The Signal, 1925-12-10, Page 22--Thuradag, December 10. 19.1
4.44,i Your Grocer Sells
• Ar to an , Aga
couside 3 a CANADA
Member at Canadian Weakly News
papers AmandaOkra
t'ubllnit.4.every Th atllralala.
-elaltaliriptitoagppglq 42 per seat. Tb • t
Culled Stakes •ed Eu�rIgo Countries.
$250 Iter year, stricu; to ',vane. .r • ,
Telephone s3 4 rL..h lute
W. 11. Robertson. Editor and Waaaur
Thursday. December 10EDITORIAL $ORES
two a,. k. to ihriaru:ir.
• • •-
Ihr your flan -•rues .hopping early
--and d.1 it «OOh the home town nter-
• • •
\Ir. Mon.:nob 'attain french In
/bigot. but they didn't understand
• • •
We asked last acct., "-ire you t'ul-
rivating the 4•44ristma. spirit??" and
now a lot of fellows want to know
where they eau get it.
Here's a beauty hint from The
American Medical Journal: ''ro get
Ja.4 the right tint on the cheeks hu.
only the best rouge. hill• it iu a ante
pia+,• about tan mita*, from home and
Walk out and back on... it da4_1a see
1 uffrnyt do the eetytity • ..illtlfer to send
imrk ftir anktater 11e•Inlat to mai rtum-
$tallt•ta ..or til k Ind.
-1'tlluaueliagr .'3f r. 114 ll l*1U anhutftted
111:11 Ike judo. 0i the high court Itad
um, this power t„ interfere wit). the
etapowerillug of a uu•wber, ..r prima tw•Ir
mrtult•r of the It. 11 ..f 1 'ulu oinks. t
Ileraelag l'i atlunittl Saturday
' Turc.uto, thee. Mr. inside,
1Vrhtllt ibis i orulu. call..' for and
arta 1.44441.41- the ikep44lttaLhglluts
North Mural el.•I(on •',1.a.. in fuer o
str••uwIus •/l.jt.•tiui. -w till• 'mart ut
Shirley lhvtiw.11, ii 1' . .(.al1,..•1 for
(i.orgt. st•thou. Ilse 4'envrrutiVi• can-
N. 1t". It„w,•f, 1:1'.. au% arguing
that the deptity returning "dicer fail-
ed 111 fotluw the- ,44sodati,ty pN„iI4i11ur
.,f ilia. I:44411041s Ail. when lila lord-
.hii. inttrta/aed• ,
'•w -bore• are tt .v' ha1111t t
The costed eticalr4.• was 1ir,,thur.1
alit! haud'w1 to t1.,• nduruing ottkrr to
IN' t Petted. At lir, ikvli.u11 was
oil 11111100 Prot, •t that thi•c wits a
viuhulou of taw• •.r r..;r of the ballot.
IIe'd4rhlrlv1 hl. ,ni•hip hod 1111 right
111 ..- til,• Wallies \l'. Jostle.- \Cr1Rht
ht•artl til.- ..l.),. f , • nutlet thein. 1111,
t,.ld til,• n4Urot' _ •di•, -r t.. go 4414.,01. 1
The ..•112 \y6111 1,r..../2 raid the t.0•11.11
•iii eiop. hams,' t., Nle judge.
Mr. R•44rlrt...trivaaeot
Mr. R' 4".'11 ..p.m.•1 hi• atgl1me111 by
referring tea u ,,.• :-r..ti made in an
eltet1.1) 11pia•a1 -lrL'entrinil 1)y 411•
chief josth'e• of Duel..', on 3l4t,ay of
this wr,•k. in whit►''.• tail rail,l that
Ho. apliral a4lght I.. ,otitiu(1et It1 ,.ILII
.4 the tact that s:r it...rite 1'erier 11x,1
ittreitdy been. rt•niriel raw rl..•t„I, till
1.14i. IN•IuA alsal,g..n: to the present.
(11 support of hi .application. Aft".
dtowou read. and .cuuuwite.4 on the
reason. giro, hr• tri• '.s'ou'p jndt;.• for
• 44(44 (-frontlet the ':,P••t. that had 41i.-
telUuter .. s a tai. • limn -ell a
'nkat.,l n11t that a . ,. -idles hin,ndf sal- 1
niftiest that be 0 c• ,, a ...orated ,Mise
Ia11utr. lied 141 • .,• rests -et lie had
Jelled' to du what Ili. -o tllte ra.tulrrd
Linn to do.
Mr. Ih•uls•u •!•j••1•,I 10 -lir. Hue --
ell. ref..r•tiew t,. .0. :itn/bivit whkii
7tochtrort-thtt-11br-1...11.•'. had not tient
eoantwl Ane. tar;.t Attie flint nthdaylt
had Iw•eu •••1611131..,.•.•i
ill:glee Wrist,' I MI t t,.• puler
.,.ant their. halo,•.
Air. fknlsou- 1w. oU iii, -an phy.1
Jat,.tkr Rriri•: '-i,ld Ili sillnv
Have you tried it? The tiny rich -
flavored leaves and tips are sealed
air -tight. Finer than anyapan or
Gunpowder. Insist upon SALADA.
milighted \chile!•• nrartitla (row Port!. `JUDGE RESERVES
eon, anal cra.,11ig into Huy. in not
only would be In dative of accident
but %milli 1w• 1lilhte. to a penalty for ;
breaking the lea .J.'-iluron county.
If there 1. to be a haw in ale matter
it .11..1001.e a Prorineial late. -
The Federal 0i0111•113 li 11.11 .1.4. 1t-1"-
1.00. tua'h• tw,».nry l.' ,the death of
Sit J: L4. iilflmtlr
shortly -Offer 1•••- was.,
, lectl•tt .1 1 1 k•tol.•r :"Mil• ti`tI d'- -41'-TI17113
mud r-tt+Ucc! Fu til
crumb of Toronto, Dee. 4. -\1'4:111114.1d mal -till•
Mr. Morin, the Iil..•ra) r:u*13dati. 1 North 'tun + .41...-1-14•1•,.u,. _ -Jet rd
The (majority' ea. rwtuel.f from that , hy; Mr. Ju.titY• Wright :1t• Hall
t- ,•f the general election. hat in,. ;„t,, 1111, '1fteruosei. whet, tit the re.nmesl
.4.•tot, rat rhe t ,n rf la• h.•a r,t ohlet-
wwn. anulirr nu ave..n•4? of b:nl mads it ion. 0t the l.r.«e..t1t gs from lahiriiy
The ('onw•ri:ltlye rnndidwt.. 'way Yby 1 1hti,i..Nt, Kj.... .onti.a•1 for 4iee.rge
t1.• a4 in the xetlerril de,'t-ou. Mr. I SlMtttoll- 4•,H44•rlal1r0. w0l. wilt uM-
chilly return...I ,hoer a r,-.•om1T. Serg-
•ighrn 'user :1 lid for till. ,- p'
i tial got a .mtIjllI4 of *on it*. Mitt
Disputed Ballots Produced in
Toronto Court at Judge's
that met with their approval are full "IS•eelIes in .,tillell• il 'is lg. lite
we al.t/,. ammething in this column Is "'Nall,. , \;'1411 .I, :.,•1.•.! • "'vertu
! 'Ld4 :Ire U, Ice ..oto. objections,"
store) Mr. Jostler Wrtgiat •when the
•t eondittrtnatton and peerishntsN 111 of tle Con •r%:i;ive leader that ne . el'.ur1 le1"•tnd. 1'our,.,:1 then .►aid 11414
when an etr'tk•4r appears with which 1w< taken the tr. hl.• --t,• 4.,farNilt-him• 1 N.. tuurIr LL as_ he ...ntd and out the
they are atjlu ,tgmp1111y." .a.1' .utlk•i.•ntly ick: Ihr 7- r.•nrh lunar "M14ltf-r•4lttats wltt_11t_ tin' hands hr
11 thi t hirf 1 lis 'oral otlln•r rat t lltawa
• • •
J. un. 1
*le't It Ihr truth? The nark's -Milli anu.lnleln_ at 1lnmllt' g.,.. :1 { King. iib I'rogresiv, •.l.p,Nie ilii
44 'hay* that '•readers n•ll(4 Bever ` w-1' -4' h•• 11a44440g ani114 .:44,0444; tint 4tlr.•ngi: !h+• Jiiil r boldin:; the YWV111111
it of telling us about 1t w'h4i ' ui41ec i'..ters•.-h.. visited the' 4.1.114iiii r"Itlti/ti h• .,Hull t,•rtnitt iw1lits eith
1 rhe ,.111111e'rt,,jl, :Ilturl4•d.
tr • nage to M• able t .1
We .npfoAe' Santa ('4nsr eon get 11f Qmds■• to their vw
''T1'yo4 4 prettlr witA . • o• the :it,Iftt,at...,ns•rsxnli
plane: but
:Ik 1JIe 1.'14 • t lit fore the ;direr* 0: the 111'1.1.1011t 411,"
:1/WOW:, Malt f %er0 11141 :11_th•2n.4lr or 111 44p400(111-
.• p*•rform.1 ( set nr n1•,l with hi. LrIYI.lilp/
is ii thing in the rill .I A.
pn)Nts." •aid lir �3 .riet
4Yrlgl44. "Int the ...otrary 1 think it.
i, lytt.•rill." coitn.0.
11. atid,,t:
"it .11110•rv1dint 111440,
the triune. for the riding were In the
tranal. in the chief 1•k.•iorgl other
:arrant that when in try llor 4„ ale,.
s,'me4N*ty Invent. *\rnetb/kt by which . Mull be •n11.P"' •1 wet."' ries -kilt of
be ,an wend his gltto� y radio the (1111 Preticl4 t*nadiNns has en'Jd.rati welt
g••ntlem,tn wilt be gleet 441 stay lit him n*.'I+r...(1ts' `rr [Jn/•tare :m.} im, 4.4
home tin a stormy Citrirtmar. Etre. 0. w•rk.u, ynevil.,r.itIZ utta'ut( tau• 4
Th,• stocking. will still hare to 1wservutir,.. of the other Pn tIlll.-'i Tie
I.?144•.• any 444111.1 inial 11t» w,•re '111a,le1
up, of eirurne-hµt-datura moat 1Cinnip eg Tritium.. a a on.ervat'..e• i ,.. , ,y,.n.,.
__.-_lays t0 Mme down /We 44ate claim- J'H1ntl,: -
- -ner» then. _ _ _ __. "\ a xtru. i.d frau rh -trmfiti..f:. _ -,+f--11+.• - •
"Hr ,Ii.alkter ••I heal."
Justin. Wright i1e (1411,114enUnt
_them:`h,• ()mitt, 1.11111 r11hu."
County .11o1;r Mistabtta
Sir. it,.44d1 1 1 '.cued abut the
'.-;----t-IY•Itil -•„�-----`--..tb'-11�j-1�ake 11f
A fItr'irtsrm r ottt.•toi..} at__
�� • • • \ li sacra al-fi-e pct r-##t.-lam,fz- 'a !1i,ii thinking he Was_ •o,ly5tlua set Rev'
id --file-# indge�- t.. , n u r• i t ion i n i
r - •-_w[Mh mars 1•iitltlW to
`• The bylaw to pn,rlde morn•C, to , i,nr•ionr"f«lora' iiia. dltm.e,t it. r1> 1 t+r nn tiny . a m,•uilw•r or nu•mlw•r• .Iwh w)th. t lir(. n, tnettl-rlt. �rhkftr
[Mild a new tl -u bal1. '00)8 0. to,).. _ valu34,4 t and h 44 r44' rt it to the; 0,101. It .Litt of s11.-0 au enter 044 it. le wen flap, I 1�, dmp,4y retttnut-
' 4vu1,1-0'1""14.--h
ftt4bmkted o the N.lpde tilt the nn».�-- ••r„ r r•_ f IS,teot .,+ a titbit d ss1uL T jnt>.•lt r a--T-hisser 1 �inyt'TiitlTi- -Sty •ttuxn.>'•p}_ _tstitettd •esus
•a.1 1 e3,tethmik is The tl, lie ).,1rt1•r'/,i tit 1•yl•!:•11.y4i f.•I• tots -.1`:14.• *11d 1.41+ 4., crit tl(3410 rl,.•Il. Ht t.1!) r bt f1 -►r �.•.'... r- .hawed --.
I►• 341141isIle. It e*J . 1 st1. lit til„ t�•t f±tr
1! • rg•4ua at-Ar8i j1i'!Lr It•d t11K •int,.) the bald- at
Asset tills Werk. Th1,( is n rake's•' in 4'nmmrnl0 of oYu•r / , I;ii•rsatl., � mama'', 1 n, 1 :e omit hini and b0 all
whirl' eatery resident of the town has j.itlrnal. Indicate that '11r. aleitheii lit enol t ,.i,•.' Ile ,, i tiuo••d - ith vita, If h.• )._, '... ltd and that rejet
an twerps/. and The S1gna} w111 l/e 111. terns. for raBve Tint Aerionerr-vont-• ttou '•t 11" etturuvert,-,I 14(110m• set - o ; rhe•lb It yt Id • different mat -
4• l
Christmas gift makers will come early to realise
the beauty and special values in our imported
Linens - -Linens---Linens and values exceptional
Mcu's 1-4 or 3 -8 -inch hemstitch .Handkrr-
ehiefs iu every, initial, beautifully cnthroid-
r,',t by hand. 4is'lach
Jlei's plain linen Iletustiteh Haudker-
ehiefs, Extra quality. Regular 30e. Boa
•d, 6 for
Ladies' sheer linen Handkerchiefs, em-
broidered in exquisite designs and effects,
in cylors or'all white- In box of :i for tl AA
Embroidered lined llalolken•hil•fs, boxed
singly, at each 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c. 75o,
fast -color harder Haudkw',- u -t,.
SiH'eial, :1 for -
new r -: r ' , ti re
t)ttr_thirtl 7under regular values_ 2x2 and
2121/2 yards. Ertel. 33.50, 33.96, 00, $6.15 •
Silk --the double stocking. Popu-
lar, ,practical, handsome; Weeks, salmis.
ffr ys, rte. lit to 10. Pair
_bilk and cashmere Mix plain Hose, all
e_a' Iraq ___- -Qe ant fifiitA - -Pair 31.25
Men's silk alt.) w-I.oI Hl,,e- re* ,•t1lu.-
ive novelties, beautiful anis arcrptable.
hosed tringle pairs, extra special for 75C
4izt• 1, 114, 1l, yards square of
i•lain oy,tcr Linen, with gold, ruse or blur
I lt•nlstitelr border. and serviettes to ruatel
�l•tiiag itt earl. 35.75, $6.75 and.... $7.75
11,vu.tih•b Huck ill guest sizes or larger
sizes, plain mall embroidered in colors, at
earls 48c, 60c, 75c, 31.00 and
English Eiderdown I'e'mforters, large
sine, down -proof covered, with deep fancy'
borders, pink, blue and mauve. Valve
*18.50. Each
wot,)i Illi -\tool fluiev plaid and fringed•
maize tilhcno. k'or motor, eoo1)t and bell,
ehoit•e colorings, Regular value *12.50.
Pasch _ ... -.
STOaS ____
311 dozen heats black purr worsted rib
llotte. Bought from one of our best mills at
one-third under value. Sizes 61 to 71,4, ti
to 10. Regular 71x• for.
11eetular *LW for • • •7S*
1II-wool heavy N-itte with good elttrx.
and ehitdren's.. 1n eoierri brv,w as,
blues. grecs. 100 pairs on stile. Value .►Il.',
For 'came'l's and ehildren'a Coat*_
Heavy all -wind Velours, ftoliviax, ('hitlehii-
1:1...14 111. wide, to all colon. Valise *3.(ki
to *•5.73. .ill on sale one price, yarel$1.95
Octad t'1 rxprteidu*s of hlI,n.'promised hitnuoIf w1f6 A ,y ,--sone.-�to•.011 he II r ti.m* of ffie T,:wrr,'ter but -"not !t'a'gs .'•mall i» laud ,
t� rIo , loris nl•r tl matter f J 4411
la Great Britain Dame roe
es The politk•rl pastime M twisting
ere9l+loll 1+ - .Iinl•• out haat'. ba» til e•t1
Ire the ballots?'"
r it. lxttrts *.haul, 1N• brief. ah tion 11f. his warty. 0 of r r.•- „-,tr -father t.. lore lip} to the tea
tfi.1 be nitwit more In►errttlpx ant
1 carry more weight it published
I:nwti+hk :+s W •te r
he nano. of the writer. f 1911( Farmer.' vim,
prls,durl a x.. -pt 441 the power 11Utnaall'ut 11• the statute.
4ur8 I1,.n 'tea at„1-io 1brt#►, I 1:17 y 'user wiy h.iaewlr Kir
Turning t the .'li.•ti1,11•, •t 34444f: his • rr ,mush hare hl. h*llot /,met
i•e •••p'•rerl Into 44 11.1,144. 4"14iull of the -t /'I•lo•_11'a t:"i jtii1ge hail not .slaw•
• • i it list ha e• van•,...' a •i.i, 0f sqr- f,•In, •,f 1I/0111111 frit. •lownit Mo. r. --r,
Itnsin.. s :nett of Milvert„n and oth• - 34i ise �u t4l•u .11fh rN ,ib{,ilii aTr ami aw . • of 111.6 retnrning otlk!•r••
tT - r7 r ;4. , •, ti.•h `f -w• nr,� Ttt
r --)41)44,w 'fru the etaetph-ti wtrtirll . 1"'11Nen1 `(poloneuts alike inks•» the Iw `1**94e
tail) wh.. .1 to a.
• ryinR to sis,h,lbiliry f,
NC •T p:u'-citta, r Wzr4ti'r p
111.1 off of the Wont
tLi evening train
r rt
Ing Ira
west 1111
rel le• 101•
1 t t
e t*b.w1414• "yak
loos Tlir 4 I'.Il, of
u4ug trains- ..r •ifs he
11 7
)1'•1141111 o tie
'.1t, r►:' '' get mor
t:o>,k'r:c if .its
hou::1 f w the
1• 11
1it1. f
he 1 H. are r t
the for
Ti.' .
,htiti f lA esus ii 91 pr.onk.i lo• .'siert, 11
,•r 4
nr f r••
T t »
tire Ml•4 v
N-flf• 1 e . +- - Nt vomit
y ,nrtlinu„ ler 1{-17ii�-'til. 1VITWYc
i►1ar-titl4s.: 4, H. ttr]i--ttf»1 -�►'MI•.-
Me '101''11111 114.1• 'ahtrwl 1Le ••t1. r'
day that the epr,•ai. •l:ouid. Is- sloe
.4131'-'4 t,. a 1...oular It. bet,.e.• 'troops
. ,•,
.1r 1 •.ur1u.1 o e
for the w 0.ts• bf rte
101.11i11::: in fntmre .sera . \v
41 'r Is
- .laf�__t iic.11trtrtlnn-w:r..r.-tt trtrIRr».
b4/1 .
t a ,.rr w• to . n
r n tui n
CO..t I 111
hat t
4.11111'50 is 111,1
MI anti ron
110, r• .sill., ' t '•''ties} 114 11. rer
y41,•• '/wb•rieh w, 111 ilk, t •,r till•
anorak' ural 444gh train.' totr,l.
lent wool, al.n like , 111 e• the• tin14-
t;,bice arrlln t .,. 1 Nt I would. tM
practical d
\acro dale. The
polrw•lger• out
traim 111(1 111 111Ror.
(Ytml.'l67444 rai11lin�'..
(r r. an leis tier• to
- WIN,- h11a •• nkat r r i• - t, _.
the ele•tlm, In Nnr1h Huron ..
1 her _'0th: t mise-}�Ntpll suffer 1.
ml•:tikes of three 1b•ptiifty r.'tllr11t1
rouaterfuils ..f I.ttlnt. Ther'•.- 441 -
way• n spirit of (airplay- arming ,•ltl-
zeta. even in isdnical affairs, and 11
wilt react against Mr. Spans' if•.he
tnk0. 111. .tett 111 1'ar1)ntne•at by rir.-i
toe of a judicial derision Instead of
having n majority of taw• rides .east by i
the electors of - the rlrtIng•-191estey ,
Enterprise. I
The Injustice le not only to 441r.
- i►41144, 1.441 to _ _1Lt-_r1>1ng a+ _a lift 1•t
'3D. Kt.1t:"n - ismmr-the rtwn.t•n-ri't+►e-
retire of the t•lt+e•tors of North lin-
-h 11 fro' platter-w'INO jnllletal-rtrrf.M**
111:17 he.
N •
Huron l,+noty' w1a1,•11 hen• declined
fo 1sl•• a Miss. to 1 40 4*.' silk flirty.
1'111 ,4- l 4lg,t on- *,4*1el•. other than
aat..tnot)te•s trarellttrg nn the high -
"WAY!. ,rt 11tRii4, The 1.egislitnre del..-
-- gated ties!•- lit.
'tend -id a , law to crater all
•tnnnil•ipltitles In No P4.'0t,ce. nhri-
overly there would Ili' a ditwdrantagt•
-.111 Il*rttltr tights oN, cehiciea, t. y, fn
Huron 4"1.1,14 :11,11 11,4 in 1'etlh ''.11111- 1
fy. Tilt• arir. r of an ttlitono,biir liv-
ing In H1n•on e4,,.,04 bt• -.4( tor guard
alien he Ib, lire into Perth
awl scald 1R ;h, .mater danger of
ranting lord *1 unlighted "ehh•Ie
than If hr were aernaonw.f to look
tag for inwreyan without 11x},14 th
p: E7 kir giro county ;And the driver of an
('oarf : •N herr
ft -turning a-IBeer-Xuiret; •'144
1:1 rgt•. ?trek tw•:'; -
L+ lir.
"1. f I routs lilt
r 1/iB/
the R
/1r1tJ.h lion'' t.tft, IuJnlged ifs
the lug sfrvyrgtit and :ream,'+s: The
British people them/wire. ratter ri-
seta filial unnecessary 0ytuppnthy. At
- s ,roar' __'Breen In his holier. In New
1 ,,r3i Sir Hnh•rt fl..rae• referring ti.
r, , tftaf-ttreitt -firlfw4w---
1 Ili• for." t r
r. ' Ihw•
lar,! t
lou the b •u +Ir
is 1
f. w ,1
h 1a104.1
//f the
Et f a ,
.-II n 1 ilii /
•M. 11 1 11
n t
rl•f 1•
R naso ,
lea l 111
sense of f r
I t.
E'n l ud
1 a 1a.•
_ t` 4 ,iZ-3.altt "kiss e lord..
l•ro\t10 for a recount. -t "T,better lift
114•• eour: thl.ltilat, that to •ilenth•n ''.11V1+ it :• Adtlrrw•t,1 to you."
.11 11. •
ti. -1...11..
the fi1.! shit, Eu
Al r,
t i ,
•S! ford. iMiler-
ell . \r.
1,1•ni..Ht. h •ever. man+ !
1 1.i,r l
.1111•1 :11
} w1to
of rt11 1 pini, t ha lie I wrr it ooI
opinion -that '+ret tiw•r rWe• N .,•rG•. , :hat ,nil. ;... Th4!w• ,,.nn4erfo1l
T is
rate'--tlrtr -trit+r-:sir. "j..: •: -.followed or - s<,i ,,
+.••r• - 4ra1, Due to identify HI
1111 :tears afro. hitt with his "ready. oil\1•--•rnr •
t•: r"".i,f. fed.... ,• •,. ..rUT --- j;a;:z-tt-la-- ,pert•.--tr/-iter-ata._
n ndy." ..f ►let a ye,fw ' rhe.•, that It 1'rirlripk tic i�'ital Tltin7g .•Mtb: )1r ,,••1:41041
<w rats irups„ 114- 7.,�rra't:;r•tte tit +I-( +-.-3ftrr i;s.y4'.4 - Ila- paoLlr i 1'ourt -" 1t, :Iii old (lays there wrr.'
fee 4,4".1 - 111 nrtooda• .\ cer11,17, 31, " 4f`4r oitlnbevs of.:i..• ballets. 44'11---'�
nnence ..f Illtitu1l 14r. ..._tuacert in J t'ier`s' t. irirn7nrm?--ot11•• 111. Mr. }jr: t/enf..,, -"ff tilt. a•err a Nati-
7roi, oe. sat -t Ttn re .. no 1
consistawy limy b 1 to..d. but•un a for sue rib sailer a. fhb. lwityt a1N1k• rhRi .1IItier r..• �ontror,rt.,l Fh.ttavtl+
Vital 11111.4111,.11 '11411 as ,le,. herein in- 44.1 a.'ri,•. 4 lits .lirrrtio (Con'i,.ued Oa 1•a.
volved _It _iii put i, ti elite I n t(4 the• ,•hirf Re 6)
11 rRly 'h=•tart hit. nor ysadity. b•ing i
-:;.vera. .train on _i x twin : it hot ;a merle /natter of
a lar-w--finth.hnl - ender I i
" •- 1 • • trier. .4 - N lthfR 1Ntrarlves
dle•trito• of a 1 e1iis11:, 111 111111110, oar• }nein math• lit tis• lw4,4'. of our t4 , - -X1. iaria/ '
. rs gun 1
;Iy- 4404411, .rlynnnrn..l tr}.nN-_ t--l.gr41,•►,' _ t t ytx_ime'n of the s,.rt of rubbish
0.11• tl•0 nest. • "1!+441 ;b ,'n1•• ,l.w•n-''4+-t? eindti-,, Iy M•sriugn ITaruute•i
ti',,,,,„„,4 cud {{
4 tHntw't. reipinl,+i4l.l, .f_.thc rt- L_ v.arOat in the cities• aa. OW in regard to ptoU.•N1111 Is •01.11 in the 1
1111114 •ih10 011111/g0 lit fr.•l•t 4. thin: Mr liar that 4444 t„I 1'01 ,C101/
q r •htl.Ntliit vs,,l t(.1 to alis (iiunfi,
Alrig! '14 "l. prepared -to .a:.rili,4• tk•tilsr o 11:,•n^ 11f 11.. Lau hire. of the Pm-�
Y" it►M'r took illi 1 ,. �I11n. tl :4,-. •' tt
d,: in order t„ oh- else .14.1M14.111 q,,. :'f , 6 rnr1.440; •411,--141011--4•-1'14 issue of The Yar-
n -- - Tha--__,1 y hnr i io g n a . r e ,wt a ,. - • • 1 • ('lurch Is statin to
int, i,nr If wntnethlt,:4 .lee tl 1 ins t , ars not y
m tntd ¶'hr• 1'sr1wrr. .!t4 , 144_-x4441(16.1'.. S'@nadl . •o for
• • •"•lL-- •i't,q illi_ 1 - nLiYht run I.' " ti.WN[IMMlu ld wuttji -of i•nmTTflntR•"
I de,) It 1. rr.J n holt. n i /not war tend .trot giy also. 1111. loaner eke.; It* ht4-: - 4y---+IlglltYltio1' ,.11oulcl 111•
(a •alti$44 factories. or pro-
nu . n u • T1►fefi..__ .`
:+i Imports enlnnht to n
000.4x41. Included 1n
bleu 11k.' $6,(i1O,(Iftlt
t114•• rslstna. 4•irr•
o Ior t- o Wink• A rF? .. -. •'+, sat : ttL`f,lJlxt.(MMI
intuit. The time element in the .kr- "f raw ti't'le. to b1• man n,•tnrwl h
too. 1prr...h•re farm.,( Mtg. Brass. of t0l•' „der '.man "'Tri,' m111a: $7:3.812:::1741;°°44X711111/1"
..h. 4.4*1) In
part of Nr, toenlwm'. arynlas:at. -agar and 0. products; $13,(14 (11"1 of
Afr. Justice {f1•ight 11.K..•••,1' t„o-aa•troleum 411.1 141 prlehlcts: el to
(1(1,(as1,INr1 in trial with which it
//-4414 bone-, :provide power f•
f* -t.,;,•' and operate our rail-
.1.ihr hall a.vri•y limited statutory nit- 1 wars. Thi; li.t might be Indefinitely
hurity'. namoiy. • 1.0441 ot•,rrlKHug hack! ' tt 4)f) hot tits will serve for tilt
h it judge for n re•omnt, line averred _...-
10. in 1111. pr, :w•ut teals• 444). 8t•tk* even 11 1•'«,14 prndU.}}t!, t11ea! COM"
w -o t 110 of nn effect. • // )a/r4tttle•+i for odr•('tt'e•. whiefe 'p eosld
"tf hae, enth.Mlty tit s; K• 11'lit/akr is nmN e.•, whore wends) we he la a state
it hien lint opon m• to rr.lnire in- of trade I.nlatlt mel. as Mtaa ( urph,
to 1740 r, It* or elfeaTti • etc o fel turesY.. W4414 i• oukl we it with
1 ,inn'' ilii' It Is." oar fint1,INNt•(MNI *heir of Aprpins
fan AAiavh. •
w04-.Ar1T gi. Km 11.3 , tak, rotten, coal
• < Sud nih t pnwlet•tri. In 4•urtlange?
1��inT..�n ��r4alt r 0 0 .• Wtwei s.
the ground for t the•r,a.•t1..ri 1$• a.k• , beef, ha on. Imti.• and wow?
frog: "1 w-Irh to ke slur, 'my lord. it I. true, 11 we're drir to It. we
llnl.nothing 11x. n;• rat.') It!'
pr..,•nf might Il.,.}It, 4wtiall44 - Tb the
tar . fbtm -$ling nflkt,l t' xf 4t 11h•f ('hnrrll i'1, 4 In iM lowish 0o4w•laslou.
ant,- giving the full et. 'rase'.'` and have idtek family 11 .elf-ro NAln.•+l
Mr. .fustier Wright stn flint the •.44,11 -making It,' own clothing. pro -
statute 'sr,. th0 ride arab :o tow no cueing i'• ott4 food a1., gohyt 'nit 1.,
feawd, twrx4i.0 of say tem -vv R ie'• tb• bash sae ••attl,g Its ow•n (ai).
flan why it .1 1d not of •�.' et. Nut It, i, Kebab* '•y,•1, NI•, rhnreh
fmflre. 444[443,1 h'1ipS ega4111 living condition.
Mr. fknl.'.n ermtended •hilt the lir. .rt} That kind Arra be les') 40 return to
'Inn of the 1I-rwgraphr (If rte .karate , A syaetn natter which. .o far ss the
Mahler WW1' the authority man. elven tariff permits.' we hm; shot we want
were directed at a r'ntrtanniel.nt. ant) w hire we can gt•t it at the towe.t
Judge aad that tt would aaouunt to an coot.
the in.!
A 314• 1:.•n '1.,
set was recently
with a 1.t,rhrn
eraser Icad,•r •t4, Ili
the King (+or anent
there wolf 1. r1 • 11ntl•
for are „'..(i 1 a least.
ft. this .t:,tem,•til is trite r. Mole
hen /
11 11 Y t
r xhNr . .
I left Its no et- o
1 ni 1V•
gnenriahfe light than he stun. now.
.It_ could pini. ilial -Tet 11w of
hang nptmn•ntly- 14`..14-
4`..1 r iii of t
hold in 11b yi,ntr his tariff prl
eiple. ill order to 4441 firer the. I'm
RTI"li,-1�•e9. la her has aMrart,' wpenty an.
mtonetd lila readiness to wholly lraerl-
fl.e /Ito imp erlall.t prlmipl•s In or-
der to conciliate (plebe,•.
\ man -\rho Is rt'n4s to prat ono sot
.•f ,Hal principles in.cold storage' tend
to wholly nbantl6tt another and .4111
more vital set ). t4-5rety the man for
1'rerni,r of ('nnnthl.
11111111 ,f ,Ili• tll•a4 4n
1.11.• !ife, on eltls-
t t.. Sir. Font.
hat, If The Pro-
..4st In tenting
ut sot loll.-
t1 the tariff
for week ending t►.,emIN•r 102!1
-fir ;fungi
Total (hogs 40 1:,431
`'+dart )aeon 1(1 573
Thick smooth $!i 410
llraclr. 2 143
Extra hear•irs n
Shop bogs 1 tf0
Light* toot terrier* 1 27
nm'Ipb•r nr'not. rig. ,. t4ttt,N•ltmatt raft ',11•,
the pri).ripl• is til,. v0iils..thing. 31r.'- ''atlf,ln'ta
Kl••l101 t' ttw prima fgi'ft*- metab•r.' i Iitile 'net' •
H0 run»'mM+t with tie- citation of ?tint 101'11 1s •.
0nv-. that in ' irr(1In.INe•0s .limine to m.d0 rap .A 'Ince••
thorn, of the \orb itoral ,nal till•' rant.: ole,; fc,01111.
IuelRr tu17 ii•Ntlil fit f ttt$N;41(ltl-!•J'--car
»teittdnn--tflwt-the 4444444. •
1TfstrlitttIRTA-tn.. take Art30 , -• . - - , Ti
31r. L'•rrit.on "H1tindel 514115 1110 Ior,l rade
With cloth•« getting fewer and f.-.'
or, 1t b now becoming the femme term
divined. -Toronto Telegram.
ways emerald •tn.ugrr .farm her
'trnggh-.; ♦$b»r- Iml+llc -4meu_
similarly .oltimistic the tutor. i
(4f ilritain. Mr. tt'in.tnn Phar, hill. t1
at the Engineer.' ('inti. nnmtal l,at,
.pilot. Juwtl4wl the '•r*.111.•king opts .•
wimp" 4.1 which he. Ilei, been ace•nsed
lay giving Metre "I/rit1,ilwl reaw.n„"
for his a,t•4lrflee. .lm..1144 them wore:
"increased profitability of 111e great
majority of nor fndt..trlal enter.
prise.: yield of revenue rap t.. the /Mil -
ger .•x3N'vafk4n.:' £7�MNl,/aa1 increased $C800L REP�i�
on the year in .wings ee•rtI-
t(•:tte.: fail et 1:14, NN1 h, iotrn.p/tl\v- ,1 R F.
4)11111: Nt.• world's great hettireI, he.?
o' this sift..of the Atlantic: and 1.
s \11. 1. 1'ul.ftf► F
he R,Ilnw int; ,. the r,ytl,44f .,f Jilt
4'41114.4/44.. t.,1* the month •t Not..111-
1'talN• Sr. !Y.- -Annie Miller 77 111.4•'
.lame Told. no. • -
l'Iars Jr. 11'. Vesta faith i4, -tu-
"* «4 lrrfirll .i
(944,, tar, 11l.1. •11.y E:rrlltgton,
. olio
w x eat
ringtMi 07. Isabel Tyndall :A1,
liaise 1 .
Hr. -
� Malkin-1i
411. i. Eleanor TyruMll W► t fist. 1'n r.
tu/'It ittlnatley Iq4,
('la��«±`Jr• IL --Ile„ttr Ail•itri,le 7.3.
- 'Cantwell. MyrCe(Mai well.
Jr. 1'r. h:rthlwm•Ty011, 114onihy
Watta.n. Ilaruphr.' \,.•Boll
- .\- 14..1%1111..., TpAtber.
Th,'ro never esus an ,•I,rrinn 'seat
pw•114.11• a.11111111'f g,•f 11i er hl tin• course
of rim. T,.h.l.•
the rosnit of 11.1' ew'11rn.. lire ••nester. '
!h. --far fr,si, living ,N
1 . r capital. a t
K a 44e
g t1. :.IMI minions •
year. Thr brighter prospect wutl141 b•
;teres' If there-_. weft_ merlons In-
striat 1•onrul.IrNls in the coalfields
1111:1 111 its `i irktis - 1114 John si-
sem. »t 4y.,n,,.r•wt, In rho spec' Valley.
..aid one-fourth of the aggregate In•
amine „
m !e
til population PnIANou w'114 taken
h1.'k 'either 111 taxes or rates. The
proportions had Increased from lmr-
Titttrtr`trr-{!►flf'- t..-- --..etwfot nits - _
drirtty the: tad 4IMitter- (' try 111 pe
frig plti•tty strong yet. ---The I►nt4*th,
:404,4 -: lila yoel hare mann offers
wt til, bush til(. •Ulnmrr? -
Marie: Marty? Why. 111 ad to
limit the 1.1'o/swill .pwe•h.-* to uv,
Ladies, when you're out to do your shopping come in and see our
e wave i`llitge variety-of-Clq auggestlons, an_ 4 Arse cu o very
limit. A few of the numerous bargains 11!ettoled bebw, .
A variety of Blouses, ranging from $1.00
up to $6.50.
Pure silk Bloomers, of all shades.
Special for Christmas, $1.98.
Silk crepe -de -chine Scarfs. hemstitched,
with picot edging, in all shades.
Special $1.49.
Sweaters in all -wool, and silk and wool,
from $1.00 up to $3.95.
in differiiifiruides, $195
A good
ment of silk and wool
Regular $3.95 to $6.75, now selling at
Ladies' Skirts 31.98 up to $4.50.
Kiddies' Dresses from $1.00 up to
13a31134;i7gg5a.n Suits in five shades, $5.75
A real special in canton crepe DIPSSell.
Charmeuse Dresses, regular $9.75.. to
Big assortment of kiddies' Coats. $5.95
Ifecisktitremaikab'y lor.ptices. There are
Great bargain* ladies' Coats are o
many more items. nOt mentioned in this list
offered to yott.
Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear ,Co.