HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-12-24, Page 8"tf',;''4r
0--1Pltaradny,a "
Decoosbor SO. 1925. -� THE SIGNAL. � �:...
fil11LWAVAL,'M'plON of .1111 pressing for situation through!
we ret o (oi " (' • ti
oor'r remarka, but carol seri-leo then the church It ill be
.14e 80114111,.f ItNiixat):' Commitwiourrn. ! lotted. -We-are not tt+atin4 shot.' evil held h, had
(Cautio ed on page lJ 1. *amid' likes to be advised. however + asked Ger They .a1 'het *III du N� due41"t to trtihs
lighted e•eltlrrt. by eandloe x 1
T1a4 T n, runt*
Stratford. Dei', ---11
Mr. ( has. t'. Lee.
`c ia(rmaa, . Harbor e'uWmittee.
. ' ' ' fledertM. tut.
Deter Sir, --TMs wilt. aclu..wlydge
receipt ,.
l f • your letter 14x•. Uth, la
coaaneetlon with the placing of cars
on the-breakwaurr -traits. -
i cautleUt stare % f t h you deur my
pntlwtatl will complicate matters you
oils,' Mari• aul.witled to the Board of
Rolle:4y ('altntoi.VN11•r► 1 think that
b4Jdy will b trade acquainted with
eteal an of le im) ,t 4 Itm4'tlt from the
tOR-1: .r•tuu il. -
114 communicating with the t_'aa•
adios. Pacific 1inllway recently. I ad-
them that tiny tragic rnrlved
•tel inter.Wilcbing, movement from
thew would 1,.• Idreu the same favor -
whir con.idel t: ion as We were pre-
}w4Yi t;• I:iv.• tr,fi4' handled by the
aa:},,sial in emergency
excites. 1 tee, a» thuutrh my letter ad•
dressed t.. tb.• Mayor of t;oder1eh
made etur ts..ition guile clear and 1
.think the offer evnuuined therein ewe -
ceded practiettlly what was required.
and 1 c:11add apprer•iate the a..wvsitp
fer. *1441 1 would like to know
or )•4.ur letter is to be 'monk.
Nomination Notice
Township of Colborne
hontination :for Rervr and
Coitneillor4 will be held
DMO�ber 28t6,1925
COlntueitruig at 1 o'cldck
is now available for any-
one wishing to rent' for
amateur shows or concerts.
For terms apply _ to
Wesley M. McLean
P. O.Box 50
A leery
Prosperous - New Year
to ail our friends and
-J. Calvin
King:trn, nit reef P'. , I HI
:xR to whetter 1 ata {o aswlwe your ii, to vis 1 ) .es ' u,tMi4y \� �Mflltlt auoi4•n, an•t modern t'hrletwas
• a tine l , me,d L,: uu
after some r f urlht•r
railway truck mat-
.' oo action at prew-
e unmet for (lest
hN nMt•.
• tioderi.:h Plait 4'0.,
!wicker lselfirrig was
1.leve HI the• Niti.•.1 of the Tow.. ,•,uu 1b,• _Na).. gala Ser. t.ee Nus..to
la veal.r ekes. there n iv he ,uitescudtYI for ,briu,tlug Mils watt
uo•Inhe I t„ a head. tuft he Attu: out of order
trioterxtnnding. 1 em direi•tpir u iapy i ti ,uauuer of prowwlrling• •Tete 1
f this i,•th•r o
1 t f
be 1111
Mayes. a
yo , 1•'at
(» 1 e
1 Y11 1 R
uu hthw hoald mtti•t'sneL put
Youre truly, i u renew! '44. Other eouitaittees did. 3
P. G. XNE14 1 the clerk ste•uld twit through may e
ill..- ••Ni.•la t , ,annvr_
I:U1'n1 1.,Inaalthr•• Wali nut O�
ftijecrieli. 14,x•• 1.'th. 1'k,i on r•, ord a.. approl iuJ; of ,N 1411 hail i tu* a Iwtri �n . ".rata
Sir. S', (;, dfi4Nl, i 1»sty •i•:i». Yr. late wank'1 the track( etil0fl' "a'' iseM"d•
lt.F.A, C.N. aft. ' n•.wrt4 le its, firm.. ,tlatu,, but hr .l'ht; SIaYW• mud levo.. were•.rm-
Stralford, , (the Slayut •tits not th(nk it .-ver) Ial to aii ... llt•• tuafter Ot err-
. lkwr Sir: - lours of tire- lith. Ari • was a team track. 11r. Sti.•11 lead etiki•ranging toe i a ''r irut trader's !i-
+tated in my letter to • you INV !Nut i prondsed ,.•realm c0nrrs.lun$. and the 'r The
for the rte* 'trult store.
your tetter to Mayor Start;woo *it* - c;,uuttl: ile thought. .houtd not Tbc watt tha +:.ming the Brit. t) .
turner) over to toy 'ammltt.r and my 1 tuttou111.• the ('.X,I:. a°' for the taety than Nit! wan. left t.. the•
reply vuk•4r1 the ,.,�fltltucut of that 4 ;.east/tor 'Tumor said lie would
s•stalmtttre. Ilio• h•
Your l'omlaDs is depriving .Ker' we the :nutter .,•ttkdby this
citizens of the Imes• of this ivin warm' 4."un''It. t:Dina I. the Railway hoard
Neral) 11.• a torr expensive matter.
trri, whitely they hare enjoyed fur 'ale' rlr.r;•otptultt,n• had leaser bs•u
forty 4rear,.. Thai and that Duly Is 4411..1 to . tle r to .11.11 with thfe wat-
th•• point my ...Minim... la fighting- I tar trod h•• ,lid out want to Ix• held
We are not interested la any (time
Ia' lfeisl:u light y,
es,- 'M*•cMiou of Ib•
inj tar eler•lde.1 10 t,,
Ia 1 r rs 4(414,444 h•
ud + The offer W I..
'r•, of * &*:t for sums
Itliy The b;
special combing, a ith power to eon -
suit the- solicitor :1414{ If everything
Womb! he sttelala,•t^':�' the Mayor and
clerk to have• power to sin.
Ser. and Mrs.'4t,.• 1'. I'trittimer ut
131 5th 'firer', Erasion. Stan.. ata•
r••+l»,nslbt.• for the Irtfrrs fest had twun4r. the eugag.nnnt of their .veoad
numlratinns you mar herr 11441 with been sena. The prlualple tor whichj11wther.r. V'ealr tae•.•!. to air. Ihuell-
rho Can: Pao. Rs.Xxlh.•r. of s'alr!!c �a.k. '!'ho *,d-
n'hai ui. unlit P. the Ilse of Phi. Mi r l.ew watt lighting Na„ right. Ito*, ding INkI'. Pialw 3:4.• tllumlll.
tract r•wtor,rt to the same a..,ndi1(ctn
\filer .oln.• remark: decile 31r. Lee's s -fitness!! ('Aunts l'a.! Settled
It tilt -tap,: gores and for forty Foots
pr•vtou. to that. 19iro !
Tons trxty t' W(h the chant property toat-
1'HAS. I 1 1:}:. Sh'. Snelf's offer lie ri" "i.4'ri, mission the Hens:111 Tilted church
('•'um,fllar lwc. obj111,d !r'rktl4.rly i bar off,•re,1 the former Methodist
it4,ril "rnu ' eliiir•h building free ru the noncon-
Sttatfi rl, ter•. 1.. leve•..' Verney' (gt-I"-
_fir-l_•urriatt /'r•.hyterieul�ut_He*444' hoc
lir. !'ba.. 1'. It.,•, 13news tetter. Sir. auell eras to iN
the Jude,'of Nhat ams au ,•me 1acy.I their lasts of wurshilt and the ;liferbe
f:.'derlch, Ont. rl!: t has been ttratetully a.rw
/footto Ste. 1 hate. your fuenr of - There were stout -duns from at.' 4 lend by the
arm! of Nave wclnls•r. as to house •n •nmwi,wiva. Thu•. the Hraaal case
11ne,4mfter 1:•414. Iagreement...old be rrarbe•d with theI has fawn ,rttb..l. 1414 applicants
Xy letter addressd III Mr. Slav- ( < til that1 asknl f fir
1 r•sbytrrlaa
11 wont's* Nae the•m-
. d the --1"0.n. talo emir stated
,..ours.• in writlmtr letters without au-
thority. auncillr Hays moved that
)wan, Mayor of the town of (:od••rlrh. " ' wvu d be .atlsf»Mar!' all "r r form, .
in my upioioa wilt Cully meet the re- 1 around.
rhumb. whlolt the filo
W v 4
In rept,- to t 'naw ill4r Cole the •t 's using.
Ilturnmem4* demand by44(114 tmtt-.r 'osis track'
R-r..errtainly cannot agree to the stn„ t math.' track which an toil
etithe +n•neval public for teem track de.live, of iroetts.
rel. the'said track 1wUu7 eritlrrly Such a track waa
a w'rvkw trrsrk acid not 14 lean, 1"ek;: osereia to later .44 111144 .\ -eons)0
:end neither nm I able to elrr,•14q. 3, loose.)
t the
iw hind owner) o
that it has ever been used for. "111.11. lrn.wl by the rallwmy. did not COON
Tonna trot,., under the interswit.hing rule,
councillor Leo thought it ...miser -
$N I•:I.1.. tinl 1r;*ek 144• one that v•rt441 a fat•-
: Uiri,tiau I'rrighr .\prat,,. toil... and a 14.444 4144' Ihr
•• "Mayor -=std- •amt rip a
4•n4v •bould all be filet with the clerk..1 Y�-T -- _;
to which Councillor !Ate said he had 1 The Xtal and
ate a 4)1 4 . a not
ny ofijertlon. riga rental and baa out the stases
�'runr1tior Hays -mid 41. wiwl.d 'right. as a factory.
its• 1111 position in Phi- Walter. 11,• kiswily the -r,. It4*pon41r- '.` 1 tun.
'teeth/4i with this natter Nan referred
'•ka •- the mnrse he did , t 11414 mat•further
a „ outsell
'.•r i»":lois• ht• Na. the C.N.R. 0.11(1_ , f ..4. r .ter (4.•ratiot
•t'• If Ins.•urwl a ry .S letter from t11y }"err Cinder-
-r; the In• t- writers' A"1Qx•iuuun with reference to
•:: n:itiott in -- this .re01nrk• Hr had • winter care of fire 4quipment was
-akrt: esti oath of toner- at the height- 4.1441. ('ol11141 hor Sproul. chairman of �
: ing of the Soar an.1 h4' had uhnt•rved, the fire eonlmitt,r•. said Jet under-,
,t -Throne/amt. H'- had IN. 'r. tatarr •'.t.»„1 tit, hydrant.' hold boon all pr, --1
fr'v�lr..•yt� (` \,R. and tend not--rr44'..lsed par. -.1 for whiter_ and the lir,. wlui;.
•:.r .'.•u1 from theta - t -turut' was atf'iu .41.1
.1•• was not able to ;tate fully what
Nur '.n I:is mind hi tonneeti,n, 44'101 ek-on
No. tet.. Long
,' 1
'-h4 amen -r. but he Would *tato a i1*- t4u k.ou :usl H. It. Is.nq anMrarl for
ease Itlrth. ,'toning: ''f14.- 1Vurkl nl illy
, ('ram•. "
1 7'h,' Sunday" ,rho.): of Knox church
i will hold their amnia: ('hristnws cos -
i tart in the lecture t ,w of 44te 41441.•1
O1* , .W 40e,d4y .')tor tag. Dedwmtter
:Willi Adult oda, --ion "l5c; te:ht?dren
1 fret,
The services in Ko..i church will
' Ir• in eharxe of r• minister. Sub-
: feet, of sermons: 11 :ala. "The Walls
of Zion;- 7 p.m., 'T1s• Past and the
it11re. Kithba 4. s-,�.
1 claw's at :: o'c•kr•1,.
The aerie*, at N..r: h street Fatted
chord: nett Sunday *III he•.al* fol-
10 a.ai,. Ken's Club, ii[ltMletw
Itanal awl cjtoret . **,e,•. Public
Worship at It a.n. tad 7 p.m. A
sprint open setlaf. of the Sunday
sate. l mill ha, hold ai.b p.m.
theoric street ,.!:arch. IAY•. 27th. --
, Iter
Baptist ehur•h. 141 rgn(14•r Z7f11.
--Sivecia; ('hristm.,. urea t. and ser -
moo.. 44,,rning: 1%'hy 111. Virgin
r••.c,a-u:e1 rase.. Air angel... written ,1r4rt year, and kola* NO, 62. m;tkir:
y-• •,11r.-__M4St.. AU- sump chances In the ii.t 'of pulling
s[lth _..1.110.0 pt _ �tml 0adaL! _ ini .ilk to rl n i it
'in• P0.4.11111,11, of tl,.'lerieh harbor ''leefiof114. t4rr.. 1.,4444.41. .
.1 - .,t- for the' dlatrlhntha, of Al- ; iteputy Reeve Mower. chairman of
-"riZic7t-tPor"-fhrarirr-tont-attesei ---th - inky'.- works -eornt44... War
. t.vt on and a 1h..rter bred then oh-
1:i414,4 far 11 .mm�rt til»w., au, MI
to ouivits.r•- another
•n••L a i, .is, i•. heir•• y ilii astable i , q/gNI.O.W. R.t t int uurlyin
T4114' P,.Int fat 1 4. tame of
he hirookwatrr.t was the only 'does: fh4, »-u �t('ghre,tJ tpe co a•rrlar.
'ha! '.-0u4,( be 'used for 1114* puntos4. I • Mayne (' " the n to T
and all through th.. year 14 tt:ul had' i1 w,.. ,11,,fil t.. adjourn to . hu
this in mind and ,lid,not wish to, have ! rl't ,`t' 4 :1 IinlYlt the b Mayor
, but
any obstacle bone,- ilii. �d ...asi.44 t Sthanr St )
- (aft in the sac.. lb. bre ' ' a' a•.sr•a•i.m tb thank the
•reatx•Il.1l+ proposition, and he 41:1 nut a4• b•,
think. tine town ahon1.1 ask any:hl°g1 il' N11i't; tio.o lad nth•u.i•vI t' the•
that w•aa not In reason- TN' f..414 14.1 iley /.,-itboe•.; throughout and
In 7'114 r , ui !» .t; prompt and rtytular is
P•ett!-war`Crr�-tcit�Tli7 f'.X:R-ithUOhiriytr;f ,.
•. if tllr C.N.R. tta,l not the• ..,' -
�t their hest for the h.w11'44 .tarrrnt. and
would never be a centre far di4tti- I if,. had heard tlwt, twin of Tho meat..
•hntin4 • Alle•Ma mai. Thr ('.1'.R, had 1
their rights 4114 the south aide of the 4111 nets, trio et ofrretiring from the t
harbor. - 44.411,1- at the• and of rhe year, but 6s,
to mots to (uun,.4por Hayes' f,,.,1,
hoped .411.-c *mild rYotlt',4•r the mat -
:ms t_ _-r ► 8 n. - .
ails to sung h) choir *fid ,•o°
Uuu. '!'ter order of cells tart.(
110 Ns (0110W.:
tirgsu Prrlu4t, P1441 'cal Syt
- ("The Messiah")
IM,toret Scent. ('aston M.
Pres'.• • ('aiot X.
l4tial (semi -4. ,4keste }•i
4. F. • Wadr',t ('stuns '4 !
and Vet •rat tart
('anal: • t\'heu t'hrlst Wits !torte'
Carol Tlw• A. H.
Meitner Throne (74,3
• •
('harles At
4'arul--(',engr•sstIon and Choir
"Carol. Sweetly carol" P
1'rro}.-l'ht.ir Boy, -"The ft
Sharon" (13th ('eutury Sir
Violin Solo --Morn/ince Nana Par
Daniel van C(*044.
MVI. V. E. (Mkley
4hcul--.4"n%r•gttton rind ('11(tlr t
"Ilot!• Night" }'raps
.4Irot--lien 174th -In !Mei J
German Melody, 14th Con
'trot=('utlttregatluu and Choir 4
"See Amid flit. Winters Snow"
1'ipltu 14x4• . - (caste, 1
Slumber Sweet
((labourite }:rel P. Beau
Yrs. V. E. Oai14.
'oral for ('Noir Hoye.--••I.h ltiby.
• . t.ittle 'Tiny ('h(td " '•
(Thr ('oventry (tarot.? ldkio
stn►--('boir (5141- N&.I. Traditb
Air. tirratirtad hr ft(r Arthur
and-C9wdr (MMX* "IA'''. ty
I)owu" C. *vmsel
Wet -tory Anthem -;'•It t'omr, Redes
or of ) 44l tial" .
vers tad Blowing
rrYseiooat (haul .(7;17► --"Bear.
Wight" )tet. -1t. lt. Che
n--HalteluJab t'horns 1 "X
slate", Ha
'tmNw Angebt Rk•hanl `' a
T. l'oI1.X.• orptanist and. ebo
The ch(dren's Club -toms party yr
held In St. (;4.0rge.'4* hall on Tu
,,'rami. 14rwmla•r 29th, at 7.
ock (within the octave of t
y Innocents' !My,. .t tine p
m islodesprrpufe•d by the tea
ald'pupils of the Behoof. Peron
the friends of the .Sunday se
must t'ordlaly invited.
y. Dreeemher =I. at North st
fitted ehureh paramaatse. (;•wlerieh
Rev. t'. ora (',,*rile.. Vera 1. Piatti
ughter of Yrs. 'Cherie.. ['tattle. o
:oderieh townebip, to henry An
tit (:Mosher. son of Mr. Job
nshrt, of Hulett township.
co will
.h•la� -
torsi t
else• of
vies -
/p. 12
`I 'rube
1Y -
g! 1nhj.'•t: ''1'tieTAftetrl.,w f t'hrlNmaa-; pour
a ! tike." :l 1.. m.. Bit '.• el., s.). clam** ' 1 car
�for on. : pat,, ,.1hjec-: ••Pear. on,Mvin
1-arrli-IviatituJ, .- •i.ftitat'T" $p,- Thr
fetal ('hrirtln.' mets:. :It each service. j1 1.
+SIv 1
('HRiSTSLj+STiU£ ML'!�I(' AT ST... 'Iia
(iEOR4.1:'S ClfUlt, '�i t S i4n h
LA IK. -air.. J. hrnu,•.ty seu.ls
liar. front California to Misses
1 and E.teita ('41rk in sad and
it memory of their mother •
unarm string on memory'- hart..
.c•ftly touched 'today.
ire 1. not 1110 Name to m.-
ew toll Warr ea11.Y1 away
�vlt•-the-ev errs r-.
llrr, r.
trade you come to rest;
eft w. many you loved dear
!will nn Jrs11» I.rr4Ri.
Eli yet 1 mourn you. aril' I know
ills N•iwl.ta Plann,Yl it '.,.
'ugh it seems tut )'..•.today,
• -pm 'act
Would 1 give to .414..,p your hand
our dear taco P. wc,
r your voice. to see your Nmilr,
n4W1a. ere. Miele -neat .±
leaven re4s4*44h n..w our tremor
1that lonely casket keeps.
b• annlsdms long to linger
ere the ince 1 lure'.1 now alt•*Ps.
ramie NOTICE
--- 1
The festival of Christ'. nativity To
1 wilt 14 : •'4 11rated in At. tlle.,roe ,. , Tatou
' 4 444. l4 on Friday, D4remler 2•ilb. ' Gert I
. son of the' A. IN
il..!y Commun.!, at $ a.m. At
�a,m. a 1'hrltRn,a, Petal 'whorled will V\'hat.
)ler. A..4. Hardy X,\ Ite•C'ur von
• he • .-rlrt.rttcd. rind Silesia..'. weenie- •\aii y
service will be swig. To 1,•
nn Sunday. In -ember 2744&: at the That
•Ifn k set•%it •z the music Nil( ire 1111, I
4Pprgeriate 1.' the ('hrletm*i.. t ra0¢- - __ __
}:a rt
And t
.d._atat, ' {1' re err flit r r.tal leer and arm 1smorsome
and will fuelgl• Stanford's Fastest Tr
tk;,-m. and tv...4's great Christmas
anthem: ''n Como. Redeemer °t-]tan-
the »e_ wilt be a Candie
" logien Tbomaa Toting. of the
Town of (inderk-h. In the County of
Huron. Machinist. will apply to the
Parliament of Canada. at rhe next
ae•s1I1, thereof, for a hitt Of divorce
from his wife. Leona Chrlatena
Youbg, of the sold Town of (aoderich.
on the ground of adultery and defier.
!Sated at the Town of Goderk'h. In
the ('onnty of Huron. thin 21st day of
November. A.D. 1023.
RATA & HATA, llarristers, etc..
Hamilton street, Rodetich, Ont.
Solicitors for the amitosis.
Christmas Wouldn't Seem I
like Christmas Without I
Warmth and Comfort 1
BTIT--TretTtli----b-b--fiecessiti. Air./
)(Int being uncomfortable. The 1
which oso, be used anywhere that
_your favorite Araatatear-Anthracal10 64
',In short, 30u Will find our substi
Fos Good Clean Coal
Phone 911 Coderieh
101 SALE
as sate at Tile SNRCAL °rms.
runic NOI'1
Town' of h
otb/ewl/tr' their name'.. wUl Dat •
,• lr'U
I;'PllEH TAt{Jt; V(ypltii
that. the rota.
ankl IMoulclpallty rwwlll he taken threof erp-
04 on the day fixed Io4 tailing the pod
• at the aria al municipal elet'tluu til♦
tore the sense 1)eputy Returning testa -
t> a at thrlr r •tire
• ( to
ut'dayr the wr•ouei day of
January, IMO. the 11ayor of the said
Tuw, will attend at the. ('vuacI
Chambers of the amid Town at ilia
o'clock in the forenoon, to appoint
persn4s to attend at the various 1,,,u -
Ing ldarc,; aforesaid. and at the final
sutuming Up of Ihr rote,, by the ('h•t•t
on bchatl of the perlotyu Intrrtirtrd la
and promoting or opposing the Passing
of 'the aunt proposed tVlaw, reef..s•t-
The ('k•rk of the Council of tela
*aid Town of (;oderh•h will atter,.l at
his office In the Town Hall. at tea
titlark la the forenoon, on Tuesday,
the fifth day of January, 1,939, to 'um
up the toulth.r of votes for 314
against the said prKIoso d bylaw
1.. L. itNo'.
Town Cf"r)t.
R3 i.Alt' ).ill. ,-41 1!k' ill�i5 01' THE
al Corporation of lb* Town of Hod.
crit It.
.1 Ity-►a' to pr'rhdr funds for the
eroetto) to a new 3lunlclpl Dulk}I°g.
tt'111:419.14) it is Proposed to erect
a new brick, steel and eonere'te, fire-
proof wunlripai building of approxi-
mately 1(hs feet by 75 het. throe stories
nod lasetu.nt In height. to provide
adequate aerummutiattu° for munici-
pal uttk•es. eoune•ll and committee
rhambn•r44 tire hall cod firemen's
apartments, public rest rooms 'with,
conrenleuces. e•ommunity .moms, audi-
torium. vaults for rer'rda mad ar-
chives. police quarters, Ladies, e'urt.11
atromm4rlation for magistrates and
children's ,aid department, and to
...tuft) th.• ,,same;
ANL W14 144:.\:e ltulw•rt XeKay.
k:sei.. of Hie Town of l:uderich, has
gtv4rrouwly uudenaken and agreed to
provide 113.Ota, towards the cost of
th,' construction of the bald building
and more especially the a'nnnunity
.tXD Vt'HE1t}:AN the existing bent,
g is entirely unsuitable for the pray. -
eat requirements and will not trod' R0°1 - & ►T. _TR' �
ff/self to idvanta Ct4
ite.UN es, ..r:numi4•al }'f►BTABo room.. d..,j 0? lea,
remodelling; to private honer; f'41Y..
AXI. W*15ft) Ali it is deemed dr_ furuiahed. Ji:411sr, 4oarr,t1.. 424
ulrable in the interest of the town and Square. Apply Tin; Sit/NAL 24
people of the ...immunity tI•• 2t
Aoconntaat. 102 Ontario street.
Stratford. Phone 1340. llsa. 13309.
TO Imo"
=Morn building i eforth 1414)4,.4; a
ANT) wlll':111.:A8 it is definitely as-
sured that coosisl,rablr ..your 4•M
b.' ,k•rivelt from the said building
sial ll-wmo Cdr=rattyty re nee j.itr 1!41
AXD N'H}:It})A4 it will he newes-
t' ...
the suns of purposes Grretu to rale ayra examined by the later, mat!•
afid home debentures of the oda, and the ProPer fitting of chums
eurporatioa of the Town of Iloderh•h,at moderate Prices. Ontario Boar*
for Elitbtv•}Ivr Thoutltlnd lbtlaro of Examiners 11443.0001; the proceeds of the• Said dr ( `
hentureo to 'be applied to the purpose 1
hereto and no other;
AND �1'ltly,'BI'LLic it is desirable to' puUr. W. R.. JACKSON,
issue the sold debenture. amounting i and Director eft •4. Organist)
to Eighty -Five 1110U*aud 1)ul1ara (4,;,- Irk. NwI
11001 at 03)14 Pim,• 'street Methodist Voice
chure•h. Ifi* 1".*l,tp
and to make ills. given 1n Voice Culture, Orll:aa Plano.
Principal of the said debt reparable. Violin, Guitar. Theory. etc. Stadio atb
by tearer mime during a iteri:nl of
twenty years, bring the ca t(taldaset. >K North Kroft. none 184
the maid debentures. the meld __
'.1101.4 tw•ing of such resm444443 CHIROPRACTOR
am.Nltlr• Tllrt for aggresses tr amount-
Payable in 14411 year for prhe•lps! and 1 DR. A. �. IIROPRO\
interest in reopoet of said debt a1aUI CHIROPRACTOR
be ay nearly as possible equal to the i Goder(eh.
amount payable lu each of for othor Chronic orpnic
timet win yeas. 411 the sad aervoas digs
Bald_ irriod _ ,,lessees. COaaatl 7 . fare. Otl3es
AXi. 1\'HIi:R}:Ait the total amooat. Coors = to •'• sad 7 to 8
,quire'd hr the t• g Yonder ant Thut•sdaP.m. extrys.
r consolidated Muni- !° y
!at .let of ltr� and earnJn 7 atter°ootr
to tw• raised analis ✓C'• and by
ally by aPreiai rate Mr paying the d Victoria
Wald 11..14 an.i interest as horeinafter and 1'k•torla streets.
provided la the aura of 19x2D.02 :
AN)h W1JERE.%s the amtuut 41f the j IO DI(.'AL•
whole rateable property of the Town . ' -
. OPTOME1'Ble'1'. OPTICIAN, +�
Moor Uta1tr a t nadlad___""._
0,,,41 asee--smen, roll thereof is 821 SITM, 11Ale. NOR* IgneOAT '
e-7:11.141t72141:d:eborsture debt of the 'said at Moorefield Sye Hospital stalil
Late KOWA Surgeon New Tort Cm&
AND WHEREAs Rio amount of the thalmle and aural Hospital, assistas4
MnnielPulltY P4 4550.sollat teacintnte Golden Square Throat Itaerpltal. Lan -
of kver's1; improvoment debts tweiired by don, Eng.
overlie acts. rate: or Aliligelpitywntto. 1
53 Waterloo It. 8.. Stratford Tel -
tool Council of the Corporation of the.
0 1 1 Th.• 31 unielpal Connell of 11/P , alOtIth. from 7 o'clock. till tbe follow -
,,r erelerich shall rah. the ROM
of $85.4100.0i for the purpose. ereet•
Mg a new Municipal Builiffng and
Community Mill situate in the maid
Town of Roderic!. and the proreeda "“'"rS rifribilite34r.gES tr.
the said purposos mid no other.
debenture,. of the told Town of Hod -
(2.1 In order to rabwi the said sum., C. sii0EALIT;c1'31,1Tot (N'.otaltryARRpn18.1Tbue Ram.
aforeivalti beariog interest at tire per jOode'rieb•
ernt. per annum shall he loaned with-
in one Yellt front the rianalnit of thlal
P100.00 and shall be dated upon the
Minn be for the sum of not less than Pilot"' 97.
4.14eh of which dt•itentnres1 • itt:frieei,..e:oTrheto sq.l.naLr.e7i:loordsenri.eh.
date of the biome thereof. ami avail be
parable. annually at the Bank of Mont-
real. at the Town of Hoderieli. within
twenty- year.. thereafter.
gaeh of OH. saki debontnrel
Ahab be *limed tlie Mayor of Mel
law to mien the sante 11 y
Treasurer of the sold l'orporation. and _a -
the Clerk ',hall atraeh thereto tbe
corporate seat of the Mmdetpaittr. 1. INSCRANCII
the 4.urrpney of the maid , J. cAvANAlm
Agr--47--nt for
Also fIre, automobile and aecidaat
Raps it Nape
six from Clinton, adjaeent to church 420.62
Good cement biotic sterett-roomed or the
first -dam laud w oll lite -drained., for pr
honme; hank-baru 402118; driving I at, Th
house and garage 301[50: orchard of the day
55 good wintor apples: nmer-failing
water supply. For %abet' Panics'
lane apply tn OfIWALD GINN. R. R.
1. GoderIch. Phone 10-4)03.
own of Gooseritt tho stun of $41. -
for the purpose of tenor/nit the
t -In Mitch bf the paid yoars
!Minot and littorest -In' respect
meld debt. •
.of the Atoll postsing thereof.
Tetepbone No. 119.
*slew attended to anywhere and even
effort made to give satistactloo
Farmers' sale not... elletecninted..
Qualified Auction/sir,
Elden Street. Goderleft,
eonduet any astir In th, enmity
of Huron. For Information app/y to
P. J. Ryan. Hamilton At.. or orders
left with Itim will receive rrompt at
4* for honoehold effects farm stock
toe. for tho County of Huron
Conn. -If of the- rdT1101.444iftry Ilf 111.
coMber, 2925,
TARE. NOTICE that the shore Is
Into cow' of n preen -Ned bYbiet--*Itle
has been taken Into eonelderatioa, an
whir* will he finally possoil try th
Council of the Municinglity (In th
most of the-1101ff 1st HIP rtretitrIlt
obtakted thereteil after one month
from the Ant publleattoo of a ern),
thetrof in The (Wretch Star and The
Goiterich Signal newspapers. the dare
of whk.h poblication watt thr 10111 day
of December. Malt - -
that all leaseholders ottaliffett tinder
84.11011 Mi. tt a 3, and amontinomta
thereto, Are required 14>n tteiVo hofore
date. of rottna to (Mg with me
ALRANCE CO. -Fa rut and lsolatel
town property Insured.
Offlettea-.-Jak Connolly. Pres., Ong
rich P. Co,: las. Brant Tice-Preet.
altleaforth: Robert Ferri*, Harittet:
etMurray Arne:ether?: Salim
'Crane. Reechwood; James Coattail?.
John Morro,. Aeaforthr N. FDerthley.
Seaforth. Polley -holders eaa Ay
payments And art their -arse renetno
ed at ... J. Morriates Clothing Store.
Clinton: R. H. Cutt'a Groeery.
Non tareet. flodettch. or .1. H. Zaire
Sens,. Sten, Barfield.
Tho mom ormifortable thine, of all
are old slipper* and obi Mende