HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-12-31, Page 1The Signal's New Serial Text week's SIGNAL ,will contain the first in,tallntent of the new :serial ator•, "The Annexation Society," one of .1 S. lrleteher'a mot thrilling tale:. Ile .ore to read the opening chapters. Now is the Trane(. •.- . to renew your aubseribtiott toTilY i ata( ',Koh* one of the hsndaotne• 1926 Calendars Don't Delay SEVENTY-EIGHTH TZAR NO. ba • • The Miert' Crass The fire alarm was rung shortly at - ter 7 o'clock on Christmas Eve, and . the people who followed the are hose ONLY ONE CONTEST AY THE POLLS FOR COUNCIL OF 1926 s Filled by Acciama- cept That of Deputy Reeve the exception of the deputy esti, Rae town runnel( of Goalerieh for aftis elected by aed•lamatlon. a7ar )Maei;wsit and Reeve Mutmings for ther term, and the six are ('has. C. Ltd•. Robt. and Iracid Sproul. of the %of 19'25. and Wm. Itaille, J. ,• and Wesley M. McLean. $sibs and l'raigie were for- ' tembers of the couneil, Mr. Me - m 'beim the only Ineita'rient-ed alleanktf. Tog ..gbe position of delete' reeve. J. J. Iles,•r, who heels( the position the ay poet leer, is opposed • by A. J. Pelt- - ridge, lab.) was a co •illor for 1931. 'Lege will also be a ballot on the lawn II bylaw. Taylor gvww heck unopposed water and light ennindeston m of two years, and four pub - trustee's are elected by le - n o -n :Forbes R. Miller for St. ward. John Putt for St. I'at- rw'srd. Alex. Saunders for St. a wardand W. F. A. Nattel Autres'., ward. With the ex - wagon found that a cross was ablaze in Victoria Park -Presumably the em- blem of the Ku Klux Klan. The fire- men turned about and left it, and it continued to burn for an hour or more. It wax about fifteen fret high and fifteen feet across, and was n- structed. it is said, of iron pipewrap- ped with rags which had leen soaked in oil. Miss Mildred Dougherty, of Tor- onto. spent Christmas at her home here. GODERICH, ONTARIO, T The News o Miss Ethel Handy spent Christmas with relatives et Walkerton. Mr. mud Mrs. Goldie Smith slant Christmas with relatives at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Athol McQitarrie and sero, of Toronto, are vbeiting at 4he home of Mrs. Mc(tuarrle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nairn. Mrs. .1. H. Robertson erton and soil, of Stratford. are visiting her parents. Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Ford. Mr. Rob- ertson will he here for New Year's Day. Opinions on the New Town Hall Project What Representative Citizens Say When one man be gener- ous enough to put .up {12000 _to- wards the new municipal build- ing, the rest of u+ ought to show - our good sense and appreciation br v u f tate bylaw and bringing our town ups to date. J. J. MeEWEN. As an old Councillor it has al- ways been n matter' of amass!` went M me to understand how the huffiness of the town can be of Mr. Itaunderx these are all conducted) tea it ghoul(' be In the mtera. taking the places re- ly of Thos. Gundry, R. J. and J. W. ('ralgie. who te- tter many years' were -ire as trustees. Iiamdimes - nomination meeting on t the following were propo1ed various oaken: Foil MAYOR 1 John A. Mar}:wan-by J. W. and J. W. Taylor. FOR REEVE by Joha [min C. Munnln• nd Torus. It. Wallin. Moser -by Frank 'Vallate. I Wm. Crnigie--by (l. lei Ilett. Donk. FOR DEPUTY REEVE h Moser -try J. i). Wilson and nut. Aryl? _raiMlWae- r W. x• u terse Jas. C. Carrie • \f.\TFR ANT) LIMIT l M iaSIONER Wilkie Taylor -1f1. ('has. C. 'I T. Gundry. FOR ('4UN('iLLORS ,1 Sproul-ly holt. Turner and d'. Ltd.. C. Lee -by Rohl. Turner sad ul. . E. Turner -by Chan C. Lee Gundry. Cbaa. C. Lta IntmeTrv. quarters at present provided' for the town °metals, and from this point of view alone the need for a new building Is very greet in- deed. R. IL HILL. As one of the hi.•nvte•gt taxpay- ers in town. I ate heartily In fav- or of a new municipal building. C. C. LE& it Surely Geu)t•rich should not lag ',behind styth. /jansalL gingham. ,.geslorth and'Minton by haring the f1lafbludu and nest out -ret date municipal building In the county of Uuroa. W. CAMPBELL. Oar Council have tehiwu that k' [illy can bendic"T1ffeitnnnt't's of -\the town inn ed,ltable• and efficient manner. Let us show tour faith In them by backing them rep and voting for the by In W. G. L. PARSONS. show our gratitude to for iris splendid gift lion sad Par- t E. Turner --by R. J. Roll Ar Let as Mr. MacK y votinglii? the bylaw. - - JOSEPll D. WiLSON. 1 am for it. tertth and nail. Tet abate a public Indicting that wet can be prong of. AY• DECEMBER 81,E 3925 the Town THE SIONSia, PliffING DOS• blall'TZD, Puldlabers PERSONA friENTION PERSONAL MFNTION Mr. and Mrs. 111.014 lovers *lent' Or. H. R: Hall enrol t'hristaaas at l'tattSrthlP Christmas at Senfo h• Mies Nora .Hurler was Moue train Mr. and Mrs. V.It i,l were at Sane tar Christmas. Stratford for 4'hrlal P' Mr. `Mae'' (illlspie spent ('helot - Mr. and Mrs. rat'Stra and family outs at Mout Forest. Some twelve years ago, your then ('curd( procure(1 »(slit the holiday at 'Stratford. Mies Margaret Campbell hi holiday Rey. C. P. Hu t Kltkorte, lug with releii es at Buffalo. plaits for a new Town Ilall and it was intended to build at .lent the week -ens tcntn Miss ours McKee, of Toronto. b that time, but the Great War broke out and the matter was Mr. Terenee KifittalR'•. t the ('lirlat• visiting at her home here. mus holidays in Throat,. Mr. ti. Preston Strang was home held in abeyance. • The last of the Patriotic and Red Cross debentures is - Mr. :Mr. Nelsat Ilu4nlltam .Lent Christ- from Toronto for Chrtktruax. }rat at his home a/ Baric. I Mrs. H. Addiwru. et Detroll, t sued during the war will be all paid off in 1926. The ne- ural.Mr. 4iiial, wit,[ .. of IS -troll, was Christmas at her home here• .. cessity of a new municipal building is more apparent now home for the Chriefinas holidays. Mr. Harold Cooper. of Detroit. earn( given by Mr. Allam Brindle/. „f Detroit./ is I Christwee at his home here. th--referendum- ever,taa with lait elhich npre sior nof opi hon divided mote" e holidaying with ftdat& in town. Mr. siretest ('ollorte. of Pontiac. `` building the plans -of -whish have been on- display fur -aortic Mr. Donald Y fra). of Detroit. t Mieb.. Is twee far a-br rF- rgeut Christiania et la•teme here. holle{a} Date. Mr. and Mrs. t:. iaitott and Mite Torwto ft r For the Information of the Ratepayers of the Town of Goderlch Re New Municipal Building Your representatives on the Council Board have given this matter a great deal of time and attention. The propo- sition has been considered from every angle: The citizens want such a building for use of the citizens as a whole. • e Mr. W. P. Marr was home tempi t 4'hrlut_las s• e John tnaham and ltuffell are visiting friends at Toronto tlla reel•. Yr. Ed. J, IMdhaal, of Winnipeg. he visiting his parents, r• and W. Hilt` ue er, o New Hamburg, serve man Y oi. in lsa-n. Mrs. Fronk Robinson and -[toes oL Ilnwrktnu, are visiting,at the. home of Mr Wm. Waite. Miss Gwendolyn Colborne. of Tor- ontof spent the -e past week with bee mother. Mrs. 3. 1. Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Ilgener, of at. Catharineei are visiting at the home at Mia. P. MacKwan, Cumbria road. Mr. and Mea. 1. H. Smith and three ehlidnn. of Toronto. stent Christmas bolldeys with their relatives here. Mr. R. J. Smith and danghtcr, Miss Heater. of Guelph, were •Ith their gait ]1r .odssle h mlativts for the ' • , 1 _ re r and l%y Elliott were atj."Wua fur Christ• Mesar t'hsA. In order that there should be no doubt as to the cost, As n es del t of (espy was tenders were called for and a genuine tender of $86,279.00 as "a resident of Geelrrk•h for Mrs.John Johnston and Mins Pb;!' has been received. Deduct from this amount the generous malty Tt•ars• no one realises better lis de Pendry are holidaying at Wind -M a t ora a gift of $12,000 from Mr. MacKay, and add to it an amount. Pity!- ! do the very social a on tact ser. _ . to cover architects' fees, cost of furnishing and equipping of municipal red social convent- Henna. Joe and Lha*- Yltrn. mat »•' -t 1' l'"'•hire. ops eb i t' the bulldtng and the total of =8600000 is arrived at. The a [roil. are holidayljd with their par• Mr and s e r town. I am anis o3Lliaa. (`Dela/ Lit•bylaw being submitted for your approval provides for the raising of the sum of *95,000.00 -an e , no w a an m mg thing being said to the contrary, there is absolutely no way of raising ter issuing debentures for any further amount without the assent of the ratepayers. The $85,000.00 will c'ov'er everything required for the entire undertaking. Your whole Council with the exception of a very small minority is behind the proposition and think that it is in your interests that this nuehrneeded public improvement should be carried out. . • To us, individually, the amount may seem a large sum, but --foe--a -municipality-the-sise of our • Town it can be handled quite ordinarily, and the , greit reductions being- of eing_ anxious for the bylaw to carry. J. S. PLATT. Now is the time to carry the by- law for • new town hall when a nerems gift le available and when a favorable tender has been rrtwi viii. JOHN MARRIOTT. i was quite interested on nomi- nation night with the opinions ex- pressed r4•garding the proposed new 11)--- ball, and especially with the' idea of remodeling the present bundling. particularly so an I at one time held first this ilea-. However. I believe a care- ful examination of the building will clearly shrew sts•II a scheme to be undeeltxhle• as the construe - tin is not SUI•11 as to lend itself saatl+feetorily to suet pri'Ntnre, being entirely toe, light, and even if undertaken has not in itself sufficient room to properly meet the r'gttirements of town That being ao. additions would be - rigtiirwl anti the final cost would-- he I U tTlie ,11vnppninting. AA a ratepayer of this town 1 am heartily in fnr- or of the new structure and be- lieve the council of 191:5 did the proper thing In placing the matter ngnnt•t•ty--sod clearly up to the - electors NOW. because no matter if left ter years the statue finan- cial ,debt will exist. as this to al - wars present in private one enan- It.LLAM S•I'OTHRR>t. - -_ _-vitt e•raterperim•X. and if allowe• •1111 - nm (lance -lig nes. R. walls Everybody who has nay pride due eonsiderxti in the town will D.. Cron. never sut'e•eddl in acquiring any- '. Cralgle-by A. C. ]lua- . in his own town and want* to abs red H. J. A. MaeEwan. I it prngr•ss -hunld vote fur the by- thing creditable In emnitable ac- commodation. The plans presented -sem to cover Admirably every requirement of such a building and I firmly lu'lleve it to be in the uterests of the ratepayers to vee the project carrleel out at Cockburn -Hays, Jr. -by acgwan and Chas. C. law. k James' Ryan -by W. F. A. and R. J. Meanest.' t Darr -by A. lireveed and T. wford. t Jeeeph 1'altridlt--by . Thos. lie and R. J. Acheson. r L. Cole -by Chan C. Leei We run aft C. Crawford. Joseph Paltridge-toy -11.-C. _still not have rpt amt Thee. Tahiti.tussle owing y M. McLean -by Frank Al- being pull e Fred! C. Marney, favor of it or MaeRwan s Address the clerk hail rend the lose of 1 / '/. r'. '- ' I being in a position to [demand Mat - ions. Mr. R. J. Thane woo t Pte. Gpkrieh Mfg. Ca bei in pe• ratesltunfor the town. the chair. and Mayer Mae- 1 I am jiving to support the by- I gave the first nklress. He' The market can then be moved to rnims4l of- lltl.; heel Sone law for' a new town list!. 11R. A. nil. MACKL I. its- proper- place. rlr well nut had a very fine I B. C."Ml'N1YiNG8• t t present. The chairmen i n are being relieved in our Y law. GILBERT PLANT._ The man aith the etnner pall will carry the bylaw. Ile has more horse sense than the aver- age mall. iMPEit1AL OIL CO. it. because we ' ny iucn'ase In our \ •-Lef--1 ,eret't * municipal build- s other obligations \' 1 am heartily le tug that *II 4mtlttty the Under- writer's' AxsiteIAtlon as to efficiency ECHLER of fire hall and equipment. thus R J. MEGAW. testa; during the next three years IRp us put our shoulders to e) ' • the various red he tmdd hind done mk well and he had been ably ' o, o „num t hrogglWOltt..,tlnae,.. Mayer there made a into r -.s-- ' the financial statement. ex• Of the items and coup 0 dl eats* Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. St rgtton visit her won. Ma. Toronto. • Mites Rutherford. Christman at the ho MacVicar. Mrs. H. Burrows; daughter, Mrs. Ha ('ity, Mich. Mr. H. Earl Rill speeding the Mostar his home here. Mr. Bert Ward. aft Christmas with how. Mrs. Sam. Wart. Mr. henry HMti Leonard kl)otsal& Christmas to town. Was Olive Reber man holiday., with h and Mrs. J. A. Rohe; Miss Dort, Weaker, the University et Toro the ('hristmas tea Mho (lute Goldtho spent the ('hrtatpa+• her sl n'r. Mrs. W. G Rev. W. 11. auell. Sparta. Malt ('hr of Sir. tot Mr's J. al pailment towards- wheel of integre/0 lad pate the 7471171"""1"441.11"7-.irrnC ia.aatliing .inat-Xa.-. yesterday to Stratton. at Tomato, sleet of Mr. James Is madly ebenturea which tall due daring , I can es glome pride in. 1. a4e Sc n' o that time. and therefore the home needed. n others. The tree• out- disappointment ut- ref, *KS.010 at new dets•ntnres for - JAS. A. CAMPBELL amounted to y:"s.110(s. it - munld•Ipwtl sn peparnut mrnt that they had I the erection of me new 1 1Yr are asked to go to the polls further reduced but this wax , building cannot ptsslhly raise one Monday next and cast our ballot-. for a nra' municipal building. •This has been a crying need of Goderiehi for a long time. i re- call some twelve or thirteen ytdtrs ago the council of that time Mitt eat prat[ to the fact that two taxes. By all means let us vo had not done an well as sur the bylaw. There was a little more t J. W. TAYLOR. the Renk than last year. hut isrt,dl that by the end of the While the site nal the a'tp•ttdi- antuwtlt would be les*. as I hire malt nrny have their obje'e- r well. fh Clone. still f remains.we ,• coming In w''' e s III the filet timid's hell mode good pro progress wlthonb plans prepared. and the budding mg the year in .temming up cannot expect 1 R at that time was nd die but itai- led s, And In nnathpr reser It leadership. A naw' that it-nll will fortunately the wnrld'e war broke there ecoid be verlit- . not only hely create n progressive air and iI spirit limit Will pane a cnhtahlp out ani! the 'scheme had are be tar in artenrs.abandoned. Why should the county town be behind the v11 - tattoo throughout the( county In the way of rminlelpal offices? visiting her . at Roger'a: Toramtn, is vacation at dsor • Apest W and olb;apaat Mr. (till Roto. who bad ep+1t Carla[- 'moon. is spending the ,winter a parents, Mr. 1 home here. Mrs. A. 4;. MaelAualel and •r student of I grendsou, Dottulel Smith. of Guelph. • for ,are visiting with the former's etauKh , ter, Mrs. Roel. Johnston. 11ng on the steamer Grenville t Pant his •f T' 1 to. ."Itlairgowlte," Ile' home .of Mr. da• tri Alex. Sanhdrrs, was the sw•rue of a };wan; 1 pleu+ant Christmas gathering, every MINK ineedwr of tin• family being here for t the holiday. W t• regret tie have to report the ta- ps- star.. -V. L Ogam. who ase f i ng - . tie,( - •; us o erally of eenfIned to teed the last two eat-. .t r. .sal Mrs. H. Kemp. w eke. 'l'hu Itiniis s arfrpetiple gerr * era Mr. Eagan. of the beat Royal punk 1 i•du in hoping for • leas returned from a vur,itlon of butt to health. see kr i I weeks spent at London. ' Mr. Robert r. Hunt*. of the local i t'HI'R('H NOTES . Itaynl Bank staff. spent ('hrlstltus tall (coatis( church. Jap, ant.- The pas -1 his home at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson and for will preach. Evi•nlu% suuJed•t, daught'•r. of Toronto. are holidaying Daniel 111. (west ae forget at the home` of Mrs.. \\'m. ttwatttcld.. Victoria street 1't„f l chna •h—Rev. Mr. 1lnroid _Mornea, of Detroit. Selby Jefferson. pa spent Christmas wall his par' lit. Mr. jot; "The Christian Attitude and anti Mrs. W. T. Morhey. Outten': en the Threshold of the! Mn. Peal Gravehe. of London. spent Year.- 1_ nt.ta Its de -school; clauses ('hrtsttnas Day with his part's t. Mr. for all.7 p.m.."''h' Worn and Mrs. ('has. Gratalle, Huron road. matt• Fest'- why'" Mr. and Mrs. iliath McGaikfn. o TS•troit. ■rr chuffing the Ihttrr's par - ems. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryan. Misr Elizabeth Martin. of London, spent Christmas at the None of her sister. Mrs. .1. Tluss-y. MIMS leornt Webster. of Loudon. was a holiday visitor with hew par- ent'. Mr. and Mrs. \\m. Webster, East st rest. Mr. - and Mrs. \nitr,•w 4dIver, of Galt. stent the Christmas holidays with their brother iu-law, Mr. Alex. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. .Udell Aitken and children. Douglas and John, spent Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. .1. I.. Aitken. Mr. Itnroel St' %tart, of London. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vehsteer, East str'e4, over the Lon - day. Mr. and Mrs. l'ri•d Chapman. of tVinglutm visited Mrs. Cbapmaat father. Mr. et. S:nmdere. over wt'ek-cfiel. Miss Lillie* Mai•fiear, of Welland. is 'slstnling the Christman holidays at the home of her father. Mr. James ae r. Mr. Lorne Drbit.n titer. of Detroit spent ChriMmas at the home of his patents. Mr. and Mrs. Drfnkwalter. Victoria start. Mr. Touts, (:Iedlhill has gone to Streets 'lie. where' be will be with his son. Ir. A. S. Giedhhll, for the I Hem of fnnnth r & Neftel.:pthllffhers winter Nht,s' Star. Mr. Mitchell having (((erste Nies and Rita \Ytwolldtndw• of 'Phe' position were home frhm 'Toronto to spend mea1nwhile retired tiredhto takee II p s er- r parent.. Mr. and In as with their I member ('hrlrtm eh)cei•, Mr. \'sourer was a Mrs. F.-wdwlled,mbe'.( f r Mr. end Mrs, Walter L. Sounders were home fm the Is(tklny. the gtteats_ ref the forueer's father. Mr. AIM_ •*Lander& "Rlalrgowrle." Mrs. Stanley Rivera. of Owen R,rnn,t spaiul n few days with the former's brtethrr, Mr. Herold' Rivers. Bruer street. Mr. James Ryan and Mia Mary Rrnn. tet Detroit. spent ('hriatmne at the Immo. of their [(aunts. Mr. nod Mrs. P. J. Ryan, Ncwp[te street. 'Mr. end Mot. Jftu• _Q.f1an and aun Jack. rot Detroit. are minting at the' home of Mr. GrlMfl't potents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gratin Cambria wad. Mlles Dorothy Smiih and Mr. Der - mason Smith. of Toronto, spent CktLst- meg et sir parents. ..f 11 f the ho Mr. and \ars .1111.. Smith. Heron road. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Needham. of iA•- fresh. vent the Chr Amass httlldays at the home of the letter's entente. Mr. and Mr). J. Longmire, Wlllinm street. omenta within the. — " 1ieTorarr' c annealre Pts requirements on the bonds for the new municipal building. Remember this is no bonus gift proposition. You are getting full value for every dollar invested. It is for a • building for yourselves and it will belong to you. • : An up-to-date community must have its sehoola, ehnr- ehes. hospitals,, athletic grounds, public utilities, etc., and above all a civic building in which the citizens of all organi- zations can deal with the many and important community enterprises that may arise from time to time: r in preparing alaelaput seatialt a ,: mnfiicipal' building it is to be expected that there will be differences of -opinion. but we cannot all expect to think- alike. hink_ ittike:'iltnt if -we`- luuiyla _alike a• doubt it would be a 'long time before this or any other for- ward movement would he earricd out. There are some minor objtetions, but all are of .rueh insignificant import- - attfe that the great general advantage should not be over- looked. , ' next two or three years will far more than offset the annual e se ehureh next Sunday will ba-me'fol- lows: 10 11.u1.: Men's Club, church classes and Mission Rand. Public worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Ser- mon subjects: murnhig'••t''4%roetlug the New Year." e•vening.'.fteltrt'wte ll'SSO. ttllndav-a•heol at 3 p.m. J. W. Vomiter The pdtpit' mf 1 i,sle'rlt'h were shock- ed to learn of the einexpdeddl death of Mr. Jelin W. t'anatter. of The God - mid, Star. which , iweerr,dl at. his hemp en the afternoon of Christmas Day. Mr: Yanatter had 'been In poor health for two years er more and had had several serams attacks of heart trouble. lint lie Wits ably tee tdmtinue his work and With at his nate up to noon on Wednesday pre a doing hie (tenth. After going home at midday he took a stroke'. which proved' -fatal. Ile had hewn a resident of Godeerlleh piece was near Stretford. and he teethed his trade as a printer hi that city, cowing to Goderielt to work urn The Signal under Meyillll•usltly Bron. lie 1a;n 141 -ours ia_Ittarinershl}t with W. H. Ro ertsmt i. After a Short InHer- val. In which he nmduchdt a grocery business, he joltmed the late Jamas Mltcls•ll in the publication ref The dttene•rieb -auto awl for . time Ins( Sen or lien ye ars was el the head of the 41 cup tan or i 'clivi a aid to canvass your vote. Don't let this opportunity go by of - approving what your r(•presentati es are submitting to you foryouur assent: If you do, it may he a long time before such an opportunity will come tee'ytin ngein under suet :fiit- stances. The present old structure now used as a Town'h all was erected about half -a -century ago. As a community we must advance and make progress. Otherwise we are bound to slip back. COME OUT AND VOTE -FOR THE -BYLAW sea„ The Mayor then turned to a stiney sett as well. Industrial conditions In tom town. THOS H. MiTCHF.Il. r expected' ale of the former NA - AAAA atonal Shipbuilding Co. plant to a I We lore now n line hospital of Chatham firm. last winter, hail fallen whish we ere all proud. Let us [heaths at the last minute, Induce- rnmptlete the job In- having •rise t'st&ly having herr, offered the pros- i municipal building worthy of the ,• par Dossers to remain in Chat- ' hem.. Indn41.1101y. ills Worship Raid, I county town. J. E. FORD.he i it'',dl GcelerIch was n little het- A nen municipal building that ter off than other towns. The Weet- toll ti r, with sen (y ds FlourtMille w -ern wh WIMP ocertltne•,trhe will proeidle accommodation for The (jeslerl'h i;lecet„r Co had a rather the many th•mnnM of fawn and %leek time In the spring but lied*a edonntry is a n !mond end peening rgy Nifty fell .rotor end prorpcte 1n wore gnoml. h eraeli Mfg. tin. had had a 1,7,:-...::::,; DR. *. F. (IAi.I.(►W • (continued on paage' TA neersRlty. „ By nil moans, cote for '•.eeNlItti” gI thehvinw K f j w S • C. A. BEil). The Index to the character of a teen and Its c`tlzens teethe class of piddle building It prntst•Rses. The present town ball has long otrtllied its ,usefulness and shmrld he replaced by A modern struc- ture truc-ture that would lake care of the many preening needs of a com- munity ani.h as ours. JAR. DALTON. rr of the tOan rhmicil ur (stir ern s. fafit.13. For many year* a preeminent , ._. nn'tuler of North street -Methodist cltur•h; he _(kaA hhrtt+t a mr•mM•r o 11,,' first seselon of the sr,ngremstlaf attot' .the union,_. lie was a member of itnftlend lender. No. e D%Sr. R..a. A. M.. Huron Chapter, iIutca teed e, No. 62. 14).0.F.. end of the i.O.F. a Ts surcirf•4t Whig wife and by two brothers and two Melees: wa.irthur 'of A. Bufaaxlo; Mrs. Darling.F to f ward, Calorgttn• -turd 3144.. Aethter T. Tanner, of London. lint., The fam'ral, whir, took Wave to Maitland n•mwiry mn Monday aftern en, was a 1,ndnettd with Maueonlc honors. Rev. ' l'. I'. Clarke was the officiating cdrgymen. "nsatsrert to Rev. J. E. Ford, and thh 1Falllw•arers weer \(,'rive. A. S. Chrys- TAl. 11. .1. Megnw. II. It. bong. .i. M. Rolertsun. II. K. Iteyell I Wtselstot k , alid Ernest I'rnt,hiret I \f,odstes'k t. ,rfirr 1 er, BR1KFS Mauve you tried our Ice cream folly- peree?--3 cents. Wilson's ]restaurant The regular meeting of the Godette•h Weinen's Institute will be held at the hump of Mrs. K. Stowe, East street. on Thmrstey, January 7th. The Signal hate a beautiful line of calendars this year. Many subs scribers hare already renewed for the coming year. and they express delight with the handsome 1920 e•slendurs. else of wheat grass to rush sni'erv'Krv'' Good Feeling in the West Mr. It. L. Reid leas re4nrneei_te loan r e It three muffin's in Sas katc Curlers Are Active The eurters are getting ready for a good season's sport at the rink on Newgate street. A meeting will to held shortly to orgaulce• the club and elect tatter+ for the w•aMrli. To Keep Highway Passable A stnlemmu issued by the Previte vial Department of highways is lit the eff'e•t that every effort will be Made to, keep the Provincial highways open for tram, throughout the win- fr i, nue} that b•••er,e.•4a,.e, t.. tilt end hare_ been issndl to the resident engi- neere. Judge Lewis huts been urging on that Department the neeessitr of kt•epirrt the road biawed•n. (.odet1ets "M.,,....arthmindr fur -tom a ane wean woo.. who might r Ilett }eifittg In the West. smtvetd,dtee• of i la a min- t better owing to Its• good crops and the rood a telt • by motor I. T`ihit''in to saki^ the -- prices prevailing fur grain. lie sgs•nt • 1.. 11..A It. train there.. in ridy.lilt two or three stye with Mr. Jahn, It. Heuer bra lite folMwing letter from Mnllough. formerly of 4:neteriels. at the Irepot'tment : t Ttnynhir.' ![asst.. o tow -pt... ;3,14. I- N. 1. wis. . _.:_ _ periae. J. H. had 141,111111 bme hele of tivwrle'h, 1lnterie. . wheat this fall. 'wellies oats and fiat (Darr Sir. In reply .to your Ietter and other products. and a amid It of. of the telt Inst. addressed to tier Mr. rattle. •Mr. Reid lemght eighty-five ; Ifew hey trf Strut fool and with ref. r- herd from halm whl•h averages! ah+,ilt I enn• to the keeping open of l'rorincial 145)0 Tb, at Winnipeg. •w'In•re they erre highways betw'e'en Godbrich and ['Ilii snit. at a satisfactory prier. Ills old tan for freak'. wmnild stele that the friend+ It. l nalerielt tell! 144... 11411 to. [(&retail nn the above wdtion of nail_ hest mule pass( news of Mr. Mellon_ . be ftet%11y rather henry. so that the-- 1• -ado' _- in tams r,diuitd to keel A ('olhorne Township Old Hey 'The rend np'n mar he e'xn'swive. "SVashr„egg • i•' the east[ a44' alame..;___111_!la?f _.._or your regnedst and the of n little Ietls•r issunl weekly by 11W statement that the aeratce Is n .. ce.ete•rnJlve Egg C Poultry .ewer a-., tory to Goodrich. we are Inftrtn•ting. tion of the State of Wasblsxtea. A our Mr. 1►erwney of Stratford to make' resent nnntM'r has on Its front curer a re.naotlehle Atari to keep thio -*'ad---- s likeness of Mr W. .t. I.fnklntiE' open et the smallest pnesihle e„+t. if netuinger of the w'est'ern w'n-It !chin • the ali terdevelop. into n oAaoneat f srmwtere we Fair. w•ho Is Bleu at ref beryl of n e stele ro ise he hoary aevyure11at1L_._- . branch of the State mol e'ge iT T'Iryrtt° wtttsr lap which conducts ,iperbmeatal , but .if the winter is mlad' and the work in ,inlrvi,.i. poultry mot sniRlI.4_ sties fall not est...rave in. may be fruits. Mr. I.tuklater Is a Cononie able to keep the rad obeli dulling the. --- townshlp "old Icy." a Atm of Mr. John 1 MINrt. winter sod glue' you the ser- Lhokluter of town. Me went in the vice on rel,ie-t. • truly. West tunny yearn Abri. and like Many IilEll, iplldAlt'P11. ether native* of Huron hen w'e'n en adoption. Toruto, hes.. 24. mit. c hid Fulmer.. establishedOnce In the country f his 4 5-