The Signal, 1925-12-10, Page 4111
• . •
outt anning
.....„,...„.._ .....„..„„
Let us help yrni• YOUf men's and boys' gifts --we
can help ou, that is our business.
Here are five lea mg lines for men and boys for
Christmas Gifts.
Fine Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery,
Mufflers and Gloves.
Think this over, then come and let us show you how
easy it is to make your selection.
Fine Shirts $1.50 to $5.00, Neckwear 50c to
$1.50, Hosiery 50c to 51.50, Mufflers $1.50 to
$3.50, Gloves $2.00 to $4.50.
A large stock to chooselroni.
MEN AND BOYS' \VE.NP. 1•110 .\ 1 -47
SHEITAItIrroN. law. A. -Mr. sod
-Yritak Hawkins ratan up from
Toronto to attend the Amend of• Mr,
tax' father. Mr. Jeetteepil nether-
Ingtoh, Coo that u r. .'o.
brother -in -Ina
Mr•*. /tarry E. Potter and two ehli•
dm. Lorna and Thelma, from !Ans-
han*. -Sask.. arrived hint Sfiturday to
*petal -the win-ter-witte her father and
mother. lir. vind Mnx Row. Busk,
and other friyada
sttended'the dance at Richard Melte
t-ILILAther_ .(rQsLrQun herr
tyre'et list Friday ulwht. All report a
440'4 time, _
41 4
• , Vta
KIIIRtt#1411 •rd • '
their road. %Mit nit* lti a Very bad 1. Iff *14.4 .I.'44 /I .
vont/Mot.. Web Jeeelw the). wine 'NM* ' - C lusttr-
' Thalttle. or IllonityhroOlt. ed. but not:largely.
ban. a good.gravel r,,aii. ,
• ST. lilltLXNS.. Dee. 7. -Mrs. 'II. Nirm• llou'inuin viiitok bat wk xis. E. Fowler ho visiting friends
• -- * --- • .Hutherforil be .14 •Ith with Mr. awl. Mr*. l'hefillatt Of Lot*" ' '
• arry formeely Was Maude Both house filld tinutenta w re
1p 1.o4erit•h thin week.
now. . Robert Mothers h. the pussesior of
itiffr".V4,0.'kJ1iV.ST 4#
Anth.roon. near HA.
• IdEt.FAST, DeeNlbe. 1111licr4d
ilaekeit was thi. gatiu of 111,04tHlre
Atteo. latekhow, ot yr the Weeh•
end. , • •
• Illas 1.11a train tuts returned home
• after %wilding fes weeks with
_ides*at 'trail/won.
Sirs. 'fitio---71111Pffir-o.. --tt
is visititur tier ,coti•iii, Mr*. lloWers,
for * few thly..
hnto• .hated ith friends
114 thiderich 011 Friday laid.
Mr. and -14r., 11•11frist 14retittan. of •
- 4 leae. Mr.. I oretinan's for-
mer home here on Slandat•
.. number from here i fi• tit tending
the 41' r.'. month.' eintrw• aerient.
tore nod Inoue reimentie. which Is la...
log Wit 1.0e,klivW.
Every .10.4.4•riller to The elltglial
the coming year will reeelve a lir.
ealendar. Stabecribera ary aleend.
eotolow to to r..nea for their. fay.irit
$lt'" M. 'interior war a vtadtor wItb
frki.hi il.srRCiltarth Nat Week.
.31140 11. 461Ealsnaw....1%,11" oPut tew
aouttlia In .tho W...t. -limo returned
•Miwoora. Ltitue lVehlo and Ideas
1414144111 rblurStaii hem,' from the West
la -4 week. '-
will hilt dilater. .41.. 1'. Men1". At
Teelownler. -Mr. Aloilen, his brother -
4* its Ter): issir health.
The Woman.. 1 1,...ri!on. awe at um.
Antlertion'n 4Ilu floirmiar, with
splendid attention...4i ligetpea were
iixelieliso foe ftr'r.ortiAti (Ake and
"1"4." sigewild paper given
by lira. ...1.•-•ffesseations
fur winter A ep person
who vein apart. ?nth la re-
, ne-.4 .41 14 Milk •
during the next 4,..4 weeks: also
remetnia ea,. for the Sick
r . . .
hildren ot inteigra! stonily re -
1 % ; : at br el. store
1•14., T.- Mr+. Done.
Mela.nnan. ••f Laurier. is visiting with
?riven'. in Tonnite.
3/1/11411.. cathari* nuil Smile Me -
1 ballet& !let frierWisolt-
end at their heme 111 1
I.yla Richard.. of iiiteley, *pent
the week•end with her pitrentu. Mr
' unit .urs. Itiek Itirliardo. of Pant -
isunsw •
• ASPIFIF:I.D, Dee. T. lluneatv Maw.
Kay. tivtery Wine &Oil Kenneth Thant.1
ail or Goderich. were howe fol rat:
'1 new'radio. aliobble meal lila friend,/
‘417.111*tile.leler.t.twurifeant .1,4brir cowanit.wrubtumin.a.ut I hi,t.tuist_e.
Viler! •Eallter Ni•vitis. I h ditus13-
711lnaiol.tiet)MthaPir•NY:Isalo'k'.1t)1171111:4:hvge-144 I aimi"tilli!. YoNfilvedfrili:i:MrtNire:nt ulr*moadliwYt htuu:erli/
et Port .41/awl 41144 Iteasde Grant•
w to' wkap"._ thy tfie Letdown
t•hltryli yest•oxlity were attended.
The ',en Ice* ht l'reohyterMti
Rev. It. J. Campbell. of Tureente.
/*elided the poliat /I KU Vt. iito i•Xell•14
11•114 1.4.r Minh.
The regular 1111 111 1 hl.- ateel lug of the
LW.S. WAN )11.111 at rho tonne of me*.
N. it. Mitelielialts. 12th etinerottlint. tut
Friday last. with the lottiiitletit. Mrs.
U. 4'. 3lateKioirle. 111 the chair anti Ill
t *beldam t
•e 11 MHOS.
The liberal! Wirawn'tOtortitute 1w14
It* regular meeting stfF-the bonse tof
Mrs. Deo. on Thurso!" law
Mrs. .1. Iteckett. the zwenident. was In
The amnia! an. alf the !lards the chair and a good program waa ilt
Niission !land tti lo. Ite•141 lu the 114. The nezt lee held he
eltito.41 parlor 1111 S nItty. it,„.int,,.e the KIntall hall.
12. The three-ael comedy. eolith.) -The
_ ' Mr. Rohl's.- will he present.
ell toy the Lucknow Drumm', nut, in
the Make's dente)! 11.11. 9th eteneete-
stem. at s.15 FrIttay, Ileceniber
Ilth. 3.11. alai 214e.
death Mita. Margaret ,letni.
toll. aged tifty.eilx yeura oveurn.1 at
the Inoue of her 'trilby*. Mr. Ituro.•11
'IMP My:ander. •:f r41.-
tn.'', the west-md a Mrs. Andrew'
nwerizig of the 1V.M.S. of ktuatte'. Hill niminf.
Mirq: Lavhat trarri.l.. of W Ilt10111111/. Met 1. conce000m of ;Witted
it tipealilltis bee 1,..)1.1..t. tit her 1101lite tin 'Flitirstioly. Novelnleter Litith. I
ehorett via44 held on Womble -Any 411 the ; 11111.4 ra of Zion; tidbit It
hall With /1 V
*las Mr.. .1mi. 11beeknen. •Parts -
The 1'111111er 4fillired that the i'ma 1 n,,,nirt, diming
year hail been a very -aactesalf-iti--ewlete- jells ieseette. Mb ban t•
The eb%I.entire was resleleeted. 4. attending the r.F.W.D.' cott%entb.1
II""dermon: ' io /into thin week.
lir vice-president. Mr,.. W Too.: soy. t•ittilsr et.
two. d •i
.. • ..r''. • • % Im'It• vb.ited -VOID-Mr. and Mrtk-Ales. Nle-;.
treasurer, Mr.. I:. ll'alt•r: 1.1..r... i t.thtruthi. a idiekt,„,,,t„
tar?. Ilfaa 'Jean 4;len. Alism .tniella !
Mellwain wan elet•ted I qvanist for Mr. Edward Waimea'''. is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. -George Mornay. of at
reused wpm born 1/11 the Lake 14h41* -re
Mrs. .11/11101103. of r1)11t r11t111. A11htle111. 111111111t three tulle* be-
inIctr‘v,..alivicalisril,:ud"Litur lisAt1411.1"J'arins"....' IJ4, Mhe
daughter of
Ihts Ontario ,.onvention at to tricorn iter b•spi her toothier. who Is
Tormiti• hott week nint•ty-thret• :tear% of age. alai the ID
tItilillJ4 tree lowing olOtero. anil brothers: Mrs
el.,. In ate_1141.411 ten lfri-iiTy":-Afatterierl-ktrw---Treat. 44t
Itevenibee eatto. *Teo with---Iver-datighter atiendedi
Mira Irene'311ttore *kiting friends jtheilhiliftit:1•11...ral.116m.l441:::tatiud•n-ri jaaridnies.Davryhiu
itortt Noveini.r to ilr. and live. In the South. Illeyettord was a
John Tartit• }',,royee. a *on. 'splutter of the. Plyuttinth liretbren
.41r. Frank Wit.. 1 . of liamilton. Th.. funeral took Aar., t4,
yit,itiug. with Mra Ji,.. etetuetery d,, 44Ht Uhl. y No -
I rill.1:311011. ..f sr to the family 111 their bereavement.
mxitty exteniltal
The . of the United church
re ^hipped a- -soloed 4.t 114a_t0
• ItentsmeloW 414, •. Toronto, last
the itivotuing Year p.a ra 'wood.
The -co-operatite-, very t.,., Nfr. Andy Ilantlition. , of Ilenfryit. 34
hipping lonekwileat front Ilene/ad I spent the week -evil with frh•ritio in
tlftli ear there today I Wednesday Thatupoitin.- of wits- 1
NIr. Tobias il•lifil•riislt ••1 aitl
r. the ea.".* ot Ifra..4Partter Stanley...rt. I'.
- - and Mr.. Mai.iet wat, 1.twknott.._.
• honatillier oust -.pennt a141411tig V1 11 It -Mr. awl tin
'4orrY• • _ 4.f Ifni.
t aria In the form or con-
vulsions, VAS only for a few hours.
"rhe futtentl tool Itlooet",-ott SlAtirlor af-
ternoon to Dungannon cemetery. 7'he
parents have the syttillatIty of tin.
elotumunity in their bereavement,
.1 number fmni this krality attend.
ed the funeral Of he, lite Joseph
Jfetherlasitinof the Nilo district. ttu
.4 meeting of 4441 library board wan
led Ott saturday evenInt. ehlel1T 10
and etett
ean order for hooks,
The library. we are pleased lo'w&Y. I*
a dourIshing condition natter its
able hoard of managers. vt•rr sat-
P.•••tory order for new books hos
iss•n made. mud the nevr volumes will
appear lin the *belie. for Vitriatmas
'44*etiteettilfittivitt In Ca of the
public Ilbrury held hist Fritts.' night
wan a anectea NotwIthstantlin th
dark night and ruliddY toad*, * Largo
number aert• pretreat to hear the de-
lottors and other low! entertainer,
Tbc debate: l'ILasolved, that aigartA
lure hum dour more for Canatlit Chau
tuanufsettirtw, or the Warm)worn-
Wong," war 4b1r dammed lifthorthree
onalaarta. 44. Ihivitiaan, iffq111,410
and .1i. Allen. After conalideable
argument and entortainme.,*t. by each -1
ilelattor. It WM. (*ebbed (Jr the badges•
l'avIdnon, hail the beat of the con.
-aphookid gifted rungoam ft MY
afterwards given by iotsal talent.
We are .orry to tind Mr. 14.-E. San-
ileralett 1011 the .lek if* and hope re-
tiovery 14111 i...oft hake plat*.
NI. are. ph -aimed to know 'lust Mrs.
Itlehard l'ark la recovering from her
l'ito.. ha. het* eundit
to the house for 11 fetv days by Ill.
lava -
The $4111.1.1y ..r iii.. 41,11,1
and l'reoli,tterian /1 rt. pro,.
I IS44111 far I'larkttuaa entertainment.
to he held "It tit...evening. of the -is:
111111 14rI - ri.••p4r./ 1 03
that sgrieult tire upheld I •
Let's get a new
Quebec Cook Stove
Harold Blackstone is the
*114 tie'laeld Ttte..lay and Wedue.
day of thla week. The program a.!
listed below the totrengeott 7I4
I- fere"! awl it *444 1.• wi/.• to maise
. Arlin to eee 44 bight. Come
Mr. Nal M.le,111-1 'Amite,' friend. at 111% and Mrs..1.•roe Varrh.h. Aoh- he
•ii raiTtil-ITTrgra-nrowert.:--ronr-.-
big 1:1•t
4'A44.1A/4V. bee. 9. -The mum& hauling gravel the... tillYo
fr/ /47
/ /4,/n
and only
12 more
Shopping Days
Naught Can Compare With Gifts to Wear r °4414
They fill practical and personal need. They are worn Christmas morning in the
very shadow of the Christmas re. e
y cosfittlie and comfort mitch.-Ther_an
presents of common sense and appreciated by all
Gifts to Wear
Hosiely Titta
Dainty and Useful
lzwiPlOtis Silk Hose -_ Silk Gloves
, Chiffon Hose•is7.77;•01 Chamoisette Gloves
Kid Gloves
Wool Hose
Suede Gloves
Checked Hose Wool Gloves
Every pair neatly Every pair neatly 11;
boxed boxed
Dainty and
Gifts for Dad
and the boys
We have them.
f' 14441,4 4
"",;.11, ;4 4,0
Silk Lingerie Sweaters
BrOC•fn lit"4"1".(1"1 •.r. °gin kilo. with or
fECOtictoir Cam-, Crepe -de -chine, Gowns. N., .•xtra charge fothO'Kila.Z.
See the -Lingerie -Display, dainty
Lthfistmas linens--
Fancy Aprons Tabk,,,,, boxer] espeeiall% for gifts,
1114.' nunteratts designs Of etit-WtIrle:
1.11•1' t 11) eth Ot 111/11143. • 4
Of voile, gingham, chambray or print.
Boxed free of charge. •- k Toael..4 elahurate 1.,rhar- and
Se arh neatly
Tea Aprons, Bungalow Aprons.
re,X."441 .4 e It 11;2 'Kw aitiel *4° *1(444"""10 gind 6°2*
Tost els With nloved or plain. borders aml
neatly holed
•- boxed. ine-ful gift •tt moderate,...t.
Plain crepe -de -chine Scarfs, Floral
crepe -de -chine Scarfs, Knitted Scarfs,
Woollen Scarfs.
hh 'would she hke '4;1 °" '1,"!‘ I" a gd"behntiltt hae. v,lithitilter• Met
1-11101a)%1. Ilatailkerridet.. They
A Dress Length 44
2 1-4 yards of 54 -inch material.: 3 I-
to 4 1-2 yards of 36 -inch material, will
-The most useful gift of alt.
US to suggest suitable materials.
The ChristmaaieTi-rt of ensiles. s variety
.. Boxed
25c, 39e-, 110;
75c, 96c.
AVAI Itl?4,
McCall Patterns
35../rvaz.rr-trotrsterrorr4'M,Fr r'serremr0t. 0,0wirircosyrk,ffoute40.eat17,*04717(MraWfaliperwmprow•T ••444•••,1171'ir To.* • 7 4. ".419; .".PfrAW;;;;t7114'. WV, 7e0":1:;1441.9e0111441,Y +AO .11,9,11.41/1914, 1 oki 0141!!1-40,11
1' 3 • Or
Ar ''v'411.'14e.140itiii 4.1„f-
Itt ft,,,a700. fi • • 1 • •
, ,,N .7,••
• . • ' •
• • •
Phone 56
McCall Patterns
-Mr. and •lir*.
Ter rowir
and are living with Mr. Nfelwites.'s
ter. Mrs. Mores. l'attil.ria road. for
Ithe winter. We /tope the) III *enjoy
life In the ttttt tv loan
Mr. Wnt. Greet' a nen
Pon! t•orll!te.
The 'ir-opi•ra I I ye- 14 r.' .4,i1,14,,a a
•-ettr4 losekwiteat front Kt -beset iota -
tton tothty. • HttekwItead has II
1.1(4 crop for the farmer. iu thi• vec.
*bur thio )ear. itrlee paid lo Tuj•
1111W meerleatil. lir John Young. Into
taken his travelling ...tore off the rinid
fhe work of road improvement is
*4444 got**. ott, Grart4._ia_ne_
-pekoe.- and-* different
!web night.
,„ The Kaffir/ 4. 11.1. -
1-4...4 WINNII'ItE
'11 lit-itit.%y, __ ...
- -
1,-,04 i to Iri'sh 1'e/direst 0 . t ---- - 4
gent for these in Goderich
You get twice the heat and
ou use less coal.
Drop in and let us talk it
Blackstone's Furniture
,•• 4
KEIT!! et 11.11(iltNE
:4,-41 • lb 'DA
TA ND :14444)414t;
r _ . 74E. GODERICH
Nt 41.4-i r.K.i.ork and runt ':thi;.4
it MI P. AND 4;.. • „..v.y
_ 5,r/frf • svfr _;_•_istait.,. _4.______ . ' gAT-141111tRS 7' tnIANN TUE
4 M:ial..4: Nlaiiirslatur) --
I: -rum 4:1..tem itrettrir
. i lint* !hill...
4 S11
Iii11'441 Limb -
, , '-
!-t---Ottits ?lir tIARKTtoWN TRW
T14,.,,_ rsialit4 Jibel el rear ..l, ta !loth
. '''- --ntairtir ------------------ 1
1 •14/1.114.,1 ,
_111flealg_ _
ifteth tie the again road and to the town- Kendal, and 4Faman6i
ahill road north from 141751,
tontiiias IlleLEAN ere a new tidier( wn. recently tint
ept,..fte.. J,.. utiett,•.. It 1., fer 4;e4 treiltettt Iftarei
he.irst flint n171 be 44, rAir. A 31.111 '4""414":" "1 1.1*444411'.
1.1 a short time.-"y.E4 11001% TO B.11.DPAT117
lIntsicipat affairs 11111111 lir the .
1.. di 1 1.11)11 riMa.11111 111 t he "SU: Vt i1111;"
/41141 14.1114141 4f.ihee year eytt -the
awl niotaMittlotto for ite‘t 111111,- :Ill t Thitt.hty
IF your heating equipment ha,
dos n, phone for the Heat Fotks
um,. of litigli 1111 ate! %,,* 1* Flote 'nu morn • d. .
' 4' "-t" 4.' h'14 "fi "1" .-"`itt• Tit" ftf..osIE 1.044.. NEI1: 11144111.TON A few do'e' ut this coal and it %%ill
•-r •.!!: ItIcia 1,4441 tli PilliiPtlifill Wiiit - A. I) I I ." • perkup uttMe 12 e ). ere h• a
ii:W.wiap; --argrir--be- inntreatoo.4 .4.01'. .44.41.% I.' ' • • • -WI It roman... ii- diet that is easy tn digest. The
• h. re are a onoplper of new aapiratfta OW 1.4 t. -I I , wi'..! IN Wilk . _ 4 - Heat Folks drive 444.i'. furtrarir"
• .
svy are glad to ,%•44'.111.' Ur noel Paraneon., coto•-•1) 44,-- ',,,A.' put tire in its heart ani a health.%
•,,r •trat. a. isontehlocit. , • .-.'..":.•!..' "NM% 11/100N114". 7-- - frowns and rheumatics. T'Iteb
i fr.... Rent. Marri. nod fatuity teti•k te ; .."
the tounship "Xlif Vi4 Iliffpr. A. . 0014' in its Cheeks. With 11
4 4 .
:in• nitwit behind a, i t h t h:lir plot% ins. '
Yettr eorrespooden tbati le
•poriny tteuttter *Ilk ftill the former,' , ---------7---777-- niike ,ThFurx.R1---s-u--Ong „...N.,...,.,......,,_
ilosum..„00,,,i 6 .E' 1. -4').4„.414;!‘ '11" %''Zil.:" igiLLIE • a.nj swig need little 4 i" "t I t on t i:". 'IL '..iil
any jorerbrive Tient when whiner Ill 1.14.-L.,
1 111.1' r‘e•I Ili au early. um. vostitt Is liea.1 .4 ....t 44t III'S.? 111:,.1, iii.• Iilt-• _ .
tralwr to-theo--44._stet aM, _Heal Folks ors the joh, 4llur tur-
that grent eill.elltItlete a 111/111e1 44,4*'.. In . 0 ,.... „ 4, ji ,4„ 1 t 44 ,z, , , ,,
:Cone 11. %taste. there having been laa 1-, elrilin atti11111IFTK"
(opimettiltily tee 1.01‘.. them before the •
laird a eather 411 1111*
M 004 .
Mk IrWl I 'ttithed . t61,YittfitA ;•
- with- -zr.,----rrurrnerty Mothialtstx- ''_.... ,PATHE NEWS - I' ' Ito ( si Ind ( l• -an Coal
elattrelt 4•1.p.44 /1 4 a ra Mil t id the reitr• Mdi t itipp Sill ilr4gis 141 3 1111 i, gi,
ehtiw.hes n number of member. Duni a.'rf.n!
ratigetuent fallint ins the union of 4 ,4 i
Manta Chin. is ei ,Iaii tvz B. MUSTARD COMPANY
rbia-rvixr4.xiiii.di Ai, 443.'W -worship. •,,, ""1-11 '1'1- ". 1141.1 ''''''. Phone 98 Goderich
ping nt eolith, 11411 silo nre adding
Wean, to the strength ..f the
11111 e•taregatIon. 4V.. tintiervintld
I 4.4'I4-hi-IIII_I4
plate 114e omit w ptittina-
f the Stnitho 14111 anti Roioniller eon -
We -hear that at pools man ii-Tfrit
honn• late ,i 1,1 night inot 111/4 ear
Atm* in the' mire awl had to call up•
on the insitgammo garage Mat' *0
num him mit in the early •pf
Monitor. The young *111444 dtlfiltil lit'k
41 la•tter [(mt time.
The funeral of the late tu•orr
Clark took place fr••m 1.111di
of Carlow on Fridny W., and wito
largely attened. /Vv. W. II. ilawk•
ins. of Illyth. Airliner!. neeleriell
Rev. W. 14..t1p. The ponlibeart.r. were
Warner Walter, Melvin TYlohIll.
Marsh. W. son and the
Me•-rs. Wigh lyt 1. • tn.
1 rill, rit In 4 t4l441114. (111141.11.
'file late Nlr. lItork w..s loioth 1111 the
Clark homestead at fY'artantITr 'OTT-
thinee years as.., 11. weete imp iif on,'
heat farmer* nod speelally Inter.
Patell ln the breeding 1,1' WINN' k
Welt: RN (tenth menu. m-4.ea4-44440,
Ole enitamithity.
ItINtiANNoN". !lee. to. --int We4
ne.idny eeentlig of hrs.- wessIst--ittw.-.
mound Item'. lin,,'*e na, totally di.-
NiTAYM 111e 'Ire votiopietisi
to bare been enow.I from the Weber!
*tore, opurk. having caught some
elfit while Mrs, field wax away
IrS the bonne. (living tr) lack of
water noir by, nothing could by it •
to nave the building. hut must ,rt the
coatenta were moored ily neighbor,.
---Godelich Beauty Parlors
The* pstritsmareisowlwavisspf au experienced
Mircalling, Manicuring and Massaging.
A ppointltu may he MA& nt Sat Israel gitaraii
toed or money refunded.
W. . WA R D Telephone 26
West St.
j 11-°•-44"' MILL NERY471Eri'-'
A few smart models in Ribbo. Satin or Velvt.
Specially Priced
hoor&FCoisage Bouquets, and
hale suggestions for Christmas.
TOirare invited to call.
A. McKannon
Hamilton Street. 4 •• •,,tx