HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-02-11, Page 3ee .00 Le'? iP For 1953, Chemilet trucks offer new performance, new stamina, new safety and economy — and every model is even stronger, sturdier, more durable than those of past years! The advanced Loadmaster, Torquemaster and Workmaster engines in all models deliver more power than has ever before been available in Chevrolet trucks. This big, husky, valve-in-head engine with a new high-compression ratio brings you finer performance, faster acceleration, greater hill-climbing ability and substantially greater gasoline mileage. But that's only the beginning. You get all the proved features and advantages that have made Chevro- let trucks world-famous for their ability to handle the roughest jobs day after day at the lowest over-all cost to you! Yet, even with all these greater advantages, 1953 Chevrolet trucks give you more for your money than any other trucks of comparable capacity and specifications. Drop in at our showroom and talk over your trucking needs. Let us show you how much more you get for' your money with 1953 Chevrolet trucks. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE engine - power! You get all the power you need with outstand- ing valve-in-head economy from Chevrolet's great new engines for 1.953 the 108 h.p, Load- master, the 125 h.p. Torquemaster and the big 130 h.p. Workmaster — all with new high cop.- pression ratios. - \+I// staying power! Now, heavier, stronger, more durable frames increase rigidity, add to ruggedness and stamina of all 1953 Chevrolet trucks. Long famous for their ability to take the roughest jobs day after day. Chevrolet trucks are now brawnier and sturdier than ever. \I I / braking - power! In 1953, all Chevrolet trucks up to 1400 Series models are equipped both front and rear with ,big, powerful "Torque-Action" brakes which `"'make full use of truck momentum for greater stopping power. Series 1100, 1500, 1700 and 1800 heavy-duty trucks use extra-large "Torque- Action" brakes in front, "Twin-Action" type in rear. Both assure quick, smooth, safe stops — provide greater stopping power, greater dura• bility than before. \I I economy! The new and greater stamina of 1953 Chevrolet trucks, plus extra gasoline economy with im- proved valve-in,hcad engines, reduces hauling Costs per ton-mile, brings you greater over-all economy throughout the long life of your trucks. CT-I53A W n tors Telephone 139 mrsnmEttrazaava,matmaavravestncloaftrxorA4=6.5,71,-..,oanevi.mx....0 r.t.r.st,„ vitamin 'FY) RE now made in Wingham too In accordance with new improvements in the Bakery Milling Processes we are pleased to add this IMPROVED QUALITY for you, our customers 4TLurtin; .movea ny . •Pc.tiltes, seconded, carried, by Wm. Eisteri that the meeting :ad- Moved .cbm, Coulter, seconded P.Urn. to meet again on March 2nd., at 'EH'S Qty' 13aMORE cintosh United Church Ladies Hold Joint Meeting Tie. Wingham Advance.gimeth WednVidaY, reb, 11, 1:953. r*S0 "IWO nection with a special music course she is taking. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breen and .11444 of Turnberry, visited on Sun- day with Mrs. 804 and 'Miss Bessie.. We regret to report that Mrs. Ar- thur Lincoln fell at her home last week and fractured her hip. She was removed to Wingham. General Nevi- tal on Thursday. lier many friends . here wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. R, J, Douglas has been a patient at the Wingham General Hospital this past week, we all join In wishing him a quick return to health. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Death, Barry and Murray, of Weston, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy enter- tained about eighteen guests to a fowl dinner on Friday evening, About thirteen tables were in play at the euchre and solo party held in the Hall on Monday night. The even- ing was in charge of Mr, and Mrs. Jim Harper, Mrs, George Harper, Mrs. Wm. Busby and Mrs. Herb Busby, Miss Francis Inglis and Mrs. Justin Will held the high score for the ladle,. while Glenn Will and Walter Woods were high for the gentlemen. For solo, Mrs. Harry Miller and Mr, ,Elmer Haskins received the prizes. The Belmore teams participated in three games this past week. On Mon- day night the Harriston Intermediates played the Belmore Intermediates, and after a hard fought game the score board read 6-5 for Harriston, On Wednesday night the Belmore Inter- mediates played the Ethel team in Brussels with the score being 3-1 for Ethel. The same night the Midget team played the Howiek Lions in Gar- de with the Belmore team winning 8-7, Miss Shirley, Jimmie and Don Mc- Neil of Brussels, spent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr, .ant: Mrs. Neil McNeil. Miss 1, elma Eallagh has been able to resume her duties after being ill for a couple of weeks with jaundice. Mr. and Mrs. Herb I3urehill arid children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glowing, of Tiverton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Merkley. Mr and Mrs, John Farrell attended the funeral of Mr. Allen Robertson of Tiverton on Monday. morns township Council Meeting The Council met In the Township Hall on February 2nd., with all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Wm. Elston, and Bailie Parrott, Moved by Chas, :Coultas, Seconded by Braille Parrott that we join the As- sociation of Assessing Officers. Car- tied, Moved by Wm, Elston, seconded by Bailie Parrott, Be it resolved that for the purpose of certifying employ- ment by the Township of Morris, as permanent, in aecordanee with para- graph (1), of 'Part II of the First Schedule to the Unemployment Insur- ance Act and of special orders made by the Unemployment Insurance Corn- mission thereunder, the following be and they are hereby authorized to is- by Bailie Parrott that we engage George Hetherington as Warble Fly Spray Inspector for 1953 at Po: gents pee, rd hour and 10 cents per mile. Care ri Moved by Sam Alcoek, seconded by Wm. Elston that we advertise for sprayman and helper for 1903 warble fly spraying. Applications to be hi by March 2; Carried. Moved by Berne Parrott, seconded by Wm, Elston that we advertise for tenders to supply, crush and deliver approximately 10,000 yards of gravel on Morris Township roads, crusher to be equipped with inch screen and certified cheque for $200 to ac- company each tender, Carried. Moved by Chas. Coulter, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the road accounts as presented by the road superintend- ent be paid. Carried. 1 p.m. Carried, The following accounts were paid: For damage to lands and crops, Xelly drain, Mrs, M. Kelly, $54,00; 13. Craig, $69.0 0 ; L. Scott, $63,00; J. 0, Haines, $13.00; L. Cronyn, $56.00; D. Craig, $16.00; Association of Assessing Of- ficers, $10.00; Ivan MeArter, broom for hail, $1.05; Hydro-Electric Power Commission) street lights in Belgrave and Walton, $19e,00; Municipal World, subscriptions, $18 00; Jas. Mower, Smith Drain, $350.00; Geo. Martin, telephone calls, $3.60; Cathere & Gal- laher, Peacock Drain, $27.50; Village of Blyth, Mrs. R. Craig, relief, $63.35; A. H. Erskine, collecting tax, Govier Drain, $5.00; For grant on Govier drain, F, Oster, $23.78; G. Haines, $352.70; D. Craig, $277,41; A, Nesbitt, $39.63; K. Webster, $305.31; M. Govier, $116,24; J. Nesbitt, $47.56; E. A, Mc- Milian, $17.17; Dept. of Highways, $80.86; C. W. Hanna, relief, for EL Whitehead, $62.87; Dr. Shaw, safe, $25.00, Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve Geo. C, Martin, Clerk MATH KIDS DOING WELL Blyth Midgets have chalked up a total of six consecutive wins in the WOAA Midget series, including two wins from their toughest opposition, Howick Lions and Teeswater, Coach Ray Madill is hoping to bring at least a group championship to the village this season. A Union meeting of the McIntosh W. A. and W, M, S. was held at Mrs. Martin's on Friday afternoon, with 20 ladies and 1 child present. Mrs. Eldon Renwick was leader and follow- ed the program in the Missionary Monthly, opening with the Call to Worship, Herten 10e, "The church's one Foundation" was sung. The Scripture readings were given by Mrs. Alan Darling' asd Mrs, Vegan, and Mrs. Ivan Haskins led in prayer. The roll call "A verse on Love," was well re- sponded to. Mrs, John White gave a very interesting paper on "Christian Literature." Mrs. Fred Dustow, pre- sident, then conducted a business per- iod. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs, Sangster, seconded by Mrs. Ve- gan, to Irene Dustow, for typing the W.M.S, programs. Plans were discuss- ed for the World Day of Prayer ser- vice which is to be held in McIntosh church on February 20th. Hymn 187, 'Break Thou the Bread of Life", was sung, after which the W. A. took charge, and repeated the Lord's Pray- er in unison. Minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted, and busi- ness was conducted by the president, Mrs, Robert Harkness, It was decided to make a donation of $200.00 to the church treasurer, also to have a "Birthday Box" installed, Everyone Is asked to put a copper for ,ach year of their age, in this box on heir birthday to raise funds. The meeting closed with the bane- iletion and Mrs. Eldon Renwick fol- lowed with a Bible quiz, which was much enjoyed. Sonle quilting was lone, then a tasty lunch was served ey Mrs, Martin and the hostesses for .he day, Mrs. Cliff Boyd, Mrs. Goo. carper and Mrs. Alan Darling. Personals We are pleased to report that a ttle year-old boy has come to make is home with Mr, and Mrs, Harvee alagh, • Mr. and Mrs. Rem Douglas and baby daughter, of neat' Clifford, visit- tl parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Dickson on Sunday and attended ser- vice in the Presbyterian church, Miss Jean Dickson spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Mrs. John Harper visited friends in Wingham on Monday. Misses Janice Boyd and Dianne Fitch, spent the week-end with Mary and Nancy Elliott. Mr. Harry Gowdy is this week at- tending the Good Road's Convention, in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Douglas spent Saturday in Toronto, where Mrs. Douglas tried an examination in con- Mr. and Mrs, Earl MeNee attended the funeral of the latter's uncle, the late Mr. Charles Worthy in Kincar- dine, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McNeil and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rutledge, of Brussels, spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr .and Mrs, Eimer Jeffray and Margaret and Mr. Robert Jeffray vis- ited with Mrs. Robert Jeffray at Wil- fred Waltz,' near Clifford on Tuesday. Last Sunday afternoon Rev. M. Bai- lie's sermon in the Presbyterian Church took the form of a study c: the Book of Philemon and the lesons which it teaches, The choir sang a special number. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dustow spent a few days last we ...Qr. and MA Gordon Grant and ;ions at Tecs, Mr. Ross Vegan his wilier anti motn••:. Mr. ane airs. Joeeph engem en ea:Lee:ley. rine. 71..4ekneee eteadee 1;1 funeral of a:. a -1.‘e. • •, f. cuni: t , Linu with Li. family at Mr. saki M's.ii R, Falconer, Prop. Nffarageagnamealattf ini Al. HARPERS Chartered Accountant Licensed Municipal. Auditor .55 South Street, Goderich Telephone 343 Wallitteft.•••••••=m1Mililta, ave Fuel NOW'S THE TIME TO ORDER, YOUR STORM SASH WINDOW UNITS MADE-TO-ORDER CAMPBELL & fiORBUTT SASH MANUFACTURERS Diagonal Rd. Winghara • HUMS We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceabil- ity. Desig,i and workmanship are of the finrst, and our pricea 1,re `riost moderato. i.lEIKET.EEtY LLITErvava promptly none e; eat,' T.! ,.' rig 4 1.1,1 g Plarue 256 R. Spe:tiozi 7•411:/i,,Pr.`,14.1...soeselb: "111118•11111111111111nEllaillailelaVallialiMeallgEnnalleineliallalanitnatal aisiaStie Most important Possessi0 At least 80% of our knowledge comes to us through the eyes. Yet we are more careless about eyesight than any other possession. Many people have defective vision without even knowing it. Nothing is more important than your own two eyes, Have-them examined once a year. Begin now. W. R. HAMILTON, OPTOMETIVST "A Complete Visual Analysis" AwsmosmismainEmmEaszEgammer efielinalikeTe. !; vl ited Mr. and Mrs. Lori.: • Gorri • ?..3mIclay afternoon. BUS STATION in RELIANCE MOTOR SERVICE WINGHAM 65 TAXI now centred in the COSTS no more, Tastes just as good, guaranteed FULLER food value in all our Breaded Products NOW MacINTYRE- BAKERY AIMIIIIM1111111111111101111111111MMUNIMIEr