HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-04-15, Page 4111 1.14 *P. Prov. or Stste City or Town My Name is , Address City or Town 11111 1 1.1 ••••• ••••••••••••••• * 1 $$ 19 fret. $$$$$$$ 1.1 llll 111110 14 41 1 1.1111. lllllllllllll 14114111 1.11•11.11114.11••• CONTEST RULES 1. All Ontario students enrolled in Grade IX, X, XI, XII or XIII or their equivalent are eligible to enter this "Invite Them to ONTARIO" Contest. 2. Letters must not exceed 200 words of body matter and may be written in either English or French. Letters will be judged for originality of thought. 3. (a) All letters must be accompanied by the name and address of a non- resident of Ontario to whom the Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity may send a map of Ontario and illustrated literature with the corn• pliments of the entrant. (b) All entries must be certified by the student's form teacher as being the original work of the entrant. 4. Contestants may submit more than one entry provided requirements of paragraph 3 are complied with. 5. Contest closes at midnight May 15, 1933 and entries postmarked later will not qualify. Winners will be notified by registered mail. 6. All letters submitted become the Property of the Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity and may be published in advertising or literature of The Department. 7. The 'decision of the Board of Judges will be final. 8. A Student whose either parent is employed by the Government of the Province of Ontario or by any Pro- vincial Board or Commission or by any of the Government's advertising agencies is not eligible for this Contest. (Intended for last week) ,sixteen ladies were in attendance at the April meeting of the Women's In- *ante hold in the church on Thurs- day afternoon, with Mrs. E. Barbour, gig president, in the chair. The roll OH was responded to by the paying of fees and by stating "What I am Willing to do towards the year's pro- tram." A donation of $5 was voted to the Easter Seal Fund, The members were urged to attend a meeting at Dungannon on April 22, when the aub- i-ect will be "What makes a good of- 1 May, In the absence of Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Fred MeQuillin read the report Of the secretary-treasurer, showing a balance on hand of $161.70, The re- ports of the standing committees were I given as follows that of community I activities and public relations, by Mrs, Ernest Gaunt, citizenship and educa- tion read by Miss Mary Murray for Mrs. Lorne Woods; agriculture and canadian industries by Miss Murray; home economics and health by Mrs. Harvey Webb; historical research and current events by Miss W. D. Ruth- erford. A piano solo by Mrs. Chester YOU too can play a band instrument . and be Earning while learning in the 21st Field Artillery Regimental Band Apply at the WINGRIAM ARMOURIES Monday nights for further information. Coke is on the men ! It so 9ood with meats 'There it is—right next to soups, meats and desserts. "Yes, Coke with meals is growing fast really makes good food taste better. ' Including Federal Tares HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN WRITE A LETTER INVITING A FRIEND TO COME TO ONTARIO! '4 '2 00 50 '100 sw,Rareic:'fj°0 - Local Officer Enroute to Korea Major A, L. Weirmier, 38, Commander of 213 Battery, is shown shortly before his battery left recently with the 81st Field Regiment from Camp Petawawa enroute to Korea. Maj. Weirmier hails from Belle- ville and Wingham, Ont. His wife is the former Nora Bell, daughter of the late Mr. Matthew Bell and Mrs. Bell of Wingham. —(National Defence Photo), U n n Dodge - DeSoto Dealer — Wingham :14 411111111111111111111.1111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111SISIM111111111111111110 CRAWFORD MOTORS; • a a a a n ill U U LIMOUSINE COMFORT a U U ti a U a a I U a n FT; U I a U a n n U n a n U n a DESOTO Powermaster '6' h014 n a NEW DISTINCTIVE STYLING ENGINEERED FOR ,, ECONOMY This 119 H.P. road beauty has been especially en- gineered and designed for Canadian rine Perfor- mance and trouble-free Economical Operation. The most powerful '6' in DeSoto's history has' a simple design engine with fewer moving parts, well- protected with a new four way treatment in the lubrication and fuel line systems. "TIP-TOE" SHIFT TRANSMISSION standard on all models, lets you drive all day under normal conditions without shifting. Bigger, more comfortable and wider interiors and a 44.4% bigger trunk are some of the many new advantages. Come in this week • and Jet us show you CANADA'S FINEST NEW CARS: POOP Four The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday April 15, 1903, Taylor and a vocal aelo by Mrs. And- 1 - rew Gaunt, were much enjoyed. At ...... , . .... , . .. .•.. ricer." Mention was also made of the the conclusion a social hour was en- ! Conference to be held in Guelph in loYed With Miss Annie Dalrnia and Mrs. McNeil as hostesses. Mrs. Gordon McIntyre and Donald, of Bracebridge, were week-end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. W, I, Miller. Mr and Mrs Alvin Miller, Donna and Douglas, of Strathroy, were vis- itors with relatives hero on Good Fri- day. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Brown and Bob Murdie, of Waterloo, were Easter vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. R, Woods and Mrs Murdie, Personals Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Miller and Larry, of London, spent the holiday Week-end with relatives here, Larry is staying for the week Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. ESBECO LIMITED fosa ERIE STREET, STRATF'ORD, ONT. PHONE: 73 ..Wm" is a registered lrode-mark. H. CORNISH & Co. Certified Public Accountants H. J. Cornish. L. F. Cornish D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. 41111011111•1‘ Cee. Walpole SASH PITTSBURG STAIRS FRAMES PAINTS SCREENS CUPBOARDS GLASS HARDWARE Custom Woodwork Carpentry - Building Telephone 798-w-12 Wingham —MAJOR PRIZES WILL BE IN GOVERNMENT BONDS— Contest open to all Ontario Students in Grades IX—XIII inclusive or their equivalent rp Think of it 5 3 prizes... 53 chances for you to win! And, you'll find it easy to write a short letter (not more than 200 words) to invite a friend to visit Ontario this year. As you know, Ontario is Canada's All Year Vacation Province. It abounds with interest, enjoyment and relaxation for vaca- tionists from other parts of Canada and the United States. Just prepare a friendly, persuasive letter saying why you think a visitor will enjoy an Ontario vacation. It's as easy as that! You know what Ontario has to offer, put it in your letter. You can mention Ontario's 52 Vacation Areas, its busy cities, its shaded streets in countryside towns.and villages . .. its resort areas, its sports, the C.N.E., and many, many other attractions. IF YOU NEED HELP—If you want information about Ontario, write to Ontario Travel, 67 College Street, Toronto. Illustrated literature will be mailed promptly. You don't have to actually mail your letter to a non-resident of Ontario. You .send it to Ontario Travel for judging ... fill in coupon below. ALL ENTRIES MUST GIVE THE NAME OF A NON-RESIDENT TO WHOM ONTARIO TRAVEL CAN SEND FREE MAP AND ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE ABOUT ONTARIO. THIS WILL BE SENT WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE CONTESTANT. ENTER NOW . YOU MAY SUBMIT AS MANY LETTERS AS YOU WISH CONTEST' CLOSES MIDNIGHT MAY 15, 1953 ONTARIO TRAVEL CONTEST, 67 College Street, Toronto, Ontario Please enter the attached letter in the "INVITE THEM TO ONTARIO" Contest. You may send a map of Ontario and illustrated literature with my compliments to: (Please print). Name. Address Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity Hon. Louis P. Culls, Q.C. Atinistm ST. HELENS Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Humphrey, of Hespeler, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Humphrey, Mr. Charles McQuillin, of Zurich, is spending the vacation at his home here. Bits 'n' Pieces TO MAKE PARK OF PINERY— The 4,066 acre tract of land on the shores of Lake Huron known as the Pinery is to become a public park, ac- cording to reports from Exeter. It is planned to spend a total of $200,000 on improvements to the land, three quar- ters of which will be forested and the balance put into a pubilc park, The pro- ject will be handled by the Ausable Conservation Authority, with aid from the Provincial Government. 0 - 0 - 0 SCHOOL INTO LEGION HALL— Hanover branch of the Canadian Leg- ion is converting a former school building into a Legion Hall. When completed the building will have a stage, kitchen and hall large enough to accomodate 500 people. Members of the Legion are doing the work them- selves. 0 - 0 - 0 HELP BEREAVED FAMILY—More than fifty farmers in Orford and How- ard townships joined in a bee to help Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Markham, whose small daughter was killed by a car in front of. their home. With almost fifty tractors, trucks, bulldozers' and scrap- ers they landscaped the ground around the Mcirkham house, and accomplished in one day what Mr. Markham had planned doing sometime within the next ten or fifteen years. 0 - 0 - 0 FOX TRAP GETS BIRD—Gordon MacDonald, Glenelg township farmer, hasn't had much success in trapping foxes, but so far his fox traps have captured his own dog, the family cat and a neighbour's hound. Latest ad- dition to the collection was a turkey vulture with a six foot wing spread found fluttering helplessly in the trap last week, The big fellow was taken home and fed, and regained enough strength to give its finder a sharp blow on the head with its wing, 0' - 0 - (,) NOT YET FOR PERCH—About 40 or fifty anglers were on hand at Gode- rich last week for the first attempt this season at perch fishing. Results were practically nil, however, and it is reported that it will be some time be- fore the water clears and the perch come in from the lake for hook and line fishing. 0 - 0 - 0 NO BONFIRES AT NIGHT—Laws enacted for the prevention of fires now make it illegal to start any bon- fire in restricted areas after dusk, .Re- ports from Walkerton say that the fire department there is prepared to enforce the law strictly, and will pros- ecutsthose who disregard it, 0 - 0 - 0 HOW ABOUT THE THUMB?—A special meeting of Mount Forest council scheduled for Wednesday 'of last week, had to be cancelled after Mayor Ross McLellan telephoned from Toronto that his car had been stolen and the walking was not good. 0 - 0 0 CURFEW FOR SOUTHAMPTON— Southampton douncil has decided on a nine o'clock curfew for children to apply at all times except the Summer, Easter and Christmas holidays. Child- ren will be warned Off the streets by means of the town siren. ..411.14111.••• al s s s By Roe Farms Service Dept. DOC, MY PULLETS GOT AWAY TO A GOOD START ON VITAFOOD AND NOW THEY'RE ON VITA-GROW MASH; BUT THESE IMPLEMENTS NEED MY ATTENTION. WELL, ANDY, THERE'S ONE GOOD THING YOU CAN DO.YOU CAN SAVE A LOT OF TIME SYSWITCH- !NG TO ROE VITA-GROW PELLETS THIS TIME OF WA: WELL, I SEE YOU'RE FIGURING OUT YOUR FEEDING COSTS, ANDY. I SUPPOSE YOU'RE GETTING READY TO HAND OVER THE POULTRY CHORES TO MA YOU'RE RIGHT DOC. FIELD CHORES ARE COMING AND I'LL BE FAR TOO BUSY FOR THE PENS. YES,SIR , YOUR BIRDS CAN GO TO RANGE NOW AND YOU CAN SAVE TIME THERE BY FEEDING. ROE VITA-GROW PELLETS. THESE ARE JUST VITA-GROW MASH IN A COMPRESSED FORM. THAT'S A REAL IDEA,DOC. SAVE TIME AND FEED, TOO. MY PULLETS WOULDN'T WASTE ANY FEED. PULLETS LOVE PELLETS AND EVERY SINGLE BITE IS BALANCED. YOU CAN FEED THEM IN THE MORNING AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE MASH BEING SCRATCHED OUT OF THE HOPPERS. PULLETS EAT PELLETS LIKE GRAIN AND THERE'S NO SLOW UP IN GROWTH. THANKS, DOC . VITA-GROW PELLETS SEEM TO BE A REAL ANSWER TO A LOT OF MY PROBLEMS. PULLETS LOW PELLETS Save ;Wm and feed with 0 POW 06 $ go. THEY CONTAIN THE LATEST "GROWTH FACTORS" Howson & Howson, Wingham Belgrave Co-op, Belgrave Ross Anderson, Belgrave BlueVale Milling Co., Bluevale J. C. Scharbuch, Teeswater