HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-04-22, Page 9 JENKINS REPAIR SERVICE Phom;e 316-W Minnie Street Wingham choremaster, Rue and Springfield Garden Tractors Rotary Tillers Power 'Mowers Toro Sportlawn, Starlawn and 'Whirlwind from 18" to 2'l" Taylor Forges NEW Hand Mowers. and USED htAciFtms Before yon buy see the reason why Headquarters for Power Lawn Garden Equipment Sharpening — Clem and Bantam Rotavatore — Repairing 141111111111111.111101/ on F i. - ri.9 • ROY WARD DICKSON and his Goofy-gang ADMISSION • Advance Sale $1.25 = General $1.40 • • • 441131111111111111111111111111111,111B1111111111111111111111111111161111111111111111E11111111111111111111111115111111111111111111111111b. i .„ .. a . i $2,500 in valuable PRIZES i i in the i 1 i WINGHAM ARENA itountlistomoommolisiimiumansiiirimiflontuticiiitiectiailinitimittoili% it I I FUN PARADE OVER REASON NUMBER ONE WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THE Featuring Bring a gag-bag a shopping bag filled with odds and ends. Any one item could win a NEW EASY WASHER. sponsored by Kinsmen Club of Wingham HIGHLIGHTS from the HIGH SCHOOL examattit lattata. . • ae". REGENT CLUB COUPE eatee Pb seistre - • - • and road-test a lively new pooGE A"411P".' YOU ENJOY GREATER SAFETY letter All-round Vision— New, curved one.piece windshield and downswept hood give you a closer, wider view of the toad. Higher, wider ski, and roar windows provide excellent all-round 'Watt. Wide-sweeping electric windshield wipers give constant. vied, efficient performance. Unique StifotrRirn Whools —Standard equipment on all Chirpier-built tars— het!? hold tire on the rim In ease of a bloW. ovt, allowing safer, strapght.line stops, ,ot-Cytincior Front WhoOl Brakes --Dodge hat two hydraulic cylinders in each front wheel brake for balanced tontrof .--provIdine more stopping power in front where It is needed, Ikake linings are of rivetless Cycleborei lining which provide lenget, troublefree life with no chance of drum storing. A NEW IDEA FOR GREATER CONVENIENCE The front seat of Dodge two-door models is divided 1/2 -3i so that rear seat passengers can get In and out with minimum disturbance of front seat riders, " Sunshine or rain, spring gales or balmy breezes, you'll be safe, comfortable and content in a new, livelier 1953 Dodge, You'll find that a brand new approach to suspension design has helped create a car which handles surely . hugs the root—. . and takes the curves in stride. You'll experience new performance too —with a new, more powerful engine (now rated at 108 h.p.). And, if you desire, you can have the smoothness and no-shift ease of new Dodge Hy-Drive, available on Mayfair and Regent series at extra cost, With Hy-Drive you shift directly into High— then you can stop and go as yo:- please without touching the gearshift or clutch. Discover this amazing new Dodge for yourself. Come in today and arrange for a road-test. DODGE ,111;10MS' cog 0. Ept-iymovne 11eouitqweasniu:Oftwoo.q,c604 ,?" When you need neap in a hurry, you reach for your telephone ... Think of the difference it makes — just knowing your telephone is j there, ready to serve you in any emergency. No price can measure its usefulness. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA LET'S PUT OUR SPARE TIME TO WORK FOR A constructive, healthy and profitable way of using your spare time is to join the Reserve Free. You serve Canada and yGarself by using some of your spare time to train with the Reserve Force. t. final work, There is PO limit. ae to individual entries, Mr, Cecile pointed eat, however; that each entry to cianlity must be accompanied by the name and ade dress of a non-resident of Ontario to whom -a free map and literature will. be sent by the Department, The contest closes on May 15th next. Contestants are invited to asks the Department of Travel and Pub- licity to send them literature if they feel it would assist them in prepar- ing their letters, Mr. Cecile said that originality of tlinug,lit and e4- pression. would. be. one of the principal points upon which the letters would be judged. Address of the Department is Room BE 1, 67 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. OLD, ORAHR. 0114NO1GS CUSPIDORS OUSTED Archie G. MacKay was elected presi- dent of the Kincardine Club at, its an- nual meeting on Wednesday night suc- ceeding D. A. Paterson. Spence Mit- chell is vice president with Dwight Coughler as secretary-treasurer. Only matter of business at the an/ nual meeting was a suggestion by the president that the eleb "dispeee of fife teen cuspidors." The meeting was ad- vised that they were "outdated and were no longer considered sanitary." Placed in the club upon its formation in 194 the "spittoons" were quickly snapped up as souvenirs. The Kincardine Club, has been in operation for almost forty years and credit for its success is given to a etricir observance of by-laws and an , eleven o'clock curfew,--Kincardine, j SEE OUR. BEAUTIFUL BRIAR PIPES $2.50 $3.50 HASELCIROVE'S SMOKE SHOP AROUND SCHOOL by Catherine Keating New that things have more or less settled down again after the examina- tions, everybody around Wingham Diatrict is back to normal again. The annual Easter High School dance was held last Friday night in the Wingham Aimonries, Music was supplied by Johnny Day and his or- chestra, Everyone present had a good time and the student body as well as the staff is hoping for more of these school shin-digs in the future. On Friday morning, last week Mr, Hall called Ruth Toner and Ken Holmes to come before the assembly in the main hall. Ruth and Ken wore the 1st and 2nd. prize winners respectively in the 1952 contest for the new school crest. Ruth Toner was presented with a new school ring for designing the winning crest. Ken Holmes runner-up, was given a new school pin, The new pins, ring, and crest bear Ruth's de- sign, The whole school wishes to con- gratulate these two people on their good work. Sometime this week the "old men" of the staff are slated to play a game of basketball with senior boys' team. The date of the big game has not yet been disclosed but it is rumoured that it will lie in the very near future. This is one game that should prove very interesting to everyone. No doubt the JUVENILE INSURANCE Modern policy plans designed to serve your children's needs. of course, "Your Family Store" CONSULT— F. C. HOPPER REPRESENTATIVE Canada Life Assurance COMPANY WINGHAM PHONE 462 senior boys as well as the "old: men" will be well loosened en. They have been eating chocolate and drinking juice and running around country blecks for quite a few days and evell though both students and teachers• do get a little out of condition over exams, they look to, he shaping up quite nicely,. Do you suppose some- thing could be arranged where the lady teachers take the place of our younger cheer leaders? They might look real chic:. Mrs, Williams and Mr. Higenell pre- sented crests and. school• bars to, the members of the basketball teams and other veterans at school. All basket- ball players were given crests made in the shape of a basketball (you know- round). Veterans of two years' service in the various. activities of the school received bars lettered with their spec- ial activity. For the next few days everyone will be busy sewing crests and bars on their jkeltets and sweat- ers, You'll probably see them parading them around the streets, On Friday, April 24, our last liter- ary meeting of tie term will be staged in the Town Hall, It will consist, this time of Grade XIII talent only. Before leaving us, these beloved students have graciously consented to perform form• for us. Theprophet's address will be made by 'Sir' Clifford Coulter. The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting and join in the fun. It isn't all fun, of course. We have some very excellent talent displayed by the members of the student body, Do come, won't you?'You're hound to get a kick out of seeing or hearing any- thing that goes on around dear old W, D. H. S. "Buy it. Try it!" 33144taidaftmeel., ICE CREAM ORMElitatvA411.1t3,-.114-icarligiltartat ant-ended for last weeit) Mr, has, Graham, and son, AleX, spent the Week-end with relatives here. Mrs, E. H. Stephens hes returned to her home after spending some time with her son, Mr, Mervyn Stephens, at Goderich, Douglas. G. Kerr The death occurred suddenly at his home in London on Sunday, April 3.2, of Douglas Gerald. Kerr, only son of XTs, Mary Evelyn Kerr, of Lambeth, and the late Rev. Gee, 3, Kerr, a for- mer minister of the Gorrie and Orange Hill /Viethodist churches from 1935- 1919, Kerr served with, the Ambulance Corps in the Imperial Army in World War I and for the last 12 years was en investigator with- the Dept.. of. Vet- erans' Affairs. He had been a resident of London. for 31 years. His wife, the former Agnes. Rath, one son and two daughters survive, also his aged mother, A private funeral service was held. op Tuesday and interment was in Oak- land cemetery, Glencoe,. C.. G.. L. T.. Concert , A variety programme was presented. on Monday night in the Gorrie Com- munity hall by the Canadian. Girls in Training. Much credit is due to the girls, Mrs. J. W, V. Buchanan and to Miss Anna. Toner, leader, for the fine evening's entertainment, The opening chorus was by 13 girls. followed by, in, strumental duets by Alice and Anne Behrns. Karen Michel and. Ruth. Ton- er favored with piano solos, Marlene Feigl and Ruth Toner sang a duet, Marie Hastie sang a solo, Marlene Feigel in old time costume sang "The Old Spinning Wheel." Barbara Walm- sley gave two readings "The Moo Moo Cow" and "Maw and the Auto." Dutch scenery for a Dutch chorus with the girls in costume was a pretty number, There were two short plays and the closing number when the girls dressed in their white middies and blue skirts gave the purpose of their organization and a song. Rev. J, W. V. Buchanan was chairman and Mrs. Norman Car- son was accompanist. Students Offered Two Thousand Dollars For Writing Letters High school students throughout Ontario are eligible to win $2,000, in a letter writing contest just announced by the Honourable Louis P. Cecile, Minister of Travel and Publicity for the Province. Mr. Cecile stated that the contest is sponsored by his Department to encourage Ontario students to write letters inviting friends and relatives who live beyond Ontario, either in Canada or the United States, to come to Ontario this year. Contest rules are now being advertised throughout the Province: First prize is $400. - second $250. - and $100. as third; followed by 50 prizes of $25. each. All students en- rolled in Grades IX to XIII or their equivalent are eligible. Letters are not to exceed 200 words and may be I written in English or French. Stu- dents must have their teacher certify that the letter submitted is their orig- for your INTERIOR DECORATING CONSTILT Jensen & Zurbrigg Decorators Phone 4342-w-1.2 Phone 68?-ev CHAS, DEVER IMPERIAL OIL Ltd. Farm Trade Agent Report Monday Nights ARMORIES WINGHAM DODGE MAYFAIR DODGE REGENT DODGE CRUSADER CRAWFORD MOTORS PHONE 110 WINGHAM