HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-02-11, Page 6,,1,11.1,"„11, 1/111 lllllllllllllll 1 llllllll 1 llllll 1/101111111 lllllll 1 llllllll IMMO lllllll 11111/ llllllllll 11$111 lllllll 11111 lllll 1111114.111 lllll Bulova Elgin Fontaine at DAVID CROMPTON .. Jeweller Certified Watchmaker Phone 59 Winghtim lllllll 4iitOtiltiliMPW10111111 lll lll llll .0 li anilulia l l .e l oreerA,".?.e.f4:4-e, Free Delivery PitoNt 534 WINGHAM FRUIT MARKET JOHN BUMSTEAD L SON Phones 455 or 589 Wingham 111111111111111$111111 llllllllll 1111/1111/$11111 lllll 1 llllll llll 1 l $ lllllllll 1111111/11111111111111Mila lllll llllllllllllll 111,1111 llllllllll Week-End Values at UNDYS' 20 oz. 25c Piiiiii AND BEANS 15 OZ 25c s 2 FOR KEN-L DOG FOOD 2 --Fo. 27c PUSS 'N BOOTS CAT FOOD 2 FOR 21 c llllllllll llllllllllll king llllllllll llllllll lllllllll lll llllll 11111 hill 11:111.1 llllll 16/1111 lllllllll :MI1111111111 lllllllll 11111 Wide Variety For Free Delivery For Free Delivery fi of Fish, Meats, Vegetables PHONE 82 PHONE a O O 9 Os p. Qh O Are there any danger points on your can'? If you have any doubts, let us give it a quick, expert cheek for driving safety. RE.TIRE TODAY FOR SitrETY TO-MORROW With tong wearing cold rubber WINGHAM MOTORS ati13101119111111111111111111111191111111111111111111111111111111110111911iiiiilaillill1111101,111011*.z., DATES 2.. 27c HMSO - LARGE SIZE 34c hiDEIG6 JUICE 20 OZ. TI 2 FOR ilTAPTO JUICE we 7r, FOR sm,g PRESS CORN SAI„hfil for sure re- Ka, Your drtiggiet sells Cress Cal- lous Salve too, relieves quicitlY. WHERE TIME is IMPORTANT -- Surge milkers lead the field, Safe operation, faster milking, easily cleaned eclinprneet melees profit* for the farmer, Surge service is tops. Lovell McGuire, Phone 593W, Wing- ham, has the proof. 4:11b FOR SALE —2 axles suitable for mak- ing a trailer or wagon, Apply Russel. Farrier, Phone 89, Wingham. lib FOR SALE—Car radio, General El- ectric, push button dial, Apply to Wilfred Walker, phone 721J4. 11* FOR SALE—Duncan Phyfe dinette table, mahogany, good as new. Phone 462. 1.1b FOR SALE—Oak dining room suite; oak secretary; child's crib; medi- cine cabinet. Apply Ross Vogan, phone 541W, 11.b FOR SALE—Coal heater, Wingham make, in good condition. Price $10,00. Phone 79. 11* FOR SALE—Baled Hay, No. 1 Tim- othy and Alfalfa. Ted Moszkow- ski, East Wawanosh, phone Wing- ham 713W2. 1125* FOR SALE—Three heavy quilts; boys' windbreaker coat; small furniture; hand crochet bedspread; heavy tweed coat, size 36. Apply Box 12, Advance-Times, lib FOR SALE—.-A 24x42 George White threshing machine, new in 1950. Also large capacity Gillson milk cooler, Apply to Gerald Godbolt, R. R. 1, Centralia, or phone 178r14, Exeter. lib FOR SALE—Harriston range, practi- cally new. Phone 347.1 between 5 p. m, and 7 p.m, 11* FOR SALE—Colony house 81/2 x 141/4 feet. Phone 203W. 1118b SPECAL OF.L,ERS OUR "VALENTINE" Cold Wave Special, good only in February, saves you one-third on normal price. Charm Beauty Salon. Minnie Street, phone 445. 1lb FLOOR SANDING and finishing; also carpentry and built-in cupboards. phone A. Green, 464W. 1118254b FOUND FOUND—Sheet, on Edward St. Own- er may have same by proving own- ership and paying for ad. Mrs. W. J. Henderson, phone 511J, Josephine St. 11* WATERLOO AIX. TRACTORS AND MACI]INERY A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. .GEO. MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MACHINERY SALES & SERVICE Belmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 CAIN von wf-tx FOR SA-T-44-947 Desoto sedan, 6 passenger, with, new tires, new bat- tery, air conditioning, radio. Phone Reliance garage 65 11*. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-1500 Sussex pullets, 2 weeks old, February 12. Apply J. R, Coultes, R, 5, Wingham, phone 743-1 W-2, FOR SALE—Lakeview Chicks. We are now booking orders for dayold and started chicks for March and April delivery, Phone or write your agent, Jas. R. Coultes, R. 5, Wing- ham. Phone 743-W-2. 11:18:25* FOR SALE—Three-year-old Short- horn bull. Apply Joseph Finleon, R.R. 2, Lucknow. 11* FOR SALE-13 Pigs, weaned. Apply to George Fisher, Whitechurch, phone 747W11, Wingham, lib FOR RENT FOR RENT-3 rooms and bath avail- able immediately. Apply to Robt. Hollenbeck, Wingham. lib WANTED TO RENT HOUSE or apartment. Apply Box 11, Advance-Times. lib WANTED DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Palmer- ston 123W or Durham 398. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, 31rrb WE ARE PAYNG highest cash prices for logs and standing timber. Wing- ham Sawmill Co. Ltd. Call Harold Pocock, phone 479W. 1118* MISCELLANEOUS Dead or disabled animals promptly removed. Darling & Co., Sea- forth, E. Andrews, hauler. Phone collect 851r11. 27rrtb FIND OUT how you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293, rrb SELL YOUR POULTRY, cream and eggs to your Wingham Co-Operative to receive highest prices. By using our locker storage for storing lower grades of poultry, you realize great- er profits. We will give you immed- iate trucking service. rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Charlotte M. Jenkins, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Charlotte M. Jenkins, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd. day of December, 1952, are required to file full particulars of their claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 14th. day of February, 1953. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the de- ceased, will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice, Dated at Wingham, Ontario, thiS twenty-fourth day of January, 1953. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 28,4,11b ELF' WANTED.—FEMALE WANTED-:1Viidelle-aged woman to take care of an invalid woman, Two in family; live on farm. near Wing- ham. Write Mrs. Harvey Reidt, Wroxeter, phone 58, 111) TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, veneered, full sized basement, laun- dry tune, new furnace, kitchen modernly equipped, centrally lo- cated, For further information, phone 293. 28rrb FOR SALE—Five room bungalow with modern bath and kitchen, gar- age, forced air heat, large let, in town. Four years old. A bargain at $3500 cash and carry on with pre- sent mortgage, Eight-inch heavy duty jointer with motor and stand. Almost new. First $100 takes it. Beaver wood lathe with many at- tachments and chisels. New. Phone Wingham 501 or _write Box 47, Wingbarn. FOR SALE—Eight room brick house on north side of Howick Street, Wroxeter. Four bedrooms and bath. Hydro, hard water on property, ap- proximately three-fifths acre of land. All in good condition. 'or further information contact ,T, H. Wylie, phone 60, Wroxeter, 1.11i CARDS OF THANKS I would like to take this opportun- ity to thank all my friends and neighbours who were so kind to me during my recent illness. Special thanks to Dr. Crawford, Mrs. Mor- my and her staff. Their kindness was much appreciated and will al- ways be remembered. — Mrs. R. Chettleburgh, lib We wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy in our recent bereavement. Also for the beautiful flowers,—Tom and Agnes Padfield and family. 11*1 I wish to thank my many friends and neighbours for the cards, treats and money, given me when I had my arm broken. Thanks also to Mr. Kennedy at the Arena, the boys who took me to the Doctor's office, and to Dr. Connell and Corrin. Douglas Skinn 11* TOWNS/IP OF TURNBERRY Applications will be received by the undersigned until noon on March 2, for Warble Fly Inspector for 1953. Applicant to supply his own trans- portation. Geo, T. Thomson, Clerk. 11:18b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth E. Green, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the tenth day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1953, are 'notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty-first day of February, A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the, said twenty-first day of February, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-eighth day of January, A.D. 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solititors for the exebutorS. 1:11:18b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTIOB To CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE Or Letitia Leckie, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Letitia Leckie, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of November, A.D., 1952, are required to file full partieu. Lars of their claims with the under,. signed Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 14th day of February, 1963, Immediately after the said date, the Assets of the deceased, will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which the EXedutor Shall then have mad notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-sixth day of January, A.D., 1963. 3. W. BUSHVELD, Wingham, Ontario,. Sachet for the Executor. 23,4,11b 1CIONTNG p.VO.NTis 1341.4cf.RAvg. W.I.—The Education Meeting, of the Women's ?institute• will be held in the club room on Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 2.30 p,ln, Cone venom are Mrs. W. Armstrong and. Mrs, 'George Mehl*. Roll On rk verse learned in public school, Mr, Kinkead, Goderich, will be the guest speaker. Current events will be given by Mrs. Oco, Michie, Lunch Comm., Mrs. Geo. Michie, Mrs. W. Armstrong, Mrs. Earl Anderson and Mrs. F. Cook. lib THERE WILL BE a dairy show in the Gorrie Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 24 at 8 p.m„ sponsored by Lovell McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wingham, Shown will be the famous. Dr. Pet- erson film, "No Hand Stripping", also short subjects and films on milking parlors and syphon sys- tems. Everyone welcome, Lunch Will be served. 1118b WESTFIELD THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The traffic in intoxicating beverages is a public nuisance, To institute legislation for its control is one of' the most difficult tasks any govern- ment has 'to grapple with. Different types of legislation have been devis- ed. In Huron County we have the Canada Temperance Act. We have had it for over 30 years. We believe it is a good law because it prohibits the sale of intoxicating beverages. It saves our communities from the men- ace of beverage rooms, beer parlors, liquor stores, cocktail lounges. More- over the evidences of intoxication are seldom seen in our Huron County communities. There have been ill- considered attempts to discredit this Canada Temperance ,Act and to evade it, but the citizens of Huron who are concerned for the public good are satisfied that it is a good law. 'They are not deceived by those who set out to misrepresent it. Recently the Globe & Mail carried articles which attempted to discredit the value of the Canada Temperance Act. The people of Huron were not deceived and they were not pleased. Mean- while they would give every encour- agement to the officers of the law who, in an increasing number of cases, are maintaining the integrity of the law.—Advt. APPLICATION FOR ASSESSOR Application for the position of Assessor for the Tsp. of Howicle for the year 1953 will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, Feb. 20th, 1953. Salary to be $800.00. Applicant to state age, education and experience if any, Apply P. L. Durst, Clerk Wroxeter. 11:181, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS, IN THE ESTATE OF ,Edward Me- Burney, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Edward MeBurney, late of the Township of East Wawa- nosh hi the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day Of November A.D., 1052, are required to file full particulars of their claims with the undersigned 8c:inciter for the Executors, On or be• fore the 28th day of February, 1953. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the deceased Will be distri., bated, having regard Only to claims of which the Executors Shall then have had notice. DATE at Wingham, Ontario, this ninth day of February, A, D., 1053, 17. W. BUSHFIELD, 4.0„ Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the tXeeutOrs, 11:18'Mb and Mrs. D. J. Hutcheson are spending this week in Toronto. —Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Henry and Miss. Donna Henry spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henry. —Miles .Overeed, of the Advanoe-, Times staff, was a visitor in. Toronto over the week-end. —Miss Belle Martin is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, T. A. /Pidgins, at Lucan, —Mr. Murray Stainton and Miss Barbara Stainton, spent the week-end In Toronto. • —Mr. and Mrs, Del Ewing and fam- ily of Oollingwood, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Pt, Q, Gannett. —Miss Patricia Brophy, nurse-in- training at St, Joseph's Hospital, London, spent the weekend at her heMe here. - --Mr, and Mrs. Miller Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Barry 'Wenger attended the Ice Follies in Toronto on Wednes- day of last week. —Miss Ann Geddes visited with her brother, Mr, Norman Geddes and Mrs. Geddes in Toronto last Wednesday, and attended the Ice Follies. —Mrs. Avis Edgar, who has been BELGRAVE Celebrates 90th Birthday Mrs. Wm, 1 Geddes of Belgrave, celebrated her 90th birthday last Thursday, February 5th. Although her eyesight is not good, Mrs. Geddes oth- erwise enjoys good health, Many of her friends called on her to wish her many happy returps and she was also the recipient of a host of cards, The euchre club of the ninth line, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cal- vin Robinson on Wednesday evening. There were nine tables of cards play- ed, Winners for high points were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Naylor while consol- ation prizes went to Mrs, Harry Cook and Donald Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods will entertain the next party. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Mrs, R. 3, Scott, Miss Mary Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Aitken, of Donavon, Saskatchewan, visited on Sunday with relatives in London and spent Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs, Ken Scott. Miss Francis McCrea of Beck Mem- orial Hospital, London, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, A, M. Perdue. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mason and Keith, of Kincardine, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, and Lois, of Wingham spent the week- end at her home. Misses Florence Cook and Joan Bry- 1 ages spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walsh and family of Blyth, Mac Scott, Jim McCallum, Gordon Nethery, files Cook, Ralph. McCrea, and W. Mason left last Wednesday on an extended tour of the Southern States. Jim and Wes only going as far I as Nashville while the rest of the party will motor through Texas and Florida, At the regular progressive euchre party in the. Community Centre here Wednesday evening, high prizes were won by Mr, and Mrs. John McCallum and consolation prizes to Mrs. Fred Cook and James R. Coultes. Doug, Gerber of Western University, London, was a visitor with Rev, Chas. D, 'and Mrs. Cox. Cliff Kelly of Western University, London, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrrf, Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell, Mrs. Clare VanCamp .und Nancy, were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Campbell, LucknoW: Mr. and Mrs. George Michie and family, visited relatives at Orangeville on Sunday. BLYTH CITIZEN LAID TO REST Services for the late John Laidlaw, $3, of Blyth, were conducted by the Rev, R. 0, MacMillan, Goderich, in the Tacker funeral chapel, Blyth, on Fri- day last. Interment was made in the Blyth Union cemetery, Mr. Laidlaw was born in Morris township and farmed there until 1944, when he retired and came to Blyth to live, He Was unmarried, and was the last member of a family of nine, spending the winter months at Ripley, is visiting with Mr. and vire, Vtal* Edgar and ether friends. —Mr. and Mrs. David Grieve and family, of London, were week-end guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Templeman. —Mrs. 3, W. Hanna and Mr,. and Mrs, R, R. Haden attended the open- ing of the Ontario Legislature on Thursday. —Mrs. John Templeraan was a, visi- tor in London for a few days last Week, staying with Mr, and Mrs, Da- vid grieve, of that city. --Mr. and Mrs. John MeLoed and Donald, of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark and Mr, and Mrs. Arnold, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Harold Buchanan. —Mrs, Ray Bonner of Montreal and Mrs. Herbert Hops, Pt. Chester, N.Y., spent the week-end visiting their soo- ther, Mrs, James Haugh at the Wing- ham General Hospital. —Master Walton McKibben spent the week-end in Oakville with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. I. I. Train. He attended the Ice Follies in Toronto while there, —Mrso William Laidlaw, Mrs, Geo. Olver, Miss Mary McCallum and Mr. Robert Laidlaw were in Biyth on Friday attending the funeral of their cousin, Mr. John Laidlaw. r —Mr, and MU), N. T. McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. McLaugh- lin, of Wingham, and Mr, J, Muir Mee Laughlin, of Sarnia, were in Mea,. ford on Saturday, attending the fun,. erai of Mr. Charles Leslie IVPLaughe lin, a brother of Mr. N. T. MeLaugh. lin, who passed away at his borne there on Thursday. dtime Story: — Don't Snooze flefore You Answer That Ad aue Aaveoce-1"bnes, V4MIafrtli yo Vein Zit Ms ,PERSONALS 1 —Mr. and, Mra. Wm, Nnonernan ond- family and Mr. Joseph .Lorentz, oR Mildirtay,. :and Mr* Ambrose .$10. Mare - le, of Hanover, spent Sunday with Mrs. Francis Ste. Marie, Mrs. James Haugh, who is stowing at the Colons.. Rest Home, suffered .a slight stroke there on Thursday, and fell, fracturing her hip, She was ken to Wingham General Hospital, 480` Where her progress is reported satis, factory, FOR SALE— 2349 Mercury Sedan, REAL ESTATE ,„ radio, direction indicators, Life., — INGS WANTED—If ou hve guard tubes, 5 good tires, „excellent LISTe ensin y sinners, farm er house to sell, e On- condition. Phone 6723 evenings. tact Stewart A. Sopa, Phone 293, iirrb Wingham. grrb. Mrs. Fred Cook and Mr. Arnold Cook, visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs, Jiro Doak, of Crewe. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol and Phyllis, of Walton, visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Bosman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sprung of Hul- lett Township, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Clarence Cox. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Brophy and child- ren of Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan and ther friends in the community, Mr, Jim Buchanan is Confined, to his home with the mumps. Mr. Bill Rodger, of Windsor, and Miss Betty Rodger of Goderich, spent the week-end at their home here, and on Friday evening attended the "At Home" at Stratford. The Mission Band held their meet- ing on Sunday 'afternoon in the church school room with a good attendance. The meeting was led by Doreen How- att. The meeting opened by repeating th members' purpose. The Scripture lesson was read from 1st. John 3: 18- 24, by Ronald Snell. The study book was given by Mrs. Blair. Readings were given by Lyle Smith and Bobby Cook. The story was told by Mrs. Nor- man McDowell. The meeting closed with prayer by Mm, Blair. Mrs. Ernest Snell and babe returned home on Friday from Wingham Hos- I wish to express my sincere thanks pital. to the nurses and staff of Wingham Hospital for their kind and courteous service extended to me during my recent accident. Special thanks to Dr. Johnston amid Dr. Corrin, of Lucknow.—R. C, Fox, Brussels. 11* is SUPERIOR FUNERAL SERVICES cf I I* *beef** willies of Me families we IWO Otelli dignity oni beauty - • - Priced erne. S. J. WALKER Funeral Home WINGHAM PHONE 100 or 189 COB CORN Limited Supply of Well Matur- ed Cob Corn for delivery to your farm. Low Moisture Content. Grown in Wallaeeburg District Prompt and Courteous Service Assured. • Attention Farmers We have a special service of ground hammered corn. There is a limited supply, be sure to phone 455 or 589. This can be obtained at