HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-02-25, Page 6SALE—Lakeview Chicks. We are now booking orders for dayold and started chicks for March and April delivery. Phone or write your agent. Jas, R. Couites, R. 5, Wing- ham. Phone 743-W-2, 11:18:25* 1 FOR Free Delivery PHONE 534 WINGIffk114 FRUIT MARKET OUR new SELF-SERVE COOLER is in operation. We are pleased to add this EXTRA SERVICE in better prepared meats, milk, butter, etc. COB CORN Limited Supply of Well Matur- ed Cob Corn for delivery to your farm. Low Moisture Content. Grown in Wallaceburg District Prompt and Courteous Service Assured. Attention Farmers We have a special service of ground hammered corn. There is a limited supply, be sure to phone 455 or 589. This can be obtained at JOHN BUMSTEAD & SON Phones 455 or 589 Wingham 41111fallfInit SPECIAL REDU TION — For Fery 0 ly For a Timken ressure Burner Regular Value $395.00 200 Gallon Tank 1 YEAR'S FREE SERVICING 24 Hours' Service on ALL makes. HISIELIER mid SON We Sell the Bed and Service the Rest. Wingham Phone 426 A.,••••••••11.ff tortrer..11. LOVA Canada's Greatest Watch Value! HIS TREASURE* EXtELLEMY "xx° u ;mit 11 1ewth oPestri bawl $400 $5P° I DAVID OM TON 1 Jeweller at. Certified Watehmake Phone 59 Wingham r t " , ma.......••••••••4 We rySpecialize in Selling what You Can Spare he WinghauS AdVaticeinthelh Wednesday, Feb. 215, FOR SALE PRESS CORN SALVE for sure ,lief, Your druggist sells Oress Wart Remover—leaves no gears, WONOMY COUNTS MOST No ealf, man,_ machine deep a. safe, complete and satisfactory miliclag 101s without yrUG. ,and SURGE CUPS DON'T .CREEP. Ask, your neighboring fernier, why be Ulm Surge. Lovell Mequire, 593-w, Wingham, 18;250 FOR SALE--Several hundred pounds of new nails, all sizes 2" to 5", Phone Wingham 501. 25* ATTENTION' FARMERS—If you are interested in keening your livestock (cattle and hogs) in good condi- tion, Vita-Purol Special Conditioner with Vitamins A & D is the answer. Try itonee, see for yourself: I Will be calling on you as soon as will be calling on you as soon as Representative, P.O. Box 75, Luck- now, Ont. Phone 1084. 18:25:4* ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and stamp pads sold at The Wingham Advance-Times. FOR SALE--Finley 4-burner apart- ment size electric range, excellent condition. Phone 732-3. 28b FOR SALE—Fresh meat, either by the piece, or quarter. Also do butchering, cutting and wrapping for cold storage. Appy R. J. Mc- Lennan & Son, phone 10r9, Brussels Lot 19, Con. 2, Morris, Bluevale, Ont, 25:4:11;18* FOR SALE—Several pair of new sash, glazed, standard sizes and odd sizes. Phone 501 Wingham. 25* FOR SALE-2,800 square feet of 7- foot cement forms, all in good con- dition and built to stand abuse. Phone Wingham 501, 25* FOR SALE—Two wheeled trailer with sleeping section for two, plus kitchenette with stove, ice box and water tank, ideal for sportsman or tourists. Phone Wingham 501 or write P.O. Box 47, 25* FOR SALE-1 piece 4 x 8 x %" ma- hogany plywood. Phone Wingham 501. 25* FOR SALE—Baled Hay, No. 1 Tim- othy and Alfalfa. Ted Moszkow- ski, East Wawanosh, phone Wing- ham 713W2. 1125* FOR. SALE-6-S London cement mixer, 2 years-old, original cost $1,850.00, like new, no reasonable Nish offer refused and terms can be arranged. Phone 501 Wingham, or write P.O. Box 47. 25* FOR, SALE—Dining room and bed- room furniture, phone 353 by ap- pointment. 2.5:4* FOR SALE—Cheap, as a complete unit, Bathroom tank, heavy duty heater, and automatic Phone 322. 25b WATERLOO 51.111. TRACTORS AND INIACMNERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. MERRLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHLNERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 SPECIAL OFFERS FLOOR SANDING and finishing; also carpentry and built-in cupboards. phone A. Green, 464W, 1.118254b OUR COLD WAVE SPECIAL—good only in February, Saves you one- third on normal price. Charm Beauty Salon, Minnie St. Evening Ippointrnents. Phone 445. 18:25b BUEHLOW'S MOTOR REPAIR for all your Electric motor needs, Prompt efficient service, Walkerton, Ont. Phone 2733. 18:25b ANYONE WISHING to have a free demonstration for Tupper Ware; corded your sales representative, Mrs. A Grubbe, Bluevale, phone 709-M-1, 25* SAVE MONEY by using our storage lockers, available to town and country citizens. Sell your cream, eggs, and poultry to your‘Wingharn Co-operative. Ask for your Cash div- idend for Eggs, Poultry and Cream, It pays to deal with the United Co- operatives in Wingham. 25rrb FEMALE HELP WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework, Will lady who called for daughter Thursday please phone again. Phone 764, 25* WANTED—Stenographer for immed- iate employment in Winglaaro. of- fice. Experience preferred, but not necessary. Apply Box 14, Ad- vance-Times. 26:4b WANTED—A girl for part time housework or to take out or come in and do weekly laundry. Apply P.O. Box 239. 25* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Six room instil brick house, heavy wiring and furnace. Three miles from Wingham. Apply R. S. 1VIellurray, phone 735-3-3. 25b FOR RENT-3 rooms and bath avail- able immediately. Apply to Robt. Hallenbeck, Wingham, 25* AVALABLP1 IMMEDIATELY — 3- roomed self-contained apartment. Suitable for middle aged or busi- Phone 160, 2513 CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE— 1949 Mercury Sedan, WANTED DEADSTOM removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Palmer- ston 123W or Durham 398. GORDON YOUNG LLNELTED. 31rrb HIGHEST PRICES Paid for eggs and live poultry. Wroxeter Produce, Phone 36. 1$:4:18:1* LADY deeires position as saleeladY or hair-tlresa. er's assistant, some experience, Re- ferences on request, Apply Mr. Stevs ens, clo Mrs. Roulston, Frances St. 25b FEMALE HELP WANTED $100,00 easily earned monthly selling, sparetime, blouses, skirts, nylons. highest quality, rook-bottom prices. No outlay, samples loaned, Satisfac ticirt guaranteed. Stenber Distribut- ing Co., 30 McRoberts Aye„ Toronto 25b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—One Holstein heifer, vaccinated. Due April 14. Apply to Cliff Hoffer, phone Wroxeter 12r7. 25* REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham. 2rrb FOR SALE—comfortable six-room brick dwelling in village of Gorrie. Modern conveniences, large lot, close to school, churches etc. Ideal for retiring farmer. Cost $5,500, Will consider reasonable offer, Clif- ford Walmsley, Gorrie, Ontario. 18:25b FOR SALE-6 rooms and bath, 11f storey brick veneer, automatic oil furnace, modern tiled steel kitchen, garage, immediate possession. G. L. Davidson, phone 421-w, 18:25* FOR SALE House and lot in St. Helens, frame house with hydro, cis- tern, spring well, water pressure in house and stable, Barn on cement wall, cement floors, new stabling. Hen house 18 x 24 ft. 2 acres of Iand, Apply to Thomas Colwell, St. Helens, Ontario, 18:25:4;11b TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, veneered, full sized basement, laun- dry tubs, new furnace, kitchen modernly equipped, centrally lo- cated. For further information, phone 293, 28rrb FOR SALE—Five room bungalow with modern bath and kitchen, gar- age, forced air heat, large lot, in town. Four years old. A bargain at $3500 cash and carry on with pre- sent mortgage, Eight-inch heavy duty jointer with motor and stand. Almost new, First $100 takes it. Beaver wood lathe with many at- tachments aneehisels. New. Phone Wingham 501 or write Box 47, Wingham, DWELLING FOR SALE—We offer for immediate sale two storey dwelling, well located in Wingham. Divided upper and 1 ower apart- ments. Good condition. Patent shingle clad, patent roof. Reason- ably priced, For particulars: H. C, MacLEAN, Real Estate & Business Broker, Wingham. Phone 115. 25b FOR SALE—One cottage and one 2- storey house in Wingham, Apply to Box 16, Advance-Times. 25:b FOR SALE-2 good 100-acre farms with good buildings, hydro, water, some bush, close to town and school, on good road and priced to sell for spring possession. For fur- ther information contact Cecil Wheeler, Box 55, Blyth, Phone 88. 25:4b FOR SALE—Five room bungalow with modern bath and kitchen garage, forced air heat, large lot in town of Wingham, 4 years old, priced for quick sale at $3,500.00 cash and carry on with present mortgage. Phone Wingham 501 or write P.O. Box 47 25* HOUSE FOR SALE—On Minnie Street, in good state of repair, 3 good size apartments with modern conveniences, would make good home or monthly income. Apply A Purdon at Purdon's Ladies' Wear, 251a HOUSE FOR SALE-7 roomed' fratne house in Lucknow, bath and all modern conveniences, newly paint- ed and in good state of repair, cement garage, Well located. Apply A Purdon at Purdon's Ladies' Wear, 25* VOR SALE—Double House, Stueco, good condition, all conveniences, EX, cellent Iodation, separate furnates, one with oil, large garage, Apply Joe Rem 26b FOR SALE—Eight room brick house on north side of Rewleir Street, Wroxeter. Four bedrooms Mid both. Hydro, hard water on property, ap. proximately three-fifths acre of land. All hi good. condition. For further information contact 3. H. Wylie, phone 00, WroXeter, 251) The annual meeting of the Belgrave Library Board will be held 04 Friday, February 27th., at $, p.m. in the Qom* triunity Centre Recreation Boon, flinags will be shown. Guest speaker, Mrs. Eikrnier of Goderich, Short pro, grain and lunch, 25b FOUND FOUND-,-Wrist watch on Josephine S. Owner may have same by Ming for ad and proving same, 25b WANTED WANTED,-A canvas covered canoe, In good cOndition, preferably 15 feet in length. Apply to Box 60, Wrox- eter. 2511 MISCELLANEOUS Dead or disabled animals promptly removed. Darling & Co„ Sea- forth, E, Andrews, hauler. Phone collect 851r11. 27rrtb WIND OUT haw You can save mon-ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb TENDERS FOR OIL AND GAS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the supplying of diesel fuel oil, no. 1 gasoline and hy- draulic oil for the Tsp. of Howick. Applicant to supply pumps and con- tainers. Tenders to be in the hand of the undersigned not later than 12 o'clock noon March 4th, 1958. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. Galbraith, Road Superintendent , Gorrie, Ontario. 18:24b NOTICE PTO CONTRACTORS Tenders for the contract, of supply- ing, crushing, and hauling approxi- mately 10,000 cubic yards of gravel for Morris Township, will be received by the undersigned up until 2.30 p.m., March 2nd., crusher to be equipped with Y3 inch screen. Certified cheque for $200 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 18:25b NOTICE Applications for the positions of sprayman and helper for Morris Township for the Warble Fly Cam- paign will be received up until 3 p.m., March 2. State wages expected. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 18:25b TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Tenders for Gravel Sealed tenders will be received by R. H. Thompson, Township Cleric, un- til 2 p.m., Tuesday, March 3, a953, for approximately 8,000 yards gravel crushed and trucked for East Wawa- nosh Township roads, this material to pass through 518 inch screen. Ten- der to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $300.00 and work to be completed by July 31, 1953. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Stuart McBurney, Road Superintendent, Wingham, Ontario 18:25b ATENTION FARMERS: If you are interested in keeping your livestock (Cattel anti Hogs) in good condition, Vita-Purol special conditioner with vitamins A & D is the answer, Try it once, See for your- self! I will be calling on you as soon as possible. Well Henderson, District Represen- tative, Lucknow, Ont. P. 0, Box 75, Telephone No, 108-J. 25:4:11* APPLICATIONS FOR WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR Applications for Warble Fly Inspec- tor for the Township of East Wawa- nosh for 1953. Salary $1.00 per hour, applicant to supply his own trans- portation, apply to the undersigned on or before two o'clock, March 3rd., 1953, R. H. Thompson, Clerk, 25b HELP WANTED $615 A. MONTH We need three ambitious men driving late model cars, Who are not afraid to meet the public and are willing to work hard for adVaricemerit. If you are Interested contact Mr. Shure, 'Un- ion Hotel, Hanover, Thursday between 5 and 'r p.m., Friday between 10 and 12 a,rn, and 5 and 7 pan. No phone calls. 25b AtICTION SALE---at the home of VIM John Smith,f Highway 78, East. end of Wroxeter, Saturday, n'eb. 28, 25* Ordered yolit chicks/ Then I suggest you get busy if you want the best summer.fall markets. Ask inc for Hillside Chiek prices. Canadian Ap- proved Chicks from a Hatchery of over 30 years eXperienee. - Wide choice Mixed pullets, cockerels; pure breds, crosses; dayold, some started; capons. Agent, Mitchell Miliott, R, B.. 6, Brussels, Phone 12I4.1., I wish. to take this, opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and thank§ to neighbours aud frioods for their acts, of kindness, cards, treats, etc, while was in the hospital. My special thanks to Dr, B. N, Corrin, Mrs. Morrey and her staff. Their kindness is much appreciated. Mrs. Murray McDowell, 25b We wish to express deep appreci- ation to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for kindness shown during the long illness of our mother and grand- mother, Mrs. Alexander Hastie and at the time of bereavement. To those who helped in any way or offered assistance, we are grateful. Mrs. W. T. Elliott, Doris, and Jean, 25* would like to express s incere thanks for the many acts of kindness shown to me while in hospital and since returning home, Especially would like to thank Dr. IVE0Kibbon, Mrs Morrey and her kind staff of nurses. Mrs Wm Alton 25* I would like to express sincere felt thanks to the friends, relatives and neighbours for their acts of kindness, cards and flowers at the time of our sad bereavement. Cecil Walpole. 25* IN MEMORIAM REM—In loving memory of a dear granddaughter, Elva who passed away four years ago, 'March 5th, 1949: We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. Ever remembered by Grandma and Grandpa McNeil 25b IN MEMORIAM REID—In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Elva, who Passed away four years ago, March 5th, 1949: We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind, For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. Always remembered and sadly missed by Mother, Dad, Sisters and Brothers. 25b TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon March 4th, 1953 for the crushing and hauling of 8,000 yds. of gravel, more or less, 'as" screen to be used and to be delivered anywhere in the Tsp. of Howick under the direction of the road superintendent; 4,000 yards of gravel, more or less, 2" screen to be used, and to be delivered in the Tsp. of Howick after the' completion of construction of certain roads, Ten- ders to be plainly marked Tenders for Gravel, pits to be stripped and maintained by the contractor to the satisfaction of the road superinten- dent, A certified cheque of 5% of the tender to accompany same. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be completed by Oct. 1st, 1953. Further information may be obtained from the road superintendent Mr. A. Galbraith, Gorrie, Ontario, phone Wroxeter 31r10, P. L. DURST, Clerk, Tsp. of Howick, Wroxeter, Ontario. 18:25b NOTICE TO CREDITORS' All persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Jane Webb late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or about the ninth day of January, A.D. 1953, are notified to send. to the undersigned on or about the seventh day of March A. D., 2953, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing- Immediately after the said seventh day of March the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. notice. DATED this seventeenth day of February, A.D. 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executora. 18:25:4b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Edward Mc- Burney, deceb.sed. All persons having claims against the Estate of Edward McBurney, late of the Township of East Wawa- nosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of November A.D., 10521 are required to file full particulars of their claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executor's, on or be , fore the 28th day of Febrilaryi 1053. Immediately after the said date, the salsas Of the deceased Will be distri-• bitted, 'having regard only to claims of which the Executors Shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this ninth day of February, A, D., 1953. J. W. 131ISHFIELD, "Wingham, Ontario, Selicitor for the EZeoutorS, 11:18:25h BIRTHS BLACKM9RE—In Women's College Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, January 29th., 1053, to Rev. and Mrs. William Blackmore (nee Lois Elliott, Bluevale), Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Conn,, a son—Robert Douglas.. GALLAGHER—In Florence Nightin, gale Hospital, Dallas, Texas, on Saturday, February 14th., 1903, to Rev, and Mrs. Douglas Gallagher (nee Marjorie Falconer) of Dallas, Testis, a daughter, Cynthia Rowena. L1NNELL—In Victoria Hospital, Leo don, on Monday, February 23rd., 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Lio- nel' (nee Dorothy Macintosh), of Strathroy, a son. ROBERTSON—In Collingwood Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, February 17th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Robertson, (nee Edith Field) of Stayner, a son, a brother for Huth. ROBINSON—In Wingham General Hospital, an Friday, February 20th., 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson, of Belgrave, a son. MAHOOD—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Saturday, February 21st., 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mahood, of Teeswater, a son. vILLIOTT—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Sunday, February 22nd., 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Wingham, a daughter. THE VOICE OE TEMPERANCE' $o we 11417 P beverage rooms in litSres, on. That's not What they are -ofttloc. by their patrons, but that's what they are called. by outsiders, And that*, what they are. We have beverage rooms even though the people of Hun. on have never voted for them and do not want them. This is just another voay in which the letter of the law is • being evaded and the spirit of the law frustrated. ft is in the record that.. every one of these beverage rooms has had police action brought against The queetion is hoar long are men.. goingfor th eir ikrieteopxiocnatipnagy ibnegy ear atghle sr "IviMporree, over beverage rooms represent one of the worst features of the liquor traffic- nuisance. The people of Huron do not. want beverage rooms.—ADVT. • Experience is not always the beet teacher. Your first traffic accident. may be your last, Drive and walk with care. * * * The worst time for traffic accidents is between dusk and midnight. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT" IMMUNIZATION CLINIC The second in a series of immuniz- • ation clinics for Wingham and die-- tribt will be held. in the TOWN HALL, WINGIIAM Thursday, FebruarY 26th, 1953 from 3,00 to 4.00 p.m. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics. to receive initial immunization or re- inforcing inoculations for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Small-- pox, rap Si,1t FOR SALFaa-33eritty Litter Carrier, track, nearly new, complete with pole, priced for quiclt sale, Apply Eldred Gathers, Phone art, Waste eter. 20+ FOR SALE—Massey-Harris double Unit milking machine with new pumps and new rubbers, piping for 12 cows, priced for quick sale 425, Apply Blair Kelly, Teeswater phone I 41r14. 1$:20b control ness couple. radio, direction indicators, Life- guard tubes, 6 good tires, excellent condition, Phone 6723 evenings. llr rb • FOR SALE-1939 Buick 44 Series. Reconditioned motor. Good tires. Rebuilt front end. Elmer Sellers, Bluevale, Phone Wingham 610-W- 13. 25* — „ , WANTED FOR SALE,--40' hetnernade cabin , trailer, Du therm oil heater, built- CoP4-'11•BT":61 itJ uNQ in cophoards, wardrobe, cheat et drawers, table, 2-burner rengette, fully insulated, Terms, Cash, Phone 25, Wroxeter, 6,7 pan. 20:4* COMING EVENTS CARDS Or THANKS