HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-12-24, Page 4......44MAcmoN6 „ r, . er et, • p'^ • 4- Thursday, December 24, •f • .•••••••41.1./....11411 . • „onNeaftemorwoo......** '1'f "frd ....MetStrilltIfkgsaa."0 THE SIGNAL, '?1,61". • 1.1 ratifelMig Hearty Christmas Greetings and a great big Thank You J-9416trAftl for the friendihipshown and the business you have given. W. C. PRIDHAM & SON MEN'S AD Our Christmas Wish ''`•• to you is "short and sweet. ' It is. 'May This Christmas Day be the ,,y Merriest You ve Ever Had." .444 4 a 4 J. J. McEWEN ram', Grocer altriAts,AJEATi.1.4tstaittmr South Side of Square MILLINERY A few smart models in Ribbon, Satin or Velvet. Specially Price Shoulder Flouers, Corsage, Bouquets. and other little suggestions for Christmas. You are invited to call. C. A. McKinnon I I Hamilton Street t? .1* 4.1sa 1.11,111.41•6NVI ET.4";Fir i-4,-.44--itart 71* rett.trtritfli 14 1.1144,-X.RVA0,084 'tri.4/.7•••.• * ---tresern•At ter testrierrantattrie +rttt,,,,ow,**'".••fr 04444•444I4 THE SIGNAL'S Clubbing List The Signal and That fo-rainte Star The Signal and The Toronto Globe 5.75 The Signed and London Adverti••• 6 75 The Sigel an!! London Free Press 6.75 :he Signal and The Mail and Empire The Signal and The FarmersSun The Signal and The Family Herald and Weskit, Star .1,1 The Signal and Saturday Night . tt The Signal and The New Outlook The Signal and The Catholic Record The Signal and McLean'. Maga.-ine .t,f,146r!Imm- The Signal and Montreal Witness eaciantgeltl CitSI 44,74, 4114* The Signal and World Wide IjO44,i0,4"...., 6.73 340 3.00 5.50 3.90 3.75 4.50 reneac•I 3.85 new 3.50 renewal 4.25 new 1.115- stssa Clubbing Rates With Other Periodicals May Be Had on Application . _ temosemenestraniall gala GODERICH, ONT. "OMNI(H TOWNtiallr SI'. AVGirs'rrsz , it.INalS141t)lillE, Ih... 2 , r. ant ritAllma.iter itt No. 1.-n» Tut*- , Mit.. .1101. l'hisholete attet lir. and Ilre. day afternoon l'..• chriettuas t-nter- 1 1,,. 11,1s1oint. ..! +;,..lerlett. virile!! talittuent • et s. \.t. 1, tbolerlt.h Iat the hoe i4 mUra. d. ("Wail/Ana's tiioia.iito; wits , d A. It % a. ale fa!tier. mr. Peter Amalfi. first i'lar)ongar ,;‘ the new -.rho& yr. 104 yr,. Jrrry oi"ousor 1444. bUildiug. the ea, -ses 1414Pe I rf sp.-"la/ teem Week it, ;Tole( the Christi:1mo va- 'iotbrest. Th• 1...itt was gait) (leve - t -014m with Detroit (Hem's. 4 rated lit 4 'hrleto,,... colt tnw awl s pretty __IL,L.L.% Elimm.in grt'onnor has rt. tree bemiring ni.•,u..- ,ric.1,..asina pa,k- aurei..d --TR;iiiirtnrrrord ^h•-•404 -Juana ..asi.v.,.e.tvoes etwe etorte-r. Mr. I lestrge hire for Itrintuuin. ,. lasIthWillte •••-•ell' In the chair Nliss Annit. (tattoo hue. retumetl of- and a proaTant ..f 2401/1:4, recitations ter ill 1L her itlite. Nro. Y. l'Op*. mod dialogues, irt.letred by tilt, 1011)116 in hilein•uer, , under direction of the teueleer. Mins M u r ph y . woe' mt 1.t..1 through SIDI...AS- !. AI 144 ql Spry 10 1 III• ol 14 I friends. lturing hd(01"11 une• of the V ----41More.- CARLOW venues rullr. airing visiting parents Hill Br 1risar MI'. -Mr.- were railed nine- 4 brief adtiretoesc IM.. -rt e:lert tool itis raster. Mier Mar- Miss Ittihertnon, ,, f, nit.r teacher.ex- afire( 8.I.-4i.lia•.• taken tip their i'4- 144,404 ,4, Ideastit.. at revisng itithe I III.14.... 1/1 I isIdereVh. DI the DIM*** !sir" lection after ncilit y'ee rw and 41.1D- 6:-.4„xli 1_!,•:„, Mr. (heti last rutunger. gratulated the w h.;..1 an trunteen up - Mr, fleet, • 111 he t ery ttinetr misted 10 i'.1) thp An, mid .,,,,,s,„..a m.„. bun+ • th• - _ performative comilittnitj. It. he wit" $ sli""" Ing Trustee 11111.1 I fi d fill farmer taking at detintrust In 1.rthuties a frming. lie the ...ems.. of bis thee record with short- esta. he did much. by. the pur- chase of totality strew t•• improve not etty hilt own 'Boni but also the Itt•nir ot---the voninitilWy. mat Ily him lia,1 ue. IA 1.4 DIAN N• 4 011. the admira- tion of hir neighbors and eurtomers. t:len held It West entlilble reptlta• t on "five- -beim-lore /dwell and i 1.r• lial new • tilt f 1 I1 I lr A *VII n1;0.. their annual purt•itanes front • • I s ed wjth ip, . •rthe 1014.4 wegr41111 *4,4 of excellent work of the ••••11.101 ander ;..• t•ltk•lent tetgeher. Nairn Murphy. T., I. etitne the (.rowit- ing event of th. ..ftt•rtiotat. To the mound of is triattor titi .. the Jingling of sleigh -twit* Salgt.t fleas enteretl and tiroemsled to de.....linte the 1,11.1 1* with o., which the twas hung. Then the gathering ,fl -l.. -r..4 after ringing Av.:National Auth"-'" - hint to augment their *wt.* fur the. ifelliDt DI-Ni.‘NNQN *Ititete&g. ‘117.1i -p ht 1 I laer galirderMillUige" •11:1171‘ by4 1/11*.N4LIINX()X,, (kV.- .23.----A Merry tnettosliea/ tidal:slow or • u great Chrliumas to 011. %artery of a:towhee he th•veldped and w,have thr promise of blame' mtgintaineel-ar-Shm's Iiiii- a Nom), rItrintmita weather,. roll the ousting gi.at whi.ch was 'il... admiration or all ririginiwiir bring Tml-rionsm" 11,.01,14„ who sitts . it. II IM to too littpkItt 11011 t !mi., 4' It and hir sister. who The imoioamo, .'Unit PeoPie who r have Worked herd on , . mil't('j-wjulit -eweioor. "thirty; hare long be spared to enjoy a well-earned made their eppettraii".••• again 111 Mit)). rest In the county (own. the tectal spasm ,s; their parent ea,Mbleg4 homes. They ID..111.14. Mimes I). Ity .r,;,...•••".••- LiElit.RN ki".1P221d on. E. rase and j. Stotber• from th al .... .. . , 4 1,I.: 1.: fl i ' RN. Io-.- 31i„,,, • hath gins trent link* tw;,,t-t1111. L Tr.,....,14,, Ai't.I'STINIIC, Dee. to12.-Mr. (h.o. May. of !random visited friends lu•re last week: Mime Mar Redmond. of '1Norobto, , home for the /wilds!8. Mr. J. W. Itoy.le mitis lu Goderleh 011 Saturday. 1 Mr. Thos. Alexander had the mis- fortune to hare his tn.; legs broken while working in the bush. .A veleturaliou w belt' at Ladattn Academy, kitrat ford. tat Thursday evening last in honor of Very R.'v• Mean J. A. Hanlon. who has Jur* oont- pleted twentr-tire ver.. priteothuesk Limn lintriett wan present ed with au lItltitati nehlreist and a large bouqtl,4 of• ri rant hematunr. Solite years ago father Hanlon war the priest in charge of St. Auguetine parish. For the last are years he ban had charge of St. Joseph's elivirch, ral ford. tftWillitm ASIIVIELD. Dee. 21,1-Itt.t Alex nailer McLean. ut 1101 1111•11 DI 441 1 1 h. ptiliglit In the. .twittiml l•re.s14 feria n etenreh 441Sunda) 111111 wt1 -faring sermons. 'Vhe It. met at the home of Mins sittlit. .1ohnston, itt rritia:. host with the president, Mrs. John Meerfte, or- , no fleg the Atter the hUal- lairt or the Ineettug A spleneMd program was iri•t•n. anti a dainty lunch war served. Th.. Uteut I it • tiosed with the Aturing .4 the Na- tional Anthem. Initivan Ship•Intyre had Ili,. tuisfortuire of slipping 011 the lee l. -*r her home and breaking some- small hone* In her ankle. lir. tlittpment. Kintigh. and 11r. Niat•klitt of God - were 1 attendant... She Is do- ing as well as can he expeete4. hot w eon Moog M. Marl f I • T 1.4ttl..•22•••.*IICai..;1**?.S...0**.ti',411Strtr.1141.***..*„ ar.....'15014,...r.trie :t_t.`tit' 4`,1is isiplowearammagmb A Sincere Christmas Greeting . It is our pleasure at this time to wish our many customers and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. and to thank them sincerely for the support they have accorded us during the period we have been serving them. F. E. HIBBERT: Phone 86 gonna-Sriteixim41,2*Kug Goderich SVICHTVIURLD Campbell and other Mends. It should iiii• wigisTrict.to. ths, 22. The mebool enscert01r4.* 6. niteig ecu Thursday hist by So. 'midi* was it deelds1 tont.- ever. Mutt t•rettit h. due Mire. r Souerhy for the "''did training she entre h• -r • Th.- lire,. Wednesday Imo peeked a hale of o•lothing valtieti tootles ut Tprelde at *22. to he *tut to one of the Infant The final ne,dott of East Wawauosh runnel/ was Ilelti 'Fieeseint last 111 Ilestgrave. Reeve 4 '4 te. •Di 10*Thil it motet count -114+r. trennurer ',moans loam Itt bin,. for her and Irk at the '1'eattpertfitee lit/UPC rlorithi makes a e : Mr. and Mrs. Will Knot 411141 family, rte. staid.1- SIbthorpe neturned home 11Y onto. yesterday. •fter opend. .4 • 4h friends at Itresee- ftelet. in spite of several sno•drins. 'the little old Porti rattehled right 411.114 41)1 Mrx. 410/.114.11 S1101 ill Ole mi. sympathy 4.1 11 O. 4.11 y death of her father, Mr l'oultattint. em Friday, tleseember Istle. The fun - 31111 took iklitee 444s)- I 'D. -AIN I' 4. • _ ehrlinnuin vacation ai the loom. , In Islet week', Signal /I itern rend: 7.+11 twr paretetw Mr. anti Ifrs. Mat- lir- and 11". wi" e"" 3"'i r3L'IY• [alluvia of latehaish• of the West, •re .Vitert eity. of Toronto. .111mr. hi• toonce in six Shaw...Mrs Ilartm. Donald and 1)11r (*low", "It Ttleskihr ?pr MaliaUll and Satoh t Clinton, he Christmas Yucctielt. or Turonto, are spending the The annual orient! steetrufr he Vlbristmas holidays in our loirg. held Wednenday forenoon INecember Miss Mary Vanderburg. of S.14. No. mit.. tg. It -ft on Tuestkly afternoon to spend ' M. awl Ilne. It Reach AO dough t 1chrianyaA liwidays .1 h4.r ihn_nt. ter. Erma. were hr.:9)64dr of Mr. SDI „:r itieha"-----iiiwri--;:-.._-L.______ f__1_,,em_i_,.i.._.____a L it. IlleNoi. Lietriulast- .w. There war 41 Ir*, attenderve nt the in altiar. -71----'- 'bristmar. entertainment to S.S. Ni. The Smola, t41.c....1 entertainment it Awned. Moen erodir Is dep. 1,1 thi. held In the Foiled e lit reit iast Mon teneher for the sfelendid program, •ItlY evenilrg was .. •!t•eldell •-•sit-s even t4. the n..leolars The .1,0,4 w„,-, The tkopilk did rematkably well ,en flytttily deeettlte41. anti 14 1.'4, the gave n IR .•%.144.4. t I, neg r :4 al of 010141 t *brie tn311% tree After the pr. 41rat in 'eleetiolec The 1111.11'hi Hee Vvti* Write was eoneitieled Santa tistos appeared. "10 their •110)freitttion of *1"" "It" gluing 111U4•11 pleasure to the ehildren. tniaers an» oboe o1)' , f requent tap- , Ari,i.,1,1.1.-na: .4*..1 ....16.1 14 411 N A. re Onto. • Satan Claiet appestreil at th t Heel of the etritertel.tettietet Wad unload • 11•ing to !Lt. "ri".ail- hone rather "..1 ti ;trd o!, istielY chri410001 ire" " P.4J1.0101.'NT PANI RADFNT. Ihm• ?J.- Mr. and- . Mrs. J. S. railer/ton. of Ripley. were 'week -end got•ote Of Mr. and Mrs. Dickitkh*r.Is. Illeharels. of reran,. ttttt MINK Ida relive. of Toronto. is vending the r-hrismonts bot her parents. Mr. tool relee. itt Fientiock eity. • Mr... Wm. Steer. .4 risi, Ii with Jack Marron. of Imehalett , • Mies rlara Ritchie, of Zion, virittsl with Mr. and Mrs. Juek Ilentleraen.. of Pant mount. during the week. Ilr. and _link Lorne Eitertsb. Asittielol. visited with lir. and Mrs..; ,..treavtieribiaa 4,0 40e4e1te. i1er,.w-er.-LIfs manygood itf.V. J. R }Ilexes Nlerb. Dorton • and I,illian V. - - severtir-a-Teldelyos ericiregtegg-tmet inly_trretera. the paator. oeettided 'the eltailr Amiy Stein. of ' at the nerk-end. • Mbar Lott* Kraltitc .4 laicknoo "spadrting Mrs. Alex --Isettte.usinger_l_roh froMTornetto. are .1- Don't forget 01.• fowl sitia.er and ;.. arrive; _hottia rairmilaY .114444011.34111--hwk-r----the4,1'. 1 t _4.41 1,41" *I on wean...tiny L ; holm- t.f NI t II er .t t• • • 71 r . orton. Welt -Ur 4 t nit. %a Inte78/r"----- r I' • e • week. radged nitre atilleas-A ••••r:‘ plensant afternome W11.1 *11.1.11t II 1 (h. hotne of Mins Greta Campbell whei. the IStranto 1 .F.W.t 1. held- their regular meeting.' Th.- arc? tetrt of the aftcrn.ton 1... .k hie form of n milli the 4 11111 to by lb 011,1**4 I"14 114.4.1 1 oerrou near .y. t Christmas 4' today WI*-. ItTeltit teti 1.,, Mtra MItry Mrialattu l_wIlieti she rt -r• 1-itidg brought _sod the true meaning a ;12.1tristnuis._to iontic iiid old.- itwitta t•• slippery iMith• stid-Oli•kneem o too attest, »tree t ; was deemed hest for tin: delego ate t irserre th•• report a the ....o(en t loft mith next meeting. which will. tn. Lehi at the innate .1' )Ire. 11(• A it:. -,7. tot January 12t1,. Mr. and Mrat Feroute..il • 141 Sr A. V WI 1 11 Mr. and Mrs. Mil 'I 1;11 ytio rd. ,,t Ptiromomd. stating tit. 0 . 1 1 4 NIr!N. . 11111 are !ter E . . 11 sys Ireai-)id very Vitri‘t ma, gut 1„;rinii. 4-r1I41.11*" ill 4111i rated ehunch ittoot ••• h •..cr raukny t, are ..Ntwetirl mt'l" niF nou,- fr littdrod. The Wollarle* taetWote will meet .tt ;ring« ..f Mr*. Win. St..titt.ro !It r stlenio•ii.14,t-emil•er the tloY.' •-i'bristritas in 4 If her w to kelt Ot Mrs. F. Roqt.1 nn.lt eon- _ inirtve s. E. Ittindurson. Mrs. . .1 stifYaz.• end Mine 1. EntolL The ate -Mw. P. Sbertwood.-Tto- - 1' trick Shers•oltd. itrt'llrree on Thurs. ty. • - lt. ttt home of Mr. mid Niro. I't*I11101 It. 6th conc....ion of L rent. nor of the early ' Is r tot deeeeple ' re.ideittn of I lie township. Mrs. 1 1+E extend to_„,,eit_oucaik •troothorn about ....vent).- . • ..4.1*.I1 year+ att 7r4V In. Morre•eoww. customers antr Alaert a Jar!. nod le - the itex married tio re rifty-013 Years DIN Season s Greetings 't. -'k. - 6th dangitterr mutant. a Wilkie. %I r.. Wrnley 1'n/titer-in, of J. R. WHEELER Ilan.. and Mrs. Jerw.ple .1"rtrtrtma7---4-4-.14Aeld.__2* flitter& '9740 1 took place to irm:rannon remetery on the 15th inst.. . pastor. Rev. 1. R. Pete re. . the Peeeleea. Furniture Funeral Director Report 01 Innemorton Polak Settee! Hamilton S:reet. Goderech. Ont. SEA tit 1**14 431 ' The ft...Hewing shows the tarernite perem .uxe,--1-77u•-trar-Faxa miens -tuna held_ during the tot -in ''Seitterober to De - May Your Christmas Morning Be glorious and Your Smile of Christmas Cheer 4 Spread on Throughout the Y(..r-- ItArmiA .• 1:774-t.f, • I - " act "----e-feir-TrarermunressawatirmtesserPTt'orlet74a.-si, w.cear the heginning of a new year, we wish to thank ettr.__ 'Patrons c for the cordial relatiorestahlished during the past season, and we wish everyone a' very _ Merry Christmas, ith the hope that the coming year will bring you health and ptcosperity. ^41404 +CI. The S. A. GRAY CO. 4 t McCall Patterns -I+ +.4 hsdr; .' 4r41F4'',; yr st? A 1-.:12.Ltz =sip trtm Phone 56 atlrf:L r -IV McCall Patter. 1 Sr Fifth - Frt. SI1Vage R2" ---1i17 poll Gs. 1.11". Itt-1 lit•rman eel+ - .1r. -Firth- Ifurt-rret Ryan Ift, Doe thy .17t -,t 77.3. N:ite.ey Klett Igruot hoseb 4411, Marie Pecan Emily )Ir - ('lore Sr. Feuer), le utter 72. icona1.1 1I/4, .1rtheir Itrown tv 63. 11110 Everett Ifee rrho qt. Lloyd Finholee 12. .1 r. 1turt ti - 1 'a Iteritie 7n11•11 Young 02. .liatt fleet* 57. Ever- ett Errington 48, 11,1), Moore 41, _ Its *SS. l'rittei Int 1. JINlItlt RtirtAll Following-. report of th'. itenlor 1'4 AIM for th.- fall term: Jr. 111. tt..tiit 10110e- E. Ceiliteit, 6814 W, l'eitthout !toff '04N. 11. bot.- N14, 1. Slake 4013k 11. rranattan 341. It. raidatell (14. I14e-- IL 1101111 ./073) I 'et t land 7444: -Mimed 001. A. Toting 4tt.1.-15. .ttuk.rtairt 37s. If Toartinend '210. "Jr. 11. tints) tegli-Ir Trelft•TPII 'II. NI, Niciarodid 7411. 1)..INIrine AWL •I• N1,10-6 4W1. (;. _Fla. alma!) 500, It. Whyardtaill. M. A13.4. •trIl 43S. -A. Tonna 11111k r: l'rrtar•tom 17:i. I. (total :1fi00 11, Parka in? Pr. 4101411 Mint. Culbert 171. .1 Parker 4110. W. 18.4N1 404, M. celito-f-il 4-47. J. Million 240. II clani-i/leth l'arltit, Harold Vintil A etaim-V. .thdereen. M. Vowler. M. NII•Kemide. 1141, Ilt; average at- tendant., 91. 31. M. 1,11111NIN, Terieher. •, 4(34115 NYIN/••••••, wish all Our customers and friends a Merry Christmas and a Bright and ProsperouseuAT-ar • Ws 1:.41 Fit 144 -1 -MAW, Biggest values in town. Radiolas, Neutrodynes, Tubes. Batteris, etc Radio batteries charged. F. R. •MILLER Seivice Station Corner Elgin Ave, and Vidaria Street. • new, tuner a eflt• .ird dement*. sit.. Atoana f.,c1 11,..tou Wench Beauty Parlors Young ladies, we urge you to try one of OW mar - cells. You are sure to be pleased. Only one dollar and it lasts for two weeks We also do manicuring. massaginghair-tinting and shampooing, in fact every- thing the modern lady requires. W. J. Ward West St. Phone 26 "•' allea4447 entre 1.4 4144 04i/4 • ItrefOrl• a „Wed ',MIME/MR.10 kiMittIt11.' • a Greetings 7: • Season be one of brightness and joy and the NwYear tijj prosperity and genuint happiness. is our sitieere- wish to our many custorners and friends. /On --, Sturdy's Cash Grocery Goderich Fruit Market wishes to announce the opening of a new fruit store in the McLean Block, east side of Square. 7" AILE810, AJl kinds of fruit 1„ .444.4•4611. og idea irourPairoaajfaSoliald To all our customers--- r irgow-1, 010 44.0 1441 tr. Accept our sincerest thanks for your patronage - during the past year. To all we extend our heartiest wishes for oustaarni.7 -- a very Merry Christmas Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. • EAST SIDE OF SQUARE GODER1CH Fare.iit ;; 7; •.*;;;,"Z; 7'4747 74.4744.74,74."..r. , 41 , .4 449*. 4 •**!...,•• 16, **** * 7;4* y+1+ or - t4'1541 .1,14 gri'441)0‘1''' tt- vt`t,•,.4:41y v4.74.1."o14*.t4itt18 • 0,04P4 '1441Mtavoti4 VIII1,11, • A.