HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-31, Page 4VICCACkckflMetEtte tC HAPPY NEW NEW YEAR! l'Sig Four The Wingham Advanee4intes, Wednesday, Dee. 01, 1952 H. J. CORNISH & .Co. Certified Public Accountants 1-1. J. Cornish L. F. Cornish D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. Statla, Mrs. Harvey Reidt, Mrs, Allen Munro, Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs, Roy Ranter and MM. John MacLean. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland were Mr, and. Mrs. Les Fortune, Miss Clara Fortune and Mrs. Tom Martin, 6th line, Turnberry. Miss Margaret Jardine spent Christ- mas day with her niece, Mrs, Albert Hiebien, Gerrie, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. James Warrell, Forclwich, who were married on Saturday, Rev, Mr. Tris- tram officiating, Mrs. Warrell was the former Mrs, Marguerite Johnston, Mr. Warrel, a son of Mrs. Warrell and the late James Warrell. 'they left to spend six weeks honeymoon in Flor- ida. Mrs, D. W. Rae spent the holiday week with her son, Will and Mrs. Rae of Hanover, with her were her sons, Russel and Jim and Mrs. Rae of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evand and two children, returned to Weston on Mon- day, followig a week's holiday with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. Walker. With Mrs. Messer and Margaret for the Christmas holidays were Miss Jos- ephine McAllister and Mr. David Mc- Allister, both of West Wawanosh. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Orr, Byron, scent the holiday week with Mr. George Lackie. Miss Gertrude spent the holiday Mrs. Sangster and Sangster, Detroit, with her mother, sisters. Brown - Rowson At an impressive double ring cere- mony by candlelight, at 4 o'clock Sat- urday afternoon, December 13th, in a setting of orchid and white chrysan- themums, palms and ferns in St. An- drew's United Church, Comber, Rev. A. L. Thompson united in marriage Jean Marie Rowson of Tilbury and Raymond Arnold Brown, of Hamilton, son of Mrs, Brown, Toronto, and the late Arnold Brown, The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a bengaline gown of ivory with long pointed sleeves and a small train. The collar, bodice and front panel of the skirt were trimmed with crocheted French lace. A double- tiered fingertip veil of tulle illusion was held to her head by a tiara of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of ivory roses showered with ivy, Mrs. Charles Currey, of Hamilton, as matron of honor, wore a balerina- length gown of powder blue net over taffeta. The bridesmaids, Miss Mar- garet Rawson, sister of the bride, and Miss Joan Brown, sister of the bride- groom, wore identically styled gowns of net over taffeta in copen blue and royal blue, The attendants wore royal blue velvet hats with veils and feath- ers to match their gowns \ and carried bouquets of gold and bron\chrysan- themums. Mr. Laurence Woodhpad of Toronto, was best man. The ushers were Robert Acton of Ottawa, and Peter Phemis- ter, Toronto. Mrs. Arthur , Dodson, aunt of the bride, was at the organ, and Miss Jean Holden, of Windsor, sang "0 Promise Me" and "The Lord's Prayer," during the signing of the register. Mrs. Rowson wore for her daugh- 1 ter's wedding, a gown of steel blue crepe with taffeta and rhinestone trim, navy accessories and a corsage of red roses, Mrs. Brown was in royal blue lace over navy taffeta with navy accessories and pink " roses. A reception for sixty guests followed in the church hall. The bride's table • • 2 r Was centred with a three-tiered wed. I ding cake embedded in ivory tulle and baby blue chrysanthemums flanked by burning white tapers. Guests were present from Toronto, Hamilton,, Port Colborne, Ottawa, Galt, Wroxeter, Welland, Windsor, Leamington, Kingsville and St. Thom- as. Mr. and Mrs, Brown left later for the Laurentians, Quebec, the bride travelling in a rust coat over a brown wool dress with matching hat, brown accessories and a yellow chrysan- themum corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reside at 280 Caroline St. S, Ham- ilton, The Fanning Mill by Bob Carbert I Hereby Resolve . . . Yes, this is the season when New Year's resolutions are made. The next few weeks will be the season for breaking or at least severely straining those same pledges and vows, taken in all sincerity. For some of those vows, perhaps it is just as well, for others, it's a shame that our ability to stick to the straight and narrow isn't as good as our in- tentions. out the creases of disunity and pre- judice, sweep away the lack of trust, and put a little more faith in our fellow men, Let's forget our', selves little More, and think a little more of ()them Let's give a boost in the rear instead of a kick. But if you must kick, give a .rnan a kick up the ladder instead of down. Let's give a slasl on the back, instead of a slap in the face. Let's give a word of encouragement, Instead of a word of scorn, Let's lend a hand, instead. Of pulling back. Let's be a booster, instead of a beefer, a pusher instead of a lot of excess baggage. Make these your resolutionp, whe- ther you live in town or in the country, and think you'll find that they can add a lot to your New gear and a lot to your community— if you keep them. gg There will be millions of New Year's resolutions made this year, as V there have been in countless years gone by. When the din and con- Ni fusion of the New Year's celebrations have passed, many of these will have passed by. For the children, these little pledges will lie broken, like toys that are broken through con- stant use and misue. For the adults, these resolutions will lie broken among many broken dreams. Whether we are young, or whether we are old, it would seem a good idea to draw up a couple of resolutions this- year and stick by them. How can we, expect the world to be a better place to live in, when we keep on breaking the promises and vows that we have taken, How can we criticize countries and leaders when we ourselves have not been able to do any better than they, in many cases not as well. V 46,165Mgiligifign57-45A011e$65X031101110k otr AV,MAVAVilltik,'AV,AV,AV,aliVMAVRiW,AV,r re-teMMtlfitMateiEKOCIMCIMteratTMUlte-Mtetf.-tatrklike ..Mt141V(Vg-TZtCtEXtVirrOeMptr, ' J. A. Fox Chiropractor wevaitaamaimatzmommroi-Dommogvat „twawawAtia*,A-eavowit-eowoivAtAiawetfooioiv n.4 HAPPY N 1114 Wel Pif 412.1 1SAVS kiei Nee m221111grallifininnRinil MS SZA1t 10,1 SeA14 1144 eNtli ONO ION A trainload of Good Wishes for all , our many loyal friends May you all enjoy continued happiness and prosperity in the New Year, and all the years to come. Stainton Hardware ft, Aiesikozoomemiammokomagmeamosiewo. migAleAteXtes0200, Let's resolve to get along better ifig. with one another, right here at home, 9? in our own town, in our own corn- I munities. That is one resolution that we all need to make. Let's press WU CM DENO ON When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, back- ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow, Dodd's Kidney Pills stimu- late kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleep better, work better, Got Dodd's at any drug store. You can depend on Dodd's. 11, May your celebration mark the beginning of a very successful year to come: Royal T, Dance Hall We proclaim our good wishes for our many loyal friends throughout the corning year. We wish for all our friends, old and new, a New Year filled with .the greatest harrqness! Ad 9 -Form 1 Huron Motors Ltd. Ford & Monarch Phone 237 A. D MacWilliam Wingham Audidoetamannotathva lmotuoailloomiboot WICIatettatfMteteKM1g4C-C-1 ate-MM-K-tg / 1 1 \\k PernelvVt , * fit Arasoisolos-sgesinssonsOisonorklotoubsourciistist 1 May greater succm and happiness be delivered to you In the coming Year! Karel TOrutustvick ming Aoont Coffee *bop Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker have Laken up residence in their newly Dmot.„ve,a,,,,,,,,w4.amer,..4.z.,,,,,,,,,,,D4s,tys,,z,mx1.imp.m.stm.n.eatym04DIv&ID,woj I school teaching staff in Toronto, is fit A Miss Joan Brown, formerly of Wro-A le xeter South, a member of the public 0 the late Clifford White. purchased home, formerly owned by a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall Mc- Kercher this week. zvetecvvelezmttaF,:eretexPmzvzvT,Nr,tvzew,zet%vrsz-tz-ftmmivise-*tmvztz4 Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wylie were Mr. and Mrs. George It: ONi tit, 1 Bradley, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mel 0, Martin, and children, Patricia and AA Peter, London, also Mr. ad Mrs. John • Metcalfe, Glenannan. I • Mr, and M.rs. John MacLean and I; son, Dale, spent Wednesday with Mrs. A MacLean's parents, near Wingham. A Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.o Arnold Brown, who were recently married at Comber. Arnold, son of Mrs. Brown and the late Arnold Brown, is a native of Wroxeter South, O now of Hamilton. Foimer school 6 mates and friends here extend best AA wishes for a happy married life. Mrs. Tommy Parker had an un. expected pleasure on Sunday evening when she heard the voice of her piece, Doreen Hume, over the radio program "Singing Stars of Tomorrow," Doreen a winner in this contest in 1950, was called in owing to the sudden illness of the contestant, a young lady from Ottawa. She sang the same numbers chosen by the contestant. Doreen is a native of Sudbury. She is now study- ing at Toronto Conservatory and is soloist in Grace Church on the Hill in Toronto. H. C. MacLean, Insurance au • ta-X24-1104100124M-D'eA0:-'2.2tWON.!4=0-3DgatDiX1112i2tDM-DialtitIMD113t-i-MDMIP, Vatomwetvog-tov e etc-Ematgzetemmt-k1tatomtmteveto 'o~rnmwmmm m. g. 4 May your good fortune give you cause for celebration! Reavie Motor Sales WROXETER Mr, and Mrs. Al Schott, Cleveland, spent Christmas and part of the Week with Mr. and Mrs, Allan Munro. Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs Alvin Moffat were Mr. and Mrs, Cal- vin Moffat and daughter, Karen, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. George Seegmillar Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Work, Kenneth and Judy, of Brus- sels. Mrs. George Ste. Marie, and sons, 13111 and Andy, are spending this week with Mrs. W. T, Elliott and Mrs. Andy Adams. Mr, and Mrs. George Harris and sons, Glen and Mac spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. "Nelson Bendel and family, Mount Forest, Mrs. Frank Forster, Toronto, spent part of last week with Mrs. D. S. Mac- Naughton and John. Dean and Mrs, Gibson, of London, also Mr. and Mrs. J. D, McGillvray, Paisley, spent the holiday with Mrs W, G. Gibson. Miss Elva Hupfer, of Sudbury, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs Robert Hupfer, and other members of her family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley -Gallaher en- tertained members of the choir of Salem United Church as a social even- ing recently. A good time is reported. Mrs. J. J. Allen, Jimmy and Mar- jorie, of Toronto, spent a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen. Happy New Year . . may it be the biggest one you ever had! sa to Mr, ad Mrs. Thos. Burke take first prize for their two gaily decorated Christmas trees. Exactly alike in size the trees present a lovely sight. Mr. Harry King on Highway 87, also has a very pretty tree on his lawn, Wroxeter Women's Institute packed thirty boxes of Christmas cheer for the shut-ins of this community. Com- mittee in charge were Mrs. David