HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-02-11, Page 4j a a II p WE DO COMPLETE COLLISION WORK Fender or Body Repairs COMPLETE REFINISHING ( Factory Finish ) Estimates Upon Request CROSSETT MOTORS LTD. LUMBER C. I. L. PAINT INSULATION SASH ROOFING DOORS BUILDERS' HARDWARE FLOOR and WALL TILE For Free Delivery Call 66 aaver her Co WINGHAM rmayntaneanyanow---....aan,....a...,-.0.12Malrar........ettaallaMieWoisempronmoilaammooMni HANNA'S LAMES' & MEN'S WEAR ram•INElatialnet. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR Headquarters for your needs in Draperies, Floor Coverings, Broadloom Rugs, etc. Ladies' Wear Men's & Dry Goods = Children's Wear Boys' Wear Floor Coverings CALLAN SHOE STORE SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY "Shop at Callan's and Save" Phone 12 Wingham announce new business policy Commencing Feb. 16 our business will be conducted on a Strictly Cash Basis BUY for CASH and BUY for LESS at SMITH BROS. STEDMAN'S 5c to $1. STORE A COMPLETE VARIETY STORE Driver WINGHAM RED FRONT GROCERY Large Fresh Stock of Groceries, Meats, Fruits and Vegetables FREE DELIVERY Phone 590 Wingham HAIRDRESSING Cold Waving and Machine Permanents By Appointment Phone 177 Wingham Sleeper .0.~lawfammomisma samsammi gmleM WALKER'S HOME FURNISHINGS • U U U U U .'-'47*--11.1.1111111111dai I lid ItAd I 1 a lib 1 dill ilit110114C1411 1 I tilt! 1:11611011111111111111111111i III ti lath It 11.4 .4 .111111k ltta 11011111111111111311111111111111111114111illialit1(111111111111alialliiilliffitligill(M1111111111.4111111llibillitillitilt1111b11111.11110*1064111111111111111111111Wilillill11111111i1l111111111111111111141111111111111111(itlillitillitillirl iltilliiliadihillidiri 11011411111314tlililoacticialcatiCatailtiontillilltilt1111111111101111.111101111iPtillitioiortlittslipitiwupitillisiiiiimipoustusciiiiiiimictiolipponiltitpulittittliitailliwillitoptimoormisirimi--------------- so ' ''...: , • inigh.. alio Community Merchi'nts 'Offer Prizes .“...... ..,....,... , ....., , ....... . _ w 0 1 ii ITI ..... 'Ai ; xi it oluptitiplugit mi fit Ili 1 iiii 14 1 loll iol oil iii 1 iou imolai now it 1 ion iir Imp Iwo" i . . .. rtilliCiikavotiliitiorattilislaiits404114111(011 11101.11100.11tomaminsmiliirlitiocirusatgtsitiatiikinitliguivictiolimillctioial a a a a a a a Fit a • • a U • a NIumitionsuoctimInviintiniiiisii1111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111,1111111illati S a 1. Each week find the extra word inserted inn ogtober of those ads. • 2. Arrange them in sequence to form a "Weida of Wisdom" proverb. MUT ▪ & Every second week a picture of Betty Hutton appears on this page,' Write TN YOUR OWN WORDS What you think was said RULES OF THE CONTEST A MESSAGE FROM THE MERCHANTS We, the merchants of this community are co•operating wholeheartedly to give you, our customers the utmost for your dollars spent with us at all times. We will be Publishing this feature each week and awarding $20 in merchandise certificates every two weeks. We trust you will not only find it entertaining but also profitable and that you will also take heed and remember the Words of Wisdom Proverb that will appear from week to week. Read the rules carefully. Words of Wisdom to Deity Button to make her look like that. THE PROVERBS HAVE NO. RELATION TO THE PICTURE, 4. When you have the proverbs for the first and second week and the Pletare title, write them out plainly, mail or bring your replies to The Advance-Times, Don't forget your name and addreSs, Send as many entries as you like.' .Enter every second week. The person with BOTH proverbs correctly arranged and the ,most appropriate title will win $20 worth of merchandise certificates every second week, good at Ally store advertised on this page, 1#11$110W iiiiii 110111U1 ll l W,4110.tflifitfily44040w4Ounimill4111NOWWWW,Ir 10,014f,01,1",010.14,41,4 SPECIAL NOTICE Read the ads on this page and in some of them will be found an extra word. These extra words when properly arranged will form a "Words of Wisdom" Proverb. Put them down on a piece of paper, and the name of the firms from which you found the words—Save them—next week there will be another Proverb scattered through- out the ads. and also a picture of the well- known movie star Betty Hutton. Find this proverb for the second week and put what you think is the most appropriate title to the picture—What did Betty say or what was said to her to make her laugh, cry or what ever the picture might indicate. Send the two proverbs to The Advance-Times with your title to the picture. Some one every 2 weeks is going to win $ 2 0 . 0 0 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES IT COULD BE YOU. Save These Instructions 1st and 2nd weeks is ope contest — $rd and 4th another — 5th and 6th another and so on. A Weekly Feature A Weekly Feature 1 U U a a U S U a a S N a S Al a U a a is U U BUTCHER - U U I "Ti a a U a a U a S a a ADAMS' QUALITY UNMATCHED ibex FLANNELETTE, BLANKETS Two stores in Wingham offer you CLOTHING 70" x 90" First Quality $5.59 Pair in which you LOOK MU ANYWHERE. Phone 459 "Shop Where You Can Be Sure" Wingham WALKER STORES LIMITED iiiiii 11111.1.11i1111/1111ffiliMumoiim,MMM,1111.11,1 lllllllll lllllllll lllll 010 llllll 1111111111111f llllllll Pt-RETEST PLENAMINS Special Offer! 50 Capsules Free - FREE (25 Days' Supply $2.00 size) Free with the purchase. of LARGE SIZE An $8.00 purchase for the Special price of $6.00 WHOM'S 5c to $1.00 STORE NYLONS SPECIAL THIS WEEK 79c pr. - 3 prs. $2.25 45 Gauge Subs. Famous Brand Name Hose MON'S EffifillOFFERS, WIIDDAM "THE FRIENDLY STORE" Featuring Simplified Selection for Your Convenience and Shopping Pleasure. RAPP'S BAKERY NOTE—Special Discounts on all Winter Wear, Yarn & Figured Crepe thsom 1/1 911BM BREAD - ROLLS PASTRY I e Radio & Electric .....0,MaNSAVageN. OEM* 1,"1,30.RIVa. 110..1111•0613( ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING _ and REPAIR Wedding & Birthday Cakes a Specialty Phone 132 Wingham WeStifighOUS Sales & Service A Very Warm Welcome Awaits You, Old Customers and New, at The THOMSON APPLIANCES Frigidaire, Sales & Service a VOIMIIIMMON•10••Mpagilis*Voet aml••• Permanent EASY WASHERS A. J. 'OCHRE Phone 29 Wingham MITCHELL'S MEAT MARKET Fresh & Cured Meats Frosted Foods & Fish — for — FREE DELIVERY PHONE 126 MOai'AT GAS & ELECTRIC RANGES CROSLEY SHELVADOR REFRIGERATORS NOItGE APPLIANCES CRAWFORD MOTORS Dodge = DeSoto Blue "SUNOCO" Gas & Oil Goodyear Tires REPAIRS .and SERVICE Phone 710 Wingham The Best of Fresh and Cured Meats Always on Hand. Home Kettle Rendered Lard "Our Cured Meats Are Home Cured" Phone 35 Wingham EARL'S MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR BARGAINS IN MEN'S & BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING D. RAE & SON BURKE ELECTRIC "A Coniplete Electrical Service" CARMICHAEL'S THE FAMILY STORE SHAW'S fiROCETERIA Quality Foods Free Delivery Phone 161 WWI'S RADIO SERVICE RADIO' and T V SALES & SERVICE Becomes Phone 380, Wingham H. ANN GROCERIES "Where the Charm of Newness Is Restored" SMITH BROS. DUNLOP'S SHOE STORE TEMPLEMAN CLEANERS A COOKED MEATS FRUITS and VEGETABLES FREE DELIVERY PHONE 116 FEATURING Infants', Children's - Ladies' Wear Ask to see raur new line of Teacher's Pet wear for girls. SPECIAL 15 Denier Nylons 95c pr. "Home of Better Shoes" Have Your Shoes Fitted by X-Ray For Your Convenience We Have Added Laundry Service. Phone 323 Wingham Groceries Meats & Vegetables EXCLUSIVE GRAY-DUNN IMPORTED BISCUITS RELIANCE GAS & OIL WINGHAM TAXI Phone 65 WINGHAM MOTORS CHEVROLET OLDSIVIOBILE Chevrolet Trucks GENERAL REPAIR'S ON ALL MAKES OF CARS Imperial Oils TIRES and ACCESSORIES Phone 139 Wingham WARREN HOUSE FURNISHINGS DRAPERY - RUGS FURNITURE CHINA & GIFT WARE Drowsy Phone 475 Wingham Hamilton Optical Co. a DOMINION TIRES GENERAL REPAIRS and Complete Lubrication R. FALCONER Phone 37 For Appointment 32 1 1 21 10 1 11 41 1 11 1 WINGHAINI BUELL MEAT MARKET FRESH & CURED MEATS Poultry in Season Prompt Delivery Phone 22 Winghatn PERCY CLARK Plumbing Heating Tinsmithing IMPORTANT Contest periods consist of 1st and 2nd week; 3rd and 4th week; 5th and 6th week, etc, Note the number on this page. If it is an even number, the contest closes this week, therefore the previous week's issue will be needed to enter for that period. You can Start the contest .anew when the number of the page is an odd number. Every time a Betty Hutton picture appears the contest will close and will be judged on the Saturday after the Betty Hutton picture appears. Entries must be in by 5.00 p.m. on that day. Winner's name will be published on the following week. Judge's decision final. Anyone brat an employee of this newspaper may enter. If there are any Questions PHONE OR DROP INTO the office of The Advance-Times. Do not write. AUTO WRECKERS Specializing in Cleaning & Repairing Radiators and Heating Units. We re-build and. have Generators, Starters and Magnetos. USED PARTS FOR CARS and TRUCKS SAFETY GLASS INSTALLED 4. CLARK Prop. PHONE 220 4i a a a COMPLETE LINE OF' nATIIROOM and KITCHEN FIXTURES Phone 255 Wingham +4.4=welo•Nal irc This' Week's SPECIAL LARGE '10 oz. JAR • NOXEMA for $1.25 KERR'S.ORUfi STORE Ma LEAN COAL CO. "BLUE COAL" "The Werhes Fittest Anthratite" COKE ALBERTA COAL WOOD ICE Phones 64 - 585 Wingham MUNDYS' MacINTYRE BAKERY WINGHAM MIT MARKET IN WINGHAM IT'S 11ASEHROVE'S SMOKE SHOP Your Grocer Since .1915 Large Selection of FRESH and FROZEN FISH (Two lines,) Phones 82 Wingham Specializing in Out-of. Season Fruits and Vegetables -Orders taken for Assorted Baskide of Presb Fruits. MEE DELIVERY Phone 534 Wingham "Vitamin Enriched Flour Used in all Breaded Products" We stock tiro famous "BEAUTYREST7 Simmons Mattiess MODERN IrtINERAL IFIOME AtiteULANCt SERVICE Plione 106-189 Wingham U ii Phone 145 Wingham