HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-02-18, Page 6Show-window for busy people. Closifieds take 1 minute d r r Page Si-, The Whigharn Advance-Thnes, Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1953 oornnenied by little Linda Street, who will remain with Mrs, Aitken for a. week or two. The Women's Institute are planning —Miss Ruth Mitchell, of Toronto, "FamilY night" in the CommunityHall. Spent the week-end with her mother, ,A Programme has been arranged, end,. Mrs. ,lames Mitchell, log in a contest. BIRTHS PtRSONALS FOR SALE—Used all white, good 519, Wingham, washing =thine, FOR SALE—Young cattle. Apply condition. Phone Robert Moffat, 632-3-2 Wingham,18b 18b FOR SALE—Finley 4-burner apart- ment size electric range, excellent condition. Phone 732-3. 28b FOR SALE—*-Seven-year-old horse. Apply James Deveraux, RE, 2, Lucknow. 18 TETZT-ZNTi-r-71 SALE 05 ODD LINES. • /LH CHINAWARE and NOVELTIES and FIGURINES Many of these items will not he replaced. Many suitable gift items included. at DAVID CROMPTON' Certified Watchmaker —Mrs, X, M, MacLennan had the Misfortune to slip on an icy step on the way to the arena on Saturday and fractured a bone in her wrist. Sine was given treatment at the hospital and is recovering nicely. —Miss Leslie Mae Wall, home ea onomist for Norfolk and Oxford Counties, attended the Junior Institute Achievement Day which was held in Walkerton High School last Saturday and returned that evening to spend the week-end at her home on Minnie Sreet. BLUEVALE of Clifford, mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tretheway of Camlace 'tile, spent the week-end with Mrs. Tretheway's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lee Breckenridge. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Sellers and family spent Sunday in London visit- ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. C, Yea, of South- ampton, and Mrs. Ethel Stewart, of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Smith. GIVEl GIVE I Give to the Huron County Overseas Flood Relief Fund. Donations are urg- ently needed and can be left at any lopal bank. --Miss Grace IVieFarlane, of Hrant- Mrs, Neil McEnchren spent Sunday with her Nrfolasds, P Joy CPoewnadnin, gcoantifeewstreesx with COIS CORN Limited Supply of Well Matur- ed Cob Corn for delivery to your farm. Lew Moisture Content. Grown in Wallaceburg District Prompt and Courteous Service Assured. Attention Farmers We have a special service of ground hammered corn. There Is a limited supply, be sure to phone 455 or 589, ThiS can be obtained at Successful Euchre The euchre and dance sponsored by the, farm forums of the vicinity in aid of the community hall was a success- ful affair. Twenty-eight tables played euchre and Tiffin's Orchestra provid- ed music for dancing. The prize win- ners were; ladies high, Mrs. Glenn Sellers; low, Mrs. Harvey Timm; men's high, Bernard Thomas; low, Ross Abram. Young People's Meeting The Y.P.O. of the United church met on Sunday night, in the school room of the church. Kenneth Johnston, the president, conducted the devotional exercises and Joyce Hoffman was in charge of the program, assisted by Don McLean; Cavell Hutton, Velma Agar, and Harold Johnston. The topic was on "Frederico Mussil," an Afric- an native from Angola, Susan Yea and Elizabeth McKinney rendered a piano duet at the meeting, Everyone is looking forward to the film "The Wonders of Nature" de- picting birds and flowers in color, the total eclipse of the moon in December, 1945, and the rare tide coming in at Moncton, N. B. The film is in color and will be shown by Dr. W. W. Hughes of Embro, in the Community Hall, on Friday evening. Personals Leslie Greenaway is a patient in Wingham General Hospital following an operation. Misses Florence and Ethel Beattie and Miss Florence Fowler of Seafoith, were visitors at the home of Mts. R. Garniss, Mrs. Joe Marshall, of Listowel, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thornton. We regret that Rev. Matthew Bailie nas been confined to his home with an attack of influenza. Mrs. Alice Aitken returned to her home on Sunday, after spending two months with her daughter, Mrs. Don- ald Street, of Listowel. She was ac- ii SUPERIOR FUNERAL SERVICES of ereanari dignity and beauty • s - Priced Ms wet Ike wishes of As Conies we S. J. WALKER Funeral Home WINGHAM PHONE 106 or 189 EAT ANYTHING WITH FALSE TEETH ! If you have trouble with plates chat slip, rock and cause sore gums, try Srimms Plasti-Liner. One applica- tion makes plates fit sner.ey without powder or pant, be. cause Stinnes PlastaLiner hardens permanently to- your plate. It relines and re• fits loose places in a way no powder Or paste can do. Even on old rube ber plates you get good results six months to a year or longer. YOU CAN EAT ANY Simply lay soft strip of Piaui- Liner on troublesome upper or lower. Bite and it molds perfectly. Easy to we, tasteless, odorless, harmless to you and your plates. Removable as directed. Money back if not completely satisfied. Liner for one plate, only $1 50 -BRIM-MS .PLASTI-LINER TINA PERMANENT D'ENTURE RELINER IORWR. NOTICE TO CREDITORS' All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth E. Green, late I of the Town of Wingham in, the County of Huron, Widow, who died ::111111111111111111111111111111111111101141111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118, on or abdut the tenth day of Janu-1 ary, A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty-first day of February, A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the 0 said twenty-first day of February, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties en- 1 titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors Shall I ef then have notice, DATED this twenty-eighth day of ° January, A.D. 1953, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. a Solicitors for the executors. O 4:11:18b 0 9 O JOHN SUMSIZAD & SON Phones 455 or 589 Wingham tl Free Delivery PIIONE 534 I WINCH AM • MAT MARKET GOOD CARE- GOOD CAR! It'S true; Your car enn giVe you continually good performance -with regular, reliable titre and here's the place to get it! WING HAM MOTORS tOiligite Automotive Service LUBRICATION SAFE DRIVING demands a SAFE CAR!' FOR SALE CRESS BUNION SALVE relieveS fast, Wear stylish awes soon, Druggists Pell Ores* Corn Salve too. FOR SALE—Colony house 8% x 14% feet. Phone 203W, 1118b FOR SALE-6,—,Sunshine baby carriage, white, Excellent condition, Call 560. 18b FOR SALE—about 5 ton baled No, 1 oat straw, suitable for feed, shred- ded; also 6 prolific brood sows. Apply James 0. Stokes, Glenanna Pritarie, Phone Wroxeter 20r5, FOR SALFI-1952 Westinghouse Re- frigerator. Seven cubic ft, capac- ity. Like new. Phone 288, 18a FOR SALE—Kitchen range, for wood or coal, good condition, $10.00. Apply Bob Casemore, Shuter St. 18* FOR SALE— 6-S London cement mixer, 2 years-old, original cost *1,850.00, like new, no reasonable cash offer refused and terms can be arranged. Phone Wingham 501 or write p.o. Box 47. 18* FOR SALE-1952 General Efectric Range. Apartment size. Only used a few times. Phone 288, 18b ECONOMY COUNTS MOST — No calf, man, or machine does a safe, complete and satisfactory milking job without TUG and PULL. SURGE CUPS DON'T CREEP. Ask your neighboring farmer, why he likes Surge. Lovell McGuire, 593-w, Wingham. 18 :25b ATTENTION FARMERS—If you are interested in keeping your livestock (cattle and hogs) in good condi- tion, Vita-Purol Special Conditioner with Vitamins A & D is the answer. Try itonce, see for yourself! I Will be calling on you as soon as will be calling on you as soon as Representative, P.O. Box 75, Luck- now, Ont. Phone 108-J. 18:25:4* FOR SALE—Two wheeled trailer with sleeping section for two, plus kitchenette with stove, ice box and water tank, ideal for sportsman or tourists. Phone Wingham 501 or write p.o. Box 47. 18* FOR SALE—Several round and square mouth shovels while they last at $1,00 each, two rubber tired wheelbarrows, 40 ft. extension ladder. Phone 501 Wingham or write p.o. Box 47. 18* ALL TYPES of rubber stamps and stamp pads sold at The Wingham Advance-Times. WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. 1VIERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Heti-Imre Ontario Phones: Delmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 FOR ,SALE—CoMbination nacho an phonograph in excellent condition a nice piece of furniture; Fiilnt cabinet, all metal With three draw, ers and cupboard, ideal for the businese man or farmer. Firs $40.00 takes cabinet. Phone Wing ham 501. 18 FOR SALE—Quantity of clean suga sacks, Hanfilton Beverages, Phan 435, 181 Chick Buyers—Hold everything—unti you contact ine for Hillside Point/. Farm prices. Chicks Canadian Ap proved plus many years of Hatch ery research. Wide choice mixed pullets, cockerels, pure breds, cross es, dayolds, some started; capons Earlier chicks best moneymakers. Mitchell' Elliott, R R 5, Brussels Phone 1319.13. 18 FOR SALE—Canadian Beauty rang ette and 1Coleman oil stove, both ii good condition, Phone 648w1. 181 FOR SALE—Cheap, as a complete unit. Bathroom tank, heavy duty heater, and automatic control Phone 322, 181 SPECAL O11"1rERS FLOOR SANDING and finishing; also carpentry and built-in cupboards. phone A. Green, 464W. 1118254b OUR COLD WAVE SPECIAL—good only in February, saves you one- third on normal price. Charm Beauty Salon, Minnie St. Evening appointments. Phone 445, 18:25b BUEHLOW'S MOTOR REPAIR for all your Electric motor needs. Prompt efficient service, Walkerton, Ont, Phone 273J. 18 :25b CARS FOR SALE FOR SAr.W.— 1949 Mercury Sedan, radio, direction indicators, Life- guard tubes, 6 good tires, excellent condition. Phone 672J evenings. 11rrb FOR SALE—To clear 1941 Dodge 4- door sedan in running order $295.00. Reliance Garage, phone 65. 18b FOR SALE-1949 ti-ton Ford pick-up in first class condition, good tires, low mileage. Phone Wingham 501 or write p.o. Box 47, Wingham. 18* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE—Lakeview Chicks. We are now booking orders for dayold and started chicks for March and April delivery. Phone or write your agent. Jan R. Coultes, R. 5, Wing- ham. Phone 743-W-2. 11:18:25* LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or hone° to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, , Wingham. 2rrb i FOFI SALE—comfortable six-room. I i brick dwelling in village of gorrie. Modern, conveniences, large lot, tt clime to school, churches etc. Ideal for retiring farmer, Cost $5,500 Will consider reasonable offer. Clif- ford Walmsley, Gorrie, Ontario, • 18:25b FOR SALE-7 room house, hydro and garage, barn 50 x 20, 1 1/3 acres, % mile from town. Immediate pee- 1 session, Phone 654W1, Wingham, 18b i . ' FOR SAlana--6 rooms and bath, 1%- * storey brick veneer, automatic oil • furnace, modern tiled steel kitchen, ' garage, immediate possession. G. • L. Davidson, phone 421-w. 18:25e FOR SALE—Five room bungalow 1 with modern bath and kitchen, garage, forced air heat, large lot in town of Wingham, 4 years old, L priced for quick sale at $3,500.00 cash and carry on with present mortgage., Phone Wingham 501 or write p.o. Box 47. 18* FOR SAT an—House and lot in St. Helens, frame house with hydro, cis- tern, spring well, water pressure in house and stable, Barn on cement wall, cement floors, new stabling. Hen house 18 x 24 ft. 2 acres of land, Apply to Thomas Colwell, St. Helens, Ontario. 18:25:4:11b TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, veneered, full sized basement, laun- dry tubs, new furnace, kitchen modernly equipped, centrally lo- cated. For further information, phone 293. 28rrb FOR SALE—Five room bungalow with modern bath and kitchen, gar- age, forced air heat, large lot, in town. Four years old. A bargain at $3500 cash and carry on with pre- sent mortgage. Eight-inch heavy duty jointer with motor and stand. Almost new. First $100 takes it. Beaver wood lathe with many at- tachments and chisels. New. Phone Wingham 501 or write Box 47, Wingham. I HELP WANTED--:-FEMALE 1 WOMAN to do general housework, phone 764. 18* FOR RENT 1FOR RENT-3 rooms and bath avail- able immediately. Apply to Robt. Hallenbeck, Wingham. 18b WANTED TO RENT r. House or apartment with modern con- veniences by business man. Apply Box 13, Advance-Times. 18* AUCTION SALE Sale by auction of house and pro- perty, household furniture and chat- tels of the late James G. Moir to be held on the premises of the deceased in. Teeswater, Saturday, Feb. 21st, commencing at 1,30 p.m. Real Estate consists of 1/5 acres on which there is a 6-room house, frame, sided with asphalt shingles and good barn. Terms on household furniture and chattels cash; real estate 10% day of sale and balance in 30 daYs. Auctioneer, L. G. Bryce; Administra- tor, Joseph King. 18b TENDERS FOR OIL AND GAS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the supplying of diesel fuel oil, no. 1 gasoline and hy- draulic oil for the Tsp, of Howick, Applicant to supply pumps and con- tainers. Tenders to be in the hand of the undersigned not later than 12 o'clock noon March 4th, 1953, Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted, A. Galbraith, Road Superintendent , Gorrie, Ontario. 18:24b CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation for the acts of kindness, cards sent to me and personal visits while I was in the hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr, Connell, Mrs. Morrey and her staff. Alex Reid 18* CARO. OF THANKS We wish to Convey our many thanks to neighbors, friends and the Wingham fire brigade who so prompt- ly anSwered bur call for help on Sunday evening. Also special thanks to the VordWich telephone opetatee for her Valuable assistance. Al And Pat Byers, 18b CARD OF THANKS The family Of the late Mrs. Alex Rintoul wish to thank all relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and eXprea- tietIa of sympathy oftended to them in their recent sad bereavement also tea the many beautiful floral trig MACS, SPecial thanks to Die tutu COMING EITINTTS THERE WTT,,,t. BE a dairy show in the Gorrie Hall on Tuesday, Feb, 23 at 8 p.m„ sponsored by Lovell McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wingham, Shown, will he the famous Dr, Pet- ersen film, "No Hand Stripping", also short subjects and films on milking parlors and syphon sys- tems. Everyone welcome, Lunch will be served. . 1118b ENTERTAINED STAFF TO TURKEY porNER Mr, mid Mrs. Bert Armstrong enter- tained their staff, wives and families to a turkey dinner on Sunday evening at their home. The boys presented Bert with a beautiful smoker, the occasion being Bert's birthday. MISCELLANEOUS Dead or disabled animals promptly removed. Darling & Co., ea- forth, E. Andrews, hauler. Phone collect 851r11. 27rrtb FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb SELL YOUR POULTRY, cream and eggs to your Wingham Co-Operative to receive highest prices. By using our locker storage for storing lower grades of poultry, you realize great- er profits. We will give you" immed- iate trucking service. rrb NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders for the contract of supply- ing, crushing, and hauling approxi- mately 10,000 cubic yards of gravel for Morris Township, will be received by the undersigned up until 2,30 p.m., March 2nd., crusher to be equipped with % inch screen. Certified cheque for $200 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 18:25b NOTICE Applications for the positions of sprayman and helper for Morris Township for the Warble Fly Cam- paign will be received up until 3 tem., March 2. State wages expected. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 18:25b TOWNSHP OF TURNBERRY Applications will be received by the undersigned until noon on March 2, for Warble Fly Inspector for 1953. Applicant to supply his own trans- portation. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk. 11:18b APPLICATION'FOR, ASSESSOR Application for the position of Assessor for the Tsp. of Howick for the year 1953 will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, Feb. 20th, 1953. Salary to be $800.00. Applicant to state age, education and experience if any. Apply P. L. Durst, Clerk Wroxeter. •11:18b TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Tenders for Gravel Sealed tenders will be received by R. H. Thompson, Township Clerk, un- til 2 p.m., Tuesday, March 3, 1953, for approximately 8,000 yards gravel crushed and trucked for East Wawa- nosh Township roads, this material to pass through 518 inch screen. Ten- der to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $300.00 and work to be completed by July 31, 1953' Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Stuart McBurney, Road Superintendent, Wingham, Ontario 18:25b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Jane Webb late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased, Who died on or about the ninth day of January, A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or about the seventh day of March A. De 1953,. full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the Said seventh day of March the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then hest notide. notice. DATED this seventeenth day of F'e'bruary, A.D. 1953, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executers. 1i1:25:4b CARD OF' THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to eaprees my appreciation and thanks to all those who visited Me and Abe those Who sent cards, treats, etc, 'dor-% Ing my recent illness in Wingham Oospital. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Mcitibbon, :Mrs, trotrey and the Wink' 'trig staff, Their kindness is greatly end Will itaWrene be re- COUTTS—In Ottawa Hospital, on Friday, February 1.3th„ 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Carman Coutte, of Ottawa, a daughter, a sister for Barbara, BEINTEMA—/ri Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, February 11th., 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beintema, R, R, 3, Wingham, daughter, RESOER—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Sunday, February 15th,, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beboer, R, R. 7, Lucknow, a son. HAMMERTON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, February 16th, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Ian Hammer- ton, a son. MORRISON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, February 16, 1953, to Mr and Mrs. Melvin Mor- rison, R, R, 1, Lucknow, a daughter, KENNEDY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, February 16, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ken- nedy, Teeswater, a son, TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon March 4th, 1953 for the crushing and hauling of 8,000 yds. of gravel, more or less, 'V screen to be used and to be delivered anywhere in the Tsp, of Howick under the direction of the road superintendent;,' 4,000 yards of gravel, more or less, 2" screen to be used, and to be delivered in the Tsp. of Howick after the completion of construction of certain roads. Ten- ders to be plainly marked Tenders for Gravel, pits to be stripped and maintained by the contractor to the satisfaction of the road superinten- dent. A certified cheque of 5% of the tender to accompany same. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted, Work to be completed by Oct. lst, 1953. Further information may be obtained from the road superintendent Mr. A. Galbraith, Gorrie, Ontario, phone Wroxeter 31r10. P. L. DURST, Clerk, Tsp. of Howick, Wroxeter, Ontario. 18 :25b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Edward Mc- Burney, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Edward McBurney, late of the Township of East Wawa- nosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of November A.D., 1952, arc required to file full particulars of their claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors, on or be• fore the 28th day of February, 1953. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the deceased will be distri- buted, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall ,then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this , ninth day of February, A, D., 1953, J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 1.1:18:25b FRIGIDAIRE DEEP FREEZE -- 9 cubic ft. of storage space, regular $499.00 to clear at special price. Apply Thomson Appliances, phone 29, Winghaxn, 18b FOR SALE—Massey-Harris double unit milking machine with erev pumps and new rubbers, piping for 12 cows, priced for quick sale $125 Apply Blair Kelly, Teeswater phon 41r14. 18:251 FOR SALE—Young York hogs of ser- viceable age. Apply John Dinsmore, Wroxeter, 31r16. 18* WANTED WANTED—Twin baby buggy, in good condition. Phone 469J. DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Palmer- ston 123W or Durham 398. GORDON YOUNG LLMITED. Searle HIGHEST PRICES Paid for eggs and live poultry. Wroxeter Produce, Phone 36. 18:4:18:1* WE ARE PAYNG highest cash prices for logs and standing timber, Wing- ham Sawmill Co. Ltd. Call Harold Pocock, phone 479W. 1118* 1 E.A1., ESTATE