HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1953-02-04, Page 40 a 0 0{ *abet mate tht 5int5t sift A lovely start for the young misses' silver service is one f these simple, in- expensive and very practical "PARTY SETS". 6 eoffee spoons, or tea "spoons et butter knives from our "International." or other groups. "International Sterling" offers FOUR BASIC PATTERNS Jahn of 'Are - Prelude - Pine, Tree - Enchantress ,FOUR WAYS TO BUY Single Pieces - Party Sets - Starter Sets - Complete Sets DAVID MO TON o'wefler Certified tatchttukker 114 Wiugham of Are" illustrated —Melvin Phippen of Peterborough, formerly of Wingham, has been trans- ferred to the Bank of Commerce at; 0 Paris, as accountant. II Free Delivery PHONE 534 WINGHAM FRUIT` MARKET a Are there any danger points on your ear'? If you have any doubts, let us give it a quick, expert check for driving safety. RE-TIRE TODAY FOR SAFETY TO-MORROW with Long wearing cold rubber WINGHAM MOTORS 16M11111611112111111111111A111111331filliellileallell111111(11111111111111111111111111118111811INIIIIIIIISt011111111111el "ellillefilleellillellenalle=111111111111.11110W SPECIAL RE UCTION — For --- February and arch Pa alk onl y y qP3IPPVir For A Timken Pressure Burner Regular Value $395.00 200 Gallon Tank 1 YEAR'S FREE SERVICING 24 Hours' Service on ALL makes. HISELE and SON We Sell the Best and Service the Rest. Wingham Phone 426 8,000 Jan. ere, 195e • dens pass here el Tee Wingletee Adveeee-Times, Wedn ;pace solo from y week. pho 4' for fas P CiR. SONA LIS W. C. Cameron, of Arcola, Saskat- home of Mr. and Mrs. T. 4- Carrie ehewen. A brother, George, of Turn- fi at which twenty-eight members ofrthe berry, predeceased her. family were present. " Rev. E. W. Todd will be the afloat-I in r. and nr In Mr, and Mrs.`1(eith McLaughlin , g Wroxeter ministe cemeterIy tement will be . Pallbearere w ! ill I spent the week-end in Toronto. be: Thomas Shearer, George iierrie,1 John MeeeNaughton, Harvey Time-el —Michael McPhail visited Kitchen- Willi am Mundell and F r ank stamper, er and Waterloo, Monday on business, —Mr. and Mrs, Barry Wenger spent Birthday Celebrated Friday in Toronto. Mrs. W. J. Henderson has return- ed home after spending two weeks with friends in Galt and Sheffield. —Rev. H, L, Pafker spent a couple of days last week in London with his :nether, who is ill. FOR $A1,4; CRESS Ce11.4.:01e4 SALVE, relieves. WeleklYe Your Dreggifit evils Cress Corn Salve —for intre relief toe. * CONSLea.' year la Ingbetin Singer rep- roseritative for obligatline-free darn- oneteation of 1:ite$t sewing machine Medeis. Free sewing course with every paretutee. Pireoe 88I. rrb SHIPMENT of Non. Pienos just ar- rived --Mason & Re:eh, Wills, litzer, 'evade-lee eecepteel. Call, see and try these instruments at your convenience. No able anon to purchase. Garnet E. Furrier, Whitechureb, phone ale-J-1, Wing- barn. 2e:4e NO FISHING? StOP wishing, Lots of Salmon, Whitefish, Herrinees, KIpperzi, Kipperines and Oysters at Munderee Phone 821 WE ARE TAKING C.ONTRACTS for Malting Barley for delivery to Wingham. See us now. John Burns teed & Son, Wingham. 28,4h WHERE TIME IS IMPORTANT - Serge milkers lead the field, Safe operation, faster milking, ea.sil cleaned equipment makes profiles for the farmer, Surge serviee is tops. Lovell McGuire, Peone refeW, Wing- ham, has the proof. 4:11b A COMPLETE STOCK of No. 1 Clov- ers, timothy and grasses for all pur- poses. Prices are low this year. Farmer:,--take advantage of our Machinery for removing Buckhorn and other noxious weeds from your clovers. It will pay off well. No. 1 Red Clover $16,00 per bu. Roy Cram= & Son, Seed Cleaners and Dealers, Pinkerton, Ont, Phone Cargill 68w3, 28rrh HOT SOUP FOR LUNCH! Camp- bell's Tomato Soup 2 tins 23e, and Ritz Crackers 21c pkt. TRY THE PA RKAY CONTEST— Parkay Margarine 35c lb.; Crosse & Blackwell Catsup, 13 oz. bte 23e. REMEMBER PANCAKE DAY—Aunt Jemirna Pancake. Mix 23c pkt. THIS WEEK-END AT MUNDYS' Phone 82 4h FOR SALE—Steel truck box. Apply at the Holinclale Creamery. 4b FOR SALE • I new tires, size 600 x 16, or will sell any parts of 1938 Ford. Apply Lawrence Plant, Bluevaie, Phone Brussels 84r9, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE-9 pigs ready to wean. Apply Mrs. Loretta Ste Marie, Phone 72551, Wingham. PURE BRED Embden geese and gander from high producing strain. Cecil Grainger, Gorrie, phone Wrox eter 11-14, 44 FOR SALE—Registered dark roan Shorthorn Bull ready for service: red Shorthorn cow due to calf early in March. Stewart Procter, 3rd line Morris. Phone 22-12 Brussels. 4* cutter. Phone 187-J, Wingham, 4* REAL ESTATE LISTINGS WANTED—If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- tact Stewart A. Scott, Phone 293, Wingham, 2rrb WATERLOO M.M. TRACTORS AND MACHINERY A .A complete line of farm implements, Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO, MERKLEY'S GARAGE AND MA.CHINERY SALES & SERVICE Delmore Ontario Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r'l FOUND FOUND one Ear Ring with green StoJaVs. Apply Ativance-Times. 4" EWATE HOUSE Wii•OXKTER, u room nriek teellage and wood shhed, Hydro and well. Ler,ge lot, price eeeeetifie including all new floor en'- n, Inter,ediatie possession. Apply iteweet Pepper. Hanover post off.ce, Ontario. 22:4h FOR RENT-3 room flat in Wing- ham. Suitable for couple. Write Box 204 Kincardine for appoint- ment, 44 MISCELLANEOUS HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trait-led and experienced men. All makes' accepted for re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665. rrb Dead or disabled animals promptly removed. Darling & Co., Sea- forth, Da Andrews, hauler. Phone collect 851r11. 27rrtb rIND OUT how you can nave mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car, Phone now and ask Stewart A. Scott, Wingham, 293. rrb SELL TOUR POULTRY, create and eggs to your Wingham Co-Operative to receive highest prices, By using our locker storage for storing lower grades of poultry, you realize great- er profits. We will give You immeth late trucking service, rrb WANTED BY WEST WAWANOSH Township School Area, A Music Supervisor, for 5 class rooms, to take charge at once, Write to Secretary, stating salary expected. W. A. Stewart, Secretary, Dungannon, Ontario, 4h BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS WANTED—Apply Miss Mabel. Purdon, Whitechurch. Belgrave, 28:4h HELP WANTED WELL EDUCATED young man or woman for, temporary office work for two to three months. Phone 45,' 4h WANTED DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal, Telephone Collect: Palmer- ston 123W or Durham 398. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. 31rrb CARDS OF TH.1'IR leee wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the mane acts of kindness, rave:sage:3 of syrapa- thy, eed beautiful floral offerings re- ceived from our kind friends, relat- tans rate neighbours during our re sent berviivElront in the loss of a dear mother, Mrs. Robe A. Ashton, We es- pecially thank Rev. Buchanan for his consoling words. and the Thomas Ed- gar Funeral Home, for their kind and efficient management of the services. The Ashton Family 4b 3rd., 1945. These laid the world away, Poured out the red, sweet wine youth; Gave up the years jeY, And that unhoped call age; And those who sons. They gave, The Turnberry Twp. School Area Board are receiving tenders for the following amounts of wood up to the 18th day of Feb., 1953. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, 50 cords of Maple and Beech body wood, more or less; 5 cords of cedar, more or less. .... Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. 28:4b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth E. Green, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the tenth day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty-first day of February, A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-first day of February, the assets of the said testatrix will he distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice, DATED this twenty-eighth day of January, eseD, 1953. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executors. 4;11:18b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Jane Gamble, late of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of November, 1052, are 'notified to send to the undersigned on or cc- fore the seventh day of February, 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said seventh day of February, the assets of the said testatrix will he distribut- ed amongst the parties entitled there to, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. DATED this thirteenth day of Jan- uary, A. D., 1953. CRAWFORD 8z HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices, 21:28 :4.1, NOTICE: TO cuturrous AND MIMS IN THE ESTATE OF Letitia Le.ekte, Deceased, All Dorsals having claims against the Estate of Letitia Leckie, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Matried Women deceased, who died on or about the twenty-ninth day of November, AD,, 1952, are required try file full partieu- lars of theft claims with the under- signed Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 14th clay of February, 1053, Immediately after the said date, the aseete of the deceased) will he distributed, having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-shah day of January, A.D., 19153. J; W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exeetiter. eit BIRTHS *ELLL Wingham—In Wingha General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, January 27th, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Snell, R. R. No. 3, Blyth, a son. BORGER—In Wirigharn General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, January 28th, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Sor- g ger, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a daughter. Mace-In.-MS—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, January 28th„ 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, John MaeCaliutn, R. P.. 1, 13elgrave, a son. SHOWERS—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, January 29, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Victor Show- ers, Wingham., a daughter. GATJLEY—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, January 34th,, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gauley, of Wingham, a daughter. GRISDALF..—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, February 2nd., 2953, to Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Gris- dale (nee Mary Lou Connell) of Clinton, a son, John Hiram. FORDWICH Wedding bells are ringing merrily in this vicinity. The Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Johnston, Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bray were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright. Mr, Harvey Bradshaw is driving a new Chevrolet. TIM VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A young minister came up from the Maritimes and settled in Huron Coun- ty He soon heard about the bootleg- ging that was going on in his village, He also heard about the Canada Temperance Act. The flagrant boot- legging made him sceptical about the Act. He has lived in that village for three years. He has seen more than one bootlegger dealt with by the law. Now he frankly confesses that his early scepticism was unwarranted. Now he agrees that the Act that for- bids the sale of liquor in Huron County is cound. No matter what the Act, liquor makes a nuisance of Itself. Huron County is fortunate in that it has been spared the greater menace of liquor outlets. In the meantime the officers of the law are on the trail of the bootlegger, —Advt, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Charlotte M. Jenkins, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Charlotte M. Jenkins, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd. day of December, 1952, are required to file full particulars of their claims With the undersigned Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 14th, day of February, 1953. Immediately after the said date, the assets of the de- ceased, will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-fourth day of January, AM., 1953. J. W. BUSEIVIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exeetitot. 28,4,11h • SHERIFF'S SALE Oil GOODS County of Huron, To Wit By virtue of a writ of Fa. issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario and to me directed against the goods and chattels of Stafford Paisley at the suit of John W. Freeman I have seized, and have taken in execution the following property viz: 1.948 Fargo Rs-ton Pielt.up Truck, low mileage with goods and chattels I shall offer for sale at Crawford IVIOtors, Wingham, MONDAY, FEBRUARY I) A,D. 1958 at the , hour of 8 pen, CASII L, mtvcr„ NELSON HIM Auctioneer. Sheriff, Cowin, of Huron —Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Gannett of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr.' and Mrs. R. G. Gannett, and other friends in Lucknow. —Mrs. Pe G. Gannett spent a fewl days in London with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Breen. —Mrs. Alex Elliott is spending this week in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Ryan and family. —Donald Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 5, Henderson, Josephine St., has accepted a position as instructor at the Fred .Astaire Dancing School in Toronto and commences his duties on February 9th, INJURED IN ARENA Sally Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harley Crawford, was taken to the Wingham Hospital with a fractur- ed right leg, as the result of a fall in the arena on Friday night. The little girl, age 6, was wearing her sisters skates at the time of the accident, RECEIVES REG. N. DEGREE Miss Muriel Brydges, of Sudbury General Hospital, has received word that she has been successful in passing her final examinations and has received her Reg. N. degree. Muriel is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Brydges of Belgrave. REGGIE PURDON INJURED A very unfortunate accident hap- pened last Tuesday afternoon when Rev& Purdon, while sleighriding, ran into a tree. He suffered concus- sion and is a patient in Wingham Hospital. Funeral Service For Miss McEwen Today Funeral service will be held on Wednesday at 2 pan., from Currie's Funeral Home,Wingham, for Miss Sarah. Ellen cEwen, who died on Sunday in London, after a long ill- ness. Miss McEwen was born on the 2nd, concession of Turnberry 70 years ago, and was a resident of Bluevale at the time of her death. She was a member of the Wroxeter United Church. Surviving are three brothers, Law- rence, of Blair; Peter, of Dorset, and John, of Turnberry, and a sister, Mrs. d SUPERIOR PUelEflAt SERVieee ,,,f j myereof dignity end besuiy - -.Priced 1 Sri meet ih* 'video 9f Ole fereitiee ea twee t -S" J. WALKER Funeral Home WINGI-JA1V1 PHONE 106 or 139 COB CORN Limited Supply of Well Matur- ed Cob Corn -for delivery to your farm. Low Moisture Content, Grown in Wallaceburg District Prompt and Courteous Service Assured. Attention Farmers We have a special service of ground hammered corn. There is a limited supply, be sure to phone 456 or 589. This can be obtained at Mrs. (Pre) Eric C. Apps and David of Kenora, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. John- son:1er. and Mrs. V, A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Copeiand, Miss Jacquelyn Currie and Miss Joan Hop- per, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. It, Hop- per and Miss Pat 'Hopper of ,Exeter, were in town for the week-end, hon- ouring George P. Roherston on the occasion of his 34th birthday, A dinner party in his honour was held at the FOR SALE—Driving horse, quiet, CARETAKETeS WANTED also single harness, buggy and The trustee hoard of East Wawa- nosh School Area request applications for position of caretaker at the fol- lowing schools, duties to begin March 1st., 1953. Applications to he received by the undersigned until February 20th., 1053. Any or all applications not nec- essarily accepted. Union 3, Union 6, Union 7, S. S. e, S. S. 10, 5, S. 13, Union 16. East Wawanosh School Area Board. Alfred Nesbitt, Chairman, R. 3, Blyth, Ontario, C. H. Wade, Secretary, Ont. TWC)-STOREY FRAME HOUSE, Veneered, Aria sized basement, Jaen- X would like to thank all those whe dry tube, neve furnace, kitchen • visited me and brought treats and . nAdernlY equipped, centrally 'flowere while in the hospital. I also ph ()cite ne d. 293. F mati rb or further inforon, wish to thank Mrs. Morrey and staff o 2er for their kindness in making my long 132 sere farm, 2e. miles west of , stay in the hospital more pleasant. Wieghern, brick house, frame kit- Roy McFarlane eiten, garage attached, furnace,i enpeoe.res„ pressure system, hot I wish to take this opportunity to water, 2 barns, 1 with concrete' express my appreciation and thanks stabies, water, hydro throughout,. to all those who sent cards, fruit, etc., hen house, implement shed, -.during ray recent illness in hospital. Annie' Ken Johnston, R, -P- No. 3 Special thanks to Dr. W. A. efeKib- Wingham, phone 64evee. 4 bon, Mrs. Morrey and the nursing SMALL HOUSE equipped with hydro, ' :etaff. Their kindness is greatly ap- lee miles from Wingham Town 1 preciated and will always he rernem- ': bered.—Stanley Black. 4b Hall. Apply to Wm, Howlett, R. 1, Delaware. Lee MEMOEIAM FOR RENT to he of work serenity that men would have been thei their immortality. (Rupert Brooke) —Wife, Father, Grandmother and Katherine. WARRELL—In Loving and abiding memory of Flying Officer J. Frank . Warrell, R.C.A.F., who gave his life Di denG F brua L Aids Roiea near n g , German ey, r) The response to the appeal for clothing for Korea was gratifying, two large boxes being packed under the of sponsorship of the Women's Institute. In the first of a series of card par- ties held in the Orange Hall on Fri- and day evening, Mrs. G. Pittendreigh was high lady and Roy Simmons, high man. Mrs. Roy Simmons received the door prize. Curlers from Fordwieh have been attending bonspiels in Belmore and Clifford. Miss Lou Matthews is a patient the Listowel Hospital. Mrs. Herman Nethery of Beigrave, spent the week-end with Miss Beat- rice Wade and other friends, Mrs. Clarence Wade of Belgrave also spent TENDERS FOR WOOD Friday and Saturday at the Wade home, The condition of Mr. Ed, Matthews, /who has been a patient in the Palmer- ston Hospital, is somewhat improved. In a game Wednesday night at Fordwich, the Harriston and Ford- wich teams tied with a score of 3 each, and no overtime. JAMESTOWN —Dr. and Mrs. W. Davis spent the week-end with Mr, and 'efrs, J. T. Blidfell at Muncey. —Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliott and: son, Brad, of Exeter, spent the week-, end at the home of his parents, Mr.' and Mrs, A, M. Elliott. : —Dr. and Mrs. 3, R, St. John, and son, Brian, of Uxbridge, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Don- . ald Rae, John Street, —Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sturdy and 0 Jimmy, of Owen Sound, spent the week-end with Mrs. Frank Sturdy and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Powell, ) —Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fuller and 0-• Barry, spent Saturday in Toronto and a attended the hockey game on Satur- 0 [ day right, On Sunday they visited with Mrs. Fuller's sister at Lindsay, BLIMSTEAD & SON Phones 455 or 589 Wingham —Mrs. Harvey Groves is a patient ghilaffilltidighS11113111latalli$111111111411121111111111111111111S11481111111111111111111411111IISHIPI111111111111111.111111` in the Wingham General Hospital, where she bad her appendix removed e, on Monday. —Geo. R. Phippen, of Minden, Ont., el formerly of Wingham, has been tram- , a ferred to the Bank of Commerce at 0 Unionville, Ont. fl SAFE DRIVING demands a ifrer SAFE CAR' O"