HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-31, Page 711111111111111111•11111111•1911111EIMMINININ11111111111111111
Our entire staff is happy to
festive New Year.
wish you all the joys of a
Walker Stores
May 1953 be a year that
you'll remember happily
for the rest of your life.
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Lillow's Garage
Plumbing and Heating
PL 0 ISALS 4 1 Dane Sr., and Miss Margaret; Mr,
,and Mrs. Lorne ,,Walker, Jim and
'Edith' Mr, and Mrs. Gee Dane Jr
'and family; Mrs. Cassie Taylor, Mr.
Nick Dubick Is back in a Samis
Pontiac uniform once again. He ar-
rived from Prestwick, Scotland, in
time to help his teammates best
Mount Forest 11-5, by scoring four
goals. Nick has completed a period
with the Fife Flyers of the Scottish
Cup League.
Another stray who has returned to
the fold at Goderich is Jim Bissett,
who played for the first time this
season, There is a possibility, ac-
cording to Dubick, that Ron 13iggar,
another former Pontiac, may return to
Goderich this month,
The regular meeting of the Tern-
berry Twp, School Area was held in
No. 5 School on December 16th., at
9.30 p.m. All members present, also
Truant Officer, Gordon Wray and
Inspector Kinkead,
The minutes of .the previous meet-
ing were adopted and on motion of
Mundell and Powell were carried.
Communications were received from
the Department of Education, and S.
H. Kinkead. Mr. Williams was present
from the Grolier Society re books for
the school, no action was taken.
Motion by Kirton and Holmes that
the following caretakers tenders be
accepted; No. 2, Murray Timm, $225;
No. 3, Oliver Stokes, $200; No. 4, Mrs.
McCracken. $290; No. 5, Mrs. Hugh
Gilmour, $300; No, 6, Mrs. Frank Ross
225; No. 9, Darlene Campbell, $200;
No, 11, Mrs. Percy Biggs, $300, Car-
Motion by Mundell and Powell that
the following bills be paid: Teachers
salaries and caretakers; Mrs. Charles
Hodgins, supply $60.16; Mrs. W, Van-
Wyck, supply, $15.04; A. C. Agnew,
transportation, $75; Ralph Pearson,
transportation, $30; Mrs. G. E. Snell,
transportation, $60.; James Cameron,
transportation, $64.20; Rel. Falconer,
transportation, $51.75; A. D. Smith,
stamps, $10.00; hydro, $82.67; Jas. Har-
die, salary and mileage, $115.60; Bert.
Holmes, salary and mileage, $85.; T. E.
Powell, salary and mileage, $85.; Eld-
on Kirton, salary and mileage, $96.;
Hugh Mundell, salary and mileage,
$85; Alex Corrigan, salary, $400.; Gor-
don Wray, salary, $35; Kerr's Electric,
wiring and bulbs, $12.68; Supertest,
$49.64; Donald Rae &Son, $20.10; How-
ick Mutual, $1.25; H. C. MacLean,
$55.80; Eldred Cathers, labor, $92; Jas.
Hardie, telephone, $6.75; Township of
Turnberry, audit and printing reports,
$82.45; Mrs. L. S. Palmer, Christmas
treats, $8.50; C. D. Brown, Christmas
treats, $18.00; Alex Corrigan, repair to
car, $36.95; Dave Hutcheson, Electric
repairs, $3.45; Mrs. Myrtle Foxton,
$8.00; Wenger Bros., printing, $32.45;
Shaws Groceteria, Christmas treats,
No. 3, $8.00.
Motion by Kirton and Holmes that
the meeting adjourn, next meeting to
be held at No. 4 School, Bluevale, on
January 15th, at 8.30 p.m. Carried.
Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas.
---Mr. and Mrs, 3, H, Macintosh,
Wingham, spent Christmas with her
sister, Mrs. C, Nicholson, Goderich.
--Miss Joan Edgar, of Toronto,
spent several days of the holiday at
her home here.
and Mr$, Barry Wenger, on Sunday,
I —ma, and Mrs. Wm. Westney, of
!West Hill, spent a few days last week
'with the Misses Belle and Holly
.i Martin.
—Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Buchanan,
Mr. Gregory Buchanan, Miss Phyllis
Johns and Miss .Marguerite Johns,
all of Wingham, attended the Gal.,
braith-Wismer wedding at Kitchener,
—Mr. and -Mrs, Frank Howson and
Miss Caroline Wellwood spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Howson,
of Blyth. Dr. and Mrs. Ross Howson
and family, of Galt, were also guests
at the same home.
—Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smith, of
Guelph, and Miss Earnscliffe Mus-
grove, of Buffalo, were Christmas
visitors at the home of Mrs. W. J.
Greer, Centre St.
—Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Somers, Val-
erie and Gregory, of Midland, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. A. R. DuVal, on
Christmas and left for home on Sun-
—Glenn Showers, from Hamilton,
and Verna Showers, from London,
spent the Christmas holidays at the
home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Chas. Showers.
—Young Ronnie Carbert, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carbert was taken
to the' hospital on Friday suffering
from a throat infection. He is recov--
ering quite nicely now.
—Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Carter, and
children, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bur-
bridge spent the Christmas holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey and
family, in London.
—Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fensham and
daughter, Linda, of Toronto, were
Christmas visitors with Mrs. Fen-
sham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Smith, Carling Terrace.
—Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod and
Donald, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Clark, of Detroit, were Christ-
mas visitors with Mrs. Janet Buch-
—Christmas visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Procter were
Ross and Charles Procter, of Bur-G,
lington, F/O and Mrs. Charles Thom-
as, of Newcastle, F/O John Patapoff,
of Trenton, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Noble, and Willa, of Streetsville,
—Miss Hilda Pletch, of Western
University, London, spent Christmas
with friends and relatives of the
Belgrave district, She left on Boxing
Day to spend a few days at Freder-
icton, NB.'
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spielvogel, of
Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Lee,
of Carlton Place, Mr. Reg. Spiel-
vogel, of Listowel, and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Finley, and family, of Listowel,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
!son of Toronto,
tendered her resignation as principal
of the Fordwich Public School, was
presented with a monogramed foun-
tain pen and writing paper by her
pupils at the school concert.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strong were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Penning-
ton, Teeswater, on Christmas day.
Mr, and Mrs. Willoughby Patterson,
of London, spent Christmas with
relatives here,
Miss Evelyn Campbell, of Hamilton,
was a holiday visitor at her home.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wilson
on Christmas day were: Mr. Geb.
and Mrs. Alex Taylor, Bill and Ruby,
all of Gorrie.
Marian Williamson
Group Sings Carols
Members of the Marion Williamson
Girls' Group went out carol singing
on Deepmber 23rd, before meeting at
the home of Mary Rae. Following
the business period of the meeting a
piano solo was played by Mary Scott,
"Star of the East". "Waltz" was
played by Joyce Moffat and "'A Cur-
ious Story" by Mary Ross. Chapter
10 from the study book "Off to Bra-
zil" was read,
Arrangements were made for a
skating party, to be held in January.
Following the meeting members
exchanged Christmas gifts and lunch
was served. The meeting closed with
the benediction repeated in unison,
Young Women's.Aux.
Elects Officers
The Christmas meeting of the
Young Women's Auxiliary of the
United Church was held at the home
of Mrs. George Guest with 27 mem-
bers present.
The worship service opened with the
singing of "0 Come All Ye Faithful"
Mrs. Jack Lewis a read the Scripture
and Helen Haldenby then read the
story of the star and the wise men,
After the singing of "Joy to the
World" Mrs. Jack Lewis read a
Christmas poem. Mrs. Nels Cunning-
ham read a story, "The Undelivered
Letter" and Mrs. Carl Bondi sang a
solo, "0 Holy Night". The offering
was taken and Mrs. Ross Hilbert read
a story, which was followed by prayer
by Mrs. Douglas,
During the singing of "The First
Noel", gifts were exchanged and then
opened, ending the worship service.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and roll call taken. The
treasurer reported the Auxiliary was
well over its alocation 'for 1952.
The president then called on Mrs.
Don Rosenhagen, who read the new
slate of officers for 1953, which are
as follows: Past president, Mrs. Geo,
Guest; pres., Mrs. Jack Walker;
vice-pros., Mrs. Allen Walker; record-
ing sec., Mrs. Don Rosenhagen; cor-
responding sec., Mrs. Roy Bonner;
treeas., Mrs. Lovel McGuire; supply
and literature sec., Mrs. Allister Green
Christian stewardship sec., Marjorie
Hobden; community friendship and
visiting sec., Mrs. N. Cunningham;
committee, Mrs, Wallace Nixon, Mrs.
Freddie Templeman, Mrs. Bob Car-
bert; temperance and Christian citi-
zenship sec., Mrs, Zurbrigg; Mission-
ary Monthly sec., Mrs.' Gordon Robin-
son; press sec., Mrs. Douglas; plan.
let, Mrs, Carl Bondi; telephone con-
vener, Mrs. Ross Hilbert; committee,
Mrs. Nelson Nichol, Mrs. Bill Row-
land, Mrs. Jack Lewis, Barbara Stain-
ton and Mrs. Wilfred Caslick; social
convener for catering, etc., Mrs. Al,
It was moved by Joan Hiseler and
• seconded by Mrs, Don Newman that
! these officers be elected.
! The meeting was then closed with
the singing of "0 Little Town of
For every dollar of taxes Canadians
paid in 1939, they paid $2.85 at war-
time peak, 1944, and this year will paa.
about $4.50.
0 - 0 - 0
The number of factories in Canada
increased from 24,800 in 1939 to 38,100
in 1952.
The Winghara Advanee-Tunes, alledriesday, Dee, al., en rage Sevela
Christmas Season. Activities
Enjoyed by Community
family ""of Owen Sound spent the
Christmas holidays with their par-
Rider and family.
Christmas, where they attended the
Hudson Bay Co's December Fur Sale.
—Major and Mrs. Al Weirmier and
Ricky, of Petawawa, and Miss Betty
Bell, of Stratford, spent several days
last week with Mrs. Matthew Bell,
—Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Linnell,
Strathroy, visited over the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I-I,
Macintosh, Wingham,
—Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks of De-
troit, Spent the week-end with their
daughter, Mrs. Angus Mowbray, and
—Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Seddon, of
Agincourt, spent Christmas with their
son, Mr. Ron Seddon, and Mrs.
—Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Templeman
spent Christmas with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett, of
—Mr, and Mrs. Darrell Biggs and
family, of Toronto, spent Christmas
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
—Mr. and Mrs. Carl McKay and
family, of Toronto, spent a few days
last week with Mrs. J. H. McKay and
Mr, and Mrs. Stafford 13ateson.
—1Vfr, and Mrs. Carl Maedel and
children, of MOnkton, and Mr. Harold
Litt, of Londoir, were guests of Mr.
—Mr. and Mrs, Jack King spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Higgins, at Belgrave,
—Rev, and Mrs, H. L. Parker were
in London 'on Friday with Mr. Park-
er's parents,
—Mr. Jim Hall of . Toronto spent
the Christmas holidays with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hall.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elliott and
Brad of Exeter spent the week-end
with their parents.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hopper of To-
ronto spent the Christmas holidays
with their parents.
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham
spent Christmas with his sisters and
brother on John St.
—Mrs. Ann Warrell, of Washington,
D,C, is spending the holiday season
with friends and relatives of the Bel-
grave district,
—Frank Angus, of Toronto, spent
Christmas with his mother, Mrs,
Frank Angus.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Craigen
spent Christmas with Mrs. Craigen's
parents in Guelph.
—Mr. Alan Forberg was a Christ-
mas visitor with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Forberg, in St. Thomas.
—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little, of Sea-
forth, spent Christmas with her sis-
ter, Miss Anne Geddes.
—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Manuel were in
Oshawa for Christmas where they
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Piper,
—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Forgie and
family, from Toronto, spent the
Christmas holidays with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forgie.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Krupp, of Ham-
ilton, spent Christmas with the lat-
ter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Camp-
bell and family, Scott St
—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lenkridge, of
Hamilton, spent Christmas at the
the home of their daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Campbell, and family.
—Miss Louise Hawthorne, of Lon-
don spent the Christmas holiday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy
—Miss Maxine Jacklin who teaches
at Waterloo spent the week-end with
her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. D.
Cathers in Wingham.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jef fray Hawkins
and family, of London, spent Christ-
mas with Mrs. Hawkins' parents, Mr,
d and Mrs. Stafford Bateson.
p —Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Rhiel and Arnold Finley, of Listowel.
—Mrs. James Mitchell, of Wing-
ham, had the pleasure of a houseful)
of daughters and sisters in a family
—Ralph R. M. Baird left for New reunion over the Christmas season.
York this morning, after spending a Those visiting with the Mitchells, in-
few days with his parents, Mr. and eluded daughters, Margaret and Ruth,
Mrs. George Baird. residing in Toronto, daughter and
—Mr. and Mrs, Sandy Rider and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
family of Stratford spent the Christ- Featherstone, of Willowdale, and
mas holiday swith Mr. and Mrs. Robt. sisters, Mrs. Draper and Miss Sister-
—Miss Norma Coutts of Tweed
spent the Christmas holidays with
her parents Mr. and WM, R. A.
—Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Coutts and Women's Institute
son Donald of Toronto spent the 1, The Christmas meeting of the Ford-
week-end with the former's parents Iwich W.I. was held in the Community
Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Coutts. 'Hall with the stage decorated fore
—Alkin Rann, Brussels undertaker, Christmas.
is recovering satisfactorily in Wing- Mrs. Howard Harris, the president,
was in charge of the business session.
Miss Margaret Spence presided for
the program when recitations, skits,
songs and musical numbers were pre-
ham General Hospital from an ap-
pendectomy last week.
—Miss Ruth Burgman, of Wellesley
Hospital, Toronto, spent her Christ-
mas s vacation with her parents, Mr. sented by the children of the com-
and Mrs. W. F. Burgman. munity, Mrs. S, Johnston and ,Mrs.
—Mr. and Mrs. A. R. DuVal were Wm. Campbell gave a short Christ-
in Montreal five days previous to mas dialogue and Mrs. S. Johnston also gave a reading. Candy was given
to the children.
A donation of $10 was received
from the C.G.I.T. for the bale for
Korea. Mrs. R. Gibson gave a demon-
stration and Mrs, Wray Cooper a
Christmas paper. Mrs. Wni, Camp-
bell read the Scripture and Mrs.
Devitt was pianist.
Mrs. Mary Pollock, of Ripley,
ed last week with her son, Mr.
Harold Pollock, and Mrs. Pollock.
Miss Lenore Beswitherlck spent
the holiday with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Baker and fam-
ily, of London, spent Christmas with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Baker,
Miss Winnifred Campbell who has
week at Drew with his aunt, Mrs
Gordon Gibson,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling will
spend New Years at Drew.
Holiday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Darling were as fol-
lows: Mr. and Mrs. George Valiance
and sons, Mr. George Newman, and
Mr. Donald Darling, of Toronto; Mrs.
Mary Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Gibson and sons of Drew; and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell and
small daughters, from the 1st. line of
Mr, George Peacock, of Ottawa, vis-
ited his mother, Mrs. Jdmes Peacock,
and his brother, Wm. Peacock, over
the holiday.
Mrs. W. J. Johnston spent Christ-
mas with her sister, Mrs. Milton Writ-,
son, of Gorrie.
The Misses Mary and Ruby Duff
and Mrs. Alice Aitken spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street,
of Listowel.
I Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton en-
Itertained at a family party on Christ-
mas day, the visitors included were:
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean and son,
of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mar-
shall and daughters, of Listowel; Mr,
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and
family of Donnybrook, Mr. and Mrs
Jack Wickstead, of Belgrave, Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Smith, Eleanor Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Thornton and
family of this vicinity.
Mrs. Peter McEwan, Mr. Douglas
Strachan and Mrs. Elsie Lamont,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Strachan, Grey Township.
Others who spent Christmas with
friends were Mrs. Arthur Shaw, Mr.
Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Johnston and family, at Cooper Neth-
ery's, Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs, George Thomson with
their daughter and sonan-law, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Barry, at Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosnian and
son, with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bosman,
Mervyn Mann was operated on for
appendicitis in the Wingham General
Hospital on December 26th.
Her many friends are delighted to
welcome Miss Olive Scott home again
after a lengthy stay in Victoria Hos-
pital, London.
Mr. George Darling accompanied 17,,
I his brother, Donald, of Toronto, visit-
ed their uncle, Mr. Harry Newman in
Clare Hoffman, of Crediton, spent,
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and!
Mrs. Charles Hoffman.
Mr. and Mrs, Howard 131ack and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davies, and Bobby,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Miti,
Elmer Sellars.
Mrs, Mary McKinney and Elizabeth
spent Christmas at Harriston.
There were family gatherings on
Christmas day at Sparling Johnston's
of Turnherry. It is interesting to note and at Gordon Hall's,
the talent among the young members Mr. and Mrs, Hedley Bunion and
of the church and Sunday school. The family of Lucknow, formerly of Blue-
group singing by the Juniors was es- vale, visited friends in the village this
specially fine, conducted by the Rev. week.
Matthew, Bailie. A lighted Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston
tree and a jolly Santa Claus, who joined their children and grandchild.-
dispensed an abundance of gifts, con- ren at a Christmas gathering at the
eluded the evening, home of their son Sparling. The party
Rev. Matthew Bailie, Mrs. Bailie included Mr. and Mrs. Sparling John-
and Gerald, spent Christmas at the ston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
manse at Cranhrook and with Rev, Harris and family, St. Marys, and Mr.
Mr. Fulton in Brussels. and Mrs, Carl Johnston and children
A "Family Night," was held in the and Mrs. John McBain, Windsor.
Community Hall on the 28th of Dec- Miss Lucy Cosens died at the home
ember, sponsored by the Farm Forum of her sister, Mrs. Campbell Taverner,
in this vicinity. Euchre was played in the United Church manse at
until 10 p.m., followed by dancing. Thorndalp. She died of injuries sus-
Mr. Harry Darling is spending a tained in a fall on Christmas eve.
The Presbyterian Sunday School
held a Christmas tree entertainment
in the Community Hall on December
The programme consisted of musi-
cal numbers, duets, violin Solos and
recitations. A very amusing one act
play, "Squaring It with the Boss" was
put on by residents of the 4th line
Miss Cosens, who was 74 was a retir-
ed business woman in Toronto. Be-
sides Mrs. Taverner she is survived by
two sisters and two brothers in Eng-
land and a niece, Mrs. Hanson of
Woodstock. Miss Cosens was well
known in Bluevale as a visitor at the
manse when Rev. 'Taverner was min-
ister. Her relatives have the deep
sympathy of many friends here.
Family Night
The Farm Forum put on a Family,
Night with a large attendance recently,
1Y. Twenty-nine tables of euchre
were played with the proceeds from
..,the evening going towards the im-
provement of the community hail.
Prize winners were; women's high
score, Mrs. Hugh Mundel; women's
low score, Mrs. Plant; men's high
score, Russell Bradshaw; men's low
score, Oliver Campbell.
Coming Event
The Women's Institute will meet on
January a3th., at the home of Mrs.
Joseph Horton, The hostesses being
Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Brook and Miss
Emma Johnston, The guest speake)
will be Mr. B. Wenger, Editor of ON
Wingham Advance-Times.
Hanover's new police constable, Al-
bert Lemcke, 29, of Barrow's Bay be-
gan his duties last week.
Mr. Lemcke was appointed con-
stable at a meeting of the Police
Commission here on Thursday of last
week, presided over by Magistrate
E, C. Spereman in the absence of
Judge T. W. Morley of Owen Sound,
The new constable was chosen from
14 applications, of which three were
personally interviewed.
Constable Lemcke was a former
Bruce County Constable and Eastman
Twp, constable. A veteran of the
Second Great War, he is married and
has two daughters. His father is Chief
of Police at Wiarton,
117ING.HAIFI 501 kV
In an Impressive ceremony, Rene Plevin, French
minister of defence, presented the completed air*
field at Orostenquin, 20 miles south of Metz, to Can-
ada's defence minister I3rooke Claxton, The airfield
—central Ptese Canadian
will be manned and operated by the RCAF, It was-
accepted by Mr. Claxton on behalf of the North.
Atlantic Treaty Organization,