HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-04-29, Page 6It's. Never liVortli More Than Now • • rage Six The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, April 29, 1953 HELP WANTED.---vxligAix FOR SALE CRESS CORN SALVE—for sure re- lief, Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve — wear stylish shoes soon. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—Ten young pigs six weeks' old. Ben MeClenaghan, Phone 402-3-1, 29b WANTED---Egg packers and poultry house workers. Steady employ- ment. Apply office of United Co- operatives, Wingham. 29b ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and stamp pads sold at The Wingham Advance-Times. FOR, SALE-19 pigs, ready to wean, Donald McCormick, phone 604-W-2. 29b KIN=KENO NUMBERS Wed. April 22 B=2 Thur., Apr. 23 N=45 Fri., Apr. 24 B.10 Sat., Apr. 25 1=26 Mon., Apr. 27 G=51 Hugh Cook, Beigrave completed full house on G-51 for 8400 KINSMEN CLUB of WINGHAM Eat AarytIlring with FALSE TEETH! Refit and tighten your dentures with BRIMMS PLASTI- LINER... the permanent reliner OVER 5,000,000 PACKAGES SOLD ONLY 1.50 for 1 Plate CARD OF THANKS We 'wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbours for the kind- ness and sympathy shown in the loss of our dear r. ;they, for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and letters of sympathy. We especially wish to thank Rev, H. L. Parker and Rev. Charles Cox for their consoling words; Miss Stella Nethery, Mrs. Clarence Wade, Mrs. George Jordan and Mrs. Harold Walsh for their many acts of kindness. The VanCamp family. 29* Mrs. Carrie Cutler, President Rebekah Assembly Visited Lodge Over one hundred ladies of the three lodges, Walkerton, Teeswater and Wingham Rebekah lodges held a joint meeting in the Wingham lodge rooms on Tuesday evening last, in honour of Mrs. Carrie Cutler, of Welland, presi- dent of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. A guard of honour welcomed her into the lodge room. Mrs. Norma McKay, of Ripley, district deputy pres- ident of Kincardine district was also present and spoke to the members. The Wingharn'Degree team exempli- fied the degree on the initiation of two candidates under the direction of degree captain Roy Bennett. Noble Grand Anne Henry introduced the president, Mrs. Carrie Cutler, and she spoke on, how to he a good Re- bekah, which was very interesting to all. Afterwards she was presented with a gift by the joint lodges. Visitors were also present from Ripley., The meeting was closed in the usual manner and a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses of the evening. • CARD OF THANKS M. and Mrs, Jim Angus wish to express their gratitude to friends !RADIO MEN DISCUSS and neighbours for the flowers and many acts of kindness and sympathy extended to them in their recent be-' reavement. Special thanks to Dr. McKibben and Rev. Alex Nimmo. 29b AT OTTAWA MEETING FOR SALE 19,51 DODGE CLUB COACH This car has gone only 29,000 miles . , . is clean inside and out . has a lovely grey finish, good rubber, equipped with Air Conditioning , Automatic Windshield Cleaners Priced for quick), sale, Financing can be arranged. PHONE 674-It musimmunowainimmumn MEN'S Sport and Fine Shoes HARRY BROWNE COB CORN Limited Supply of Well Matur- ed Cob Corn for delivery to your farm. Low Moisture Content. Grown in Wallaceburg District Prompt and Conrtemis Service Assured. Attention FarmersA We have a special service of ground hammered corn. There is a limited supply, be sure to phone 455 or 589. This can be obtained at JOHN BUMSTEAD & SON Phones 455 or 589 Wingham Safer, Easier, Faster from start to finish $175 Richard Hudnut announces the all-new home permanent with revolutionary Beauty Rinse Neutralizer NEW! BEAUTY RINSE NEUTRALIZER with creme rinse built-in. Automati- cally neutralizes, conditions and beauty-finishes hair in one quick step. Gives you bouncier, prettier, longer-lasting curls with a never- before kind of natural lustrous softness. Never that "new perma- nent" look! NEW! DOUBLE-QUICK METHOD. Mimi- notes all nuisance steps. No messy dripping time. No waiting for hours while hair dries on curlers. Takes less time from start to fin• ish than any other type of home permanent, You can unwind curia immediately! NEW! SAFETY-BALANCED WAVING LOTION. Balanced and buffered to protect hair vitality and health. Insures a curl that goes right to the ends. Gentlest regular lo tion on the market today. NEW! SALON CUSTOM-TIMING for your. kind of hair. You control the curl with professional-type safe- guards. No fizz, no fuzz, no "fail to take." Say goodbye forever to that "new permanent" look! We ynake no wild promises, no empty guarantees. Your beautiful hair will speak for itself. ERR'S DRUG STORE Finest Beauty Preparations P.bRSONALS MOTHER'S DAY is Sunday, May 10th—McKibbon's have suitable gift suggestions and a full display of Mother's Day Cards by Rustcraft. 29:6b SAVE $$$ PLUMBNG SUPPLIES KITCHEN SINKS - BATHROOM SETS—Porcelain enamel steel acid resisting sinks, three-piece bath- room sets, white or coloured - chrome fittings. Laundry tubs, shower cabinets, pressure water systems - oil burners - septic and oil tanks, air conditioning furnaces, convector radiation, Helpful instal- lation diagrams in free catalogue. All shipments delivered, you pay no freight, Write or visit S, V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES, STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO. 1:8:15:22:29 FIVE BIG FEATURES of the Surge Filter Cooler--filters and cools in one operation, will handle up to 40 gallons of milk an hour, needs only to be attached to pressure system, is all stainless steel construction, and no milk is exposed. Call Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer, phone 593, Wingham. 22:29b FOR SALE-3-piece Chesterfield Suite in excellent condition, grey colour, priced 50%. Phone 275, 22:29b WHEN YOU WANT to send the very finest Mother's Day greeting, choose a "Coutts" card at Kerr's Drug Store. 29b PICTURE FRAMING a Specialty. Warren House. 29:13:27rrb FOR SALE—one all-white porcelain table top electric range, $190. Phone 29. 29b FOR SALE—Four re-built washing machines. Guaranteed $40 and up. Thomson Appliances. 29b FOR SALE—Boys' balloon bicycle, C.C.M. used only 2 years, tire size 26 x 2. Phone 201. 29b FOR SALE-10 x 20 brooder house and used oil brooder stove in ex- cellent condition. Apply Jim Ben- inger, phone 176. 29b FOR SALE-6-tube Motorola car radio, excellent condition. Phone 637-J. 29* FOR SALE--Man's C.C.M. Bicycle with three-speed gear. Good con- dition. Phone 735-J-3. Bob McMur- ray. 29* RUSTCRAFT MOTHER'S DAY CARDS are so right! See them today at 1VIcKibbon's. 29:6 SELLING OUT ! Complete selection of household articles, including beds, stove (electric), chesterfield suite, chairs. Everything must go by May 25th. For particulars phone Wingham 674-R. 29b FOR SALE—Man's bicycle, in good condition. Phone 90. 29h 'OR SALE—Baby crib, all steel with spring and mattress; Full size piano bench with music depart- ment; ladies' roll-top writing desk. A. J. Walker, Shuter St., phone 224. 29b ATTeINTION POULTRY RAISERS— A "NEW LOW PRICE on VI- OXALINE" (Sulfaquinoxaline Li- quid Concentrate) $10.00 for a 160 Ounce Canadian Gallon, is now on sale at McKibbon's and Kerr's Drug Store in Wingham. 29b SEED FOR SALE Local grown No, 1 Clovers and Timothy. Per bus., Alfalfa $23.50, Red Clover 16,00, Timothy 8.00, Yel- low Sweet 7.20, White Sweet 6.60, Per lb., Ladma $1,10, White Dutch .70, Reed Canary .60, Orchard .30, Brome .26, Meadow Fescue .25. Complete stock of other grasses, Oats $1.50 bus. We do custom grain cleaning and treating. ROY CRAMI & SON Pinkerton, Ontario Phone Cargill 68-w-3. rrb CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE—'50 Ford Custom Tudor, built-in radio, new slip covers, pric- ed for quick sale. Phone 291. 29:6:13:20* FOR SALE-1938 Plymouth coach, in good condition. Phone 489. 29b WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY A complete line of farm kaPletnents. Full selection of Watt'S Rose Brand Farm Peed Made In Palmerston, Out MERKLEY'S GAIIAGP. AND sotttotnt SALES & Beittibre Ontario POULTRY FOR SALE POULTRYKEEPERS—see these new May prices on Hillside Chicks, Pul- lets - dayold $19.90 - 2 week $30. - 3 week $33,90, Also older pullets. Mixed chicks. Cockerels. Canadian Approved. Contact agent Mitchell Elliott, R.R. 5, Brussels, Phone 13r13. 29b MISCELLANEOUS FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb GIBSONS UPHOLSTERING SHOP-- Chesterfields, chairs; recovered truck and car seats. MAPLE Street, Wingham, phone 553J. 1 :8 ;15 :22 :29 :6 :13* BAKER'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Lucknow, Ont., has opened a new wing, anyone requiring accommo- dation, phone 129-M, tray service, nurses in charge at all times. E. V. Baker, manager. 29:6:13:20* .SPECAL OFFERS SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your Wingham Co-operative. Ask for your Cash div- idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream. It pays to deal with the United Co- operatives in Wingham. 25rrb DOLLARS HAVE MORE SENSE when saved and used the Credit Union way. Help us build a com- munity investment fund for profit. Information on Beigrave Credit Union at the Co-op or Ab. Nethery in Wingham. Serves a 15 mile radius. 22 :29b FARMERS AND POULTRYMEN— Caponize your young cockerels; better returns in meat and price, apply Miss Vicki Moszkowski, R.R. 3, Wingham. Phone 713-w-2. 29* ROOM WITH BOARD WILL GIVE ROOM and board to young man. Phone 418. 29b REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham. 2rrh FOR SALE—House and lot on Centre street, residence of the late Mrs. Birtch. Apply Box 20, Advance- Times. !rrb FOR SALE-6 room stuccoed house with asphalt roof; 3-piece bath up-, stairs and 2-piece bath downstairs; centrally located; large basement and furnace, for further information phone 293. llrrb FOR SALE-5 room frame house with 3 room apartment adjoining; 3 piece modern bath; upstairs new- ly decorated; modern kitchen and dinette. Lot 66' x 132'. Immediate possession. Phone 293 for further information. 15rrb • FOR SALE--By tender, white brick church, 40' x 28'; good condition; to he sold as standing; formerly'Orange Hill United Church; lot 16, con. 10, Howick. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until May 6th, Ap- ply Geo. Galbraith, R. R. 1, Gorrie; Phone 44 r 1, Fordwich. 22:29b FOR SALE—Vaa storey frame house in Bluevale; hard and soft water inside on pressure system; good location; small barn on premises. Apply Sperling Yeo, phone 610-w-4. 29 :6b FOR RENT FOR, RENT—One acre of garden ready for use. Apply Mrs. Lewis, North Street, Phone 642-J-12. 29b FOR RENT-100 acres available for pasture, good grass and never fail- ing water. Mel jermyn, Bluevale, phone 53r12 Brussels. 29* LOTS riOR, SALE FOR SALE--Two full size building lots, Apply Mrs. L 5, Beninger, phone 176, 29b HELP WANTED—MALE MACHINISTS—Experieneed 1st. class men, required by Western Ontario manufacturer, Good wages, excellent working conditions, Apply to Mr. (!race, plant superintendent, the Dominion koad MAchinery Co, Urn.- ited, Coderleh, Ontario, MAKE MONEY and win friends, sel- ling our exclusive blouses, nylons, lingerie, Satisfaction guarapteed. No investment. Good commission, Stenber Distriobting Company, 30 McRoberts Aye., Toronto. 29b SEAMSTRESS for sewing upholster- ing covers. Apply Fry & Blackhall Ltd., Wingham. 29b WANTED PIANO WANTED preferably Mason & Risch, Heintzman or Sherlock Manning. Apply Box 26 Advance- Times, 22:29* DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Palmerston 123W, Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR- DON YOUNG LIMITED, 1rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Annie E. Corrigan late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 26th day of March, A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of May, 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 2nd day of May the assets of the said testatrix will be distri- buted_ amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. Dated this 14th day of April, A.D. 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 15:22:29b TENDERS WANTED Signed, and sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o"clock, E. D. T., 28th of May, 1953, for tenders for the construction of a Laundry and Boiler room for the Wingham General Hospital at Wing- ham, Ontario. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Architects, Roun- thwait & Fairfield, 22 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ontario, or from (Mrs.) E, B. Walker, Secretary- Treasurer of the Wingham General Hospital Board, Wingham, Ontario, upon deposit of $25.00. Sub-trades may see the drawings at the Archi- tects or at the Wingham General Hospital, Wingham, Ontari6. Separate mechanical and electrical tenders are requested. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Eleanor- J. Walker, Secretary-Treasurer, Wingham General Hospital Wingham, Ontario. 22 :29 :6 :13 :20b TENDERS FOR COAL Federal Buildings—Province of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to undersigned and endorsed "TEN- DER FOR COAL", will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.) WEDNES- DAY, MAY 13, 1953, for the supply of coal and coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, Terms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Ar- chitect, 236 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attached thereto. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful ten- der, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent com- panies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Do- minion of Canada, or the aforemen- I tioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guar-1 antee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. ROBERT FORTibiR, Acting Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 15, 1953. 29 :6b CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my thanks and appreclaa Mon to the kind friendS who rememe `bered me with cards and gifts while I was in ,the hospital, A special thanks to Mrs. Morrey and her kind staff Of nurses and pe, Painter. Bridge Club Score. Seven tables were in play at the weekly meeting of the bridge club last Thursday. Results were: North and South: 1, Mrs, J. H. Crawford and W. H. French; 2. Mrs. A. R. DuVal and V, Dittmer; 3. Mrs. W. H. French and Mrs. G, Godkin, East and West: 1, Mrs, J, J. Brown and 0. Haselgrove; 2. R. Bonner and 3, A. Wilson; 3, Mrs. R. E. McKinney and Mrs. G, H. Ross, Here's Your Chance To Win $20.00 Would you like to win $20.00 in merchandise certificates? A bit of extra spending power for that spring hat, fishing rod, buggy for the baby, or just plain food? Get into the "Words of Wisdom" contest and find out how easy it is. Nothing to buy, sell or mortgage. Just follow the rules on page 9, rack your brains a little, and you're in business. And you can start right now. That $20,00 could come in awfully handy! At a meeting last week in Ottawa, five well-known central Ontario broadcasters discussed the problems of providing television service to those areas of Ontario north and west of Toronto which are :lot currently being covered. A. Keith MacKinnon, eminent radio consulting engineer informed the group that there are still many pn- known factors in the field of television propagation, and it is therefore ex- tremely difficult if not impossible, to accurately estimate the potential cov- erage of a TV station, with a slide rule and a drafting board. This group, consisting of Ralph Snelgrove, of CKRB Barrie, Fred Metcalf CJOY, Guelph, W. T. Cruick- shank, CKNX, Wingham, Bill Hawk- ins, CFOS, Owen Sound and Gordon Smith, CFOR, Orillia, was in Ottawa for the, purpose of investigating the possibility of using the Collingwood mountain as a site for a television station on channel 3. All of the proposed ideas however' proved graVe problems technically, which could only be resolved by con- tinuing study and discussion. Following the technical discussions, the group made tentative plans for an extensive tour of American Television !installations, Further studies of the many and varied problems posed by ' this new medium will be undertaken in the near future. Water Down Drain Threat to Existence Luc=Tee=Win Told Eighty percent of the available water in this district is going "down the drain", according to Irwin Lob singer, chairman of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority. Mr. Lobsinger was speaking at a meeting of the Luc-Tee-Win Conservation club, held at the Wingham Town Hall last Tuesday. Speaking of 'the importance of water to the community, Mr. Lob- singer pointed out that 'this district is experiencing on 80% run-off of all the rain that falls, due to indiscrim- inate ditching and over cutting of trees. He cited the deserts of North Africa, which used to be heavily forested, as examples of what might happen in this country if present trends continue. "We must get away from the heritage of the pioneers, who thought of trees as enemies to be destroyed as quickly as possible", the speaker stated. Mr. Lobsinger touched on the con- servation projects which were now under way in the district, particu- larly the Saugeen Valley Conserva- tion Authority, He said that the government • was paying dollar for dollar in the scheme, which is ex- pected to cost a total of about $20,000 this year ,mainly in reforestation. He expressed the hope that a Mait- land Valley Authority would be set up before too long, to deal with sim- ilar problems in the Wingham dis- trict. In closing Mr. Lobsinger made a plea for better farmer-sportsmen relations. He cited numerous inci- dents where ignorant and uninformed sportsmen had incurred the farmer's wrath by stupid and malicious acts, and urged the club to make sure none of their members act in such unsportsmanlike fashion. Following Mr, Lobsinger's . talk, coloured movies, sponsored by the Carling Conservation Club, were shown on hunting and fishing sub- jects. About 100 Members and guests were present at the meeting, THANK YOU I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all my customers and bespeak a continuance of this good will for my successor, Mr. Leslie J.- Bilitiett. FRED D. NEWMAN —Mr. and Mrs. Mike McPhail, Bob and Mary Ellen, were Saturday visit- ors in St. Marys. —Mrs. E, M. Snell has returned home after visiting in Chicage, Illin- ois and Dayton, Ohio. Joe Kerr and W. B. McCool wore in Toronto last week where they attend- ed the presidents' dinner of the Ont- ario Road Builders' Association, —Mrs. (Rev.) H. L, Parker and Elizabeth, spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Simpson of Glencoe, —Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Elliott and son, Brad, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown. Mr. Jim Spielvogel and Miss Jean Dolmage, Kitchener, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spiel- vogel. —Mrs, Geo. Dalgleish of Hamilton, visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gannett and attended the meetings in the Presbyterian Church. —Mrs. George Deyell and Miss Dorothy Deyell left on Sunday to spend several weeks with the former's sister, Mrs, Walter Tisdale, and other friends in Kindersley, Saskatchewan. —Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir,' of Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Weir, Leopold Street. Mrs. Thos. McMichael of Wroxeter, was also a week-end vis- itor at the same home. —The 66th Annual Diocesan meet- ing of the. Woman''s Auxiliary of the Church of England was held in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, on April 21st., 22nd and 23rd. 'Those attending from St. Paul's Church, Wingham, were Mrs. (Rev.) H. L. Parker, Mrs. (Dr.) Wm. Connell and Mrs. Jack King. Bride-Elect Honofed Miss Gertrude Wraith, popular bride-elct, was guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower on Wednesday evening, held at the home of Mrs. Harold Taylor, Josephine Street. As- sisting the hostess were Mrs. K. Sim- mons, Miss Anne Geddes and Mrs. Ernest Walker. EXTRA MILEAGE In the United Kingdom, where sugar- control continues to be rigid, Bilges costs twice as much as in Canada, Where controls were removed in 1949. Repairing SHOES Sales 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Wool Growers' Organization' WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Shippers may obtain sacks and twine- without charge from George Haldenby, Holyrood Morley McMichael, R.R. 2, Wroxeter. Norman McDowell, Beigrave or by writing direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada BIRTHS MeCALLUIVI—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, April 22nd, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Callum, 57 Craig St„ London, a ;ion, HACKETT—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, April 23rd., 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hack- ett, R. R. 7, Lucknow, a daughter. BAKER—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Thursday, April 23rd., 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker, Wingham, a daughter, SNELL—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Saturday, April 25th„ 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Snell, Londesboro, a daughter. SHIELL—In Brantford General Hos- pital on Tuesday, April 21st, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shiell (nee Susan Paisley) a son. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Thos. Weir and family wish to thank neighbours and friends for their kindness, sympathy and flowers during their recent bereavement. Also wish to thank Dr, Crawford, Mrs, Morrey and the staff of the Wingham General Hospital. 29*