HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1925-12-3, Page 75'
County and District
Mrs. McCleuteut; widow of the late
)E'ergtls Met 'l•weut. tiled lu Iluwlek
township In her utnety.fourth year.
ghe was oiw of the early settlers of
the township.
Norman Itowlaud. of 'Walton. . has
returned home from the West. 'where
b, went oil SbO_llarvester.' excursl
Ile had hie keg broken while working
with a threahtug pang Sud is sail UR-
Ing creche*.
An auction sale was held of the
Methodist church buildings and
grounds at Kipper The church ire brought,a little over $ %): plum,$!($) ; sheds. $7x, : gnaw!. $45; the
sesta. $till. The total prtx•eetla were
about $1,000.F. T. Fowler. of MCKinop. delivered
to P. A. O'Sullivan at Seafurtlr re-
eeutly one of the largest and best lots
of WV1
a long
bead In. the bunch awl they weighed
11.330 pounds. Mr, Fowler reeetvtag a
chew*. for 11,300. r
The death uecurrei •tu Thursday.
November 19th, aid Edwin. Sly, at pia
poson e othe Iltirou road twig of (Tin-
ton: Mr. Sly, who was sweaty --four
on. lretrw of 'i . is JWrt'it'SISL , ' • sou
Norman. and a daughter. Carmen.
both living at home: Ma wife died
*any yours ago.
Mrs. Andrew Etyma. find eat•eaalon
of Mullett, passed away Monday oven -
of lust week after an illness of
several months. The diuresed was
toruwrly Miss Mary Purcell of Sea -
forth and her Iwalwr is situ lieu\\.
She is survival also by her husband.
three dinighters and one son. Mary,
Margaret. Edna and Wilfrid. all lie.
three in lug at bout'.
Robert W. Jaws .lied Novemberdr
fifty -tire. lege at his Wale on the it,•Igrave road
about tiro tulles south of \\'ingham.
Ills death was the result of an ate:►ek
of ItheailMarfa- Ne ,.ns horn fifty-
three years ago on the farm on which
he diel. Ile is survived by lila wife.
formerly Miss Auule Taman. ere ata
end nue daughter. also by his aged
mother. who l`ee's et \\'tughaw. and
by several brothers and sisters.
have nen sire
There Neer,•
Mrs. Robert Caldwell,_ mit Hensall.
dile\ suddenly'_ froa[I liter\- failure Snt•
Imlay afternoon. She attended a t00--
1,e•rt on Friday night .mrd afterward
artutplaiued of illness, She had,previ-
ously leen lin poor health. null Id•r
sleath IA ms A shirk "Is. all who knew
her. Mrs. Caldwell before her mar-
riage was MIss lila 1'u:1d. eldest
,Wnalltrr .4 Richard road, d, u promi-
nent Iw•n•haat of Ili urali. She was
het f .r1y-sl-x-Th year, and i•-enrviT**F
li' her inrsland and a daughter.
An Milo aieit.•nt happened at the
Kiplrli Worrier . .)dc rei4•nlli' tuat
might have hail merlon. results. _\
muni (non \\'inghirm. travelling at a
fast pare. ran into a car in which were
Retire iv'isor, and ilia daughter Jean.
Mr. Ivison's rear Nits Inrnwl almost
completely round. and both ears were
ladle danuigw•d. 1.ackily none of the
sweulamts was ,seriously hurt. The
speeder Is to pay- for the relt:tiro.. 'I'h.•
•erner'at Kfiile•n is a rather danger-
ous spot. as the view- Is obscured by
LutldiHgy_,Ilid aufoi••x should go
To banish that everlasting
cough you must treat the
interior of the bronchials where
the irritation really is. Peps do this
in a novel and most effective way.
When dissolved in the mouth a
Peps tablet gives off potent soothing
and healing fumes which are b.ca,hed
through the Wider air -passages deep
into chost and lungs
Pepe owe their unparalleled success
to Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron-
chitis etc, to their swift direct action.
Draggy mixtures swallowed into the
stomach never touch the real trouble.
Quickly Yields To
frnetu,re of a 1.oue in the left kites: and
Nita • removed to Victoria - hospital,'".
laaQon. Gar ttewtweut.
.\wool thuit' front Exeter alto visit-
eal. the winter fair at 'leorolite were
Jaute.r; Jeekrtl. Paul Coates, Peter
Cala,• and James Handford.
The de iii vee•urred wl Tlmraday-.
'November 111th. of *rs. Ili:yu.tIsl . wife
of usury Reynolds,htter en lilne!b Of
several wouthe, Mn'. Reynolds NUS
seventy years of age. She was bora
h1 Stephen tuwtrahip, liver) after her Jesus, I live to [hNSs
4411•-4:.witoat-awt{beet .
- Drawn. ON't.
Sunday. -
Af ternoon
By ISABEI• HAMII.'i;t ►V, I,
s1oderith, Oct
marriage -1H )lay rowrnehtl,
leen Exeter eleven years tlgo. Resides
her husband- she leaves threre daugb-
ters real one INnr.
'!'h•• funeral took place here on Mon- Jesus. I die to thee.\
day-, No+vwb,•r '.wird. of George -Har- Whenever death shall ,•';iie
tun. a former resilient of Exeter who To die In thee is life Ito u••
died at Manitou. Mau.. on the pith IR my eternal home!
tilt.. In -his seventy-second year. 114.- '
-ceased nr.,vtrl to alarlltnrt ahead 'Slob- Wl1,4h01 to lief* or die,
ty years ago and sac very wu•rerrsfrd l know pot ‘A Wets is bet:
there us a fanner. To lite in thee is bliss t„ me
Misr Nellie Medd. of Exeter. leas! To elle Is endless rest:
wear tile first prize offered by Ihrwartl:'
the'setrior Sunday sehael haler of the 1.lviutt or dying. Lard._
Failed ('bore). of Canada, for the beet I ask but tar be thine:
My life tn'ther• tbyjitfe •1: we,
lu •thy bit4tt love reef'
• lite
story oh I'hristfall Siewurdshlp, Tlds My lite la tows•, thy alt'. t•
is the s.eowd time Miss Medd has Makes heaven forever mine: peer,"I -114.in 4i., tetile itinn anJetiusnte
i'11ristlan I telligetoad
tit Exeter at thin coming rletimte W.
Our Master and our 1...ni, we world
it. Sairdersa the present Itsr•we, and 1'. hail Thea' las Klug of a .Ir ileac. Ht'Itst es. 1' tIstem atnhtwkrret for huls•l. ale pro, -tate
no to w jeer Twee re-Orthilf .teach tut-+ -1
II. t' th u tarter '. aspirant. *ill againof
fere the, "lectors. and 1'oun.fllor live in saeh a way as to fulfil 'Th`•.urirrto.tlNlivoi.YMOtU11,uv3.'I1 close ish.t.�
Ii.sulaer alw�may attempt to "*lisp up" pnrpi..e•s. :\leen, el -iiIrte•d Il -H. ft: !1., The. Jew. of Roulet
i' -
era. M t afid'
Thermlay, DO'rurlrt'I• lu.:..- 7
the•uturlou led his .al•tices to the
ruptuiu of the guard. Julius mut*
hare. presented the euw• of Paul in a
',most !.\\arable•, 11101, fur tar: was, al-
,- t. - ut'e r Private lodging
E. 11e• .owwe, ` rreerviug oae o the
how.a .ou the feral for her •.wit utle.
illiton 'rruemuer. '0f the 14th \Oh-
er "sou. bail a very IaalnfUl ,experience
a few days apo when be was unloading
w.s N. w•r
Pia.. ul.ug with. one'soidier us kuurd• a grain 'rustier with the assistance of
..1'IiI. b,s'a1*• A. tnissl01i house eber• his father,, _ hut stewe way the um.. lane
.1. a and Getnilte humid the itgsltti 'o,V•erhaleuced aid tlpaitig orrr leaded
er,:.H-hers fpr. two year".. After Pahl oh Mr. 'fntewueirs head and -face. lie
1 �1t rybv,•re,i from the fatiato• of the :wile, Yub•kly relieved by his father• but
nitre •y •m. feet. In three days' time. wa.tc.tn1 stitches Were rwtulred to clone
I too Anatie his-, prestos.* o know\; to the al a..uq.i lit itis far...
!;needs of Ilia Jewish eeommatnt/y. lir. IL i'uwu4• alio was eouvirtesl'01
1i.es.• indu'ential weu paid. heed to aegugewr, itis Ing a! London. was fined
I .,refs advances: Lia- license l
u. di: Citizen ,-vele,• it be ryas u state .brie.• a car suspended fur fifteen days.
I i.ri"..err. To thew chief twee he told Dr. Cowan ran into a Penile officer at
:,s story apd theta. peMmtint to the London while driving in a heavy mist.
.i.ails tlsa! Duia him to has soldier sever.el is flak.. ago-
aiii5nlou, b'I
4.s•lared diet it Was fur
, heels• of Isrue•t h.• was s...is.und•' -\nti new a tarls•r college bus la -
titans! in 1r.•ply ;h. Jewish I'ounrh fold hint .titans! a emirs.. �i�.n��.� lc..ouvereation.
•7n:1t ti.• eotuutuiAwttuu whatever hail- Snun alt we esti ,.mow..-- wlresixea
....en •.•t�/ from J. ru•sh•bt. • They it- -N:rn µill--mr.eth,.v potMeeen.--BI$n-
,lirrtte.l. 'however. their a-isii to hear dqn Run.
Sucre from him about "this sect whi.•h
everywhere spoken at.t.i'urt." Paul
.badly availed hituse:f of their ,i.slre
.Hill. when attain ttiey- met- hitt Ile. his
•-•:ga,•• I.v altsautue•ht• he -homed
taken u prise for tier literary efforts.
It is reported that there may be a
three -cornered. . tight lair the re•vi•sdlip
a- elsewhere. it f.Illorted that .come
isdiev,i mud moue slid nut. Paul tin-
i•hel• his .1iw.stilr..• amid disetrssiem
bar nu
'Tor --- play
Toned a next sututner. He is a six- ail :t1.
tooter/ rr w itl: lots of speed and made a Golden Text -Kele. lab.
good rw•orl with the Stratford team When the shipwrecked ,\seer,
inset year. I k4a prlrwu•rn slid piln� tigers,
-\ quiet wrdr nR T,18k-plays• at file Innd, titer \Seat\ lrNies 1 -fie 1
ht of •)I r. and Mrs Robert Jurrott _dna"- and that, lusteml tilted the
mit Tee• -day-. Neit•enttwr ::•\tit. whr._ . harm• lased,_ thew .t' y'st tact
their k
_.--- Plot._. -,lib .. . t oilier .'Sties..
B 1921, alive' r ..pps r tri tfi llenow rft . -
I.cseoti 'till -Paul in ata), for see rend how 1 ltd .dwelt too
dG•rslak•. a f r mel -Helly . i wins' years u1 Min uwu hired house.
attending the University ,•f Koch,
•14.21.1 and reeiveed all whoa -stmt. alit.. him.
, pr•a••lslnea :1e. 1::,gilem of Poul', and
Leaching those things which .oneent'
wild- 1 the I.er.► Jesus I'h ri st. with all e.aii-
Ih•ues'. is• man forlddding him."
well -
laud' wORI.t. MI sIOXK- -
1nA I ' The Bitter Cry of the Outipsats
iithr _-editor -4 ttte tt gIe ad►allo�^
record the plea. .f iudividimi. oda. ,
' sio•uarice- fur relufor.•e•taeuts. but he
.1111 sty that from et,a ty scale the mow
.•ry is heard. Tle•n• i• a feeling e,f-
hope in the stir, lu Isom. stations It
is a hope already yielding 'Is joy. in
arae' shrn•ht•r. I't'em •Mflt' l e, son they ewere shown mitt -6e kiadaess.
'ei khat mit Mrs. K. Mi 'tsnuahie, son N'as er,l•I and rainy, an that al ••
of Mr. and . It It. In. atrkin o of. the people kindled a fire to dry
Gwen Soival• Bev. Urs till at shipwrecked crowd. Paul- ever on 1
ate. '1'le young couple will reside at ,alert. mit .auw lusted himself in gat
Stratford.• i ,diet *ticks to enlarge she fire, but i
The death orurrd at her home lit did more. It attracted the notice to ,.tl:ers the missionaries fuu•1*eM1 th
litAMr. am Thursday. Nuvrpllar 19th. �a etrr,e. for they saw a viper
.i•rttr.of a tie% and wanting .1VIthee
of un. ( s,'s'm Marry€ ..- 'Thi'aftean .rouiia-i,ut of elle lire and tastes ea hes", r..•, \ber•. lie uo lei .i kt•: there Si" -
eased oto several forty-seven
'Thr d+.f a laud. The native* ,sped b to lee",
uecer liter, sit Sal mud 1s►litith unrest
aeis who was -for her lieu years of IInh1.Il ,biers dea4.. but AO of I. age. Is survived Ly her hnshppti, nue i liattgtrl their than th.re is today. and never did
the kind dtalp med. 'boy' e
son and McIntosh.tf*te. mhudt and eriunted bint To be ii god
It. 'I'. V••Iens who irMR 12, ele..d whit 1124._ Come to pig thew i
a star b Stitt �ea•n between
Ata ,tilt *ay iiiiW the report _-npw. e.
motor bus line between for hmith rind ,dsk'f nun of the island sought huh
tact weall for lu bus lilt , _- F-ayiterti4neet-Lem 1
{tom N-hidl city hr will nen a ser• f tl,
vl•e to London during the winter
months. Jle has not yet' derided
whether he will resume the Seaforth
s.'rvle• in the ttprtng•
home after spending the simmer at i Thu" a ship that had wintered Slee There 1. no Intl to the levet Ovine.
ecu+ rend_ I.. sail aid '0f* ewttlori,.se Nterin: .Sire ofet:11 ,--'.-et - {hr
Vernon. It.t'. made rtrnuig.•megts to' take passage!
stili, -'
A nicotine of the lkiron itf,,r mew's for his charge. Tory *rpt by Isar ' yet we , an bet the:4 an•, th'iug: tar
\.rnefati.et N'!1. Iwh1 t{1 Sellar\ It on
forst if the war he the latter stair y
I„a• �A
The gn•••tiou of street leaving is a
live omit' iii l.ucksasw Mid will likely
be pretty thoroughly discussed before
the municipal ele•Ilons are over.
ru tuq.r•ssiv,• service in mene,ry of
this late queen Alexillldra was hell iti
L*In,wi- C.ib.1 dhnnfi.
The it tree tree m.anths' **lard -In agrk'tti-
tore• mid .1 -tie settles. .pestis! here
oil Turwlny and seems t. Is. matured
,.t suw.•ss,
.\r.•hilealsl sttvtt ilk I Tnewilay of
last w'.e•k at the leeme•-.d hi. bruitlier.
t t'
for Scott. -in his seventy-first yI err.
_; • / 'Fro' ninny years its a ,\inti\.\ Ilia's Ar
.hie meatI ems fate of the la•st-kuown
ethietes in 4.ii heHlilt . lis• rt rein the
1__ • Wltoso
h• eewtiwefit, 'rasing 1
o1.1 Caledonian gaimes w•hleti Wrrr thea
Ai rotutnou. Ili' was Ii..ru ill ))orris
.� I • ' t..N.usleipr
, titt.' .er Tier anile f..•ta
if* itt : nrt...4s. 'lister Mee liVrel for tiny,
Iii a ,- I pars at Sarnia anti P•.nt Matron_ anti
_i1dv•• Ivar. ago hi' rentno i t., liras-
,. -t---•5 die -4s ^nut4v+r1J4.n t ir, ,Ther..
i I*. •cr `aside, Til Itrnsc.elr alto! Walter
I . c •,t I. of flItisa . .\si"il" r Itruth-
.i ere 1'a• -\Heister F. S. S ort. die) here
thee year/ mac'
- \lie9el Ntrdlnt -owl tan '.,Ht . left
I,ru-se'1 last we k t • y" uitsthe winter
1f you are iu .eureti ofa bedroom In N, rt ii' rut lintarlo. Mr. Nichol has
Pet -that-eemati aeislastut) mooing ulnfurt i a t1•1 -•i ns•t-• in. tit.' west. s-irh wham
al well as irriug meslerrte in price ! they" will take 'heir holm•.
we have What ,you are looking for.I,ice fes' 44,,..4..n-;,-.h:o: Stmt' tn'-T,,r-
t e winter
hope shine more brightly' That Is
a- visit ally tlwy .all fooe. usto help dirt. If
wit �c,� could vv, IPuf►Iy we cease)
0 1,, a - , i'vi�'tlmpa•
and ••eased see what it would mean to
•ixttlriMttl!t vosing••IIaL-herr.�ltnottlL'r
st School 'herr. a des•tur or a aurae In
who at the time WAS 111. Paul fheal d j aneh •t hospital: If* might tank.. an
him sail his fame .pr.11d the iliffe;rllee. III voile station it may
°broad so that want' sict ee'M,•'•1121'Ihe 111.v Mince .•1111.• to tale-,ery_rergt'- ._
and erre healed. in three months ' i i,f cietorc on the old stale front.
I` ,!
Or it It- dee-auythrnRu_la the_ tur ,.us... atttxc ''L will !rood •1
et jib her Weight rs. Hiss.'. Erie and
plume line yea will be sure to find I
what - yell want in taut large and l.:tur heron".
varied assortment. Come in and look', -
MOTHERS over our stock. new�jgaJRQ WHO HAVE USED
itethine - has reruraed
In this hoose was the boats a r
Furniture Funeral Director
Hamilton S:reel, Goderich, Ont, •
Solvay Coke
The Faultless Fuel .
Uniform Quality
Save. You Money
Does all that is claimed
for other fuels
,w Sole Agents ler Canbrlek
- Inpebra of Hf1h.c. '
Bituminous and
Smokeless Coals
Nov. tuber 21st. A good number room p ens on tech\.. A CMistian cengrrga-
Inthis-Mirthtonefront of tis meaty atrrudwi thou tth already been ••stabulrlwe'= at
bar cone from wench of K -u torpi The Route. first was. well known to them
s•Irjes't mit. lin• mwNing N':1- to ]IIA, a fhlxnlgh the es,1.srle-ilr-haat Mitten
7e-prrsenttrttvr•-it'e•ttr_ra+•h h.wu,rhip cm
Nie Isar4 of 'riireetors. but owing to
the absei t of representative. from
the sndit It ,vias h111'e no•Wd. o carry
tills owl:. 1te'rr IlOtIttie N":Is present
and invite) tit., 1.10a men to hold their
next motel' to -tin 5.4ifort h. Tit's
sear- Iltatelr was it great
uearh f:1151 1e•tug petit' out in pirizes.
and li 1- .•ntl.t...14y+•xt.et't"ettltri the
ltr-d nua!eh will 1s• better still. -
At St. Jilin...* .-Ifir -cll. on sattMny of kindne•«a situvru-iu-u by his fellow
no•rniu_ last.' the welding took ;does i I'hristitttie Met In' -rrrtt \,firs . stw.iatly
of Sia a ii.•ugliter .d -Mr. acrd Mrs.' ot, lhls aeasiQu. • the inert ;o
l ."ej.li
Men?. Seafot•tti. to Joseph ! N Miele "tw itatF
4liekey._.,L_hublin. 'hr ttnptlal mama I over It. all rtupererr whores ••reel .-liar
I,.a'i -tug IV iter, F'atk,•r .chest\ At- 1 anter' "wax -WPM kn.,n�. - te•ir'-"P'�'
ter tilt. ••ervutouy Itr.wkfast wits serv- saw tins frleotls he "t:anke.l 1:od :Hol
ed at the home of the t.ride'e iatr•uta. , Souk courage.**
and aft.•rw-:1his Mr. and Mrs. Tliekey \ !laving 1Far .% Prisoner • w K;rLargi.v
9cft oil a trip to Kitchener.
them. s•, witch word remelted them
that hr Wart fill his way. coming ii- a
tirisntH•r to -bo ju lgetL its wit- the Flo!!
of -a. lt..mmti eitlZen. mit the court n I
Caesar. ten .h•Irtnriotls were sent tae
meet him. tone wet him et .\plfit
Forum. seine thirty news nit of the
rlty. and the other at 'Three Taf••t•as.
twt'itty- miles amt.
Paul was ever Iles- I• apprrt'n,tee•
Yet w.• e,tu t•11 they are ripe' to ran.
--taometheng woveers
That ie the list Ile ess•u ..f
-something waver.'in ti.. miseset--
ng Stn it -'I arts\, iter. n- 1!+1.11\- lei
take t1,.• al •dear\''- F:•lwcril ShilEtto.
f as.;
it Ku hl '
It Ile•r•-r 1st- .r' : •. Tor
into' fir r-ietn' Id. ,hu: i. . .' h••
•tiltlai, :tett r '•t.-,1lllha'r
lest•• ,tial.• iv I,, , ••
(antis tt i iJlimrr'
:arum on t o
NMI litym.ab ,i• Ale's..int t:.: ',t we,u
St. -JON I ns i t • T vv ttt 1s." fi - ►o
next fall. Mr, i --, t: •lit,•t,i" tit I.,
-ate "h1
Mrs. \ i torl:, It; r -•tut tie Iris wd.l
her too i e 'at w. mi t ,•• r.nthl•' hide,
holt II . , h•-,l,i.
Car of Mine -run '
Pocohontas Coal
expected this week.
Reasonable price.
Also a car of Virginia
Anthracite expected
Telephone 178 j
..,Jb�,all qourbaking..
YOU will never know how good your recipes
are -and how well you can make pies.
cakes, puddings and bread, until you've used
Purity Flour. Your dealer knows. Ask him.
'krall guar baking
SEM MR Ills Mini' FLOUR coon GOON
n• Sicca\. Mom vete tui orrr
McEwen's Specials
aritrir•Zir e'.l0it t "'
Covera. le -r Il,, 10e.
Fresh lei-.• Minn. Meat to hare), wide front this foal' fruit.
14'toon and \•:hates Extract, 10m s•ttiee i..r 25e.
liter 1•s,".• T.:1, best •altse to try, at Aerate•' 'hate the netekagmf.
Wr grind tilt. *hobs votive. lawn it) our lleetrie nail% giviult yon Me'
fm*h anti 1.4t'offee. _ ._ _
Nett- season',. [Intel to land this week for those date rookies. •tliliaf"itt
"etp,.. i+ iia'isn'n+ sdattniity, Z IIba. lay 25c -- - - -
N leiy smear iielarae.itlantlt5's oat of car has, giving you tis• advali-
tra'w•t :Al,....• IefN4•-
Mew'el'otteis I:lsst-.. Nice*" Wool Stitts, lien's Woo! r •i, i • e:r
Urn's Fl.rrr-line•) 1'nderwesr.
W,:oI ittis et i t- nt14F't•mt:rirtte fii:ntk.•es'1k 614'1-l'. ie••
J .-J-.-1416-1EVdE Nd -
South Side Square
liaise IC. ear:. ()slit ere,' to all parts oe
__ S n • 1tiAemel'�r'�
Always Strongly Recommend
Them to Other Mothers
e nn e a 1.1110•r ha. nse'tiou,•e she
••.,,--r cal1"I" for her lilli
„ill ase uiithlhg rite' urt,ntl- espert-
}I .,ni't" toadi s her that tier, is no other
�t.w4Iu lue.Li- alma e l:, a. -for -ate -+1t--Ilse
minor ailments from which hi'f tittle
„-1 -unit Tsadere tIartng- fsetttti
valne of the Tablets"ttt lira- wets
homeslit is ttiwaivs nnxlons that oth-
•r grottier.. should shoreiWr notal•
t Attie. That Is why Mrs, Creighton
White. :North N...I Road. N,S.. writes
{ tow following : I have a lathy sev-
enteen niontlis old and )ware given him
nothing lint itnby's torn Tahlers ever
satire.• hr Nag .e week old. I know of
1s. other un•rlirh,e to erllntl them. and
It Is tr•rtnhtlr a Ideaulre t,e Tees/111
nwtHlown Tabletso Other uare n mild hot
lowly gll la ate live that rcgtttlatlee the
-totath awl bowels; Willi -it errnsiIra -
thill 111141 Indtae.tlrtlt beak tip Colds
mrd simple ft•rers nal Hake the Ark.
-hake %.41. mod 1111311 ' again. They
are sold by Medicine dealers or -by
mall at ',t vents
a box rout The lir.
at. F r Tall R -*dug
away with the Exeter littera Manse
and-turtuinl-(is. ,Macri•.•int" _she%
neem for furniture The opera house
hair -not hien a paying proprsltlnn
'Mr. Gardiner needs more room for .11-
1\'heir Mrs. V. Moliard wait driving
her Ford s, tlnl a few• slsy'e ago at 11
narrow pert of the road the .ear skld
ded on the grass and orert"rowd In
the ditch. airs. Mallard suitaiaed a
4',�:rRryi".+fi dro-R^ r:ai'irtx:.'
go II oil
j 1,i t111ll I'''; IGI11G
it ,;� iii11111111tiillltii1111!Iilftiittitttiititii;iillulttti Ulfmfl 1I1It►IttI
• a, , 1"
eT .v,.. fro'
~ , � ,� t� �� t ^�� `r. �T 1 '^g^!f , •I i i•. e , . Jl+wl ,' art +eiw,"1
i�Pltie/1�slRl�- s.�. Iii �I�I lT?l Ill' ,.._._In•t,l- let}' pit [ �+'„r rr•�X.
'.i I .p 'S . t 5_vIkfwt r,'j./'. Rtuphi�l. r,y. i11
i u...iL�.
- `._--CORNFIELD' ce•.ss.t t x ,i';t "'rl�sttx,"::fir r r r'r,., ..
We have a bigger and better display than ever. just three weeks from tomorrow ts_as Dari uy'olve -your Christmas,
problems with -Practical Gifts that are sure to please. Finest qua ITty at reasonabile ces: 4ere are some stiggesd' s
-uu FOR THE -MEN s..6
Os -,'regal.; ".nit•: lints; Ilius; Sweaters;
'Scarfs, w}Fk tv«.,1;1..lctves, kid, lined ti'ity,vctrol-or
silk, or unlined: Tie-, I,rrxtil, .ilk or knitted: Socks.
silk, or silk ;ifltl" w+tree anti earchtnere; Shirts, silk
Broadcloth, and other Negligee Shirts, with separ-
ate collar and without : I'oilers; Pyjamas. of } lanel-
lettee; i'tderwear. els-',-pC•c or rnmbiniition : Belts:
Braces: Arta Bands ;tool Darters: wlnn,lkrr'hit'fs i►)
lawn lifie•h, initialirti-- -Crepe ti.' rhino liaridker-
ehi. fs or"fit►hii-ftrntrn raw •silk ; ('tiff 'kinka..boxed,
..riot_. --
o --
('oats; Dresses: Hats; Blouses: Silk Start-.
Hosiery. in glove silk, pure thread silk, wool. .1 . I
silk and wool; (loves, lined, with fnr.tolta, eh: din
'tette with gauntlets or without, French 'Kid vt..
gauntlets; Boudoir ('albs. hand eroetietetl; V cul+•
'1'ntlerwear; Fancy (batters: Silk 1'tid: re e' , .
Beaded and Leather Rags: Read \et•klnee.; thiel i
kerchiefs, the largest assortment we ever had, 'sold
separately or in Holly Boxes from 15c to :k1.`+5
box: Betty Bunting Doll llandkerrhiefs: N.d•-
lialndkerchiefs; Crepe de chine Ties. Also we ars'
tet tnring th'tristsw- Reese--Magas-Tier-•
Fine' Table 'Linen ;Beth Towels; (bleat T•••t
Bonnets. in blitz, 'ink _.anti vs hLt ilk poplin,.
lined atntl'truunin•sl with fur: I':ti -: Scarfs; Mitts:
Bootees: Baby Sets ht li'intiet, S:'-,'titu•r Sial Hisot.-,
together: Toddy 14eur Seta of Sarriter. rollover.
('alt awl Mitts tit :t •.• r;' low prise alnl :n ,t-s•'r•.
& a -a-
I'rn1s: - �
1Tre.e•cs, plain atilt striptrfithmnrt: Hate:
Tonnes; Scarfs:JlliT-
s or t'IT.►%es, wont or etn,tnoi
s1ate_srr_lined kid;_ilreier,, wool and silk and woes) :
Kteeteters :, I'i?drt ...ear, tu=-.cut11111.Uit.1-inti .
eltilstrru'' 4'rlorca Iler.I,r Ilr►ndk'•rehiefs,
Suits; (lfere,eatrt; I airs; Sweaters, coat•sir pnll-
rrtT; HMer!rm• Mitts-: 4'mehItiefe /r 1A'strl ltehdtinittt;
..t tabi11ation;.Ties; ltelte;_.
Handkerchiefs and Braves.
.. Aar
(eta ,^atii•a.
u -a
al-: a ttfx�taewas