The Signal, 1925-12-3, Page 6The Christmas
Gift Store
bur Christmas • stook is
now e)Wpletle.
Come its and look arMlntl
;It � oto• Ieisurc
See "The Red Gift Line • •
These are dainty and useful
gift. ' w-bich some alreatiy.
boxed, ranging in prices
50o to $3.00
Our Christmas Greeting
Cards "have an appeal
that's all their own.
Selet•t your curl, earl) be-
fore the rush.
Book Store
"On the Square
for forty years.•
Everything in
x a seer
1'.:ot"ell your jt ut storage bash or! the li,",fro-l5t.,.;'i,• rywtcw !u ripen•
artificial lake .*nit the neck of anoth- �. op.iag. more 1..*ere while, at the
tier bottle.. which giies entry, to the' time. offer . a solution to what
TORESTORE LE tlrin! lake* sy*teeiu. ' l.el us look 'at .� Is perhaps the vital and baffling
RESTORE e,ur w:tp and , observed how rtrtillr international problem .e lth w'hieh
!., cutting a stinal throaglr•Ite soaLL [b• two coitatra's are faced."
Ol' THE. GREAT LAKES rlv height of last r can get ,talo
Lake Nitagon. through Mipagou Itlt'-
i Waters of the Albany f. tl 4 r 'simple as
t# in
inculvert. $0: chairman
wed of Health. rs rtrkeee rendered in
lirJS. asio.23 It. Redmond. 'beep
violin. $ISS: Thos. Philllia. tile. $13.85:
.1. {'heat. grate!. IM) eel'la;W. d1moe-
bmtow. work ou grader. $2; tieo.
Kerr. do.. $4: J. Glhtetini. du.. $5; C.
A. 'Jones, euglneer's tees on took
v: toad Suto LgtLe upend . - drain. $11M.S5; R. Buchanau, ate
vert the a isof course. 1 1s 11e 'as sletauce, etc'., on the Clark drain, $2$;
Watershed to Form a New WEAK STOMACHS `' Porterfield, bylaw and clerk's teen
' 1111 that. ,tr�nr an enl'ip''eriug stand- �
Great Lake tadnt. "litrre' would lay M•nw'..d118 to 1 ou the Cook detail, $40: Ilan Mellows
an. pert. llaytneut clraning , out Toll
Wake' sluts the hrlghts of brad. It' drab $e0 t.e0 Me(lowttn, reptlrlug
1 Irian for 1 it• restoration a -ale
.. vele' of the treat Lakes has (torn
., alt at>< cd by C. Lorne Campbell. a
Canadian ste has an intimate ae•
quaintdn.' with the north, e..uutry
..1. muton.. Explaining ht* plan,
r tt,.• •of the waters of the
1:hany River dts.triet, to tlw (ptroliahe
Lakes. as shown by' the mat rta
• ,.agye. Mr. Campbell tests :
"indlit before -the idea .of coupling
!Ills water sy*tew• with the Great
Lake. -came. it always *truck me
1110w I.lirpn*e1t•.. --'new useless. was
the Orem of -tills great volume of fresh
' wales' Into the salt waters of thicken
Hay. 11 tc•idd 'lever effect the moi -
1 ;ration ut the .Arctic should that ever
b.c•ome :u, a. to:dlty. sod It would
He an in}tneasurubl• 188.11 to bath
coul'trit's ccatld it i8• turned to the
use o.t the mitigatory and power de-
velopment, o TRt= tirent stilt•-.
"Any ttttt with engineering expo/ci-
enc,. has appreciated for many
the effect of the gradual lowering of
the lake level*. Year lay year the
situation is beeomin* wore•. Even•
day the papers are full of what may
1e called the Groat Lakes tragedy.
!tow much water Chicago Is diverting
can not be accurately a*certaintd.
anal--,err-all know of .the futile battle
that has Ixcn %agent In the courts.
•'ily plain developed gradually af-
tcr•1 had given careful atteath:W. eo
MI. country 111444 regards the posst-
of a *tors" - l
Then the thought.- came that it was
4-utteriy possible and wholly feasible
to create a 1144w gnat lake. a ststh
member of the chain. The entire in-
effective, flow of the Albany bash
. au 1e Outmost into an effective and
beneficial flow to the Great Lake*.
-And Nature Lar ;lune most of the
work - for u*. She *et (lows two
great terriers running east and west
and narrowed them towards the tart
SA that the waters should sc umu-
tate a> at the of a bottle and
thaw through this'ue•k . the AI-,
b;tet-i -1a 1' 8__A 4- = - Ta ribs - W --
Th.-,• in Jahns of 1aiet also cc,nverge.
Plug the heck of the Mottle wltb a
.tutu .0:d - the wati•ri'. sre nerd back -
spit spread over the area between
the two heights ..f land. There yon
have ;noir snpipl'. 'Cho -next step is
to ' get the w-a;.r :tit., the Great
Her., :.:4' :,•, , work -
Ing wltt t1L only a few miles
Novelties, etc.
Miss S. Noble
British Ess hsa_o Kms'
Aches waste's
when R;inard's
is u.ei For
headache rub the forehead
with Mirsrd'. in water. For
toothache bat rte the face with
litinnrd's and place a piece
of cotton saturated with
glinard'a In the cavity.
Quick relief assured. sr
tsimerit111o1,. t:. 1gi1. tile,t
worthy Fitful will he re-
ceived at the
Hydro consumers are di-
rcet recipients of the ad-
vantages of the late Sir
'Waco Beck's great work.
wtat tints opium
tunity to show your appre-
Goderich Water and
pea --tato. years Aro' indigestion Disappear'. When the g lt, T
{rist to ;un,•c the arra and dtc•ide• p� no brWgr, >H; it. ate uttt
is Enriched underbru*hhsg ou cooncrwiou 3,4211.5o;uud til!*. Rut when mcaunc
upsiu the o suet !tx•utluns for ilalIDhs • Blond _��
y R. Bentley. underbruahing and gravel
the benefit. toot .omtarnt with Otb- The urgent ,.....ti of all who antler ling; c netesslott 3. $*k25: 11. Henry. re-
el great engineering proJ,.•ts. the *from ie.l gosh. is a route to eurkh moving tree. con eesslui S. $1.:i0; W.
work Is wsonahty sluupaitld as re the 1.1...1.' pair and ttirtt•raa after J. Portion, gravelling of tasucession 14.
goods rseeutlo'l. eating ,-. the •,,s the ',biotech shows $1; W. M. Anderson. repairing sash -
"First you would listt a lake with thou :t--1* bo_.%Auk to Iwrfurm the out and taking stiones, $3•25. Council
an • arca of npproxlmstely 15000 .w•„rI. et the boot taken. lu adjourned to meet again ou 1keember
ugtmre toile'. Yen wuukt have a this .•wldttien ....tine_ people foolishly 1544* at 10 o'clock. A. 1'ORTER-
Aow of w:uer from this lake esti- re•w.rt ie pwrtt.tites. - but 111ere oui5 FIELD. Clerk.
nate.' to Ise from -15.18444 to 18.11110 further 3grntat'- the trouble.
Electric Wiring
We speeialite in Wiring of
all kinds. het us give you an
estimate for wiring your
house or garage.
is vete .Tglephonea, Motors,
Dynamos, Eleetnc Light and
Burglar Alarm Systems
AU %'1 Irk Guaranteed
Meat, Aron and Tout b
-- rllectricity - -
Wthave an seortment of
the best Electrle Irons and
Teuton made in . Canada.
Asst St. ('hone tat.;
cable 4(441114* f.c•t, wally routrollable New. .tmast 1, given weak stout- COLBORNIII
at the canal gates. It would protide 44elis 1r 11=, {Camp.; 1''441 I'llls be. Thr Colborne township ronncll met
a toltlate mune than ample tee meet eaten. rt,..o. 1, . rurieli siid purify November 10th. Thr minutes of last
every diflkult$ with which we are. she blo.81. 'ilii.. i• the uaturxl pro- meeriug• were read and adopted with
PON conte ted, sod permit Chicago cess of 81811* .1.-,01:111 and tour to the t•orreetlon made. ria.. the niter
to take au even greater. amount for
distillate purposes thou she la now
using and for which perpetual free-
dom from water troubles she should
willing 1ii_Jlst handsomely:-
••Seeoud. you would create a new
earry-Iag capacity for great lake
ship* which at outer would bring
the atoautet,.11rat-it accounts our the
speedy relief in stomach dlrising of the tuertlug to discuss thdisorders that 01181414 of the Hydro bylaw before *lir use •;f Dr. Williams' Ptak 01181414 eouncll should tike any anion
burden and - ion set. ((lrelwm. .bonds.' br Mr. Fisher, that
dl* Theefolllluwing statement Irv. Whitely
be paid after council pro -
fills. The app :i:e revives. 4(40(1 cat 8.4414 moved by Mr. Frugal' and secind-
te talon wltlon: discomfort and t1441 bt -111±k. "Aber' 11°4441
by Mr.
s bill for attendant* to
from ill. Imnabt I.. latter, Lakeville.
lures. judgment against pngwrly- of
rates. At the Sime time you would i hI l 1 He says
about a 4o:ret4c 1'l lake freight N.W. proves the %aloe of these pills In
cut down or wipe out for posterity
the enormous yearly charge fur the
dredging of channels and harbors.
Mitigation would be safer. and lar-
ger boats ultimately would be cun-
*trII4ted. })very *rower of pejo
and_ every mauufaeturer. every ship-
per of coal and ore. directly woaidre
derive gat beoeat. You would
render ulsolet. new plane being pre-
pared for, the spending .
ma• necessary by the lowering of
the Great Lakes.
• :{lis. from the *tandp olut of kite
navigation. you would make It pos-
sible for ocean carriers to come in-
to many harbors without further
deepening when the new- deep water-
w•aytL_Pirte�t nes_ been worked out.
-The entire Ontario hyd
,/;ale FlAglwud, who liar conducted
a hardware bu*luwe bore for tlw past
row years, yesterday rind the stuck,
,.tore mud rtwldeiwe to Mr. ltrogdeu, of
Port Doter,, who will take posses*lon
of 1144• house twat week and will *tart►
at mire to take st,ala the store.
Mr. Flatland has not been In good
Iwelth stud it is expected will take a
rest before any new business venture.
Julio Barr had a uuwlwr of cattle
on exhibition at the Toronto winter
fair. Ile won fourth prise for sh(1rt-
l44l' y.ree rllig steers and fourth for
grade steers.
dtlyth 1a81ge. 11.t).O.F.. held
Inoue at the lodge norms on
night last.
'Mee. Was. Ne,ddt leas gine
'r . where sin oat reside.
`arra 4,f t s m. • ,arid patient. (sarrkek On tuition of
eoupar u[ teens alto 1 had a badeat Mr. Graham and fir. Fisher the Hy-
dro byelaw was no* passed. ns the
terms were net considered favorably.
Treasurer rapurtrd receiving sat for
rent from Mrs. A. Johhatoue. Tit.
following novitiates were laid: 'board
ofH therington. detecting Juror -yearly amount. s.
$3; t'. A. Robcrteo'l. do.. $3:
Epps, sensor. $29.75; Gonads Ingot
Inco l'o..t'uh•ert. $01.30; V. Attie. eol-
vert work:- *13:7-3: -Wm.- Lime. wiser
Wild work. $20: Aubrey Walter. cut -
♦•ort work. $1125; Harold Good.
$8.50: John Young. $1.10: .Aubrey
{Palter, grading. $2.50: Jno. Treble.
$7.30; Wm. l;trenthatt, $3.25: A.
tttraughan. $2.111; 41. Vanuttme. 13.25;
V. Gledhill. $325: C. Kerr. Hie.
X21.11: Wm. McWhltiaegT $2.50:. it
Mai'ehe. $5: Albert Good. $00: Har-
old Walters. $20.50: )(rat. Johnston.
caretaking and supplies. $19.117: A.
1'sustl.wr. sleep k11Itd--$10: E. Fidler.
plank. $12. and sheep killed 12. $
Merrtng rrtjna _,.. _
los-ember 11th.. at 710 p.m.
e•lu�ul xlu et �t:•n)\.
Towusbip Clerk.
tack of iudieesties. 1 bad tittle or no
appetite. end 'alio t did rot did not
agree with me and caurrd me much
pain, As :1 resins of this trouble my
gt•nerlrl health l.rok.' down. and; du-
ally had to give up my
taken doctor's medicine but it (1411 not
dire fur one l'a'ir(. - Then a friend ad-
vised me to girt. Dr. Williams' 1'tok
Mho -trail. drgot`taix-boxem- Be-
fore 1 had-Camlpdeted fkr-tOkd box 1
found that they were helping me and
by the. time 1 bad taken the six taxes
every symptom of inligeetion had
disappeared. my general health had
Improved and I have sines been in the
very best of hes''111: - 1 lank' upon 1)r.
Williams Pink Pill. • ns a wo*41 1ful
-p*etlkfne•-f.M all w1.4 -au- rundown:"
development along the Great lakes - Ton can get 'hear p1111 from any
would be greatly augmented by the medicine deal .r by nisi) at 30 eents
new llI9lat of t(rtheen water. At a tats form r IIr. Williams' Medi -
least 3U(4.11014 more httr*ep w er-8'ootld rine ea. Itroektitl,•. (int.
be developed_ at Niagara Palls and - I
amerce! In. a8- wept cass--tthm - ��� OOU OI .
dawrence. and this without the •
ex.p.mtI torr Us, the llntern. 1(7(110-
I• EAST 11.11* S!
Electric system of a dollar in Capt- Muce•m1M•r 8th.
pal outbty. The Hydro -Electric aye- Council met
tem ut lrntario would he the chief witl► all the mea..-•rs present: Min -
la ssetieinry and it is a satisfactory ores of la -t meet r were read an,l ap
thing to know that the t'amlibell plan proved. The fu.:.'wwlug otemit,ts w-I•Zt!
contemplates a large ,•ontrUwt1on to mid: The Mnai.ita►; Woad. supplies.' are cal: weaseled, by filling *tateina. --
eo-operation with the efforts of :t:t.93.; R. t•hallm,.y drawing rile aid herder Cities *tar-._-
an at-
to De-
The•Iadies bowling club at the an-
nual meeting held recently elected of-
ficers for the 4011111M year. lira. J.
%more Is pmsklent : Mrs. 0. 1). Bober
ton. first t•it •p4•sitk•ut : Mr* Clara
Itiinitall, sessant•wide.tit: Miss
.troy Howson. imeretmry; Mrs. W. J.
stet enson. treasurer.
At the patwmagt•. Killarney, Matti
lobo. 011 November 111th. Janet Pearl.
youngest daughter ot.ltre,_t'larnCar
ter of Bannerman. Mau.. and the late
David ('arter of Clinton. wa* united
In marriage to Willard Hornell Kemp-
'bora•, scat of %Ir. qquad Mrs. Thos.
Kempthnrfe. Ikafor.l. Mail. The
young couple will reside on the
groom's farm went of 1)t•*ford.
)IIsi Mildred Ileal. of 1,Illkertonin-
tends opening a store here
In January next.
Father won't kick.
at the price
This is an added advantage for Baby'.
Own Soap The sternest father wua't
find lllc too dear. In fact It is worn
deefully little for such an e>ooeUeat
soap with so delicate a perfume. One
doe* feel so freshened up and carries
along ss exquisite a fragrance, after
• warm bath with
Baby's Own Soap
.. ,.
"It'. Boar foe Yea .*d Baby w"
J. R. Wheeler
Foment( Director and
.111 calf promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 311s5w
llawllton Street, Goderlch
Brophey Bros.
orders carefully attended to
at all boors. night or day
If others were not set-
ing by Lorg Distance
you might diord to
use ititess--
it is no longer possible to throw
I urs rubbish on t'aealit 101s. They
111"011s week's sales I.f Jour, :3,000--
8570 sold by
3,000--goJttoldby Dl;tanct
irt�i t flaa►Sak,m;i
oftPi ;
$a i al,,:fi r .•1
/OAT '-''•''
/NrE Ari` ��
_ .. %aamxs at�,�w:
r` .. i 3
' '1' +steno iflft,0 4.i. tin'. ,:;° ,y
-,osiass(*ip rai N weir rx fii*
iaere i- a %list land. roughly foal
inlies - mid weft -Ida- ..-
north and wquth. its shores aryl
girded by Hudson Roy and .Eames
1.t your eye And the Albans 'titer
along the went tilde of James Hay.,
it I* a mighty river draining a vast!
area fn 1'attl4.1* and Thunder Hay.
It curries Into the malt venter. of
James Bay . an enortsoua toinm.• of
Rosh water. With lea many- trihu-
Hort 1s . the plan_, for .the creation
..f a great new lake and a new $rest
Turn to, a map of Ontario. Let
your eye 1410 westward,to fake 111-
lerlor and then go north. through
Lake Nlpigon. In the Thunder Bay
You will , roan the line of the One
.11nn National Bottwap and tropic
elf inch on the ordinary map will
:oke you 11110 the Dist act. of Patricia.
rIrics. nisi. ria the Ogokl. it may be great ..toroge Male Into whiffs
called the lu_ }mwies..-.f-4itr-Nasth. Aow the fresh water from a thousand
.end here ie. the Crux of the plan. lakes and streams that now eeeTer
the ,%litany this land ..f fore**, rook and muskeg.
Tho bate tont conferral np8.n you•'
as a dweller In the Groat lakes
a *111th great lake. *tend
front the
telnnds of the great
North a Sow of water that for all
time will restore the levels of the
lake.. and provide for (.'Meas» at
ndrgnnte drainage mystem; provide
hundreds of thousands of new horse-
power *t hydro-electrk:al plants
atone the Ilk *; save millions now
spent for harbor and channel dretlMt-
liuild two .later, cane nn
And another ea the Og(kl.' Confine
the water „psl0I1 now flow to James
!lay. b•tw.sni to.. heights of land
eonvergl,g m1 either end. 'forming the
.litany basin.
Yon create at .1111• an artificial
take appr•.*itnatel., two and n halt
times the rise of brake Ontario. a
At the same time cone engineers
are building the two great dams,
they aro cutting through the south-
ern height of land and tapping the
Mos from ;your new t:*'oat Lake in-
to (rake Nlpigoa, and down through
the Nipigon RIIer into Lake Sn-
int; restore The full rnrgo-carrying
capacity of all %es8eta that ply the
Great lakes; hasten the d'ay_ot deep
wnterw•ny* to the Ayantic "Ocean;
{provide einploynsent fee twenty
thousand men 111 the clearing of the
foreat* from the erns to be used as
n lake basin. e*tahlish a vast new
Industry In pulp and Ial;er for conti-
nental mutely : open a new empire 441
mineral and fnre*t resonrees by the
creation of this ore Great Lake.