HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-05-13, Page 7„,,,„rni,„,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,„.„,.,,,...,,,,,r„..,,,,.„„....,„„,,,,,,,,,,,.„,,,,,„„,,,„,,,,,,.„.„,,.„,, r Join Now! The R. C. A. F. RECRUITING OFFICER will be in WINGHAM FRI., MAY 15-12 NOON to 9 p.m. TOWN HALL To young Canadians with the ambition and deterMination to succeed, the RCAF offers a career in aviation second to none. Here is YOUR opportunity to receive a valuable education in the new and expanding field of aviation. If you want to learn a trade with steady employment . . . 80 days annual leave with pay — free hospital and dental care with a pension plan serving in Canada or ovreseas ...NOW is your opportunity, drop in and have a chat with the R.C.A.F. Recruiting Officer. OR WRITE R. C. A. F. RECRUITING UNIT 343 Richmond Street, London Ontario AnsillISIIIS111111111111111111111111111111111118111M11111111111IIIINI11.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111S11111111111111111% • t a-ft:me CUSTOMLINE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN more -people than ever want Meteor V-8 smoothness 'most powerful engine in the low price fieldf Whitewall tires and chrome wheel .trim rings optional at extra cost. You're seeing more new Meteors on the roads these days than ever before. The reasons are exciting. Take power. In the low price field, Meteor Custoraline and Crestline Series offer the most with the 120 Hp. "Fury" V-8 engine, acclaimed for its supreme smoothness, dependability and longer life. Take com- fort. For easy-going comfort, Meteor's "Wonder Ride" is a revelation in quieter, softer travel. Take Meteor with Mere- O-Matic Drive. Here's the simplest and greatest of all auto- matic drives. Look further into Meteor's extra values, and you'll discover Meteor is the style-leader in its class—the only car in the low price field offering two V-8's by the world's . largest builder of V-8 engines. Choose either Merc-O-Matic Drive, or thrifty Touch-O-Matic Overdrive (both optional at extra cost), or Silent-Ease Standard Transmission in your new Meteor! YOU'RE INVITED... TRY NEW "METEOR WONDER RIDE" BEFORE YOU DECIDE * CROSSETT M TORS Ltd. Meteor - Mercury - Lincoln Cars Mercury Trucks Telephone 459 Wingharn, Ont. FOR A 'SAFE-BUY' IN A USED CAR". ';'-;triE 1YOUR• METEOR DEALER GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS MAY IS SAFETY MONTH C. C. McKibbon pedal Cash prices For Saturday, May 16 Breakfast Bacon lb. 50c Smoked Cottage Roll lb. 62c Fresh Pork Sausage 2 lbs. 75c Fresh Ground Beef lb. 45c Shoulder'Roast of Beef lb. 50c Rib Roast, Rolled (no Bone) lb. 68c Flank or Rib Boil, 4 lbs or-more lb. 27c " " " " Rolled lb. 40c Lard lb. 10c BROILERS AT MARKET PRICES EXTRA SPECIAL VA lb. Sausage and 1 lb. Ring Bologna for $1.00 Soap /Flakes lb. 13c A. J. Lockridge BUTCHER Phone 35 Wingham RaignMai„ FIGURES of Annual Reports make fascinating reading when they come from the 'chemical industry. An interesting item from the record $261/2 million C-I-L spent on new construction last year is its new Coppercliff Plant. Here is control panel of this "push- button" plant where waste gases are turned into the liquid sulphur dioxide essential to pulp mills in the manufacture of paper. • SERVING CANADIANS THROUGH CHEMISTRY isfsws QF qottros Worneres Missionary .Pres. Speaks at Thankoffering "The faith of a little child, a trust in God, living a day at a time and doing the best we can, will lead you to avoid that frustration that comes from los. ing the key of life.” Mrs, C. C, Ram- age, president of the Hamilton Con- ference W.M,S, stated in her inspiring address in the United Church Sunday morning for the W,M S. Auxiliary spring Thankoffering service, She stressed the lack of leadership for the 15-30 age group in the church, the age when the younger people drift from the church. She also told of the healing power of missionary gifts, of the wonderful things accomplished through prayer and giving when God takes over. The C.G.LT. girls choir sang "My Mother's Old Bible is True," At the baptismal service the Rev. J. W. V. Bunhanan received five child- ren into the church by baptism, They were: Marian Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Adams; Sharon Elizabeth Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Willard Peel; Jean Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown; Murray Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell; and Donna Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Leader. Lovely flowers were placed on the communion table by the Galbraith family in memory of Mrs. Anson Gal- biaith, Mrs. Reta Carson also gave baskets of spring flowers. Party for Mrs. Campbell Mrs. J. H. Campbell and family left for London last week. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Harry King entertained at a farewell party when about 25 ladies were present. The evening was spent playing cards. Mrs. Campbell was presented with gifts, a lamp and an oil painting. A. of St. Stephens.Church on Tuesday afternoon, When 19 members and 4 Visitors attended. The ladies Sewed, and for the business and devotional period, the president, Mrs, Norman Wade was in charge, opening with Prayers, Roll call was answered with a Bible verse on "Worship." Plans were made for a special meet- ing to be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 14th, to mark the 85th anniver- sary of the organization of the Gorrie branch of the W, A., when Mrs. A. C. Calder, diocesan president, of Goder- ich, will be guest speaker, Mrs. Geo, King was in charge of the study book. Reports of the Huron Diocesan W. A. annual in London on April 21st and 22nd. were given by Mrs. E. H. Strong and Mrs. Gordon Underwood. The Rev. D. H. T, Fuller closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. G. Underwood as- sisted the hostess in serving refresh- ments. Personals Mr. and Mrs, Elwin Hood, Ronald and Douglas, of Hopeville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ed- gar, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Arscott, Billie and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jack- son, all of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Archie Miller. Mr, Alvin Simpson has purchased the residence of Mr, Addison Jacques and with his family have moved into the village. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Jacques and family left on Saturday morning for their new home in British Columbia. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery were: Mrs. Alberta Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Montgomery and Grant, of London; Mrs. Bella Greaves, Fordwich; Mr. Wm. Young, Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomrey and Joan, of Mil- ton; and Mr. Wm. Hewitt, of George- town. Mrs. Fred Mahood, of London, spent Friday at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jardine and Glenn, attended the Mother's Day service in the Brussels United Church, on Sunday morning, when their grand- daughter, Joyce Gail MacDonald was baptized, Mrs. Jas. Shera visited on Saturday in Kitchener. Miss Shirley Shera re- turned with her mother and spent the week-end here, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. • McKnight and Jane, Mr. and "Mrs. W. W. McKnight, all of Beamsville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Henderson, Ruth and Allan, of Palmerston, called I on Mrs. Mae Jackson on Sunday. Mrs. R. T. Bennett, who has been 'a patient in the Listowel Hospital, for over a week is making favorable pro- gress toward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowdall and Miss Audrey Dowdall, of Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Erling Arthurs, Drew; Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Davie and Doug- las, of Harriston, were guests of the Strong families on Sunday. The Rev. D. H, T. Fuller is in Lon- don this week attending the Synod of the Huron Diocese. H. V. Holmes, Norman Wade, Robt, Graham and Gordon Underwood attended the ses- sions on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wylie and Nancy, and Miss Betty Wylie of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mrs. J. Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller, of Wat- ford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Galbraith for the week-end. Miss Thelma Stafford of Kitchener, was home for Mother's Day. Jack and Lois Dodds spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. Frances Strong and Roy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pen- nington, Teeswater. Dr, and Mrs. C. C. Ramage, of Vine- land, renewed many old friendships, when they spent Sunday in the village. They were dinner guests of Mrs. Reta Carson and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ndrman Wade. Mrs. Ramage was also guest speaker for the Fordwich W.M.S. spring Thankoffering meeting in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Strong of Ot- tawa, spent several days with the for- mer's brothers, John and Wellesley 4trong. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stinson, of De- troit, visited their uncle, Mr. Sam Stinson for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Graham and Alex, Toronto, spent the week-end with rela- tives. Miss Pat Strong, of Woodstock, has been spending a 3 week vacation at her home. Mrs. T. L. McInnes, Mrs. Allan Hyndman and Mrs. Norman Wade, attended the Convener's Conference of the F.W.I.O. at 0.A.C,, Guelph, from Wednesday until Friday. Mrs. Mc- Innes from the local branch of the W. I. and Mrs. Wade was the East Huron district delegate. WIARTON WILL GET TOUGH WITH TARDY TAXPAYERS, ALMOST $8,000 IN ARREARS At last Monday night's council meeting at Wiarton, Reeve Hahn, chairman of the finance committee, produced a document that slightly alarmed the council. It was a list of those whose taxes are in arrears, and the total Was almsot $2,900, 'We've got to put the pressure on these people", said the Reeve, point- ing out that the delinquents Were not playing the game. Councillor Norm Kearns Supported him strongly. After looking over the list, he announced: "There are a lot of fellows there with good steady jobs. They're getting every benefit and ser- vice the rest of us are, yet they're not paying their taxes." The rest of the Council agreed that WIMI.h41P Adv;91.00,11mPot, Wednesday, Yffif VP NO :NM. ,„... garther, chairman .or the property committee, to draw up. a list of all property that would b,e reverting tp the town for taxes,—Wiarton Echo. WARREN HOUSE — FURNISHINGS PrOtect Your Drapery New Samples Now is the time to Order your • •• AWNINGS Plain and Stripes FREE ESTIMATES Telephone 475 Picture News from C4-1, CONGRATULATIONS to Donald Garrard! This year's Grand Award Winner on the popular, nation-wide radio program, "C-X-L Singing Stars of Tomorrow", receives his award from internationally known musical figure, Dr. Edward Johnson. Over $4,000 in musical awards were recently awarded to eight talented young Canadian singers who topped the 44 contestants heard throughout the past season on "C-I-L Singing Stars of Tomorrow". Did you know. 1 • Fabrics of 100% "Orlon" will hold pleats well enough to withstand countless washings and the pleats can be set and removed with your own hand iron,' *Do Poet fradirg for its acry7A5bre :ANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED • MONTREAl Susan and RIckie were also rernember- ed. Peter will continue his studies at the Wingharn High School until the end of the term, The W.M.S. will meet on Thursday evening at the. home of Mrs, Alex. Taylor, when the C.G,T.T. Affiliation Service will take place, Winners: at Musks Festival Winners from the Gorrie Public School at the Fordwich Music Festi- val in solo classes were 1st, Carol Robinson girls; boys, Wayne King, 1st, and Kelvih Buchanan 2nd., Alex Strong, 3rd, Marie •Hastie in the class for all ages, and from No. 11 school. Shirley Timm and Yvonne Sperling were winners in the class for all ages. Snhool Bus Trip Pupils of the Gorrie Sr. room and Goff's school accompanied by Mr. Donald McKenzie, Torn O'Krafka and Mrs. Ruth MacDonald, enjoyed a bus trip to Toronto on Friday, They tour- ed the Museum and were at the "Happy Gang" show over CBL, the Parliament Buildings and the Evening Telegram. Family Honoured Mr. and Mrs. Addison Jacques were honoured by a large gathering of friends and neighbours in the Gorrie Community Hall on Monday evening, when dancing was enjoyed. Mrs. Glad- stone Edgar read an appreciative ad- dress and a chest of silver was pre- sented to them,, also a gift of money. The three little daughters were given travelling bags. Mr. and Mrs. Jacques and family are leaving to make their home in the Okanagan Valley, in British Columbia. Woman'S Auxiliary Mrs. Earl Underwood opened her home for the May meeting of the W. the tax collector should get tough with those in arrears, and sue for taxes wherever necessary. Mayor Whicher instructed Mr. sal iii $ $ !UMW...! $ !! $ !!!!!! $ !4!! $ $ notilittsms!nOsialt*