HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-02-25, Page 12KIN=KENO N UMBERS Wed., Feb. 18 B=6 Thur., Feb. 19 N=36 Fri., Feb. 20 0-74 Sat., Feb. 21 G=54 Mon. Feb. 23 1=17 Tues., Feb. 24 B=11 KINSMEN CLUB of WINGHAM PLAYOFFS EXTENDED' BY KINCARDINE WIN 'A mashing third period rally netted them seven goals sewed, up the game for Kincardine, on Tuesday. last, when the Gaels rang up their first Win, of the series in a gatzte On Kincardine ice. Scoring was hot and heavy for both sides, with the final score being 1240. The first period saw Wingham barely_ get into action, with a single tally by Wilson (A. Chin), at 3.20. The Gaels, however, got right down to business in the first frame, rolling up a total of four counters, with lots. Of action around the Wingham net. Marksmen for Kincardine were: B. Connell (Pollard) B. Connell (A. Wilson), Zold (Wilson) and Crew- son (Burnside, Forbes), In the second period Wingham came to life, and showed a little promise with a total of six tallies to Kincardine's one. Scoring for Wing- ham were: Ritter, Brent (Templeman). FTRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRS AT MODERATE PRICES Owing to lack or space, am com- pelled to confine my repairs to watches only. George Williams Located in MASON'S STORE AvaialMvitaftwomoRmansmamarmaszarommommennfason Iiitt$400/$//fItO11111;111111111111111111311111111,11,11111111 iiiii lllll 111,11;1111111111 lllll 1111;111 lllllllll 1111.1 lllll 1 lllllllllllllll 1111t llllllllll 11 CLEARANCE SALE 2 ONLY - Westinghouse Apartment size, 4 - burner 1952 Model Ranges Regular $259.00 , $219,00 SPECIAL I ONLY - Gurney Combination Range ( coal - wood & electric ) Regular $349.00 SPECIAL $300.00 tt I ii Radio and Electric "SERVING YOU SINOE 1935" EL '51gutmtaillmomeoilmusumiUm1H1011O111101;;;;;;;;;Wiiii1101031110111balliii.luiii — hORRIE W. A. The Woman's AsSociation of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. W. King on Thursday, February 19th, with seventeen members present. The devotional period was in charge of Group 2, "The Northern Helpers," Mrs. Russel Adams, president, con- ducted the business. The meeting Clos- ed by repeatieg of the theme prayer. Lunch was served by litre, L. John- sten,IVIrs, L, Haeltridge, lefre. W. Mann eton, MrS. L, Hockridge Mrs. W. Mann, Mrs, Merrily Edgar and the hostess. C. G. r, T. The Canadian Glee In Training will meet at the home of Mee, W. King on Wednesday evening. Miss Jean Hill, Camp counsellor, Will be the guest sperilter, Legion Ladies Autillary The regular monthly meettng of the . '-'-'' 441X/44icadti ll SIMPLIFIED SKIN CARE for oily shin Designed to do the most for the skin in the shorten measure of time. Milky Liquid Cleanser 1,90 Ardena Skin Lotion ... 1.35 to 12.50 Ardena Special Astringent 3.00 to 5.25 Porine Cream , 2.75 Melva Cream Mask ... 3,00 and 6.50 Lille Lotion ... 2.00, or All-Day Foundation ... 1.65 Lora* SPECIAL tenon ijk 'rjCIFI;L RCA V. alt1:11 Sion ;WU' ;IA mu National Sew & Save Week will see many people starting their Spring sewing and / you will find exactly what you have in mind by visiting . . . EDIGHOFFERS WINCHAM PRI NTS:: We have many new patterns in stripes, dots, checks and florals printed on a good quality cotton Price ll l „ . • lll 49c to 89c yd. BROADCLOTH:- Vine textured cotton broadcloth in a wide range of colours to choose groin. Price from 63c to 98c yd. For Suits, Skirts and Dresses you'll he pleased with our many attractive shades of Rayon Gabardine 54" width material priced at $3.25 to $4.50 yd. Plaids and authentic tartans in all wool materials suitable for suits, skirts, slacks, etc. 54" wide . . . Price $2.98 to $4.25' Nylon Sheer and Nylon Plisse is excellent for blouses, dresses, etc,, in pastel shades. Price $2.25 to $2.39 EDIGHOFFERS, WirIGHAM "The Friendly Store' 11111111111,11,11111111 lllllll 11;11110111110111111114141 lllll llllllllll 111111 .11111111f lllll 111;11;10111011110 lllllllllll 11,;111111.11111;f llllllll f ll ll FP' ALP., st a reeepthin in the. 11‘stritiors 04gh 11044 Another reception, With 74 guests present, was held at thst bride's, home. The bride's table wrui centred with a 3-tier wedding cake and the room was prettily decorated .„ With pink and white streamers. A wedding dance was held in Mayfair Nall, at which. the couple was present' 4 ed with a purse of money, Constable and Mrs. ROW will reside In Lloychninstea Sask., where the groom is stationed with the R.C.M,P. GOSPEL HALL Regular Sundays Services Sunday School 10.15 a.m. Remembering the Lord at 11.15 Gospel Meeting at 7.$0 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Each Thursday evening at 8 P.m. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mario Lttlitet Murray Stainton (Morris Stainton), Ritter (A, Chin), Wilson. (M. Cilin) and Ritter (Wilson), Told (C, Wilson, .7, Connell got the singleton for the Gaels, In the finale, however, the IsIeloawk4 sagged badly and the Kineerdine scor- ing spree was on. Gael sharpshoot- er$ were: 73, Connell (A. Wilson), A. Wilsan, 13, Connell, C. Wilson (Wall), Crewson (Forbes), Forbes and aura- sicie (erewson, Forbes), Westlake, Murray Stainton and A. Chin were markers for the losers, WaNGITAIVI—Goal, Sangster; de- fense, Westlake, A. Chin; centre, Murray Stainton; wings, Maurice Stainton, Lott; alternates, R. Wilson, Bitter, M. Chin, Lockridge, Brent, Templeman. KINCARDINE—Goal, Guest; de- fense, Zold, Wall; centre, C. Wilson; wings J. Connell, Burnside; alter- nates, A. Wilson, Crewson, Forbes, B. Connell, Pollard, Wall, B, KEEPS KINCARDINE IN Kincardine kept the home fires burning and themselves in the series, with a 9-5 win over the faded Wing- ham Mohawks, in the"Wingham Arena last Wednesday. The Mohawks, who trailed throughout the whole contest, seemed at no time able to cope with the situation, and although quite a few concerted efforts were made around the Gaels net, nothing very much came of it, Getting off on the wrong foot in the first frame, the Wingham six fell be- hind right at the start, with the first period ending in a 4-2 for Kincardine. Scoring for Kincardine were: Wall, Pollard (B. Connell), Burnside, (Thre- ndale, Crewson) and Pollard. Ritter and Pym (Westlake) chalked up for the Mohawks. The second period was a quiet ses- sion, which saw only two goals scored Wilson (Pym) marked for Wingham, and Zold for the Gaels. In the third, Kineardiee put on an- other spurt, banging home four goals to Winchama two, and putting the game in the bag for the Gaels. Mur- ray Stainton (Westlake) and M. Chin (Wilson) were the scorers for the los- ers. Kincardine markers were: Wall, A. Wilson (B. Connell), B. Connell (A. Wilson) and B. (Tlirendale.) Penalties for Kincardlnc were gees tiered by C. Wilson, A. Wilson, lagens Side, Wall and 3, Connell. Sole offend- er for Wingbani was English, WHIGHAM—Goal„ Sangster; des fence, Pyxis, Westlake; centre, Murray Stainton; Loeltridge,'N.filerte Stainton; subs„ A. Chin, W. son, Rit- ter, M. Chin, English, Brent, Temple,- man, KaNCARDINE—Goal, Guest; de- fence, la, Bell, 13, Wall; centre, Q. Wilson; wings, gold, j, Connell; subs, Burnside, Crewson, A. Wilson, 13. Connell, Pollerd, Threndele. GAELS SWAMPED IN CLINCHER Pulling up their socks in the sixth game of the series, Wingham Mo- hawks went all out on Friday to swamp the Kincardine Gaels by 8-1, in a one-sided contest on Kineardine ice. The win was a clincher for the locals in the best of seven series, and 40t.itied them to meet Wall:erten this week in the next round. WINGHAM --Goal, Sangster; de- fence, Pym, Westlake; centre, Mur- ray Staileton; wings, Morris Stain- ton, Lott; alternates, R, Wilson, M. Chin, Templeman, Lockridge, A. Chin, English. KINCAA.DLNE--Goal, Guest; d e. fence, Bell, Wall; centre, C. Wilson; wince, J. Connell, Burnside; alter- na.tea Zold, Forbes, Therndale, A. Wil- son, 1), Connell, Pollard, Greer, First Period 1—Wingharn Wilson, (Westlake) 2.22 2—Wingham, Lockridge, (Wilson) 1en0n .1ealties—C. Wilson, A. Wilson, Wall, M. Chin, Pym. Second Period 1l---Wingham, Westlake, 6.35 4—Kincardine, Bell (.7 .Connell) 11.20 5—Wingham, Wilson 18.50 Penalties—A Chin, Third Period 6—Wingham, Murray Stainton (Wil- son) 2.00 7—Wingham, Murray Stainton, (M. Stainton) 14,54 8—Wingham, Westlake, 15,15 9—Wingham, Lockridge 15.45 Penalties, A. Wilson (2), Wall, R. Wilson, Pym, Lockridge, WALKERTON VICTORS IN FIRST OF SERIES The first game of the playoff ser- ies with Walkerton was lost by the Mohawks on Monday, when the wal- loping Wunderbars rolled into town and took them to the tune of 5-1. The game was not actually as one-sided as the score would indicate, and the home team made a valiant effort to even things up. But although there was plenty of action around the Walkerton net at one tirrie or an- other, very little seemed to come of it. The fact that English, Ritter and Brent were on the sick list may have had something to do with it. WINGHAM—Goal, Sangster; de- fence, Pym, Westlake; centre, Mur- ray Stainton; wings, Lott, Wilson; subs, M. Chin, Templeman, A. Chin, Lockridge. WALKERTON—Goal, Albright; de- fence, Krowerichuck, Potts; centre, McDonald; wings, Knox, Weiler; subs Loughleen, Dentinger, Kerr, Couch, Bell, Stroeder, Lepard, First Period 1—Wingham, Templeman (Wilson), 7.10. Penalties, Pym, Westlake, Dentin- ger, Second Period 2—Walkerton, Cook, 13.00, 3—Walkerton, Bell (Cook) 14,1.9. Penalties, Weiler, Krowenchuck. Third Period 4—Walkertoil, lirowenchuck (Weller) 9,30. r 5—Walkerton, Kerr (Bill), 18.16. 6—Walkerton, McDonald, 19.,30. Penaltiet, Wilson, Weiler. region, supplied local figures, XXe said that 45 telephones were added in Wingbant dining MA bringing the nuinioesi in service to 1.370, Other highlights of the report, net, laconic amounted to e2.47: a ebare, compared with e2,08 in 1.951; the using $2 dividend was paid and an amount emlivaleet to el petite a share was added to surplus; the expenditure of $85,300,000 fee new construction, re, quieed by the continuing demand for service, was the highest amount for a single year in the conilsanY's his" try; total taxes. levied on the eon-Many during the year were $30,342,000, equis valerit to $1,0„91 a telephone pr $3.32 a share of go*, Telephone service for vehicles was provided over a greater area by ex- tensions of the mobile service radio network, A microwave radio relay system to transmit long distance calls and televsion programs 'is close ,,to completion between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Other special types of telecommunications facilities are also being provided to meet particular needs of other industries and govern- ment cervices. Joseph E. Mutch Services for Joseph E. Mutch, 65, a former resident of Wingham, who died at his home in London, were con- ducted in Goderich by Rev. G. W. Birteh, London. Interment was made in Clinton cemetery. Mr. Mutch was born in Colbourne Township, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mutch. He was a barber for 50 years, and lived in Wingham, Clinton and Goderich from 1913 to 1948, when he moved to London. For 20 years he was in charge of the wea- ther bureau at Goderich. He is survived by his wife, the for- mer Erneline Aitchison of Wingham, and two daughters, Mrs. Wallace R. Kent, London, and Mrs. Albert 3, Jar- via, of Hull, Quebec. Mr. Harvey Aitchison of town, is a brother-in-law of the deceased, Wingham Carnival Set March 13, 14 Dutch Waltz, (Stratford and Wing- ham; Cane Precision; Pair—Irene Saint and Mary Kee Newman (Wing- ham; Solo, Donald McPherson, Stratford; Sleighride Group, Wing- ham; Solo, "Because" Alice Hayden, Wingham; Junior Ballet with Sharon Thompson as ballerina, Wingham; solo, Colleen Colvin, Stratford; solo, Judith Wilkins, Stratford; Pair, John Wild and Ruth Fry, Wingham; bance group, Swing dance; Colleen Colvin, Ross Smith, Jazz Pair; Fiesta Tango; Comedy, Walter Thomas *Professional Comedian, Stratford; solo, Wayne Graham, Stratford. Intermission Jazz 8, Wingham; solo, Rosemarie Richards; pair, Joan Finnegan and Joyce Williams; Ike, Mike and a bike; Wingham four, Wingham; Senior bal- let with Judy Boltz, Stratford; solo, Ross Smith; comedy, Walter Thomas; Pair, Wayne Graham and Lorraine Odbert; "Annie Get Your Gun," with Norah Mann and Geraldine Hembuck, Stratford; Jazz $, Sandra Smith, Alice Hayden, Doreen Meehan, Mary-Currie, Gail Colvin, Rosemary Adams, Phyllis Hamilton, Nancy Hutcheson, Senior Wingham Skaters; Pair, Ruth Fry, John Wild; Hot Canary Pair, Irene Saint, Mary Kae Newman; Solo, "Be- cause", Alice Hayden; Wingham four, Nancy Hutcheson, Sandra Smith, Alice Hayden, Mary Currie; Dutch Waltz- ers, ail those who can do it. Junior Ballet, Sharon Thompson, ballerina; Dorothy Chimney, Sandra Strong, Mary Kae Newman, Marie Burke, Claudia Haselgrove, Marilyn Chamney, Irene Saint, Beverley Dick- insert, Penny Gerrie, Judy Lunn, Fay Lavigne, Margaret Macklin, Marianne McKibbon, Daisy Gibson, Isabel Willie. Betty Purdop; Sleighride, Gail Adams, Marjorie McKercher, Dale Thomson, Marion Farrier, Jean Jones, Karen Beattie, Ruth Henderson, Billy Hen- derson, Louise Potter, Jean Gurney, Frances Caskanette, Sandra MacLen- nan, Gail Lavigne, Karen Smith, Eliz- abeth Burrell, Jean Froome, Joan Col- vin, Elma McPherson, Douglas Ham- ilton. Anglican Church The Rev. Douglas Fuller, the new rector of the parish- of Gorrie, Ford- wich and Wroxeter (vill be in charge of services at the regular hours on Suday next. Personals Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Grainger and Ruth, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Fleming Grainger, of Jamestown. Mrs, Albert Dustow spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Dus- tow, Toronto, Mrs. Ken Underwood and Brian, returned on Saturday from visiting her mother, Mrs. Thurlow, of McAd- am, New Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. John Finlay, Mrs. Mel- vin Finlay and Mr. Sterling Finlay attended the funeral of Mrs. Finlay's niece, Mrs. Cecil Walpole, in Wing- ham, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Elliott from near Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs. Morley McMichael, Wroxeter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Dick Carson, and Ir- ving Toner, attended the Motor Show in Toronto on Wednesday of last week, Sanford Zimmerman is confined to bed. Mrs. Etta Pyke is also very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Carl Fitch, near Belmore. Friends are hop- ing there may soon be an improve- ment in their condition. 1 Mrs, A. McKenzie, Harriston, spent 1 Wednesday and Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Graham and Mr. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dodds, Lois and Jack, attended the funeral ser- vice ef Mr. Alex Watson in London on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Everitt - Sperling of Bracebridge, spent the week-end with Mrs. H. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King returned home with them after spending the last two months in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Martin and family, Meleaseorth, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Geo, BrdWii en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Reg Wilson, AilSa Craig, were recent visitors with the latter'S sister, Mrs. H. Ferguson. Mrs. Geo. Poster of Elmira, visited for several days last week with Mrs. M, Gilkinson and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Knowison Elliott, of Grimsby, visited with friends here last week, after attending the funeral of Mrs, A. Hastie at Wroxeter on Tuesday. Winners at the L.O.L, euchre on Wednesday night Were, Mrs, W111, Taylor and Jack Cathers. At the February 'meeting of the L. 0./3.A, a donatioh of $5 Was made for the 'Red Cross campaign In March. Plans Were , also made to have the postponed Valentine euchre. The Finlay family received word last week of the death of their bro- ther';, wife, Mrs. Wesley Finlay of Berkley, California, Mrs, Finlay had been in poor health for seine time, She Was a native Of Toronto but had resided in California for many years, Interment was in Benkley en Thurs.. day, February 19th. MIAs Pauline Heinniiller and Mr. Jelin Neil of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Ilar. and Mrs. Walter King. Howlek Lions Midgets wen 4.3 over Blyth in Monday night's game, Also Monday night in the tiorrie Arena, the Gamic Coke Won 1541 in a game with WroXetet, l'age TWellYe Wingham Advaiece-7.1rnesk Wedneetlqy Vela 241,1953 '0 Wed., 'Phase., "Because You're Mine" Mon., Tues., March 2-3 "Lovely to Look At" Kathryn Grayson Red Skelton Matinee Saturday Afternoon Louis Hayward "Captain Pirate" • ri r ATRC 3 DAYS Feb. 26-27-28 James Whitmore 0 a Patricia Medina o March'4-5 0 0 0 1=07 r0s 0) *tzar 0=to, (OSSailas Report 45 Phones Added in Wingham The number of shareholders of The Bell Telephone Company of Canada increased during 1952 to 100,890, or nearly frier times as many as there were seven years ago, the company's 73rd annual report, issued this week, discloses. No other Canadian Com- pany has as many shareholders. Ownership of the company contin- ues to be predominantly Canadian, Shareholders living in Canada control 90 per Cent of the stock; those living in Ontario and Quebec, the two pro- virtees the company serves, hold 83 per tent. The shareholders include 10,369 con-Mealy employees and Pens siorters, The construction -of new facilities during the year was the most eXtera SiV6 in the company's history and 136,373 telephones Were added, bring- ing the total number in eerviee 1,976,128. There Were even mere new applicants for service than in 1951 but the total of 58,354 Unfilled 'Oder% at the end of the year Wes the lowest at any year-end shoed 1045. Willie the report deals with the eortinany's ever-all operations, 11. H. P. Johnston, Bell manager for this LatliOS AtisdliarY to Kiwi* brartnli lip. 307, Of the Cantu-thin Legion was held 14 the Legion Nail in Corrie, Mondays February 16th., With 13 men- hers present and Comrade Nell Allan In the chair, During the business per- led t125,00 wee voted to the Flood 'Re- lief Fend, also a donation for our re- tiring zone commander, Comrade Der- othy Hoyle, A letter of thanks was read from Westminster Hospital for dentstions received for the Veteran's Social Fund, Comrades S, and S. Austin were appointed to make plane for a euchre party, the proceeds for Flood Relief Fund. Comrade McCann was the win• ner of the mystery box, After the elosing exercises the Leg- ion members joined the Auxiliary lad- ies far luneh. Mission Band The Mission Band held Its February meeting in the United Church base- ment on Friday afternoon with 14 members present, .After the leader's story Faye and Ruth Edgar each playa piano. solo. Maureen Buchan- an had charge of a game, Hockey SCoring 15-4 over the Ripley Legion- aires in the game last Thursday even ing, Gorrie, will continue in the WO AA Intermediate playoffs, Howick Lions Midgets played Blyth in the Fordwieb Arena on Saturday night Whining 7-3 over Blyth in the first game of the playoffs. Red Cross Work The convener of the Red Cross work committee, Miss Margaret Dane, has received a number of layettes to be made up, also yarn for knitting socks, The work may be obtained at her home. Ross.Pozdrowski Third Avenue United Church, North 14#1000, Sask., was the 490.44 ISt a Prtty wedding wben Be,. Allan M, Loge offieieted at the nssieriege of Helen Adeline, daughter of Mrs, Per- nine PeadanWsiti. MaYfain to Constable .Kenneth G. Ross, een, of Mr,' and Mrs, Riebert nese,. Limitnow. The bride wore a floor-length gown of white nylon net and french lace. It had a double nylon net *irk with lace overskirt caught up at intervals by rhinestone trimmed, bouquets, The bodice was of lace with nylon net trim, She Were a matching lase Head- dress with, chapel veil, silver phoes and carried a bouquet of white and mauve hyacinths, Anglia Youst, cousin of the bride, was 'bridesmaid, wearing a floor-long- th gown of light blue nylon sheer. She wore a matching headdress and carried pink and white roses, Constable Gordon Beyrion„ of Lloyd- minster, was best man. A wedding supper was served in the Blue Room of the Savoy Cafe to the wedding guests, and later the bride and groom were honoured by the R.C.