HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-31, Page 6(he time has come to wish all our friends happiness and the best of everything in the New ?earl DAVID CROMPTON Jeweller Certified Watchmaker Phone 59 Wingham GRAIN FREIGHTERS MAKE LAST TRIP ON GREAT LAKES Although Great Laket navigation Officially closed at Port William, the freighter Ilochelaga is leaded several weeks ago, freighters took, advantage of the with grain for transportation to Midland, Ont., on mild weather to Make fast rims from Port Arthur' Georgian Bay. Great Lakes sailors say %it season end Port William to other Great Lakes' ports Here has been the most clement in 04 years, COQ, CORN Limited Supply of Well Matur- ed Cob Corn ,for delivery to your 'farm. Low Moisture Content. Grown in Wallaceburg District Prompt and Courteous Service Assured. Samples may be seen at- JOHN BUMSTEAD & SON Phones 455 or 589 Wingham -rage Siat CRESS CORN SALVE-for sure re- lief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve- wear stylish shoes soon. 23 BAGS CEMENT, Joe Kerr, Con- struction Co., Wingham, Ont. 31b 6,00x16 NEWLY recapped tire, snow- tread. Cheap. Lovell McGuire, phone 593W, 31b HARDWOOD SAWDUST. Leave or- ders with. Tom Cassels or at Rae's Hardware, 31* GREY BABY CARRIAGE, just like new. Apply E. Small, Pleasant Val- ley. s 31* TWO GRADE Shorthorn cows, due in March, Elmer Ireland, R. R. 5, Wingham, phone 733-W-3. 31b WANTED TO BUY hand corn sheller. W, Robertson, 608,72. 31* WILL GIVE young man room and board. Phone 418, 31b CONTRACT BARLEY John. Bumstead & Son are now tak- ing contracts for contract barley. Growers of malting barley are re- quested to get their contracts early as the overall allotment of seed for con- tract is limited and is being rapidly taken up, 31, 7, 14b FOR. SALE OR RENT I ROOM BRICK HOUSE in Wroxeter, hydro, three piece bath, cistern and garage. App. 1„4 acre of land, priced reasonable for quick sale or rent. Apply Geo. A. Meehan, Shoe Store and Repair, Wroxeter, 31:7* WANTED Dead or disabled animals promptly removed. Darling & Co., Sea- forth, E. Andrews, hauler. Phone collect 8.51r11_ 27rrtb CONSULT your Wingham Singer rep- resentative for obligation-free dem- onstration of latest sewing machine models. Free sewing course with every purchase. Phone 665. rrb Phone 699. 31* LISTINGS WANTED-If you have a business, farm or house to sell, con- 2 ROOMS TO RENT or 2 roomers or tact Stewart A, Scott, Phone 293, boarders. Phone 552W. 31e Wingham. 2rrb H FIX WANTED-FEMALE WAITRESS WANTED for full time. Apply Foxton's Dairy Bar. 31b ROOMS FOR RENT 3-ROOMED SELF- contained Apt., suitable for business or middle-aged couple. Central and residential. Available January 1st. Box 190, Ad- vance-Times. 31* FOUR UPSTAIR ROOMS, private entrance and bath, partially heated. A complete line of farm implements. Full selection of Watt's Rose Brand Farm Feed made in Palmerston, Ont. GEO. MBRKLEY'S GARAGE AND 141ACI-ILNERY SALES & SeaaVICE Belmore Ontario preciated. Phones: Belmore 4; Wroxeter 7r7 WATERLOO Ail. TRACTORS AND MACEIraERY FOR SALE. The Wingham Advance-Times, Wednesday, Dee, 31, 19511 JANUARY Paperhanging Special - NE WS , „,_„, WS OF , CORRJE -- ' - - Any MOM up to 1,11x12, paper for hung for only $11,95, Stripping, phis- Rev. D. '* • ‘ G. D Vogan Appointed Wall, ceiling. and border supplied and tering repairs or painting wood- work charged extra. A whole sample rie thanking the many friends who visit- CARD OF THANKS by the L.O.L. on Monday evening. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Biyth, Wingham, ed me while in the hospital and for ; The nieces and nephews of the late December 22nd., was quite a success.; wee, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie the gifts, flowers, fruit, reading ma- 1 Miss Lottie Jenkins wish to thank Mrs. Justin Will held high score for Miller on Sunday, terial, letters and cards received. They her friends and neighbours for their the ladies with Mrs. Ted. Nesvton , Mr. Everett Sperling, Bracebridge, were all greatly appreciated and en-many acts of kindness and expres- second. Mr. Justin Will had the spent Christmas with Mrs. H. Fergu- joyed. 'lions of sympathy shown during her highest score for the gents and Mr. son. Mrs. Sperling returned with him M. Olive Scott 31* , illness and death. Also for the beau- Ted Newton, second. on Sunday to Bracebridge. Little !tiful floral tributes and use of auto- :Sandra Ireland, Teeswater, is spend- ,, mobiles. Special thanks to Rev. Bee- St. Stephen's Christmas Party ing this week with Mrs. Ferguson. , icroft, Mrs. Morrey and staff. 31- On Tuesday evening, St. Stephens', Friends will be glad to know that 1 church held their annual gathering the condition of Mrs. Ken Hestia i and Christmas tree in the Orange who is in the Wingham Hospital,- is NOTICE TO CREDITORS improving. Hall. Rev. G. D. Vogan read the All persons having claims against Christmas story from Luke 2. Christ- : Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Strong and the estate of George McEwen, late of 'mas carols were sung and there was Donna visited on Sunday with Mr. the Mrs. Walter Lantz„ of Clifford. the Township of Turnberry in the a short program of recitations by and County of Huron, Farmer, who died children. Miss Beryl Bennett gave 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Sanderson and f on the twenty-fourth day of November an interesting talk on her trip last ;family, of Rosetown, Sask., and A.D. 1952, are notified to send to the summer through the western states, Elaine and Wayne Sanderson, of ' undersigned on or before the seven- and of her visit to Banff, Lake ;Wroxeter, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Finlay. Louise, Vancouver, and Victoria in teenth day of January, A.D.. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Canada. Mr, E. H. Strong, also told 1 Mrs. Charles Kitchen spent Christ- S ROOMED FRAME HOUSE, equip- ped with hydro, stable and pig pen, brick garage, 1 3'1 acres of land on highway 87, near village of Wrox- teer. Apply to Mrs. Gavin Muir, Wroxeter, phone 87. 4, 31* I would like to take this opportun- ity of expressing my thanks to all who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and calls during my recent illness in the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital. My sincere thanks to s. Morrey, Miss Lambertus and their efficient staff for the wonder- 'ful nursing care and many kindnesses and courtesies extended to me while there. Special thanks to Dr. McKib- bon. All kindnesses art deeply ap- ONE AND A HALF STOREY brick house in the village of Bluevale with about 3 acres of land, barn and hen houses. The six room house has new furnace, hardwood floors, built- in cupboards, hard and soft water in the house. Apply L. R. Greenaway, Phone 648J12, Bluevale. FARMERS our special machinery for removing Buckhorn and other noxious weeds from clover seed will commence operating within a few days. $10.00 spent in cleaning seed will save $100.00 in removing weeds. Bring us your Clover Seed and have those Weed Seeds taken out. Roy Cramm & Son, Seed Cleaners and Dealers, Pinkerton, Ont. Phone Cargill 68w3. 17r rb TRAVEL ITEMS-Buy a Gift Certi- ficate and send to your Friends, for a prepaid Rail Ticket Buy your tickets in advance and avoid stand- ing in the wicket lineup. Can sell from any station to ans; station. Buy an accident ticket good from the time you leave until you return, at a very small cost. Passports, Visas, Tourist cards, Hotels etc., arranged. Will deliver tickets if more convenient. Call W, F. Burg- man Travel Agency for all infor- mation at no extra cost. Phone 125 or 164. 17,24.81b FIND OUT bow you can save mon- ey and get complete insurance pro- tection when you finance your next car. Phone now and ask Stewart A, Scott, Wingham, 293._ rrb SELL YOUR POULTRY, cream and eggs to your Wingham Co-Operative to receive highest prices. By using our locker storage for storing lower grades of poultry, you realize great- er profits. We will give you.immed- late trucking service. rrb DEADSTOCK - removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis- posal. Telephone Collect: Palmer- ston 123W or Durham 398. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. 31rrb HAVE YOUR Sewing Machine serv- iced by trained and experienced men. All 'mikes accepted fox re- pair. Work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. Phone 665, rrb CARD OF 'MANES I wish to take this opportunity of Mrs. Charles E. Smith. CARD OF THANKS ansoELLANEOVS REAL ESTATE 31* Immediately after the said seven- of places of interest e a si e :mas with her daughter, Mrs. Carl , . Mr, and Mrs. George Brown,John Clark Dawn and Terry Wroxeter; their 25th wedding anniversary. I and Jean,spent Christmas with Mr. Mr. Ken Underwood, Palmerston, and friends a ho remembered me with 1 , , cards and boxes of treats during my About 25 guests were present, They - stay in Hospital and since returning were l and Mrs, Wilfred Hoy of Ethel, Mas- Mrs. Underwood and Brian, Gorrie. home. Also to those who called. Ivan} ter Harold Hoy accompanied them Word has, been received by the recipients - lovely gifts. The evening was spent home and spent a few days. Special thanks to Dr. H, A, Craw- playing cards and games. Mr. and m . Vittie family that Mr. John Hill, lot d M kelvin 31, con, 12, Howlek, suffered a stroke On behalf of our daughter Mary Ellen, we wish to thank all the kind friends and organizations who sent gifts and cards while she was in the hospital. We also wish to thank Mrs. Morrey and her staff for the wonder- ful care given to her. Mrs. Jennie Edgar spent Christmas Christmas Party day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy, of The United Church Sunday School the B. Line. held their Christmas party on Satur- Rev. G. D. Vogan spent the Christ- day afternoon in the church hall with mas holiday with relatives in `Lon- for the patients of Fairview Nursing 60 in attendance. A short program don. Home. Special thanks to Mrs. J. J. and slides were shown of "The Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short, Ron- Brown, Mrs. Laidlaw, Mrs. Porter- Christmas story". Games were play- pie and Carol, spent Christmas with field, The Salvation Army, Rev, H. L. ed and the children received a treat. Mr. and Mrs. T. Short. Parker, Dr. W. A. 'McKibbon, The Women's Missionary Society of the United Church, Mrs. F. L. Davidson for the donation of slip covers for the chesterfields and Mrs. Jane Milne for the making of drapes for the sunroom. demonstration, which was to have t with Mr. Elmer Downey. Mrs. Pin- We 1 are deeply grateful. Mr. and Mrs. been held in Gorrie in January, has nell and children are remaining here 1 J. H. McKay, Fairview Nursing been cancelled. until after the New Year. Home, Wingham. 31* i.Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King visited at Euchre and Dance 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King, The euchre and dance, sponsored ,wtageam; CARD t OF THANKS service men and women's Christmas fund. The family of the late George Droumbolis wish to thank their many Woman's Auxiliary friends, relatives and neighbours for The W.A. of St Stephens Church all the kindness and sympathy shown will hold their January meeting at them during their recent sad bereave- the home of Mrs. Gordon Underwood silent. Special thanks to Mrs. Morrey on Wednesday, January 7th, at 2.30 Eccles Dow and family, Wingham; town were: Mr. Mervin Stephens, and staff, Dr. Corrin, Dr. W. A. Bee- p.m. Roll call theme, "The New Year Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott and Edith, Goderich; ,Mr. and Mrs. Deane Earn- croft and the pallbearers. 31* or the Ephiphany." gey and Jennifer, Fergus; and Miss of town, Kay Ford, TillsonbUrg, CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who donated gifts teenth day of January the assets of the said testator will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, . having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this thirtieth day of De- cember, A.D. 1952. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for executors. 31714 ford, Mrs, Morrey and the nursing Mrs. Adams have two daughters, Mrs. and Bill, of Westfield, Mr. and ears, staff of Wingham General Hospital. Earl King (Esther) and Rosemary at William Dane, Mr. and Mrs, T. Ed- Ross King. 31* home; and a son Scott, who is home gar and family, were Christmas day from Rosetown, Sask. He is accom- panied by Miss Gladys Lake, also of con. 14. CARD OF THANKS Rosetown. Master John Eadie, of Glenannan, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whitfield. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Broad and Elaine, of Orillia, and Mrs. Louise CARD OF THANKS I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my many CARD OF THANKS The service on Sunday afternoon mas, Mr, and Mrs. Wendell Gott, was one of carol singing, interspersed Ste- Jas. D. Anderson wishes to take phen and Wendy, Toronto, spent the this means of expressing' his appreci- Christmas holiday with Mrs. Gott's of the Kitchener, holideys. Missalso Thelmasps nt Christmas Stafford with Bible reading of prophesies from Isaiah of the coming of the Saviour ation to his friends and neighbors parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank King, who sent cards and who visited him : and the week-end with her parents, and New Testament, readings of the Nativity by the rector, A Christmas Mr, and Mrs. Reg, Wilson, Margaret while he was a patient in Victoria 'tree was in the church, and Woodrow, of Ailsa Craig, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong, Mrs. Hospital; also sincere thanks to Dr. !Friday with Mrs. Harry Ferguson. Frances Strong and Roy spent Connell and Dr. Corrin. 31*; Silver Wedding Anniversary 1The ladies are sisters. Christmas day with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Pennington at Teeswater. On Saturday evening, December Mrs. George Arscott, of Toronto, I Christmas day „guests of Mr, and 27th, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams spent a few days with her mother, ; were entertained at the home of their Mrs. A. Miller, and her brother, Ar- Mrs, Gordon Underwood were: Mr. daughter, Mrs, Earl King, and Mr. ;chic Miller and Mrs. Miller. and Mrs. Bud Stewart, Mavis and King at dinner on the occasion of Linda, Harriston; Mr. and Mrs, Vern All persons having claims against the estate of Reuben Stokes, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the eleventh day of De- cember, A.D. 1952, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the seventeenth day of January, A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said seventeenth day of January the as- MoGrath. tributed Miss Louise Wilson, of Listowel, amongst the parties entitled sets of the said intestate will be dis- was a week-end guest of Miss Mar- thereto, having regard only to claims lens Fe igee of which the administratrix shall then I Mrs. Bertha Plant is have notice. reek in London. DATED this thirtieth day of Decem- ber, AD:1952. Mrs. Chas. LaWrence spent a week CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON,irroeneently with het' daughters in To- Witigham, Ontario to, Christmas holiday guests with Mrs. Lawrence were • Miss Edna Solicitors for achnieletratrix Lawrence, Toronto, and 'Amt. }Tarry 31714 and Mrs. Jennings, of Lucknow, book of patterns to choose from, Washable papers up to 90c per roll Bishop Luxton has announced the Johnston Parrish, who is with the included, If you have a larger room appointment of the Rev, G. P. Vogan Navy at Cornwallis, Nova Seotia, you pay only for the extra pepea to. St. Andrew's Memorial Church at 'spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. No extra charge for hanging. This La Salle, near Windsor. The appoint- 'and Mrs, E, J. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs, is for January only.-Better place ment will become effective February Jasper Farrish and children, Exeter, your order early at the Wallpaper 1st. Mr. Vogan has been rector of and Mr. and Mrs. Don Leader and Shop, Elmer Wilkinson, prop. 31b the parish of Gorrie, Fordwich and .Donna Marie, of Hespeler, were Wroxeter, since 'guests at the same home for Christ- Mrs, winter months with their daughter, Oct. 1st, 1950. Pere), Colmer, and Mr Colmer, Miss Betty Boten, of Windsor, is a guest of Mr, and Mrs. Tom Vittie for NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mary and Mike McPhail 31* The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Howick Legion marked their birthday at their December meeting, when Mrs. Wm. Austin brought a birthday cake. Officers were installed and Mrs, Win. McCann was presented with a past mistress badge. A dona- tion of $5 was made toward the Wallpaper Demonstration Cancelled Mrs. Elmer Downey is spending = some time in Owen Sound with her sister-in-law, who is ill. Mrs. C. a Walmsley, secretary of the Women's Institute, has received I Mr. and Mrs. Wray Pinnell and a word that the Sunworthy wallpaper family, of Kitchener, spent Christmas i particularly the iron mines of Minne- sota. There was a visit from Santa, followed by a social half hour arid refreshments. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin, Mary, Douglas and Marvin McCaig of To- ironto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. 1MacInnes, from Wednesday to Sun- day. Mrs. McInnes returned with them to Toronto, where she will visit ;her son, Mr. Elgin McInnes, and Mrs. McInnes. an a trip last summer, describing Jacklin, and Mr. Jacklin, of Brussells. Miss Etta Burns returned last Tues- day from Toronto, where she had been a patient in the General Hospi- tal. Friends will he glad to know thrtt there is quite an improvement in Miss Burns' condition. Mr. Joe McGrath spent the Christ- mas holiday in Toronto with his bro- ther, Mr. James McGrath and Mrs, o Parish at LaSalle Fourth Birthday spending a Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hector following taking part: Mr. and Mrs Hamilton on Christmas day were Mr. Tom O'Krafka, Phyllis Ford, Marguer- and Mrs. Melville Beecroft and sons, ire Ford, Helen Strong, David Neilson, Otterville; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bee- Roy Bridge and Jim Walker. croft and family, of Belgrave; Mrs. Holiday visitors with relatives in Broad, of Uxbridge, spent Christmas Miss Marlene Feigle and David Neil- with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel, Mr. son. Warren Gedke was accompanist, Alfred Brown and Mr. Richard Witt A humorous telephone conversation by Rev. J. W. V. Buchanan, in costume, on an experience in a clinic, was much enjoyed. This was followed by a one act play "Kidnapping Betty" with the were also guests at the same home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brodie, of Toron- to, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hookridge. on Sunday. , littgAV.W.5 A5A5141gM1514511hgAglik51#451116•94 .,, WI i May the measure of hap- l' 14 i piness that the New Year a holds for you be filled to the brim and overflow- ing! i a f; 4 M PS a i i Y. P. U. The, Young People's Union of the United Church presented 'a variety concert in the Community Hall on Monday evening, which was enjoyed by the fine number attending. The opening scene was that of a camp fire with the young people gathered around singing songs. Soloists were on Sunday night. kiss Alma Nash, Toronto, and Mrs. Rose Patterson, Mount Forest, spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. T, Nash, and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Strong and Donna spent Christmas. -day with rel- atives at Harriston. Miss Mae Watters, of Toronto, was a guest over the Christmas holiday week-end with her sister, Mrs. Clif- ford Dodds, and Mr, Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King went to Toronto on Tuesday to spend the HOME FURNISHINGS ,;t,w..,)AtItfmcsiwitotemmmf,:).----vemovr, e 'tHE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Among good resolutions for 1953 this deserves a place. "I will have sense enough and gumption enough to say 'No Thank you,' whenever I am invited to take a drink," This was one , of the resolutions passed by the Boys' Parliament meeting in Whitby last week. It is one way to safer high- ways and happier homes. Moreover the only adequate answer to the men- ace of strong drink is a definite act of will on the part of the individual- every individual. Start the New Year- right with the fixed purpose to say- -"No," to strong drink.-ADVER- TISEMENT. BIRTHS. FINNIGAN-In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, Decem- ber 24th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan, Dungannon, a son. JARVIS-In Wingharn General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, Decem‘kr 24th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Sonar Jarvis, R, R. 2, Teeswater, a daugh- ter. HEMINGWAY-In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, Dee- ember 24th, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Hemingway, R,R. 3, Brus- eels, a son. IVIeDONALD-In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, December 25th, 1952, to Mr, and Mrs. Norman McDonald, R.R. 2, Lucknow, a son. TAYLOR-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, December 26th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tay- lor, Lucknow, a son. NOREN-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Friday, December 26th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, Sven Noren, Tiverton, a son, Eric Arthur. DeBOER-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Saturday, December 27tl'$ 1952, to Mr, and Mrs, John DeBoer, R. R. 2, Luclmow, a daughter. LIPPERT-In Wingham General Hos- pital on Tuesday, December 30th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lip- pert, R.R. 1, Lucknow, a daughter, RINN-In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Saturday, December 27th.,. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinn, R. R. 1, Belgrave, a son. • ••••••11/1/MIIMIIIININ •