HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1952-12-10, Page 11Bibles Tobaccos Cigarettes Toy Books Xmas Dressings Christmas Cards Fancy Gift China Boxed Stationery MAGAZINE 44 SUBSCRIPTIONS Your Stationer can supply your whole list of smaller reguirements Santa says: the SWEETESr gift is it *4, 5 , A A Mr and Mrs. Tony Keiswater and Farm Forum met on Monday even- Eugene, of Black Horse, spent Sunday ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John with Mr. and Mrs. Albert McQuillin McGee with an attendance of 29. and with other former neighbors. Three groups discussed with interest Mrs. Win. McNeil, of Lucknow, the subject, "What contribution the moved last week to live here with community centres makes to this dis- Miss Mabel Purdon. trict and how that centre could be im- Mrs. Ezra Welwood spent Friday proved." Our Memorial Hall has been with her husband at Westminster Hos- a boon to this district, for social gath- pital, London. erings, receptions, dances, plays, sew- Mr. McGregor, of Goderich, spent ing courses, nursing courses, glove- the week-end at his home here. making course, cooking course, con- Mr. and Mrs. Jas, E. Currie spent certs, and as a voting centre. Some Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. worthwhile suggestions for improve- Russell Gaunt. ment were made, Six tables played Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Richardson visited euchre, Mrs. Cecil Falconer, and Mr. on Saturday with Miss Grace Rich- Jas. Falconer held high points, and ardson, a patient in Victoria Hospital, Miss Lois Falconer and Mr. Jas. Mc- London. Distil held low points. The next meet- Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon, of ing will be held at the home of Mr. Lucknow, and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil and Mrs. Jas. Falconer, Falconer, spent Sunday at Petrolia Mrs, Robert Purdon returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Coxworth. from .Belwood after spending a week Miss Shirley Snell, of Wingham at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hospital, spent the week-end with her Floyd Bott. Her little granddaughter, parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Snell. Patsy, accompanied her and will spend Mr. Ross King, of Turnberry, has the next few weeks here. been a patient in Wingham Hospital Mr, Leroy Goyeau, of Preston, is over the week-end, visiting this week at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Mitchell and uncle, Mr. Aldin Purdon. Marion, of Molesworth, spent Sunday Thompson and Chamney relatives with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott. attended the wedding of Mr. Sam Mrs. Thos, Moore spent Sunday at Thompson, of 'Donnybrook, and Miss the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Anne Chamney, of Belgrave, in Bel- Sperling, Wingham, grave United Church on Saturday. The Mr. Kenrieth Purdon, who has been reception was in the Qaeen's Hotel working at New Hamburg, spent the afterwards. Their many friends in this week-end with his parents, Mr. and community extend best wishes for a Mrs. John Purdon, long and happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McClenaghan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zinn spent and children, and Betty and Larry the week-end at the home of his sister, Zinn, spent Saturday with Kincardine Mrs. Dalton Kroph, of Elmira. friends. Keith Hardy, of S.S. No. 7, E. Wa- The young people of the Presbyter- wanosh, has returned to school after ian Church held their meeting Tues- a siege of mumps. day evening, with the president, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Robinson and Angus Falconer, presiding. Mr. James family spent Sunday at the home of Wilson read the Scripture lesson and :his sister, Mrs. Joe Thompson, of gave the meditation address, Jim Gaunt led in prayer. Mr. Ross Mc- Gregor had charge of the topic on "Explorers" and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Murray, of West Wawanosh, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and Sid- ney, Miss Ada Dow, and Nelson, Don- ald, Ivan, Joyce and Jimmie Robin- son, and also Mr, and Mrs. Norman Coultes and Kenneth, of E. Wawa- nosh, attended the Achievement Day held in Exeter on Friday evening. Miss Louise Bowman of Brussels. and Miss Mary Baker, of God,erich, Stratford Normal School students, are practising teaching this week with Miss Edna Moffatt of S. S. No. 9, E. Wawanosh, They are staying at the Blyth, Miss Kathleen Lane, of Kinlough, and Miss Baulch, of South Kinloss, are at S.S. No. 10, Kinloss, this week. with Mrs. Norman, as practice teachers, Mr, and Mrs. Jim McIntyre, of Ridgetown, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClen- aghan. Mr. MeClenaghan accompanied them home to spend a few weeks in Ridgetown, London 'and Bright. Mr. W. A. Currie, of E. Wawanosh, returned home on Sunday after visit- ing London friends for the past two weeks. Many friends in this district will be sorry to learn that Miss Grace Rich- ardson, of Kinloss and Teeswater, had her leg amputated at Victoria Hospi- tal, London, this week, Something for Everybody in the Family PURDONS Phone 414 Wingham "DISNEY-LAND" rugs A GIFT FOR THE CHILD'S ROOM We still have a small number to offer Pluto, Mickey Mouse, Etc. Regular $6.00 special . . $4.95 IBEX BLANKETS 70 x 90 $5.98 60 x 90 $5.50 Motor Car Car Rugs THE IDEAL GIFT FOR THE FAMILY — ESPECIALLY DAD — O.V. Pure Wool $7.95 to $10.75 O.V. Satin Bound Blankets $10.50 Reversible $11.95 O.V. Pure Wool Blankets, 2-tone, multi-color , • ....... • .. $12.95 vogoactoclocumcieloommtvectoectootetvelotoomeloctoccatomte We have a Wonderful Selection of— Bedspreads, Comforters, Pillow Slips, Sheeting, Table Linens, Towel Sets, etc. w si NESDA Y. DOM PlsIBE It4 ) 2 ;$.....ammMulmosioniror THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE EIL,EVEN: iiQ pagowowmploitiowowavemplempiemmowzwoi5towmf Who's Worried About Christmas? tibefIlaCCIMMOCCOCIVetereetlfiCOCKWOCOMMCECIMCCteiMiffiaigletele-K-iCieletWeiMMIIM-13ei.lieteieiCiffve-li J. MASON and Son STATIONERY CHINA GIFTS "Something here for everybody" MAL5Sik5Ag WA:1200W attg aleAVIWAW MOW GlIgAtigAg AVM MAK AV MOW AV, 00-MV-1,01W, MOW Ate, CHRISTMAS SA LE A CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL D. Frigidaire Appliances A ,r4 AT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES Save year round money with modern Household Appliances Save NOW on a Christmas Special Sate NEW STOCK — GUARANTEED CONDITIONS ••••••••••1.1.1, Brick Church was prettily decor- ated on Sunday for the White Gift service, The theme "Sharing with Others," was worked out in large let- ters in the front of the church, under the picture of the Nativity. Kenneth Coultes read the Scripture lesson, Billie Reavie led in Prayer, Murray Shiell and Ruth Irwin told different parts of the Christmas Story, and Claire Chamney told the story "Christ- mas Gifts," and Rev, Cox gave an in- teresting talk on the White Gift Ser- vice, Two large baskets of gifts were gathered from the congregation by the members of the Jr ,S. S, class and given to Barbara Coultes, Ruth Taylor, Jim Coultes and Billie Reavie, who packed them in the baskets, The gifts went to the Children's Shelter. Mrs. Jas. Hardie and Donna Lee, of Turnberry, and Mrs. Gordon Higgins, of Morris, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Edward McBurney. Mr, Wesley Lott of Simeoe, is spend- ing a few days this week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. Mr, and Mrs, Cameron Simmons and Nancy, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr, and Mrs. John Hayes, of Detroit, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie, of Langside. Tiffin relatives gathered there for a social evening on Saturday night. Mr. Wm. Paterson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. P. McK. Pat- erson. home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Currie and three children, of West Hill, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker attend- ed the funeral of her uncle, the late Thos. McPherson, of Teeswater, on, Saturday, The funeral was held in the] United Church there, He was in his $8th year. His wife predeceased him seven years ago. Mr. Pete Kennedy underwent an operation for the removal of the cataract on his eye in Victoria Hos- pital on Wednesday, and he is pro-. '20 gressing favourably, Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Ed- ward McBurney on Tuesday last were: Mr, Elgin Porter, of Bayfield; Mr. Richard Porter, Mr. Arnold Porter and Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Sturdy, of Goderich Twp.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nicholson and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Nicholson, Seaforth; Mr. Alex Shiell, Donald and Susanne, of St. Thomas; Mrs, Milton McBurney, Gwen and Jean McBurney, and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Smith, of London, also Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harrison, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison, of St. Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dow, of Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft and sons, spent Friday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Archie Hertle, of Kitchen- er. Farm Forum GANONG'S NEILSON'S SMILES N' CHUCKLES CHRISTMAS BULK CANDIES BULK CHOCOLATES BRITTLES SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM CIGARS and CIGARETTES SHERBONDY'S ANNUAL LEGION TURKEY DRAW AND CASH ,BINGO will be held in the Wingham Armouries ° Wed., Dec.. Games start at 8.15 sharp 20 REGULAR GAMES FOR 50c 5 SPECIALS AT .10c EACH FOR POULTRY Turkey Draw Tickets can be purchased from any member of the Legion or at the Bingo. Would all ticket sellers please turn in stubbs of tickets sold and money to John Pattison no later than Saturday, Dec. 13. Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated. tOlitallteal01110111MWOWAVAIOVUOIIIVAWAVAIMItal SEE This featured Deluxe model included in Santa Claus' wonder- ful offer, THOMSON APPLIANCES .140, tbw aevo'rea on cbooto" Eve REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGES AUTOMATIC WASHERS DRIERS DEEP FREEZERS - LOOK -- Roll . To - You Shelves No hidden corners A Frigidaire Deluxe Special. S. J. PfirMI NI and SAVE Business amid Tax Service °Mee, in the Kilpatriek Block. Sattirday by appointment Phone, Office 23-W; Hes. 23-4 LtiCKNOW, ONTAIHO WINGHAIVI PHONE 29 In attendance at Office Tuesday', ThurSday Ail Friday, 300100$40116AligyilgAily 4.14,10 Ag 6.0-Va0,- 0- 0 ~4-- 10, 4, 7, 21 140TICE If you have found that your present Bookkeeping system is inadequate—or it has been criticized by the Tax Dept. why not discuss the matter with me. During the past nine years I have installed upwardS of fifty simple accounting systems among small Business Mon, Professional Men and Farmers located for the most part in Bruce and Huron Counties. The Installation Fee is moderate—the most of the actual book very small and the system once installed oats be run by yourself with a periodic Audit and Annual Statement by me or on a monthly audit basis with an annual statement and Indome Tax ItetUrn. This can be arranged according to your capacity to absorb the cost, There IN no financial obligation on your part to discuss your problem The sySteni referred to above meets all requirenienti, of the Intorno Tax Dept. and else the Unemployment Ins. Comm. NEWS OF WHITECHURCH trl""4"4C1C White Gift Service at Brick Church for Children's Shelter kr aD-aiD"r2rMiDai-DatA4t1-1.2M1=,a=711-21:Mikai-111.=.a.-Mi-Da2012IA-Dipt2,IM-411.25Di-2i-lrraat IOC 11411i3AKIVoz vactvologlotwociovotvio