The Signal, 1925-12-10, Page 8a
Thursday, beceml,er 10, 11)23.
ard'n by tl.:
work it dc.s ars
11nt,.sitstihr' 11.
*Mir prudes or Its
hem ro. awl rNkje
)as araaW,
Dr. Jos. Ala. Snots. of Let. 1,14.
rs. Q., wrl:-
i have trerowelr wood klnntd's
Llnleeat and also prescul. a for
mal patients always with tt, must
gratitrinr res. lis, and t rattan.,
it the bust all-rosmd Ln: mine'.
1'. A. )(Inc Y.U. a:,.o r. annum
M,n•rd's 4 4 the foilowmg w
"! have used Ysarrd • Liniment
myself as well ea pres,'r,bed II la
mcg prune* when • liniment teas
r•gstt'ed• sad have nr-,er railed
to sot the dialed eft.,*".
..mac OF. vAIN-.
J. R. Wheeler
Fluters! l►irretor and
All calls promptic nn'ud,•d 1.,
)!tore 3.t.' Residence xw'is
Hamilton Street, BMlerleb
Sunday ;IT
!ty'1SAI1}:1. HA311I.T4 tri
Godetkell, tint.
Take buy life. anti let II Is'
4'cro •x ratio!, _l uric t• Time;
Take, cul wilt ai:d make It Thine
It shall be 444 longer moue. •
'falx isle lace : nlc Lonl. 1 puny
\I Thy fes, its iris..lire• Mere,
Take'myelf. nod 1 wi11 Is.
}veer. 01)44, 1)4 (.•r Tito.,' .AUN•ll.
•-=h'. It. IIa4'rra•l.
1.o•d. A4. pray 111.4' 111.11 Thy grail:
MN} ,etanyx 14re•ve•nt and f.4114.w u•.
:441.1 444:.1•• toe .'altinnallj• to• is• giver.
ta all t:lnal work,, throng!) J'e141.
4'I'ri.r •nor tun,. .,mile 4,•14 owl.
1• S. 1.1:$MIN 1Y)K II}:('. Hili, 19'!,1
L:emmaa Till.--P:dd'. !stuunlary of
His life.
1.estesn Pe.estgr--: Tina.
d :!1• Ili,
(4kkn Test--.1
In 4)1)• first part of ehalaer tare
I'aill remhnh'Ftn.oitis of the great
a(mn4(avl• 5444411 (474,4 In In• I(prI1 ht
the ,•111,.•1 and' he points 4011 Millie of
the c11ef fo•atitr•s of 11. 114• goes
r.. may that 114:14 apostasy would 1
a1isa ■ 444441141114•. fiat Wernid )me
tittle tlrristtrt1. allot rl arrest
1 anus• Nit.. were c•we.'rne.l in it. Then
folio*. a reference 11. ills awn made
o1 rite le the midst of prsecutions. 44.4
:IA 1ll.v.11tag,•llt••tll in hint to hear die
trials which might he exp,•te4 111 4.4.
sur to bin! ill 11 similar tununor.
"!'tritons times' were 11. (.,414)4'. and
Brophey Bros.TilnoIhy might he expecte., t.. 1...
n:M el 8.. pass thein fi trial» **lull)"
I,. thew. w141:44 t'nnl Wires -if hn,l ex•
THE LEADING perieueed. IN those 41lii's the moult. -
FUNERAL DIRECTORS bra11ee of his example would be in -
AND EMBALMEKS valuable. -thirties
orders carefully atteude d to
Verses le 11 -Paul's stJrq,
at all hours, night or day 'I'int4efiil' Trio mr-air 34114.4
GOD$R1CH companion that h' flail had file full-
est op'a'rti'n4ty of knowing how he haft
fired, What he hold taught and he.w
he had Imbue Isersr•ntions. I'aul had
reit. as he IH1u14eI4 .1e'lan,1 I Aeid 241.
_"71, slimmed 40 recure the counsel of
4:4x} Inul it was ler sura a tutor
{ fiuruthy had t..1traim,t.. Then.
400. Ti thy (.44114 !dear testimony that
Paul's belief was manifested hl his
11114 Mier of life. The nue did not eon-
trndicl the other-"Tloi hurt known
Photograph I Aly portK.W, what i drive at. hew fay
)t is from any worldly. (-aridal. +trnhtr
d.'rlgtl. - 11ne1 how sincerely 1 nine tit
the gh.ry ,,r ti011, too the g:4).4 of the
w4ula 4)f niers-
1Ti TCllf�t. Tin; -rimy
fermi 111 fur fining well. ('14th refer
reef to those afflictions -only which
i:atpmened t., flim while Timothy w1)+
with him, at Anthieh, at h'ailum, ,It
ld'71(nt. lie knew what ear. God 44114
liken of film • -notwithstanding out
of them alt e Laird delivered me."
•1'heitllfll tr14lrr HfP-- p'a,t- e- 41re.-•.f
great usefulness, yet ft wan a life of
great suffering. Ile' suffered in al-
most every place hr went. yet he
could charge Timothy '74) &trench *he
ward: he Instant in xa'lla)1. 0111 of w'a-
'fers. reprove. reel$tk4, extort. with all
long-suffering and d.','trim'." Watch
thou In nil things, eurliire affliction.
.14. the work of an evangelist. make
fall paa of thy ministry." •
1'('rne.. 8 -$--Paul Foretells His Death.
Pant lwd long been it soldier of the
i.'ronrti aur! Timothy was young in the
•e•rrie . ,, *44'' *45417.1 encourage Timo-
thy Gait 14" he had 'Ione the work of
^ear g' 414.1 tine 11nt gerrernti.HI he would hnv.•
{ Win alt& hk(w9we. -
ielroom , I'an4 witu at itnole nod be frit a' -
comfort +14!•11 414)11 Iris end was near at 11411.41
as well as being moderate la prise and, hx.king back, over the Way 144• had
wr hare what you are lankt�pg for. 1 mune. 1)r •.+nit •„ntkiw4tly ten Tim..
Or It ft be anything elite In the cur.I thy that though the warfare hrul i4.'n
nffure line you will his store to find ,w'f•ere ire and fought well 111.4 had
what you want in our large atdl \cop gl0rinn,+ 5leteries for the Meister
varied assortment. Coate in and took and lie could look- forward with ns-
,, orer our stork. '-uranc.• t4 the life he was h4n(rfnrth
* 1,. live ,1 crown of righteonxna•rvt-
J• R. WHEELER 1h.• reward f his life ,..mire I*W*)I l
"� ~ -^ -�`Panikpttr Amend 1t►uyr awl - lie encouraged Timothy to
Hamilton Street,
Codee4eb, Oat:.-. w•is_ f1 III tx•lirvers.
Your friends can buy
anything you can give
them except your
No other retie nbranc,• a,ll 44)44•
such happiness.
Telephone 187
it you are hu neaten of
set that combines beatify an
�,-- -- BUY 1;F:n
Solvay Coke
The Faultless Fuel
Uniform Quality
Saves You Money
Does all that is claimed
for other fuel
!da Assets Nr Gadget r
The Dean Coal C..
•le.. ..aer.,w,fs.111111a
(wo.vte.. of High -Grads
`Bituminous and
Smokeless Coals
Verses 9.13-•-PsM rf taFir` rrtetl4rl
father --.alai 1w tooled
4:lrt irltllir 1114•-. been ane ,•(V/'rag
friend• 4)44,4 teff hint for one roman)
..r sneaker:• 4att .44(11' 44e 04 those
111011 14.1itlt I1114I lIctna4ly forsaken Mitt...
Luke ons .1111 with him lint he lured
the e..)gslty of him -friends, no lie
-itth,t Tittmthr to him and told him
to bring also 111•rk. of whom lie lam.
hail a Im•tt4'r opinion than Wldeu
lkIrnatuts .and IIP disngree41 over the
taking of hint with diem. (*flier !m
strne•t4onn referred) to bin perse►ha)
. wants. his elouk. hi+ hooks. his ',arch•
nio9lts. 11114 then h•' avert' referred to
Mid warned Timothy 411 beware of
and) men :in .11.•snn(4.r the copper•
smith, me, hall done hire) all tLe ndr
e of tint ,5:4• in Ilie plover.
saA 'ernes Milsgave an a.Pn1.44 of
trim trial befor.. ('away. (if all the
-tehrlt.ttirmt trr-termrr-aot- sme. *pats:tn•d
I in Wesel for l'nitl, When li,' stoma)
tl4're 4ervrt,'', and 1110111. he e,tp'rl•
imssl the presents. of fine that carer.
ttlltn 11511,4, tip bit Bre nhowelur of tin•
weak t'hrixtianx for whose sin and
r In 1'8111 .•►n►•el forglrene•ss
front (toil tie 4)n 4 n
emrl mfrs *)ort *11''pr4•ar•he.t) the g'wp•I let,
'the emperor awl the great tram with •
hlttt acrd find delivered him on4'nf the
very laws of death. "I wait delivered
nal ..r 11)14 moth of 1144. 11011." 11e
44484' gkrry' to Nutt for this delil'ernnreI
and for tkr amnnranre rho/ he 450141,
he preserved onto they 4,4•nrenlr king -
dam. •
All this 541)- a'►Ith•'n 1.4) Titno4hq 444
etennrnx,• him and all others throngh-
out tM• 4(44111ng tiger ah.. should (..l it
445 In Parrs footsteps. as he fol -
lowest In Christ
;The F emirris ..f 1114• pro ,11.44 page
Ilimo Lyme , under our ol.aervati/ta re -
I cent)3'," write* the 'Uel. John P.
' Steiner of. .1110 Haitian 1$1114011."A
certain 111411 out hero had never 11.11rd
a sermon or att,•aelt•d a religious see.
five: Through our evangelist to copy
of the Bible fell into ills bawls Thls
*441 -read oro* and over, and lir be-
came 4'01141Uc(41 elf ile truth. Today he
11) maturated with IIx teacllllg$. Ile
q.i.itrs test after text. Is laWlltar with
both the u111 and the ^News TextaIiwnt,
1)111) dads chapter 111111 Verse' without.
tile 44.P 4f a 1.wwonlILe4e. Ikea of
1)11. he ham htr,tt hirtruwetttal 1n 1(4d-
ing eighteen of bis villagers t4) ►54.111114'
t'hrtstlsus. 8844 they have provided
their 44134 chapel.
"lib. house I. n1 the r.u41siele•. anti
he always 1111. snide Iutereseing dtr-
eel gospel mt•..411(0 p.4xlrt) lip for the
benefit 1.r the poneterl y."--4!heistLiu
Could Not Get Sleep tor Hours
After Going to Bed
"it is Ina' natural far 111.• le wit
WWI( bleu! write -a tenet -tit 1.44fuse• 4f
a proprietary i)4'liein, a. 1 had al-
\\ays heel&•aI :1s t•. their vie
Iuex." Thu write: 11r. -Arthur- R4•-
gain. 4tortbunks. rlil.•k . a ho further
.:15.1:- "itut three year. 1)g,. 1 opened
,1 ;general .torr herr' in sturtls.nk:
:111.) placed •u. my slug sis. a fen lines
of the tarotknown proprietary 1.0 di-
rhleve .\441444)44 Ihewe. nal urn 1ly. we're
Ur. 11'illiani' Pink I'lllx. .\x ,her.•
Viallasui.lwd .Aiilltran last& 1,. Native
1.t Hurtle
'Polo!.,, Iii.. J. -said five years a
soldibt, Mineral W. It. utter, tormer,
t muatlauf4•r :if- the Que,•41's 4 to 11 }teat-
Alent aa/l veteran of many eantllaignr,
was atstlally honored today on his
elghtraw,.nd birthday, wb • duz.0
' e►t Ada old ,'.wradoe In the ttrtlas.ut
toasted his 'width et a lanrbron held
In tie Natl.puvl ('1Mb.
♦1atami, nil .4 tit* Wen preoctit bad 8
hili lulur:td,•+ ,.►f 4t'Ileral Otter 11. .i;
the roars 1x'!5445.4 11172 std IMO. frill
nevi. 54:4, veeehRaklug by a muni-
lite of those present la (which re•Iufuls- a
veno' of "bleu tiny* lira. the .4/14.1. 1
. newt -awe fine- 111 fir storks told of 4
(iedtenti tetler *awe to his beteg tat
bleekl1a11•,1 ..0 hie'appli atiun to Jule )
the militia la those .lays entry two
the WHIN.. won. by election. and It was;
comatier,.l .44111.' 1111 honor. .tp)y a
." :,•uhf 114)p' fur election IKt'
to the u,iii(11. for this was Leinee the f
.lays of 11,• militia act.
Yount; *vier axtdred to he a militia
man, but he found himself cant out. i a
Ile hail hewn ill lied. Why?.
•. +
be ,7.,� 4).n .."44 iennte 11141. Ile Wax 1) 1
Mr.4 I1), Tft-1*414',l Ibe lupe.. :hal 1
drew the tare ,,.*cInw
.. hilt Ilia father i__. '
inure h. the 4esens• (41111 1141' emonlWtt
that -the• tail ails o1a1y tl •'vohtnlety 1-
brea ms rel a (mid (Ott-. and therefore -
Olde drri-4o1, wr. r(4'.11sider4d RIO It i'
nae d,••-(41...1 that m 1411411 t'lnttd he• a
t.awtser _ring .a gt•ntle•tuait 1.t the
.ante tion.•. 1
wen. t ore.• a fl.
\Vllna11. 44il1.w tIlly. l'atiaol•'»
duahliu44 44.x4)4 refills Train taking 1w'r► OR :. tarn n.1. T111tGm tlrtt }ir
the 11111,: and as I was b1. 11(4,1 of a n1i1d eli.ciu¢ui"1tal military Men. wan
nits/idea. 1 4hr'i,4,t 1.1 try them rely- 1'4'mlu '. 1.8:. ,• N•a4 wluveen
.eft. - old shin cue T11amil,4 rwwt.vied l..yTaror
"1 1,8(1 *14rn suffering (row '•ntarrh
r,.4 *••Ilex: 1(11)1 toy inside work luta
1.11)4cW1 414Iw'n my health.
1- wieseongialug ylL-day, suR,•rerl from
i4.4F1. stiu11. '18444 .ro114 not sleep ut.tll
tare,' or hoar. after ret Priem. 1
.tarteli tar pails. 144)4 with 1111.4 great
.1n)94144.4.e. hilt by 111.4 time 1 lead
lini.hel the. x41,411,1 1s.% N marked
tit---lniwarolt 4,_t...,.4.1 flit., fours
1.nx 1 felt /lnitP reeotere,l. Lar corl-
tiunl1) 1114.111 for midst. f41vther 4141)4'.
My '•uagh 15:1.. left me. the in,Hh'estton
411.npp1lrerl 1.)n) 1 tow (1111 amlewp
almost as soon as 1 11m in 14e1. in my
now . 4l'. tut Ilexitate l,. fW+.m-
mend lir, Williams' l'ink fills In ani
who are 144.1148 runah.wl, 4r altiulut
energy. -a+ 1 think they area 1d44.aitt0
to mankind."
If others who may feel skeptical
will give I►r, I\'lllumis fink fills it
fair trial they w111 be eenrin•e•) a.
-w•ax--.Urr.-$,.gt►1n` Von - can get the
pills from pair elrnggisr. hr by ntgii
at :1)4 vents a hos from 'I'M. lir, IVi1-
!fancy McMrlrn• (4.., llrs•kvi44,. (alt,
S. S. NO, :1. ARHt'IF.LI►
Following Is the ry414'rt of S. *4. No.
3. -t•dif4ld, for the mnnth,of Ngrrin-
1tr. Tt t.•» et �n alai+tfia`g-wldit:
phy. (44.ni4reitlon and Frrurhi-.trtil
Ile %Iml,s,m 74 (4)•r emit ., P1•lrl
tyre (11. Ynela
)4r. IV.-1'aroid lliblwyi 74 per r•.ytL,.
.Ir. 1V.--};lisahet 11 It4.aler 7, .per,
cent.. - ilurgnf' r Simt4xo11 74, T••w.t.
Hn. krtt %l. Jxek ('nlliu,nu 414:, Rrw1' `
1)r. 111.-linnean Simpson vt per
rent.. George 11acNn•gor 70('*•Ilia
Bowler 70,
4r. .111
.--.I.k,ttulet.-..]in`l'ay'.._ _`i1._.itl[-,-
David. )I:1) Ix4 n> a (141. 4:race 1
Rt 1'
Ones,. .atlutnl„• left
, :411
a a ,•trek f .r Ibe canna* t'umilwuy
Anil Itad11't $ thought of enterilpt upon
it artillery ..areef until iSri 1. when the•-
exelleaeili mer the -crew affair" Imo
(x•l1ed him r,• join the 4.'icterla nide.
l.1)1110ot ri*34 ...lulw 111- t h..tlgh tic hail
a pret[erea.w far a firrnmin'a lit.• the
W11x tar rhe old r'tunt(4•r brigade)
rather 'hail 'a soldier's. Ile was s}111
i4.pdtatt• a114-11 the V(,torise merged
with the Ite•gimtnit, iItter cards
the (Jue,af. own Itiflt.s. In 13431 he
Knit commissioned lieutenant and
served on the Niagara frontier: he wits
adjutant when he fought the 14'nlana
in ►rtaa, ;11nt when he became llruten-
:1111-eol,4nn.3 in 1/474. ronimansnng the I
r•gla,er• ., he was the. youngterrt to have
attained -edify -rani• lad het it 411 the
--Pli emote." riots in 11173 and the f
Iteller•Ille riot. In 14177. He beeline a
profe1111i,.w1soldier in 111f*f, an atm -
'Hamitic ..f the Royal School of In•
fadtry, 441 t"' Co., R.C.B. }dr ler3 j_
tLe ltat'..•for. column In the North
west Rebellion; commanded the In-
fantry c.,ntinaeat In the Month African
1,[4411. lir wax too_(
b) for active arrvler. in 111. f;rtat IT'
War, /an Sax 41reetor of internment
"l4e•tptlmv in Canada. 1014-19111, Ile
sax 4):,• rir.4 major -general 1111101 In
the Cana.Ilan Militia and in 11122 went
ONO (b*ad1tan militia and h, lir2'2 went
prae•ie•ally 'Ix4r years' service. He
w•t[n- Prnminel)t inthe old Toronto
litruir,g club and it f.*4*r 4)d the
withal Tama NJ/ I/tcTnmmr ('lilt. In 1
1011, h' wive knighted t'mmn.andt•r of
the Esti,. opal created an honorary
Li. 44 Toronto t'blverrdry, in 11r2S. !
Nr" u otic at[ the .founders and a for- 4 ,
mr'r pr4trai4tea( of the Military inati• .
is an honorary life member (if the
Toronto' •(e'funs Toronto final ('Inb, Tar-
im?, (;mar, York tial'. and a member
e[ st..1lsnrge'e Society. He is the an-
i r 1.r "Thi liniele," • military man-
a.•4r•gur (in. Joseph .lh.»Intrre tiff.
Kr. I 3larear•t Ifihls•tl 1. t- of m4 n ray they would like to
Jr. 1 MacGregor.IAMacGregor.... __ " 1
NO r.•tt / rflL•iu• theft faults. ant If
)'r. ballet- 1440Kenzle `----ymr •i.' - they 1)r,• sure 10
F. E. ANDREW. T'•1. -her ' get angry...! f
1 lbi,•ay. }h.'airs(: �.•w,..
',11S.tAr 3`"
Yria=7. WIN
r I� ` 'Tour 1tiaa
+'[cans to our". ,lit. Yus-,v1 •
' !- j �� Tlaste .rely sad ,.aM
wa �r E:iet y a.. lf x rta, •"'t` est,
t o end ••gene Os 14.14 _- - •t
Al ost�eausa-sU t ars' cis
aen..rt Ot lr�a".aeit � �*r•_,olt•rsw
1 et• •wrle• N Ales -
el reullr•i •V
Ta're$ A evert
levet �"d te.usad weft& lead''•• w1+tn It's .,Nei' _BW
ewe �• s/•rt•n Iwo
h 1.1.:4 r! aete. fits ..J14)1 4ni'• '*f ,e1 t•",."•
a r1e}_�eat+ `,a��� u•Ka W.y veli nim!•.
U.�` eaea Ir44$ 1 at _ • c•0 4)t iiso aoi.. mr^' ZSCi�
A. Woodsy
together t 4Dt Lite i ..
u•• Picture •
------�'"Qhe Idea
4 Circuits
Yodel t-1
Three.esie coupled rev/emirs-
t,.• elr.Wt Handsome ma-
hogany eab. net with ,nnerwr
•oeo.aotodatton for dry hest.
terns. Pro• including tubi.
headset .o4 grid Isiah *44.54.
Model R-4
Ilse four -tube Super•Tnreyn
clrtul*. lmprew*.e cabinet,
large enough to hold all dry
batteries. Price. including
tuber. beedlst sod grid I.ak
fllHA 'wonderful radio
erN4•.m•y eireur, of ane ton•
a4lwalaly. Ya•I handsome reh.
joie d Om yeer. Pricy, in
elatin.g I lubes, Node.' and
grid 4.s44---------------
'74.. l*e4esae
Tile .eeeal•enal n. -type
tune re -creator which has set
• new standard of radio
reproduction - and of
\ value........
160this `f Modem Age
.s`s iw'
• ..p1P51:l
VILA,r" r " . j\
�.a,...•,.,.-•••• •••••••••••••1111101t
Jenner's Music Store
t,',r• 1 ``r't$)y'�ir'* . I Yll y Air±''`s
a Sp
Xmas Offer
It's the Talk of
the Town
EVER before was a radio set of
such nation-wide reputation offered
on terms so broad, so unusual, so easy.
Look at the nine advantages of our
Christmas offer alongside. Remember,
too, that we are not only giving
but also arranging for exceptionally
small down payrnents. Improved broad-
casting, wonderful programmes, a great
feast of Christmas entertainment just
being planned -now, indeed, is the tirne
to get your -
You can choose from the con:piece series of
this Canadian -designed line -models which we
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a limited number of sets can be sold on these
exceptional terms. You'll have to act quickly!
Caw Wintry -
-Jtfilonollra Music Store, Goderich -
for buyuu
in your own
(2) 30 -day FERE
Privilege for any
DeForest &
Croaley set of
higher value.
3) One Month's
VR.&Z Service.
14) Guaranteed In-
(3) Expert Personal
(6) Unusually At-
tractive Terms.
(7) Cospbina-
t$. Price.
, of alit,. ng
bens un th • eel 5
stone and harry
cash for'other noses
4ary equipment. we
•lbw 4he small teen
Mymen, and.,:•ad-
ed terns se rover W
remplr\e purehae..,
(8) I1e11e1 In-
Ila!( I'rreaw,. ar-
ranged (or teas•••
s41, penis] in rage
r.4 .,eines• of 1.101111.,
(9) Complete 81tis-
faction Goa raa-
Mare this a R?diO Chrismag
, 1)1•• ,„
Call at The Signal and see our exclusive range of Christmas Cards
Ir ,.. +r�'I;;Il-;illlHl�liilllNlliilli!iiN�lb(fiHl �llll�llf l��lllll�llllll.!!IlI1IINIIIi'1'll° loll ��iI hCp,.l
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We have a
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ger and better display than ever. Just three weeks from tomorrow it Christmas Day. Let us help you solve your Christmas
Gift problems with Prac Gifu" that are sure to please. Finest guiihty and reasonable prices. Here are some suggestions:
Coats; Thews; chis; Blouses; Bilk Scarfs;
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silk and wool: (Ili,}' ,,, tined, with fur tops, eltir•il(,;
Witte with {monthly or without. French Ki,1 u"it),
Ynffftt urooheted ; ile
itn(lrrvmttr. 14'a111',r Garters; Silk--_Lhtdertvenr:
Beaded and Leather Baas; l$.'n,l. Necklaces; 11100-
1tfiriahiefk-rhelorgeat assortment -we .+heir -had, acid
separately or in Holly Boxes lion& Ike to *1;861 it
box : Betty Anntintr Doll Hilntlker biefs; Rove
1landkrI'sa Bets:. ('!rpt► tie el►ine Tiem• Also wr are
featuring the new nose Marie Ties.
Fine Table linen :*rata 'i n.' 3�. attest Tower.
Bonnets, in bine, pink said white silk poplin,
lined and. trimmed with fur; ('spa; Resrfs; Mitts;
Bootees; Baby Seta of Ilenntet, Swelter and i1Mltet'.4
together; Teddy. Bear Seta of Sweater, Pullover,
('ap and Minx srarirety few prise. *H1)--in.assurted.
' yin
Coats; Dresses, plain fowl striped flannel: fiat.:
Toques; Searle; Mitts or ((loves, wool or ehamoi•
vette or lined kl; *Wlern' 1r7fiSt 1119d silk and wool. -
Sweaters: 17nrierweaf, in two-piece or combination:
children's Colored Border llandkerehiefs.
Overcoats; Suits; 114434; Caps; Sweaters;
Scarfs, silk or wool; (}loves, kid, lined with wool or
silk, or unlined; Tien, boxed, silk or knitter(; Sacks,
milk. or silk anti want and easfintere; Shirts, silk
Broadcloth, and other Negligee Shirts, with separ-
ate collar and without ; Collars; Pyjamas, of Flanele
hitt.`; TTndePWeal, two-'Tnt(4r err eotnhinatien t Belts+
Braces; Arm Banda and ()arters; Handkerchiefs in
lawn, linen, initialled; (*ref* de chine Nandket•
chiefs nr hand -drawn raw silk; Cott! Linrtt,s; boxed,
FOR NITS Nov'' if
Suits: Overcoats; ('ape; Sweaters, coat or pull-
over; t OVEN Or t a; , • - W ,.►i }{}nettings:
1'nderwear, two-piece nr 4nmhinstirm; Ties; Bits;
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