defence in this country as "just as important" as is the army or air force, shok, $28.68; 'Harvey Timm (Spray inspector) $189.00. Moved by W. Jack Willits and Herb P'oxton and unanimously passed, that we approve the huilcling of a new High School and the issuance of de- bentures for PayMent of same. Moved by Herb Foxton and W, Jack Willits, that John Graham be com- missioner on the OrUiltshank Drain. Moved by Herb Foxten and W. H. ;Mulvey that we do now adjourn to meet again on July 6th. John, Fischer, Reeve Geo, T, Thomson, Clerk. EAST WAWANOSH ASKS PROVINCIAL AID FOR WIND DAMN The counc'l met June 3rd., with all the members present, the reeve pre- siding, the minutes of the meeting held May 5th, was read and adopted on motion by Buchanan seconded by Hanna. Moved by McGowan seconded by Hanna that court of revision on the Whitfield Municipal Drain be held on July 7th, at three o'clock. Carried. A representative of the Thos. Whil- lier & Son, of Weston, was present and demonstrated an adding machine to the council. Moved by Hanna and seconded by McGowan that the council buy a used adding machine with a year's guaran- tee from the Thos. Whillier & Son. Carried. Moved by Purdon, seconded by Buc- hanan that the road and general ac- counts as presented be passed arid paid. Carried. Moved by McGowan, seconded by Hanna that the clerk write the Hon. George H. Doucett, acting Premier, asking the province financial aid to the ratepayers of East Wawanosh who had their buildings damaged by the cyclone that went across the Town- ship on May 25th, and extend the Township's thanks for the offer of the Province's machinery to clean up the debris. Carried. Moved by Buchanan, seconded by Purdon that council accept the col- lector's roll and pay him balance of salary. Carried. Road Cheques-Stuart McBurney, salary, $173.90, bills paid, $4.50, $178.40; Ernest Walker, wages, $187.85; R. Leslie Buchanan, wages, $138.06; Merkley Motors, 5 gallons Tellus oil, $5.25; Alfred Nesbit, 4206 yards of gravel at 5c, $210.30; Reavie's Service Station, 2 quarts brake fluid, $5.00; Gordon McBurney, 4296 cu. yards of gravel at 5c, $214.80; Joe Kerr, crush- ing and hauling 8502 yards of gravel at 63c, $5356.26, 23 yards of gravel at $1.00, $23.00, $5379.26; Geo. E. Radford, bulldozing con. 2 and 4, $226.50; Armco Drainage & Metal Products, 36'x48" steel culvert,-$581.40; Canadian Oil Co., 250 gals, fuel oil, $47.75; Dept. of High- ways of Ontario, tax on 250 gallons fuel oil, $27.50; Dominion Road Mach. Co., grader overhaul, $1996.16; Alex McBurney, to petty cash, U. I. stamps, $8.04; Receiver General of Canada, Income tax deducted $26.55. General Cheques-East Wawanosh. Roads, credit for use of sprayer for Warble Fly in cattle, 253 hours at $1.00, $263.00; Thomas Thompson, sal- ary as W. Fly Inspector, $51.00, tele- phone, 75c, $51.75; Frank Cooper, 47 hours spraying for W. Fly, $46.52; Austin Cook, 47 hours W. F. spray helper, $42.30; Jas. A. Howes, survey, plans, etc., Whitfield Drain, $250.00; A. Douglas Campbell, 3 fox pups, $4.50; Ken Scott, 2 fox pups, $3.00; Wendell MdCallum, 1 fox pup, $1.50; Thos. Whillier & Son. Ltd., 1 used adding machine, $100.00; County of Huron, hospital account, $27.00; The Wingham Advance-Times, advertising, $1.10; Village of Blyth, share of relief, $23.12; C. I. L. Warbicide, $504.00; Herson Ir- win, balance salary as collector, $50.00. Moved by Hanna seconded by Mc- Gowan, that council adjourn to meet on July 7th, at one o'clock at the Bel- grave Community Centre, Carried. Orval Taylor, Reeve. R. H. Thompson, Clerk. FOR FIRE, LIFE & AUTOMOBILE , INSURANCE Call Stewart A. Scott Phone 298 Wingbaurn REAL. ESTATE SALESMAN Representing : Dudley E. Holmes Listowel Special Services Held At Sacred Heart Very impressive ceremonies took place at Sacred Heart Church, on Sun- day, May 31st. At the 9 o'clock Mass, fourteen young candidates received holy communion for the first time. The children's choir sang very sweet- ly during the "IVLass. In his talk to the candidates, Rev. Father Durand reminded them of how close Christ is to them when He comes into their hearts in holy communion. He urged them to receive communion frequently. Addressing the parents, Father Durand congratulated them on how well instructed this year's class was, and he urged parents tp take their children by the hand and bring them to the sacraments and not mere- ly tell them to go. Those receiving their first Holy Communion were: Jean Waine, Joan Redman, Thelma Ste. Marie, Sheila Gibbons, Gail La- vigne, Marianne MacDonald, George Rich, Tommy Chettleburgh, Donald Caskanette, John McInnes, Byron Van Ness, Robert Skinn, Leonard Hou- ghton and Billy Keiffer. In the evening at 8 o'clock, the Young Ladies Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary formed the annual May procession, a public act of homage ac- corded to heaven's Queen, in song and prayer. To the music of age-old mel- odies, the girls voices rose in prayer- ful chol'us, as they wended their way along the aisles of the church and when the words of "0 Mary We Crown Thee with Blossoms Today," resound- ed, the beautiful statute of Mary Im- maculate was crowned with a garland of fresh flowers. The sodalists were preceded by the little girls of., the first communion class with Jean Waine carrying the floral crown on a white satin cushion with blue stream- ers, the sodality colors. The girls were followed by the president, Miss Mary Louise Flach who officiated at the crowning assisted by Misses Shirley Chettleburgh and Mildred Redman, as attendants and the other sodalists. After the recitation of the rosary, Mrs, Alfred J. Lockridge sang "Our Lady of Fatima." The ceremony of reception of eight new candidates closed with a solemn act of consecra- tion to her, to whom the month of May is dedicated. Father Durand addressed the sodal- ists and the parishioners on the qual- ities and virtues of womanhood, tak- ing for his text the quotation from Judith, chapter 13, verse 23, "Blessed Art Thou 0 Daughter by the Lord, the Most High God, Above All Women upon the Earth." He cited five char- acteristics of a virtuous woman when he urged sodalists to 1. Keep modest. By being modest in our talk, behav- iour and dress we guard the precious virtue of purity. 2. Keep your prom- ises. 3. Keep your temper. We admire a person who is even-tempered in speech and action. 4. Keep your mouth shut. Avoid malicious and unnecessary gossip. 5. Keep warm-hearted. These five attributes should be a pattern and model for all young ladies of the sod- ality, he stated. The impressive ceremony was con- cluded with benediction of the Blessed sacrament. Miss Sally Sloster presided at the organ and accompanied the girls' choir during the evening. NOTICE re=Kindergarten Registration Mothers will please bring their children to the Kindergarten (John St.) for regis- tration on Thursday afternoon, June 18th between 3.30 and 5.0Q o'clock. Only children who are five years of age before January 1st, 1954 are eligible to register for Kindergarten in September. WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD %INGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP J Thane 2511 ePotton The Wingham Advasiee-Times, Wednesday, 4,upc 10, 1.9 '74,111.1 The finest raw materials - rich, full- bodied pigments and the choicest pure linseed oil together with expert technical knowledge,, combine to produce Armor- Coat House Paint,Here's the weather-re- sistant house paint that gives greater beauty and greater surface protection for that "extra year" between paint jobs. Greater coverage saves labor and saves money , .. it takes no more work to apply the finest point, so it's smart to use Armor-Coat - the best house' point that money can buy. Canadian Tire saves you $1.25 a gallon. Wide range of popular colors. Get An "Extra Year" Between Paint Jobs ARMOR COAT HOUSE PAINT PAINT OWES Save $1.25 a gar. QUART 1.69 GAL. 6.15 HOUSE PAINT. Super-Lastle SATIN contains R-U-B-B-E-R - It is extra scrub-tough, The "Scrubbable" Paint that dries in minutes - with no Paint Odour - color-styled by experts. APPLY WITH ROLLER OR BRUSH - over wallpaper, plaster, wallboards and most Interior surfaces. Gives a desirable soft• sheen In lovely decorator-endorsed soft pastels; dramatic deep-tones; easily Inter- mixed to colour-match your favorite drop. eries, rugs, etc. - APPLY - IT'S DRY IN MINUTES. Save $1.50 a Gallon. OFF MAKER'S PRICE LIST QT. 1.65 GAL 5.9 5 Super-Last is RUBBER BASE. SATIN