HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-02-11, Page 7• I Ii l I hl 1 1 !• l iI l l l u i l f IH h u II l . W II I I .'U n - 01 by ,ourt,sy Fr WAYNE GRAHAM and LORRAINE ODBERT Stratford Figure Skating Club 11 year old Pair who are entering the Canadian Cham- pionships at the Minto Skating Club, Ottawa on Feb. 26-28. THEY WILL APPEAR IN "SPICE ON ICE" THE WINGHAM FIGURE SKATING CLUB'S 2nd ANNUAL CARNIVAL TO BE HELD AT THE ARENA FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 13th & 14th Kincardine Bantam§ Again Snowed Under gincardine, Bantams ivore cDniplet, ly smothered on Wesdncsday when the Wingham boys turned in a lopsided score of 22-2 in a her.e.ee,i ' event here. Led by Hodelcivson witli a tally of 6 goals and Rae with 4, the victors romped honer: with nul,' token opposition from Kincardine, in the person of Goodwin and MacLeod, who scored one goal apiece for the losers. Other scoring players for Wingham , were: Lockridge, 3; Oarripbell Houghton, 2; Pry, 2; Bain, 1; Hotch- kiss, 1; Muffet, 1, Wingham ---Goal, Vie,; Lockridge, Houghton; centre, Camp- bell; wings, Muffet, Hodgkinson; subs, Rae, Grey, Fry, Stuckey, Hotchkiss, Cameron and Bain, Kincardine • Goal .1Vlaxwell; deienee. Irwin, Si;therland; cuntil,, .. 7.• Leod; wings, Clark, Pz11,t;; SL-j. Goodwin, H MacLeod, MI.' Brown, Scott, Fenton, MaeRax, and Morgan, Sugar is the cheapest of all tee energy foods, nut not many Canadia'is s Drug Store St. Andrew's W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held in the Sunday School room on February 3rd., with the pre- sident, Mrs. Horace Aitchison, preeid- lag, After the opening exercises psalm 86 was sung, and Mrs. T, A. Currie read the minutes, roll call and cor- respondence. She also read a letter from our own missionary, Miss Mae Williamson, which was both interest- ing and instructive, The business part • of the meeting was carried out, after which Mrs. Geo. Olver gave the treasurer's report. Hymn 374 was sung and Mrs, Donald Rae led in prayer. The leaders for February were Mrs. , 7‘c —Pabt 150.°° Glamorous duette in distinctive heart design. Engagement ring, $100. The wedding band. $50. ?de Pstbs J6850 As new as this new Valentine Day. The engagement ring is $125. -- matching wedding band ,.. $43.50. '74 Pail 2 57.!°. For now -- and forever, creat- ions of matchless beauty I Engagement ring $200. The Wedding band $57.50 United W.M.S. Meets MA'S, DI, McLaughlin had, charge of the meeting of the Woman's Mission.. ary Society In the Wingham 'United Church on Tuesday, She spoke of the theme "The Sacrament of the Lord's Slippers" while Mrs. Chas. Hopper read passages of Scripture pertaining to this subject. The topic for study was "The Church of Christ in Angola," which is the United Church Mission field in Africa. In this presentation Mrs. Mc- Laughlin was assisted by Mrs, J. Henry, Mrs. Gowans, Mrs. 3. Blake annd Mrs, R, Hobden, each telling of some phase of the mission work hi Angola. Miss Laura Collar, home on fur- lough from the Baptist Mission in Af- rica, was a welcome guest at the meet- ing. She spoke briefly about the value of training native Africans to work among their own .people. Mrs. George Guest sang the appropriate solo, "My Father's Green Pastures." She was ac- a a aE a a a a a a a 011111 1111111111111111111311111111111111•1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111011111111•111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111/' • E ie -A- 4 • FEBRUARY midi-season CLEARANCE C R CH EL' "The FAMILY Store" announces their Bargains for all the Family CUT 30 STATION COATS & PARKAS Sizes 6 yrs. to 16 ii U U • Exclusive at Carmichael's — Ask about it when you are in. • • IC SERVICE and COMPLETE SATISFACTION !LT ( Slightly imperfect ) L N 15 denier fi • 89c pair 3 pair $2.65 2 pair $1.00 i • -Every pair MUST gria*- . Our complete stock of Shoes and Rubber Footwear Clearing at We are discontinuing our line of footwear to make room for our new Spring line of "Teacher's Pee' wear, for girls. SAVINGS up to 50 % Follow the crowds to Carmichael's, the Family Store with QUALITY. A Real Bargain in sizes M and L LADIES' FANCY BRIEFS Keith, who read the Scripture and gave the meditation and Mrs, Ninima who gave the topic "Of One Blood, All leTations." She gave a very helpful and inspiring paper, emphasizing the slow progress which will be made in Chris- tianity so long as there Is raciel dis- crimination, which is seon everywhere, We must learn that "we are all one in Christ Jesus." The offering was received and Mrs. T. King gave the offertory prayer. The closing hymn 371, "0 Spirit of the Living God," was sung, after which Mrs. R. C. Campbell closed the meet- ing with prayer. The president called a short meeting of the executive to discuss business pertaining to a future meeting. companied on the piano by Mrs. W. W, Currie. During January several sewing meetings had been held to prepare bales for overseas relief, and those articles were all on display. At the close of the meeting a Val- entine lunch was served by the social committee. Choir, S.S. Teachers Treated to Supper On January 29th the Board of Managers and the Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church were hosts to the Sunday School tea- chers and officers and members of the choir. Supper was served in the basement of the church where the tables were decorated with spring flowers, Rev. A. Nimmo acted as the master of ceremonies and conducted a short program following the sup- per. 1 BOX 473 Wingham Advance-Times, Dear Sirs: I do not like to dictate, but I think you have the wrong Mooney, R. was a Salvation Army man and a tin- smith. George was a paper man in Ripley and Buffalo. He was Wing- ham's great ball swatter. I may be wrong, but Bill Fleuty or some of the older families may know. If I am wrong forgive me. Sorry to see Albert Bell gone. He was the first boy I met in Wingham, other than James Hogg, in 1885. Sincerely yours, A, 3, Helm, 192 Wharneliffe Rd. S., London, Ontario Wingham Bantams Edge Blyth 6=5 Maintaining a lead gained in the second period, Wingham Bantams were able to stay on top for the rest of the session, in a closely-fought ex- hibition game with the Blyth Midgets here, on Monday night, Blyth started off the first period with a 2-1 lead over the locals, bin in the second stan- za three tallies for Wingham, as com- pared to one for Blyth, told the story, with a score of 4-3 for the home team. The last frame showed two counters each, leaving Wingham on top with a score of 6-5. Scoring for the victors were: Camp- bell (Hodgkinson), Rae (Lockridge), Fry, (Gray, Bain), Hodgkinson (Camp- bell), Lockridge (Muffet), Rae (Fry), Blyth markers were: Chalmers (Car- ter), Procter (Thompson), Carter, Chalmers, (Tamin), Chalmers (Car- ter), WINGHAM—Goal, Carr; defence, Lockridge, Bain; centre, Muffet, wings son, Houghton Rae„ Hotchkiss, Cam- Fry, Gray; subs, Campbell, Hodgkin- eron, Stuckey, Vint (sub-goal). BLYTH—Goal, Wilkinson; defence, Campbell, Tamin; centre, Chalmers; wings, Carter, Beckitt; subs, Tyre- 1•0.0.111MO.MINOSNIP1.1.11i..1.0411.0..1.1 MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR (including classes for Western Ontario) DIAMOND RING Let her know she is your Special Valentine ... Give her a Bluebird engagement and wedding ring duette. Designed by master craftsmen, Bluebird creations are always a constant source of pride— cherished forever; And. remember, they're regis- tered Perfect and are Insured Free, We Pa& 2075° Perfect Pair for the perfect couple. Engagement ring $150. The Wedding band $57.50 Hamilton's WINGHAM THREE-PIECE COAT SETS Size 1, 2 & 3 HALF PRICE AT $5,95 THURS., FRI., SAT., ONLY NYLONS Coming and going: Shrimps, com- monto Canadian coastal waters, ma- ture first as males in the first or sec- ond year. After one or two seasons as sexually active males, these shrimps change sex and function as females for the rest of their lives. From December 1949, to August 1950, Canada's food cost index rose 1e per cent. Catholic Women Hear Father Durand An address "The Symbolism *of a Candle" was given by Rev, R. Durand at a meeting of the Catholic Women's Leagua held February 3rd., in the par- ish lin. Mrs. Alf Lockridge, presi- dent was in the chair. Father Durand said a candle is a symbol of God, the body of the candle likened to the body of Christ; the wick, the soul of Christ, and the light, the divinity of Christ. The candle is made of pure, virgin wax and just so Christ received His body from a vir- gin. The wick, or soul of Christ is alight with love for us, for He so lov- ed us that He gave His life for us, Father pointed out. Light penetrates all things and brings forth life into the world, just as Christ does, The Gospel says "I am the light of the world" and so the flame of the candle represents God's love, he said in con- clusion, Mrs. Jack Ernest offered a lovely solo, "Mother Beloved," accompanying herself at the piano. Mrs. Lockridge thanked the guest speaker and soloist. The business meeting opened with the league pray- er. Mrs. Bob Clark gave the roll call and read the minutes of the last meet- ing and correspondence'. The treas- urer's report was given by Mrs. Wil- fred White. It was decided to hold the annual league banquet on Thursday, Febru- ary 12th at the Brunswick Hotel. Guest speaker will be Major the Rev. J. L. Hennessey, director of C.W.L. of Canada. It is also expected that Mrs. Mel. Walters, president of the Lon- don diocesan council will be in attend- ance, Mrs. White and Mrs. Ernest are in charge of arrangements. Visiting committee appointed ,for this month are Mrs...Francis St. Marie and Mrs. Peter MacDonald. Mrs. John Brent and Mrs. MacDonald were nam- ed conveners for the next euchre. A donation of $1 was made to the Nat- ional exectuive to help defray expen- ses for the annual report of the Nat- ional C.W.L. Mrs. Ernest was the winner of a I t raffle, a lovely cup and saucer donat- ed by Mrs. Brophy. Father Durand was host for the lunch which followed. A delicious salad was served with hot rolls by the lunch committee. A vote of thanks was extended to Father„ 1 ••• • • • •• • • • ,eseeemeseeeetee......... '1.40111.04=1.111tO.M.lilos41.M.1.0.110•04•611•1.04= At CRAW FORD MOTORS Dodge DeSoto Dealer — Wingham Amenwoone omaaiwarnmmoanwineweierno•osaimaiiroomovisAlamifiwoomiumeltirmolorroileva sensationally new /963 DODGE coronet 7 1 0 Wingham or an appointment --wow to drive' the new 140 hp. V8 engine en exclusive styling new handling ease • WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS LONDON March 2, 3, 4 5 1953 Secure prize lists from I your county Agricultur- al Representative or the secretary, Mr. W. K. Riddell, Room 210, Rich-- mond Bldg., London. Entries to be in by Feb. 28 • •••••••`k The wingintak Aovnnec,l'imest Wednesdab Peb, I1, 3.9.6$ .„ • . roan, Jackson, Charters, Proctor realize it is cheaper ii pounds, today by a re Thompson Cock, Walpole sub-goal). cents per 100 pounds, than it was 34. 1949, Vetere ,seven. • ReRfoo+1.4-.. Professionai Directory usi ness artil tml4altll HETHERINfiTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etg.., Wingham, Phone 46 J. IL CRAVVFOIM, Q.C. R. S. HETIIERINGTON, Q.O. A. H. UMW BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. J, W, DUSIIFIELD, QyC. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. HomuthR,O. Mrs. Vida N. Hound R. O. OPTOMETRISTS Phone 118 Harriston,• 0 t. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Cimpany Est. 1.840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office Toronto C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham